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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 17, 2024 4:10am-4:58am MSK

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negative trends in global currency markets. in this context, we agreed that russia and china will continue to strengthen contacts between credit and banking institutions and actively use national payment systems to serve our economic operators. payments are one of the most pressing topics in negotiations; this spring , business settlements between russia and china suddenly practically stopped happening. only the shanghai branch of vtb works flawlessly. we expect quantity soon. clients increases by at least 15-20 times, which is probably why we are now increasing the staff of our shanghai bank by a factor of 2, there are 60 to 150 people, we rent on its space, we negotiate with chinese banks on interaction, in general, a period of very rapid development of our bank, after fifteen years of work here, if in amounts, yes, this is how much it will be, well, in terms of amounts we already doubled last year, i think this will be a fairly multiple increase, well, it’s too early to talk about this, but take it. ..
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the russian delegation arrived in beijing in less than days ago, and already there are so many details in natalia lyublinskaya’s report, without which the picture of the state visit would be incomplete. for the second time in a day , the russian anthem is played in the center of beijing. vladimir putin laid a wreath at the monument to the people's heroes immediately after. meeting with the prime minister of the state council of the people's republic of china, the head of the chinese government is considered one of chairman xi's confidants, under whom he worked back in the 2000s. over 7 and a half decades, russian-chinese relations have developed dynamically and reached an unprecedentedly high level, in this regard , i would like to express my gratitude to you personally, dear mr. premier of the state council, to all colleagues of the state council of the people's republic of china for this priority. the attention you
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pay to strengthening russian-chinese multifaceted interaction, primarily in the trade and economic field. china is ready , together with russia, on the basis of agreements reached by the leaders of our countries, to constantly strengthen multifaceted cooperation and jointly promote common development. i am glad listen to your opinion on all aspects of bilateral relations. the leaders continued to discuss exactly how cooperation between the two countries would develop in the evening at their work residence. the name of which in the chinese media is similar to the meaning of the word kremlin in russia, of course, was affected by global and regional crises, especially the ukrainian conflict. of course, i, for my part, will inform the chairman of the people's republic of china about the situation that is developing around the ukrainian crisis. we are grateful to our chinese friends and colleagues for the initiatives that they put forward to resolve this problem. china and russia.
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perceive a political settlement as the correct way to resolve the ukrainian crisis, china's position on this issue is consistent and clear, namely compliance with the norms and principles of the un charter. china hopes for the early restoration of peace and stability on the european continent and is ready to promote a constructive resolution to the conflict. informal negotiations lasted 4 hours, when it was already 10:00 pm local time, dinner began at in the 1+4 format, putin and xi were joined by foreign ministers from the russian side, assistant.
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and we can only wish him every success in this matter, we will work closely to help our ministry of defense, the personal relations that have developed between vladimir... a rare case in modern history when political will contributes to prosperity rather than confrontation. one of the prime ministers, exactly 5 years ago vladimir putin and sidzenping launched the construction of the first chinese automobile plant in russia, presentation project took place right on the paving stones in the kremlin. the leaders signed the hood of a white suv, which representatives of the concern carefully transported back to china, and here it stands on the central stand. we welcome cooperation with chinese friends in the field of automobile production, where chinese
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friends are achieving clear, completely obvious successes and advantages in the competitive struggle. from the great hall of the people, the russian delegation left for the following event: russia and china, within the framework of which 230 events are planned in 50 chinese almost 40 russian cities.
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channel one beijing - people's republic of china. the foreign press is animatedly
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commenting on vladimir putin's visit. everyone notes the highest level of relations between russia and china in history. west, in this regard. worries about his model of the world order, with which there are fewer and fewer people who agree with it. putin and xi reaffirmed their shared vision of a multipolar world order in which countries led by china and russia can operate under a different set of rules than those set by the united states and other liberal democracies. us president joe biden this week announced tough new tariffs on $18 billion of chinese imports to protect us industries from what washington called unfair trade practices by china. beijing has criticized the us, saying it is making baseless accusations regarding normal trade and economic exchanges between china and russia. however, according to observers, growing economic and diplomatic pressure from the united states
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allies, could push china towards rapprochement with russia. putin's meeting is significant and symbolic at the same time, as the leaders will definitely strive to strengthen. their partnership in the face of western leaders’ enormous fatigue with the conflict in ukraine and their reluctance to support it. now slovakia, this evening, doctors, in whose hands, after the assassination attempt on prime minister robert fitze, have appointed a council on further treatment for monday. the shooter has been charged, the formula of which excludes his release from prison. on the background there are many questions about the actions of the politician’s security that can be discussed in the comments in the press. some people find it hard to believe, if you remember. conviction, but is looking for a russian trace behind something. ivan blagoy from his place. since yesterday, journalists have been on duty at the hospital where robert fitsa is staying. at one of the medical buildings there is such an improvised platform. this is the only place where you can find out official
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information about the prime minister's health. the day before, fitz had an operation; it lasted 5 hours. previously, slovak media reported that the head of government will spend a day in a medicated sleep. however, the elected president of slovakia, peter'. he can speak, but is only able to say a few sentences, then he gets very tired because he is on medication. this is very difficult for him. and what is known about the shooter, juraj cintula, a writer, amateur, political loser, and also an ideological champion for democracy. democracy made it possible to stock stores with goods. this video is from 2016, when tsintula founded the anti-violence movement. submitted the petition for registration was signed by eight people. it is unclear how his radicalization proceeded, but the slovak media publish footage of centula at an anti-government protest back in april. under the flags of the eu, the attacker with
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pro-russian organizations looks at least inappropriate, because it is absolutely clear which country was his ideological inspirer, however, the frantic search for a certain russian trace is unlikely to surprise anyone; at one time they tried to find a soviet trace in the kennedy assassination, in the evening head of the ministry of internal affairs.
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charged with attempted murder of the head of government, the man faces from 25 years in prison to life imprisonment, which
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, given his advanced age of 71 years, is actually the same thing. according to tv marquis, tsintula is proud of the gun he made, having owned it legally for the past 30 years. representatives of the opposition forces deny any connection with the attacker. there is no connection between the shooter and our party or our members. experts have more and more questions about security. the attacker managed to commit as many as five shots, why there was no armor dad, there was no protection for robert fitz, why the personal security guards themselves were without body armor, in this case they could have covered the politician with their chests, but they all moved chaotically in some kind of bustle, that is, there was no some interaction algorithms have been worked out. the former head of the slovak police also noted the confusion of fico's bodyguards. today it became known that security measures have been strengthened in a number of european countries ; a man was detained in serbia for threatening the country's president aleksandar vucic. at that at a time when heads of government around the world publish a statement condemning the assassination attempt, some western media
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continue an information campaign against the seriously wounded prime minister. the british news channel sky news even said something like: “what did you want, he opposed aid to kiev.” this causes controversy in slovakia, it causes controversy in the eu. therefore, it is not surprising that such an event could occur. and who does tv channel reporter robert fitso think? well known ally.
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we are slowly moving towards a civil war because the comments on social media are so hateful these days, please let's not slow this down. on the eve of the assassination attempt , the european version of politico published an article about sharp criticism in the council of europe of the slovak version of the law on foreign agents, which allows for the labeling of non-profit organizations that receive funding from abroad. corresponding amendments to... channel one. special operation footage from the ministry of defense. destruction of the command post of the anti-aircraft missile brigade of the ukrainian armed forces along with fifty military personnel in the kharkov region. i would like to note that the service at such facilities is primarily carried out by officers. air reconnaissance revealed the target, where iskander flew with surgical precision. a powerful explosion with a shock wave of fragments over hundreds of meters.
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seconds later, the second one, and this is the detonation of the ammunition. west of crimea in the sea destroyed during the day.
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as if at a guard post i saw that there was a bottle lying on the earth's breastplate with a note, soldier, give up, if you want to live, we guarantee safety when you see our drone, raise your hands and follow him, we decided to surrender ourselves, well , in my opinion there were only up to 20 people there, they had already disappeared by this time, they treated us very well, i honestly didn’t expect it, they fed us well, shaved us, as they say , washed, well... everything is humane, and another video from the kharkov region, kupinsk region: the destruction of a ukrainian tank that was moving at high speed is not a hindrance for lancet precision-guided ammunition. and our correspondent, dmitry tolmachev, met with those who manage the lancets. your
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the fighters call the main assistant a fellow soldier, a reconnaissance drone of the hall, flies high. sees far, it just showed itself to be excellent in combat in general, the enemy is, well, just shocked by it, its most important advantage is that it does not need satellites, assembly and preparation for work takes no more than 5 minutes, readiness, ejection start, his camera works in both day and night mode, almost immediately the operator detects enemy mstab howitzers hidden in forest plantations. we fly into enemy territory, but... equivalent, the main targets are guns, it is designed for counter-battery combat, as well as heavy equipment including tanks, a seemingly simple design, a camera, a warhead,
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a battery compartment, a battery of course. the engine is a blade, but during the use of these winged ammunition , our army has already inflicted considerable damage on the enemy, as a rule, these are heavy artillery installations located deep behind the line of contact, which otherwise cannot be reached, for example 2s1, called a carnation, polish sao crab, in these footage of objective control, the long-range m-777 in the common people has three axes, from such the ukrainian armed forces they hit donetsk, among other things, they thought they hid it well, but no, this is how completely new units work, reconnaissance strike units, at the same time both eyes and firepower, enough tasks, at least two sorties at night and four during the day, we work at any time, that is, if the command comes, then we take off, the weather influences, yes, if, that is, if the rain is heavy, then we don’t work, so, then there is now
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just the weather for you, that is, yes now the work is just right for, or rather the weather is right now for us to... work this separate division was formed in the kuban 238th artillery brigade, there are many directions behind, now kurakhovskaya near donetsk, where it’s hot. our task is to destroy mainly enemy artillery and help our infantry. if, for example, someone is being harassed somewhere in some direction, we fly directly to the area of ​​our special attention and try to find artillery there and hit it. over the past 2 weeks, they hit a crab, m37, 2 s1 and a tank leopard. this is the one. there was a moment when the arrow was discovered, it was an air defense based on mtlb, they flew over it, but it didn’t even see us, in the end they destroyed us, transmitted the coordinates, successfully
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hit this target, thanks to advanced technologies these reconnaissance uavs are very durable, this one is no less 300 combat sorties, another soft landing, so that, according to a new order, we could take off again . dmitry tolmachev, igor kritskov, vladimir afanasyev, irina chuchuy, channel one. donetsk. latest news from the dpr. a school and bus stop in donetsk. four women were killed and a small daughter, one of them, was wounded. petrovsky district, where she flew, the most distant from the city center, from 2014, is regularly exposed to attacks. and in makeevka , the enemy used american guided missiles for the first time. two people were killed and three more were injured. the ammunition in question, an aerial bomb, has been reduced in size. and modified so that it can be released from hymers installations. the biden administration included such shells in the delivery in february last year, and according to data from open sources, they should
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have been produced specifically for ukraine, since they are not in standard service with the pentagon, that is, they target civilians in donbass, and america tested them. a terrorist attack on the railway was prevented in crimea, the detained men and women admitted that they were recruited by the ukrainian government... setting the task of attacking with a drone our air defense forces covering the crimean bridge, but the kiev curator was unable to hand over the device, then he ordered the bomb to be taken from a cache in sevastopol and installed on the rails in the area kerch, that’s where the fsb officers took them. now about the presidential personnel program “time of heroes”. the public council of the project announced today: the first cohort of 83 svo participants will begin training on may 27. to prepare highly qualified.
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and so on, the program, as i said, is serious, it will last 2 years, 1,600 hours, four full-time modules of 30 days each and three internships, to other topics, budget revenues from managing state assets amounted to about 400 billion rubles, i reported on this today mikhail mishustin, head federal property management agency, vadim yakovenko. this year the figure may increase significantly, including thanks to public-private partnerships. taste
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fresh milk, local cheese or take a walk in the park that will be laid out around. land of 618 hectares was allocated by the federal property management agency for rent at a low interest rate, in 2 months here, as you can see, we built the road infrastructure and... installed electricity, water, gas, large-scale construction will soon begin in adegey, the all-season resort of laganaki should appear there , 36 km of ski slopes, cable cars roads, the laganaki plateau - this is also a unesco heritage, so the resort itself is promised to be carefully built, preserving the unique treasures of nature. almost 35 billion investments will be invested in the complex; it is expected that about half a million tourists will come here per year. and these are just... some examples of successful management of state property, as the head of the relevant federal agency reported to the prime minister today. we work a lot with moscow, comprehensive development of the territory, we transferred 18 hectares for
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the construction of the mgsu campus. within support for agricultural production, for example, we transferred 6.00 hectares to the beet and sugar complex in the altai territory, an agricultural complex in the moscow region 600 hectares, we transferred, at the last meeting we talked in detail about... in such a mechanism for supporting the activity of companies and enterprises, such as more active use , and state ownership in public-private partnerships, the involvement in economic circulation of those types of assets that are inefficiently used, there are many such examples throughout the country, in particular, i remember, we you also talked about the industrial park in magadan and the fishing port. mishustin was in the port of kolyma in 2020, this is how things stood. there was no repair base to serve here, the fishermen had to drive them to vladivostok, and to
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restore the repair base. and this is how everything should be updated soon. the construction of a new industrial fishing port has been started, local ship repair will return, and the area of ​​coastal fishing will be developed. there will be fish and a complex for its processing, one of the main rules of the economy: money must work. the federal agency's introduction of about 2.5 million different objects, each must be profitable. the quality of use of these assets directly
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affects budget revenues. which is important for fulfilling all the obligations of the state , primarily in the social sphere, in medicine, last year we sold three large blocks of shares, three large sales, these are port bronka, the kuchuk-sulfate enterprise and the first exemplary printing house. just last year, according to yakovenko, the federal property management agency ensured admission to the federal budget is about 400 billion. of course, the majority are dividends paid by state-owned companies.
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according to available data, a state of emergency has already been introduced in eight regions; perhaps their number will increase. preliminarily, the total loss of our crops was approximately 1%. about half a million more hectares have been damaged, while the ministry of agriculture has only information from the subjects, only the
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data that the subjects... provided, the exact numbers will become clear after completion surveys by regional commissions, it is necessary to clearly define plans for reseeding in order to maintain the approved parameters of the area structure. in addition to the crops, we also have damaged perennial plantings; now our specialists, together with the regions, are assessing them to obtain reliable data. accordingly, colleagues, we will communicate carefully with everyone so that all our agricultural producers who have spent. acting governor dmitry milyaev. alexey dyumin, who switched to the position of assistant to the head of state, awarded the title of honorary citizen of the region, who led for many years. the moment of parting was emotional. all these 8 years have been a great honor for me to lead a region with such a rich tradition, unique culture, great history and...
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great people, the tula region, tula, will forever remain in my heart. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin was on a working trip to the saratov region, this is his constituency in the village of sokolova, where military families live, a whole series of buildings is being built social facilities within the framework of the deputy project. the chairman of the lower house of parliament spoke with residents and assessed the progress of work. next, there’s a swimming pool, there’s already a clinic, we’re settling in, the wire is on its way, it ’ll be a completely different village. of course,
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its name is sokol, heroic people live here, dynasties, yes, all those who work for the country and protect it. russia is aimed at equal cooperation with islamic countries while respecting each other's interests. prospects for the development of partnership are discussed in kazan, where the international economic forum. the scale and numbers of participants confirm the multipolar world order is not just empty words. svetlana kostina with details. 57 states, 15% of the world's gdp and 2 billion inhabitants. it's all about the islamic world. kazan is hosting guests from the east for the fifteenth time.
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journalists from 16 countries, more than a hundred people, gathered. the main theme of the conference is russia the islamic world is a multipolar world order. the other day we were talking about how to live and develop based on your own interests, and not those of others, at a club meeting valdai in ufa. today this topic is being discussed in kazan. traditional norms, morals and high moral guidelines that underlie the holy scriptures are being erased. for russia, these processes are unacceptable. islam is the original faith for millions of russians, along with other traditional ones. religions, he influenced the formation of a unique russian civilization, where representatives of many peoples and faiths live in peace. the head of the people's council of turkmenistan, ex-president gurbanguly is also on the presidium today berdumukhomedov. our countries
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have been reliable partners for many years. russia's relations with the islamic world are on the rise, attachment to traditional values, peace and social. justice, which serves as a moral core for us , must be combined with familiarization with modern trends, that is, innovative implementation in the economy and everyday life, and here i am convinced that there is a huge field for joint activity. the field is really huge among the forum participants, representatives of chambers of commerce and industry by... we must do everything to ensure that the development of our countries is embodied in the growth of the well-being of our citizens in achieving true independence and the formation of a multipolar world order, not only in words, but primarily through active
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initiatives that can be put forward by both russia and the islamic peace in order to strengthen our economic and political partnership. we see that russia is developing rapidly, increasing interaction with islamic countries, we understand. that a new world order is being formed, this is happening on the basis principles of justice, i think that for those eastern countries that want to be truly independent, this is the only way out. the issues discussed at the forum these days will largely determine the agenda at the upcoming brix summit, which kazan will host in october. brix already unites 10 countries ; russia, china, india, south africa and brazil were joined last year by egypt, ethiopia, iran, saudi arabia and the united arab emirates. the five states that joined are countries of the islamic world. that is, today, we can say, a rehearsal of our work for how it will take place in the next part of this year, because we have several hundred events, it is very important for us that our new five states get involved in the work, our entrepreneurs, business councils get these countries working, russia and
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islamic countries continue to actively develop, dependence on western currencies is decreasing, new transport corridors are opening, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the west to ignore the fact that the world has changed, even today the united states... they are surprised to realize that they cannot ignore the opinions of other countries and cannot force these countries to act the way the united states wants. the collective west is now a minority in the world in terms of trends, they still believe that they will be able to reverse this and return to the system that was there i don’t know 15-20 years ago, but i think that they will soon understand that this is simply impossible. svetlana kostina, oleg matyushin, grigory emelyanov and anatoly mineev, channel one kazan. parliament of moldova today scheduled presidential elections for october 20, as well as a referendum on joining the european union. this news is shaded by another from bucharest.
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romanian prime minister marcel ciolacu said: moldovans and the moldovan language do not exist, there are only romanians and the romanian language, and president maia sando, the only european democratic solution for moldova, added romanian prime minister celacu. well, what were they fighting for? in the thirteenth year, the moldovan constitutional court, contrary to the text of the fundamental law, ruled that the state language in the republic is romanian, and parliament last spring. would vote for a president who is for the unification of moldova and romania. the sando regime suppresses the opposition that opposes this by all means, including banning the largest party and persecution. aviation, which changes the idea of ​​mobility and
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accuracy of cargo delivery, no indexes, streets or buildings, a point on an interactive map, and a drone can work not only for you, the conditions of modern logistics, how the most reliable and high-torque carriers are chosen, oleg shishkin learned, we clean . wash, rub. each team tries to make their car not only shine, but shine compared to its competitors. these are heavy drones weighing more than 30 kg, which are called unmanned aerial vehicles. seven companies presented their developments to the panel of judges. here is one of the promising solutions: an aircraft-type drone, but with a vertical take-off, four propellers lift its air, then it begins horizontal flight. moreover, for both takeoff and landing, such a drone needs a small platform, only 25 m2. at this stage of the cargo drone competition, aerial logistics, the drone
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must be able to deliver a cargo weighing 30 kg along a route 700 km long, the range of one non-stop flight must be at least 30 km, here, as in large aviation, the most difficult takeoff and landing, the best way under maximum load is to test engines, propellers and airframe strength. by the way, most teams submitted drones with a hybrid design to the competition. the combination of gasoline and electric engines is now considered the most optimal solution. here these. the motors are electric and powered by a battery, on which it takes off, and the propulsion motor, it is an internal combustion engine, through which it flies horizontally, and what is this solution for in general, to increase the flight range, because on an electric one, on a battery, you don’t fly away for a long time, that is, the batteries fly there for about, well, two, maximum 3 hours, well , that is, it all needs to be planted there, the battery needs to be changed, the battery must be charged, the car itself must rise with the load without human intervention.
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show her the final new point, and the car must completely rebuild the route itself, taking into account all prohibitions and restrictions. uav, ready to take off, we ask for permission to take off, ready, let's begin the flight. dozens of specialists monitor the flights. the competition is an important stage towards creating a network of unmanned cargo transportation in the country. all data received will be included in the regulations, which. see objectively
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the best solutions for cargo logistics to ensure delivery where it is either impossible using traditional methods, or it is very expensive, for example, in the far east there are many cases when the only way to deliver something is a manned helicopter, it is very expensive, and naturally here unmanned technologies can very very... the final stage of the competition will take place at the end of summer, the organizers have prepared for the participants one of the most difficult tasks that requires truly revolutionary approach. an oncoming unmanned aircraft will fly out to meet the vehicle carrying the cargo , with which it is necessary to automatically avoid a potential collision without the participation of an external pilot. this this is the most difficult task that the whole world is grappling with today, and we intend to overcome it this year. the prize fund of the competition is 418 million rubles. the main prize - 200 million will be received by the team that...
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sad news, people's artist sergei andreyaka, founder of the famous school of the academy of watercolors, has died. vladimir putin sent a telegram of condolences to the master’s family. color dissolved in water. perfection of light and shadow, unique technique. andriyaka's work is in private collections in major museums. they are presented in the first building kremlin. the painting that vladimir putin stopped by on his way to the inauguration ceremony. russia and its thirteen millionth visitor, this is tatyana yasyukovich from surgut, a gift to her,
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her daughter and grandchildren, travel around the kirov region, the capital, which kirov, formerly vyatka, celebrates 650 years this year. so the family is waiting for a big interesting anniversary program, and at the awards ceremony it turned out that tatyana is coming to the exhibition in russia for the third time, tatyana vitalievna became 13 million, it’s you, god, thank you, i’m so i understand that this is not the first time you have visited us, tatyana mitalivna, thank you very much, for us this is absolutely the biggest compliment. i live in surgut, i have been on a well-deserved vacation for a long time and come to moscow very often. the impressions are simply wonderful and every time you come, it’s as if it’s the first time, and you’ll definitely see something new for yourself, it’s very interesting, thank you. congratulations on the anniversary are accepted by sergei petrikov, director of the sklefosovsky university for 50 years, a talented doctor, innovator and
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administrator, for him and his team there is no obstacle when the goal is to save a person. yulia anishchenko, about the pace of life and work of a doctor. ambulance, good morning, skli at 7:00 morning round, the pace is fast, the schedule is tight, more than 200 patients, the condition of each is assessed by a team of specialists, led by director sergei petrikov, and we have already visited 1 2 3 4, four intensive care units. so, every day, the information is brief but succinct, an experienced resuscitator notices the smallest details, like puzzles, putting together a complete picture of the disease, the patient fell on her head, there is a fracture of the temporal bone and...
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to the bedside, petrikov proposed his own method of caring for patients in critical condition, fewer complications, more effective recovery, the result of which many were waiting for. my colleagues from other regions began to contact me, this petrikov works for you, sergei sergeevich, send him, we have a seriously ill patient in intensive care, our guys can’t cope with this, well, i
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really ask you, can he come, and the neuroreanimation department, which he was in charge of, was the best. change very quickly, start quickly work completely differently, and well, as if this habit would not leave us. a successful method of transfusion of plasma with antibodies was first performed here, they were the first to use boron chambers in the red zone, they learned how to deal with thrombosis, they did science after long shifts, sometimes without sleep or rest, but
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even in moments of extreme stress , resuscitators joke, but they still get fully involved it doesn’t work out, partly how are those dolphins sleeping there? who sleeps, half works, then the other half rests. sergei petrikov consistently combines science and practice, attracts talented and young people, under his leadership articles, monographs are published, dissertations are defended, he delves into details and seems to remember about everything and everyone, but darya will never write a dissertation, he is very sensitive and responsive , not indifferent, there is no topic, it doesn’t matter if it concerns work or some kind of advice that you want to receive. from an older comrade, mentor and teacher with whom you could come and just consult. the development of the institute continues ahead of the global modernization is a big construction project, but the principle of operation will remain unchanged. says the director of the institute, the main thing is a team that always acts in a well-coordinated manner, and he, sergei petrikov, is only part of a powerful organism
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called sklif. yulia anishchenko, natalya radeonova, mikhail artyukhin, vladimir bokarev, channel one. and let's return to the main topic of the issue. vladimir putin in china. footage from these minutes: the president is in harbin, this is the second city after beijing in the state visit program. the main event will be the opening russian-chinese exhibition expo. there is also a forum on interregional cooperation, a speech to students of the polytechnic university, and the traditional final meeting of the russian leader with journalists. news on the first, next on the air is the bloodhound, a new episode.


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