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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 17, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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after beijing, vladimir putin went to the city of harbin, today the second day of our president’s state visit takes place there, it began with laying wine at the monument to soviet soldiers who died in the battles for the liberation of china, then the head of our state. took part in the opening ceremony of the eighth russian-chinese expo, this is one of the key platforms for business development, providing an opportunity to build a direct dialogue and conclude mutually beneficial agreements. this year the exhibition is held under the motto cooperation, mutual trust possibilities. 16 regions of russia and 13 regions of the people's republic of china set up their stands. about 190 chinese and 170 russian companies are participating. this is what
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vladimir putin said at the opening of the russian-chinese expo in harbin. building on the glorious traditions of good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation. today we can look forward with confidence. take on the most daring projects together, build and implement ambitious plans together. the prospects for further development of such close and multifaceted cooperation are detailed discussed. i just had this at negotiations with chinese president siding pin last night. i think we can rightfully be proud of the results of russian-chinese economic ties and russian-chinese economic cooperation. just a few years ago, for bilateral trade , the figure of 100 billion dollars in trade turnover was considered a great success; now they have already crossed the 200 mark
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. russia is ready and capable of uninterruptedly and reliably supplying the chinese economy, enterprises, cities, towns, with environmentally friendly, available energy, light and heat. when vladimir putin went to the exhibition, he had time to look at the city, and he was there during the opening of the exhibition. this is my first time here and
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the city is truly impressive; it is a modern, beautiful, dynamic metropolis, and at the same time truly original, with a rich history and traditions. at the end of the 19th century, harbin personified the closest ties and intertwining of the destinies of the peoples of russia and china, the mutual enrichment of cultural traditions. by the way, we drove through the city center, its historical part is preserved, and that’s good, you can immediately feel that the russian trace is preserved, because our specialists are from russia. engineers and scientists at one time made
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a significant contribution to the economic development of the city, to the creation of its production base, the construction of large plants and factories, and infrastructure facilities. harbin is also a city, a symbol of the military brotherhood of our peoples; over 12 thousand soviet soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of northeast china from the japanese. invaders. on september 16, 1945 , a joint victory parade was held in harbin. do you know the end of hostilities in the pacific front and the complete end of world war ii. more than 300,000 people took part in that solemn ceremony. it was a real holiday of the blessed one.
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in the humanitarian spheres, russia probably does not have any agreements on trade and economic cooperation on cooperation in so many interregional countries with one other country in the world. delegations from 25 constituent entities of the russian
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federation take part in the forum. 17 of them are headed by senior officials. plans to create new mutually beneficial partners for chinese colleagues. will be represented by moscow, tatarstan, bashkiria, tula, nizhny novgorod, amur regions, khabarovsk territory. such initiatives have been thoroughly developed by our regions and specified by industry. for example, the kaluga region is determined to develop cooperation in the automotive sector and create a whole cluster of construction materials production. and we certainly see great potential for deepening long-distance connections. eastern russia and northeast of the people's republic of china. i would like to take this opportunity to invite chinese friends to the ninth eastern economic forum, which will take place in vladivostok in early september. the program of our president's visit is very rich. vladimir putin visited the existing
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orthodox church of the intercession of the blessed virgin mary. this is the only functioning orthodox church in harben. it was founded in the thirties of the last century and was built as a parish facility. and russian residents of the city, so in memory of the visit, vladimir putin presented an icon of the church of the intercession of the most holy theotokos in harbin. today our president also spoke with students and teachers of the polytechnic university and will soon answer questions from journalists. well, it’s worth noting that the level of relations between our countries is the highest in history, new multi-billion dollar projects are ahead. let us remind you that yesterday vladimir putin was greeted like himself. dear guest, the ceremonial meeting in beijing took place to the sounds of an orchestra performing evenings near moscow, the leaders walked along such a red carpet, you see, and went to negotiations, together with the russian president almost all federal ministers arrived. during his welcoming speech, sidin ping called
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vladimir putin his great friend, this is what our president said about the strong connection between russia and china. russia and china are truly united by commonality. tasks of national development to ensure joint prosperity on the principles of mutual respect, good neighborliness and mutual benefit. it has already been said that over the past 5 years, despite the consequences of the pandemic, despite some actions aimed at restraining our development, some actions from outside third parties. trade turnover between russia and china. is growing, growing at a good pace, a significant portfolio of eighty large joint investment projects in a wide variety of areas has been formed. here in the footage there are negotiations in the so-called narrow format, usually in
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this format with heads of state, the delegations can be counted on one hand, but here there are 10 people on each side. in general, the symbolism of the current visit is enormous. vladimir putin flew to china exactly 10... days after taking office a year ago in 2023 sidin pin also came to moscow 10 days after he took office. and now journalist ruslan karmanov is in direct contact with us from china. ruslan, hello. hello. what are the chinese media writing about this meeting? because the west focuses on its own topics, on the topic of global security, what is celebrated most in china and does it react to such aggressive things? western media coverage of this visit certainly reacts and certainly emphasizes that relations with russia do not bend in any way to the appropriate such western narratives broadcast, in general, the coverage of the visit is, of course, very
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good, this is especially visible against the backdrop of the contrast with previous leaders who recently came to china, for example scholz, yes, this is a very , very big contrast. and the chinese media literally savor all these details, they really savor it, the chinese media are very careful about such ceremonial things, they seem to show, but... they talk about it, this time they directly write openly, that’s what they’re talking about -tells us what it is here the logic of the chinese approach, because they treat such things carefully, if they write this and say this, then of course at the highest level there is acceptance that this can and should be said, that it can be emphasized that the meeting without the galstocks was a very long one , almost 3 hours after the joint concert they said that... xi offered to gently hug, it was from xi’s side that this proposal came, yes, that
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is, these are the moments, of course, if they are shown openly in the chinese media, then, of course, this indicates that everything is very serious, that this is politics, the central policy of the party on this topic, by the way, this is very remarkable, in your opinion, based on what the chinese media write, what was the most important topic for them, it is a matter of building a new system. global security or economic cooperation issues? you know, everything at the same time, that is, that economic aspects of cooperation continue, that is, that during the visit, although it is not about the economy, it is precisely the first visit of the new elected president, and with a new government, it is also important that vladimir vladimirovich brings with him, accordingly, a new composition, in fact, who immediately, as if right off the bat, went to communicate with his chinese colleagues, against the backdrop of this
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there is also an economic bloc , and naturally, a large number of discussions on topics about global security, which are now very, very relevant, and we can say that there are already first effects, this morning we have two brix countries, south africa and india, refused to go to the summit in switzerland what else is brazil, and more brazil, yes, yes, yes. yes, yes, yes, yes, that is , it is already, it is clear that this was discussed yesterday, it is clear that this was discussed relatively actively, and this is a very tangible, visible result, that is, you associate this with the visit itself, these are the decisions , not to come to the swiss summit on ukraine, and the topic of ukraine in general in the chinese press, how much space does the coverage of this visit take up, you know, not very large-scale, since the chinese...
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likes, almost all of our instruments are made by hand, every master puts his soul into this instrument. when we
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developed our coconut milk, we did over 100 tests. did you get into this field because your daughter was lactose intolerant? yes, it was very important for me to see the most pure composition, your portrait, the portrait of your colleague, and the founder. it turns out that you are personally responsible for the quality of the product. the first reaction is often, wow, how bright, how unusual. form, a woman can see a bag and doesn’t say: i can’t sleep, i can’t eat, sell it for any money, that’s all hand-painted by our artists, our everything is premiering, tomorrow is the first one, i have been writing poetry all my life, starting from childhood, a lot of relatives live with me, there is no creative zone, this is both the living room and your bedroom, and it is also desirable that this there was also... an office, here we need something so lyrical, romantic, light-weight,
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some kind of accent wallpaper, we need a throne, a chair with flowers, admiration, they combine very beautifully with gray and gold, have you ever seen- some bed that has a crown, about comfort, premiere, tomorrow on the first. we are in a unique place, clearly in the middle, between the north pole and the equator. friends, we are in stavropolis, you squat a little, yeah, like... in boxing from the shoulder, from the shoulder, so guys, kick, indian, natural homemade, please, i have the most delicious, this is garlic duck baked in the oven, very delicious discount i have in full, according to statistics , girls jump more than boys, but boys have more of a self-preservation instinct that has to be challenged more, oh, right
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i'm starting to get dizzy, the longer you stand, the worse it gets, i need to jump, i'm very scared, let's go, tomorrow is the first one. premiere. i love my country. tomorrow on the first. famous and beloved artists gathered at our table to tell funny stories and oddities that happened to them. forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase. don't worry, it's not like that. she is only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, i need to play the uterus, i think, but it will be some kind of piece dedicated to honey, i’m coming, that means the next one day in the remains, for the whole make-up suit, one of the women brings me such a large velvet circle, there are two things hanging from the sides, ovaries, she died like this... a cry
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was made, herman, bending over, with a fork in his hands , comes up to nina ruslanova at that very moment and sticks this fork in her ass, she does it and it sounds stop, cut, ruslan just rubbing it, says, i didn’t know that this is how a director works with actors, and since zapashny told me, a long time ago still a soviet circus, the tiger grabbed his father, he quietly told him he says how much, now take a stick and hit him on the head with all your might. and now tiger, tomorrow after the program time, believe me, you don’t know what expensive real estate is until you come to hong kong, this is my entire apartment, it’s less than 10 square meters, welcome to the kitchen, now you see it all,
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you studied in order to be a fenshu master or? children are not taught this, this is ancient knowledge, you have probably noticed in chinese buildings there are simply large holes in the center, this is so that the house does not interfere with passing people. past the dragon. do you play for money or just for fun? what are you saying, the chinese never play for fun, it’s not interesting, the lives of others, the premiere is on sunday on the first. there is no way you can miss this, television from the inside, the premiere is on sunday on the first,
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this is the main political event, the state visit of vladimir putin. to china, following the results of the first meeting, vladimir putin and sidin pin signed a joint statement on deepening the comprehensive partnership relations, how exactly they will develop relations between the two countries, the leaders continued to discuss the evening in a format at the working residence of john nankai, the name of which in chinese terms is similar to the meaning of the kremlin in russia, and of course, they touched upon global and regional crises, separately, of course, the ukrainian conflict, jointly. statement moscow and beijing oppose steps leading to prolongation of the conflict, this is what the chairman of the people's republic of china said. in today's world , the cold war mentality, one-sided hegemony, bloc confrontation and politics are still rampant forces directly threaten world peace and the security of all countries. china and russia
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perceive a political settlement as the right way to resolve the ukrainian crisis. china's position on this issue. is consistent and clear, namely: china stands for compliance with the norms and principles of the un charter, respect for the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries of their rational security concerns. we advocate the formation of a new balanced, effective , sustainable security architecture. the chinese country hopes for the speedy restoration of peace and stability on the european continent and is ready to continue its constructive role. china takes a balanced position regarding. ukrainian beijing presented its own peace plan for the crisis in february 23 , consisting of twelve points, including the rejection of the cold war mentality and adherence to principles. according to which the security of one country should not be ensured at the expense of others, cessation of hostilities, avoidance of escalation, support for the movement of russia and ukraine towards
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dialogue, the resumption of peace negotiations and other provisions. in the west, of course, this plan was not accepted, betting on a long bloody war, but for the united states and the west, we know that any plan will be unacceptable, they adhere to the position of taking ours.
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majority from the un general assembly, his peace plan would be the basis, then, when the negotiations were finally reached, zelensky would say, but this is not my peace plan, this is the peace plan of the majority humanity, china's statement completely destroys this concept, which means it returns to real life, real life repeats itself in one thing: if you want to get married. then there must be two partners, the groom and the bride, if one groom comes and says: i ’m going to get married, alone, then in this case it looks at least strange,
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if you want peace between russia and ukraine, then you must participate in the negotiations and russia and ukraine, and there should be rational, sober proposals, and not this crazy cocaine plan of mr. zelensky, well, it turns out that if they had a certain concept, they... in this concept they made a certain bet on china, china has now expressed its opinion, its point of view, further actions of the west, and what needs to happen for them to take it into account and the opinion of china? i think that alesya rosanovna, the opinion of china, the west will not take into account in principle, simply for the simple reason that starting from the madrid conference of 2022 within nato, this was in june. 22 china was declared one of the main opponents of the bloc nato along with russia, moreover, the term existential class was used there, in this regard, any strategy of the west
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aimed, it would seem, at reconciliation of all parties, will in fact be aimed at something completely different, that is, at deceiving both china and russia , as far as i understand, china has such a deep historical memory of the century of humiliation, as chinese history is called 100 years during... which england and france dismembered china, destroyed it, sent troops to beijing, not to mention just about cocaine, about poisoning, about drinking wars about the boxer uprisings, that china perfectly understands what russia is now faced with, and a penny is worth the promises of the west, i think, for china, as, by the way, for one of the most important mutual partners of the united states, because as far as i don’t remember , the second or third largest debt of the united states to foreign powers, namely to china, the first to japan, but japan is occupied, in principle occupied.
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after this meeting, there was nothing in the official media that we could agree on, purely fantasize, if possible, like you and me ruslamovich often exchanged this information on the air, in general , china’s entire strategic system is under the protection of our missile defense umbrella, because in fact we guarantee the silo placement of china’s missiles of its own missile defense system, taking into account where they are located on the theory that we covering
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china's nuclear weapons. so exactly, that is , it turns out that in this case we are the guarantors of security, they trust us to cover their most important means of defense, i would say that they not only trust us, they understand the need for this step, because naturally, from a military-technical point of view, with all due respect to china, we have developments that china does not have today, provided that they already have hypersonic weapons, i remember this, but however, not in the nomenclature that we have, plus a number of other developments with, again, i say again, i respect everything. chinese army, so yes, this is mutually beneficial cooperation, this is not a request on our part with an outstretched hand, this is ensuring the security of the eurasian continent, consisting of two continents, therefore china, in the person of sizinping, is no less interested in this, judging by his statement when he said, in principle, he is in those twelve that you quoted colleagues, that is, there is security, security in every second word civilian population, border security, but there was also
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a statement by sizinpin, where he... talks about the mandatory preservation of territorial integrity and taking into account the issue of security, the security regime for all players, that is , for all participants in the process in europe, and this, of course, a clear nod to russia, because our population is under attack, again, as china understands the territorial integrity of its borders, it was not for nothing that i quoted what happened to china less than 100 years ago, they believe that this phrase spoke next to vladimir putin about these...
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to aggravate or smooth out this situation, well , because it is such a threat, including to the united states, look at the split, now it is obvious. america is already beginning to escalate the conflict, that is, we see literally this week, last week, fierce pressure on china is increasing, we see new sanctions related to the so -called russian traces. the united states understands that the previous mechanisms of containment and pressure on...
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katyusha, and the name was chosen by absolutely the entire country, today in china they told vladimir putin and the deputy chairman of the people's republic of china, khanjen, how the panda katyusha came into being? everything worked out for us, out of love, the second uniqueness is that after one... nevertheless, we got a baby panda, the third uniqueness is that mom turned out to have a very strong maternal instincts, she literally from the first second smacked her big paws and didn’t let go of the baby, she licked it to such an extent that she became a rose with us, although
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it’s real, it is believed that the pink panda is the happiest panda, we don’t paint it , this is so, her mother develops an enzyme after she eats bankum and she licks it so much that she is so pink here, now she already weighs 26 kg, and was born only 150 g, so pandas are reliable, well, it’s worth noting that chinese pandas are not only a sign friendship, when the level of diplomatic relations between china and any country decreases, they withdraw their banks from these countries, so just like that, it is impossible to recall katyusha the panda, and this will never happen, the western media are here... of course, they make a special emphasis on the fact that putin and xi are meeting at a time when our army is advancing in ukraine, and this is true, and the powerful russian offensive in the kharkov region took the exhausted ukrainian troops by surprise, this created one
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of the most serious problems for the ukrainian armed forces since the beginning conflict, while the situation in the region is close to catastrophic for them, this is what state department spokesman vedant patel says about it.
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launcher, and these are batteries that include from four to more than ten launchers, so of course this power in no way needs to be said that this is not so, but petriot has a lot of limitations, and most importantly, why i don’t understand the speech a little nazi, how will petriot, who is an air defense system, anti-aircraft missile systems , fight in his head with infantry, for example, with tanks, yes, including even if we take those we love... for aviation, then let’s say, but what about using the d30sn, which carries a charge of 250 kilograms of warhead over 100 km, or even our classic cast iron, which is equipped now the umpc, a universal planning and
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correction module, and we have enough of these bombs for several zelenskys, speaking of two patriot systems, now about what a patriot is, it’s a billion dollars, if you take one battery from those same launchers , depending. based on this, will the usa, will does the us really buy ears from stuffy? going to the front line is always a bad sign,
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because then this city surrenders, there will be statements that it no longer has strategic importance, this time zelensky’s trip is somehow different from other trips, because their official media say that the situation is under control everywhere , yes, the russians have advanced, but nothing critical, we sent reinforcements and are beating them there, it is unknown when he is going to odessa by chance, yes, i think that... this time it will be the same as before, zelensky’s trip little will change, you know, zelensky is a clown by profession, and a clown, yes, clowns have a division into redheads, who are so joyful, sunny and gloomy, they have a deferment from the army, so i want, yes, by the way , probably, it was just a decision made between souls, here is zelensky, now he is a gloomy clown who demonstrates, look at him, here he is...
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with the fact that he canceled a trip to spain and portugal, while declaring that here he is goes there in order to receive new ultra-modern weapons, like... put consisted of mutual reproaches,
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because mr. blinken, let me remind you, immediately after these negotiations, well, besides the fact that he strummed a guitar, ate pizza, made two important statements, one of them, that we still need to fight corruption in ukraine , yes, this is such a very serious stone in the garden of the ukrainian leadership, guys, we can give you as much money as we want, but if this money is transferred to offshore companies, the americans are observing this, then... and according to ukrainian experts, now the number of evaders from mobilization to us everyone says that ukrainians with all their might, want, with every fiber of their soul dream of fighting with russia, but for some reason they shy away. about 4 million people who
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manifest their desire to fight with russia by hiding under benches, trying to flee abroad, fighting with military commissars, trying to swim across rivers, dressing in women's clothes, posing as old people and disabled people, using the most different methods in order to somehow escape from this ardent desire to fight with russia to hide, so blinkin said: no, guys, let's... mobilize those who are possible and send them to the front. thus, apparently an unpleasant conversation took place, under the influence of this unpleasant conversation, mr. zelensky came to kharkov to demonstrate that no, no, we are doing everything, we are doing everything possible, even the president himself is in the front-line zone, you come on more help. well, it’s worth noting that western tv channels broadcast very inappropriate stories.
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intense fighting, vladimir zelensky canceled all your foreign trips until further notice about the situation in the kharkov region. previously, mr. zelensky was quite calm about traveling abroad, his self-confidence increased because he appeared at various summits not only in europe, but in the middle east on the african continent, so the news about the cancellation of his trips is perhaps a reflection of how dangerous the current period for ukraine. the front line is becoming wider and wider for the soldiers of the ukrainian army.
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failures, ukraine is directly related to corruption, for a long time kiev talked with particular passion about the construction of certain defensive structures to deter the russian offensive, but in fact the money never reached the front, ukrainian journalists publish footage of those unprepared for the borders near liptsy, kharkov region, which is 10 km from the border , now kiev is paying for its mistakes, yesterday the ukrainian general staff reported that... russia is actively storming the city of volchansk, kharkov region, this is what they say about the situation ukrainian telegram channels in the city. enemy forces advanced north of volchansk and also expanded their presence on the northern outskirts of the city. separate combat groups of russians are making their way to the center; one of these was able to capture the central regional
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hospital of volchansk. in general, the situation in the city is difficult. reserves of the ukrainian armed forces have been deployed to this area and are carrying out assault operations to stabilize the area. situation, the russian armed forces are regrouping, consolidating their position on occupied lines and tightening up additional infantry forces. we have connections with war correspondent artie alexander simonov. let's find out what is happening now in the north of the kharkov region. alexander, hello, how are things in volchansk at the moment? well, at the moment, the initiative remains entirely with our units; indeed, even yesterday , videos from. flags, yes, ours, our fighters published videos with flags on the outskirts of volchansk, on the northern ones - there is a movement towards the center, indeed, there are separate assault groups they managed to occupy the central hospital, but the enemy is constantly carrying out some kind of counterattack, trying to knock us out, trying to prevent us from gaining a foothold, but in general
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he is not having much success in this, while the artillery is working very, very tightly on both sides, both from our side and from the ukrainian armed forces, it’s huge... the number of drones is in the sky, but now the weather is helping a little, because now it’s rainy, rainy, foggy weather a little, well, it seems like with drones a little - well, it’s easier easier, but in general, of course, they just took over there - also in the lipchansky direction, in general, the situation is developing in our favor, ours are not as confident as in volchansky, but - there is also progress, little by little they are breaking through. defense alexander, in this direction, where reserves in the ssu are taken from, where they are transferred from and the quality of these reserves, because there was information that the most combat-ready units are being transferred there from other directions, it is true, yes, combat-ready units are actually being transferred there, well, as far as i am concerned i know, there were, a brigade was transferred from
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podkupinsk, and from podkupinsk, you know, that is, as if from the south, from the south of the kharkov region, but that, of course, too. can lead to disastrous consequences for the armed forces of ukraine, because after the liberation of the acid quota, this is exactly in the south, ours there also continue assault operations in the direction of kupinsky, and of course, if there is defense there, they are forced to weaken it, of course, for they may not end very well. it seems to me that it’s a little secret that we are still advancing on the eastern flank from volchansk, and there is a feeling, and many are already openly writing about this. telegram channels that we will still enter from the flank, this information is now, how far away, here we are from the east of volchansk, there are several more settlements there, but there are certain successes of ours there. i can’t tell you that based on kilometers, but there really are successes, and well , judging by the emerging picture, i
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don’t know the plans and our military leadership, well, yes, it looks like we will be leaving his flank and, as it were, coming in from additional orana, as it was, for example, there during the liberation of other cities, which is completely logical from the point of view of military science, when we are a little stubborn, there are battles, it is possible to make maneuvers to approach from the flanks. this must be done. thank you very much, war correspondent arti alexander simonov was in direct contact with us. let's continue to paint a picture of today, right after a short advertisement, don't switch. happily, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives. synonym for the word harmony. oh, it's communication with children. their energy, i'm recharging, it's very cool, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: oh, twins, take care of your
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children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobly, and be an example to them. our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth, be sure to always listen to each other, always understand, we were raised so that we would always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder.
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before the wedding, the oldest woman in the family performed a ritual of purification by fumigating the bride with smoke: here on the arctic circle in let's shout out to the tundra, let's shout out our friendship, play wedding, sunday is the first. all this energy, the positivity that you infect us with, but it’s just some kind of ray of happiness, right?
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since it is impossible to deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine, the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, and it sounds nice, like it’s not fascism, but the most striking thing in ukrainian... fascism is the lack of understanding of what for europe, be it latin or german, as well as for of all the world's anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always
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been and will be second class, ukrainians live by other people's myths, ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but copying the recipes of someone else's success is a sure way to failure. premiere, ordinary fascism. two. on monday, on the first. fashionable verdict, new season. let's try, start a new life. on weekdays. on the first. so, the main political event is vladimir putin’s state visit to china. today is the second day of the visit. at the moment, vladimir putin is holding a meeting with chinese and russian students, as well as with teachers from harbin polytechnic university. and there were so
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many people who wanted to ask our president a question that vladimir putin suggested approaching the conversation. change the format in a non-standard way, please excuse me, maybe we will act democratically, there are a lot of students here, all hands are raised, i will just choose in a row, all this is all, this will be, by the way, we will not only have questions, answers, maybe. do you have any ideas, considerations, wishes, how to organize educational processes? interaction between countries and between universities, this does not mean that i am not on the internet, i will not answer every question you have, but i will try to formulate my opinion on the topics that concern you, please, i ask you, it is difficult to imagine that
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someone would come -the american representative also said, yes, any questions, ask ideas, i’ll tell you everything. they can’t do that, they often say that we are supposedly creating an alliance with china against the usa and europe, but yesterday our president said that relations between moscow and beijing are not aimed against all comers. what is of fundamental importance is that the russia- china relationship is not. our cooperation in world affairs today is one of the main stabilizing factors in the international arena. together we defend the principles of justice and a democratic world order that reflects multipolar realities and a world order based on international law. russia and china successfully
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interact in the un, brix, sco. the main lever of pressure, of course, is the sanctions mechanism, which they are also trying to western states can actively take advantage of how sensitive this can be for china, now the further it goes, the less sensitive it is, that is, in many vulnerable industries china has already achieved technological sovereignty, we are also actively moving towards achieving technological
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sovereignty, and washington understands that this this lever no longer works. at the moment, washington has considered a new possibility of pressure, this is to put pressure on the so-called excess production capacity of china, that is, on those very chinese factories on the fact that china has become the second economy in the world, that is , absolutely all possible levers of pressure are used, that is, this sanctions machine, which now applies to chinese aluminum, to chinese steel, that is, any reasonable pretexts to introduce restrictions, they are already completely exhausted, and here we see uh-huh.
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china also feels this kind of pressure, and naturally this pressure, on the contrary , pushes us more towards each other, and we are in this way, as our president is right said that our relations are not opportunistic, they are aimed specifically at development, our own development, development, like russia, development, like china, we have set ambitious goals for the development of our economies, and other countries see our positive example, and this is manifested by that they want to follow, let’s say, their own path, that is, they want... also, let’s say, to separate from washington, to no longer listen to some kind of voice that dictates to them how to live, and we see it using the example of an extension of the same the very institutions of the sco, the same brix, that is, many countries of the global south, they
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are considering the possibility of alternative approaches, alternative scenarios, then here they see that there is still no such consensus from washington, which they are obliged to follow, they see that there is an alternative, there are states that live differently, that prosper, that... are friends, that do not conflict, and this is precisely what our president’s visit to china today shows. andrey konstantinovich, it’s no secret that the conflict in ukraine was used by the west to destroy our friendly relations with china. china said, look, these russian savages, they use a nuclear baton, who are you friends with, it didn’t work out, why? it did not work and will not work, although for the west this is of course a tasty goal. let 's not lie. and older viewers , probably, looking at these shots , also remember the negative experience of our relations with china. the period of the cold war, when objectively we had common interests; they remain now, our economies
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complement each other, we resist american hegemony together, we are neighbors, so deep cooperation at the regional level has been built, despite this, due to the subjective factor, in many respects, personal relations between nikita. that our union is truly natural, deep, objectively arising from our geopolitical position of both countries, and it will never be subject to this kind of erosion, no matter what
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happens, so i think that the plans of the west in this case are absolutely in vain, here is the activity of the same sizenpini in may, when meetings took place with blinken and macron, now the meeting taking place is on... well, yes, here it becomes clear that the united states is not about partnership, but about accomplices. we give the floor to the information service of the first channel. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. promising for billions. expo, russia-china, innovative developments, large-scale projects, harbin - the second day of vladimir putin's state visit to the prc. what else is in program?


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