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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev. in this issue. prospects for billions. expo, russia-china, innovative developments, large-scale projects, harbin, the second day of vladimir putin’s state visit to the prc. what else is on the program? fire from fences, strikes on
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enemy strongholds from the ground from the air, efficient work of our su-34 fighters, footage and news from the special operation zone. pogroms, arson, deaths, riot in new caledonia, an overseas french territory, and what does azerbaijan have to do with it, paris speaks with unexpected accusations. an example of courage and concern. the boy began to drown in the river, i don’t think he threw himself. and save him. warm heart, an award for young fearless people , the youngest recipient is only 10 years old. and in the beginning harbin. the second day of vladimir putin's state visit to the people's republic of china. the opening of the russian china expo is a key event. innovative developments, large-scale projects, huge prospects for business, cooperation, mutual trust, opportunities are the motto of this year. and he, as well as possible, reflects the high level of relations between moscow. and beijing, but not only economics
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, big politics, also common memory, it was the memorial to the soviet wars that vladimir putin visited in harbin in the first place, report by maryana yatskevich. today's program begins with a ceremony, the president laid wine at the monument to soviet soldiers, the fighters who liberated northeast china from japanese invaders during world war ii. on historical ties between russia and china vladimir putin at the opening of the expo. just now we laid flowers at the council memorial. soldiers and officers and would like to express great gratitude to the residents of harbin, the chinese authorities, who preserve the memory of our liberating soldiers, joint pages of military glory, and take care of the common historical, spiritual cultural heritage. the russian-chinese expo is an important trade and economic platform, more than 2.0 chinese participants from 190 companies, of course, from our side. the largest
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state and private industrial holdings, russia's leading partner in china. just a few years ago, for bilateral trade, the figure of 100 billion dollars in trade turnover was considered a great success; now they have already crossed the mark of 200, but more precisely, according to chinese statistics, 240 billion. and this is far from achieved, of course, the russian-chinese inextricable partnership directly contributes to economic growth. energy security, stimulates the creation of new industries and high-paying jobs. our strategic alliance in the energy sector, which has become the supporting pillar of the entire global market energy resources, i am sure, will continue to strengthen. russia is ready and capable of uninterruptedly and reliably supplying the chinese economy, enterprises, cities, towns with environmentally friendly, affordable energy.
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in essence, we are moving towards creating a strategic russian-chinese production partnership, similar to our close one.
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their own stands, here you can taste russia, goods from different regions. by the way, the chocolate was specially made 30% less sweet; the chinese like this recipe more, exporters say. and at the stand capital, the director of the moscow zoo svetlana akulova told putin about the first giant panda cub born in russia, katyusha the panda, here are innovative developments of joint russian-chinese projects in the field of mechanical engineering, metallurgy, logistics and other areas of rostec, the russian export center sberbank, rosatom and many others. russian cooperation. of the people's republic of china in the field of peaceful nuclear energy is unprecedented, both in depth and in the number of projects; in just the last 25 years, the total volume of our agreements is 23 billion dollars, four blocks are already working at denvan station, and vladimir vladimirovich, you
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and the chairman in the twenty-first year started the construction of four more ready-made buildings, then the president went to the church of the blood of the blessed virgin mary, it was built according to the design of a russian architect in 1930. today it is the only one in operation orthodox church in harbin, the rector is chinese, he studied at the st. petersburg theological academy for 5 years. st. petersburg, good impression, really liked it, very quiet, very cultural city. there are 123 registered people, but in fact, about 50-60 people attend services, every sunday, and also on all orthodox holidays we hold services, chinese believers and...
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it was created by russian specialists - more than a century ago, as a russian-chinese technical school that trained specialists for the chinese eastern railway, an important transport artery in
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the pacific region. look, how do you treat it if you put grain in the right direction? carefully, it gives such good shoots from the school, small school, but aimed at training the personnel that the country needed at that time, such a wonderful, large educational institution of higher education has grown, which is rapidly developing and meets all the requirements of today. on other topics: massive attacks on the rear areas of the ukrainian armed forces, reports of explosions at military facilities.
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a saboteur who was preparing a terrorist attack against law enforcement officers was killed . during the arrest, he offered armed resistance and was killed by return fire. it is known that he was a member international terrorist organization banned in russia. at the scene they found a kalashnikov assault rifle, a large number of cartridges, an improvised explosive device, and also a telephone where there was correspondence with coordinators who were abroad. the aerospace forces launched a soyuz launch vehicle. 2.1b launch from the plesets cosmodrome in the arkhangelsk region. on board are spacecraft that will be used by the ministry of defense. and after launch , an atmospheric phenomenon appears in the sky - a space
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jellyfish. this is how the light is reflected from the trail rockets. the phenomenon is infrequent; it can only be observed when the launch took place before dawn or after sunset. arsons of schools. enterprises, mass riots, protests in new caledonia, this is an archipelago off the coast of australia, an overseas french territory, there are dead, damage from pogroms in 3 days exceeded 200 million euros for...
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caring: saving a man from a fiery age showed an example of courage and captivity, give a helping hand to someone who is drowning, detain an armed robber or cover a comrade with your own body during an explosion, risking their own lives, each of them has their own story, united by one thing, all this is a feat. the warm heart award is designed to support such children; in 2013 it was established by the foundation for social and cultural initiatives, and in 22 it acquired international status. as we see, kindness and warm hearts. know no boundaries, we are proud of you, dear guys, may your
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hearts always remain warm and give the world warmth, love and joy, we are proud of you, twelve-year-old ilya during a press conference, sitting on the table, barely reaches the floor with his feet, last summer he saved a school friend who was swimming in the river with him. the boy began to drown in the river, i don’t think so, so he rushed to save him.
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defender of the homeland timur lukmanov, received the order of courage at the age of 19, on the front line in a special operation zone he saved a colleague, during the shelling he covered him with himself, just completely on him, and how would this guy come home and see his family, it’s very difficult to break the feat, because it's very hard. evgeniy is the youngest laureate of the award this year, he is 10, he saved a friend with whom played on a sand mountain. suddenly my friend
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fell through, he couldn’t get out on his own, and he began to suffocate. zhenya freed his head so that he could breathe and ran after the adults. for him, this may not be a feat, but for us parents, this is already an indicator of humanity and courage even at that age. international prize award - a figurine breastplate in the shape of a heart, inside of which a fiery flower blooms, a bright symbol, once again reminding that... a touching, exciting moment for thousands of students, today the last bells begin in schools, ceremonial lines in the schoolyard, parting words from teachers, hugs from parents, graduates will step into a new, adult life, exams are ahead, which university to enter, what specialty, a responsible question, many have already decided on their... to develop in our country, since many
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jobs have been provided and new technologies are developing every day in our country, in general , our country is prosperous, so we are thinking of staying, going abroad now is not profitable for us, or for anyone, so i i'm only considering this as an option. stay in russia and work here? in russia now there are a lot of opportunities for both self-education and further education, and many universities are opening, many new directions. which allow you to develop yourself and somehow open new horizons for yourself. and back to the main topic. vladimir putin communicates with students, graduate students and teachers at harbin polytechnic university. conversation, in particular, about combining the efforts of moscow and beijing in the field of science and education in high-tech areas. what is the secret to success in any business? firstly.


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