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tv   Pole chudes  1TV  May 17, 2024 7:45pm-9:01pm MSK

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having waited for the sokolniki line train, he jumped onto the roof of the car, relaxed in the pose of a star, and disappeared into the tunnel, where the distance between the train and the protruding structures of the underground vaults was in some places only a few centimeters. an equally dangerous prank that young people decide to do is to lie down under an approaching train and film it or take a selfie. thus, in bashkiria, several first-graders caused the drivers to become quite nervous during a stretch. local police have already held an explanatory conversation with their parents. our task is not only take measures and understand the consequences of these incidents, but also prevent these incidents. we regularly carry out raids together with colleagues from other law enforcement agencies. the desire to take an unusual selfie or a shot that is not like everyone else often turns into tragedy. and here, girls are already on the list of leaders in terms of the number of injuries and accidents. at the same time, according to
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physical data, many girls are inferior to guys, but they often overestimate their strength and, for the sake of a beautiful photo, climb where they are not even an experienced climber takes risks, and this happens unconsciously, this is a trend that is now called fashionable self-presentation, but was previously called empty-handedness, so in early april a young girl died in abkhazia, it is known that she went on...
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fortunately, the information was on time arrived as a rescuer, half an hour later a hovercraft arrived to pick up the homemade fashion models . it’s amazing how sometimes not only children, but even adults, take their own lives lightly. often false perceptions of the world around us are formed due to excessive parental care. moms, dads, all relatives in general, protect. a young man, a small person, from contact with some hypothetical danger, then it all falls on him unprepared, that is, he is not ready to meet the danger, the danger is impossible to assess, which is why some do not even know the basic things of the laws of physics, remove these gaps and preparing young people , at least theoretically, for the realities of life is simple: cook the same way as anyone prepares a specialist in extreme professions, nothing has happened to him yet. but the very fact that he
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can encounter this, and the very life safety in question, for example, as a school subject, it should now be aimed at developing more practical skills, not emasculated knowledge, but practical skills. technologies also do not stand still; very soon, instead of police transport security officers, they will track the suspects using artificial intelligence, 24x7. modular video analytics technology for... passenger platforms, it uses artificial intelligence technologies, in particular computer vision, including deep learning machine in the algorithmic part, and it was primarily intended to identify traumatic situations. the surveillance system paired with artificial intelligence is recognized not only to prevent attempts to climb onto the train, but all kinds of accidents. platform,
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to identify forgotten things and suspicious objects, but this is all in the wonderful, albeit near, but still future, it is important now convey to children that not a single modern technology will return a lost limb, much less life. but this is actually a very interesting question, who is who here and what the internet or school should teach parents. that's all for today, the human law was on the air. studio alexey pimanov, see you, as usual, on channel one on friday in the same studio.
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in the distance, ships are waiting, the hour when the native harbor will greet the class. first glance, the city of kronshtat, dearer to the heart than the whole world, after worries, long roads, the light of a lighthouse, the long-awaited shore, even if it is not easy, the life of a sailor, to the sea and the wind, love forever, even if not the face, the life of a sailor, to the sea and the wind, strong. and love is slandered to the sea, the great night surf splashes, the maples fell asleep in petrovsky park, the city fell silent and the alarming seagulls fell silent until the morning
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, time calls for a new campaign, which means the time has come. to say goodbye, even if it is not easy, the life of a sailor, to the sea and the wind, love for centuries, even if it is not easy, the life of a sailor, to the sea and wind, love for the wind and sea forever, time calls for a new campaign, so the time has come. saying goodbye, let it not be easy, the life of a sailor, for the sea and the wind, love forever, let it not be easy, the life of a sailor, for the sea and the wind, for the wind and the sea,
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love forever, for the sea and the wind, love for the wind and the sea. good evening, hello, dear ladies and gentlemen, friday, the capital show field of miracles is on air, there are significant dates, there are significant numbers, there are significant names on the map of our country, it’s 320 years to ronshtat, that ’s why we have gathered here today, to applause auditorium, i invite the first three players to the studio, the first three in studio! so, behind the drum is a field of miracles in the first three dmitry sergeevich ilyin, the city of kronshtad, natalya viktorovna anderson, the city of kronstad and igor aleksanich aviryanov, the city
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of kranshtad, well, happy holiday, happy holiday, happy holiday, guys, according to the good old tradition, allow it. this is for you, thank you, yes, it means, as you understand, since the matter is connected with such a city, everything today will be devoted to navigation, shipping, everything connected with it. here is the task for the first round. since the 11th century, the northern slavs went to fishing voyage on a sailing and mushroom vessel with two or three matches, you should know this. its body was ovoid. shape, so the ice could not crush it, what was the name of such a ship, 350 points, letter k. i knew i had to start reading from a beautiful woman, i knew, well, what are you doing in
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the legendary sea city? hello, lionit arkadyevich, i am doing the most wonderful thing in the world. i am raising children in kindergarten. and i was born. a large teaching family this year , our family’s total teaching experience is 180 years, first of all, i want to congratulate you. i love everyone, kisses, and of course, my pedagogical, professional family, i
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work in the best kindergarten in kronstatt, kindergarten number 13, girls, lyudmila petrovna, hugs to you all, kisses, 450 points on the drum, any letter, letter o , ah, excuse me, for god’s sake, it’s just, well, she made a mistake, it’s not scary, come here, come on, run, run. come here, hangnail, come on, get angry, come on, what's your name? danya, let's get used to the fact that you are not danya at all, you are an adult, your name is daniel, that's right, dad the name of? igorich, igorevich, igor, apparently yes, that means you are daniil igorevich, right? yes, very nice. please tell me,
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do you know your mother, yes, yeah, tell me what you can do, for example, can you sing, i came now to tell you to rejoice, hello everyone, i really want to convey, green crusta. i want to get married, let's go, let's go, let's go, and you ask what you do in the glorious city, i represent the city hospital of the city of kronshtat, by specialty i am a surgeon, and now please tell me, he doesn’t know.
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if you love your wife, then you don’t approach the woman you love that is separate, thank you very much, 1.0 points on the reel, letter, letter a, open, dad, mom, big greetings to you from the field of miracles, granny, i love you very much i love you, hello to altai, beloved mother-in-law. to the father-in-law of vladimir sergeevich and tamara pavlovna, come and visit us, and of course,
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big greetings to all kronstatt residents, as well as to the staff of my beloved hospital, happy holiday, friends, health to you all, prize sector on the drum, prize, sure, sure, prize to the studio, a gift to the studio, studio, from the staff of our hospital, the holy righteous john of kronstatt, allow me to give this naval ship clock, well , as they say, according to the good old maritime tradition, when the ship was lowered, they broke it, sprinkled it with wine, i suggest you open it to your health. your decision, the prize, i’m not going
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to bargain with you, but i want you, as per tradition, to leave here in a good mood, maybe you need something, buy something for your son, your wife is sitting, leonid arkaevich, that’s it we'll earn what we need let's buy it ourselves, ask your wife, she knows better, come on, darling, what and she says 100 rubles. no, no, i’m serious, listen, maybe i’ll give you 50,000, you can buy him something, after all, 100,000 is money, but no, a prize, a prize, i offered you 1000. they refused, that’s right, that’s right, this is your husband and you think he is right? danechka, don’t fall, what does the audience decide? a prize, of course, otherwise he would now share the money, i offered, you refused, a prize for the studio, who is
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the ship's electrician, wife, children, wife, yes, everything is fine at home, children, yes, everyone is alive, everyone is alive, great, come on, come on, hello everyone, beloved mother-in-law, beloved mother, granny, 750 points, letter u, uh, still talk to a woman, she, she has a different brain, she will immediately understand what the conversation is about , gifts to the studio, come on, oh, these are not all the gifts, according to our tradition, we have something tasty in the hall, so for the children, and a wonderful support group came with me, my colleagues and a graduate of our kindergarten, he is now very mature, first grader, with his wonderful family, they cooked, we together we prepared a musical gift for you, envy! with the depths of the sea
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, an island rose above the water in a difficult time, god sent him to russia, that he was the first to meet the enemy, strong people live here, hearts are burned here in sorosia, the cranshtat is a pier for warriors. tsar peter gave it a name, kranshtat, a fortress city, a piece of st. petersburg land, granshtat, a fortress city, the first to greet ships, kronshtat, kronshtat, a city, a fortress, a forward pass for friend and enemy,
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kronshtat, kronshtat. the fortress guards the shores of russia, friends meet enemies, guardian russian shores, storms and fog meet, our island is like a talisman. honor is not an empty word here, heroes are not to be cherished here, kranshtat is a pier for warriors, tsar peter gave it a name, kranshtat, a fortress city, a piece of st. petersburg land, kranshtat, a fortress city,
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is greeted first. koravli. kranshtat, kronshtat, city, fortress. parpas for friend and foe. granstat, granstad, city, fortress. keeps the russian coast. keeps the russian coast. come here. sector plus on the reel, which letter should you open, the first one, open the first letter, in those years the word icebreaker was not existed, but nevertheless they went to the northern seas, 600 points on the reel, the letter is e, i
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actually told you all this, because the letter is not here, gifts, can you give, as gifts? what kind of question is this? gifts for the studio? well, how is this, what kind of question is this, can i give gifts? i’ll say it’s impossible, but what will you do? are you bringing it back? what is this? are these diving boots? why did you bring this? how can you drown me? no, no, under no circumstances. come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on .
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great, i'm up to you, one might say, i reached it, the prize sector on the drum, prize, prize, well, you are a reasonable person, you understand that a shell does not fall in the same place twice, well, maybe you understand, it’s another matter for me not to move, i won’t be able to not check anything, now i there’s an increase in this place, a prize for the studio, what’s a prize and what’s so, something somehow, somehow not very confident, confident, forgive me, may i ask, but if it’s not a secret, at least give me a hint, what is your salary, but i understand, it’s a military secret, no, i’m not, otherwise wait a second, i’ll come closer to this thing, there’s a wife, of course, there are children, of course, three. three, three children and you are my wife, but why the hell do you need this, well, suddenly, well, okay, let’s say, if you have three children , 20,000 per child, you will go for the holiday,
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60,000, no, a prize, but 60,000 is not enough, okay, but 100,000, and 150, i don’t understand anything, who lives in kronshtat, guys, now people from all over the country rushed to the crisis, they don’t need 150,000. this is for someone’s wife, this is for his wife, what’s the wife’s name? nastasia, nastasya, what’s her middle name, i can’t do this, victor, stop, stop, stop, stop, i screwed up, yes, i still screwed up, anastasia andreevna, anastasia andreevna, it means that all the people have heard that, like a loving husband, he gives you a gas generator. tell your wife a big hello from us, i’ll tell you, bring it, you have three
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effective moves, for the sake of such a holiday, 320 years of kronstadt, don’t leave us without a penalty taker, i beg you, three laps, in three laps you will have to tell us this word , yeah, here's confirmation, a thousand points on the reel, letter n, open, ah, how people are rooting for you, i've never heard that, 350 points, letter and open, again 350 points, letter sha, what, well sha, open, three, oh wait, three correctly guessed letters give you the right to two.
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once again, even before the advent of the icebreaker fleet , that means before, that means when? when a long time ago, well, a long time ago, i understand this, when we were not yet with you, this means, it means, this is a long time ago, as we were before, early word, and before us is the first finalist, capital show field chunes, from our program, from the first channel, gifts for the first three players to the studio, and for the rest these mugs as souvenirs, a choreographic ensemble with a naval dance.
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kronshtat is the best city in the world, today is a real holiday, leonit arkadyevich is the best presenter on earth. i will hit carefully, but hard. how did kazadoev end the debate with lyolik? absolutely right.
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gin сnop a product of the stellar group, montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group, rom castro, a product of the stellar group, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the steller group, permafrost, snow, we are in...
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on sunday on the first. shchiro i’m visiting you at the cultural capital of belarus, vitebsk. how old is this city? in 2024 we celebrate 1.050th anniversary anniversary. vitebsk entered the history of world art together with marc chagall. this is the house in which she actually lived. the family moved to this house when the boy was 7 years old. oh, i can already smell the aromas of the oven for you. let's try to prepare the dish with which
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my mother always greeted guests. standing still and 5-6, i'm ready to start preparing my culinary masterpiece, and i'm ready, then let's go, premiere, cooks on wheels, on sunday on the first, believe me, you don't know what expensive real estate is until you come to hong kong , this is my whole apartment, it’s less than 10 square meters, welcome to the kitchen, now you see it in... all of you studied in order to be a feng sh master or they don’t teach this in universities, this is ancient knowledge, you’ve probably noticed in chinese buildings just have big holes in the center, is this so that the house does not interfere with the dragon flying past, and are you playing for money or just for fun? what are you saying, the chinese never play for fun, it’s not interesting, the lives of others, premiere,
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sunday on the first, men, what can they do what do these flowers mean? you think the maniac from the neighboring area has moved in with us, so i’ll take another woman to the department, so that you’re not the only one who’s making money. i caught maniacs, a woman, under no circumstances, ask for cameras, you’d better check not the cameras, but her genetic code, what are you doing here, what are you doing here, if anything happens to nika, calm down, colonel, bloodhound, new episodes, from monday on the first, but they say chocolate makes a person happier, they are lying,
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the studio, the kranstatt palace of culture, which i today i’m presenting here, with great pleasure, but first, after all, gifts in i do not dare to reveal the secret of this gift, open it, i work in the field of culture, only you can remove your own head. according to the naval tradition, yes according to the naval tradition, this is the same content, of course, and you are from kranstatt, yes, well, here, everything
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is grown-up, everything is grown-up, for 320 years, this is a huge date, if there is any anywhere in the world. we came out of the rock, rolled towards sunset, good luck, a day later it was stormy and immersed in fog horizon, but everyone has words in their hearts,
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the marimans do not cry, and the sea soul with the ocean sounds in unison. even the wind sings, the moriku did not stop despondent, the horse power of diesel engines is going crazy nearby, no matter what seas and oceans we are chatted in, we will return from the trip more reliable, more faithful and kinder. the sea soul cannot do otherwise, simple words mean a lot to it, the earth wished for us, seven feet
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of popquilem, we walked endless miles together. now we’ve come out of rock, nothing in this world lasts forever, it’s time to return, observing the harsh law, because the soul of the sea is, first of all, people at home believe and expect that separation will fly by like a dream. the sea soul cannot do otherwise, simple words mean a lot to her,
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the earth wished us seven feet under the keel, we walked endless miles together. ay, bravo! fate, fate, let bread on water return with butter, prize sector on the reel, you can agree, you can refuse, 2.0 points, we play further, further, 2.0 points, i knew who to talk to, evgenia yurievna, hello, leonit arkadievich , hello, my dear, well, i came just like all the participants. beautiful city kronstat. my
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loved ones, my family, my husband and my sons came to support me. my daughter stayed at home because she is still small. wait a minute, excuse me, who are these sons? if you're younger, come here. it's mom, look, there's a mess here. here, look, take it! and remember, a mother without flowers, never to appear anywhere, they are afraid, man, and you ask, what are you doing in koronshtat, who are you? i work in the centralized accounting department, the administration of the karoshtad district. i count money, millions, well, not my own, of course, from budgetary institutions. 500 glasses on the drum, letter, letter a. somehow it didn’t reach you, and now, now it has reached,
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hey, sailor, come here, come here, introduce yourself, dmitry denisovich, on your orders, has arrived, very nice, dmitry denisovich, tell me, who is this personable man standing next to you, this is who, my dad, what he does, what he does, he works, i understand who he is, and an electrical engineer. drink tea, what are you doing? i go to the garden, what are you doing there, singing songs? i am a poem, i live in karanshtat, and i am proud of this, sea, sun, air, migo will dispel the sadness, our beautiful city, little hero, there is love and strength in it, my seaside town, i’ll get up early and go for a walk, the beauty of the ranshtat fat in the puddles on... 450 points
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on the reel letter m forward, i ask you to remember the task, a lofty boat with a high side, you have said everything, if you imagine this boat, i imagine, i present greetings to family and loved ones, precious people from this beautiful field of miracles. i convey greetings to the honorary residents of our native kronshtat, emma grigorievna lyoshina and , of course, nina mikhailovna ivanova, everyone to the honorary residents of the city, to all kronstatt residents, of course, to my mother, my beloved, wonderful mother-in-law, my wife, my daughters, my grandchildren, i adore everyone. once again i suggest you remember
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the task, a thousand, apparently, points on the reel, letter: you are the director of the club, who is just the head of the club formation, excuse me, for god’s sake, but of course, with great pleasure, to once again remind you of us, so little president, i literally take it straight from my heart, this is for you to remember. leonid arkadyevich, about us always, well, okay, you are an employee of the palace of culture, it suits you perfectly, the letter z, come on, my dear, my dear loved ones, mommy, daddy, i love you very much, most importantly, be healthy and take care of yourself, i also convey, of course, hello to my family, loved ones, sister, brother, my work colleagues, girls, hello to you, big, huge, and i also want, of course, to thank... the head of our city of kranstat, for ensuring that everyone was here on
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the transfer field miracles to say a huge thank you for the fact that with your arrival our city blossoms, becomes the center of attraction. kronshtat is love. thank you very much. prize sector on the reel. i continue to play. 2,000 points. letter b. open the letter b. gifts for the studio. oh, these are sweets, help yourself to your health, 600 points on the reel, letter r. open.
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450 points on the barovan letter t open three
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correctly guessed letters give you the right to two boxes two boxes in the studio. but what kind of applause, there is a minus, and here is a plus, you can open any letter in this word, which one? sixth, such a boat, flat-bottomed, with high sides, 350 points on the reel, letter, letter s, my dear, help out gifts to the studio, wonderful. compotes produced by kronshtatsky himself, and this is a separate gift from your fan, dmitry grigorievich malin, i understand, 800 points on the reel, letter h, open, well, my friend,
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where are you looking, on the scoreboard, what else can you see on the scoreboard, 450. letter p which peter side will you spin the drum or name the word, can you still spin it, please, let it be, well, it’s okay, a boat with sides 600 points, letter, well, i’ll assume that the letter n, open the word, bortnichek and before us is the second finalist capital of his field taurus from our program from the first channel gifts, the second three players to the studio, incredible, but i’m in the finals, a miracle, maybe just luck, whatever
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you want to call it, but this is how it is. it was at this point that we began to negotiate with representatives of azovstal.
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product of the stellar group whiskey mancacher product of the stellar group gin сnop product of the stellar group montechoca cognac product of the stellar group rom castro product of the steller group. at our table famous and beloved artists have gathered to tell funny stories and oddities that happened to them. forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase, don’t worry, it’s not
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like that, it’s already new, it’s only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, i need to play the uterus, i think it will be some kind of piece dedicated to honey, i’m coming, it means the next day in the remains of the whole make-up suit, one of the women brings me such a large velvet circle, it has two such things hanging from the sides, and even though it’s unusual... herman, bending over, with a fork in his hands, approaches nina at that very moment, ruslanova sticks this fork in her ass, she does it, but it sounds , stop, it’s filmed, ruslanova just rubs it, she says, i didn’t know that this is how directors work with actors, and how much did a soviet tell me a long time ago. the tiger circus also grabbed my father, he quietly tells them: and skolt, now take a stick and hit the head with all your might, and
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now the tiger, tomorrow after the program time. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games. on sunday on the first. and again on air the capital show field of miracles, 320 years to ranshtat. with happy holiday, third three. denis sergeevich panov. lyudmila nikolaevna struts. artyom igorevich sebastyanov.
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and the museum of the history of kronstatt, an exhibition of underwater archeology, in kranstatt anticipate the question, there were no pirates, but about 250 years before pyotr alekseevich kicked the swedish bowler hat, which is on our coat of arms, with his imperial butfort, the kortsars lived there, they were called the vitalian brotherhood, pirates are all the guys who take all sorts of nice things, and i will give them away, literally tear them off, shedding tears from myself.
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exact copies here you have a cup and saucer , a pair of teas, italian motifs, an exclusive piece, each of them has its own individual number, your number is twenty- third, no one else has this anywhere, sweets, tea - this is a trophy, i will ask you to distribute it among viewers, i was asked here regarding greetings, which i am authorized to convey to the addressee: verbally via television, greetings from knowledgeable persons to vasily ponedelka, who led kranstat in the past years, and also to congratulate
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him on his birthday. prize sector on the reel, well, what should we do, let’s put it this way, and when we were getting ready for the game, the whole team promised each other that we would play until the end and not take the prize, but we are adults, if you offer a good price, i promise to think, you first choose, you want a prize, he will bring out a prize, then we will talk, well, give a prize, a prize to the studio. sorry, i forgot to ask, but you are a married man, yes, children, yes, you refuse this, i’m asking why god will allow me to see your happy face after i give you the money, because what’s here, i don’t know whether it was a smile or anger, let me give you 50 thousand right away and we won’t
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talk about anything, but listen, holiday, 320 years. for 50,000 it can be said that we seemed to be talking about i had some kind of misunderstanding about what, what were we talking about, about a good price, and you are asking as a museum worker, i will now ask you to voice how much you get? yes, yes , well, okay, i offered you 70,000, you refused, yes, exactly, yes, that is, in this way i can assume that you are from 80 you'll refuse, won't you? i guess, i don’t know, you are a very perspicacious person, i refuse, i refuse, no, i can’t afford for you to leave here on this holiday with this, i’ll give you, let’s do this for 10 seconds, think about it, i offered you 80,000 rub. but it seemed to me that the number 100 or 80 sounded, it inspired you, but our weather today
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is just bad, it’s blowing, the acoustics are lucky, it’s blowing, let’s have some nappers, what are you doing? they said what inspired you, 180, i thought this was somehow more interesting, no, you got seasick, okay, in fact, it might get awkward, i’m offering you 100,000, we’re not opening this box, i can’t destroy these hopeful eyes, i understand, come on, listen, it’s still a game, you didn’t have anything like that, but nevertheless i i really really want to.
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you have time to think while she’s walking with the money, she’s walking so slowly on purpose, so what, yes, exactly, he took it. a very expensive bear, well, if you ’re happy, we’ll keep it, thank you, well, lyudmila nikolaevna, tell me what you do, i’m retired now, i am engaged, i worked as an accountant, 850
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points, letter, open letter a, 1 2 3 350 points letter k, open, i am retired and am now engaged in gardening, flowers and a vegetable garden, and i would like to present to you my preparations, including pies, sector prize on the drum, decision i'll play, you
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refuse the prize, i take this opportunity to say hello to my sisters, my mother, my father, grandmother, grandfather, because not every day you will see me on the field of miracles, on channel one, listen, my friend , how old are you? i’m 19. how did it happen that you chose profession of a cook? i really love to eat, my favorite dish, this is what you do best, i’m just wondering, in fact , my favorite dish is pilaf, yeah, but pilaf is not easy, i cook it in the oven, okay, oh, the prize sector is for drum, yes, but for me it’s really not a surprise, for the last two or three minutes i ’ve been turning my gaze there like that. decision, come on, before i make my decision, come on, i want to say, gifts for the studio, one of the gifts there is
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smelt, wait, i fried the smelt myself, of course, how long did it take to cook, about two hours, bravo, guy, bravo, thank you, i’m afraid to ask, you ’re probably not married yet, not married, have a girlfriend, that would make you happy. i’m still a sophomore, i have a scholarship, of course, but i would like to, but how many people are in your group? 17, 17 people, 50,000 for 17, this can famously celebrate the 320th anniversary of the city
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of kronshtat, you mean this, of course, okay, then here’s your choice, either you take 50,000, or i open this box, a prize, but for me in the hall they say a prize, since in the hall they tell me a prize. you have a scholarship of 20 thousand, probably less, sorry, yes, no, no, no, no, i didn’t want to, i didn’t want to because i was sick, in no case, that means you refused 50,000, that’s right, since they tell me the prize, then i take the money, because there may be a second bear cub there, a shell, as you know, does not fall in the same place twice, but nevertheless, oh, that’s what they tell me. take the prize, let's look in the box, don't tell me anything, and i just count based on your emotions, god, please, i think it will be right,
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i personally like it, you personally like it i like it, but that doesn’t mean that someone else will like it, you know, i have rather strange preferences, yes, come on, i ’ll now say hello to my marine technical academy, say goodbye to them. since everyone insists, i didn’t insist, i didn’t persuade, yes, exactly, you were a witness, of course, downright leisurely, oh. but i’m not supposed to be in shape, i can only taste a cucumber, are you happy, why don’t i see joy in your eyes, honestly no, a cry of happiness, a cry of happiness, now your
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classmates are happy for you, applauding, they shout, well done for not taking the money, thank god, we were left without everything, yes, i ’m very worried about them, it’s just, you know, i want to tell you one thing, the only thing that moves towards the goal... is that motivation, translate into russian, money, the most important thing in life is faith, this is faith, keys, and...
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he is the people's car, trustworthy for more than a million motorists, has been tested by the russian climate and the road, lada granta keeps its word! three minutes earlier i said that according to the regulations it is not allowed, return it, hi, mom, hi, mom, julia, hello, anastasia's girlfriend, hello to her mom, hello to my mom, again, dad, why. grandma, larisa, grandfather sasha,
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hello everyone, i forgot the head of the school, the head of the school and everyone khurs nikitin, nikitin viktor anatolyevich, hello, so, i, i, honestly, there are no words, i am the commander of the navy, hello, viva , vivat, you have three effective moves, understandable. you will have to tell me the name of what i asked you about, otherwise we will be left without one finalist, spin the drum, and you can join me the dance group came to present, the dance group is a jerk.
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450 points on the reel, no, spin the reel, this is the first move, two more moves, task, what was the name of the big boat in the old days , a thousand points on the reel, letter s, no, you know this word, healthy, so, so healthy, the marking floats, you can do it against it, the plus sector on the reel, which letter should you open, which one, open which one, penultimate, penultimate, and that’s right, look, well, i have one variant , boar. like a wild boar, you know this word,
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that’s the whole question, you left us without a finalist, this thing is called kolobukha, we were left without one finalist, it’s not scary, it happens from the capital show field of miracles, from channel one, gifts from the third three players to the studio, yes, and applause auditorium. we are in a unique place, clearly in the middle, between the north pole and the equator, friends, we are in stavropolis, you squat a little, yeah, like in boxing, from the shoulder, from the shoulder, so, guys, kick, indica, natural homemade, please, i have the most delicious, this is duck with garlic baked in the oven. my head is spinning, the
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longer you stand, the worse it gets, i need to jump, i ’m very scared, let’s go, the premiere, tomorrow is the first one, my lemons, you are my lemons, all this energy, the positive that you infect us with, but it’s just a ray of happiness ...
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a couple, yes, but there were also failures, all failures, by the way, are associated with one character. pakodi yaich, do you know each other? yes, we met several times at events. you scared me. what's so? isn't that what you expected to see? trust me, dinner doesn't oblige you to anything. i don't know. sash, well it's great to start all over again. let's try. please go. i want to take a walk alone, well, we all have an appointment to stay in our places, the police, and why is this, i really liked your couple, we’re actually not a couple, just like we’re not a couple, i didn’t believe it myself, but it’s him , this can’t be,
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solve the problem, bloodhound, new series, starting monday on the first. the finale, well, it’s true, is a little shortened, here’s the task for the final round. in some countries there is such a belief that a girl will marry a sailor if she sees whom on valentine's day? incredibly famous word, incredibly famous song, 550 points, letter o. i can't stop myself from. so as not to shout loudly, open it, i’m just torn, this chant is just torn from my soul, 750 points, letter, letter n, open, i see a guy, it doesn’t work,
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this, it doesn’t work, i just saw this and immediately, oh, that’s it , i agree, 350 points, well, the letter and, open, well, i said 450 points and open 450 points the letter c. from vizun, from vizun, how will it go, i don’t know the words, as i would like,
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a thousand points, well, say something, 1.0 points, letter, letter l, open, well... 450 points in open, well, of course everyone knows, but i have no idea, spin the reel, robin, and we have a winner! come on, you scored 4,400 points, choose what you want with your honestly earned points on this holiday, oh, it’s just a little bit short of the top, who would
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add, well, who do you think would add, i now i’ll look for a large set of household appliances to the studio, and how will i carry it all, oh, this, this is very necessary, this is my beloved, it was not in vain that you sent me, look, the little one, yeah, yeah, no, no, and i adore you, but no, and i actually didn’t ask you anything, i already know that yes, it would have happened if you hadn’t said no, we have a winner. huge! the 320th anniversary of kronshtat is actually the pride of the country in which we live. i
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ask everyone who gave us the honor of being here today in this studio for the field of miracles program to come out here to the studio. studio! a pre-dawn fog froze over the bay.
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the cathedral stretches its wing towards the sun, the city has wrapped its shoulders in metropolitan attire, wake up it's time... good morning kronshtat, let the years fly, wherever i am, in my heart forever, my youth, you are my soul, you are my destiny, i love you, kronshtat, i love you. you have a crown, i love you.
9:00 pm
hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. word from the president, vladimir putin about the battles near kharkov for life in belgorod. they are shooting right in the center of the city. quarter and i said publicly that if this happens...


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