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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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you, kronshtat, i love you. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the president's word, vladimir putin, about the battles near kharkov for life in belgorod, they are shooting right in the city center, in residential areas. and
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i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so we are doing this, and as for kharkov, there are no such plans today, about the tasks at the front, beijing’s position on ukraine about the deceitfulness of kiev and the west, they wanted to get an advantage on the battlefield, to achieve a strategic position, it didn’t work out, well, here you go , here are our conditions, damn it. or what to do with this? now some formulas are based on what? based on wishes, and not on the real situation, well, this is impossible to discuss. russian leader in china. results of the state visit: more than neighbors. we have a huge common border, and no one will interfere here, not with sanctions against the tanker fleet, not even with sanctions against. financial institutions in national
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currencies we will buy and sell everything. exhibition of current achievements and projects of new horizons. we have many good promising areas of cooperation, including, say, deep space exploration, lunar exploration, and here we have joint plans with our chinese friends. driving change, the possibilities for which are endless. according to a single plan: strikes on the enemy’s military rear, burned. the equipment is more and more ukrainian prisoners. 7 days summary. quantum leap. what is needed for the domestic it industry, and where and when is artificial intelligence ready to displace humans. recognized from the first notes. concert of the joint orchestra of the mariinsky and bolshoi. a highlight of the moscow easter festival. so, the main announcement today is from china. to sum it up.
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during his state visit, vladimir putin told russian journalists about the partnership between russia and china in a multipolar world, about the harm that the west has caused to itself with sanctions against us. about the realities of the front, which kiev and its curators would like to ignore, but it doesn’t work out. anton vernitsky has details. results of the state visit, which lasted 2 day vladimir putin let down at harbin polytechnic university, which is symbolic, more than 100 years ago, one of the leading universities in china was founded by russians, now has. extensive ties with russia, a visible confirmation of mutually beneficial cooperation, best characterized by the chinese proverb: if you go alone, you go fast, if you go together, you go far, while it is clear that this visit went far beyond the scope of our bilateral relations, because from the position of russia and china largely determines the future of a rapidly changing world, what it is now taking shape before our eyes, and the world is becoming multipolar, there are no... solutions in the world on all issues,
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understanding this, and i think they are great, but i don’t think so, i know, they understand this perfectly well, so that, understanding this, they do everything that depends on them in this case, so that this process is natural, peaceful, and conflict-free. so that the opinions of all participants in the international process are taken into account in full and that we all look for compromises on rather complex decisions, before which, before which all we stand, we are set up for this, we are set up for exactly this kind of work, i have repeatedly said, and the chairman of the state people's republic has emphasized this, our interaction, our cooperation, our strategic partnership, with china, russia and china, is not
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directed against anyone whatever it was, it is aimed at one thing: creating better conditions for the development of our countries and improving the well-being of the people of china and russia. according to vladimir putin, during negotiations with sidzinping, including during informal one-on-one conversations, there were without discussing the topic of resolving the ukrainian crisis, especially since the head of china just a week ago returned from a trip to europe, where he met with samoel macron, who had just announced the possibility of sending french troops to ukraine, serbian leader aleksandar vucic, viktor orban, whom the american press wrote that after meeting with xi, hungary entered the circle of friends of china, as well as with the head of the european commission, ursula. chairman koener outlined to me the main points of what was discussed during his recent trip to europe, stated his position related to chinese peace initiatives, we have already said several times, we believe that china sincerely
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strives to resolve this problem, offers various options, behaves very flexibly, in my opinion, sincerely strives to resolve this problem. we discussed this in quite some detail, as for our counter-partners, so to speak, in this case, this concerns the ukrainian leadership and its overseas, primarily european, masters, well, we talked about this many times when our troops melted away near kiev, we were told by our western partners that we cannot sign documents.
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gather as many countries as possible, as many countries as possible, then declare that it has been agreed upon with everyone, and then present it to russia, this is like an already resolved issue, like an ultimatum, such a development of events will not happen, please tell me, under what conditions everything- still, you could take part, so to speak, in a peace conference on ukraine, in switzerland, if, of course, such an offer suddenly came to you, politics does not tolerate it. subjunctive moods, they don’t invite us, moreover, they say that they don’t see us there, well, what are we talking about, we’re not going to discuss from the center of the field something that we don’t know, some formulas are based on what, on wishful thinking, and not based on the real situation,
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well, this is impossible to discuss, now they see that it is not working, until the last minute it may work out, but it is not possible to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, they see it.
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for everything, the constitutional court and in general itself - i would even say that the political system of ukraine itself, but for us this is of course matters, because if... it comes to the point of signing some documents, of course, we must sign documents in such fateful areas with legitimate authorities, this is an obvious fact, but i repeat once again, this question must be answered by the political and the legal legal system of ukraine itself. yesterday zelensky visited kharkov, held a headquarters meeting there, at the same time we are having active battles near kharkov, they are trying to achieve it.
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of what is happening, all today's authorities in kiev, the source of their origin have a coup d'etat, first, second, by allowing a coup d'etat, and western sponsors, facilitating it, organizing it, created the conditions for the transition of a smoldering conflict into an armed conflict, this... they are to blame for this, as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, this
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is also their fault, because they fired and continue, unfortunately, to shell residential areas of the border territories, including belgorod, well, civilians are dying there, it’s still obvious that they are shooting right in the center of the city, in residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create sanitary safety zones. the so-called olympic truce: the games in paris, where access to russian athletes is actually closed, should begin on july 26. in your opinion, is such an olympic truce possible now or is this just another...
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the principles of the olympic charter, by not allowing our athletes to compete at the olympic games with their own banner, with their own flag, are being violated against us, but they want us, in turn, to fulfill those rules that they dictate to us, this doesn’t occur to anyone , does this correspond to some elementary norms of justice, in order to demand or expect something from others, we ourselves need to follow these rules. there was a question about new appointments in the government, and first of all, it was about the new minister of defense, andrei belousov, together with sergei shaigu, the appointed secretary of the security council, responsible for military-technical cooperation and the work of military-industrial complex enterprises, which he has often visited recently, they both participated in negotiations with the chinese side, including informal ones. meetings of the russian president with the president of the people's republic of china. according to putin, the appointment of economist belousov to this position is related to
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defense spending. now they are 6.7% of gdp. for us today, taking into account the state of the economy, macroeconomic indicators of the economy, budget revenue forecasts, defense and security spending, even together, 80 small percent is uncritical, absolutely normal. moreover. some experts believe that it would be possible to add even more there; in this sense, he is, of course, capable of coordinating the activities of the ministry of defense with all ministries and departments of the country and the regions. the second thing he will have to do is he must open the ministry of defense to constructive work with scientific, uh, research centers, he must open the ministry of defense to innovation. if you noticed, i supported it. the idea of ​​making denis valentinovich manturov first deputy in the government precisely because
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that we want to concentrate administrative resources on achieving the main task that the country faces today: achieving the results we need as part of a special military operation. they asked the president about us sanctions against china for its close ties with russia. by the way, harbin university, where putin spoke with journalists, is also under american sanctions for participating in developments for the chinese army. well, sanctions, well, of course, externally they look like sanctions, but to a certain extent they are already like that elements of economic warfare. this is not the first time they have been used, and by the way, politics, the nature of relations between russia and china, the situation in ukraine, i assure you, has nothing to do with this, it is terrible stupidity, there are disadvantages for us in that we are forced to look for other opportunities, but there are advantages, because this is a situation in which one country
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dictates its will to the rest of the world, including in the political sphere, using financial... the power of siberia 2, when construction begins this year, next year, we have a huge common border, and no one will interfere here, not sanctions against the tanker fleet, not sanctions against even financial
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institutions, we will buy and sell everything in national currencies, so there is interest on both sides. which vladimir putin spoke, there is something to add: the presidents of brazil and the south african republic, lula dasilova and cyrille romaphosa, refused to participate. about 160 states have been invited to the conference, which will be held in a month near the city of lucerne. only responded positively 50, overwhelmingly european. the world of switzerland openly laments the lack of representation of the global south.
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russia’s position, as you saw, was confirmed in china, which in turn did not register at the events. the president of switzerland said this. beijing considers any conversations on ukraine that do not involve russia to have no prospects. our country appreciates this balanced position. and even today in the council of europe, hungary blocked a resolution recognizing only one peace plan, the one called the formula zelensky, who legally prohibited, let me remind myself, any negotiations with russia. and about what is happening at the front. 12 settlements were liberated in a week in kharkov. region, the ministry of defense reported 28 long-range group strikes on the ukrainian military infrastructure, adding today to the ammunition depot in odessa in kharkov, the main workshop of military equipment. alexey ivanov, more details. detection, report, shot, the missile flies towards the target, this is what
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it looked like from a distance. i went, i went, i went, i eat, and that’s it.
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another package of western assistance; in the past 24 hours alone, according to the ministry of defense, our air defense crews shot down 123 attack drones in the crimea and krasnodar territory. these images show a successful night hunt by sailors and pilots of the black sea fleet for surface drones. our patrol boats and helicopters destroyed all targets right in the water area. the operational report for the week indicates that russian aviation and missile forces successfully hit seven aircraft. with more than thirty missiles, this is predominantly american, as well as point u. the same package also contained shells for haimars launchers. as a result, since last saturday, air defense divisions have shot down almost 200 haimarc missiles.
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advancement into the depths of the enemy's defense. they defeated the manpower and equipment of five brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, four brigades of military defense and the fifteenth border detachment of ukraine. enemy losses amounted to 1,175 military personnel. as a result , this direction had the most prisoners in a week, almost 50 people voluntarily surrendered to the fighters of the north group. operations said they asked, they said, a seal, there will be help, then they said what kind of help. there will be 12 days in position, then we were attacked and we surrendered, i didn’t even understand what was happening, i also got hit by shrapnel, i had a grenade in front of me, i
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thought about exploding, but then i thought that life was better, these are the leaflets from the group’s drone operators the center is dropped from copters into an enemy trench in the avdeevka direction, in two languages, russian and ukrainian, instructions on how militants can save their lives, four points that only on one sector of the front was it executed exactly. at least eight people, prisoners are already giving detailed testimony about the composition of the units, their location and stock of weapons. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, alexander napalkov, ilya podkidyshev, natalya moshtakova, sergey prokofiev, channel one, donbass. and again the need for a sanitary zone with border areas. from today's data, in the village of zernovo, bryansk region, a woman died as a result of shelling by ukrainian terrorists. and in belgorodskaya a mother and child died, passengers of the car in which they were traveling. together with the head of the family. the militant pointed a kamikaze drone at the car. before the broadcast , the ministry of defense reported that an enemy reconnaissance drone and
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an operational-tactical missile were shot down over the bryansk and belgorod regions, respectively. and again in the belgorod region, a civilian was killed and another was injured in an enemy drone attack. governor vyacheslav glodkov just said this. voenkorb of the first channel dmitry kulko and the popular front are opening a training camp for fighters. second guards the lugansk-north donetsk corps, which is fighting for hours, needs quadcopters, including those equipped with thermal imagers, to support the defenders, just enter the phone camera on the qr code on the screen and follow the link, all the information on the site is everything for victory, you can count any feasible amount. let's return to harbin polytechnic university, before speaking to russian journalists, vladimir putin talked with students and teachers of the university, which has close ties with our leading scientific centers. reportage oleg shishkin. in the museum of the polytechnic university in harbin, books are in russian
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. this educational institution was created at the beginning of the last century with the participation of russian specialists to train personnel for the chinese eastern railway. now it is one of the leading technical universities in the middle kingdom, with almost 60,000 students. at an exhibition of technical innovations , vladimir putin was shown an installation for... here , 15 generators and more than 100 sensors can perform work in an open environment instead of a person space. the russian president was also shown a model of the rover with the function of automatically unfurling a flag or flags. this technology is also supported, the organizers emphasized. we would very much like to jointly continue to develop this area so that in the future the chinese flag, together with the russian one , can be displayed on mars. harbin polytechnic university has close partnerships with
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russian universities, far eastern and pacific universities, moscow aviation institute and moscow state university. very soon another leading russian educational institution, st. cooperation in the field of science education. there is nowhere for an apple to fall in the university assembly hall. vladimir putin asked the organizers to give him the opportunity to choose which of the guys to give the floor to. sorry, please, maybe we will do it. democratically, there are a lot of students here, everyone raises their hands, i’ll just choose in a row, all this is all, i’m not the internet, i won’t answer every question you have, but...
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the details of what you do day and night, you’ll wake up thinking about it , go to bed, you will think about it, you will always find the necessary solutions, but in today’s world one circumstance is very important, which
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without any doubt creates...
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russia is successfully resisting western sanctions and is following the path of achieving technological sovereignty, our developments in the field of aircraft construction will also be useful when creating a joint russian-chinese airliner. just a few years ago we created an engine that aircraft, which had not previously produced for the previous, i think 20 years, maybe 25, are now making an even more powerful engine for wide-body aircraft, because if we... everything- we will do it in the end, but i would really like for us to jointly make a wide-body long-haul aircraft, just this one an engine would be useful there. at the initiative of the chinese side, our specialists are working together to create a heavy helicopter with a payload capacity of up to 15 tons, and current students will have the opportunity to take part in joint space programs. deep space exploration, lunar exploration. together with our friends and chinese
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specialists, we have certain plans.
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i don’t know, it happened this way, but in general it seems to me that i, like many people, like all people, lack a lot, i still... have to work on myself, uh, so, maybe maybe now i have answered your question, because when a person is critical of himself, believes that he still needs to do a lot and work a lot on himself, then, probably, he achieves success, i wish the same for you. vladimir putin was asked what chinese dishes he had the chance
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to try and what he liked the most? yesterday, my friend and chairman of the people's republic of china treated me to this kind of peking duck, i'll tell you honestly, there are two pieces of it there, i think i'll only eat one. piece, you know, yes, so, but i couldn’t resist, i ate the second one, you see, it was already painfully delicious. at the end of the meeting, the students presented vladimir putin with a photo album about the participation of soviet specialists in the construction of the university for their help in the mid-fifties of the last century. they are grateful and still consider this a manifestation of great friendship between our countries. first channel. china is the center of a province of the people's republic of china, bordering immediately on five russian regions. and also the site of the grandiose expo exhibition, and a place of general historical memory, maryana yatskevich will confirm. vladimir
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putin's program in harbin began with a ceremony at the monument to soviet soldiers who liberated northeast china from japanese invaders during the second world war. if you look closely, you will notice that the paint is completely fresh. the monument was restored by may 9. in china , they treat their historical heritage with care. vladimir putin spoke about this at the opening of the expo. we laid flowers at the memorial to soviet soldiers and officers. and i would like to express my deep gratitude to the residents of harbin. to the chinese authorities who keep the memory of our warrior-liberators , joint pages of military glory, and care for the common historical.
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have now already crossed the 200 mark, but more precisely, according to chinese statistics, 240 billion. and this is far from the limit, of course, the russian-chinese inextricable partnership directly contributes to the growth of the economies of both countries, reliably ensures energy security, stimulates the creation of new industries and high-paying jobs . our strategic alliance in the energy sector, which has become a carrier. the support of everything global the energy market, i am sure, will continue to strengthen. russia is ready and capable of uninterruptedly and reliably supplying the chinese economy, enterprises, cities, towns with environmentally friendly, affordable energy,
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light and heat. in harbin, the president and the russian delegation are accompanied by the deputy chairman of the akpr. vladimir putin looked around the pavilion with interest and matched the accent of the russian private equity fund. it was created on the initiative of the president of the russian federation and himself. an active partner of chinese business in russia. over 10 years, 50 projects worth 780 have been implemented billion rubles more than half of the investments go to industry and infrastructure. projects in the field of direct investment with the participation of rdif account for 60% of the total number of joint investment projects of russian companies with chinese partners. 600,000 new jobs were created . one of the landmark projects for the construction of the first ever railway bridge across the amur river between our countries. the movement opened 2 years ago and it was called. historical events. thanks to the bridge, the transport route was reduced by 700 km. maximum throughput capacity is 20 million tons of cargo per year. the bridge is unique; it simultaneously operates according to the railway standards of russia and china. cargo goes one by one from one country to another, but there are two rail stakes here:
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russian and chinese cars of different widths. the development of the so-called eastern transport hub is now a task of strategic importance for our country. not only russian, but all world trade is being reoriented to asian markets, and optimal logistics. very active interaction with china only during this visit, we announced five new projects with the people's republic of china: investments in a port for transshipment of liquefied hydrocarbon gases, two pharmaceutical projects, one for the release of our drugs on the chinese market, the other for the production of chinese drugs and localization on the russian market, an agreement with china's leading technology park and even a fund for joint investments in films. it is important that we invest together in infrastructure projects, because this gives both good profitability and the prerequisites for growth economies of both russia and china. here, at the innovation development expo site , joint russian-chinese projects in the field of machinery, metallurgy,
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logistics and other areas, for example, cooperation between russia and china in the field of peaceful nuclear energy, were called unprecedented by the head of rosatom. over the past 25 years, the total volume of our agreements is $23 billion, four blocks. are already working at the denvan station, and vladimir vladimirovich, you and the chairman in the twenty-first year launched the construction of four more. today our country is actively the stand is also increasing its food exports. in russia, goods that are now in great demand in china, from dairy products to chocolate, the russian export center helps in promotion, on one of the main tourist streets of harbin, there is a stir, there is also one of the pavilions with russian products, chinese buyers are trying milk and ice cream, we have opened a permanent pavilion of russian goods here in harbin, this is the second pavilion in china, and it will be held by our operator on an ongoing basis negotiations with other distributors in order to conclude new new... expert contracts nearby at the capital's stand
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, the director of the moscow zoo, svetlana akulova, told vladimir putin about the first giant panda cub born in russia, panda katyusha, who will leave for china when she turns 4 years old . dozens of russian and chinese pavilions are adjacent to each other. here, for example, you can find out everything about winter tourism in harbin, here you can try the delicacies of russian regions. for example, the primorye delegation brought honey, there is also unique handmade strippang chocolate. liznev notes that such exotic products are very healthy, this is well known in china, where traditional medicine is valued. how do the chinese feel about this kind of chocolate, but they really love things like this, but they ask me all the time: make us tripang wine, make us tripang vodka, make us tripang product. and these butterfly drones, developed by scientists from russia and china, are the result of many years of cooperation between two universities, lomonosov moscow state university and beijing polytechnic university. the peculiarity is that here. these parts of the blade and the actual supporting
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structures themselves, they fold inward, these parts are assembled, that is, this is a fairly compact tube that the operator, when it is necessary to launch it, throws into the air, it unfolds there and actually hangs, and today the president also visited the church of the blessed virgin mary, it was built according to the design of a russian architect in the thirties of the last century, today...
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technological advances are not only in china, thousands of representatives of the it community gathered today in moscow to talk about current trends, neural networks, artificial intelligence, when and in what areas it will replace humans, alexander lyakin listened to his opinion. this representative it forum is organized by mts, one of the hottest topics is how quickly in which professions artificial intelligence will replace humans. this year's phrase, you will not be replaced by robots or you will not be replaced by artificial intelligence, you will be replaced by people who can communicate with artificial intelligence. in fact, we are witnessing the emergence of a new technology. which can once again completely change our world,
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no one, not even those who produce artificial intelligence models, can say exactly when this will happen, and there are also completely different polar opinions that this quantum leap will happen there now tomorrow, we will all live in the era of artificial intelligence, which will do everything for us, some will have a completely different opinion, a zone of turbulence, we are in it, well, in general i think it's quite a large amount of routine. but it is already clear that we will have to master new technologies, just as a little over a quarter of a century ago people learned computer literacy; at the conference it was announced that this year a master’s program will open at the higher school of economics, research and entrepreneurship in artificial intelligence, and this is just one of the many areas of focus within the computer science department. today the situation has worsened significantly, the task of achieving technological sovereignty is not a slogan. that is
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, the challenge here is to move from purely fundamental solutions to practical technological solutions. one of the constant topics of such forums is digital security. there are no fewer computer viruses, but at the everyday level the consumer practically does not encounter them. a very big step forward, just as security has made cybersecurity. the industry itself as a whole.
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but with its own specifics, for example, write program code in three minutes in a suspended condition, programmers will understand this joke, they often have to solve complex problems in the shortest possible time... the united states somehow does not work out, perhaps the political mentality of a country that is no longer used to being friends with someone, only against whom , is making itself felt -that. so russian-chinese friendship is viewed through the prism of their own understanding of the world. this is a very significant and concerning meeting, given that we are talking about our competitors, who
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are also our opponents in accordance with our national strategy security. and now they are building their coalition, because they themselves are in their...
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for the construction of an axis that has been going on for 2 years, an axis of evil, an axis that openly opposes a world dominated by america, today we live in a world where all hope is cooperation interaction between the great powers has been crossed out, and the main question now is: not what we can achieve in international politics, but what we can avoid; unfortunately, none of these countries are our partners. do we have leverage over russia? one, perhaps what is our support for ukraine? of course, they tried to put pressure on them, and less than a month had passed, secretary of state blinken flew to beijing right there, threatening sanctions against chinese banks and companies for cooperation with russia, it’s as if the russian leader in the celestial empire is being greeted with all possible honors, although why is it as if ,
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here at cnn they are sure that it’s just a matter of publicity. what is the main purpose of this meeting and what will be the consequences for the west. we watched. red carpets laid out in front of vladimir putin, a military parade, but let me to clarify, this is not just about a meeting between vladimir putin and sidzenping and a demonstration of limitless cooperation, this is an opportunity to completely snap the west and especially the united states at a time when china is trying to establish itself as a new world leader whose views differ from the west. the publications of the washington post and the new york times devoted to the russian-chinese negotiations are also not original, even the headlines are written as carbon copies. xi and putin see themselves as architects of a new world order. free from us intervention, both leaders support the unification of developing countries, such as the shanghai cooperation organization, as well as the brix, created as a counterbalance to the west. vladimir putin's visit to china, which began thursday, shows a strengthening partnership between two allies that oppose the us-led democratic order. the western european press in its assessments
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also did not stray too far from their overseas colleagues.


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