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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 18, 2024 1:30am-2:15am MSK

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it’s just that maybe this is the last time, why? because life is unfair. nikolaevna’s birthday is next week, i ’ve organized something, we need to, we need to discuss the details, why we’re not running, yes, yes, yes, inhale, exhale,
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once again, inhale, absorb pure energy as we exhale , push negative energy far, far out of the body , and push out the negative energy through our palms far, far away from ourselves, hold on exhalation, inhale, draw in energy, exhale, push out the negative, wind in pure energy. space in the palm, inhale collect heavenly energy, pack it in dontian, inhale, collect it in dontian, third time, inhale, from below, thank you for the practice, thank you, that’s it, we’ll finish early today. gen,
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what's wrong with your hand? old motorcycle injury. oh, everything's fine. let's go. ilya, i ask you to stay, we will have a separate lesson. olga nikolaevna, and ilyana will stay for a long time, we have a production meeting. we'll see how it goes? i see, no problem. ilya, we can cope without you. yeah. goodbye, olga nikola. yes. possible residual stress. ilya, open the door, can you open the bottle?
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i can, i can’t have pizza, you said. “you never know what i said, are you worried, me too, by the way, thank you for the car, let’s have a drink so as not to worry, sometimes it’s good to drink.” “
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are you all right? prodia, don’t worry, don’t worry, call me on you, three?
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classes with the doctor, for a long time, i didn’t understand, i drank a bottle of wine, i had to take it home, she fell in love, and i gave her advice, i stupid, but
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it wasn’t, i... i’ll figure it out, everything will be fine, god, happy birthday , i don’t even know what else i should hand over, alone, wait a second, nothing but surprises,
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a dream of birth. nina we baked a loaf, this high, this wide, this narrow, loaf, loaf, whoever you want, choose, i love, of course, everyone, let's have a drink, let's, let's, bravo!
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but i understand that i speak for our entire group, and we are next to you like children, defenseless, vulnerable, so we met you, and you are leading us into a new life, a life that we would not have had without you. and you are our caravel to the future, i love you very much, thank you for everything, i have never had such an amazing experience birthday. i have never had such a wonderful group, i love you all, and i
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want to sing, i was always shy, but today is a special day, come on, faith, come on, yes, oh, why was this night so good, bodies would be breasts if only my soul would not suffer, i loved her, i loved her dearly, but she looks at love so coldly, everything ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding, ring the bell , this ringing, it speaks of love, the sounds of
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the waltz are thundering, the whole house is having fun, i sneaked into my closet secretly, in my closet i kept thinking about her, what it was like for her.
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don't let me down, my dear, it's a sad life. she took a lover, an artist from a local
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theater, he came to see her once every two weeks, and then this sailor returned from the voyage earlier than usual and shot me, my dear, sadly.
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“i sent my mother to the dacha, today, can you come to me? i can, i have an attitude of faith, nikolaevna, you are a good person, you are a wonderful doctor, you helped me a lot,
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i. but you don’t need me, you know, for this, i'm sorry, what was your relationship?
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i want you to leave me alone, you're new. expelled from the group, your treatment was successful, guys, because of me, right? it’s my own fault, i’m pulling the cat by the tail, let’s take a break, it’s sausage.
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you missed a few days, i'm worried, i 'll study with you separately, and i just lost confidence, everything can be returned,
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can we go somewhere? i’m working, you ’re dating her, it doesn’t matter, it’s bad for you to date her, i’m leaving only because unintelligent people listen to this. remember, you told me to help you, now i’m asking you to help, i’m in terrible condition, if you want, i’ll get on my knees, don’t, and i don’t need your pity, i
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don’t need you anymore at all. who is this, doctor, and why are you treating with shock, or what, you need to drink muzik, 300 grams.
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hey, is it day? give it, earn it,
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why are you so brave? vladimir alekseevich. here you have my hand and his hand , he’s in trouble, well, he drank a little,
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his last name is mirnov, bring me smernov. by your order, the detainee has been delivered, sit down.
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when you get home, i’ll take you, okay.
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he showed up drunk again, maybe he didn’t have his keys, and who is this? friend, we don’t let my friend in, there are all sorts of refugees and gypsies walking around here, 5 minutes for me. what a granny i am to you, i miss the time, here in the next building the apartment was robbed.
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police, i have to make a statement, keep quiet, i’ll go to the police now, they’ll arrest you.
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what did you do to the man, he’s a veteran who started stuttering because of you, it’s not true, he ’s already moved here as a stutterer, it’s my saucepan.
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his legs are paralyzed, you can sit and it will pass, nah, his battery died a year ago. so what should we do with you?
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you be silent, you are silent, and i... and i will help you to start all over again, but how she is now, now she’s better, it was bad, she had a nervous breakdown and ended up in the hospital. when i arrived from malta, inna reported everything to me, i had to get up, i was there in
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these hospitals. definitely get off there, yes, i don’t wish anyone what she looks like, when i picked her up from the hospital, she didn’t recognize me. “i went to church, prayed for her, she ’s a good clinic, he has excellent care, everything will be fine, you don’t have to pray, i don’t want to see anyone, i look terrible, now i ’ll make a movie star out of you, it’s a movie!” and where are you did you learn this? in paris, at a cosmetology course, i graduated with honors, i didn’t
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tell you, i told you how you studied there, you have to speak french there, i learned french. why isn’t there any home left ? i miss my homeland, i understand you, and this is katya, we opened a beauty salon together, great, you ’ve heard about the life of a franciscan monk, do you live with him, with whom? well, not with the monk anymore, no, i let him go, where, to freedom,
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i think that a person should be free. everything, oh, what did you do to me, specifically to be around people, you’re a mask, expensive, hold it for 10 minutes, you will look 15 years younger. we came, thank you, one of the best clinics in the country,
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it means a lot to me, hello, is it me, or you, olga nikolaevna, the pope recently said that women will save the world, i agree with him. i talked to the doctors and they are very happy with how the process is going, but i am dissatisfied with how the process is going. “i left you, stopped working with you, i feel guilty before you, i want to ask you for forgiveness, there will be no more melodramas, i promise, yes, we all started talking better, i, for example,
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i want to say that i haven’t completed my treatment, i’m speaking frankly, i don’t know how to take it, i didn’t bring you to the end, this is not professional, i want to continue. activity, ver, you are ready to help me, yes, the last thing, i could not stand it without your support, misha, you are my true friend, you really helped me in difficult times, i am very... grateful to you, in general, we misha became close people.
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but come on, throw it straight away. great, now slowly, they don’t bite the fish here, with patience. she didn’t immediately, i’m so happy for you, i was so worried about him, he does everything in life i probably told you about it, no, but i liked you right away. well, go ahead and
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live and let everything be fine with you, he has a good character, well, sometimes he drinks, take care of him, girl. he won’t hurt you, he’s just serious, grandma approved, and good!
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you caught some fish, but there’s not enough, there’s also not enough, who’s going to catch you? you painted it yourself,
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you’re lucky, your dad loves you, i know, and you, yes, fell in love with him, now i’m suffering, i ’m suffering too, and... you, why? i fell in love, i’ve been in love for a year, show me, pretty, what’s your name? may, her mother is russian, and her father is new zealander, cool, what’s cool here, they went to new zealand? and now what i can do?
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i’ll wait until he arrives, and you’ll get married? no, i won’t, i have a lot of sins, just don’t swear, i don’t like it when people swear, so i don’t like it when they swear, because... only fools swear?
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this is a podcast 20 years later, its host is alexander anatolyevich and konstantin aleksandrovich mikhailov, our guests are the author, musician, producer, director igor ivanovich sukachev and yuri aleksandrovich sherbakov, collector of old cossack songs and not only old ones, graduated from directing in 1987. department and department of studies, suddenly brigade c, musical performances, stage, re-acting and so on and so on, but the direction doesn’t let me go, i look, phew, well, yes, well, everything was written in my destiny, because everything happened at the same time, brigade instantly became a famous group, and
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it was also seriously staged, probably, yes, well, well, no, probably, for sure, yes, yes, yes. because as a design i came up with it. yuri sannovich, you starred in films with shakhnazarov and mikhalkov. how did it turn out, are there maybe a couple of stories, do you plan to continue? well, if you call, then of course it will be interesting. and that’s how everything was filmed. episodes, but for me they are valuable, the fact that songs from our region were performed there, that they took them for themselves, their works. this is all interesting, purely by chance, what can i tell you here?


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