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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 18, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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or solve some issue here in the studio with us, you can fill out a form to participate in our program, which you will find on the website, you can watch all episodes of the triggers podcast on the website of the first channel hello everyone, this is a free program podcast, i’m maxim tronkov, our guest is the man who, with his career-ending skate, raised the anniversary one in st. petersburg, alexander samarin. sash, hi, hi, max.
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well, tell me, it took 20 years or more of a career to experience those emotions that you experienced in the anniversary? it was all worth it, the whole journey was interesting, the skating in the anniversary one was like the icing on the cake, and i’m glad that it turned out to be done beautifully and that i was given the opportunity to skate there. to get emotions, memory, to remember this moment, with which i will probably still wake up sometimes, remembering goosebumps and everything, everything, everything, the most beautiful thing, it was all summed up with the cup of the first channel, so i’m happy that i had this this way, but in fact, it seems to me that it was still some gratitude from the audience. not only for
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your long career, but also for the honesty with which you announced your retirement, that you did not pause, like other athletes, or did not take a break, and you came literally after the competition in the mix zone announced that this is my last start and i’m going to end my career, well, somehow i always told it like it is, plus or minus, i didn’t play around, the time has come... now i’m sitting here in front of you, your team was ready for you would you say so categorically? but honestly i can to say, svetlana vladimirovna still experiences, continues to experience such mixed emotions, we periodically talk about this topic and we understand perfectly well that we did everything as it should have been, everything is on time, everything is fine, but when i go out on the ice they're getting ready for the show.
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perestroika, you need to rebuild your head a little, because from time to time you still wake up like this in the morning for training, well , okay, you can calm down, so i would like to... share knowledge and experience with the younger generation, because it really rich in various events, ups, downs, and so on, and you can give a lot to young guys who only have this path ahead of them, plus i haven’t completely left the ice, i would like to be on the show.
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it would also be very cool to make contact with the audience, but in a more relaxed, calm atmosphere, in dim light with a gun, that is, now... the plans are, well , probably still to ride in the show, and then, maybe you can already connect, maybe, to the team that worked with you, myself, i never left the team, they are part of my family, that is, when you talk about helping young athletes, you talk about mark kondratyuk, and i think mark kondratyuk knows everything, he has experience even in some places. he acquired it more than me, but we have a lot of young guys in our group, take the same grisha fedorova, who is progressing very much, and he is only at the very beginning of this path, we all hope that
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everything will work out for him it was very good when you spoke about the experience you have acquired over many years training and performances? you mentioned the ups and downs, tell us a little about what it was like for you, what you consider the ups in your career, maybe the peak, the peak point then, probably, the most niche, well, about the ups you can probably highlight the following: that i won medals at the national championship five times, which is generally quite good, and if you consider that i... roughly speaking, since i was 14 years old i have been a member of the russian national team, first junior, then adult, and during this time i never flew out of it, for how long it turns out, roughly speaking, in 11 seasons, of which 5 seasons with medals at the national
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championship, the largest tournament in our country, this is quite good, it can be classified as ups, also championships of course. so, that’s why there were quite a lot of take-offs in general, yes, somewhere it wasn’t possible to take off directly and fly for a very long time, why in lutz in the quadruple, the most flattened,
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there were such moments, very... that in general in lutz’s career it turned out better since it didn’t work out, it can also be attributed to the takeoff that i ended up on svetlana’s team vladimirovna sokolovskaya, who actually sent me up there, we went through all the ups together, as well as the downs, which were also present in my career, and the fall is rather connected. with your injuries, because you also have a difficult time, unfortunately, i was not able to attend the olympic games as an athlete, they passed me by a couple of times, we also went through all these moments together, not getting
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into the olympic games hits me very hard such an internal state of motivation according to i'll set it up. it’s very difficult to get out of this state and get back into the groove, that is, you were not motivated to work even more, this failure to get even further, that is , on the contrary, it depressed you, you mean it, it just hit you at such moments when you were already getting out , roughly speaking, in peak shape, i was working and everything was already going upwards as much as possible, now, roughly speaking , with one foot... you are already entering the olympic palace, at the last moment everything breaks down, there is a certain breakdown inside, which is very difficult to overcome , and for me, and of course, for the coach too, when a lot of effort was invested in this path towards this
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goal, towards this dream, well, it’s probably still difficult, as it seems to me, because there is... about your friendship with your rivals, with the singles guys , with evgenia vladimirovich rukavitsin’s group, with the guys training with you, ruslanna vladimirovna, that is, you... are all friends, you all always support each other, empathize with failures, and rejoice in victories, it turns out that dmitry aliyev is an asset yes, the olympic games, mark kondratyuk, it also worked out, and this also, probably, there’s a little pressure, yes, guys, and how to be happy for your friends if you yourself didn’t succeed, calmly, you can be happy if everything is in order with a person’s head, if he understands perfectly... where is sport, where is life where there is friendship, where there is struggle, and so on, he knows how to differentiate this, then in
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general there is a place for joy, because i never had a moment of envy that dimka qualified or mark got to the olympic games, he had a great time at them, there was annoyed with yourself because you couldn’t do what you needed to do on the ice when you needed to, but at the same time, you were happy for... them, that they were able to overcome themselves somewhere, coped better than you, on friendship, communication, this did not and does not affect in any way, i am very glad that they were able to do that at one time , that i couldn’t, it’s cool, making the decision to end your sports career, it came to you personally or maybe you consulted with someone just like the guys.
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to the level that exists, even in our country, take the russian championship this season, last year, but this is already such a very high and worthy level, probably years five ago, i was at the same level that the guys are at now, understand that you can’t cope with them a little, you have to simplify the content somewhere so as not to... the program is lost, because work is going on on the second assessment, if you try
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to complicate it, the second grade will go away, and you want it all to be in totality and you have to clean it up a little, because somehow, apparently, the strength becomes just sports, ready to set some new achievements, there are fewer and fewer of them, and the guys, twenty and eighteen years old, they this fuse still burns, you understand that you can’t cope with them a little, i’m very glad that last season i managed to take a medal at the national championship again, so to speak, to once again feel these warm, pleasant emotions, but this season, i already realized that i can’t cope with simplifying the content and hoping that somewhere others will make mistakes too .
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it is clear that so far the level to which world figure skating has risen, now ilya malinin is something transcendental, it seems to me that he himself still cannot believe that he i did that number, even quadruple jumps from adam, xiaohimphai or the japanese, yuma kagiyama, this is still a little higher, it seems to me, the level, but still. in various circumstances, our guys would be quite able to force a fight on them. our guest is
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international class sports master alexander samarin. you have already voiced that you are looking towards coaching, what do you think, after you no longer watched the world championship as an athlete, what will you have to work on with your students to reach this level? level. world elite now in men's figure skating? it seems to me that everyone in general needs to work on balance, on balance in the program, so that the programs are interesting, so that... the second mark is not lost against the background of the technical part, because take, again , the strongest warm-up in the free program at the world championships, there mostly there is this balance, if you go a little lower, then either the guys are trying to jump; the second score sags greatly because of this and goes like this
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, or vice versa, but i want it exactly everything was put together so that there would be a wow effect from the jumps and a wow effect... from the program, from the track, tell me what you think, where to develop ilya malinin, who, it seems to me, is already in terms of technical assessment did the maximum possible, well, he can try two quadruple axels, for example, well, he still has to, in addition to this incredible number of quadruple jumps, including a quadruple axel, raise a few more, it seems to me, his second... again you can see how he improved a lot, but still, visually, there is even such a small imbalance between lightness and some kind of in quadruple jumps and somewhat such tightness in the second rating, five, do you think he will go, will
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he be the first to jump five more, otherwise we have already in russia, some people are arguing, raising their hands, but... i don’t think i would say that he can become or someone else can become the first, it’s just that the five-fold jump will again sooner or later come to our world, and that’s how it came once upon a time, axel, there was ilya malinin, now, not so long ago, vlad also jumped dekij, so i think someone else will jump axel in the near future, then the road will go to the fifth jump, i don’t know who is first, but i think this will undoubtedly happen. but look, among american skaters, it seems to me, this is a kind of trend, because there was an incredible nathan chen, a record that he just broke, it hasn’t been broken since 1919, it was also broken by his compatriot ilya malinin, and they also said at the beginning of his career that the boy only jumps, absolutely unartistic, in the end we
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they got the incredible skater nathan chen and maybe later ilya malinin too. will reach the same level, gain experience and again, experience will be gained, it is clear from it that he is adding every season, in the presentation of the program, but there is still no that kind of relaxation, confidence, composure that neuton chen had, who again, i went through the stars and falls, rose back into the heavens during my journey, all these ups on...
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i twirled something on the spot, looked at the points that yuzuru hannyu received, and yuzuru hannyu then also skated, in my opinion, perhaps almost a pure free program, that is , the points are still huge, plus it was at home in japan and i just see how he looks at the points, turns to the coach, laughs, nods his head, goes out and gives pure free skate and wins the world championships. such relaxation, lightness, plus he himself had to do about five quadruples there, while he didn’t see anyone doing much. sash, look, maybe this is a bit of a tough question, but i’ll ask, have you been for more than 10 years? it turns out i was in the national team, and yet
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there was a huge number of injuries, i even saw at one of your last starts how you were right in the program with... this knee pad was corrected, that is, it was impossible not to notice, that is, it was all broken broken, at the same time there is not a world champion, not a european champion, not some kind of participant in the olympic games, was this path worth it? of course, i don’t regret that he was there, that he is who he is, i’m very glad, because i also found such an ice family in the person, headed by svetlana vladimirovna... uh, who taught me a lot, explained, showed me what and how, let's say, taught me to live, and i made a lot... friends, and the world looked, visited places where it seems to me that i myself would i would hardly have been there if it weren’t for figure skating,
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i still took even those, showed results that many, many also could not achieve, somewhere there are such thoughts of slight annoyance that i almost didn’t get here, i didn’t push it, maybe a little bit ... it worked, but they don’t make me sad some, on the contrary, it’s still warm pleasant emotions and the path was eventful, but financially, financially, well, we also managed to get something out of this, let’s say, but again, when you’re in the sport itself, you it seems to me that you still think more about the results, and the financial aspect, of course. it’s worth it, especially when you start living separately from your parents, this is how adult, independent life begins, of course, the financial aspect doesn’t go anywhere, but
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still, in sports, sports comes first for you. well, since you yourself started talking about it independent life, i can’t help but ask you about your parents, what role they played, how they brought you to the skating rink, one of the main ones, without my parents i wouldn’t be here - and i wouldn’t be sitting in front of you, everything is very simple, i have at one time, my older brother didn’t do figure skating for long, but nevertheless he left the young pioneers at the stadium, there were skates left, i’m little, 4 years old, what’s the difference between you and your brother 5 years old, well, that is , decently, but how long did he skate? he's been there for about four years, probably. took a ride. the horses and they gave me away, especially since i lived literally across the road from syup, i didn’t particularly want to travel that far, in general
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, everything in my career turned out so that i am one of the few, probably, who practically does not know such a moment that it took an hour, one and a half to two hours to get to the skating rink, and all this passed me by, and i’m very glad about it, i also could have stopped by the neighboring city during this time. i should cross the road, here 's the skating rink, here's your brother's skates and skate, here 's your brother skating, whose skates you got you, i have never in my life regretted that i didn’t continue skating and didn’t achieve those goals, i think not, because somehow it turned out that initially our parents sent us away, it’s also a little funny, in the wrong direction , where we ourselves... wanted, that is, my brother wanted hockey, he was sent to figure skating, i wanted football, football, football, they also gave me figure skating, but at least i
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don’t regret it, brother, and i don’t think so either especially, just to be proud of my younger brother, i think yes, i don’t even think so, it is, and that’s very it’s nice, i’m glad that my family can... be proud of this period of my life, in the absence of international tournaments , many more new ones with easy presentation were organized in russia, including the first channel, the russian figure skating federation, you had the opportunity to compete with our very young juniors, who also show some incredible level, do you think, there is a lot of controversy now, it’s too early to jump so many quadruples, such as lev lazarev, who literally trained on one of you, we’ll be back now to the first channel to our federation once again, more than once i want to say a huge thank you
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for giving me the opportunity to put a beautiful end to my career and giving me the opportunity to take part in the first channel cup, which took place, where i actually finished my bullseye, but by ... regarding the quadruple jumps in the second half of the program, you understand that they also do so many quadruple jumps, the most difficult young guys, again you look at them now, again their eyes are burning, their it seems to me that there is still no such awareness of what is happening, which actually adds a little ease to them in the execution of these elements. and it’s pretty cool, and it’s such a bell, a signal about you, that you need to move and give in to them, well, on the other hand.
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side, i really want to wish them good health and so that, that is, don’t you think that it’s too early at this age to show such a level, it’s unknown what will happen to them in the future, so i’d like to wish them good health, so that there are as few injuries as possible them, because after all, it is their organism that is still growing, if this period of maturation of their organism goes more smoothly, then this is great, if they do not lose what they are doing now. still, probably, in my opinion, i like it better when older guys do quadruple jumps, because for me these are still such powerful elements. do you think these athletes are now training exactly the same way as you trained, or maybe their methodology has somehow changed, maybe there are more general physical training or they pay attention to something else so that still preserve their health, well, i think each headquarters has different training methods,
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but... probably one of these main moments is when you are at a small age , who do you look at, i watched when people jumped one quadruple in the free program program and won, some didn’t jump at all and also took medals, at their age i fully understand that there’s only one sheepskin coat, but two are all, and you’re at the top, they grow up, they look, they looked at... nachena, who did five or six quadruples, we just have a little there were different dissonance examples arise when i looked at people with one quad, and then it turned out that i needed to do one and one was not enough and i needed two, three, and four, that is, i had to somehow accelerate very sharply, they were already a plus -minus they see what they need to strive for, what they want and so on,
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well, we continue, the free program podcast, our guest is the wonderful figure skater alexander samarin. have you considered how many years you have been friends with dimka aliyev? literally, i just returned from st. petersburg, where i we had a charity show. by the way, tell me about this charity show. this is a very good story. i’m very glad that this story happened and that it was a success. whose idea was it? our coaches, our team. svetlana vladimirovna sokolovskaya and evgenia vladimirovich rukavitsina, and this happened , plus the fact that our coaches are friends, this is their friendship, in fact, dimka and i also looked at their friendship, for us it somehow also roughly arose, so we organized st. petersburg charity show for children from different families with different
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life difficulties. let's just say, it was very cool, after the show itself, there was a little more time to spend, roughly speaking, master classes, to skate with them on the same ice, to look at the sparkling eyes with which they skate, to listen to how many pleasant emotions they received after the show , this is very cool, so we all came back very impressed - we are very glad that we were able to please the young guys, perhaps some of them will want to take up figure skating as well? well, actually i'm from i can say thank you to myself, because this is a very unique story, because it is generally accepted that ice shows are more aimed at making money for the participants of this show, and not at giving back, no, this event was done in order to give emotions and please little children
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and... instill, probably, a love for figure skating, so let’s return to the words with dima about friendship, just now the same a couple of days ago, for some reason we started talking about this topic, and we so we estimated that approximately around nine years old, we’ve probably been friends, probably about 9 years ago we met for the first time, and somehow it all started spinning, spinning, i just know why i thought about it, because after the short program at the spartakiad, dima literally set the mix zone there on fire with his commentary on what happened on the ice and what is happening in russian figure skating in general, which caused some kind of flurry of absolutely different emotions, literally the next day his friend sashka samarin came out, who ended his career altogether.


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