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tv   Slovo pastirya  1TV  May 18, 2024 9:45am-10:01am MSK

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my deepest bow to all of you, my dear tv viewers, and especially, of course, to those from nizhny novgorod, because i want to select talented children.
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and bless your present, pove, blessings, apranyaya, hryzhii. dear rulers, fathers, brothers and sisters, i cordially congratulate you all on this easter, joyful day: christ is risen, risen! it is always with a special feeling that i perform divine services in our lavra, at the relics of the saint in this spiritual center of russian orthodoxy. always with a large crowd
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of people, and i rejoice that our faith is not is weakening, despite the temptations that the entire human race is going through today, here again is today’s story about the expulsion of traders from the temple, because why the house of prayer, as the lord said, became a den, and because people... their faith has weakened , along with her awareness of the divine presence in the temple, why not, in this case, use, as they would now say, a profitable platform for business, because people gathered around the temple, but how not to slip in your merch to make money on everything in this, nothing seems to have changed, and we still know,
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i want to say, that our people went through this temptation of apostasy, and of course, now there are people who do not believe in god or do not consider it possible to even ask themselves the question: is there god or no god, but the general appeal of people, our people, our russian people, to god is complete. obviously, and
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this is happening in a difficult time, i want to say again, during an almost worldwide apostasy, well, this, apparently, is the path prepared for our people, to keep the faith orthodox, and i urge with all my heart, addressing all of you and all of our... people who are orthodox by baptism, by culture, but perhaps who have not yet discovered the road to the temple, follow this road, and you will not make a mistake, not in personal, not in family, not in public, not in state life, because if god is with us, then we can handle any task, we can cope with any enemies, adversaries, as our heroes did. predecessors filled with faith,
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the holy lavra knows the example of the great defense of the shrine, when at... this holy place, to prevent him from being trampled underfoot. we are truly people today, living at this time, a time that in some sense is fateful for the entire human civilization. the thought does not perish... that if people do not return to god, if they do not cope with those challenges, as they now say, the end of human history is quite possible, and from the word of god we know that this history
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will end when evil triumphs over good , the coming of the antichrist, this is the total and... those of our people who, unfortunately, are not we found it deliberately, somehow we didn’t find the way to the temple, but we will ask the lord, his most pure mother, all the saints
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who have shone in the russian land, for this nationwide revival of faith to take place, an appeal to the lord the savior, that relying on this faith, the people become invincible, because the greatest defeats in history were not due to the fact that they lost to some external enemy, but because they themselves lacked the strength, spirit, loyalty and willingness to fight for the country, for their people , for themselves, and may the lord help us prayers. pass it on to those who still doubt or are unsure, or simply dismiss the topic as incomprehensible to
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themselves, so that these coming decades become a truly genuine revival of our fatherland, which... as experience has shown, without a revival of faith and love to your country, to your people and to each other. christ is risen, risen, christ will rise from the dead, by death he took away death and gave life to the living crab. christ is risen from the dead, he took away death by death, and to those who are in the tomb he gave life, christ is risen from
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the dead, trampled upon death by death and bestowed life upon the blood. christ is risen, dear children, dear fathers and mothers, your eminences, fathers, brothers, i cordially congratulate you all on the great holiday of easter, which, according to custom, on this day we spend with our children and youth, therefore the easter joy, the easter service is perceived in a very special way . because when we see many children, young people who sincerely believe in the lord, who serve him, sing, pray, then, of course, with great joy and hope hearts are filled. here is my generation,
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the generation of your parents, at least that part that still saw difficult, godless times, it was impossible to even imagine that... so that in the cathedral it was possible to gather such a large number of children who came here not by someone’s will, but by his own desire, his own... camps and executions, but this martyrdom of our people was the
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sacrifice in response to which the lord led and is leading our people to faith, the most significant, bright, convincing evidence is today of the service in the cathedral of christ the savior, when many children, young people are present and not only... praying together with the elders, but participating in the bright easter celebration, then, when many of us will no longer be there, you will be, so remember about the fact that you are now already accepting from grandparents, from fathers and mothers, from parents, from adult clergy, from bishops, from the patriarch, the baton of faith that you will...
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better, when sometimes they say, to make life better , it is necessary for the scientific to develop, technical progress, and so on, in a sense, of course, this progress brings material and technical benefits, this is the quality of life, which is determined by the state of the human soul; no progress determines, cannot determine, because the state of the soul is what which is determined by
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its closeness or distance from god. that is why, while developing all aspects of life, scientific and technical and others, we must not forget about our souls, especially the souls of our young people. i want to say again, subject stone water does not flow. and if we are weak in faith, if we get too used to what we have, if we say that it is not at all necessary to go to church on sundays, you can once a month, and then once a year, then we will repeat a terrible mistake our predecessors who lived in the orthodox russian empire, who lost both their faith and their great country, needed a colossus...
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receiving and, of course, in the name of the prosperity of our beloved homeland, once again i congratulate all of you, my dears, on the holiday, happy easter , salutary and proclaim marvelous words, christ is risen, christ is risen, christ is risen,
10:00 am
hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the maxim sherafuddinov studio and briefly about the main thing. they wanted to sneak in secretly, but they failed. the ssu tried to carry out an operation near verbovoy, but our howitzers came under fire. shot. and a rare trophy british samaritan.


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