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tv   Mariupol  1TV  May 18, 2024 3:00pm-4:51pm MSK

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come on, they’re silent, it’s not ours, the goal is to destroy with three, there is a goal to destroy with three,
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he’s dead and he’s ours, what’s ours? our pilot, senior lieutenant safron, how is ours? how many planes have you shot down? are you crazy, you can’t tell yours from someone else’s, the transponder didn’t work for him, how many missiles did you fire? one, then two more, six in total, and which one was shot down? moment, that's it.
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rocket, well done, well done, nikita sergeevich, the intruder was shot down, well done, well done, how they shot down, that’s not all, pilot. remained alive, they took him, he did a great job, so that means that the pilot is alive, don’t tell anyone where he is now, while the kgb is talking to him in serdlovsk, everyone who took part, present the award, there is, hurray, comrades,
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if you help me, you will be rewarded for this, to whom this message is addressed, what's wrong with the plane, what's the news? in any
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case, he had already run out of fuel. a pistol with a silencer and a knife were confiscated from you. why do you need this so that in case of a forced landing or accident, without attracting attention, it hunts birds with hares. he needs a pistol with a silencer to hunt. on whom? for hares. for hares? i am familiar with powers' personal file. good soldier, i want to hear your opinion. i followed all the instructions, of course, sir, and now, guy, show me the most important element of the plane, the steering wheel, of course, below, on the left, this is
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francey, the most important element of the plane, u2 should under no circumstances fall into the hands of the enemy, if such a danger arises, you must blow up the plane. understood, i think so, sir, but the poison, you have poison, not here, you know how to use it, it’s a very strong poison, i think i don’t need it will be needed. not here, thank you, inform his wife about this, and my
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condolences, it’s a pity, of course, for both the pilot and the plane, a missed chance. if you need food, it is here, be careful, there is very strong poison in the needle, after five days of silence, unexpectedly. krushchev declares to the whole world: comrades, we shot down an american plane spy, the truth is that the pilot remained alive, khrushchev has not yet said a word. yes, nikita sergeevich stated
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very firmly, if you water it again, we will hit the airfield. senhauer, when they informed him, as he told his son. looked like a deflated balloon, because he , as a general, believed that the possibility of an attack on the airfield was not excluded, then he would have to make very difficult decisions, like the mood, class mood, my mariupol, like a seagull with a broken wing,
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did something happen? your husband francis harry powers gave his life for american freedom. i'm so sorry, maine.
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damn, no light again.
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they will accept the memory of the city, the heart of my homeland,
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the whole world, come in, hello, what’s wrong with it? no need, don’t say anything more,
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everything is quiet, that’s it, just go, go, i beg you, that’s all with me will be okay, let's go? passt.
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' the fighters were returning to the airfield through the affected area. i have information that there are no missile divisions in the air, the division mistook them for enemy planes, a scandal, a shame, what the heck, khrushchev only said
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that the plane was shot down. and not a word where, either over the border, or in the depths of the territory, but our planes have installed, their own responders, someone else’s, yes, the respondent worked for sofronov, but they did not have time to switch from the april to the may code, anti-aircraft gunners, sit, therefore , worked in the new code, in in may, that’s right, there are some preparations, of course, the state debt has made a plan. a plane belonging to nasa, who was conducting meteorological research, disappeared, what evidence could be russian, no, everything was blown to pieces, and the pilot, the pilot had a specially prepared needle, he had to commit
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suicide according to the instructions, sit down, therefore, at the grave . so, let's now think about what and how we will report to nikita sergeevich, a message from our embassy in moscow, the lockhit 2 plane that was flying pilot shot down over the territory of the soviet union. he stayed alive, i can’t bear it, now we’ll reprint them and put
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a hedgehog in their pants. an american pilot in the hands of the kgb. the legend about the civilian mission of the u2 aircraft failed. give me the newspaper. alive, alive! alive,
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alive, alive, alive, alive, what can you say, radio, good ally, i shook his hand in 1945 on red square, we even hugged... the pilot is alive and testifies to the kgb. you mediocrely set up america and the president; even a great country can have
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failures. nikita sergeevich, how are you with them? you are going to negotiate, they will fool you and swallow you. do you remember what stalin said: i’ll die, and they’ll give you away like babies. stop quoting stalin's radion, it was he who crushed us like... babies, i already forgot, being friends with them is better than fighting. spit, nikita sergeevich, radiy could not have been made so that the plane would crash on its own, without the help of the pilot. okay, but the pilots will know about it, they won’t make fun of it, but for the sake of the great country they will fly, where? to the dock ? do you understand what you are talking about? no interest.
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reconnaissance flights must continue, mr. president, and international laws, laws, they are not worth a damn if
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they are not in the interests of the united states, mr. president, i don’t want to be a team man. loser of the cold war, we haven’t lost anything yet, we’ve just disgraced ourselves, ayya, needy people again. anything can happen, it doesn’t happen like it happens to others,
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life in general is like that, i read last week, a truck drove to the bus stop, there were three people going to work, fight, don’t talk nonsense. he was mine my, you understand that your hand is cold, there’s just no hot water, excuse me, i was talking some nonsense, it’s clear in words, of course. i just wanted to say that as long as we live, life does not end, time
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flies, we recognize that the downed u2 belongs to us, and that it carried out a reconnaissance mission on the territory of the soviet union, but... the only way possible for us is to obtain information about a country that is closed to the rest of the world, about a country that constantly threatens the whole world. nikita, maybe it’s hot, but no, i hate it, i don’t want to, thank you, dad, once again , happy holiday, happy victory day, thank you, serge! thank you, i’ll go, thank you, seryozh, mr. isenhaur spoiled the holiday for me, he spoiled me.
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zero, or something, happy holiday. the americans have bases in greenland, norway, great britain, western germany, spain, italy, greece, pakistan, turkey, japan , a total of 29, right next to us, plus on
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us territory. their nuclear potential is such that if they hit us, there will be no one to respond, we will not exist. these days, moscow was the center of attention of the world community. 17 on august 1960, in the columned hall of the house of the unions , the criminal trial of the american spy pilot francis harry
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pauras began. sit down, please, the case is being considered by the military board of the supreme court of the ussr, the chairman of the military board, lieutenant general of justice, boris aglevsky, people's assessors, major general of artillery vorobyov and major general of aviation zakharov. state prosecution, how many days in advance can we find out about their attack? but we don’t fly over america, so i think not earlier than a week, you think, a week, but what can we do, how to respond, just get ahead of them, strike first, we will never be the first to start a nuclear war, but i know that if they strike first, we will not be on the world map, why are you silent, alexander nikolaevich, read it to him , dyakuyu.
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and this is 180 million people, in the usa, it’s hard to say, the probability is much less, i’m not sure that all our missiles will reach, and if they reach, then five percent, no more, but in the next 10 years... we won’t catch up with them, we have enough of our own problems, half the country lives in barracks, so we’ll scare them, so he, a pawer spy, an obedient executor of the evil will of the american military, witnesses are invited to the court table, these are the patriots who detained and disarmed pavos, the drivers, i also want you znakkin,
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representatives of the soviet public, which means we will pretend that we at least stronger than them, but not weaker, sorry, nikita sergeevich, nothing, be healthy, oh, shlepin sneezed, which means i’m telling the truth, prince harry, on the basis of article 2 of the ussr law on criminal liability for state crimes, will be deprived of his freedom. for 10 years, spending the first 100 years in prison. in paris, the first thing we will do is ask zenhaur to apologize for this plane. be healthy. he specially flew to paris a
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day early. isenhaura was there. it was clear that the american president would not be replaced in public. but how is it done in politics? you enter one room. sit there, talk or don’t talk, or drink tea, or have a glass of cognac, then go out and say: the problems have been resolved, we have reached mutual understanding, and we move on to discussing other issues. isenharo, by the way, was of the same opinion, that's how we know, he even told his secretary of state rusk that i would apologize, because if the russians did this to us, i would start a war, and... since i said no. eisenhaer in this sense, so to speak, was pliable, when he refused, it seems that nikita sergeevich had to sit down at the negotiating table in the position of a country that is not taken into account, as if we
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are flying over you, so to speak, we do what we want. and then he perceived it as both a betrayal and, so to speak, a violation all the rules." you understand, they drove you into the ground, so you, gentlemen, kick us, and look around, we didn’t finish you off at skalingrad, in ukraine, in belarus, if you kick us against us and prepare an attack again, we
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’ll kill you so much that we won’t you'll prick. and now... muscovites are already meeting nikita sergeevich khrushchev at the vnukovo airfield, an envoy of the soviet people who defended the honor and dignity of the great socialist state in paris. the russian people, the peoples of the entire soviet union, always greet guests with bread sonia. and he meets the robber with a club on the head. i don’t understand, i think that where a person shits, he doesn’t go there, you know, to have lunch, which means it’s elementary, you know, well, how did the president shit in the soviet union and khrushchev come to me for lunch, how can i i will treat you, please
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understand me and join me, let's unite our indignation against the aggressors who, so to speak, do not stand for the position of their coexistence, who are provoking, you know, a cold war, so that... it means it’s hot, now all the peoples of the world know that the meeting in paris has been disrupted, how can we be friends with them after all this, but the cause of peace, for which the soviet union is fighting, will still win, i don’t know, seryozha, life will tell.
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mariupol, returning home, the first multi-storey blocks of the left bank.
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it’s extremely unsafe to be here, the picture is really reminiscent of stalingrad, i remember my first meeting here with civilians, which forever and indelibly left its mark on my heart, the neo-nazis did not let them no way to get out, they said that everything around was mined, that they were evicting them from their apartments, making firing points there, then i... already realized that this is really a terrorist psychology, here in the courtyard of this house, there are a bunch of burnt out cars, i don’t even know, well, about a dozen for sure, this man, an intelligent-looking man, is sitting and reading a book, looking beautiful, aviation is flying over him, striking at the basics of steel, artillery is whistling above us, well, the apocalypse, father, there’s war all around, they’re tearing up shells. even now can be heard, and you are sitting, reading a book, so
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calm, what kind of book, book was he reading by valentin pikul, i have the honor, a very cool book, now we know his name, yuri nikolaevich demchenko, such a bright soul, we talked then, iron you are a man, my only request is, if you can tell our relatives and friends in russia that we are alive, i hope that soon we... we then returned, gave us a satellite phone to contact our son, offered to take them out, but they categorically refused , his the fate was tragic, i was sure that everything was fine, everything was calm, and 10 days later his son called and said that his father had died in the end, a sniper was working, two shots in the heart in the head, neo-nazis, for some reason they killed an ordinary person. ..
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we, together with a unit of the ninth regiment of the first ak, began assault operations in the pishevik pavlopol tolakovka sartana with access to the azov ring, the village of mirny. the pass
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with which i went to work, i left for the last time. on the 28th, the checkpoints in the armed forces of ukraine were already standing, and equipment was being delivered there, equipment was imported in large quantities, they already did this for themselves as a transshipment base or outpost.
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there is fire, as on those cars that are trying to leave mariupol towards novoazovsk, where the donetsk people's republic has provided a corridor for civilians, or... or on those, naturally, assault troops that are already entering mariupol, the guys are forced to act very delicately , correctly, without unnecessary damage to the civilian population, they try to minimize all risks. on february 24, i went on a business trip to direction mariupol. why do i need the call sign
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utes? because in one of the battles, they said it was impossible to destroy tanks with a machine gun, i burned three tanks. for 3 weeks, it turns out that your units helped the civilian population, of course, we all received this dry ration, in the form of stewed meat, a river, all this was given to the people, people either without water, without bread, because the azov people came in at night and took away the last food, they it was as if it didn’t matter that there were all the other children there, they
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clung to any house, we were barely on our feet, let’s call it that, and became closer. to us with their hands raised, without machine guns, their backs were shot at by their brothers, they have no idea, no ideals, what the ideal believes in, a nazi whom he sends into battle, and then shoots in the back from behind, we’ll be right there. at the height from which the assault began, after the liberation of a small settlement, well, here i see, the houses were not badly damaged, they fled to mariupol itself, since there was a big rise there, well, they hoped that they would control, but not we thought that we were so arrogant that we would not go with the equipment, but go on foot, and through the next block in the back
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we will kill everyone who was there, opening the way for the passage of equipment, we were preparing for everything, we were trained in the fields in... the task was to climb this hillock to break through the defenses for further passage armored vehicles really were to be taken it is extremely difficult to understand to what height
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we had to go down there in the dominant sea of ​​azov. here, of course, the fighting was very serious, the density of fire, as you can see, there is no living space, on the fence the density of fire is extremely high, i am a soldier who protects the homeland, which my grandfathers defended, where my ancestors are buried, and who supported the ideal, many people for us, our land, your lifeless body, how many days did it smolder, melt and hurt, how many days did your people, dim candles, until why is he fragile, the little man from mariupol, this is a new species, a still unknown homo, doomed to survive under the rubble of a house, doomed
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to look at the bread and not believe his eyes, the doomed one keeps the keys from the door torn from its hinges, from heaven, as usual. the mountain is noticeably closer, here is the sea of ​​azov, the shore the sandy one licks, on the wave as if nothing had happened, a white bird sways, there behind the clouds are those to whom they will not return, my mareupol, divided on two banks, who accepted deadly battles, gave people away through narrow corridors, and you are being fought in the high sky negotiation.
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it was here that on may 9, 2014, with the help of heavy equipment, the kiev regime began to crush the civilian population of mariupol, and a peaceful demonstration in honor of may 9 was disrupted. peaceful civilians erected some kind of barricades to prevent the unit from breaking through the national guard and the emerging azov. an order is put forward to the rvd building to open fire to kill civilians, and naturally
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the policemen who supported the popular uprising refuse to carry out the order, this very appointee of kiev, andrchuk takes out his pistol and begins to shoot people, this exit will be significant, it is in the footage, someone else is holding on from our police, don’t shoot.
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actively, i mean the ukrainian security service, which carried out ethnic cleansing, i believe, of russian mariupol, those who disagreed with
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the kiev regime took us to two places and tortured us, this is the mariupol airport and the building of the mariupol sbu, here we were unloaded, we all had our hands fastened behind us, then right along this porch we were allowed directly into the basement. the premises of the tyres, this is a torture chamber, and they said, now we’re going to shoot you, and they actually brought you, right at the barrel of a pistol, to this, to the back of the head, even you see, they remained just really, this is this this is the real blood of people who visited here, and people, people simply dissolved, someone someone went to the so-called library, where people were opened in half like books, this is a place, i call it differently...
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these nationalist marches took place around the city with portraits of bandera and shukhevych, but unfortunately, the city came under the control of the ukrainians troops began terror. in these two rooms, prisoners were kept, those who were brought here for torture. so i feel, you know, just like the presence of these souls, these tortured guys who were exhausted here, who died here for our just cause, for our news. behind our right to live together with russia, we threw the myth of the invincibility of azov into the sea of ​​azov, and you cannot be broken, you... you cannot
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be dumped, you cannot be distributed, you cannot be broken, you save yourself, breathing in the clear sky, from morning to morning , it’s bad in the ring, and you can’t be glorified, you can’t be praised.
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rum castro, a product of the stellar group. hello, they gave you some chocolate, right? yes, the first one. first, they gave me chocolate, right? for a long time, the children sniff the bread with pleasure. to be honest, the civilian population greeted us joyfully, when they heard that it was about... everything the russians came, they immediately came out and started telling us, somewhere else they still had children in other places, where they were, how they were, we shared, we fed them, gave them water, and then there was a special place for evacuation, buses arrived there, we evacuated them under guard, took them there, this is a gas station in the direction of volodarsky, but they took them from there and they were already taken from there, and so
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it turned out like a heart. we came just from the left bank, a huge flow of refugees, a powerful, well, probably in the entire history of the republic, a humanitarian operation, on march 10, an airborne assault battalion passed by in the metro area, the first building that we captured, but it was almost without a fight, artillery was working on us there, this is the ukrainian aerial reconnaissance headquarters and a transfusion station. this was the first building in which the airborne assault battalion entrenched itself in mariupol and did not leave this city, this is where the fighting began in the city, we were removing civilians, a woman was running, we took over the volunteer humanitarian headquarters there, she was roaring, i told her something. then i understand, she says: my mother stayed there, i took two or three soldiers with me with a stretcher, they ran to this grandmother, they threw her from the stroller onto the stretcher,
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they lifted her, do we begin to remember? at that moment , a sniper started shooting at us, i think, well, doesn’t this sniper understand that i didn’t come here from sevastopol with this grandmother, that she is this grandmother, she’s from mariupol, that i didn’t take her here with me? to the war, the grandfather is standing shouting who the commander is, well , we immediately think that it’s one of them, well, that’s all for a second, well , we stopped for a second, i say, well, there’s a commander here, he says, here i am a hunter, “here are my binoculars, these bendera people are sitting over there, russian people still remember their history, everyone understands, lord, to evacuate these residents, the ukrainian side didn’t even try, we entered through a landing, it turns out to be in the city center , our direction was in the center of the city, the first time they started to come in,
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they pinched us a little, then the second time when they came in, they were already going, going, going, they were already gradually starting to liberate the world’s population, as if, well, a vivid episode - this is where the pood store is , there’s a basement over there, when i i went down there, there were 12 children and two women, when i asked, i said, whose children are these ? well, they understood that normal people come here, so when i started communicating with them about damn...
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the doctors were working in the basement, so on the twenty-fourth it all started, that’s all we already gave birth in the basement, on the twenty- fifth -on the twenty-sixth there were already flights around the city, we already knew where they were, and judging by the arrivals, well, they were just shooting in a circle from inside the city, i was on duty when... yes, it all started, in fact, that’s how i stayed here, people from nearby houses came running in order to somehow take cover, because they knew that there was a semi-basement room here, well, in general, at the peak of all, we
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had 170 people here, we had some food left, and we had a catering unit working, that is, we had some supplies of water, and most importantly, we there was a generator that we could turn on for at least an hour, two, when we had the generator broke down, a mine landed underneath it, in the area of ​​the recovery park there were trucks, trucks from which the armed forces were made, fortifications in order to not let the troops get closer, right during the battle, under fire, i, my wife and dmitry, a neighbor, during during shelling, under the cover of russian troops, the radiator for the generator in the park was removed from the maz. delivered and still works, but where did you deliver the baby? this is our makeshift delivery room, operating room, everything put together, here we give birth, operate, here was the birthing bed, here was
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our makeshift operating table, which was just a gurney, and how many births do you attend here? 27, shells are falling all around, suddenly we hear a knock on the door, we open it, there’s... a pregnant woman standing on the threshold, they knew you were here, and they came running, look, mom, birds, there’s a fire all around, working on one of the high-rises a sniper from azov or another neo-nazi group, who, despite the fact that his unit has already left these neighborhoods, is simply firing indiscriminately. including civilians. yes i him on his knee. i really want to tell you about fear in war, what it is in general, we, i honestly am not ashamed of it, i thought that
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i would never encounter this in my life, i thought that it was only our grandfathers who went through this, for them it’s just that it will remain with them, when i got to mariupol, well , you are constantly in this feeling that, well, i don’t know, or like a mouse in a cage, that’s it. you are constantly tense, this is constant tension, you feel that someone is looking at you, someone is shooting at you, over time, of course, you get used to it, but when it dulls, well, i don’t even know how to convey it, well, there’s nothing good about it, so i’ll say it, an old man came up to me a little further, and i got him a whole one and a half liter mineral water, i say , hold on, his hands also trembled, and he said in such a voice, what is this? a gift, children, god bless you, thank you very much, sons, we haven’t seen bread for a long time, i saw how their hands seemed to tremble, their lips shook so much, they
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hadn’t eaten bread for a month, and i’m like a person who i was raised by my grandmothers in a village in the smolensk region, which was occupied during the great patriotic war, i remember these stories about hunger, about the war, how they talked about it... uh, and how strong these memories were for them throughout their lives , i didn’t think that this could ever happen again somewhere, when i saw these grandmothers, i just couldn’t help it. in general , i couldn’t show it to them at all, i stepped aside and, frankly speaking, burst into tears, if that’s what he’s telling the truth, when they fell silent the guns, when the shots run out, the guns lock up, the arrows are often fired, i still love
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you, let's hug each other, we'll part in pure peace, when it's all over, we've forgotten, i'll be able to see you, we'll remain sincere to each other, the flag of the somali donetsk people's battalion republic, commander. the second company at that time with the call sign muslim, a man with an incredible destiny, we’ll just tell you in detail now, with whom right here, not far away, we hoisted a flag on one of the first administrative buildings, he during throughout the assault, i was actually seriously ill, i was diagnosed with oncology, initially, this was when in the nineteenth year i developed, they said the fourth...
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and i wanted to say they chopped the dill, but how is it from being unfamiliar, i said the dill was peeled, ramzan akhmatovich himself i saw this video, he immediately found me, then took me home, immediately sent me to the best oncology clinic for treatment, it was muslim, as before. in the ranks
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he will remain in it until victory, glory to all the departed boys, glory to the boys, prayers are flying to heaven for you, lord have mercy, allah is above us, there is justice, growing strong will not erase the name, and the new brother, shoulder to shoulder with me, is not afraid of the enemy, we are fighting...
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we walked together with akhmat, that is, they immediately told us: we will we won’t give up, we will go with you, they also had six people wounded, one was very seriously, that is, the interaction with the same guys from chechnya was close, they fought like you, soundly, well, yes, yes, well done guys , very much and still communicate with some, and nochi brother, with me and... a terrible enemy, we we believe in this, that is, it turns out that to some extent this is a victory of our spirit, this is exactly what a victory is, to a greater extent it’s not even that they are there, well, they won the city there, they occupied it, i repeat again, we are at war not for a piece of land or a piece of a factory or a piece of something, we impose our will on the enemy and we can impose it by force only by destroying his army, prime minister, i love mine... to the country today on
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the first. strictly speaking, the assault on mariupol is two stories, independent of each other; in part, these are battles directly in the city neighborhoods, the private sector, the liberation of multi-storey buildings and direct military operations in the industrial zone, this is a separate city, the ilcha plant is a huge territory with its own traffic rules, its own huge... industrial facilities, here the neo-nazis were knocked out quite quickly, we will now tell you in detail, but they were finally locked down by neighboring azovstal. brother, you're in position, that's it, that's it, yeah, come on, good luck! the guys will work together on the positions of azov militants, who still remain on ilyech, driven directly into industrial zones, they are being squeezed out of residential areas so that as
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few people as possible are harmed, and there they will be completely destroyed. i saw unique footage, right here at the ilyich plant, how they worked with hail at direct fire, what’s the joke anyway, how this idea was born, they came up with it, in short, they just drove the hail right away, we immediately go into shelter, we expose the hail as expected, and just from the shelter he drives out sharply, already aimed, shoots five of them, drives in while this cloud is standing in the dust of smoke, we all calmly roll out, aim as expected at the target that's it, i'm completely 40 pieces. this is really a new war that gives rise to new tactical solutions, and the way the guys used rocket artillery here when storming industrial zones, this is really a certain kind of know-how, you
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tell me yourself, in general, mariupol, and your loved ones stayed here too, everyone in mariupol in the basements, but they all sat out. i was shocked when i found out that you had eight field soldiers, that you were in the hospital, but then it turned out that in addition to the fact that you were wounded, you also brought two prisoners, we approached them within 10 meters, and the commander shouts: stop, surrender, they are looking at us, there are six or seven people there , they looked at us like that and let ’s shoot back, i turn my head like that, i look at me, two machine guns are sticking out, i don’t let me shoot this thing , you had eight bullets, well, there’s a lot of bullets here. in the arm, in the neck, in the leg, here, just like that, i run out and immediately fall, well, i think i’m already dying, i can’t breathe, nothing, it’s very hard for me, i lie there for 10-15 seconds, it doesn’t die, it seems i’m still breathing, and these two dill run out onto they’re just running towards me, they say, boys, i
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don’t know what kind of ragamuffins you are here, i say, run away from your commanders, i say, everyone is dumb, i say, i say, guys, let’s do it, i say, i’ll spare your life, i’ll save it, i showed them the military man, yes, that’s it. now we believe you, two machine guns can’t coordinate, there were battles at 50 m by 30 m, that is , they clashed with lubes, there were also overdoses of steel, there is a skeleton, there used to be police or something like that, a four-story building right in front of the bridge, and we we drop off a group there at night, it sits, that is, keeps watch over the bridge so that no one gets out or bypasses our lines, and we cascade back to receive the task, and at about 5:00 in the morning the group commander comes out to us and says three groups have entered. into this skeleton in the basement, well , they asked, we tell them, ask who, perhaps they are our neighbors on the right across the street, well, that is, we had everything concentrated there, it turned out that it was the enemy, there was a group of poles, it seemed there was azovets, and we moved there with a cascade so that we could take the fight
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when we were already directly approaching elich, at that moment there were people in the basement, there were about 50-60 civilians there, well , when we had already... walked around them on the left side, that is, they sent us all support, that is, they had already advanced, went into the basement and saw there, then there are a lot of people and pregnant women, it was as if their deadlines were approaching when we released them, civilians even told us that these were children, wives, that is , azov men, but it was possible to somehow convince them, that’s when i communicated with them , yes, i got one, it turns out. when he was taken prisoner, we talked to him, he says, i he says, they gave me the command, he says to sit there, he says, they gave him a new machine gun, as if he was saying, i never fired a single shot, because i didn’t want to fight against you, he says, although his family seems to be in the same russia, as it were, i asked him a question, i said, what are you doing here,
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he says, they just tied us up, he says, as if they took us, he says, they imprisoned him, he says, there were fascists standing behind him, he says that they would either say, you are fighting, or we will shoot you ourselves, as if for a just cause we are fighting so that in our country there is no... fascism, which is now on the territory of ukraine, which has been inflated, there are normal people, there are people who we are fighting with, this is fascism, we are fighting fascism, in fact , we have a task, we must complete it, we are military people, especially since i am an officer, and what can it give, that is , we invested some kind of small victory there, we took it, as it were, a whole city so big, that is, a piece victories, the guys from the marine corps from sevastopol are ours... russian units play a huge role they played a role in the assault on this strategic facility, the selichs arrived, they cleared it out, that’s it, there are no more germans there, they cleared everything from the nazis here. we also drove a little bit, now we’ll joke with the guys from ukraine, that
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’s it, i hope that tomorrow the day after tomorrow we’ll get it all together, where we won there, well, i was actually glad that the first thing i saw was that mariupol was repainted in the tricolor, i think so, oh, they didn’t fight in vain, well, another woman fed me pancakes, so i wanted to go visit her when there were battles, they took her out the door was full of bullet holes, the door had been taken out the day before, she was very happy with us, she said, finally, you guys have come here, would you like to have some potatoes, today is my birthday, and hers is more there was no one to call, people were happy, no matter what, as if they were celebrating a holiday, but in general there are also such stories, touching to celebrate such a holiday in hot mariupol, too, in general, there is a place for life even in the most... terrible and dramatic situations, the soldiers of the regiment congratulated me on my anniversary, i received regiments today, showed warmth,
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literally a few steps from death, i’m glad that the sun was shining on this day, it’s shining right here, like fireworks, goryanchik, fireworks, yes, fireworks, yes, fifty dollars, fireworks, and i’m glad that i’m meeting. it’s like , well, in a normal way, this is probably the most correct birthday, a man’s, that i celebrate in my life, you know, i celebrated my fifty dollars right on the skeleton, especially since i put the flag there at the very top so that the enemy would go surrendered, i climbed in there and placed it, this is a flag, a red flag, so that the enemy can see where to go to surrender, a flag victory, and prepare the smoke. here it is, the banner
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of victory, before may 9, symbolically, near azovstal, petrukha, i bend down, and you know that i carried this flag across red square on may 9, and the soldiers of the 107th regiment handed it to me, 17, it’s me, i’m his carried right across red square on that one. wedge straight pole and you know where this flag is now at my house, especially since my fucking brother destroyed it right here at the ilyach plant, the ukrainian military began to surrender en masse, this is a very important fact, because it was here in essence, their defenses crumbled, and the neo-nazis continued to resist, fought in residential areas, pulled steel from the goats, but after...
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the neighborhoods of mariupol, the banner was raised, yes,
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there are a lot of thoughts, and a lot of emotions, remember, i say, to almost everyone places where they lost friends, their soldiers, where there were so many wounded, at what price each house, each street was given, you remember when you drive, but here the navigator died, and here sanya died, and here it’s a nightmare, well, it’s hard, write to me later how. .. a letter to a living person, but write about happiness, not about grief, write to me about what you see out the window, the endless blue sea, that across the blue sea, the boat is sailing with a rich silver catch. three hearts are the lich plant,
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the azovstal plant and the mariupol commercial port. scattered units of the national guard of ukraine, border troops, and the units supervising these units from the nationalists, polkaazov, were stationed here. what tasks did your assault unit solve as part of the liberation of mariupol? clearing populated areas, we operated in the offensive zone sixty eighth tank regiment. and the 150th division under the command of a brave colonel with the call sign terek, who shed his blood and laid down his life for the citizens of the city of mariupol. the port
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was a springboard for artillery work. yes , fascists in the city itself, we had situations during the cleansing, ah, it was the ninth air division street, the twenty-third microdistrict, the grandmother, and the daughter and granddaughter were just cooking at mangal at the entrance, and the daughter approached one of our fighters and handed over a piece of paper with a phone number, i remember it now, and says: i have my boyfriend lives on the territory of the russian...
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ambush, special forces group, group commander call sign frigate, carrying out tasks to rescue him, more than 70% of the port has already been cleared, it remains to literally put an end to the liberation operation, my brothers in arms say, brother, well, what do you see the house, you know, i see my rifle, brothers. i see, and such that, i say, i see, the house is on fire, that’s all, well, what were the feelings when you then went into your house, and i went up to my room, the door was closed, and i met my neighbors, they look at me with round
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eyes, they say, they told us, you died, you were killed, you know, everyone starts... everyone starts crying and hugs, it was very pleasant, very such, you know, the emotions are indescribable, i ’m seeing the left bank for the first time , its multi-storey buildings, in fact, zovstal, it was from this lighthouse, this is the entrance to mariupol from the meleykin side, for the first time i saw, as they say, in full view, the mariupol port with my own eyes, it was a spectacle. just piers, everything explodes, everything is in smoke from the guys from the people's militia of the dpr, this is the fifth brigade, epic, the cranes are huge, the ships are here, the boys were the first to come here, they were practically hostages here for several weeks, more than a month, sailors, russian from other countries, these are the holes, a lot of scars,
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traces of shrapnel, you can judge the intensity. the circle explodes, but then the main task was still to get to the ships, indeed, and there were people there, it was a very serious contrast, i felt when there had just
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apparently been a battle here, or relatively recently, we are going, there, there is still going on the battle, here we come to the ship to the ship, and there is a completely different atmosphere, there are relatively peaceful people who are already accustomed to all this here, well, tell me, here we also , as i understand it, ran through, here everything was smoking, well, if... accordingly, the enemy even posted a video on the internet, in which he was wildly happy that he had killed us all. yes, nothing
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like that, my scratch on my eye and a little bit of bruising on my fingers don’t count as murder. we just met the captain somewhere here next to this fire with knowledge. yes, yes, he was just coming out of there. the russians came, gave us documents, asked what products we had, for how long, if anything, then they would give us a lot of rides, look, the ukrainian crew didn’t even let him know that, in general, the forwat was summed up, you can hear for yourself how intense the fighting is the action takes place directly in the port of mariupol, the gaps are very close during our interview, and which one? i said hello to the sailor, then sent a video, gave him a phone number, because, as far as i remember, on the ship the batteries ran out, the power supply there, in fact, the ship was partially damaged
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due to shelling, it’s clear how intense the artillery battles were going on here, everything was also thundering, there was smoke here - and houses in the private sector were absolutely, well, it wasn’t so stormy then, in my opinion, no, no, it was calmer, yes, yes, but they brought the legacy here. not far from the place where we are, four black sea sailors died heroically,
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who did everything so that peaceful ships could enter this port. doctors are preparing to give an injection into the joints. today there are unique injections that allow you to restore cartilage and relieve pain. these and other important medical achievements are presented every day in the “live healthy” program. on monday, on the first. after the residential areas of mariupol completely came under our control, of course, there remained a fundamental battle, this is the fight for...
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absolutely documented, because just on the day when the first assaults on azov began, we crossed this highway, strongly they were out of breath because they were wearing bulletproof vests. you ran ahead, and i followed you he shouted at you to at least stay back, remember? yes, come on, stop sitting, let's go, tell the boys further how it all happened, there was a sniper working from the south side, shooting, and while running across we came under sniper fire, then when we were already rotating, retreating, then we also came under a sniper, yes , but before you had a helmet on your head and you
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didn’t care. yes, yes, we came out here, the advance group came in, dug in, found it there, the gates were open, 3,200, one civilian, two military, then we regrouped, and the boys started a fight from that sector, it seems they were there from this building, and from there, or from another sector, they started working on us. yes, openly, yes, this is how it looked somewhere, well, give or take, yes, but in general , what the hell does it feel like for a person who is
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the first to enter - at an object where the enemy may be, they can open fire on you at any moment because of, i don’t know, because of any corner, in fact, under adrenaline you don’t think much, you want to survive, you won’t be afraid, here’s the basement, and there ’s an exit to the second floor, let’s go, let’s go to the second floor, this didn’t happen, and all this didn’t happen, someone else spent the night here, they’re hiding here... yes, and i’m in the room, and you can stand here, okay, a shot, just really to illustrate what the distance is there was a battle, the neo-nazis were already sitting there, right in that tower, on the second floor, there was a machine gunner, a well-equipped point, we were here, well, the guys competently suppressed them, vandam
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additionally... and he first ordered artillery for us, and then it turned out aviation, in general it wasn’t boring, you won’t stop there to stop, but there is no need to throw gifts, gifts, to penetrate, or as the donbass special forces say, to be drawn into the territory of azov-stal was an extremely important matter, in fact, they proved that this object is not impregnable in any way, already in the next 2-3 days they took under complete control is enough. all neighboring buildings are operational, now we are at azovstal, the plant is so large that you can only move around it by car, in terms of its size it is a legacy of the soviet industrial past impressive, it is comparable in area to many regional centers, my name is...
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the berkut unit, after the maidan we all went over to the side of the donetsk people's republic and to this day i continue to serve here, we entered from that unit, made breaks in the fences and carefully under wagons. they entered, well, directly into the industrial zone, everything was mined, the troops of the national battalions were concentrated here, well , naturally the attitude towards them was like this, well, we perceived them as uh nazis, but i see my brother landed here, that is
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in general... it was hot, yes, yes, the main thing is that the enemy was blocked here on the territory of the plant, the enemy was forced, so to speak, to hide in underground structures, in bomb shelters, well, naturally, in this way they looked for his actions. chekach, girls dance, dance, demons. to bury in the middle of the steppe, palahala, hut, god, matsir to give birth without a trace, over the sea the sun behind the gloom,
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you hear the call, it was clouded, then the calibers fly as mayors, doctors of the sick ukraine, doctor in ukraine, the plague doctor with his recruits stood up, and chervona viburnum, again to bleed the grass with mariupol, my place is maria with a candle, with a st. george’s stitch, the bogomatir with a candle, the son has finished honoring, tell the tamulyakh about the muscovite, give him a personal word, my children and cream, this is my land, i also take movustali where -that? 500-600 m, every night separate small groups of neo-nazis try to break through the encirclement and get out, but all these attempts are suppressed in every possible way by our units, including the marines.
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the finale of the liberation of mariupol was the magnificent operation of the headquarters of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation on the surrender of the azovstal garrison. i have a recording, i wrote it to my son, that son, today i saw the exit from hell, you know, guys, such good words. whoever has not been on the threshold of hell and has lived his life without knowing any worries should not be allowed into heaven, he will not appreciate heaven. valentin viktorovich krizhanovsky, call sign volunteer, colonel,
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paratrooper, real officer, thanks in many ways to this operation to withdraw the azovstal garrison. certificate for the minister of defense, minister of defense on the president, this was an approved operation, i went here, everyone else was also warned, they helped as best they could, we are talking now, yes, this sign, as it lay then, is still lying there, all beaten and wounded, here was ... and the eighth army, they need to give these guys, our guys put pressure on them, but if it weren’t for such a hot phase of the operation, when especially the dead, tribute to the memory, who did everything possible to ensure that
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the city of mariopol became our part , there wasn't a square centimeter where it wouldn't hit a bullet or a shrapnel, when the tires of the cars were all riddled with shrapnel, like hedgehogs, so you can just imagine... accompanied by the soldiers of the eighth army, which captured azovstal, there was me, there were you, and there was the representative of ukraine alexander ivanovich kovalev, here on this there we began to conduct
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the first negotiations with representatives of azaustal, there was also a ukrainian priest who stood here for two to four hours with outstretched arms so that no one would shoot. remember when we stood here in a group and had to clear this the road, because there was a lot of unexploded ammunition here, he had to drive through and clear the road so that he could communicate with them and withdraw the garrison. we still remember how two people were walking, they did not explode on mines there, suddenly a dog exploded on a mine over there far away. ukrainians ran and shouted: you violated the ceasefire, we are now reporting everywhere, we will report and so on. around the plant, around the plant, drones are dumping water. kyiv was interested in what was here there is a fortress, they will defend themselves, as...
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when it was already decided that
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they would withdraw from there and lay down their arms, the commander of the azov regiment, denis prokopenko, suddenly said: how can i explain this to the commander of the units, because there is no presidential decree, there is no order for us to surrender , for evacuation, then i told him, i say, denis, and you, i say, agree that you were simply appointed as sacred victims, that your subordinates will die here for nothing, for nothing, so you... hold out here for a little longer , well, how long, well, a month maximum, y you will run out of water, you will run out of food, you will simply be knocked out wherever you appear, your children will grow up without you, these are more than two thousand people, have you really thought about the responsibility for their lives, you start the withdrawal, and zelensky and ermak will wake up behind the decree will appear in number, everything else will appear, they won’t allow it to pass as if without their control, as soon as they went to...
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it wasn’t, why only at the time of the decree
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such a decree and order does not exist to this day, but they are there pr, especially those we have already exchanged, they say: we came out on orders by the decree of the president, if it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have come out, no, guys, you came out as a result of a big deception, a big psychological operation, but they stopped here, they actually created a fortress, a fortress , and the underground communications, where they were located, they are spread out, large, under the entire territory of the plant, you can, for example, from one end from the sea get into kalmeus, into the river, this is a pipe through which a truck can drive, this is a plant , he must work in military conditions, in fact, if he worked and produced shells, then during these combat operations he could continue to produce these shells, because both the machines and the production facilities are located both above and below, and not to the extent where, let’s say, all these structures are involved, but in what -they couldn’t do this on a small scale. now we will go down
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into one of the azovstal bunkers, in which the azovites and other ukrainian formations, driven into a corner, existed until the moment of their capture. it was one of the most camouflaged bomb shelters on the territory of the plant. at while clearing mines from bunkers, we often... came across tripwires that passed either at head level to catch on the helmet, then an explosion could occur or at foot level. each of these doors could become a serious obstacle for our guys, this is a legacy of the soviet past; bomb shelters were formed here on the territory of azovstal, since mariupol at one time was one of the sites for nuclear destruction from the outside. nato countries, including the united states of america, their uniforms were thrown, that is, into
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basically, they came to the surface not in uniform, they came out directly in clothes and... a worker operator, here they had a mini-hospital, this is exactly the space this hospital occupied, here they had a food area, we see even packaging of their individual rations and we even see some kind of plate from which one of... azovites, in this place they had an ideologist of a very high level, it is noteworthy that their main ideologist actually fattened here, and ordinary soldiers huddled here on three-tiered bunks when they on the second day after the start of the withdrawal
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of civilians from the territory of azovstal, we had practically the first such contact with them... and we talked, and then we heard words like, guys, help, we are ready to surrender , just press a little, yes we will come there to kiev, we will demolish this idiot like them, this is in my correspondence, they hate the kiev authorities, look, the fact that there were really nazis here, even shows what is here they drew a swastika with chalk, we see one of the symbols... the azov regiment, but what about me? i was struck by the fact that it was written here that the potion was zradnik, that is, this is a zelensky giver, i then offered to negotiate in ukrainian, i said this, i’ll preach the news in my ukrainian language, which means
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the azov commander says, i don’t mind, but who are we it makes sense here, i say why did you decide that, i say, we all speak ukrainian perfectly. they think in russian, they look at you, like hunted animals, like they are ready to tear you apart, this is still very much for me, you know, any person who has gone through he’s lived here for 2 months in the basements and he’s already giving up, he’s a caged animal, so don’t
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be surprised by this. brotherly heart, hello, van dam, an officer of the control group of the optf cascade, who was directly involved in the operation to capture the azovstal garrison, bunkers throughout azovstal, made under such conditions, where, firstly, it allowed, well, more connected with the workshops , here are the moments, here there are inscriptions that indicate the direction, there... was the location of the kho products warehouse, this is from the factory was just at the crossing, they were burning storage media, burning weapons, there was a fire there, they were burning documentation, burning
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laptops, another bunker in the south was the same type as near the hangars of the slag mountain, it was completely burned out. also there, well, it was as if they were destroying evidence, what the azovites and other armed formations of ukraine were doing at that time, they burned documents once, they burned, a lot of, let’s say, there were weapons of special equipment that were supplied from nato countries, they burned, they blew up a bunker in this bunker along with foreign contingent who are there was located because... then, when sorting out the rubble, it was determined that on each bed there was, as it were, a person who was burned alive, and here the fires are everything else, this is all the documentation that they had regarding the actions that they carried out all this time in mariupol, they burned it, burned their chevrons, burned possible
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identification of belonging to one or another formation, on the last day, when involuntary explosions began here, when they destroyed. all they have left is here there were about 100 explosions, everything was covered with black smoke and suddenly they ran out here, i saw black-headed people, why black-headed, they were all there. these are undermined marches down another three levels
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in depth, they are tied with a crater, tunnels, if you go down like this, then there will be one more lower tier and two even deeper, well , four tiers somewhere, that is, it turns out that there are bunkers between all of them the workshops were connected, they are also connected technically, regarding cables, communications and... naturally, they are passable, but simply not like this one, and this tunnel, it was through it that the personnel came out to hand over, these, by the way, are the remnants of humanitarian aid for them, bags for two hundredths, white and black, for whom the color of the voice, which the red cross brought, they ...


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