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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:37pm MSK

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one way ticket, spring, oh life you are wonderful, oh life you are beautiful, oh life you are completely beautiful, you can be a little, dangerous, take my net.
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riding on a star, riding on a star, rushing towards the wind towards the wind, i created this world, i myself, oh life is beautiful, oh life is beautiful, life is beautiful. quite, you can be a little dangerous, take my heart,
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hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. hot situation, fires and floods in russian regions. vladimir putin received reports from the heads of ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of nature. front in dynamics staritsa. the russian army took another settlement near kharkov. enemy commanders abandon their own on the battlefield. the hunt is on... the new ukrainian law on mobilization has come into full force, the west, give us weapons in return, demands life from kiev. the era of reconstruction, the president's visit to china, the benefits of partnership with russia , american-european myths. statement by the head of mit. keeping the attempted murder of robert fitz in custody is a special court with a political underbelly, as they are trying to do in slovakia anti-russian weapon. double celebration,
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birthdays of the baltic fleet of kranstadt, flags, ceremonial formation and celebrations throughout the city of the island. to the fields, friends, quickly, quickly. eugene onegin, chapter seven. the amazing history of malinniki, the place that inspired pushkin. so, we just received this footage from the kremlin. meeting of vladimir putin with the heads of the ministry of natural resources, alexander kozlov and...
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to listen to you about forecasts of what and how we will develop in the region, the spring flood in the russian federation federation continues, today in 10 constituent entities of the russian federation in 117 settlements, 1,373 residential buildings, 5,892 country houses, 10,720 household plots in the orenburg region remain flooded in two settlements, 230. two residential buildings, a total of 17,800 people were evacuated, including including 4,947 children, of whom 282 people, including 51 children, were placed in tap families. in order to provide financial assistance to affected citizens, 540,440 applications were accepted. payments have been made for the total amount of almost 7 billion rubles. in the tyumen region, thanks to coordinated actions, it was possible to prevent federal flooding.
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by decision of the government commission, from may 17, the region was classified as a federal emergency . a total of 2,041 people were evacuated, including 704 children due to the situation with natural fires. according to operational data , there are 51 forest fires on the territory of the russian federation on an area of ​​43,058 hectares, of which 14 fires on an area of ​​1,160 hectares have been localized. needed immediately. carry out assessment work damage to households, to citizens, well, you understand, yes, yes, all this needs to be drained on time so that such an assessment occurs without delay, taking into account what we talked about last time at a meeting with the participation
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of the heads of municipalities, federal ministers, please just pay attention to this, because it’s all fast, summer will pass quickly, we’re already past summer. do everything we can to restore the housing stock, okay? in july, in august we predict rain floods in the far east, this is along the amur basin, accordingly, a cyclone will approach from the sea of ​​japan, we also need to be prepared for them, this is due to the flood, as for the fire and forest fire situation, until the end of may we see the forecast for buryatia,
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it will attract aviation, and not everywhere we can even get aviation, and of course, dry thunderstorms in mountainous areas. these were shots of vladimir putin’s evening meeting with the heads of the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of natural resources in the kremlin. earlier today, the head of state spoke by phone with the president of kazakhstan, kassym zhamart takayev. having discussed the bilateral agenda, the russian leader warmly congratulated his colleague on his birthday. the day before, takaev turned 71 and shared his impressions of his state visit to china. statement by vladimir putin following the results of this visit, in particular on the prc’s position on ukraine on the so -called swiss conference, as well as the western myth about the russian threat and the architecture of world security. all this is the topic of today’s speech by the head of mit
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sergei lavrov. dmitry kochitkov listened. for more than 30 years, the foreign defense policy council has been helping develop strategic country development concepts. the traditional meeting in...
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we all urgently need to arm ourselves to the teeth, the line has been taken to restore the size and combat readiness of the armies of european states, the transfer, as i already said, of the military-industrial complexes of nato countries into wartime mode, work has begun, so far the thinking on the contours of the formation of a european military alliance with a nuclear component. thus, the us and eu countries use the myth of the imaginary russian threat.
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peace of zelensky, this is the only a settlement plan acceptable to everyone, and at the next stage to impose it on russia, we are simply watching with amazement at these efforts, at how, well, in general , adults are engaged in outright nonsense, which has no prospects, but the global majority is for dialogue with moscow, russia has more and more strategic partners in asia, primarily china. on his first foreign visit after taking office, vladimir putin went to
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beijing. our relationship, comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction, superior in quality to the traditional interstate unions of the previous era. and they continue to play a key role in maintaining international security. in the current situation, god himself ordered us to develop cooperation with the global majority, which is not ready to sacrifice their relations with... russia, china, the brix countries are for now the foundations of anti-chaos, but these foundations of anti-chaos will precisely create a new world order. the economic weight of the brics countries has exceeded the economic weight of the g7. this means that beyond the economic influence, it is necessary to build political influence. council members highly appreciate russia's work.
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to the west and europe. previously, we adapted to the world, now we strive
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to change the world, our benefit in favor of the world majority. this is a fundamentally different policy. the world is changing before our eyes and experts have something to discuss. the discussion in the moscow region about foreign policy strategy will continue tomorrow. dmitry kochatkov, roman mikhalenko, sergey romanov and alina abdyukhanova. first channel. special operation and new released locality. kharkov region. getting old. the ministry of defense reported that the troops of the north group are moving further, thereby expanding the sanitary zone. it should be such as to reduce for a week the possibility of shelling by ukrainian terrorists of the border regions of russia. let me remind you that in addition to staritsa, 12 more settlements north of kharkov have been liberated. in today's military report, 1,725 ​​ukrainian militants were killed in all directions; enemy air defense systems are regularly knocked out. now. the list was supplemented by the german radar irst station. long-range strikes destroyed
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a warehouse of unmanned boats, as well as other military facilities in kharkov and krivoy rog, odessa, dnepropetrovsk regions, and in poltava, a strike on the mirgorod airfield. and every day there are more and more ukrainian prisoners. someone realized that this was the only way to save life, laid down their arms and went to surrender, someone did not have time to get out of the encirclement or was simply abandoned by the commander in a combat position. come on, i was cannon fodder, i don’t know why i was there and what i’m guilty of having fought, i would sooner go to jail, i’ll go to fight again, our commanders abandoned us, they ran away, well, at the last moment they already gave us the command to retreat, so we said that we were... surrounded, well, the walkie-talkie was no longer responding , well, how can an officer leave a soldier to the mercy of fate
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and run away on his own, these are not officers, i got on the minibus for a ride at the next stop, please, there are a lot of conscripts, to be precise , they catch more than they are conscripted, there are a lot of military commissars, well it seems to me that they are a big part of it western ukraine probably doesn’t want it themselves. to go anywhere, so this is, well, my opinion. it is still much easier to catch than to slaughter yourself; in such realities , a scandalous law came into force in ukraine today. about mobilization, in which recruits have no rights, and those who are unfit for service are considered not to be, a serious diagnosis or disability in the ranks, or rather in the trenches, and the protest went, those who professionally turn the steering wheel were the first to decide, vitaly katchenko about how far is it to the last ukrainian, who is dtsk, tell me, be weasel, who is this, explain it to me, i don’t know,
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a dangerous abbreviation for the lives of ukrainians aged 25 to 60 years, if you can still hide in your car, in another point of odessa, tck employees, together with armed masked militants, surrounded the reo building, registration of transport and obtaining a driver's license for many men ended with additional verification of documents and forced delivery to
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the military registration and enlistment office. they packed me up, just under the machines and said we were going somewhere. from today the police will help pack ukrainians to the front, radical advice is already appearing on the internet on how not to become a victim of mobilization, if the shopping center pulls me out of the car, then we will go with the car or with the steering wheel, the ukrainian security service is hunting for... those who film, post in the network, as men of military age are knitted on the streets, in ukraine it was reduced from 27 to 25 years old, i’m in the air, in ukraine, shanovny, we go out, someone is trying to go in a hiding place across the border, someone is floating to romania, 30 people drowned, one was shot while trying to cross the border, the total mobilization announced
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by the zelensky regime also affected 50% of all management structures of ukraine, in the cherkasy region at a session of people, they even counted that this is every tenth of the available mobilizations in ukraine of men, today they have allowed to mobilize people with chronic diseases, including with tuberculosis, which means that they allowed the mobilization of disabled people, if he has at least one, of course, there are territorial centers for recruitment and social support, this
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is the full name of the private military commissariat structures in ukraine will now serve summonses around the clock for failure to appear. now for this they have been fined from 17 thousand hryvnia, about 40 thousand rubles, and this is more than two minimum wages for systematic evasion for up to 5 years, business owners were obliged to issue summonses to employees, in addition, the company must ensure the arrival of workers liable for military service at assembly points. us secretary of state blinken, who recently visited ukraine, spoke about the importance of mobilization
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to students at the kiev polytechnic university. when blinkin arrived in kyiv, a joke immediately appeared there. blinken left. from the train, looked at those greeting him and said: “oh my god, there are still living people in kiev,” of course, blinkin came, flew in, to check personally whether the 61 billion was allocated in vain, blinkin must make sure that on those weapons that are either otherwise, it will come, there will be someone to fight without the french, poles, americans and others, as planned with... first , employees of ukrainian companies, including bookmakers with american
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owners, received reservations from mobilization by zelensky’s decree, but then from the public they decided to slow down the resonance, but energy workers at water utilities, municipal transport drivers and cargo carriers cannot escape, truck drivers will not be allowed to go abroad, truckers went on strike, blocking the kiev-odessa highway. this may be related. not only with fuels and lubricants, but with medicines, with everything, if you understand that we import everything, only 5% of trucks will remain on routes, the hype and prices will skyrocket instantly, this is a collapse, a collapse. violators of the law on total mobilization they will be deprived of the right to drive vehicles, the confiscation of personal cars, boats and even tractors for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine is allowed, they promise to return them a month after demobilization, which not everyone will live to see. everything is empty, there are no people, no one. people, people, vitaly katchenko, andrey mikhailov and liliya zorina, channel one. the president of georgia
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vetoed the law on foreign agents adopted by parliament, calling it russian, although the norms were copied from american ones back in the soft era. but even in this form, in relation to georgia, the states consider the document undemocratic. opponents of the law have been rallying in tbilis in recent weeks with the support of the united states and the european union. participation in one of the rallies of the heads of foreign affairs of lithuania, estonia and iceland. such interference today prompted a protest from the leader of the ruling georgian dream party, which, by the way, has enough parliamentary votes to override the presidential veto. in general, further street actions are predictable, we'll see how intense it gets. one of the vice-speakers spoke brightly about the anti-russian notes of the atmosphere in slovakia in an interview with channel one parliament of the republic. the reason is known, an attempt on the life of the head of the ruler.
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and pray for recovery, they still can’t come to their senses, how did something like this even become possible in slovakia. he was shot only because he held different views
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than others in the european union. my only fear is that we won't be able to prevent all of this. i'm afraid this pandora's box will open, and none of us want that. meanwhile, in the united states, the white house is extremely cautious about the consequences of the assassination attempt. it's too early yet. in one of the social networks of his so-called anti-violence movement, the posts were written personally. this morning my wife ruined my mood with the news about donald trump's excellent health. in my opinion, the arrogance of this clown
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knows no bounds. the image of an anti-trumpist who takes up arms and goes to kill a politician, the head of government, inconvenient for the current white house administration, is certainly tactical, while his associates continue to accuse the liberal opposition of the media of creating an atmosphere of hatred towards the prime minister, which led to the assassination attempt, deputy speaker parliament lyubysh blago is extremely emotional in an interview with channel one. this is a reflection of our opposition, this is a reflection of our liberal media, all the warmongers who want to drag slovakia into... will be able to return to their duties as head of the government of slovakia, while it is premature. ivan the good, dmitry volkov, dalia serzhidinova, kirill danilov, channel one. back to our news: the city of military glory kranstat turns 320 today. the world's largest water fortress with many forts, it was built to protect st. petersburg from
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sea, and its pearl is the fort. alexander ii, a monument of fortification art. kranstat is one of the main bases of the baltic fleet, which also has a birthday today, so the sailors of the oldest russian fleet are celebrating a double holiday, with a parade and full combat readiness. lyubov filippova saw everything. flags are raised on every ship of the leningrad naval base. the famous city, the port of kronshtat, celebrates its 320th anniversary. we are now.
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then this is not a zaks, you can’t get off easy, we imprint hearts into iron, which is simply you can’t break it like that, well, where would such a holiday be without the main dish of sailors, naval-style pasta is served to everyone, they cooked it right in this huge cauldron, it’s a wood-burning stove underneath, so they are constantly heated, the smell really lingers literally all over the street, so look what a line is lined up, it’s all there, he served in the navy for many years. well, i’ve never eaten such delicious pasta, the port city was built to protect st. petersburg from the swedes, modern residents of kranstadt jokingly introduce themselves like this, islanders, you call yourself that, this a special caste of people, at the monument to the founder of the granstat, peter i, today there was a flower-laying ceremony, a festive liturgy in the st. nicholas naval cathedral, the veil of the altar, the st. andrew's flag serves here. after
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the service, the governor of st. petersburg. and next to the naval cathedral i can’t take my eyes off the beautiful dresses of their gentlemen, here are the kronstatt cadets and cadets of several military schools, everyone is getting ready to dance the waltz, they don’t waste a minute, they are rehearsing, from the first day we were invited, we arrived and immediately we liked the girls , we we started rehearsing and dancing with them, we are future officers, future defenders. fatherland since imperial times, an officer is a person, well , relatively speaking, an elite, a person who must be able to dance, be able to, well, roll for sure, at least there are more than four hundred couples in the anchor area, naval officer alexander lavrov together with his wife anna. we met at a dance at school. a dance couple became a life couple. how cool, how many years have you been together? 17 last
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year alone, kronshtat was visited by almost 5 million tourists, there is something to be happy about both for them and local residents. today it is being revived, on behalf of the president, roads, a park, the island of forts are being built, petersburgers, leningraders have always dreamed that forts would be restored, today they are being restored, three forts, next year they will welcome the first residents of our city and our guests. shtatsev confesses his love for the city, for us in general this is the best city on earth, and knowing its historical past, we are proud of our city, we love it very much, the place where we were born is the main place , our homeland, lyubov filipova, denis torobchinov, anastasia slobodenyuk, stanislav opletin, kranshtat channel one. a major children's hockey tournament, the unison cup, started today in krasnogorsk near moscow.
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eight teams from russia and belarus will compete for the main prize. all players are no more than 10 years old. the tournament itself takes place at the home site of the krasnogorsk team. a modern arena, including several ice rinks and sports halls. was opened 3 years ago. in addition to the hockey school there. i want on behalf of the ministry of sports, on my own behalf , to congratulate you on the opening of this tournament, wish everyone success, so that you show your best qualities, make friends,
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be real gentlemen on the ice, and the national hockey school has given the world many great champions and coaches. this year's first cycling festival in moscow brought together more than 50,000 participants. the traditional ride along the garden ring was complemented by an extensive entertainment program. alexander lyakin imbued with the spirit of the sports festival. today the garden ring was dominated by cyclists. they did what they wanted here, drove along sideways, clockwise in the opposite direction side. some even managed to lie down where at other times the engines would roar. this is leva. this is roma, this is kirill. this is slava, this is slavek, they grew up, we decided to go. many muscovites realized early in the morning that today was the opening of the cycling season; almost all the carriages of the moscow central circle were occupied by cyclists. apparently, in order not to waste extra effort, they traveled by public transport, only riding the last kilometers
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in the saddle. today, on the garden ring, a person without a bicycle looks like a black crow. 50.000 participants of the cycling festival, so you understand, while the latter begin to move along the garden ring, the first already complete a full circle at 16. that is, the head of the column caught up with the tail, and the movement slowed down, sometimes we even had to stand in real bike traffic jams, there was time to take a closer look at each other, i the wings don’t bother you, i would say they even help, i made them myself, i assembled them with a friend, tell me who you are? listen, but in front of you are two birds, and the firebird is, in fact, a raven, don’t you recognize it, someone tried to stand out with a bright suit, others surprised the audience with unusual bicycles, you can’t stop, no, no, you can’t stop... you can’t, this is the largest bicycle in russia, it’s hard for it to maneuver at low speeds in general, it needs to go and go, preferably , in moscow the atmosphere here is very chic, in general everything is just wonderful, so much so that i am filled with joy and great pride for
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the country, for myself, for russia in general, this is not the first time i have participated, i have already been at this city bike parade, for the ninth year already, this bike plant named after fronzi in 1935, which participated in the red square parade.
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fontana this year it is called almamator and is dedicated to the tercentenary of st. petersburg state university. at the famous grand cascade, a theatrical performance about the glorious history of the university with the participation of student soloists of the marinsky theater. the culmination of the holiday: the launch of the fountains was started by the governor. the entire lower park became a venue for concerts, lectures, and installations for all students; admission on this day is free. regions are preparing for the 225th anniversary since the birth of alexander sergeevich pushkin. the malinniki estate, an already lost part of the pushkin ring of the upper volga. it was there that the poet completed the seventh chapter of eugene onegin, what begins with pictures of russian nature. today this place is being revived, starting
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with the park that inspired pushkin. even if you don’t feed the raspberries, take them from the raspberry garden. the gun couplet, which is not in any collected works.


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