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tv   Chasovoi  1TV  May 19, 2024 7:40am-8:11am MSK

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“she’s in grief from the bitter maze, and she’s all come, don’t wait for me, come on, my vinushka, and the sisters have slept for a hundred days, she’ll burn gorky , she’s dead. you’ve come, don’t wait for me, my davarinushka, come on my little babe, well done, well done, well done , dance floor.
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nikolai nikolayevich watchman will play a wartime tanga, a small flower, they invited, they invited
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nadona, that it’s not a farm, it’s his own tune, let the darling sing along, so that the moon can hear, on the moon, the astronauts can hear moscow, they’ll start playing . , i have two balalaikas, i’m going outside i’m coming, of course, from the outside, but dear marusya, but love is difficult, like that, i’ll put on dresses and go around the garden in a white circle, don’t throw me a million, darling.
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dewy braid, we love her, pink braid, braid, pity, pity, yellow braid for me, dewy braid, pity , pity, zamne, nasas, the ribbon is blue, and below the belt, the ribbon is blue, and below the belt is yas, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, zhelka for me, not for payasa, sorry, sorry, zhelka for me, not for payasa, hey!
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you can love her, but you can’t kiss her, but you can love her, but you can’t kiss her, you can’t, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, i can’t kiss her, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, yellow you can’t not kiss, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, you can’t not kiss with yellow, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, that’s it, take it off, television from the inside, the premiere, today on the first, doctors are preparing to give
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an injection in the joints, today there are unique injections that allow you to restore the cartilage and remove it. pain, these and other important achievements of medicine, live healthy every day in the program, tomorrow is the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer... watch the series of games after the program time.
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my, let the earth meet, and love. love kostezh swung, and floated foggy, lust, i helped with myself, my ear, the cauldron checks by the ringing, and the cossack by the word.
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raised from the bottom of the volga by search engines and placed on this pedestal, inside there are
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remains of the crew, 11 people, letters to relatives, awards, here is the equipment, steering wheel, intercom telephone, lamp, binoculars, megaphone, intercom, engine, friends, 80 years have already passed , 42, 43 years old, all this is in memory, but it’s so real, of course, it’s scary, very exciting, an echo of war, i want to say only one thing: eternal memory, to the fallen hero of the volga military flotilla, low to our worshippers, we remember, do not forget the terrible years, when the waters of the vodsk boiled, the earth was drowning in the fury of fire, and there was neither night nor day, we stood... at the volga banks , enemy divisions marched to the volga,
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our immortal soldier stood new , but the great stalingrad survived, let us bow to those great years, to those glorious commander of the soldiers. and as the marshal of the country, let us bow to the rank and file, both the dead and the living, to all those who must not be forgotten, let us bow, we bow, friends, peace to all. all the people, the whole earth, let us bow down for that great battle,
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we squeezed the ring of our enemies, we flared with anger in their faces, february russian savannahs of snow, divided, divided for the enemy regiments, that great mortal battle is over. the sky shines peacefully above you, above our glorious mother river, above the glorious soldier’s head, let’s bow to those great years, those glorious commanders and soldiers and... shalom of the country to the ordinary, let’s bow to both the dead and the living to all
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those who must not be forgotten, let’s bow, bow , friends, the whole world, all the people. let us worship with all the earth for that little god, we heard a lot of cossack proverbs and sayings here, for example, i remember this one, whoever remembers the old is out of his sight. whoever forgets will get both, but i liked this, a cossack would rather die than
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leave his native land, come on! really, the pulpit dried me up so much. a bullet to the left, a bullet to the right, a bullet to the left, a bullet to the right, the bullet will go ahead, we’ll give the nazis a bath, oh, and a hot bath, there won’t be a happy
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earth, there won’t be a happy earth. under the nazi brand, our army is fighting, my brother is in front, soon he will be back, cardinami on the chest, oh, hello, my sa, hello, loved ones, they will return to us with victory, the warriors, dear ones, will return to us, perdai, the dear warriors, cheers, stalingrad, volgograd, we remember.
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hello, the military information program chasovoy is on air on channel one and i am its host, alexey rafaenko. watch this episode. left bank of the dnieper. airborne artillery is at work. it's incredibly loud. the entire
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position. it shakes, well, it’s business as usual for the guys, pinpoint accuracy, our guns accurately hit any targets, the ukrainian military is trying to land through the darkness to our shore, very often we cover their boats, artillery paratroopers, fighting spirit, excellent mood, i want to convey a huge greeting to all russians, take care of yourself, victory will be ours, at the beginning of the release the news: this is the result of an iskander strike on the anti-aircraft missile command post brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. the command post and the warehouse were destroyed by fire fighters. the russian flag flies over the work.
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this settlement in the zaporozhye region was taken under full control of assault units. grandfathers, grandfathers who also fought before for us, the artillerymen give no rest to the enemy, day or night. we clear the passage to the infantry, we drive to the place, i designate the shooting location, the direction, everything, set up
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the car and work it out, then we quickly leave. crews of grad multiple launch rocket systems daily strike enemy strongholds and infantry concentrations. but so often under enemy fire, repair and evacuation. units of the western troops are pulling equipment from the battlefield; in these frames they are evacuating our t-72b3 tank for further repairs. my the guys who work with me directly, they have always been with me from the very beginning of the svo, so well, the work has worked out, it has improved. a few days after repairs and diagnostics, the tank will again be ready to receive its crew. the sentry continues to work in the zone of a special military operation, this time our film crew is sent to the southern sector of the front, where one of
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the airborne artillery brigades is fighting on the left bank of the dnieper. today we will have to see the combat work of the crews, but we won’t be able to get to the firing positions right away. guys they say it's hot there now, enemy. and we go to the field camp, we should be met by the commander of one of the guns, to our great surprise, almost a boy comes out to us, this guy is only 19 years old, and it turns out that he is already an experienced front-line soldier, and his crew is one of the best in the division, about the fighters on the front lines they are judged not by age, but by merit. why were you appointed gun commander? i don’t know, apparently i somehow showed myself on the good side, that people listen to me, and seem to be able to follow
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me, and what it’s like for grown-up guys command? well, at first it was generally unusual, for me age is respect first of all, i try to respect adults, here it is to command, that is, at first it was uneasy, really serious, but then we worked together, i realized that, as it were,
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53 goniometer 57- 58 i went because i didn’t want to lie on the stove, and so that i didn’t have to utter such loud words, well, it was really necessary for my homeland, well, in general, that’s why i went where my homeland sent me, there and well, like in the artillery, artillery is great, why did you like it, why i liked it, you must have seen how they shoot hyocin? we
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have already heard how the hyocinth fires, and under carbon in 2022 in the svatovsky direction, a year later this shot, of course, completely shakes this heavy 152 caliber. the weight of each powder charge of the projectile is under 50 kg, and today we will have the opportunity to see for ourselves how geocinth calculations work , as soon as the road to the artillery batteries becomes relatively safe, and this is the driver of the crew with the call sign good-natured, he is also 19, he inherited this call sign from his father, who in the nineties fought in the north caucasus. i made the decision to go to the front on the last day of 2022, it was the new year, it was
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as if you were sitting at a holiday table, your family was doing everything there. some decisions of fate, so it’s up to everyone, now the crew is in the rear area along with their guns, strange as it may sound, the guns also need rest, we’re just going now to the guns that are here, because the batteries are also changing, some they fight there, others are brought here, the mod unit is repaired, because everything is also worn out,
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well, plus anyway... sometimes the guns receive some kind of combat damage, so i see camouflaged guns, and well camouflaged ones, you won’t find it right away, this is our kraken, krakin, why such a name, i don’t know, the boys gave it, kraken, here she ’s a cannon, she’s a good one, uh, big, healthy, heavy, as i understand it, this gun just received some damage, yes, yes, i see, right here, if you pay attention,
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sometimes it’s caused by the gun and calculations, but the result is worth it, our artillerymen reliably cover the infantry, guys confirmed, they said, we say, we haven’t seen such work of artillery for a long time, he says such work of artillery, it was very pleasant to hear this from the infantry, you know, it’s like our saying, which preserve the blood of the infantry, they managed to solve a couple of important issues, a couple, yes, but there were. .. and failures, all failures, by the way, are connected with one character, arhadi yakovich, we know each other, yes, we met several times at events, you scared me that this is not what i expected to see, believe me, dinner does not oblige you to anything , i don’t know, sasha, that’s cool start all over again, let's try, please go, i want to take a walk alone.
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well, we’re all supposed to stay in our places, the police, and why is this, i really liked your couple, we’re actually not a couple, just like we’re not a couple, i didn’t believe it myself, but it’s him, it can’t be , solve the problem, bloodhound, new episodes, tomorrow after the program time. borbon stersman - a product of the stellar group, whiskey manmencher, a product of the stellar group, gin cnop, a product of the stellar group, cognac, monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. black banker kriola amhert, president of switzerland and her bloody, peaceful initiatives. which will
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again chip in money in order to purchase new american weapons . the catalyst for organizing the summit was the world economic forum in davoz, this is a global agenda, demons devour people, devour culture, including lgbt people, including abortion, somewhere murder through abortion, or is it a rite of passage. will not let its owners down, reshaping switzerland to nato standards. we are not dealing with western countries, and countries controlled by western capital, mainly military-industrial. he is the president who destroyed the image of switzerland as a neutral state, and is actually driving it into conflict with russia. president of switzerland, viola ohmert. but you said it yourself. dolls of the heir tutti.


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