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tv   Neputevie zametki s Dmitriem Krilovim  1TV  May 19, 2024 9:40am-10:00am MSK

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andrey dmitrievich dementiev, an honorary citizen of the city, another bright native of tver, a famous poet of the eighties, his poems were the basis for the most popular hits in those days, but remember, who else remembers, a ballad about a mother, swan fidelity, father's house, having already moved to moscow having headed the magazine youth, the poet came to his hometown many times; on the embankment, where he loved to come, there is a monument to the honorary citizen of the city and poet andrei dementyev, and i simply cannot live without the volga. how nice it is for raspberry ranya to come and sit on the shore to be silent near her silence, the only house of poetry in russia was opened on the street named after him. today, in the gadget age, everyone has become their own photographer, we click the camera from right to left, without thinking or forgetting that photography is an art, how this art was born and developed can be found out in this small museum, and although the museum is not conceived as a museum camera, but... but here is an amazing
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collection of photographic equipment, which shows the path of development of cameras over more than 100 years. what a journey have photographic cameras come over the years? centuries, from the first mahogany accordion cameras to point-and-shoot cameras and digital cameras of our days. a vintage camera stands in a place of honor. well, a camera is a fairly simple thing; on the frosted glass of an old camera we see an upside-down image. the fact is that when a person is born, he also sees the world upside down. and this principle of an inverted world. used in photography, with this vintage camera you can take real unique photographs, everything will be like in ancient times, when the person being photographed stood motionless with with a serious expression on his face and waited for the bird to fly out. the novel tells how the filming process has changed over the course of a century. oh, how many strange, absurd, funny things we find in this today. at first , exposure times reached 20 minutes, so people had to be screwed in, special ones were used. the cop in the halters, holders
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of the head, which was fixed on the person, kept motionless so that he would appear clear in the frame. as you can see, there were active jokes on this topic; it was especially difficult to photograph children and animals; withstood their jumping and mobility, so it was difficult to keep the smile on your face for such an eternal eternity, that’s why all the faces in the retro portraits are so inhumanly serious, this is how photosensitive paper was once made, the emulsion was applied to the paper, then the negatives of the picture were selected for... printing and now we put them in an ultraviolet camera and after 10 minutes we get a retro photo, then in 1843, the englishwoman anna atkins, who started the world’s first issue of a photo album on botany, spent a whole year on exposing negatives under the sun on the street. such master classes, interactive excursions, fascinating lectures, and of course photo sessions take place in this museum, in general, if you are in tver, stop by and don’t tell the people around you.
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just kidding, it’s better if you come to us, no, you come to us, i’ve been convinced many times that the most important thing on any trip, especially in russia, when you find yourself in one or another attractive place, no, don’t take a selfie , just throw it online, here they say i’m loved, i’m here, no, it’s much more important to try to feel the aroma, its mood, well, finally, the inspiration of this place, and not every space has them, sometimes they are simply trampled, i have an answer, i’m waiting for yours, these are not travel notes with dmitry krylov. in russia we have small, provincial cities without metropolitan ambitions, but their history is significant and long. so our tula is one of
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those, even though it received the title of the third museum capital of russia, well, rising after moscow and st. petersburg. today we will continue our walks around tuli and its surroundings. well, it shouldn't be boring. and i also know that many of you are people who are distrustful of words, wise by skepticism, that is, by experience, so i will not be surprised at the question: what is so good about this tola of yours? i answer, we are all good. now tula is an example of how ancient. a city that has its own unique face, which is about 900 years old, can preserve historical memory and at the same time be, as young people say, cool, which translated into our language means a young, modern, advanced city. today's young tola is like this, here entire blocks are given over to restaurants and fashionable cultural space, these are now the most popular vacation spots.
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creative clusters are being created in buildings of the last century. let me remind the elderly that a cluster is an association of several homogeneous objects, for example, cafes, theater venues, exhibition halls, and boutiques. the creative industrial cluster oktava was opened in the former workshop of the plant of the same name, which produces electro-acoustic equipment. its loudspeakers and speakers, hanging in the squares of our cities on red square, conveyed important messages in the voice of yuri levitan during the great patriotic war. domestic. attention, attention, says moscow. his technique for recording his music. yuri gagarin said his famous thing into an octave microphone: today ,
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modern music is recorded in a sound laboratory, the equipment of which any musician would envy. there are incredibly enthusiastic guys working here; it seems they are ready not to leave their laboratory at all. something you can look at endlessly, remember? that's right, to the fire of... a person passionate about work. let's see. after the reconstruction of the old plant, part of the area was given over to this creative cluster. why does he use the foreign word creative here? well, because create means to create, to create. so they are constantly creating something here, holding lectures, master classes and exhibitions of contemporary art, and organizing film screenings with discussions with the authors. here you can gain skills at a higher technical school, hear the most current music, and finally conduct. with a book in a modern library, there is a machine tool museum right there, and if this name doesn’t sound very enticing at first, it’s not until you get into it a fantastically designed media space. the museum has almost no classical exhibits; it is an immersion journey, that
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is, a journey immersed in space and time. you see, with the help of projections, sounds and technology to full reality, how tula became a major industrial center, how formation took place. in the world in russia and how tulo became a city of craftsmen, moving in this space with wide-open eyes, you also begin to understand, children go through a play route here, during which they learn about inventions and discoveries, and although this space is virtual, the impressions and knowledge the children receive are quite real. if you haven’t been to the tropics for a long time and miss their hot, humid atmosphere, then it’s worth coming to tula and taking a walk in the central park, where the “exotarium” is located, it’s literally exotic. the tula exotarium contains the largest collections of reptiles , more than 500 species. in general, , this is a paradise for lovers of cold-blooded people, and not only here they found their family happiness, speaking . in the words of nina zarechny, the schechow's seagull: lions,
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eagles and partridges, antlered deer, geese, spiders, silent fish that lived in the water, starfish, and those that could not be seen with the eye, in a word, all lives, or almost all lives, are owls. in this slice of the tropics, most of them are residents of south america and southeast asia. there are no poisonous reptiles here, they are kept in another place, here everything is white and fluffy, well, maybe not very fluffy, but here you will not meet an evil aggressive gobon viper, you are more likely to meet it in your own institution, someone is at home. in our exotarium, by the way , lectures are held in the format of biologists against horror films. they tell how film myths are created. for example, after the hollywood horror film anacondo, this innocent snake turned into a monster, but anacondo is the sweetest creature that has not eaten a single, well, almost a single person in the world. yes, both nikolai nikolaevich drozdov and vanya zatevay will confirm this to you.
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but the reticulated python, easily, but for some reason hollywood is still silent about it, as about the tiger python, the largest python in the world. their weight has reached. 60 and even 70 kg, and his body is practically one continuous pumped up muscle, imagine how much firewood, or rather bones, this muscle can break. the enclosure with sulicates has a traditional crowd. you can endlessly watch these funny little earthlings. by the way, do you know that the saricators have a matriarchy, and what a terry one at that, in a family consisting of twenty, or even thirty individuals in all. the main meerkatiho is in charge, and the male population is divided into groups according to responsibilities, among them protectors, breadwinners, nanny, and for the head of the clan it is important that there are enough males around, that is, that there is someone to choose from, otherwise this person will not reproduce, how correctly everything
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is arranged among these meerkats from the point of view of women, and i understand them, and this is a copybara, the largest rodent. the kindest animal in the world, they are truly amazing, very soft and cute, i met one lovely copycat in the evening in a bar, and we still correspond on the internet, cayman's crocodile, due to his sedentary lifestyle, is often mistaken by the public for a plastic one, no, he is alive, but melancholic - that's true, or maybe just a philosopher. however, it’s time to get out of the tula tropics and into the familiar surroundings of tula. places near the city of
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venev are historical. once upon a time , the border of the young russian state passed here. today, fans of all sorts of esotericism believe that these are places of power, but for me , landscapes that are simply dear to the russian heart, inspiring tranquility. so exactly for this this is where they come. in addition, it is not far from tula, and you can have a great rest, improve your health and enjoy gastronomic cuisine with the whole family. exclusively using environmentally friendly materials. they are especially proud of their spa treatments, which, according to their authors, lead straight to nirvana. how long have you, excuse me, been to nirvana? well, yes, i thought so, then you should come straight here. the concept of the spa here is unhurried beauty, relaxation or energy boost, detox or... our body, the procedures are varied, depending on the season this menu is changing. in spring and summer, these are
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light cooling procedures that fill the body with moisture, in winter they warm and nourish. another feature of this place is the gastronomic restaurant. by the way, it entered the top ten new restaurant concepts in russia. the idea of ​​fine dining goes like this: our story through food. the main theme is gastronomic characters, one of them is the wife of liv nikolaevich tolstoy, sofya andreevna. much has been written about her by her contemporaries. she was both the heart and soul of the family. nothing happened at the tolstoy estate without her knowledge. all supplies were made under her leadership. she herself went to tula to the market to choose food for the family. and, of course, she had her own collection of recipes. so the local cuisine is a modernized version of culinary recipes. sofia andreevna tolstoy. chef anton very carefully adapted
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sofia andreevna's old recipes to the restaurant menu. he succeeded. the menu even includes sofia andreevna’s famous pie. i think she would be pleased. and she baked it almost every day, because the pie should stand up. permafrost, snow, we are in salihard. my name is nyadma, i’m from the yamal region, my name is masni, i’m also from the yamal region, for our bride we prepared a frog from deer fur, we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called chipmunk ears, go to the tundra, learn all sorts of wisdom , otherwise you’ll hit the wedding with your face in the snow, the nenets clothes are called malitsa, it’s warm inside, unlike me you don’t freeze, there’s an ice table, can you imagine, here... not just ice, here is a northern polar berry, cranberry, it’s in the shape of a pattern,
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deer horns, goes for the bride, before the wedding , the oldest woman in the family performed a rite of purification, plague, fumigating the bride with smoke. here on the arctic circle in the tundra let's shout out our friendship and play a wedding, today is the first one. shoot, television from the inside, premiere, today on the first. on the banks of the quiet river
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vashana there is another amazing place for a family holiday, whether in winter or summer, it is always warm here with warmth. a young couple, he is a siberian, she is from kazan, fell in love with these places, and now there is a real farm, on which you can come with the whole family. here, torn from the everyday hustle and bustle and routine of their parents, their cubs become closer and discover each other.
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it’s great that when you get to know and have friendly conversations with the inhabitants of the farm, you can pet them, clap their ears, shake their paws and hug them. i don’t even know who becomes happier after communication, the guys or the animals. by the way, all these friends provide breakfast, lunch and dinner for us who have come in large numbers. and an important point, our young farmers say: we are not animators, we do not entertain we involve our guests, we involve creativity in the freedom of ideas. let's return to tula for a short time. tula has a little less than half a million inhabitants, which is not much by today’s standards, but there are such a number of museums open that
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any big city would envy; there are about 100 of them . there are a huge number of museums in the museum quarter. but perhaps you don’t yet know that here in one of the old mansions there is also a center of family history. part of the center’s exhibition is the family history of the polenov family, and since we have plans to visit the museum of the artist vasily’s reserve dmitrievich polenov, i suggest you look here, how to build a strong and friendly family, how to make sure that different generations in the family understand each other, how to preserve the memory of your family, what makes up the atmosphere in the family? in the center they are trying to answer all these questions, well, the mission is beautiful and noble, i hope it can be done, there was an artist alone, a house and canvases, the artist vasiliych polenov had a house and canvases, today his estate in polenov is a real tourist place pilgrimage. at the end of the xix
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century, vasily polenov was puzzled about where to build a house, i remember how... during filming in arles, france, a local architect said about this: “location and location again, that is, look for the right place, the rest will follow.” vasily polenov found the right place. having built the house, the artist said: “i want to present in this house all the artistic treasures that were collected by four generations of my family, great-grandfather, grandfather, father and me.” well, as they say, the artist with... "the artist did it. vasilyich really wanted to so that the created museum does not fall into the wrong hands, and pah-pah-pah, for more than 120 years the museum has been passed on from generation to generation. son dmitry, who took over the assigned work from his father, was arrested in the sadly fateful thirty-seventh, incredibly, but after 8 years he was released and returned to the leadership of the museum,
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a miracle, then he handed it over to his son fyodor, who passed it on to his wife natalya, now the director and curator . polenov's great-granddaughter, also natalya, appears. the artist's house became the first village art museum in russia, anyone could visit it willing, during his lifetime the artist himself took guests around the house, incredible, right? today git will tell you about each painting or exhibit, and i highly advise you to visit the zapovetniki polenov museum, and this is the artist’s museum home, a large house, an obadstvo workshop, a boathouse, admiral teystva, and the holy trinity church. bekhovo is also a large manor park. in general, polenovo is filled with spirituality, charm, and the calm beauty of russian nature. but it’s true that it means going to truly sacred places. by the way, do you remember what it means cherished? an inviolable, protected state. starussky estates are
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the little that we have left from the times of the noble era. so let's command them. have a nice summer of impressions, well, happy bye, your friend popuchek dk. hello, on the first channel there is a news release in the studio of maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. maneuvers on sharp turns: su-20 attack aircraft in the sky. five, on the ground there is a task for hail, the target of the ukrainian armed forces position.


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