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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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there are such machines all over the city, these are for first aid, if suddenly something or something happens to your heart, that is, you are your own doctor. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sherfuddinov and briefly about the main thing. damaged equipment and destroyed strongholds, fresh reports from the front line and footage from liberated settlements where the militants who attacked the belgorod region were hiding. the water level in the rtsh
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has risen sharply in a week, a new wave of floods in russia. we are also preparing for the peak of the fire danger season. hard to learn, easy to extinguish training b-200. i hid my number and lost my license. for a year and a half, a government commission approved a draft law against motorists, which hides license plates under cardboard.
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coming from the front line, our fighters struck from the haubst and destroyed the enemy artillery mount gvozdika, a direct hit and detonation of ammunition. and this is the kharkov region. first, our reconnaissance spotted a position where an american m-777 howitzer was stationed, they used the lancet, and now the howitzer was on fire. in the northern direction the russians the paratroopers worked on a group of enemy infantry. in these frames, our motorized riflemen are inspecting the recently liberated village of strelechya in the kharkov region, from here the militants were in the belgorod region, strongholds were located in a psychiatric hospital, a school, a library and a kindergarten, where russian soldiers found tubes from mortar shells that were left by the ukrainian armed forces. as our ministry of defense noted, the militants turned the village into a large barracks. urgent news comes at these moments: ukrainian militants struck drone. on a bus in the kherson
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region, on which farm employees were traveling to harvest strawberries, one person was killed, 16 were injured, this is data from local authorities. and a new attack on the kursk region came with unofficial information that the belogorsky monastery was under attack. no one was hurt, our air defense force repels enemy drone attacks over the belgorod region, krasnodar territory and crimea, our ministry of defense reported. in addition, 9 atacoms missiles were destroyed over the peninsula. ukraine is in conditions.
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dozens of road sections, country houses, in omsk the regions are also building protective embankments around the clock, and food, water and medicine are being delivered to people. on the eve of vladimir putin , the minister of natural resources and ecology alexander kozlov and the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov reported on the situation with floods in these and other regions. the president instructed to immediately assess the damage in the affected regions over the summer and do everything to restore housing. another topic is natural fires, as reported. the president now
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has more than fifty outbreaks in russia on an area of ​​over 40,000 hectares, 10 outbreaks in a zone of 5 km from settlements. the most difficult situation is in the trans-baikal territory and the amur region in a number of regions, yes. strong winds interfered, and yet the peak of the dangerous season is ahead; according to preliminary forecasts, summer in many regions will be dry and hot. in the most difficult situations, aviation comes to the rescue; now the crews are working out all the details, reporting by yulia pogorelova. a powerful b200 aircraft soars over the water area. the reservoir does not seem to weigh almost 30 tons at a speed of about 200 km/h. this hulk is landing smoothly and splashes down. the be200, i must say, knows how to produce an effect. here the b200 plane is floating next to us, it is not only like a bird in the sky, it is also like a fish in the water. no wonder it
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is called both a flying ship and a flying boat. this is also the only amphibious jet aircraft in the world, which means it is the fastest in terms of extinguishing fires. 766 you collect water for 15 seconds in its tanks , tons of water, which at a speed of 700 km/h will cause the fire to ignite, over and over again, repeating this route, it accurately brings down the water, in training, here a body of water, in reality, in a burning forest, for example, there are 200 troubles always where people can no longer cope, where the area of ​​fires stretches for tens of kilometers, and the fire... goes along the tops of trees, where mountain ranges become an obstacle or the height of the burning flame in times higher than human height. it’s already spring and the hottest summer season is ahead, so you’ll have to work a lot and often, better than an airplane of about
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200, nothing has been invented yet for extinguishing fires, yet the mi-8 helicopter serves as its main reliable assistant; it will take off almost from any point, it will draw water - rescuers joke, from almost any place, the main thing is the depth of a puddle, maneuverable and capable of working even at night. the mi-8 helicopter is capable of delivering up to four tons of water to the fire site using external drainage devices and dumping it with high precision on the fires. in 2022, the dansk region was literally engulfed in fires; at the same time, hundreds of hectares of forest were burning in several areas of the region, and the fire was approaching residential buildings. the teenage flames raged in the poimedon. put it all out only possible with the help of aviation. we roughly understand. where everything comes from all the time, but this is the human factor, yes, it doesn’t come from sunbathing, from a bottle, people do all this, to work out tactics, in difficult situations pilots strive to do such training flights, well, the pilot learns in every flight, every flight is unique and
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individual, there is very little time left for fire safety preparations, according to forecasts, the summer this year will be dry and hot, election passions in america are entering the hottest phase, and the closer the voting is, the less restrained the rhetoric of the main contenders for the presidency is: trump and biden, one in texas, the other in georgia, held meetings with supporters, talked about seemingly different things, and ultimately boiled it all down to mutual insults. my opponent doesn't know how to lose, but he is a loser. our democracy is at last.
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pioneer komsomol songs, today they give away red square, from 8:00 in the morning representatives from twelve
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regions have arrived, we continue this glorious tradition in all regions, i am very glad that children at the age of 10, together with their parents and teachers , accepted this. a very responsible decision, in my opinion, this will be the main oath of a person, to be honest, to be hardworking, to be a worthy citizen of our great fatherland. to remain without a license for a year and a half for hiding license plates, a new draft law, which was approved by a government commission: in an attempt to remain unnoticed by video recording cameras , violators go to various tricks, cover up symbols or even put it like this so-called flippers, folding frames that hide the license plate at the touch of a button. for now, this is punishable by a ruble, but if the punishments become tougher, it will no longer be possible to get off with a fine. yuri sherbakov will tell you more. eat. moving on the wrong side, fine -5 rubles. no matter how hard the driver
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of the blue foreign car tried to hide the crime, there was someone who did not allow him to leave unnoticed. the attitude of the vast majority of road users towards those who put themselves above the rest is unequivocal. bad, negative, because it violates, therefore hides numbers. once a person hides something, he has something to hide. a good man doesn't hide. i think. everyone is equal before the law. there are laws. we live in the state and i believe we must comply with the norms in accordance with article 12.2 of the code of administrative offenses for driving with hidden license plates, as well as without them a fine of up to 500 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for up to 3 months is provided, while the number of such offenses identified in the last 5 years almost doubled over 110 thousand protocols compiled only for last year. demand gives rise to supply of these same offers on the internet... there is a huge amount, for example, the same marketplaces offer options for curtain frames for license plates within 5.00
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rubles. or turnkey service. you can take the car to a car repair shop and leave everything ready for a few hours. contact us. the ministry of internal affairs proposed to toughen the punishment for concealing license plates, depriving the person of the right to drive a vehicle for up to one and a half years. the corresponding draft law was approved by a government commission earlier this week. deprivation of rights for one and a half years without. the possibility of a fine is such a fairly high price for not paying several speeding fines, and it seems to me that it will make you really think, while the excuse that a certain hooligan allegedly covered the license plate with a piece of cardboard or a rag, as drivers often justify before road inspectors, will not work, the driver must make sure before starting the road that the vehicle is in good working order, the signs are legible, make sure, walk around the car, look. you don't have any cardboard, please move. but even without a meeting with the inspector, retribution will be achieved thanks
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to the work of a modern photo and video recording system. almost 4.00 cameras are installed throughout moscow, which in any weather are capable of recognizing more than sixty different violations, from speeding and driving at a busy intersection to not wearing a seat belt and talking on the phone while driving. car enthusiasts close several characters, the system can automatically have access to the vehicle's registration data. pick up the missing symbols, if we understand that this is a violator, then we can also give it to, for example, colleagues from the administrator of a moscow parking space, or if the car is under prohibitory signs, that is, we can pick up the number exactly, as it is guaranteed to say that these are, for example, these are the numbers, numbers or letters that should be on the license plate. another innovation that may soon affect the interests of motorists is the mandatory presence of the russian flag on license plates.
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wife oksana domnina, their story is an inspiring example of the will to win, despite the most difficult circumstances, the event is fantastic, because the weather is beautiful, this is our capital, moscow, such a huge event, the scale is amazing how many people in our country still love sports, love running, because just gathering so many people in one place and running together through our beautiful moscow and having fun, getting a charge of energy, it’s very. cool, they took all the children with them and ran, just for the sake of sport, for the sake of life, we had never run before, but we
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liked it, it’s a holiday for me, i often run, i’ve been involved in sports since childhood, i’m 73 years old, it’s a thrill, there’s a drive, there’s just a lot of people, it’s interesting, it’s fun, and today they announced a record in the spring cycling festival, it was held in the capital yesterday, more than 65,000 people took part, that’s all for now, we are monitoring the development. events, now on the first channel there is a cooks on wheels program, today is vitebsk, enjoy watching. igor.


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