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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 20, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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i think that americans definitely know how to create illusions, including in ukraine and for public opinion, and i want to emphasize that we were joined by viewers of channel one, in the studio ekaterina shugaeva and nikita danyuk are our respected experts, the whole world is discussing the death of the president today iran ibrahim raisi, let me remind you, he died in a helicopter crash, and you know, it’s impossible not to pay attention to the whole. a series of events, just recently there was an attempt on the life of the prime minister of slovakia and fitz, doctors fought for him, for his life for several days, after all they were able, let’s say, to take him from the other world, there was information that an assassination attempt was being prepared on the president of serbia, vucic, information appeared that the crown prince of saudi arabia, bin salman, was also in the works, and they wanted to eliminate him in the same way, in general , this one...
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recently, the former press secretary of the white house, the states of america, biden, literally jen sake, she directly hinted to reporters that trump could die at any moment, let's see, i think many want to be closer to power, they also assume or think. then maybe donald trump will leave,
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maybe he will go to prison, or maybe he will die, i don’t want to paint a gloomy picture, but this is possible, he is no longer young, we are here in the popular front, on channel one we are by no means conspiracy theorists, but respected colleagues , over to you, how is it that in a month, all those who oppose this world order, conditionally, yes, ultra-liberal, quasi, oligarchic, which says that with the russians...
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iran, which has been like this for 50 years to say, it moves away, as if across, across the west constantly, as it were, living and living in this paradigm. no matter how, i repeat, they did not talk about him and did not slander him, but he seems to steadfastly hold his position, this is all additional evidence that, as it were , to say that there is a conflict, that is, relatively speaking, objective reality, it exists, and objective reality, when the old one can no longer exist, and the new one breaks through in such difficult ways, through sacrifice, through this energy of misfortune, and still presses on, presses on, because i’m sure absolutely, without any fortune-telling, without any gospel grandmother, we will have more victims. from
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the side of the camp, because it’s not in vain, so to speak, everyone, all the collective, all the guys, like sizi pina, like the brazilians, like the latin american supporters of our guys, they all say, look, from morning to evening, we constantly feel a personal threat, we constantly feel a personal threat, so all the security services are from morning to evening, so even let’s say our president apologized in harbin there and to the chinese that the roads there were blocked, but he explained why, because it's all too complicated.
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takes some time, this requires some kind of intelligence, but why bother if it can be done with some old, well, kind of old tools, especially since the west created this system for generations after the second world war, the great patriotic war, when he changed elites, with the help of the special services he made bookmarks that worked at different times, used poisons, used weapons, let us remember as soon as the pakistani leader said that... we are ready to talk with india, how long it took for a coup d’état to take place in pakistan, and i am a down-to-earth person, i can judge by those moments that are connected with ukraine, we lost motorola, we lost givi, we lost father alexandravich zakharchenko, there were
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attempts on the life of my leader, the head donetsk people's republic, those we know and those we don't know about the assassination attempts, who did it, the same west did it, could have done it. done, all the mechanisms are connected there in order to organize, including colleagues, look, you are right, we know, it has indeed been proven, what is called the imperial way, that the west very often likes to commit political murders, poisonings, is behind coups d'etat and so on, but what is the goal, i will explain very simply,
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they want to eliminate this or that leader, for example, but they know that another will come, and will come on a wave of more than just criticism of the west. such an egregorial component, when, for example, 1% or 2% in the stadium begins to behave in some way, the whole stadium is connected, they control this platform - a multipolar world and are trying to remove as many leaders as possible, who can make up these 1-2%, who
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will launch this whole system of building a completely different model of the world, let's just intimidate, they want to intimidate, of course, of course, to put it briefly, what will happen. look, here is another important point, because what happens, let’s say , what is the consequence, let’s say, of the flight of death, for example, this, you know, this is how it goes, so to speak, a certain flow, and this is some kind of, such a bandwagon , that is relatively speaking, now iran, the iranian elites will begin to work within themselves, while they regulate these internal processes within a year or two, you see, this is a good way, so to speak, to weaken the influence of iran and iran today is an operator of a neighbor.
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researcher at the institute of oriental studies of the russian academy of sciences, about the situation with iran, you still know, the whole country knows our saying, but the east is a delicate matter, it is very complex, iran, if i’m not mistaken, is not just such a sovereign state, it is a separate country , a civilization, therefore here we need to understand in detail, ruslan vyacheslavovich, we welcome you, well, the first question, it is obvious, is the death of iranian president ibrahim raisi a tragic accident or is that all? this is part of a campaign to eliminate and intimidate those leaders who are not pleasing to the western elite. please, you have the floor. good afternoon again, colleagues. eh, of course, official data has not yet been announced, the official version
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of what happened from iran, and before that, naturally, a huge number of versions will be thrown around that it could be sabotage, because everything is too, too suspicious, everything is too much. is simply invested in the sequence of events to silence or intimidate those leaders who go against the west. will contrary to western strategies to suppress those regimes that do not agree with them, that do not fit into their general logic of development, that do not fit into a unipolar world, this is china, this is russia, this is iran, these are some regimes in the east, this includes turkey, these are east slavic countries, such as slovakia, where the assassination attempt took place, includes serbia, which has long been initially condemned to be an outcast. in europe, therefore, until they published it, they didn’t show us that it was an accident, that it
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was a coincidence, that this was a tragic - tragic case, naturally, journalists, analysts have the right to voice their own versions, their own suspicions, especially that we see american dominance spreading around the world, especially in the middle east, especially in eastern europe direction, in the eurasian direction, today america is no longer the same, in terms of their positions , not even that they are being ignored, their positions are already being hit with direct fire from proxy groups in iraq in syria, it has never happened that the americans received hundreds of strikes during short period of time and did not have time to react, naturally, before their eyes, do you think iran will be able to blame someone, and if they blame someone, will this entail a really big military conflict, well, this is practically the third one. as for iran, then
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with all their might they are pushing this, say, eastern giant to enter the war. but the fact is that iran is a civilization that has experienced several ups and downs, which has gone through the construction of several empires, these are the himenids, sasanians, sefids, and so on, and the current rise of iran, despite 40 years of sanctions, suggests that iran'. usa and israel from surrounding countries. i have repeatedly said that iran, being a sanctioned persian country, has gained a foothold in four arab capitals over the past decades. in four arabic countries, this is in iraq, syria, lebanon and yemen, etc. and all these countries became support bases, such land aircraft carriers of iran,
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which gradually, gradually squeezed out the presence of the united states and suppressed the influence of israel in the region, and naturally now , yes, yes, we understand that iran has really been laying claim to becoming one of the centers of this new multipolar world, but do you understand? and we in the popular front studio on channel one really want to know how this tragedy happened, what happened with the president of iran will affect russian-iranian relations, a small summary of mine, expertise, i ’m certainly not an orientalist, the old saying, yes, the enemy of my enemy, my friend, iran and i are not allies, but definitely partners, and quite close in in various spheres, many are worried that the president of iran, who, according to again our president vladimir putin. a lot so that over the past few years our state, let’s say, expands cooperation and
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moves there to a new strategic level, god forbid, someone else comes, given that the situation in iran is also quite complicated internally, yes, this is not a simple game of solitaire, how do you think relations between russia and iran will develop after this tragedy? first of all, dear colleagues, iran has a fairly stable system of power.
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such a strategy has been accumulated over a thousand years of political experience, a strategy of patience, political, strategic patience, they even before... voicing official versions of what happened, they will first consult with their closest partners and allies, iran’s position will probably be coordinated with russia and china, because as soon as iran voices the official version of what happened, there will be no turning back, because if, if
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sabotage and a terrorist attack were behind this, then iran must respond harshly. but you look, you said several times that iran is stability, patience, great fellows, you repeated the word several times that they seem to be being pushed, that is, there is a feeling that they are being provoked, that it could, as if it were not an accident , and this could be a provocation just then, who benefits from it? naturally , iran is pushing for a big war; the americans, and even more so israel, will not be able to attack iran directly, as iraq was attacked, since this country is much larger. iraq, it has much greater military potential, and this country in terms of population is almost comparable to the largest countries in the middle east, there are already under 90 million, under 100 million people, and naturally, firstly, these strong players, the usa, the european union and israel need
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iran to take the first step towards war, so they will provoke him with bites, cuts, why do they need a war with iran, what will they get from it, don’t they think that no one will stand up for iran when everyone, they want to divide, firstly, firstly, iran is a shiite country, its closest sunni circle is from among the arab countries, iran is disliked and openly afraid, such us allies in the region as the emirates, such as qatar, such as saudi arabia, they simply experience, well, real horror. on iran's capabilities, on how it is building up its own potential, this is the first, second, of course, expanding or at least maintaining us influence in the middle east requires the neutralization of iran, because iran today is on the march, it is squeezing out the us presence, it cannot directly strike or engage in open
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armed confrontation , but iran is systematically squeezing out their presence . drops from one country after another, americans naturally cannot see that sooner or later they will have to leave, just as they left afghanistan and they are trying to preserve this spreading hegemony of the united states in the middle east, and then, moreover, they want to maintain hegemony in europe, given that more and more european countries are taking more sober positions and understand that the confrontation between the slavic peoples in ukraine must be stopped as
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something that joined the popular front, i remind you that we had connections with ruslan vyacheslavovich kurbanov, senior researcher at the institute of studies of the russian academy of sciences, sergech, a question for you, as a person who, from a political technology point of view, with from a technological point of view, it can explain this tragedy, again, we are discussing different scenarios, there is no official version yet, after all, it is our duty to our respected audience to talk about what scenarios could lead to this, i remember the murder. a person who, after this murder, became , for the life of me, one of the icons, probably, yes, inside iran and so on, what do you think, this story with the death, the tragic death of the president of iran, maybe she will even further unite the iranian a society that has been accustomed for decades to being in the status
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of a besieged fortress, the second point is that there are indeed calls to start an already heated conflict with israel. respond to the americans not only through proxies in yemen, yes, but through hezbollah, for example, and so on, in this regard , how likely is it that this tragic event will really be able to ignite the region, and iran, this is very important, will strike first, well, look, first of all, i want to add to the colleague who was just we have on the air, orientalist, look at how it works in politics, facts, it doesn’t matter to the political ones, as if to people who accept political ones. this takes the event as an objective fact, each of the interested parties and political actions makes their own according to their picture of the world, their view of it,
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it doesn’t matter what journalists say later, it doesn’t matter for politicians, the technical investigation doesn’t matter, everyone starts to act from the fact that there was a flight , no risi, in iran there will be, as it were, internal internal turbulence for some time, yes spiritual the leader, as it were, will try to smooth out this turbulence as much as possible, so that all the iranian elites quickly... and agree among themselves, and accordingly, so that iran maintains this, this flow of its own, the flow as a country, as in the world, what about the consequences, i i am absolutely sure that iran, iran has some kind of long-term strategy, how to be an operator in the middle east conflict, a colleague said what this strategy is - to squeeze out as much as possible, so that all arab countries agree on their problems among themselves, without these, as it were great democracies, without these great stories of how it should be... we have approximately the same strategy in africa, just
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don’t interfere with this western hegemon, don’t interfere , but then they’re starting to kill us well , what’s the answer we’re sitting and we are silent and tolerant. well , first of all, we are silent everywhere; there is a conflict that has no other way out. iran also has no other way out but to remain silent. iran, why the tools that iran allows itself today, they found formulas, they have this concept of a proxy, where they seem to they separated these people with armed tools in their heads, tools for attacking western tankers, changes in shipping logistics around the globe, what they actually achieved, and so on, and then there is iran, which, in this regard, is politically considered well as if clean by the hand, not caught, but everyone guesses all this, but in politics he guesses... this is one story, but objective facts are another story, americans too, today there are 200 conflicts on the globe ongoing, ongoing, americans in all they are involved, what do we hear about these conflicts or do we hear
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only because the majority endures, but we did not endure in the donbass, i agree, but the majority of these 200 endure quietly, that ’s why the collective voice of the second part of the globe in the form of the collective east, in the form or how now they collectively call the collective south, the big, global south, yes, it appeared, it became and... a voice appeared, a toolkit appeared, and the yuan and the ruble became a competitive currency, and the latin americans there began to buck up to the north against the north neighbor, american, i i mean, that is, we are gradually sorting out this situation of rebalancing the matter, another voice will now appear in the studio of the popular front on channel one, we have someone on the phone, hello, please introduce yourself, where are you from and tell me what your question is, yes, good afternoon, dear friends, my name is lakshin nikita, i am from the city of dolgoprudny, moscow region, the question is, yes, of course, what happened in iran is a global tragedy,
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of course, to the entire iranian people, we cannot, we not to express the most sincere condolences, what a question, i would like to return, after all, to the wild, the wildest law on mobilization in ukraine, which means they are screwing everyone. the west dictates to zelensky, which means, to keep the front, so they are raking in all the sick, cancer patients, epileptics , disabled people, children and so on, but as it turns out, fortune here still exists for a separate layer of the population in ukraine, these are bookmakers, strippers, this is generally what is it, this is me, you honestly understand, i apologize, maybe i’ll say it rudely, but this is some kind of game.
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no, i’ll imagine them in the trenches, beautiful, or no, katya, you know, this is how it would be so funny if it weren’t so sad, because there’s a feeling that ukraine is not just under external control, and under external control, here is the victim of a maniac, and the maniac in this case is the vaunted west, which is sophisticatedly destroying ukraine, simply destroying, you know, like a troika of birds rushing downhill, it’s just... it’s dying , you know, i’m so sorry for the people of ukraine in this plan, the very people who did at least something in ukraine with their own hands are dying.
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this single marathon, for what? there was already duping 24x7 all the years of the military-civil conflict, now even more so everything is being done for this, they live at the level of impression, they no longer live at the level of reason, why is the decline in the educational and cultural level in ukraine, this is the first thing, the dominance of the special services, who suppress everything, from the right and left, in the center, suppress everything so that there is nothing in ukraine, this is just logical himself. zelensky and his team fits in very well when those people who can create a picture, impressions, and those people who can pay for it and bring bread and circuses and bring money for it, so to speak, they stay, but on the other hand, nikita just emphasized that, by and large , we can call this special military operation a civil war, nikita says this, we feel sorry for these brothers, that is, we feel sorry for
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the ukrainian is simple, he is already so i apologize, this is what turned the fact that they changed reality, that he thinks that this movie in which he lives today, into a movie where the president is portrayed, a politician is portrayed, that ukrainians also portray ukrainians, everyone has become in a big film, a question, igor, for you, sergey nikolaevich, for you, when their patience runs out, i’ll explain, yes, we understand that these technologies work brilliantly, that a really typical ukrainian there, he lives somewhere, really, in some kind of constructed one. ..
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which could do this in one click disperse the maidan, yes, they knew that no one would touch them, kill them, imprison them, and they were supported by western intelligence services, and today western intelligence services support the punitive system, which is why thousands of people, political prisoners, with whom i crossed paths with odessa residents, kiev residents, residents poltava, chernigov, with whom i had to intersect in captivity, they were tortured, and women there were raped, they suppressed, for whatever reason...
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everything that concerns prisoners of war, liberalization on our territory, all legislation that concerns this, so that they willingly come over to our side, of course, security, yes, we say goodbye to the viewers of channel one, advertising, but we continue the work of the popular front, the black
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banker, kiola amhert, the president of switzerland and her bloody, peaceful initiatives, our sense of security was undermined by the cruel . switzerland to nato standards, we are not dealing with western countries, but countries controlled by western capital, mainly military-industrial, is the president who destroyed the image of switzerland as a neutral state and is driving it away in fact, to the conflict with russia, the president
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of switzerland, viola amert, but you yourself said it, puktly - the heir to tutti, today is on the first. gin сnop product of stellor group, men, what could these flowers mean? do you think a maniac from a neighboring area moved in with us? i’ll take another female detective to the department so that you’re not the only one who catches maniacs with live bait. a woman? in no case. request cameras. it’s better not to check the cameras, but to check its genetic code. what? what are you doing here? what are you doing here? if you dream. and at least something will happen, calm down, colonel the hunter, the bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program, but they say that chocolate makes a person happier, they are lying, since
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it is impossible to deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine, the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, but it sounds beautiful, it seems like it’s not fascism, but the most striking thing about ukrainian fascism is the lack of understanding that for europe, even latin, even german, as well as for all world.
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temple of kiev, you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it, he says very clearly that there is no need to do what you have already done, you even ended up in prison for your beliefs, the command was given to just close my mouth, the girl is on her knees, she is praying , they jump around her, and then they drag her away, they start beating her, or like some priests they kill, you are proud of what you did, the vavan and lexus show, on wednesday at... the first for the centenary of boris vasilyev, it’s still difficult
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for women in the war, they everything is voluntary, shoot, rita, the target is caught, fire, they fell, yes, girls, yes, i can’t with them, comrade mower, send me to the front line, while you pull your slaves, he... the sieve will make you, so i categorically order you to lie down, okay- then how, that war is gone, i can’t do it anymore, now i’ll go and shoot, it’s impossible, suni, it’s impossible, what did they do, the germans have only one way, between these lakes across the ridge, eternal battle, we only dream of peace, but the dawns here are quiet , on saturday on the first,
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the enemy, armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction and we can’t wait for help from where, therefore, i order all the fighters and myself personally to hold the front, the information channel on the first continues, the program time will tell, in the studio ruslan astashka, olesya losyeva, we continue to closely monitor the situation around the helicopter crash of the iranian president. ibrahim raisisi, let us remind you that the crash occurred the day before in dense fog in a mountainous area in northern iran, not far from the border with azerbaijan near the village of uzya. dozens of rescue teams were sent to search for the missing presidential helicopter; units of the army, police and the islamic revolutionary guard corps joined, many countries, including russia, offered assistance in the search and rescue operation to iran, in the morning... rescuers reached the crash site, everyone on board
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the helicopter died, among them the president iran ibrahim raisi, head of the mid-country, head of the province of east azerbaijan, as well as the imam of the mosque in the iranian city of tabris. it was to tabris that the bodies of all the dead were brought. chair in the meeting room of the iranian government ibrahim raisi was covered with mourning ribbon. it is important to note that there were three helicopters in total, except for the main helicopter, which... crashed, well, according to the preliminary version, there were two more escort helicopters, which, despite very bad weather conditions, calmly reached tehran, we now have journalist khayal muazin in direct communication from tehran, let's find out how iran is currently covering situation, khayal, hello, hello, ruslan, i'm alisa, i wish you a good broadcast, we bring condolences to the iranian people in connection with the tragedy, and of course, a lot of people...
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are mourning their president, now the people are all going to mark the mark, pray together and read the koran in memory of the president.
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this is not a simple plane crash, and a third hostile country is involved here , the majority of them believe that this xianist regime, that is, that israel blew up a helicopter, well, they are involved, yes, the majority of the people, yes, they are now uh, this is the opinion of the people, if it turns out that the xianist regime is involved in this terrorist act, then it will be very tense situation in... in the region, let us once again specifically note, and this is important, that the official authorities of iran, the official media of iran, are not putting forward any conspiracy theories, no one is accusing anyone of the people, this is common to me, yes, this is the general opinion people, today you are not the first
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specialist from the field who confirms that this is exactly what people think, but how is the situation in iran, in tehran in general, and are there any unrest? no, the iranian people, truly a people, the iranian people, are not the first and not the last time, who lost their high-ranking diplomats, as well as high-ranking military officials abroad and domestically, for the security of their country behind the country's foreign policy, the people proudly accept the martyrdom of their president as well.
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issued by iranian officials in oman regarding the escalation of the situation in the region. this was the first round of indirect talks between the two sides since january last year. indirect negotiations took place through the mediation of oman about a month after unprecedented iranian attack on israel. the united states administration tried to prevent the crisis in the middle east from escalating into a regional war. the start of negotiations was then confirmed in iran. moreover, they noted that these... the negotiations will not be the first and the last. the american edition of the new york times drew attention to the fact that the crash of the iranian president's helicopter occurred precisely at the moment when the prospect of détente between tehran and washington first loomed in the middle east. the crash of a helicopter on board
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was iranian president ibrahim raisi, occurred at a delicate moment for international relations. it happened just a few days after a high-ranking american. iranian officials have held talks through mediators to try to reduce the threat of wider conflict in the middle east. i will emphasize once again that this is a delicate moment for international relations, the american publication writes to us. elena vladimirovna, what kind of negotiations are we talking about, why do the americans consider this moment as delicate and the prospect of furthering these negotiations. the united states is interested in ensuring that the situation in the region remains smoldering. tense, but they are now not interested in a big war, especially on the eve of the elections, the biden administration wanted to avoid this in every possible way, and behind-the-scenes negotiations between tehran and washington became part of this process, part of these efforts, they took place with the mediation of the sultanate of oman, as well as with
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through the mediation of qatar, a sign of a decrease in tension in these relations was also an improvement in relations. between iran and neighboring azerbaijan, because the helicopter crashed shortly after the meeting between aliyev and raise, they were present at the opening of a new hydroelectric complex, this is a common problem, there were heavy rains, flooding and so on, this problem had to be resolved together, but for a long time both countries could not to start this because of the unresolved nagorno-karabakh problem, you see how everything is also connected with our underbelly after. steps, but azerbaijan is the largest buyer of israeli weapons, somewhere in third place, probably in the world,
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therefore, this is a changing position, it is very indicative, naturally the israelis did not like it, but in general there were very serious, high-ranking people on board president iranan, in addition to risia himself, there was also the minister of foreign affairs. iran abdalahian, i met with him three or four times in moscow, i will say that he was the smartest person, a professional in his field, he stood up for a balanced policy of iran and was very warm towards russia, one of his achievements is development ties with russia, and the development of relations with china, so a serious blow has been dealt, but how will this affect...
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due to the fact that conspiracy theories, they are simply, well, multiplying, no matter what conclusion the investigation comes to now, even if now they will suddenly say that these are weather conditions, exceptional technical problems, you know, in the bazaars, this talk will not stop, bazaars are in the middle east, often the main thing on social networks is now talking about versions of explosives, and about versions of a cyber attack, because. ..well, maybe after all influence electronics and not wash them like that, but even if we take it indirectly,
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the aviation industry of iran, iranian aviation has been greatly undermined due to the action of american and other western sanctions, this is also one of the reasons for what happened, so here in the complex there will be an increase in anti-western sentiments, in the complex there will be an increase in anger towards the jewish. state of israel, in my opinion, this will inevitably lead to a surge in regional instability, that is, we are not expecting anything good? we are waiting for increased tension, both in iran and perhaps some changes will now take place in saudi arabia due to the king’s illness. the middle east is about to be turbulent. well, you already mentioned conspiracy theories, well, people.
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we also immediately remember the events of last week, the assassination attempt on robert fitz, whether it’s a coincidence or not, we don’t know, yes, but nevertheless, it somehow results in one such chain, and another, you know, coincidence, oh which it is impossible not to mention, american secretary of state antony blinken’s tour of the middle east recently ended east, where he held meetings with the heads of the arab countries of the region, the purpose of the visit was to build the security architecture needed by the americans in the region, yesterday it became known that the united states is preparing a strategic agreement with iran’s main rival in the region of saudi arabia, the adviser met with the crown prince of the arab state president. us national security commissioner jake sullivan, here's what we know about it.
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national security advisor to the president of the united states jake salevan crown prince saudi arabia's mohammed bin salman al-saud held talks in the city of dohran. the semi-final version of the strategic agreement between the countries was discussed at the meeting. washington and riyadh plan to conclude a defense pact under which, in exchange for security guarantees, saudi arabia will establish full-fledged diplomatic ones. relations with israel. alexander germanovich, well, everything is leading to the fact that the conflict in the middle east will flare up even more. it seems to me that what happened with the iranian president’s helicopter no longer matters what the investigation says. and here we specifically emphasized what they were saying in tehran itself, in iran, and they were already confident that they had identified the culprits. how will things develop further, in your opinion? in my opinion, of course we are dealing with. with certain interests, i don’t think that they were on israeli territory, for the simple reason that israel exchanged
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drone strikes with these missiles, so to speak. and iran tried to introduce a conflict, well, by releasing the brakes to some minimum, otherwise the conflict would have continued to develop and we we understand that iran had a lot of means for this, because during the shelling that took place , somewhere around 1% of the weapons that iran has were used, it could send out drones in waves, it also has strategic missiles ballistically, so it’s clear that someone and approximately it is possible to understand who?
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i just want to say that in my opinion azurki have absolutely nothing to do with it, this was almost said by the persians, this is iransa, of ethnic azerbaijani origin, to which, by the way, he belongs, he is also ethnic azerbaijani, but the one who wants destabilization and conflict between ethnic groups, that is, drives a wedge, it is approximately clear to me that this is precisely the one who is now trying to transform azerbaijan, with the position of a neutral, non-aligned country, into the status of a de facto member country. nato bloc, and i say this quite responsibly, i can prove it even with the help of agreements like the shusha declaration and the joint production of combat drones kyzl alma, bayraktarta b2 and not only, so i hope that everyone here will refrain from doing so in the same way as iran and israel did on the previous round of escalation from what could happen, because our project is under attack, in fact, the project that we have been building since almost the time of paul i, the project
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that stalin at one time began to build before the war, i mean creation. the southern main corridor from st. petersburg to the indian ocean, for british intelligence it is a sharp knife, they have been preventing us from reaching india and persia for 200 years in a row, so we roughly understand who is interested, they were involved in the murder of paul i, who are behind it , the british are standing, they have long had their own plans and considerations regarding our country. radion valerievich, well, look, it would seem that yes, these are coincidences, but all this is going on one way or another. around our country, around russia, and naturally, questions arise as to how this might all look next? in any case, this incident increases the percentage of risk, the risk of policy changes, changes in relationships, because it is clear that a number of saxon states are dissatisfied established relations between iran and russia, especially
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strategic relations, defense relations . this mutual understanding that currently existed between the personal leaders of states is clearly not interesting, it was clearly not liked, so now i am far from the idea of ​​getting into any details, putting forward conspiracy theories, but in any case, at this moment now this certain certain pause in the relationship arises, risks arise about who will come to the place, how how further relationships will be built, what personal influence will be exerted. on iran’s foreign policy, that is, we understand perfectly well that there will be no fundamental change, yes, because there is a supreme leader who will preserve the relations that were built in advance, but a pause in relations will arise, time has its price, in order to delay time , and the same americans now urgently need to set a pause until november, at least until november, and in principle until the end of the year, so it is necessary to knock out
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this is the time that will be spent on restoring work efficiency. authorities to restore international relations, connections, cooperation and everything else, so here it is indisputable that this incident will affect it, and the question of how quickly these difficulties can be overcome will depend on that individual. which will come to power and receive the reins of government, in iran itself. on our part, everything is now being done, every effort is being made to ensure that with minimal risks, with minimal consequences, this incident will go through. so, returning to the negotiations between washington and iran, regarding, as american journalists write, the building of a new security architecture and conversations on this topic, when the americans start talking about security, it is always alarming, because it poses a danger to others. short advertisement. let's go back, we managed to resolve a couple of important issues, a couple, yes, but there were also failures, all the failures, by the way, are associated
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with one character, and kadijakovich, we are familiar, yes, we met several times at events, you scared me, that ’s what i expected to see him, believe me, dinner doesn’t oblige you to anything, i don’t know, sash, well, it’s cool to start all over again, well, let’s try, please , go, i want to take a walk alone, well, we all have an appointment to stay in our places, the police, well, why is that, i really liked your couple, we’re actually not a couple, just like we’re not a couple, i didn’t believe it myself , but it’s him, this can’t be, solve the problem, bloodhound, new episodes. watch the time after the program. because deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine is impossible. the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral
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nationalism, since no one knows what it is, but it sounds nice, like it’s not fascism. but the most striking thing about ukrainian fascism is the lack of understanding that for europe, even latin, at least. i have in my hands patches that manufacturers say will relieve pain, tiger power, angelica roots, self-heating, self-cooling, such
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sikoy, fifth and tenth, but in fact there are pain patches with medications, it is important to know what will really help, so as not to throw money away, about this and much more in... thanks to whom this all happened is the united states of america and the state department and directly. united states ambassador for religious freedom, sam brownback. what should we do with the lavra, the main temple of kiev? you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it.
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he says very clearly that there is no need to do what you have already done; you even ended up in prison for your beliefs. the command was given to simply shut my mouth. the girl is on her knees, she prays, they jump around her, and then they drag her away and start beating her, or like some priests, killing her. are you proud? by what they did. show vavan and lexus. on wednesday, on the first. to the centenary of boris vasiliev. i loved you silently, hopelessly, sometimes with timidity, sometimes with jealousy. i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly. one staff commander, by the way, married, called. so to speak to myself, but i was ordered to assign this friend to work, will you educate her now or only later? lights out, i had a husband, a wife, someone beat him off, but don’t complain to me, i won’t
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regret it, they didn’t beat him off, but killed him on june 24, okay, osyanin, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i’ve been in i don’t need this skin either, don’t you believe it, lisa, definitely believe it, maybe it’s true? it’s walking nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, but there’s no way back to it, after that we’ll sing with you, elizabeth, and then we’ll carry out the combat order. let's sing, come back soon, girls, the azori are quiet here on saturday, on the first, premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first.
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it will be hot, what, where, when, the summer series of games, on sunday on the first, today is exactly a year since...
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only because the west allegedly simply does not give permission for ukraine to defeat russia. how do you think about liberating the cities of novorossiya and little russia, who said this? overdue zelensky? we are in such nonsense when the west is afraid that russia will lose the war and does not want ukraine to lose it, because the final victory of ukraine will lead to the loss of russia and the final russia's victory will lead to ukraine's loss. not only is it overdue, it already has such a blatant odor, and he wants to prolong this conflict itself in order to prolong his presence in the banking sector, well, in general, here zelensky is supported by the overdue one in the uk, the head of the british ministry of defense grandshaps believes that the west must continue the war, otherwise there is simply no will be able to maintain control, believe it or not, over the whole world. we need to realize that we are fighting an existential battle over how... we
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run the world order, over democracy, we, as free countries, must resist autocratic states, what is democracy in the western sense, is when you can freely only lie, as grand chaps and other western politicians do, but the truth is, such ambitious plans that grand chaps voiced can be broken and harsh reality. british journalists write that the army of the united kingdom is so weak now and has declined over the past decades that it has completely lost everything. such an opportunity to fight. britain may not be ready for full-scale war alone. with the war in ukraine and russia's threat to the rest of europe, the british army has shifted its focus to being prepared for war. and this week, 1,000 british troops were in western poland taking part in the biggest nato military exercise since the cold war. as a result of the reductions, the size of the army became the smallest in the last 300 years. and the emphasis is on the fight. with
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the rebels, who do not have tanks and artillery, led to a reduction in stocks of ammunition and spare parts for military equipment. ta the germans have the same problem; germany will need decades to get its army in order, western commentators write about this. the summit dedicated to the seventy- fifth anniversary of nato is approaching. against this background , german chancellor olaf scholz said that his country will meet nato requirements this year to spend 2% of its gdp on military needs. maintaining this figure until the end of 2020 in 2030, however, bastian gegerech, head of the london international institute for strategic studies, said that to eliminate the consequences of more than twenty years of underfunding of the armed forces will take at least 10 years. it has even gotten to the point where the guardian openly asks the question of why nato is needed at all if it is not capable of fighting.
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the alliance spectacularly failed the biggest test since the end of the cold war, the battle for ukraine. it is no longer possible to deny that russian forces are making progress on the battlefield. they benefit from slow arms deliveries to ukraine and the west's chronic fear of rising tensions. now ukraine receives only the support that enough to continue the military effort, but not to achieve victory, so the question is increasingly being asked: why does nato exist at all? well, in order for the west... is this really so, judging by your data, your information, awareness, or is this still some kind of trick? alesya, i think that this is not a trick, you know my critical position regarding generally accepted truths, which, as a rule, do not reflect
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reality, because this is nothing more than a coarsening of reality, but the british army in of their 100-odd thousand armed forces, they assembled the personnel of the ancient tank challengezher 2. with a rifled gun from the era of the sixties of the last century and separate cap loading, they have such an archaic thing, you see, they really are capable of little, especially since i note , but it does not seem that this is a truism, to take part in exercises is not to take part even in a low-level armed conflict, that is , it is natural that a person in an exercise, well, let’s shoot paint at each other, this is one thing, but the conflict is completely different, therefore - i don’t think that they are now able to wage any kind of war, especially since, paradoxically, this is britain, i ’m talking about great britain and germany, including , many thanks to ursulli fondeyan, and to france, well, because there, in my opinion, they did everything to ensure that germany did not have normal armed forces, even for a peaceful
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existence, i don’t take war, there is one more thing that should be noted first of all the quality of human material, then, when there was the weimar republic, let's not forget that for the people who joined the army, it was a social... elevator, it was promotion, at least three free hot meals a day, look at the state of the welmore republic, when a room full of stamps cost 1 dollar , think about how interested the germans are now in going to die and getting seriously injured, it’s unclear why and how and where, so from all sides, weapons and ammunition, and what they have, their personnel, prove one and the same thing, they can only fight with the forces of the former soviet union and the socialist camp, yeah.
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that is, we do not forget with you that germany is an occupied state after the second world war, and if the evil troops of the soviet union were withdrawn there as occupation troops, then the american ones have not gone away, they are, are , and continue to control the entire situation, therefore, it is difficult for me to imagine that either the chancellor or the minister of defense of the federal
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republic of germany would say anything that is not coincides with the point of view of the americans, that is, they are a completely controlled satellite, from the point of view of the americans, who support the degree, of course yes, of course. they understand how much the appeals will be enough for them, they have calculated how much weapons they need to give in addition to which will be the human resource on the territory of ukraine, they know very well how they stood in line with other countries, they have long ago calculated who and how , who will be in the next sequence, that is
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, therefore it is not at all by chance, now the situation is changing on the territory of poland, in romania, the baltic states, which , in fact, they are already in the formation that will be kicked or a detachment. which nato actually will represent, they will be driven into this conflict, so the conversation about whether they can enter into a direct clash is of their own free will, of course, of their own free will, that is, by excluding the fifth article of the nato charter, well, these states, they may well get involved in the conflict for this purpose, again by order, by appropriate order americans, so you know, the americans have built this conflict for a certain number of years, they are interested in its constant maintenance. this intensity in order for the weakening of opponents to occur, and for some time the americans retained the position of hegemon, well, yes, for them war is peace, everything, as oreal wrote, according to these covenants they are so... i understand and live, in general , kiev is trying to change the situation on the front line by striking our rear, ukraine asked the united
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states to allow the use of their weapons for strikes deep into russia, the wall street journal reports, citing american officials. ukraine has asked the biden administration to provide intelligence on targets on russian territory that kiev could strike. in addition, kiev asked the united states to lift restrictions on... the use of american weapons against military targets on russian territory; such a request came against the backdrop of the largest territorial successes of russian troops in the kharkov direction. if washington agrees to such changes, it will could mark a major shift in administration policy. previously, the united states provided ukraine with atacoms missiles and other weapons systems on the condition that they would not be used to strike targets on russian territory. this condition, which ukraine agreed to as a condition for receiving weapons, was intended to reduce the risk of a direct clash between the united
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states and russia. in general, there is no need to persuade for a long time those who want to be persuaded. the british the times accused biden of the fact that because of his cowardice, ukraine loses, first the us president gives ukraine weapons, and then does not allow it to attack russian territory, and this greatly angers the british. now things on the ukrainian front are so deplorable that they are reporting. with the western media that the united states is ready to make serious concessions to kiev and allow american weapons to be used on russian territory, that’s what the german magazine focus writes. as the situation at the front becomes threatening for ukraine, the united states is seriously considering how to proceed with its principled position, at a minimum on two issues. thus , the secretary of state of the united states stated that ukraine itself can decide what targets to strike at. these words can be regarded as permission to...
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there is another point that the ukrainians are talking about: no matter how many missiles you send, no matter how much ammunition you send, and if you limit their use, they become useless, why not allow the ukrainians to attack strikes against targets on russian territory? the uk has been very forward thinking about how our weapons are used, others first countries did not allow the use of their weapons to strike crimea, but then followed our example. i would like all our partners to follow this example, including germany, which has the ability
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to provide ukraine with long-range missiles, but does not allow them to be used for attacks on crimea. elena vladimirovna, how much do you think the united states wants western accomplices to persuade them to give permission to attack russia. the americans at this stage, i am sure of this, are not interested in the victory of ukraine, in the victory of ukraine, i didn’t... it was said, they are interested in the duration of this conflict, but in no case do they want kiev to win, about six months ago i had an argument about this with one of the ukrainian political scientists, and i i tried to explain that who do you bet on, americans, they are deceiving everyone, they deceived those they bet on in afghanistan, iraq, wherever, and betting on the americans is a stupid idea. no, in response there were arguments that the americans give one hundred percent guarantees, supposedly and so on, but
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now i hear how on various tv shows these same political scientists in ukraine say that again the americans deceived them, they cannot be trusted, because they utter the same words, because washington is not interested in the victory of ukraine, but is interested in this the conflict was long-lasting, but here several buts arise, among these buts... i’m not really sure what position to take, resorts to such ambivalent signals, this
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was also during the events preceding the storm in... it was well understood that for any such provocation will be followed by a tough response, but now we know exactly why ukraine cannot defeat us, because the americans don’t allow them, they would have gathered long ago and would have defeated us, but the west is not in a hurry to allow ukraine to defeat us, they resort to other methods - and
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, naturally, in the west they demand success at the front, in such conditions kiev closes all the holes at the front with manpower. the very same scandalous new law on strict mobilization came into force in nezalezhny ; it is now practically possible to catch and send to the payroll everyone is terrified of the bloody mobilization , ukraine seems to have died out, kiev, odessa, zaporozhye, dnepropetrovsk, poltava, the same videos with empty streets come from everywhere. the eighteenth, everything is empty. there are no people, there is no one, people, people, where are you, stupidly everyone was boasting somewhere at home, there is no one at all, people, people, where are you, at least one person, show yourself, here is the actor zelensky, now expired, a politician, but
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what he’s a politician there, a usurper, as the servant looked into the water in his series. people, he wandered through the empty streets of kiev in the finale, let's let us remind you, hey, people, hey, huge people, who didn’t leave the country, people, come out, there at the end, whoever is interested, then look, we cut out one phrase, well , we generally indicated where zelensky should go, but speaking of that, what is happening with the mobilization in ukraine, it can backfire on zelensky at the front and not only not help, but also seriously harm, that’s what ukrainian telegram channels are already writing. there were rumors on the sidelines that things were so bad with mobilization that previously called-up servicemen in conversations and personal conversations were advising their friends
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and relatives should not join the army, but avoid it in any way. many people see the reason. the fact that the military is demoralized by the fact that there is no way back from the armed forces of ukraine, except death or disability, such things are rotting the army from the inside and can by the end of the year cause great troubles at the front, the bank does not even realize that it has planted a time bomb in this way , which at one moment will explode and everything will collapse, valerievich, and a delayed or accelerated action bomb has been planted, the fact is that now what is happening right away... yes, that is, it happened really serious demoralization, that is, the moral and psychological atmosphere in ukraine, it is simply catastrophic, something that zelensky himself succeeded in 2 years ago, yes, that is, when they called there, created a monolithic nation, they said that we will now defeat everyone , yes, now everything has collapsed like a house of cards, that is, those who want to go somewhere to serve, to enroll somewhere, no,
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they are not there simply by definition, there is a much longer queue to swim across the tisa or somewhere hide somewhere in... barrier detachments, there is a system of driving people into shopping malls, which they will still be able to gather to some extent, but in the meantime, whether they will achieve the necessary numbers, it’s unlikely, so you probably know better the psychology of the ukrainians, because that they were confronted directly with them and work in this regard, why the tetskashniks, those who catch people, are usually residents of western ukraine, who are brought into the regions, like
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some kind of gang, and released to feed before being caught. ukraine, that is, second-class, that is, in in russia, all nationalities, ukrainians, little russians, they felt absolutely adequate, they had the right to a career, to development and to an adequate existence. western ukraine is radically different, they were always under poland, under austria-hungary, it was ragul, it’s second-rate, it’s always, never together with the gentry, ragul will not go to jail, they will never let him into the court, it was, it was hammered in for centuries, that’s why this is the origin, secondly, you know, the further from the front, the...
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black banker iola amhert, president switzerland and its bloody, peaceful initiatives, our sense of security was undermined
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by the brutal actions of russia, the summit of the world without russia, as it is unclear, is actually the knocking down of the anti-russian coalition, which will again throw in money in order to purchase new american weapons, the catalyst for organizing the summit was the world the economic forum in davosi is a global agenda. they devour people, they devour culture, including lgbt people, including abortions, murder somewhere, through abortions, or is it a rite of passage, she will not let her masters down, reshaping switzerland to nato standards, we are not dealing with western countries, but countries controlled by western capital, mainly military-industrial, is the president who destroyed the image of switzerland as a neutral state, and is actually driving it into conflict with russia, the president of switzerland, viola... amert, but you said it yourself, putly heir tutti, today is on the first. cognac, monte sciocca,
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product of steller group. men, what could these flowers mean? think maniac from moved from the neighboring area to us? i’ll take another woman to the department, so that you’re not the only one to feed the maniacs. woman, under no circumstances, ask for cameras, you’d better check not the cameras, but her genetic code, what are you doing here, what are you doing here, if anything happens to nika, calm down, colonel, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program, but they say chocolate makes a person happier, they are lying, i have in my hands patches that the manufacturers... say will relieve pain, tiger power, angelica roots, self-heating, self-cooling, such a sikoy fifth and tenth, but in fact there are
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pain patches with medications, it is important to know what will really help, so as not to throw money down the drain, about this about much more in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first , while he... special operations in ukraine are destroying the orthodox church, we are moving towards europe, so we must move away from the russian conservative tradition. epiphanius, all these other pseudo-priests are just pure mummers, so the schism is tragedy. thanks to whom this all happened is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states, sam brownbeck. what should we do with the lava?
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on the first. to the centenary of boris vasiliev. it’s still difficult for women in war. they all volunteer. shoot, lita! the target is caught - fire, hit, yes, girls, yes, i can’t with them, comrade mower, send me to the front line, while you distort your little boats, he will make a sieve out of you, so i categorically order you to lie down, okay well, that war doesn’t exist. “i can’t do it anymore,
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now i’ll go and shoot, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, the germans have one way between these lakes through the ridge, eternal battle, we can only dream of peace, and the dawns here are quiet on saturday on the first, the enemy, armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction , we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order all the fighters and myself personally, it will be hot, what, where, when, the summer series of games, on sunday the project team we are
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alive and our colleague alexander mozgovoy visited the city of takmak. last year this the city in the zaporozhye region became the target of a failed counter-offensive in the ssu. traces of ukrainian attacks, however, can now be seen almost everywhere in the city, but nevertheless the city lives. local residents return to it and try to solve many, many problems. here in takmok now, although it is quiet, many things indicate that this is still a front-line city, which at one time was the main target of the
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failed ukrainian counter-offensive. how did i get there, well, the road was, let’s say, intense, long, but the most important thing is that we got there, where are we going now, who are we going to visit two families, here is one - this is a family with six children, yeah, and the mother recently, unfortunately, died, and the older brother is now responsible for everything there , he is 20 years old, he now supports the whole family, the whole family is on him, yes.
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greetings, hello, tell me how you are coping, well, i’m coping little by little, it’s hard, but little by little we’re all holding together , we’re coping, but what about mom? mom had stage 4 cancer, she didn’t tell us that that at most she can last six months, i didn’t want to upset her, but we found out in the end, when she was gone, everyone is with me, everyone is near me, it works out, kirill, nastya, dasha, maxim, lisa, that’s it, and grandma, grandma quite old, yes, yes. listen, well
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, your grandson is just great, oh, yes, i ’m grateful to him, thank him, god bless him, we support him, all the little girls, lisa, well, you don’t care, you’re helping your brother, yes, yes, of course, i’m helping, cleaning . cooking there small with small sit like that put on his pants they don’t let anyone but me put them on you learn now where do you work? i’m studying in absentia for the fifth school and then i’ll go to the school. to povara, i won’t go to takmak, this is my house, these are my doors, this is all mine, i won’t, you all decided to stay in takmak, yes, maybe you will now voice so directly what is needed, what kind of help ,
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a lot of people watch our program, people respond, respond, we should take guardianship of the children, of dasha, kirill, so that they can help somehow. that there were no problems, they all go to school, everything is fine, so that they don’t get taken away, how is the situation in your city, how far is it from the front line, well, from here, well, 16-20 kilometers, that is, a missile danger is declared , strikes are carried out, this is mainly an advantage of the heimers, just yesterday we had an arrival. already in the city we have had strikes on power grid facilities, yes, these are the res substations and the high-voltage substation, all these strikes that are inflicted on the city, on the region, they cause some kind of hatred
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among people, yes, who understand that there are the same people there with whom we all lived there for 30 years side by side, but we are in view of their politics there in view of how they are configured.
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how did you manage to preserve this monument to the heroes of the great patriotic war who died in the battles for takmag? here are the soviet symbols, and here are those people who were pro-russian , who remembered the memory of our grandfathers, so they, in fact, with their own efforts tried to preserve this mass grave, which is located in our city park, and, accordingly, we already after the city was liberated, we... paid attention and began to bring everything into order human condition, despite the constant and rocket attacks, we are improving the quality of life of the townspeople, here
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we are now replacing the city water supply networks, all this work is being carried out within the framework of patronage assistance, i will remind you that our... district was assigned in the twenty-second year chefs from penza, they don’t just help financially, they live here, they put their souls into it, these are just gifts for children, there are also items necessary for studying there : pencil cases, all sorts of pens, pencils, things that are also necessary so that you can do it like that further, that is, in general, everything you need and a little sweets, yeah. who gave this to you? kind people from the moscow region, they bring it, they say: please pass it on, pass it on, this is what makes it nice, of course, to do this, to take on this responsibility, because you see that there is a response from people, why, by the way, was this exactly
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how mac was chosen? people don’t travel to the zaporozhye region so often, so we decided that, let’s say, we should pay attention to the zaporozhye region, as well as mak, here... there are wonderful kids who need you these things, that’s all how is this a help or a necessity? well, i think at the moment there is a need to encourage children with something, to cheer them up, because children in these territories are experiencing very exciting moments in the sense that they naturally experience fear even for their children.
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in spite of everything, we hold concerts, we make the residents of the city happy, the children are also happy that they get on stage and can play, the children are happy, they naturally need warmth, attitude towards them... attention to them, that they did not remain unnecessary, naturally, that, that they feel that they are not needed for the country, for the people. nikitos, what will you draw in the album? spring, trees. what are you dreaming about, dreaming about, well
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, getting your own beautiful robot for the new year, i just want to please you somehow, so we’ll sing you a couple of songs to get you in the mood, there’s nothing better in the world than hanging out with friends. around the world, without fear of anxiety, rapids, roads, you are allowed, we are with gifts, hello, andryukha, how old are you now? 10, what will it be like when they stop shooting? is that what you think? it will be very good, the building will not collapse,
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no, people won’t suffer, it will be good, then the main thing in education, here are three of you, well, yes, three guys, you know, so that the homeland is loved, parents are cared for, probably like everyone else, my mission is , what... to give up my family, children, i love them very much, i think that for me my mission is my family, our house was bombed, and you moved here to takmak, forcedly, yes, forcedly, you have to move to this , well, he lives here, but is this house a projectile in these? in my old age, everything was fine there, you know, in
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village, little garden, half the trees are no longer there, no need to go back there, we’ll slowly somehow settle down around this very thing, but they’ll show me in magadan, of course, you want to say hello to someone, your daughter, please, alyoshenka, snezhanochka, yeah, dad and mom says hello to you, although we talk every day, my daughter has arrived.
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like any mother, like any normal person, my heart just clench when i see children, donbass guys, they ask, what would you like, i want it to be good in their in ideas, it’s good when there is no war, but they don’t know what it is when there is no war, because they were born in it, they continue to live in it, ours? the task, of course, is to finish it as quickly as possible, so work, brothers, victory will be ours, there is no doubt about it, next is the big game on the first, the big game is on the air, i’m vyacheslav nikonov, hello, there’s a big national tragedy in iran, already the death of the iranian president has been confirmed. sayed ibrahim reisi, the crash of this plane
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occurred at an altitude of 2,500 m in the province east azerbaijan near the village of uzi. along with him, the minister of foreign affairs of iran, hassein amir abdolhiyan, and a number of other senior officials of the iranian republic also died. our most sincere condolences to the iranian people and our iranian friends. five days of national mourning have been declared there ; the funeral of the russian president will take place tomorrow in tibriz in northern iran. russian president
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vladimir putin also expressed condolences to the iranian people. he asked to accept deep condolences in connection with the enormous tragedy.
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thank you very much, hello, thank you for condolences, but a very difficult and difficult day for the entire iranian people, an investigation is currently underway, and there is no official announcement at the moment about how this all happened.
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done, it will turn out that the siyani regime is involved in this estimate of the president, there will be a very difficult situation in the region, yes, indeed, and what could be the consequences if the version of the intervention of a third force is confirmed, as you saw that when they attacked the syrian embassy, iran in syria and iran took revenge for... the deaths of its generals, the official said made a statement that if the xianist regime dares to take another stupid, crazy step, the response will be very harsh, and if it is proven, i say again, that the xianist regime is involved, iran without, without opinion,
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will attack the zionist regime, and i believe in my opinion, this will be the end of the zionist regime, we can say that a large-scale war will begin in the region with participation from other countries. well, let 's wait, of course. how is the iranian constitution structured in this case, who makes the decision, how is it carried out? this transfer of power to the vice president when will the next presidential election be held? yes, according to the constitution, the vice president fulfills the duties of the president, he has 50 days
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to announce presidential elections, now at the moment all the governments of iran and the citizens of iran are not thinking about this, now everything is concentrated on forgiving their martyr ibrahim rais, after that we will get. some kind of political capital, how will this affect the internal situation in iran? as yesterday the spiritual leader of iran
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said in his speech that this situation will not influence neither the internal policy of iran, nor the foreign policy of iran, some believe that a protest may begin inside iran, i think that they have very little chance, we have witnessed how the law enforcement agencies of iran dealt with the protests inside iran, as well as the enemies of iran, as well as the enemies in russia, the enemies of the multipolar world do not want, as you said, the multipolar world, as well as the prix and the shanghai organization became strong, they hoped that starting with iran, they could break the plan. o - end of era globalists, they are wrong, every day
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the brix, as well as the shanghai organization , is becoming even stronger, and they also expected that iran would stop supporting the resistance group in the middle east, on the contrary, iran, with each next step of iran, the support for resistance groups will be even stronger, hamas, hezbullah. and the houthis and other members of the resistance group in the region, i also want to note that we are moving towards a new world order, and the new world order iran, russia, china and india play key roles, they want their own to thwart insidious plans by creating a new world order, but this one will overcome, the world is moving towards a new world order. yes, thank you very much, khayal maazin, iranian journalist, once again accept our condolences,
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we will probably have the opportunity to talk with you in the coming days about what is happening in iran now, we are very glad to see us on our program, thank you again, thank you, well, the situation is indeed very sad, i remember well how - currently, we see that the strategy of domination has failed and the united states are in their weakest position, the power
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of independent states is further developing, we are going through a historical period of development, but the desire for dominion has not disappeared, new forms of domination have been put on the agenda, the most important goal is to weaken the independent government from within. this goal is pursued through economic sanctions, destabilization, propaganda and falsification of history. nato, under various pretexts, is engaged in penetrating the geographical spaces of different countries, spreading political western-oriented models, opposition to independent democracies, opposition to self-identification on
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what was it? well, the investigator will show that there are several points, in general quite acute, which perhaps the iranian authorities will not declare openly or officially, but the fact is that there is one delicate point, he should not have flown to this ceremony .
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or a statement, he will look like an unscrupulous outcast, which is why even opponents of this course in the country must understand that those who have been to iran, and i i’ve done this more than once, by the way, at a meeting with reisya i was at a meeting with his wife, who runs the women’s forum, international, which is held in iran regularly, and is a very active public figure, so it’s clear to me that... this, that’s it such a line, it will not, will not manifest itself inside iran, although it is clear that the western media are already trying to somehow push it, the iranians themselves are very free people, they can easily say, we have a dictatorship in our country, so to my question, maybe in a changing world , a dictatorship like yours is not so bad, the answer, you know, is very thoughtful after,
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maybe you are right, that is, they are very free, they are not afraid. he is portrayed as some kind of tough conservative, it was under him that the morality police were abolished, well, you can go to these clubs and the government turns a blind eye to it, to be honest, no one runs after anyone, that’s what, what a danger i see that terrorist sabotage groups still exist on the territory of iran, and i
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think that there is a risk that... terrorist attacks will become more frequent, we know that on the territory of iran there were quite a few terrorist attacks, very recently, very severe, with dire consequences, the second, perhaps, including border incidents, this is exactly the perspective i see, external, but not internal, well, we’ll really see, an investigation is underway now, but alexey petrovich , from a technical point of view , this is what you know now. today, what happened, what it could be, a technical malfunction, breakdown, terrorist attack, what and when it happens.
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is that iran is a technically advanced state, especially in aviation technology, they would not allow a faulty board to transport the first person. the second factor is human error when piloting in difficult weather conditions. this is also called into question, because the pilots who fly the helicopter are also experienced and the first ones available to transport the first person are unlikely to be involved, well, then three helicopters flew, three helicopters flew over, but suddenly the connection was lost.
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one, great britain, precisely the country that previously had the most a serious network of various sabotage and intelligence agents who can
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do anything to carry out such an operation without a station is impossible, yes, indeed, there are many versions now, and we naturally cannot dwell on just one, but we cannot exclude any one of these versions. and some of them have very serious, including geopolitical consequences, so we will watch closely, and after the advertisement we will discuss what other versions of this tragedy exist in order to... live, have fun from life, you need to do what you like. why did you tatyana mikhailovna decide to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i am the master of ceremonies, who is this? the man who
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connects hearts. i work on a crane in the ferrous metallurgy. i go to work with joy, and leave work with pride. study to become a heating engineer. and you won't regret it. one day i became an artist. well, for example, we can voice someone with such a beautiful voice. grandfather, wanted to be an artist, then a navigator, a sea captain, at the end of the tenth grade he decided to become a doctor, as mom, you can move towards your goal with small steps, nothing is impossible, veeta vodka, a product of the stellar group, we managed to solve it.
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please go, i want to take a walk alone, well, we all have an appointment to stay in our places, the police, why is this, i really liked your couple, we’re actually not a couple, just like we’re not a couple, i didn’t believe it myself, but it’s him, this can’t be, solve the problem, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program while the special operation is going on. pseudo-priests
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are just pure mummers, therefore split is a tragedy. thanks to whom this all happened is the united states of america, and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states, sam brownbeck. what should we do with the lavra, the main temple of kiev? you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it. he says very clearly what not to do. what have you already done? you even ended up in prison for your beliefs. the command was given to just close my mouth, the girl was on her knees, she was praying, people were jumping around her, and then she they drag you away, they start beating you, or like some priests are killed, you are proud of what you did, the vavan and lexus show, on wednesday at the first, i have in my hands patches that the manufacturers say will relieve pain, tiger power, angelica roots,
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warming up, self-cooling, so-and-so, fifth and tenth, but in fact there are patches for pain with medications, it is important to know what will really help, so as not to throw money down the drain, about this and much more in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first, on the centenary boris vasilyeva, i loved you without saying. hopelessly, now with timidity, now with jealousy, now past, i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, one staff commander, by the way, married, got himself, so to speak, and i was ordered to assign this girlfriend to business, now you will educate, or then after lights out, i had a husband, zhenya, someone beat me off, but don’t complain to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t beat me off. but they killed on june 24,
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well, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i’ve been in this skin since i was 18, i don’t need it either, believe me, lisa, definitely believe, it may be true, happiness is walking nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, only there is no way back to it, after that we will sing with you elizaveta, then we will fulfill the combat order, we will sing, goodbye, girls, the azori are quiet here on saturday on the first, premiere, i love my country, saturday on the first, big game live, just now.
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the acting president of iran, mohammed mahber, expressed condolences from the russian people and called russia a very worthy son of his people. naturally, a huge number of versions are being discussed now what happened, especially in light of the fact that in recent days not a day has passed without an attempt on the life of one of...
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your confusion, any attempts are aimed solely at gaining so much and such valuable time , if we look carefully, who today has the largest... largest station, the largest spy network in the world, great britain, for one simple reason, that there is not the largest army, not the strongest army, from the point of view intelligence services, they cool, they have invested money there for decades and centuries, they work quite efficiently, the united states of america, of course, they are very interested in mixing the cards, they now need new conflicts in order to extend their longevity. everyone understands that today the victories that russia wins on earth have an extremely negative impact on all those attempts to change the world in its favor. now we are faced with a choice, either the british did it, or the americans, this is just a version, we voice it, but in any case
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in this case, there are no others interested, but israel? israel, in any case, if we talk about israel, we understand that israel does not act in many ways. well, although it has recently demonstrated a certain isolation and independence, but nevertheless, weapons are supplied by the states, and the resident network that israel uses is also either american or british, well, israel only yesterday, when they actually didn’t know that with the helicopter, where he is and so on, he made a statement that he actually had nothing to do with this relations, let's listen, the helicopter on board was the president of iran. ibrahim reisi was involved in an incident. apparently it was an accident. israeli officials have already conveyed a message to countries around the world that their country has nothing to do with the incident. here is an iranian journalist, well, in general , he stated quite openly that in iran the people are sure that
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this is israel, and that the response there should be a blow to israel, which will destroy the zionist state, this is practically what he said. the theocratic regime of ayatol, also under the shah. iran is such a civilization - a country that will not rush anywhere. i always try to explain to my interlocutors that iranians, especially in foreign policy , are completely hyper-rational, and
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one should never expect spontaneous, rash actions from them. therefore, in fact, by and large, despite all the rhetoric. regarding israel, and they continue to adhere to the two-state formula, they all the time in the region say that the jewish people have the right to their statehood in this territory, despite the propaganda in israel itself, who say: iran wants to destroy israel, no, they say: we don’t like the zionist regime, why? because he is, in fact, a puppet in the hands of the globalist centers. this is their logic, that’s why we are for a jewish state, but as an independent state, so from my point of view , such a straightforward development of events, yes, with a blow to israel, simply won’t happen, moreover, well, if you look at it, why would iran actually need this? ? iran needed a way out
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a logistics outlet, this is understandable, to the mediterranean sea, to the eastern mediterranean, iran can have this outlet through syria and lebanon. enough, it doesn’t need israel for this, nor does palestine, another thing is that in connection with the crisis associated with the gas sector, iran surprisingly, of course, gained points and authority in the islamic world, so much so that further rapprochement took place with the authorities of saudi arabia , you brought it up, yes, this is an attack, by the way, there were two attempts on the prince, at least on his card, there was a second one too. a car with its guards burned down there, to the point that iran is now offering saudi arabia cooperation in the field of peaceful nuclear energy, that is, the authority of iran , thanks to, or how should i put it, in connection with this crisis in the gas sector, has grown
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qualitatively, now go for some rash steps, please excuse your funds. iran cannot afford forged actions, especially in such circumstances, and the iranian leadership is unlikely to want this, they will clearly plan everything, like with that response later.
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in russia he was called obbass, he was then the crown prince and in the time of nicholas i just started a rather reckless war against the russian empire, in which he again suffered a crushing defeat, where just then the caucasian star permolo rose and so on and so forth, then in fact, in the history of iran there were different things, yes, like everyone else, so here i am too now...
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therefore, well, there is a great danger of such a confrontation, it certainly exists, especially since, in fact, well, it is probably clear, the question is who benefits , him too is quite obvious, and risi, in general, he did not hesitate to name those countries that pose a fairly serious danger to him, well, for example, he did not advise anyone to smile.
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accuse iran of supporting both hamas and yemen and in general being a terrorist state, but they are not succeeding, and even the attack that was carried out on...
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is accepted, so i noticed that the first reports of the death of reisi were received from the american media, the rescue had not yet actually begun operation, already yesterday afternoon the american media, and one by one, and they were already in the know , so it seemed scary and suspicious to me. well, it seems to me that even now i’m reading this news, i’m trying to translate the headlines, an amazing thing: some headlines are written by president racey died in a disaster, and other headlines the president... was killed, the americans are writing this, now the british are also writing, and their main headline is that he died, the second subheading says he was killed, so i have a question, who writes these headlines, dialing, i have a feeling that the information is spreading somehow too quickly, the fact is that while everyone was still talking about how the calls were going, and
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the hard landing, the americans were already reacting to cnn, they let the headline start talking about that they are aware, but excuse me, but it’s somehow not that the ears stick out, probably a journalist can always say that i suggested, but no one saw the words on the supposed information, allow me one phrase, in connection with this right away was thrown in version that some forces inside iran were interested in this, and some means pointed to the islamic revolutionary guard corps, even so, yesterday all the talk shows showed, yesterday all the talk shows in america showed what
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it is, what faction it belongs to , if there, well, of course, there is more than one faction, certainly in the iranian leadership, that’s what he means to us, he has doctorates in international law and administration, he is known for his closeness to khaminei, that’s what is known, he participated in partisan activities against pahlavi regime, joined the islamic revolutionary guard corps during...
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even from this brief information, it is clear that this person has fairly close relations with the islamic revolutionary guard corps, which some, i quote, call such a state within a state, and this is very an interesting, serious structure, but not about it now, and indeed very influential in the political and internal political fields, its authority in society fell to ...
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russia and iran, because it should be noted that in iran there are quite skeptical politicians, who also express their position believe that it is too early to somehow storm or move towards greater rapprochement with russia, and as a result we see that death. and ibrahim resi, the signing of a comprehensive agreement between our countries is inevitably postponed,
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and if it was supposed to take place in the coming days, then earlier than the end of july, it is unlikely that this signing can take place simply for objective reasons, because within 50 days they must to call new elections, when they will take place, we don’t know yet, let them bury - consequences for the global geopolitical situation, we will monitor what is happening in iran, and once again expressing our condolences to the iranian people, we go to
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advertising, after which boris aleksandrovich rozhens, information about a special military operation, especially on a day when the law on mobilization began to take effect in ukraine, and zelensky’s presidential term ended. black banker. reshaping switzerland to nato standards,
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we are dealing not with western countries, but with countries controlled by western capital, in mainly military-industrial, is a president who destroyed the image of switzerland as a neutral state and is actually driving it into conflict with russia, the president of switzerland, viola amert, is new. they said it themselves, the puffs of tutti’s heir, today on the first day, men, what could these flowers mean, do you think a maniac from a neighboring area has moved to us, so i’ll take another woman to the department, opera, so that you’re not the only one who catches maniacs with live bait, a woman , under no circumstances, ask for cameras, you better not have cameras check her genetic code, what are you doing here, what are you doing here if you don’t... look after the program for the time, but they say
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chocolate makes a person happier, they’re lying, i have in my hands plasters that the manufacturers say that they will relieve pain, tiger power, angelica roots, self-heating, self-cooling, such sikoy, fifth, tenth, but in fact... there are pain patches with medications, it is important to know what will really help, so as not to throw money away, about this about much more in it’s great to live in the program, tomorrow is the first, while a special operation is underway, the orthodox church is being destroyed in ukraine, we are moving towards europe, so we must move away from the russian conservative tradition. epiphanius and all these other pseudo-priests are just pure mummers, so the schism is a tragedy. thanks to whom this all happened is the united states of america and the state department and
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the ambassador himself. united states religious liberty affairs, sam brownback. what should we do with the lavra, the main temple of kiev? you you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it, he says very clearly that there is no need to do what you have already done, you even ended up in prison for your beliefs, the command was given to simply shut my mouth. the girl is on her knees, she prays, they jump around her, and then they drag her away and start beating her, or like some priests, killing her. are you proud of that? did a show of vavan and lexus on wednesday at the first, for the centenary of boris vasiliev, i loved you silently, hopelessly, sometimes with timidity, sometimes with jealousy tamimo, i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, one staff commander, by the way, married, got himself
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so... to say, and i was ordered to assign this girlfriend to the case, now will you educate her or only later after lights out, i had a husband, zhenya, who beat him off something, and don’t you complain to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t recapture, but killed on june 24, okay, osyanin, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i’ve been in this skin since i was 18, i don’t need it either, believe me , lisa, be sure to believe, maybe it’s true, happiness is nearby... it walks and will definitely come to you tomorrow, only there is no way back to it, after we’ll sing with you elizabeth, we’ll carry out the combat order, we’ll sing, come back quickly, girls, the azori are quiet here on saturday at the first, premiere, i love my country, on saturday. on
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the first three chords new season on sunday on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. big game live. zelensky was clearly born to make a fairy tale come true. remember the film servant of the people, where he suddenly turns from a fairy tale into the president of ukraine. ah, the film servant of the people ended with a shot of this servant
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people come out to the square, but there is no one there. now we have footage from all, without exception , cities of ukraine, where there is simply not a single person, anywhere, because everyone quickly decided to hide, but such advertisements as those offered, for example, by the axalmet company, have gained popularity. gender change for those who do not want to serve in the ukrainian army, if you love everyone, but do not want to join their ranks, write, all this, i think, is due to the fact that things are not going well at the ukrainian front, well, boris aleksandrovich rozhen, who is closely following this, i think boris aleksandrovich will confirm this for us now, good afternoon, i have the floor, yes, indeed, against
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the backdrop of this campaign. mobilization from which ordinary ukrainians who do not want to fight are trying to escape, and we see that the situation for the enemy in most directions continues to deteriorate, there is a constant loss of territories of populated areas, this trend is unlikely to change in the near future, despite all the efforts of zelensky and about him environment, which means, if you look from the south to north, then on the rabotinsky ledge our troops continue to press outside rabotin, the enemy has moved somewhere 400-500 m from... the northern outskirts of the settlement, and our troops also continue to the north-west of tverbovoy, that is, the rabotinsky ledge gradually continues disappear, that is, and soon it will seem to be consigned to history, as our troops move further in the direction of orekhov, malaya takmachka , and so on, that is, the same thing is now happening on the vremev ledge, where our troops are now storming harvest and staromaiskoe, progress there is not very big yet, but again the methodical pace of the offensive is maintained, the enemy there
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cannot yet... completely stabilize the situation, in the ugledar direction we have quite good successes, we have already entered paraskovievka , there are battles there, and there is also progress to the south from novomikhailovka to the uglyad highway. there are about 2 km left in konstantinovka, that is, about 500-700 more, and the route could essentially come under the fire control of our troops, this is a serious crisis for the enemy. in in krasnogorovka, we also expanded the zone of control in the city, we also moved to georgievka, where fighting is taking place in the western part of the village. this means that in the ovdeevsky direction, that is, to the west of avdeevka, our troops are already completing the cleansing of netaylov, the fighting in umansky is ending, that is, there is more there. units here and there are already under our control, we also took control of the nitailov umansk road and approached the outskirts of the small village of yasnobrodovka there, the offensive is also continuing to the west of semyonovka, they are also advancing fighting to the west of icheretin in the direction
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of the village of sokol and in the direction of novo alexandrov and kalinov, there are also certain jumps in our favor in the chasofiyar direction, our troops took control of part of the eastern kanal microdistrict. this is already the city limits, this is already in high-rise buildings, that is, we have already entered there, that is, the enemy has lost some important positions there, several strongholds, there is also a slight advance in the kleshcheevka area north of chasov yar. on the northern ledge we also continued to press in the area of ​​rozdolovka and veselov there are also progress in belogorovka in our favor, in the krasnolimansky direction so far without significant changes, in salatovo-kupyansky ours. troops continue storm operations to the west, east of stelmakhovka in the ivanovka region. in the kharkov direction, the main battles continue for the villages of libtsy and volchansk, which means that in leptsy our troops are fighting on the northern outskirts, in the city of volchansk, our
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troops have already taken control of the completely northern part of the city, battles are already taking place in the central part, the enemy, despite all efforts, cannot stop, today i do not admit that they have already lost about half of the city, although the main reserves of the kharkovskaya were thrown here. groupings, and it is important to note that the reserves that they transferred here weakened sectors in other, well, other sections of the front, this is already affecting the course of the operation, that is, there are not enough reserves, there are not enough people, this allows our troops to move forward, yes, thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich, rozhen with messages from the fronts of the special military operations, but today, on the night of may 20-21 , the presidential term expires. zelensky, yeah, in connection with this, i believe, the foreign intelligence service of our country announced the data of some real sociological surveys in ukraine. let's listen to our svr. according to
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the information received by the russian foreign intelligence service , the west is extremely concerned about the catastrophic drop in the ratings of ukrainian leaders, especially after the maidan authorities adopted a new... eternal law on mobilization by according to closed sociological surveys conducted by americans and europeans, the level of support for vladimir zelensky has dropped to 17% continues to decline, over 70% of the population do not trust all ukrainian media, about 90% would like to leave the country, things are not the best in the army, even among those subjected to continuous ideological processing of military personnel in su, zelensky’s popularity does not exceed 20%. the ukrainian president feels the vulnerability of his people, and on the eve of the expiration of his term of office, he is desperately trying to get rid of the unreliable ones. large-scale purges are being carried out in the rami environment, in the government, in the leadership of the sbu and in the national security and defense council. as the entire history of mankind shows, attempts to maintain
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power through lies and intimidation have never been successful. this will be the case with ukraine. residents of the country will definitely have the opportunity to realize the scale of the pyramid of lies built by zelensky and give the period of his rule a worthy assessment. it is unlikely that they will have printed vocabulary for this. well, this is really based on real sociological figures polls, but in ukraine, of course, there is, for example, a sociological rating service, the head of which, alexey antipovich , made a statement here that zelensky has no opponents at all, although we know that the zaluzhnies are twice as popular there, so there is absolutely no need to hold any elections, but why hold them, if it is already clear who the most popular politician in ukraine is, but god bless him, they are now without elections, it is power, legitimacy, which is in question, on the one hand, on the other hand. an army where 20%, god forbid, if it supports the supreme commander-in-chief, this is generally a situation, this is certainly serious for the army, well, this is not a good situation, it is also aggravated by the fact that in the army any failure is accompanied
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by personnel changes, that is, after the start of our offensive on kharkov , the leadership has already been changed twice, which should correct the situation any scene. at the same time, this is happening against the backdrop of very interesting information that is now leaking into the foreign media that there are complaints against the head of the president’s office , yeermak, to whom you... gave the following: they were so carried away inside by strange political games that eliminated competitors to comrade zelensky, eliminated zaluzhny there and so on, but they got so carried away instead of fulfilling the main task, they are restraining and weakening russia, and this was the first time in all time that something like this, let’s say, was put forward , mr. rimko’s warnings, this suggests that the west is now looking, looking for someone... who could hold russia for a certain period
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of time, for this we need some kind of leader who would enjoy authority everywhere. well, while such a leader is not in sight, hopes are pinned on the upcoming peaceful, so -called conference in switzerland, and then it turns out that i am already luring people and leaders, representatives of different countries there, the americans say that there will be no final document at all, no matter what. god is not... in reality, no decisions will be made there, here is a list of leaders of countries that will not go: south africa, brazil, china, egypt, nigeria, ghana, cameroon, senegal, algeria, saudi arabia, israel, indonesia, india, syria, iran, ethiopia, malaysia, venezuela, those who have already officially said that they are not going, that is, this is already the overwhelming majority of the planet’s population, here is kirby. said that biden won’t go either, well, i
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won’t go, but man alekseevich, well, it turns out that there won’t even be a family photo, because the family is no longer a family, all those attempts to somehow create this profanation, which called a peace conference, it objectively shows that the world ceases to obey these banderlogs that have captured a certain so-called civil world, because for them there is a very clear criterion: a civilized world, a civilized one. we are a civilization, you are not a civilization, we are them, so listen, they themselves can no longer somehow make any decisions for themselves, the most important thing is to give an objective assessment of who they are, in fact, you have not been leaders for a long time, you have long been even not hegemons, you are not respected, and if you are now saying that the only concept in the world that can lead to progress is fear, well, probably from muslim countries, someone can take part in this conference at on a serious level, i don’t see yet that they have anything to do. especially the league of arab states, and such a generally authoritative state as
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malaysia, but very authoritative, it doesn’t seem to speak out loudly, but it has a special weight in the muslim world, it is treated with great respect, this is already evidence that this conference in in general, it continues the line that you outlined about the fairy tale, not so much a fairy tale as a fairy tale, correctly, which they do. moreover, this same conference will take place after the elections to the european parliament, the outcome of which and let’s say, the fate of ursula vonderleen, one of the main defenders of ukraine, is unknown, there are criminal cases against her, well, in addition to malaysia, i named the largest islamic country, indonesia, which has also already announced that it will participate. it won’t, that is, this whole
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farce with the swiss conference is now really turning into a big farce, they were going to make a comment, of course they can, but nothing more, because without russia’s participation no peace conference, the so-called one on ukraine, is simply impossible, that’s all wonderful understand, and no one wants to play these american games, which are supposed to show that america still means something, it still means with the risk of assassination. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. from agriculture to tourism, investment projects.


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