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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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the farce with the swiss conference is now really turning into a big farce, and they could, of course, make a noise, but nothing more, because without russia’s participation no peace conference, the so-called one on ukraine, is simply possible, everyone understands this perfectly well, and no one wants to play these american games, which should show that america still means something, it means, even with the risk of assassination, and even with the risk of assassination, our cause is just, the enemy will be... defeated, victory will be ours, we convey word on the news, the big game will return at 17:00, don’t miss it, hello, news time on the first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now, from agriculture to tourism, investment about...
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the president discussed the bordino balkar exhibition with the head of the region. vladimir putin also drew attention to the state of schools, kindergartens and clinics. there was practically no chance of survival. iran mourns the loss of its president ibrahim raisi, who died along with his delegation in a plane crash. telegrams of condolences arrive from all over the world. under the control of our military, units of the southern group of troops completely liberated the village of belogorovka in the lpr, where combat missions were still successfully completed. not only diagnostics, but operations using innovative technologies. moscow is increasing the volume of specialized medical care for residents of the capital by one and a half times. and the socio-economic development of kabardino-balkaria, they said today in the kremlin. vladimir putin held a meeting with the head of the republic. kazbek kokov reported to the president for 5 years the gross regional product, that is, the cost of all goods and services produced in the territory of the subject increased by... rub. housing
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investment projects are actively underway, including the elbrus resort and construction, large it parks are being implemented, special attention is paid to solving social issues, and renovating kindergartens and clinics. maybe we’ll start with investment projects, i looked at yours there and this bruss zone is developing little by little, and the park is developing in earnest, right? yes, vladimir vladimirovich, we have breakthrough projects that have been approved. government of the russian federation, this and development of the resort in the elbrus vtrc, today it is planned to invest 14.5 billion rubles from budget funds for the years 24-26, all this money goes to infrastructure solutions, the second project is large in the field of agriculture, we have already completed the first stage, this is 100 hectares of protected ground, about 18 billion rubles for the project itself, in addition to housing...
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of course, we need to pay additional attention to the condition of kindergartens, schools, timely repairs, we need to carry out new construction, clinics and dispensaries. and today vladimir putin had a telephone call conversation with mohammed mahber, he is acting president of iran in connection with the tragic. the death
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of ibrahim reisi in a plane crash, the kremlin noted, the russian leader once again expressed deep condolences, stressed that he knew well and appreciated reisi as a reliable partner who made an invaluable personal contribution to the development of friendly relations between moscow and tehran. five days of mourning have been declared in iran, the helicopter on board of which was ibrahim raisi, several more officials crashed in the mountains, no one survived, the search continued until the morning, the wreckage was an altitude of 2,500 m. the circumstances of the tragedy are now being established. oleg shishkin, more details. judging by the footage from the crash site of the presidential helicopter, the passengers and crew had virtually no chance of salvation. all that was left of the car was burnt wreckage. the search for the missing person from radars on board lasted more than 10 hours. 73 rescue teams searched the wooded area in the high mountain region. due to rain and fog, visibility was no more than 5-6 m. go to search it wasn't just the rescuers who got involved. but hundreds
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of military, islamic revolutionary guards and police. the crash site was discovered using drones equipped with night vision devices and thermal imagers. a characteristic light from heat sources was detected on... one of the mountain slopes near the village of tawil, 30 km from the border with azerbaijan. these are the last shots of ibrahim raisi. the iranian delegation is sent by helicopter to the solemn ceremony of launching hydroelectric complexes on the araks river, in which the president of azerbaijan participated ilham aliyev. the emergency occurred on the way back to tehran, while two escort helicopters, despite the bad weather, successfully flew to the iranian capital. along with the president in the crashed helicopter were the iranian foreign minister and the head of the eastern province. armenia, azerbaijan, turkey, iraq, aman, qatar, the situation was closely monitored in the kremlin. on instructions from vladimir putin,
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a group of russian rescuers was sent to tibrist. iranian television covered the progress of the operation live. now on all channels the presenters read out special statements by the government of the islamic republic. the hardworking and tireless president of the iranian people, who was exclusively engaged in serving the great people of iran on the path of development and progress of their country, kept his promise to sacrifice his life for the sake of the nation. ibrahim raisi won the presidential election 3 years ago with more than 60% of the vote, was considered a hardliner in relation to the west, but at the same time advocated expanding ties with friendly countries. his first foreign visit as head of state committed to russia, and the last one. once he came to moscow in december 2023, when negotiations with vladimir putin lasted as much as 5 hours. raisi was a proponent of a multipolar world. thanks to him, iran became a member of brix and sco. vladimir putin expressed condolences to the leadership of iran. the telegram was published on the kremlin website. seeth ibrahim
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raisi was an outstanding politician whose entire life was devoted to serving his homeland. he rightfully enjoyed high respect from his compatriots and significant authority abroad. as a true friend of russia, he contributed invaluable. personal contribution to the development of good neighborly relations between our countries, made great efforts to bring them to the level of strategic partnership. seet is an honorary title for the descendants of the prophet muhammad. raisi was highly respected by local residents. he was definitely a popular figure in our country and will not be easily replaced. his absence will always be felt. and i hope that people will choose a person who will follow the same path as him. we were very sad, i still can’t sleep.
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for the management of the executive branch, and will be tasked with organizing the election of a new president within 50 days with the help of the heads of parliament and the judiciary. it is worth noting that it is ayatallah ali khaminii, the supreme leader of the islamic republic, who is also the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of iran. the president heads the government and performs representative functions. this system of government has been in effect since 1989, when the islamic revolution took place in the country. the west imposed a lawless order on tehran.
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on other topics, russian troops completely liberated belogorovka in the lpr from militants. as reported by the ministry of defense, the tactical situation has been improved in several areas of the special operation. advancement in the kharkov region and dpr, four enemy attempts to counterattack were repelled. a group of ukrainian saboteurs was eliminated on the dnieper. the ukrainian armed forces are losing military equipment, including nato-made ones, artillery pieces from the uk and the usa, the american bradley armored vehicle, and the german iris marder complex have been destroyed. facilities air defense for. they shot down almost fifty drones, intercepted a french guided bomb and several rockets from the haymarc and alha systems. ukrainian militants again attacked residential areas of the lpr and hit the village of yubileiny, a suburb of lugansk, with french missiles. according to authorities
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, 12 people were injured and are receiving medical assistance. a strong fire started in one house; in others , walls were damaged by shrapnel, windows were broken, and cars were damaged. research rescuers are working at the scene of the shelling. large supply channel synthetic drugs were blocked by fsb officers. prohibited substances were systematically imported into the capital region from central asia in huge quantities. two people from... the court, who, according to preliminary data, organized everything, were detained with a sleeping man, 80 kg of amphetamine were found on them, the drug was previously dissolved and delivered to our country in aluminum cans, more than twenty boxes are visible in the footage, both defendants were taken into custody , they face life sentences. vladimir putin sent a telegram to the chairman of the people's republic of china sidinpinu thanked him for the warm welcome and hospitality. following the results of his trip to china, the russian president noted that he would be happy about the '.
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negotiations in beijing and harbin to issue appropriate instructions to our employees,
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we are ready, together with russia and other participating countries, to confidently work in the development of the sco, protect the general situation, maintain security and stability in the region, and promote global governance in a more equitable and rational direction. minsk days started today at the russia exhibition at vdnkh region, national costume, exhibitions of folk art, performances by artists, hundreds of visitors are greeted by the pavilion of the republic of belarus, achievements in industry, tourism, agriculture, economics are presented, success including through strengthening ties within the union state, principled position, accuracy assessments, this is the success of the political leaders of our countries, which determines our rapprochement, integration, work in allied formats, in bilateral formats, but also the practice of relations with the important
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stage of development of the capital's healthcare in moscow this year the volume of specialized medical care will increase by one and a half times; 40,000 more people will be able to receive it. for this purpose, new targeted programs in various areas, from traumatology to neurosurgery, are based on high technology. indications for surgical intervention are given, and time simply passes faster for him, since this help has become
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more accessible. in addition, what ’s new for the patient is that when preparing for surgery, we perform the entire range of examinations within one or two we organize days at our cdc. and at the end of the issue about supporting those who daily overcome difficulties for children who are undergoing long-term treatment at the shumakov center, anna, the chairman of the fatherland defenders foundation, came to visit. i talked to the students of the school, we teach, we know, i congratulated them on the end of the school year, the guys wrote letters to the soldiers on the front line, and they finished the eleventh grade, yes, now we have exams, an exam point is opening here, we will, yeah, what exams are you taking? , english, you also have several, english, russian, mathematics, well, these are the main ones, and additional english, that is, you are planning to go somewhere specifically, you have a dream, you want to. to become a teacher, in english, like this, in general, everyone basically wants
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to be doctors, i note that the teach-we-know project operates in different russian regions, at more than sixty sites, as the organizers note, its goal is not only to educate children, but help them return to a full life. this concludes our release, stay with us, stay updated on the event, right now on the first channel the program “let's get married.” cska won a second victory in a row in the russian handball super league, after the army team won the first match of the final series of the uchekhov bears in moscow 26-25, many experts predicted the outcome in the decisive third meeting, but the army team kept within two, taking the upper hand on the road 30-27, the most productive cska had belarusian legionnaire yulian girik, who scored eight goals. chekhov's bears, who won the national championship a record 23 times became silver medalists for the first time. cska handball players have the opportunity on may 24.


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