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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  May 20, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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yes, and she paid for your travel, as far as i know, both travel and accommodation, he really wanted to meet me, he really liked me, i didn’t really want to go with him, he sent me money for a ticket, although i didn’t ask, i didn’t go became, i then bought myself a jacket, then another, like little things, then again he sent money for a ticket, he says it’s no big deal, but you say, he’s greedy, it’s at first, at first, at first it’s him, it’s a constant concern. i just, it seems to me that he spoiled him, maybe, but it won me over, but then he started it cut all the time, well, how much did he spend on you about a month, well , about 100 exactly, well, that’s also what greed is, this is at first, then a person, and then how much it became 50,000, well, and then maybe he has some work problems problems happened, he is a sailor and... and periodically he went on
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shifts to work, in general this is the dream of any woman, no, he was there, there was a problem, in my opinion, not even in greed, in the fact that he was an alcoholic, yes, yes, but it seems to me that visually they don’t go together, they don’t go together, it seems to me that i’m a little bit i was offended by the way you describe the guarantee of your family happiness, only one financial well-being, which...
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no respect, here are gemini with aquarius, here i am aquarius, you are gemini, yes i am aquarius, and why didn’t we please you? women are wonderful my best friend is aquarius, she meant a man, i meant it, but what’s wrong with men and me, here’s my ex-boyfriend, a sailor, he’s an aquarius, and no, it’s a problem with alcohol, okay, we already have, listen, this is all such nonsense, we had so many stargazers sitting here. children are stargazers, you better show me surprise that we prepared, thank you very much, okay, i would like to ask you to help me, of course, well look, nevertheless, she took him into the room, and we thought that he liked the first one better, sergei, i know that you do you dream of acting in a movie, and i suggest you plunge into this atmosphere and act out one scene, will they gnaw the seeds? hello, my name is adele,
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hello, my name is forest gumb, would you like some candy, yes, of course, wait, talk, talk, you know that candy is like our whole life, every candy is for something answers, for example, a candy with raisins, then there will be some kind of zest in our life, if the candy... with dark chocolate, then some difficulties happen, but that’s okay, you know, adele, life is like a box with candies, you never know what the filling will be inside, what's inside, i suggest you try everything, let our life be, she has diabetes, bright, unpredictable, intoxicating, sweet, go ahead, i like it, thank you, thank you, thank you .
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thank you, well done, original, i did skits i haven’t seen what kind of filling i got, caramel, sweet, look, it’s on topic, well, what do you say, galina mikhailovna, the first second, the same thing, they have the same things, and this is the third, she seems like a good girl and simple, but, but you know, we, when i asked this question, i heard the answer to it right away, that number one for...
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sergey today started with poetry, i ’ll finish with poetry, run like forest grand, you can 500 weeks, sergey, you came running to us, and i advise.
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zion laris, how is she, she already knows, yes, but she’s still young, we had to talk about it in the program, well, i ask this, maybe go ahead, clean up, think, but there is a feeling that he will come here, well, but for you, you are here, listen, to be honest, i didn’t plan to go out anywhere today, i invite everyone to come out.
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we don’t have a couple today, if you are single or you liked one of the participants in today’s program, write to the website of the first channel, and i am larisa guzeeva and i wish that your loved one would definitely tell you: let’s get married, dasha and i found ourselves in a difficult situation life situation, left home, husband won’t let me i have peace of mind, he wants me to leave my child with him, but i’m afraid, that is, he has a diagnosis of epilepsy, that is , instead of taking pills, he drinks alcohol, yes, i just want to see the child, and she thinks that you are dangerous for the child, your wife
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said that you wore your pants all the time, this is a parasite, but you started walking with his wife even before they left, you approach her at the disco, she says, hi, i'm married, but i danced with her, he's a normal guy, he has the right to communicate with with his child, what kind of father is he, he doesn’t take a shower for months, doesn’t brush his teeth, please explain how she lived with him for 8 years. good afternoon, the father really wants to communicate with his child, the mother believes that the father is dangerous for the child, an eternal problem, every
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time you need to understand whether this is true, or whether the mother is exaggerating, you know, you need to invent such a litmus test for the danger of the father. i measured everything and everything is clear. today in our studio elena vladykina from the city of glazov. elena, hello. what happened to you? tell us. my husband doesn't give me peace of mind. he wants me to leave my child with him. but i am afraid. so. how old is the child? 4 years. and you separated? yes. for a long time? they separated on december 26th. we've already left, yes, completely.
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but epilepsy is not a reason not to communicate with a child, there’s a deeper problem, that is, he’s like, well, how can you drink if you have epilepsy, that is, instead of taking pills that... restrain this disease, he instead, he drinks alcohol, but it all gets worse, and at the same time he wants to sit with the child, what is this, is he drunk? signed the consent, but then at the trial he was declared that i was beating a child, and what did the judge
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say? i also objected a little, didn’t believe it, and we were redirected to the district court, it turns out, uh, when is the case, oh, when the hearing, uh, the hearing hasn’t been scheduled yet, they’re still in custody, but on monday they’ll have to come and check whether you’re beating the child or no, after his statement, go ahead. after all , let’s start this story from the beginning, how you met him and where you met, when was it, we met, it turns out 8 years ago on social networks, at first everything was fine, but then problems started, that he drank very often, how long after we met it started, after about 2 years, somewhere around here, that is, for 2 years you lived absolutely happily. listen, but epilepsy , unlike alcohol, is a disease that cannot be hidden
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if the attacks are more or less regular, you should have understood who you were dealing with, no, he only has attacks on crt tvs, the old ones are so convex, i i didn’t believe it either, so, well, look, we’re talking about alcohol now, why , 2 years after living together, he suddenly he started drinking, it was just after work, he was tired. stayed somewhere with friends, at work, and then it was home, he came and i saw in his eyes that he was drunk, and then everything got worse and worse, he even crawled home, and you didn’t want to leave him, there was nothing holding you back, no children, nothing, at that moment i already wanted it very much and literally a month later i found out that i was pregnant, and you decided to stay with him, right? let me guess, they probably counted on him to improve, yeah,
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ivan started drinking, started coming late, or don’t come at all, and how did you react to this, you also drank, no, i was vomiting, listen, you told us before the program, yes, i had friends with whom i drank so that, well, this is the last one, the last 2 years , this is later, when the child was born, to get out of this, right, listen, he... has he ever accused you of cheating? it happened, with whom? he just said that you were walking around, and you were cheating on him? well , honestly now, well, over the last year, yes, but before that we lived, happily, happily, i believed when the child was born, he didn’t change either, he didn’t change, even worse than that, he didn’t change, we lived with my mother and daughter.
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we were on our way back, that is, you want to say that you were discharged from the labor home to your mother, yes, while you lived with your mother for several months, he did not appear at all, he came twice in total, twice in total, and then, when you moved to him, the child was completely on you, and he did nothing, no, but continued to drink, and even though he went to work, went, brought money, they brought it, and what was the last straw, weights, when the floor is it the last straw? it was that on december 26 he took up a knife, why? because,
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well, he was drunk, because he was drunk, very drunk, and he simply didn’t know how else to influence me. december 26th is my daughter’s birthday, yes, yes, yes, so, what started the scandal? a scandal began because for the last week he did not know where i was. yes, we talked with your ex, but still a legal husband, mind you, but my beloved brother is in trouble, we need to help him, his ex- wife is getting a divorce and doesn’t want to let him see child with him, the claim is that she gives the child, this is his own father, he has
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every right to communicate with the child, i have vanya , well, a calm job. he doesn’t skip work, yes vanya, yes, he seems to be a housekeeper, when i come, he cleans, everything, eats and cooks, feeds the child, he says i bathe him, he’s a handy guy, if he was a drinker, he wouldn’t work, vanya earned money money, my brother is younger, come on, ivan, he worked almost every day, took one day off there, and she skipped, well, drunk. drinking, walking, me i don’t want us to have such a dream, but we told him from the beginning, when we lived, they were with us, there was such a thing, it was, it was, he brought her, he brought her to me, well, they didn’t live long, i don’t remember how long , how long, well , it probably hasn’t been a year, yes, well, because i started swearing, she doesn’t clean up, she doesn’t help with the housework, she can take off her t- shirt to blow her nose and throw it there next to the sofa, he has this habit, yes
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this is vanya. i also cleaned up after her, all these cabinets were open, there were toys all on the floor is all around under your feet, yes , maybe you can’t name it, i don’t know, about the husband’s father, yes vanya, yes, yes, vanya, yes, yes, vanya, yes, yes, vanya, yes, who is this woman, this his sister is his own, a sister, and she behaves as if she were a mother, sister, wife, lover, and just everything in one bottle. did she live with you? no, she didn’t live with us, we lived with her for the first 2 months, but does she really have such an influence on him? well, that means it has. did you get along with her when you lived? no, why? because she's got me all the time i was on layaway, comes home from work and says: i didn’t clean up right, i didn’t
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clean up right, i didn’t cut the fish right, that is, it takes forever. that’s how it was, that’s how it was, and she walked around with a ruler and checked the dust in white gloves, you know, your husband ivan vladykin, on his own without his sister, which is a big surprise, was still able to get to moscow, but his sister greatly interfered. but nothing worked out for him, he came, meet me, i loved you, and you cheated on me, and went to the clubs, hung around the clubs - this means cheating, well, how did the girls come anyway, after all, to visit her, and what they drank there, did she cheat on you and the girls, why, girls, her friends
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said that they go to the club to hang out with the guys, that is, her friends told you... and you know why we go to the club, to hang out with the guys, although they also had the same thing, it happened, although they also have boyfriends, listen, don’t forget my tell us why we are going, yes, yes, they, they were also afraid that they would recognize their boyfriend, did you succeed? decide a couple of important questions, a couple, yes, but there were also failures, all the failures, by the way, are connected with one character, arkadiyakovich, we know each other, yes, we met several times at events, you scared me, that’s what i expected to see, believe me, dinner
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doesn’t oblige you to anything, i don’t know, sasha, well, it’s cool to start all over again, well, let’s try, please, go, i want to take a walk alone, well, we’ve got an appointment for everyone to stay in their places, police, and why is this, i really liked your couple, we’re actually not a couple, if not a couple, i didn’t believe it myself, but it’s him, this can’t be, solve the problem, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program.
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and then they drag her away and start beating her or like killing some priests, you are proud of what you did, the vavan and lexus show on wednesday on the first, for the centenary of boris vasilyev, it’s difficult, after all, women are at war, they are all voluntarily, rita, the goal caught, fire, fell, yes, where are the monks, i can’t be with them,
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comrade, send me to the front line, while you distort your slaves, he’s one of you sieves will do, so i categorically order you to lie down, it’s good, then as if there is no such war. i can’t do it anymore, now i’ll go and shoot, it’s impossible, suni, it’s impossible, the germans have only one way, between these lakes across the ridge, eternal battle, we can only dream of peace, and the dawns here are quiet on saturday at first, the enemy, armed to the teeth, is moving towards our direction, we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order all the soldiers and myself...
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to be confirmed by some kind of certificate, well, imagine a four-year-old, four-year-old child, and you have to take pills, i have to, you take pills, no, why, i don’t want to, great, drink, you drink, well, i drink, yes, but not often, but how can you drink even infrequently with your illness, it’s impossible, look at yourself in this photo, you’re drunk as described . and somewhere you can see that i’m described there, maybe they just poured water all over me, of course, your wife said that you were wearing your pants the whole time, but
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no, her fears turn out to be unfounded, she only says that she can't trust you with a four-year-old girl because you i’m not able to control myself, let alone a child, i control myself. such a diagnosis is not a death sentence, but you need to go the right way, and you are going absolutely wrong, if it is not treated simply, well, your sister rules, you know, she will continue to rule, so you need to convey the words to your sister to go to the dispensary and resume treatment under medical supervision, go a certain way, if everything is fine, then they are removed from the dispensary register, then... you will have a reason not to take medicine, but while you are doing idiocy, you start with alcohol, your situation, it is contraindicated, why, it finishes you off
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by leaps and bounds, your intellect finishes you off, listen to me, please, do you have a reason why she won’t give you a child, then your own, tell me what it is, well she used to give me a child, as if he spent the night with me, then she started asking for money so that i would give money, then she will give me a village, and you pay alimony? not yet, well, i’ll pay, well, they haven’t been appointed yet, you can do it yourself, no, i gave her, transferred, yes, well, not a lot of money, but i transferred how much, three, five, yeah, a month, and what kind of photographs are these, where a child is standing in gloves with a check for some reason, and we give dad they showed us the receipt and... we need to transfer money for these gloves, but he transferred it, no, we started talking about the mysterious woman in the video, this is your sister,
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olga. now let's figure it out, you wrote a letter to what? i just want to see the child. yeah, you haven’t gone to court yet, haven’t gone to court yet, did you write a statement? no, and that, after the transfer, they wrote it down to us. what happened on december 26, why did this particular date become the last in your life? on december 26th it was the child’s birthday, i went out to smoke, a neighbor was standing there, he was drinking there, i just started drinking, i smoked until the end, i spat out the vodka, but for what? so that it smells,
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you can’t drink it so it smells? no, no, why did you need it? i just guessed that my wife was cheating on me, and how you wanted to check it, i thought she would tell me, then that’s how i did it, that is, you wet your throat and immediately realized that she wanted you is changing, no, i don’t look at the throat, i don’t look at the throat , why did you do it, explain, i’ll explain why, that is, the vapors of your alcohol from her mouth forced her to tell the truth, but then she left before... her friend kind of left, why did you did you wet your throat? i explain to you why? no, i want to hear from him, listen, it was a provocation, he wanted his wife to smell that he smelled like his daughter’s birthday, and slammed the door and left, which she did, she went to her friend, no, he wanted she admitted that she's cheating, like listen, she went to a friend, who is not a friend, but his name is andrey, right, yes, and you know, according to the latest achievements in
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physics? there are areas in the universe where there is no reason for the investigative connection, i ’m sitting here and thinking, why are they studying these areas somewhere in billions of parsi, they need to come to us here, you will see that the reason for the investigative connection is completely absent in the actions of our heroes , listen, with this homewrecker, are you familiar or not, i haven’t been before, i know him, now, well, they came yes, they took away the refrigerator and washing machine, that is, in addition to the child, you also acquired some property. no, it’s like she had it, she had a refrigerator, yeah, i’m like, well, did you communicate with him when they came, no, i didn’t communicate with him, well, how he behaved, aggressively, watered there mud, yes something, so it means you still communicated with him, he threw mud at you, no, no, that means he was not aggressive, but the way his wife behaved, she was silent, she pushed her and that’s it, you still love her, i love her , yes, m, and you want to be with her, no, i don’t want to, but you love her, yes, yeah.
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please tell me, this is the apartment you live in now, whose apartment is this? the mother gave the money, well, the grandmother, whose? whose grandmother? my mom, mom, mom, lena, look, they moved out, and you still live there , why if it wasn’t your relatives who gave the money, but hers will be divided in half, you said that most of it, well, yes , well, if you divide it in half, it will be for the child, not for me, but for the child, what part, you will give your part to the child, right? exactly how noble, and what is the status of the apartment, elen? the status of the apartment, well, you bought it, len, let’s get started, in what percentage did you buy it, how much money did your mother give? 1.5 million, but how much did it cost? 1.600 50 in half, that is, you are now living in someone else’s apartment, right? well, yes, do you want another half of it? let's
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look at this apartment, i really want it. i don’t want anything from the apartment there, i really want to see this apartment, this is my apartment, i bought it in 1919, this is my room when i was a small child, both are torn, even the child wrote his name here, dasha, here are her things here, i also left children’s things to remind her of dasha, fragrances, it doesn’t smell like anything, lena smells like something, after lena i want to change the sofa, i don’t want to do this to go to bed, lena drank wine and spilled it, well, she spilled a little wine. here
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are the children's things, here are mine, and my wife has some things. the refrigerator is full, there’s a lot of food, elena’s refrigerator is long, i haven’t washed the dishes yet, there’s sausage, cheese, fresh, homemade eggs,
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here’s my bathtub, here are your toys, toothbrush, toothpaste, over there is my shampoo, this is my apartment, i keep order, i want to give a summary of... because here i have everything, but there, probably, where lena lives, my daughter probably doesn’t have anything, and senya is telling lies, then you call this apartment yours, well, yes, although all the money was given by her mother, and where have you lost your conscience, well , i’m keeping an apartment for the child, let’s do it this way , she’s the one holding this apartment for the child, and she’ll sort it out without you, and you, listen, why are they keeping it for the child? her apartment, she can drink it away, for example, what does the child have to do with it, the child is not entitled to this apartment, it is entitled to the owner, maybe the person will have 10 more children, and - in general, a child, that’s the point, she can do this without gift, well, just who is the owner of the apartment, the owner, here’s
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the husband, how is it, well, it’s clear that the title, that is , you registered the apartment in his name, not me, it turned out that i was changing my last name, i had all the documents, and i... this moment with a small child who did not sleep day or night, was at my mother’s, after the cesarean they didn’t stitch me up, they found a hematoma, they themselves they said that they would do everything for me, listen, let them trust you, and you and you, instead of now going to write everything off to her, you behave like the last one, i don’t know who, alesya then they won’t drink up this apartment, but what about you? difference, but where and where should my daughter live, you idiot, yes, yes, that’s why i want to call you... no, no, no, no, no, before we call, i want the mother-in-law, him ex, told me about this apartment, when they decided to start a family, they wanted an apartment, they wanted an apartment,
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now they give loans, fast, vanya went to the bank, taking into account his salary, gave him 600,000, i say, what will you buy with this, how much did the apartment cost, 1,750, i go to my bank.
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is the president who destroyed the image of switzerland as a neutral state and is actually driving it into conflict with russia, the president of switzerland, viola amert, but you yourself said it, the dolls of the heir tutti, today
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are on the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. i am proud that i live in such a beautiful country that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland and i want people to know about it too, this is very important, ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and goncharov, taganay is a whole adventure park. there are bears and more. fyodor chaliapin at one time
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called himself a simple vyadsky peasant throughout his life. the white nights of leningrad, the gray peaks of the caucasus, the blue lakes of karelia, the green sea of ​​taiga, are as beautiful as our sunny komykia. no one returns from a trip the same person, so travel, develop yourself. for any on the highway, in any village, we are all one, big family. i hope that you are lucky with your new man, while he is not yet your husband, that you are not divorced, yes, andrey, come to us, some kind of apartment of yours, you are goldran, what kind of things are you saying there, bought there, what poor people, hello, hello, so you want him to return the apartment or for him to leave you behind, i want him to leave lena, he’s the child, well, he’s the father, how can you take him and throw him out of life, what kind of thing is that?
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father, well, this is a parasite, where did you get this from? the conviction that he only had to come to me when we were picking up lenin’s things, note lenin, a refrigerator, a tv, a washing machine, a microwave oven, there’s nothing there except for the wall, so what struck you, i walked in the door, i have immediately the smell of urine from a sweaty, unwashed body, uh-huh, yes, of course, but you started hanging out with his wife even before they broke up, you met somewhere, well, on the date, i don’t remember, december 15th. at the disco, and she left on the twenty
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-sixth, yes, but she warned you that she was married in general, yes, of course, but what is she she says, you come up to her at the disco, she says, hi, i’m married, no, that’s what she initially said, that yes, i’m married, well, but i danced with her, we talked, but she told me the problem there, the fact that right away at the disco, yes, and what did you decide, if anything happens, we’ll call each other, if anything happens, meet, and then, well, we started calling each other, meeting. in the cafe, so on the street, but you had nothing, no, and on the twenty-sixth she called you, on the twenty-sixth, yes, she called me, explained the situation, but i said come to me, well, that is, she found a reason, really, well, a reason, not a reason in terms of the fact that, well, she and the child came to your home, and to finish the cake that lena took with her, i sat with them for half an hour , but i had to go to work, i went to work, that is , you... yes, you had nothing for less than a month,
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no, when you already decided that you would live together, at the end of january, somewhere like that, it didn’t bother you that she has a small child, no, because i also have children, look, she’s your sister olga. my wife and i separated very calmly, we agreed that there were no problems, i’m crying for the elements, the children, why the wife separated, i wonder, well, after 10 years, it happened, no, there’s some interesting story there, but the story there isn’t interesting, just who cheated on whom? yes, it was such a normal situation, she found out, but she didn’t forgive, no,
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not at all, there i thought that i was hitting my head into the wall, listen, let’s do this, look, look at him, at her, look now, maybe maybe they will get back together, and you will end up with nothing, no, that’s not the case it will be, why, the person said such a thing, how much he has done, it’s already here, we already came here for the program on principle, then why show the person? what a handsome guy he really is, yeah, now let’s call vadim boldakov, who knows, this is who, this is a friend of mine, well, from work, your friend, well, he’ll come to drown for you now, yes, yes. but it’s clear, well, someone has to, vadim, come to us, please, guys, why are you insulting him, this is all unnecessary, but not unnecessary, he’s a normal guy, he has the right to communicate with his child, that’s right i say, listen, a normal guy doesn’t mean a good dad, well, a good dad, any
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drinking buddy is the best drinking buddy in the world, but that doesn’t mean that he’s a good father, maybe it sounds like this, well, he ’s not my drinking buddy, he’s a colleague, friend, well, you heard why she does not allow him to communicate with the child, he drinks, although he has a certain diagnosis for which he must take certain therapy, he does not do this, he admitted it and admitted that he drinks , she says: i’m just afraid for the child, she’s 4 years, you understand her fear, yes, yes, but the fact is that i’ve known him for 3 years, he’s never had one.
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came to see him on the weekend exactly when the maximum of what can be called antisocial behavior manifests itself, no, no, antisocial, i don’t know him, so that he would be about social behavior, well, how can this be, he doesn’t happen like that, he now he works every day, i asked you a simple question, you know it, he had 9 days, now there were nine shifts. wait, he works every day, and you work together, and how long do you you earn, well, from 50,000 rubles. per month, per month, look, for 3 months, while he does not live with his child, he earned 150,000 rubles, of which he only gave what, 10, 10, 10 to his child, do you think this is
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normal, well, here he is and he says that he doesn’t mind paying alimony, he’ll do it now, what do you mean he doesn’t mind, what does that mean? well , that is, he will pay them, i mean, someday, why, now they will have a divorce, well, wait, who stopped me from paying now, i don’t know, except parents from lena and i , no one buys anything for the child, it’s the child who wants to eat every day, the child needs to be dressed every day, bets, money is played on bets, on bets, yes, he plays in instructions, i don’t play, not so often, not often, but it’s impossible . i don’t play often, it’s worse than drug addiction, it’s the worst gambling addiction, the hardest, no, he denies it, i don’t play often, let’s listen to what my daughter thinks about dad, although i believe that mom has a hand in this too, i i'm glad we left with dasha
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from home from dad, because... it was terribly dangerous for the child to be there, dad was on the street for a very long time, i was at home, dad’s phone was ringing, someone was calling, i was snoring, but the phone didn’t ring anymore, there were cases, when he came drunk, he takes dasha in his arms, lies down, it turns out that he hit her head against the wall, she was about three or four months old... i left them and then i come, vanya is sleeping drunk near the crib, and child dasha screams at the top of her lungs, well that’s why she ’s afraid, dad, how bad you are, i don’t want to to see dad, i was with dad,
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mom followed me, i didn’t want to stay with dad, but dad wanted to, but he just wanted to stay at home with mom’s hug. dasha, at least your mom broke you, no, no, i love everyone, mom’s idea andrey, dad, aren’t you ashamed, the child at the end says, “i love dad,” you’re setting the child up against the father, i’m not setting up, shut up now, this or that it’s not visible, you’re not setting it up, you’re scaring the child with dad, you’re scaring him. i’m not saying that, no one forced you to give birth to a child from him, you yourself really wanted this, i’m not at all and neither is he now forever, he can be deprived of parental rights, his rights can be limited. god forbid, something might happen to him and he would simply be gone, but he will forever
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remain her father until the end of your daughter’s days, period, half of your daughter is him, you need such fathers, you know, when a child’s head is against the wall you knock, if he does, he doesn’t understand, he doesn’t understand what he’s doing, look, they were playing, the relationship is still very raw. there will be more than one trial, more than one trial, but the fact that mom is doing everything to turn the child against dad, i i've never set it up. elena, i suspect that you do not quite understand how to conduct a dialogue with your own child, especially in such difficult moments when you are getting a divorce, so i will help you. against my father, i don’t see this, but the misunderstanding, and the deepest misunderstanding of what you are doing, is of course obvious, so after the program
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we can talk or contact you in any way, and i will tell you what points you need to observe correctly, we managed to solve , a couple of important questions, a couple, yes, but there were also failures, that’s all the failures, by the way, are connected with one character, prakadiyakovich, we know each other, yes, we met several times at events, you scared me, that’s what i expected to see, believe me, dinner doesn’t oblige you to anything, well, i don’t know, sasha, well, it’s cool to start all over again, well, let’s try. please, go, i want to take a walk alone, well, we have an appointment for everyone to stay in their places,
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police, and why are you doing this? i really liked your couple, we’re actually not a couple, just like we’re not a couple, i didn’t believe it myself, but it’s him, he can’t do it be, solve the problem, bloodhound, new episodes, watch after the program time, the states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states sam brownback.
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on the first. to the centenary of boris vasiliev. i loved you silently, hopelessly, now with timidity, now with jealousy, now indifferently. i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly. one staff commander, by the way, married, got himself into trouble, so to speak, and i was ordered to assign this friend to business. are you going to educate now or later? lights out, i had a husband, zhenya, someone beat him off, but don’t complain to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t beat him off, but killed him on june 24, okay,
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asyanina, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i’ve been in this skin, i don’t need it either, you believe, lisa, be sure to believe, maybe it’s true, happiness is walking nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, only there is no way back to it, after that we’ll sing with you elizabeth, we’ll do it we’ll sing the battle order, come back quickly, girls, the azori are quiet here on saturday on the first, len, you have a friend, uh-huh, yes, her name is also lena, lena, come to us. know from their lives, leave them alone, she has a normal man, i just want, i just want to see the child that’s all,
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she has a normal man, and he will become a good father for them. you can’t imagine yourself, when was the last time you brushed your teeth, please tell me, lena constantly said, but he doesn’t brush his teeth, i don’t even kiss him, what about my teeth, what does this have to do with it, you have absolutely no hygiene at all you comply, what does this mean, she hasn’t taken a shower for months, she hasn’t brushed her teeth, please explain how she’s doing lived with him for eight? years, firstly, i want to say that i, as a mother, i would not leave a child with such a father, firstly, he drinks, gets drunk, lena, i personally saw it, so, he says, it’s not yet success, not the sofa managed to dry out, but you yourself, you drink it yourself, that is , how many times you didn’t give your word, she’s been living with him for 8 years, you didn’t answer my question, how did you endure it, why? so
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there was no daughter, you lived with him for 3 years, he already behaved like that, no, he didn’t behave like that at first , he was more or less like that, just let me i’ll pay for these adult diapers, let’s close the question here, wait, what do you think about him, i didn’t like him initially, why, well , first of all, he’s kind of, i don’t know, withdrawn, uncommunicative, suspicious of himself. humiliates her, she says: and it’s always like this, someone comes to visit me, he tries to humiliate me, what kind of love can there be, he says that he loves, tell me, in short, you told her to break up with him, yes, but she didn’t listen to you, well, it’s her decision, how can i
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persuade her, and you already have it there, yes there is good? yes, she doesn’t dissuade you from having a candle with him, well, that was the case, but please tell me, well, she didn’t dissuade you as much as i did, yours, but you like her current one, for some reason i see people right away, from the very beginning he i liked him, i liked him from the very beginning, and i, listen, well, if you like that everything is fine with them, and you like him, let's see how... they live together, i have a wonderful girl next to me, well, they started it’s like she’s with a wonderful family, andrei, unlike vanya, works with my daughter, and also dasha i express my love for sports, well done,
5:00 pm
i scored two goals, i handed you the cup.


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