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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 20, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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handed it over, even dasha, well, i’ve had enough of playing, i love my family very much, thank you for having you, and thank you too, i want to draw your attention, no matter what kind of father,
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i want to turn to you if the woman cheated once , she will cheat on the second one, oh, there would be no betrayal, there would be no affairs, betrayal doesn’t just happen, don’t cheat again, such that i would be left alone with three children, i probably couldn’t even imagine this, i want to deprive my ex of parental rights, ex, that’s what became the last point, he it turns out he met, brought home to introduce the next one to his home. did you
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find out from whom? from my father, they communicated closely with her, who? my stepfather and youngest daughter, do you think it’s from him? i really hope that it is from me, that is, your husband brought it to light to your son, you and your mother doubted the origin of your youngest daughter, now i will open the test and it will become clear whether this is shame or just shame. good evening, there's a big game on the air. today is exactly 2 years since russia completed the liberation of mariupol. may 20 twenty in the second year, the last units of the neo-nazi azov battalion, which then settled in the dungeons of the azov steel plant, surrendered. and it seems to me that this event is one of the most striking and heroic of the entire special operation. this is a very... important
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victory for russia from all points of view. igor vladimirovich, you are an adviser to the head of the donetsk people’s republic, that is, the liberation of mariupol and the capture of azov-stal has a direct bearing on you. share your impressions 2 years later. well, i'm really lucky, i want to say, i was lucky enough to participate in probably the most successful operation of the main directorate of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation, which was carried out under the leadership of generals and... senior, or rather senior officers of the main directorate, the operation to capture the garrison was caught, and in fact on may 20 we found the sea of ​​azov, like our inland sea, yes, it became our inland sea, it was, of course, probably the most outstanding operation, which became a point in the operation to liberate the russian the city of mariupol, and fredsky talked about this, at the mariupol airport, these neo-nazis did not even have time to remove them, where it was shown in the frescoes. the whole history of mariupol and
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so on, we liberated the city in which more than 800 people disappeared during the fascist occupation, disappeared without trace, everything russian was defended there, translated into ukrainian, so the liberation of the city, even now it was not very easy, because that every city was fortified for the azov people, civilians were killed, has already been convicted in this case more than thirty azov residents who received life imprisonment, including life imprisonment, well , that is, it is clear that they received life imprisonment for murder and... people were glad to see the arrival of the armed forces of the russian federation and the first army corps of the cascade obtf, this is our unit. our guys covered themselves with immense glory, so the first medal for the liberation of the city that was issued was the medal for the liberation of mariupol. today mariupol is being rebuilt, this is not the same mariupol that was 2 years ago, today enormous funds have been invested in the restoration of the city, the city is patronizing st. petersburg, it’s done. a lot,
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new gardens have been opened, schools have been restored, new neighborhoods have been created, the city is coming to life, the russian city of mariupol is coming to life, and today, of course, here is mariupol, you know. this is, to some extent, a white city, the calling card of russia, this is extremely important, this is a huge feat that our guys and all our people once again accomplished, and indeed mariupol returned to its native harbor, the russian city of mariupol became part of great russia forever, but the main international event of this day is certainly the death in a plane crash of iranian president ibrahim raisi, and in fact everyone who was with him in this ill-fated helicopter. was present, including iran's foreign minister, hassein, amir abdalahian. this is a huge tragedy. ibrahim reisi was a leader of the first magnitude. he was an extremely important and respected representative of the world majority. it is no coincidence that all the key
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leaders of the world majority expressed condolences on the occasion of his death, including vladimir putin, and xi zenping. and let’s listen to what the president wrote today in a telegram addressed to the supreme leader of iran, ali khaminiya. from russia. seyyed ibrahim resi was an outstanding politician, whose entire life was devoted to serving his homeland; he rightfully enjoyed high respect from his compatriots and significant authority abroad. as a true friend of russia, he made an invaluable personal contribution to the development of good neighborly relations between our countries, making great efforts to bring them to the level of strategic partnerships. well, indeed, it was under ibrahim resi that iran joined... iran and under him, already this year iran became a full member of the brix, it was expected that it would come to the brix summit in kazan in october this year, already as a full member, but alas.
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well, let's remember what ibrahim reisi himself said about brix and the sco in the foreign policy of the islamic republic as a whole. they say that the only way out of our problems is to smile at america or some european countries. i've said it many times again i repeat: we do not wait for their smile and do not make the economy and people’s lives dependent on their will. there is a very good opportunity called the global alliance of brix, the shanghai cooperation organisation. membership in these alliances can definitely play a role in combating american unilateralism. in addition to the telegram of condolences, vladimir putin has already spoken today.
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change the timing of the elections, this is completely within his power, just as he now determines the powers of those figures who temporarily desire the spiritual leader of iran can even perform the duties of the deceased president and minister of foreign affairs and others, and judging by
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the fact that he did not reduce his powers, he really trusts these persons who were close to raisi, respectively... i, by the way, in moscow repeatedly communicated with abdallahian, even before he became minister of foreign affairs, i will say that this is a loss for iran, because he is an intelligent person, a professional, and great hopes were placed on him. as for the ambition of khaminiya, the son of the spiritual leader, his ambitions, if mentioned now, are to a greater extent, even as a successor, a father as a spiritual leader, perhaps here...
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the american media today came out with articles about how, do you know, in iran there is such a not very
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favorable, supposedly internal situation, the society is supposedly dissatisfied with the current state of affairs, and can take advantage of early elections and the death of russia in order to go out into the streets and somehow destabilize the situation. naturally, the united states is interested in destabilizing the situation, israel is interested in destabilizing the situation, so as you can see. prospects for the possibility of this external influence on the situation in iran. well, if you look at who benefits from the current tragedy, then naturally everyone names the jewish state of israel, which, of course, denies and dissociates itself from this tragedy, but in iran itself and beyond in the region, many suspect the israelis of somehow they could have been involved in this disaster. despite the fact that the official version is still due to weather conditions and a technical malfunction,
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we must accept the version of sabotage, too into account, if only because people are constantly discussing it, and what people say influences the decisions of politicians, all this strongly smacks of new regional destabilization, it was already almost inevitable, and now, against the backdrop of what happened, i assume that... it will for sure, as for internal protests, yes, these are again the same forces that can take advantage of this situation, but what i see is that the situation in iran is quite stable, i am with you i agree, they emphasized that it is not even the jewish state of israel, but rather, well, in addition to the jewish state of israel, the personal example of netanyahu may be interested in some kind of destabilization of the escalation, especially as his own internal political affairs worsen...
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igor vladimirovich, very briefly, it seems to me that the ukrainian case of carrying out terrorist attacks here may be some kind of such a good illustration , well, you know, the series of things that happen to world leaders who stand for russia, that is, for a constructive solution to all issues, suggests that some invisible hand, i don’t i’m talking about conspiracy theories, i can give our examples, my own examples, during the military-civil conflict... in ukraine, thanks to western intelligence services, alexander vladimirovich zakharchenko,
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givi, motorola, and my leader, the head of the donetsk people’s republic also died, when he was a deputy of the people's council, and now many terrorist acts have been prevented, that is, we are experiencing what the entire world community is experiencing today, yes, but nevertheless, russia continues successfully develop a special military operation, attacking on all fronts. today the ministry of defense announced that the village of belogorovka in the lugansk people's republic has been completely liberated, and that is, this is not even the kharkov region, where we are advancing most dynamically today, yuri ivanovich podalyaka will tell us about what is happening right now on the fronts of the special operation , our traditional military observer, yuri ivanovich, good afternoon, the floor is yours, good afternoon, yes, indeed in the kharkov direction, this is now one of the most basic directions, here we continue. assault operations in the area of ​​​​the city of volchansk, in general , we dropped them from the northern side, moreover, there is evidence that
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we have already created a plazahead on the southern bank of the river, well , it is clear that a plazahead is not a fast thing, after we expand it, we can further bring reserves into battle here, after which the battles for the southern part of volchansk will begin. however, according to intelligence data, the enemy is transferring more and more reserves here, which of course allows us to attack on others areas, for example ochretina, the day before our troops broke through quite a wide front and quite deeply, well, they didn’t push through the enemy’s defenses in the eastern settlement of keramik, so we begin to cover kalinov from both sides, after the capture of which gradually... some of the buildings and structures , assault operations are underway, and there is also constantly good news from the more southern novomikhailovsky, well, even the kyurakov direction, here we took the central part of the village of poroskoviku, the enemy tried to counterattack
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knock us out, we held the positions of the potags and are hitting them further, there are good small advances in the krasno area. problems in the ssu. let's listen. the stunning invasion of the kharkov region exposed the problems facing a depleted and dispersed ukrainian army as russia ramped up its summer offensive, russian troops pouring across the border had a huge advantage in artillery shells , used aircraft, including fighters and heavy guided missiles. air bombs, which led
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to catastrophic consequences due to the impotence of the weakened ukrainian air defense. crossing the border, a russian soldier. have overcome fortifications, trenches, minefields and anti-tank barriers, some of which the ukrainian military says were unfinished or poorly constructed, but the biggest problem for the ukrainian troops is people. when the scale of the russian offensive became apparent last weekend, the ukrainian military did everything possible for the transfer of troops from other sectors of the front, instead of using reserves. the reason, according to ukrainian officials, is that they have few reserves to deploy. well, in order... to create new reserves, the kiev regime actually adopted a completely draconian law on mobilization, this weekend it came into force, and what do you think, ukrainian public pages around are simply writing that ukrainian cities are empty, it was written about dnepropetrovsk, about zaporozhye, that there was a feeling that on january 1-2 there were no people on the streets,
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everyone was just hiding at home, and the financial times wrote about the threat of closure for... secondly, how do you assess the prospects for changing this situation, will these changes take place after this law of mobilization comes into force, well, firstly, a few words, firstly, the terms corruption, the failure of the ukrainian leadership, which is not can provide today, it, as you said at one of zuksvank’s programs, when they
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are pulled apart on all fronts, they are no longer capable of governing today, and what they completely tore apart... by the law that you just talked about, is a social contract with the remaining population in ukraine, what i ’m talking about, even yatsenyuk, when there was a military-civil conflict before the start of a special military operation, remember, he came with pliers, had a snack there and so on, yes, that they had to create an impregnable citadel in the kharkov region against the russian federation , they were able to do this, as the offensive of our troops showed, they could not, this is what it says, total corruption, they were stolen. money that could be used for strengthening, dragon teeth they are when we are here they created a line of defense, they criticized, they said it wouldn’t help and so on, but nevertheless they couldn’t break through the defense even in the rabotino area, they are now using the same technologies, they are trying to use it, but it doesn’t work, we broke through the defense in the avdeevka area and what
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yuri ivanovich said, we are expanding the ocheretinsky bridgehead, this is what they were unable to create. line of defense against the armed forces of the russian federation, today we, supporting our brothers with, who are in the kharkov direction, the entire donetsk the area along the front line, that is, i mean the enemy’s trenches are burning and we are crushing the enemy, pushing him out with the help of artillery with the help of the aerospace forces, we are pushing him out of the occupied positions ourselves, and now directly about the law itself, the law has been made. men, first of all , of ukraine are disenfranchised and we must say in the media: “guys, come to us, together we will restore the cities, come, you will have it here, you will be involved.”
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that the conflict is existential for the west itself, and if ukraine is defeated, then the west itself will suffer strategic defeat along with it. how will the west get out of this situation, what are its options now? more about this immediately after a short advertisement. black banker ola amhert, president of switzerland and her bloody, peaceful initiatives. our sense of security was undermined by the brutal. russia’s time, a world summit without russia, how incomprehensible it is, this is actually a knockdown of the anti-russian coalition, which will again throw in money in order to purchase new american
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weapons. catalyst for organizing the summit there was a world economic forum in dovozi. this is a global agenda, demons devour people, devour culture, including lgbt people, including abortion, somewhere there is murder through abortion, or it is a rite of passage, it will not let its masters down.
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please go, i want to take a walk alone, well, we all have an appointment to stay in our places, the police, why is this, i really liked your couple, we’re actually not a couple, just like we’re not a couple, i didn’t believe it myself , but it’s him, this can’t be, solve the problem, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program, i have in my hands patches that manufacturers say will relieve pain, tiger power, angelica roots, self-heating, self-cooling, such
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sikoy, fifth and tenth, but in fact there are patches for pain with medications, it is important to know what will really help, so as not to throw money away, about this and much more in the program to live great! tomorrow on the first. while the special operation is underway, the orthodox church in ukraine is being destroyed. we are moving towards europe. and therefore we must move away from the russian conservative traditions. epiphanius, all these other pseudo-priests are just pure mummers . therefore, the split is a tragedy. thanks to whom this all happened is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom. united states sam brownback. what should we do with the lavra, the main temple of kiev? will you give a big trump card to the russians? if you close it. he says very clearly what not to do. what have you already done?
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you even ended up in prison for your beliefs. the command was given to simply shut my mouth. the girl is on her knees, she prays, they jump around her, and then they drag her away and start beating her or, like some priests, killing her. you are proud of what you have done. show. vavan and lexus on wednesday at the first anniversary of boris vasiliev, it’s difficult, after all , women are at war, they all volunteer, shoot, rita, target caught, fire, hit, kitty, i can’t go with them, comrade. send me to the front line, while you distort your small ships, he will make a sieve out of you, so i categorically order you to lie down, okay, you like, but that war doesn’t exist. “i can’t do it anymore,
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now i’ll go and shoot, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, the germans have one way, between these lakes through the ridge, eternal battle, we only dream of peace, and the dawns here are quiet on saturday, on the first, the enemy, armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere.” therefore, i order all the soldiers and myself personally to hold the front. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. three chords. new season. on sunday on the first. there is a big game on the air, we
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have said more than once at this table that the worse the situation of the armed forces of ukraine, the higher the risks of escalation of the ukrainian conflict, because the kiev regime is desperately trying to directly drag the west into the war, in fact provoke the third world war or put the world on the brink of the third world war and thereby try to avoid its military defeat, and the west is openly called ukrainian conflict.
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biden to help identify targets in russia that kiev could strike with its own weapons. another request is to allow the use of american weapons for attacks on military targets on russian territory, administration and pentagon officials said. the request comes amid russia's most successful offensive in 18 months in northeastern ukraine near kharkov. american officials said kiev's request, made last week, is under consideration. if the us agrees to lift the ban, it could... mark a major shift in policy for an administration that has long sought to reduce the risk of military escalation between washington and moscow while supporting ukraine. they did ask for us help to attack russia, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff charles brown told a journalist during a visit to europe. well, so far the biden administration has not given this permission. the matter is officially under
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consideration. moreover, let me remind you that. that about a week and a half ago , british foreign secretary cameron said that great britain had allegedly already given the kiev regime the right use british weapons, in particular stormshadow missiles, to strike inside the old, conditionally russian territory, after which russia unequivocally stated in the uk that if this happens, then russia will launch military strikes, not nuclear yet, but against british targets on the territory of ukraine and ... outside its borders, that is , anywhere, and russia also announced exercises, military exercises to test the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, and you know, after that the british pulled back, this weekend , british defense minister grand chaps answered the same question about the use of british weapons, this is what he said: we do not want to participate in a direct conflict with russia, we
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are not going to enter. they were restrained from this, but hatred of russia outweighed everything, but they are trying to get rid of responsibility for this escalation, that is, they are trying to make it so that the escalation comes from them, so they can deflect the blow towards their own vassals , yes, the kiev regime, and even better, and not and yet
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to some kind. towards some individual commanders of the kiev regime, so this is what they , it seems to me, have learned to do relatively successfully. they are trying to maintain the position that they can do whatever they want, without any restrictions, without taking into account any red lines, without taking into account russian positions, but not bear responsibility for it, russia’s tolerance for this situation has been exhausted, russia will restore this responsibility , so they either bear all the costs. all consequences associated with escalation, or they will refuse escalation, so russia is trying, from my point of view, this statement, partly evidences this, is trying to return them to the decision about escalation, but they, no,
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we decided everything on escalation, there will be escalation, let’s discuss how to leave from responsibility, no, decide something by escalation, i think this is the statement of the british minister, i ’m not sure if this is disaffirmation, it’s just a presentation of the situation like this... and we don’t think that this is our participation in the war, in this case, it doesn’t matter what you think, russia said that this is your participation in the war, and since it is not you who will punish yourself for this, but russia, then it is our business whether to consider it or not to consider it as participation, i completely agree with this, moreover, i think that it is necessary call a spade a spade, the kiev regime is trying to set fire to the third world war , trying to drag its patrons into this... third world war, and i completely agree that they are trying to relieve themselves of responsibility and want escalation, want escalation, so russia, it seems to me, should continue to strengthen nuclear policy deterrence, sergei
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alekseevich rebkov, deputy minister of foreign affairs of russia, is absolutely right, who recently said that russia is forced to strengthen this policy, because on the one hand they are not yet giving a positive response to the kiev regime, but in the united states right here... these days there is a colossal campaign of pressure on the biden administration in favor of giving this permission to use american weapons against russia, as an example, i suggest listening to a quote from the editorial, that is, he thinks so. editorial office of the pro-republican newspaper woll street journal. president biden has banned ukraine from using american weapons to attack sovereign russian territory. in practice it is. leads to russian military personnel being given safe haven. the biden administration is touting its weapons packages, which include artillery and anti-aircraft shells, after congress last month approved further funding for military supplies. but strengthening
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air defense is not a strategy victories for ukraine, they do not even strengthen its position in the event of possible negotiations with vladimir putin. this is a plan that gives ukraine defeat in installments and will be a failure for joe biden and for the united states. biden will have to lift his embargo on ukrainian attacks on russian territory. every time the united states provided weapons, vladimir putin made veiled threats of escalation, but then retreated. it seems to me that they themselves understand that they are lying when they say that russia supposedly it escalates and then retreats, because in this case russia will not retreat, and there has already been a completely official unambiguous statement on this matter at all possible levels, except for this article.
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from my point of view, what we see is just a performance being played out, the meaning of this performance is simple: the biden administration, in the depths, so to speak, in the decision-making mechanism itself, so to speak, made this decision, swore to itself that it
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would really be carry out strikes on russian territory, using american weapons of american personnel, i want to draw special attention to this, then, in fact, the preparation of the public has already begun... the opinion that this is supposedly a matter, well, roles have been assigned, let kiev start, nuland will pick up, intensify what is called the public outcry wall street journal, what to do president. it will most likely be, firstly, it is really highly accurate or at
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least technologically complex, it is clear that it will be used or used by american instructors and american military personnel, and this means the direct participation of the united states armed forces or nato armed forces in this conflict. yes, apparently they were disappointed in the ukrainian armed forces, in the ability to change something on the contact line, and today they are completely over. other tactics, here i must say that maybe, as for, maybe even really bringing this conflict to the brink of using nuclear weapons, yes, apparently, the west is ready to play with this, the idea here is simple: those, in fact , speaking of the games that were played or those analyzes that were carried out using nuclear weapons, yes, they say that in general, maybe the parties tomorrow... will come to that very dangerous edge when the question of
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using weapons arises, but then it arises, maybe a problem inspired by the history of the cuban crisis in 1962, who will blink first? i think that today the united states of america, you know, is approaching this dangerous brink, this is in the logic of the pentagon strategists, this is, if you like, a game principle, maybe they will play too much and they will really take the matter to a very serious level. but since today the united states of america is sitting somewhere overseas, they believe that they can take advantage of this moment here, as for the reaction in great britain, i think great britain very quickly realized that the possibility of using nuclear weapons would directly affect already the interests of great britain, which is why today the british minister of defense, to put it mildly on soft paws, stepped back and said, well, no, we were misunderstood. the regime has the corresponding right to launch attacks deep into russian territory,
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i also believe that yes, washington fundamentally made a political decision at a certain stage to grant kiev and this decision will, in fact, be institutionalized and officially formalized after another series of defeats of the kiev regime on the battlefield, and i don’t. .. of course, of course, it is necessary to conduct
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exercises not only with tactical nuclear weapons, but to make it clear to the united states that they will not sit overseas, if they do not hear this signal, then we really we can come to this catastrophe. another reason for a possible escalation of the ukrainian conflict is the deployment of regular troops of nato countries on the territory of ukraine. let me remind you that last week kiev also officially asked the united states and nato to send it to ukraine. today , the prime minister of estonia, kaja kallas, made a very remarkable statement
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on precisely this same topic. let's hear what she said in an interview with the financial times. nato allies should not fear that sending troops to ukraine to train soldiers could lead to the alliance being drawn into a war with russia,” said estonian prime minister kaja kallas. she clarified to the financial times that there are countries that are already training soldiers locally, but do so at their own peril and risk. according to her , if the students are subjected to... article: let's bomb russia, it doesn't work like that, it doesn't happen automatically, if you send your people to help the ukrainians, you know that the country is at war, and you go into the zone risk, which means you take risks, she added. well, indeed, no one will apply article 5 if we destroy
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a certain number of estonians or french or anyone else in ukraine, but it seems to me, igor vladimirovich, that there is a danger in such statements, like what kaya kallas made. she presents a direct military clash between regular russian troops and regular nato troops as the norm, as something like this, you know, this is ordinary, what happens, we agree, and how do you generally evaluate, i evaluate, dmitry vechlaevich, this speech is as follows, then what do you have they have already exhausted the tools and clubs to restore order in the world, they are already ready for the strongest to the strongest escalation. are we ready for this? i want to tell you, are you ready, why? because, firstly... you talked about american missiles, it will be much easier to shoot them down on the territory of the russian federation, why? because when they hit our territory, they first create an overload of our software with the help of rszz, only after that our missiles, guys, click once, were western weapons used on territory, as they say, of old russia,
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the downing of an il-76 with prisoners - ukrainian soldiers, which for them was just burnt meat, we are ready for this, we are ready. to this escalation, and so far, so far today i see, that is, that the savior and the only peacekeeping army that exists today on our continent in the world, which is capable of resisting this, is the armed forces of the russian federation, and it is an honor that we know these guys, and we will always support them, we are certainly ready for this escalation, but god forbid, in order for this escalation to actually occur, in order to prevent it from happening, it is necessary to strictly strengthen the policy of nuclear deterrence and deterrence.
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here you are doing, if anything happens to nika, calm down, colonel uzhnir, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program, but they say chocolate makes a person happier, they are lying, black banker, fiola amhert, the president of switzerland and her bloody, peaceful initiative, our sense of security was undermined by russia's brutal actions, a world summit without russia.
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nationalism is impossible in ukraine, the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, and it sounds nice, like not fascism, but the most striking thing in ukrainian fascism is the lack of understanding that for europe, even
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latin, even german, as well as for all world anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always been and will be second class. ukrainians live by other people's myths. ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but copying the recipes of someone else's success is a sure way to failure. premiere, ordinary fascism. two. today is the first one. i have in my hands plasters that manufacturers say will relieve pain. tiger power, angelica roots, self-heating, self-cooling, such, sikoy, fifth and tenth, but in fact there are patches for pain. with medications, it is important to know what will really help, so as not to throw money away, about this, about many other things in
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the program to live healthy, tomorrow is the first, while special operations are being carried out in ukraine, they are destroying the orthodox church, we are moving towards europe, so we must retreat from russian conservative tradition. epiphanius - all these other pseudo-priests. this is just pure mummery, so the split is a tragedy, thanks to whom this all happened, this is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states, sam brownback. what should we do with lava, the main temple of kiev? you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it. he says very clearly that there is no need to do what has already been done. you even ended up in prison for your beliefs. the command was given just close. the girl is on her knees, she prays, they jump around her, and then they drag her away, they start beating her, or like some priests they kill, you are proud
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of what you did, the vavan and lexus show on wednesday on the first, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first , on the centenary of boris vasiliev, i loved you. silently, hopelessly, now with timidity, now with jealousy, now past, i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, one staff commander, by the way, married, got himself, so to speak, and i was ordered to assign this girlfriend to business, now you will to educate or only then after the lights out, i had a husband, a wife, someone beat him off, but don’t complain to me, i won’t regret it. they didn’t recapture, but killed on june 24, okay, asyanina, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i’ve been in this
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skin since i was 18, i don’t need it either, you believe it, lisa, be sure to believe it, maybe it’s true, happiness- then it walks nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, only there is no way back to it, after that we will sing with you, elizabeth, and then we will fulfill the combat order. come back soon, girls! the ozori are quiet here on saturday first. in broadcast a big game. in addition to exacerbating the risks of escalation, the west is in every possible way pushing moscow and kiev towards some kind of political and diplomatic deal; it is possible that this talk about escalation is a way to put pressure on moscow.
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for us, of course, we want the war to end in a just peace; for us , of course, the west wants the war to end, period, as soon as possible, and for them it is a just peace, that is , in different ways, yes, and also today, the secretary of the national security council of ukraine, litvinenko, also said, i will quote, ukraine clearly understands that the war will end in negotiations, but deliberately insist on zelensky’s formula that... russia must withdraw troops on the border in ninety -one, which is why, litvinenko said, a swiss summit is being held
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on the so-called peace formula to present this zelensky’s formula as a basis for future negotiations with russia to say that you see, supposedly the majority of the countries of the world supported it, but elena vladimirovna, here they had bad luck, it turned out that at this peace summit, the so-called in switzerland in in mid-june there will be neither the head of china xidingping nor the president.
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this weekend saw the meeting of the council on foreign defense policy, the oldest russian non-governmental organization in the field of foreign and security policy. at the assembly , sergei viktorovich love, a member of the svop and traditional guest, spoke, i must say, with a very powerful keynote speech, indicating the main, key directions of russian foreign policy, in particular , he said that russia is ready for dialogue with the west, but on equal terms and not only by those issues on which he himself. the west wants to talk. let's listen. as the president said, we remain open to dialogue with the west, including on issues of security and strategic stability, but firstly, not from a position of strength, not from a position of our own exclusivity, only on equal terms and with respect for each other’s interests. and the second point, to dialogue, in the fullness
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of the problems that exist in today's world. the kiev regime is discussing whether or not to use them against russia itself, accordingly, he is not ready and makes a choice in favor of a showdown on...
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yes, it’s impossible, but the fact is that today the biden administration, taking into account, perhaps, those circles that stand behind it, they are afraid to show their weakness here, that’s why they use ukraine, even in this, one might say, in this session, well, due to the west’s unpreparedness for a serious dialogue with russia, and also due to simply the main trends in the development of the world, sergei viktorovich
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said absolutely correctly at the assembly, god himself told us .
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it would be wrong. ivan avich, it seems to me that this is a very powerful idea of ​​sergei lavrov about forming a eurasian security system with our own resources, without overseas spoilers. who are not interested in uniting eurasia, on the contrary, in disuniting it, pulling it apart in order to provoke conflicts within eurasia, thereby ensuring their dominance, so lavrov says that let’s form a eurasian security system ourselves. i completely agree with this, i repeat tirelessly that with my point of view, our main task is not to punish america for something, yes, this is against america. they believe that everything is being done against them, the task of russia and china and india, the world majority, is to remove what the americans are imposing on us due to the fact that
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they consider themselves to have the right to lead us all, so they are imposing their involvement, and if someone is dissatisfied, then they begin to play on regional contradictions, so the best way,
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not more important than the other, is that we do not impose, that we do not deceive each other, that we interested in cooperation, but on a reasonable and fair basis, if we maintain regional order, and the united states will not have the opportunity to wedge in and play out the contradiction, then this means peace, stability and development, but the united states, if something is done without them, they are even more afraid... of this than if it is done against them, but if we talk about the middle east, then it seems to me that the best way to ensure peace and stability in the middle east is to join this region to this emerging eurasian
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security system, and china , unlike the united states, plays a positive role here, the united states is a bloc approach, everyone is against iran, united, china, on the contrary , is bringing iran and saudi arabia closer together, so it is necessary to form a eurasian system. security and the institutional basis of the eurasian security system is the sco, the shanghai cooperation organization, which now includes the main continental centers of power, tomorrow the council of foreign ministers of the sco will watch closely, now we give the floor to the news. hello, evening news is on the air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio. here are the main topics.


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