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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  May 20, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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in the middle east, it seems to me that the best way to ensure peace and stability in the middle east is to join this region to this emerging eurasian security system and china, unlike the united states, plays a positive role here. the united states is a bloc approach, everyone is against iran, the united states is china , on the contrary, the rapprochement of iran and saudi arabia. so it is necessary to form a eurasian security system and the institutional basis of the eurasian system. security is the sco, the shanghai cooperation organization, which now includes the main continental centers of power, tomorrow the sco council of foreign ministers, we will closely monitor, now we give the floor to the news. hello, the evening news is live. in
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the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. iran is in five days of national mourning after the helicopter crash with president reisi on board. vladimir putin expressed his condolences. and the head of our state has already had a telephone conversation with the acting president of the islamic republic. the village of belogorovka in the lpr has been completely liberated. and the enemy was missing a lot of western equipment. and also a blow. at the headquarters, where a meeting of the command staff of the armed forces of ukraine was held. the main thing for today from the northern military district zone, reports from the ministry of defense. tourism, economics, healthcare, the development of kabbordin-balkaria are in the spotlight of the president, details of the meeting between vladimir putin and the head of the republic kazbek kokov. powerful, formidable, reliable is our arctic fleet. his future chapter meeting topic. mina with deputy prime ministers.
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technological sovereignty in this area - a task that cannot be put off until later. taking into account the interests of society and the economy. when and how a fairer tax system will be built in russia is being discussed in the state duma. what arguments are given? moscow and tehran are committed to further strengthening comprehensive cooperation for the benefit of the peoples of the two countries. this position is included. the telephone conversation was between vladimir putin and the acting president of the islamic republic, mohammad mahber. he will hold this position for 50 days until the new elections. condolences come from different countries after the tragic death of president ibrahim raisi. one of the three helicopters was flying from azerbaijan on the border araks river. raisi met with ilham aliyev. the return journey towards tehran was complicated by the weather, thick fog, and also the mountainous terrain.
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the tragedy occurred in the verzigan region in northwestern iran. five days of mourning have been declared in the country. chronicle of events with all details from oleg shishkin. judging by the footage, the site of the crash of the presidential helicopter, chances there was practically no escape for passengers and crew. all that was left of the cars was burnt wreckage. the search for the missing person from radars on board lasted more than 10 hours. 73 rescue teams searched the wooded area in the high mountain region. due to rain and fog, visibility was no more than
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escort, despite the bad weather, they successfully flew to the iranian capital, together with the president, the minister of foreign affairs and the head of the province of east azerbaijan were in the crashed helicopter. while the search was underway, the whole country froze in alarm. waiting. iranian television broadcast footage of thousands of people praying for iresia in all mosques in the country. neighboring states offered assistance in the search. armenia, azerbaijan, turkey, iraq, aman, qatar were closely monitoring the situation in the kremlin. on behalf of vladimir putin , a group of russian rescuers was sent to tibrist. iranian television covered the progress of the operation live. now on all channels the presenters are reading out special statements from the government of the islamic republic. the hardworking and tireless president of iran a people who were exclusively occupied with serving the great people of iran on the path of development and progress of their country. he kept his promise. sacrificed his life for the nation.
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ibrahim raisi won the presidential election 3 years ago with more than 60% of the vote. he was considered a supporter of a hard line in relations with the west, but at the same time advocated expanding ties with. friendly countries, reisi made his first foreign visit as head of state to russia, and the last time he came to moscow was in december 2023, when negotiations with vladimir putin lasted for 5 hours. ressi was a supporter of a multipolar world, thanks to him iran became a member of brix and sco. there is a makeshift memorial at the iranian embassy in moscow. people bring flowers to the funeral portrait of ibrahim resi in the morning. vladimir putin expressed condolences to the leadership of iran; the telegram was published on the kremlin website. seyyed ibrahim raisi was an outstanding politician whose entire life was devoted to serving his homeland. he rightfully enjoyed high respect from his compatriots and significant authority. abroad. as a true friend of russia, he made an invaluable personal contribution to the development of good neighborly relations between our countries and made great efforts to
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bring them to the level of strategic partnership. seyyed - in arabic, mr. indicates that raisi belonged to the branch of the descendants of the prophet muhammad and had a special sacred status.
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islamic republic, he is also the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of iran. the president heads the government and performs representative functions. this control system the state has been operating since 1979, when the islamic revolution took place in the country. an unprecedented number of sanctions were imposed on tehran by the west, but the country survived, adapted and continued to develop. this is what ibrahim resi's empty workplace looks like now. the chair is tied with a black ribbon, next to it is a mourning portrait. i'll investigate.
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the village is located 10 km from lisechansk. the capture of belogorovka opens up a certain operational scope for further actions for our armed forces. there, russian fighters occupied more advantageous positions destroyed several howitzers, including british-made ones, an american gun and an electronic warfare station. in the same area, four ukrainian armed forces ammunition depots were hit. the tactical position was also improved by the center unit. the enemy was missing three infantry fighting vehicles. two german marders and brad for usa production. the dnepr group on pereislavsky island eliminated an enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group. in addition, a blow was struck at the headquarters, where a meeting of the command staff of several enemy assault brigades. this morning
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, a massive missile strike by the ukrainian armed forces was carried out on the suburb of lugansk, the yubileiny village. by that moment, 12 victims were known to have been hit by french-made shells. seven people were injured. it was also attacked by kiev militants, apartment buildings, social institutions and an electrical substation were damaged. several enemy drones, komikazes and rockets, including an american harm missile, were shot down by air defense systems in the belgorod region. almost a hundred drone shells were fired across the region in one day. 16 people, including four children, were injured. regular shelling of peaceful areas will be discussed today, as expected at a meeting of the un security council. it goes to... other topics: tourism, economics, healthcare, development of kabardino-balkaria, were discussed during a working meeting by vladimir putin and the head of the republic kazbek kokov. in nalchik , the construction of a large clinic with an area of ​​11. m2 is being completed. it will become one of the most modern
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in the north caucasus. the republican children's clinical hospital was also renovated. we dwelled on investment projects in detail. details of anna's conversation. batva. the working meeting of the president with the head of kabardino-balkaria begins like this. maybe let's start with investment projects. on vladimir putin’s desk are materials about breakthrough projects in the republic. i looked at you there, this izbros zone is developing little by little and the it park is developing cash yes yes vladimir vladimirovich, we have breakthrough projects that have been approved by the government of the russian federation, this includes the development of a resort in the elbrus vtrc. elbrus is a pearl of kabardino-bulkaria, a dormant volcano, the highest mountain peak in russia and europe. by 2026, a new ski area will appear here, adding another 12 km. and here’s an interesting fact:
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last august, for example, there were even more guests here than in january. the cable cars carried 400 tourists daily. given the trend, the number of cable cars will also triple. in total , almost 53 billion rubles will be invested in the development of the resort over 2 years, with most of it coming from extra-budgetary funds. all this money goes towards... structural solutions, namely the expansion of the ski area to 35 km of new lifting mechanisms, parking places, in addition to this, these are hotel complexes, places of leisure, well, returning to the president’s question about the it park, which will house dozens of innovative enterprises, it will be built next to the personnel forge, the kabardino-balkarian state university, where specialists are being trained, among other things, from 2022.
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i am sincerely grateful to you for your decision to overhaul the republican children's clinical hospital, where there are 17 children every year. receives medical services, so the most important thing for the
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healthcare system is your decision on social additional payments to doctors, especially in rural areas, this will solve all the problems with the personnel shortage in kabardino; in kabardino-balkaria, 5,348 doctors and employees of medical organizations will receive a total amount of 1,200 million rubles. new housing is being built, rural development is also being developed . also, kokov reported, farming is active in the republic, the first stage of construction of a greenhouse complex on 100 hectares has already been completed, where tomatoes will be grown, and the republic will resume the extraction and processing of tungsten-molylipdenum rue, which is necessary in automobile and aircraft manufacturing, oil and defense industry, and the deposit in kabordi in balkaria in terms of tungsten reserves is the largest in
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russia and one of the largest in the world. anna kurbatova, artyom antonov, ekaterina koryaka, alexey simonov, channel one. and today, vladimir putin expressed gratitude to the chairman of the people’s republic of china, sidinping, for the warm welcome and hospitality. in a telegram, it was published on the kremlin website. the russian leader emphasized: the state visit to china left bright and unforgettable impressions. thorough the negotiations will help strengthen partnership relations and strategic interaction between moscow and beijing. sidin pin is also always a welcome and dear guest on russian soil, the president noted. the head of our foreign ministry , sergei lavrov, spoke precisely about how important it is now to use the pace that was set during vladimir putin’s state visit to beijing and harbin during a conversation with his chinese counterpart ivan yi in ostan. a meeting of the council of foreign ministers of the countries is taking place there. organization is becoming one of the main pillars of a multipolar world.
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lavov’s working day today was largely devoted to bilateral negotiations with the head of the kazakh foreign ministry . russia is our key strategic partner, an ally, so in our relations with the russian state we proceed precisely from this, trade between our countries is developing successfully, it has reached, one might say, a record figure, this, of course, is not a ceiling, 27
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billion dollars, the future of russia. .. the fleet is the focus of the government's attention, task, which needs to be addressed immediately, the construction of high ice class vessels for the northern sea route. the meeting that mikhail mishustin held with deputy prime ministers was devoted to this topic. in the far east , work is currently underway to build the nuclear icebreaker rossiya; it will be the most powerful in the world. and one more event that will contribute to the development of technological sovereignty. in sorov, the head of the cabinet of ministers held a meeting in the field of photonics. this technology is one of the most promising in the world. more details about everything. lyubov filippova. yakutia is the world's largest and most powerful nuclear icebreaker. mooring tests are currently being carried out at the baltic shipyard. specialists set up the equipment, check the operation of all systems and mechanisms.
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the ship should enter service in the arctic region by the end of this year. nis manturov reported this to mishustin at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. the most powerful icebreaker that is being built today on the star, it is the only one of its kind in the world 120 mw russia, which should also be built print by the thirtieth year, this is how they solve the president’s task of increasing cargo traffic on the northern sea route. this is the most important transport artery for delivering goods to friendly countries in regions remote from each other. for comparison, to travel the waterway from st. petersburg to vladivostok in the south through the suede canal, ships need to cover more than 24 thousand km, along the northern route only 14,000, all this within the territorial waters of russia under sanctions - this is the most
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reliable solution. of course, we need a large operating arctic fleet, and for to increase the construction of such vessels, we are preparing to launch new modern production facilities, one of such sites is the onega plant in petrozavodsk, where, on instructions from the president, the first digital shipyard is being created, it will use highly efficient robotic technologies, the government has already allocated 2 billion rubles for the modernization of the aneshsky plant, in komsomolsk on amuri. in leningrad, nizhny novgorod and tatarstan , tugs and other rescue vessels for the nuclear fleet are being built right now, there are 15 of them in total, and 30 more such assistants for icebreakers will be assembled before 2030, and this is the lead ship of the green tanker fleet of russia, ocean prospekt, in addition to the usual fuel, it can operate on liquefied gas, environmentally and economically,
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they said at a meeting to support small medium-sized enterprises, this is especially important in new ones.. and for this we make a decision, allocate additional federal resources from the budget of these four regions for a total amount of 3 billion 750 million rubles. these funds will also be used to help local residents who they also pay tax on professional income to those who are just planning to start their own business. it will become easier for business in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions to develop, and most importantly , to create new jobs. and today mikhail mishuttin’s first trip after his reappointment as prime minister took place to the russian nuclear center in sorov. at the exhibition dedicated to the development of photonics, rosatom presented domestic. installations for
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photolithography, so today they create the most modern microelectronics devices for laser space communications. these two terminals allow you to transmit information over a distance of up to 40.00 km at a speed of 100 gigabits per second. a meeting on technological issues was held here in sorovye. today the market for this technology is one of the most promising in the world; last year its volume amounted to about 20 billion dollars, about 2 trillion rubles, with an annual increase of over 10%. but this is primarily due to the wide range of applications of laser technologies; they are already actively used in machine tools, in electronic mechanical engineering, medical devices, and increasingly in the field of telecommunications, in agriculture, advanced photonics is also needed for the development of unmanned vehicles, space, and research in the field of artificial intelligence. and a strong scientific school in this
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area is our main competitive advantage in creating photonic computers, the main competitor of the united states. comparing the parameters of direct competitors, we understand that we can, of course, not by a multiple, but by an order of magnitude, increase performance with noticeable energy savings. to emerge in the twenty-sixth year in the region electron-photonic hardware complex with a performance of 10 in the seventeenth operation per second. the global task outlined by the prime minister is to enter the top ten world leaders in production in the field of photonics. any filipova, ulga gersemenko, ekaterina koryaka, alexander gornostaev, channel one. members of the expert council spoke today about when and how a more equitable and balanced tax system will be built in russia. profile committee of the state duma. additional configuration of parameters will be carried out as part of the order president, taking into account the interests of society and the economy. everything will start working from january 2025.
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there is still a lot of discussion to be done before that happens. report by konstantin panishkin. this discussion began on the last day of february with a message from the president. i propose to think through approaches to modernizing our fiscal system. towards a more equitable distribution of the tax burden towards those with higher incomes. it always seems unfair, no matter how much the gratuitous payment is, when you give away yours, you gave it away, maybe that’s why
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historically, the fairness of the tax system is determined not only and not so much by tax rates, but by how the state spends these funds, such as two additional percent on the annual income of individuals. over 5 million rubles from 2021 for children with rare and serious diseases. now, the excess budget revenues are enough to be transferred to the circle of goodness fund for the treatment of solving a much larger number of problems. the range of expenses that the collected taxes will go towards are national projects: family, youth of russia, long-term active life and a number of other social programs. the state will spend the collected money to increase social benefits and support motherhood and childhood. for example, the extension of maternity capital, the maternity care program, support for women's health, and a number of other similar programs that we are talking about and which
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the president has identified as our priorities. specific values ​​for additional adjustment of the taxation system have not yet been announced, but it is already known that the personal income tax scale will be progressive, that is, the amount of tax will depend on salary size. it is important that, within the framework of a fair tax system, the proposal for progress... progression is often said here, within these walls, does not affect the majority of citizens, and concerns only those with high incomes, while it is necessary that the benefits from tax changes go to families with children, that is, those categories of our citizens who need state support, so that in this regard, one of the specific proposals is for families with two or more children who have low incomes. suggest appropriate deductions for personal income tax, this instruction was formulated by the president, however, in connection with the adjustment
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, the question arises: will the employee or the employer take on...
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additional support will be provided, however, with regard to state support, the ministry of finance puts forward conditions, we believe that support should be provided primarily to those who do not withdraw their profits to offshore companies, do not put them aside as dividends for food, direct them to expand production, to innovations, invest them in infrastructure, primarily those regions where they operate, we see that sometimes this does not happen, here the largest taxpayers to the russian budget
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agree with the ministry of finance that business activities should be transparent, taxes collected must correspond to the scale of the company’s activities, we are confident that the progressive scale will allow the state to solve a number of economic and social objectives, in particular, we believe that this measure will allow market participants with lower turnover to effectively compete with large businesses, which will generally create a favorable environment for the development of small medium-sized businesses in the country. well, what about small medium-sized businesses? a valid special regime for small businesses is necessary. adjust in such a way that , on the one hand, the changes do not affect the majority of this business, we consider 95%, we can name such a figure for such entrepreneurs, on the other hand, a company created to optimize taxation by breaking up large businesses, we know that there are such ones being created, they paid fair taxes . on the other hand, in his 2024 message, vladimir putin instructed the government prepare an amnesty for entrepreneurs who, due to the actual growth of their business, were forced to use
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tax schemes. we are talking about those companies that have been operating for many years, some for 25-30 years, when they are charged additional vat and profit on turnover for 3 years, very serious amounts are obtained, there are 100 million, sometimes 150 million, plus pinya, and in fact that business , who worked for many years, he is forced to go bankrupt. the amnesty law is being prepared in conjunction with laws correcting taxation, business authorities hope consider and accept them to the end. spring session of parliament, we are considering changes in legislation regarding the transition from special regimes to a general regime absolutely in connection with the amnesty, we believe that this naturally should be a package decision, we are, i think, already at a fairly advanced stage in order to make these offers in a general package. in his message , vladimir putin instructed to fix the main tax parameters until 2030. konstantin palnyushkin, renat goreev, valery
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sevastyanov, pavel lordakov, yuri yarchenko pervokanal. and as it became known, this thursday, may 23 , large parliamentary hearings on taxes will be held at okhotsk ryad. chairman of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin announced this after the duma council. the high court of england has allowed wikileaks founder julian assange to again challenge the earlier decision to extradite him to the united states. the authorities considered that the assurances provided by the american authorities were unconvincing. the states promised that they would not demand death. australian lawyers insist that their client citizen of another country, then the wording used by the american side , the official commented today , guarantees absolutely nothing. originating representative of the mida maria zakharova. the execution of assange continues, she wrote. juliana asanch, let me remind you, exposed the brutal crimes of the americans in
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iraq to the whole world. afghanistan and cia secret prisons. and that's all for now.


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