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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 20, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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there are large parliamentary hearings on taxes, the chairman of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin announced this after the duma council. the english high court has allowed wikileaks founder julian assange to again challenge the earlier decision to extradite him to the united states. the authorities considered that the assurances provided by the american authorities were unconvincing. the states promised that they would not demand the death penalty; asansh himself will always be able to appeal to the first amendment of the constitution, which guarantees.
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that's it, thank you for being with us right now the program time will tell, hello, live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom sheinin, and judging by the fact that you are now watching tv, and most likely you watched the news on the first channel, you... are interested in what’s happening , so you’re probably with yesterday evening, you are aware of one of the most discussed at the moment and the news about now, unfortunately , we can talk about this is the death of the president of iran, the minister of foreign affairs of iran in an incident with a helicopter on which he was flying from the supra-province to... east azerbaijan,
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the iranian province of east azerbaijan, and since yesterday evening this news has come out and, of course, this kind of event always attracts the attention of news agencies, news feeds, news releases, but in this case , of course, the point is not only in the significance of this event with from the point of view that this is the head of state and that this is a collapse, and that this is... playing such a role in his region of the middle east as iran, and in the world, taking into account the long-standing and long-term. confrontation between iran and
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the united states of america to all american-centric west, which is also why, and let’s be honest, first of all, this is why this news occupies such a place not only in the news, in discussions, in attempts to understand, attempts to interpret, and i believe that no matter what anyone says, criticizing once again conspiracy theories, not conspiracy theories, and so on, this is tragic news for... the people of iran, now you see on the screens of people who, i think, are quite sincerely worried, of course they are dumbfounded by this unexpected tragedy, i think that this it is no coincidence that so many questions are being asked, it is not by chance, if only because yesterday, when nothing was completely clear, israel, yes, through anonymous sources, through agencies, so to speak,
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news, so to speak, launched, here this is a message that they see no reason to talk about external interference, which immediately raises, in fact, this is an attempt, let’s say, to brush aside questions, it immediately raises even more questions, just like, as you remember, in the situation with crocus, when an hour after terrible terrorist attack in trokus, the american authorities insistently began to say that these are above suspicion, right here... yes, please look, this,
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of course, raises a lot of questions, and the more people hear about this, what -so to speak, versions, questions. it’s not getting any smaller, yes, of course, today, and the iranian news agency once again reported this literally an hour ago, that the version of a technical malfunction is currently the main one, the little that i understand about how middle eastern iranian politics works from the inside tells me personally that whatever it really is, whether they know it at the moment or not, of course no one will talk about it out loud now, inside and... of course the version of a technical malfunction, the version of the weather will appear as the main official one, and the version of the terrorist attack will, let’s say, be gently pushed aside in the official rhetoric, as gently and completely justified and justified, today the ambassador of the islamic
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republic to the russian federation pulled away from it, saying, that he simply doesn’t know, because he was working with our authorities on how to help in the search operation, you know that... ours sent a rescue group to the planes and were ready to help in every possible way, unfortunately, this help was not it was necessary because the tragic news came earlier. all this is completely understandable, but it is also completely clear that given the global and regional context in which this happened, there are many questions, and these questions need to be asked, especially since we are discussing the tragic incident with the president... iran against the backdrop of the recent assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia, and if one of those who are now exuding sarcasm about conspiracy theorists tells me that this is generally in the order of things when there is an assassination attempt on one prime minister, here
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the death of another president, but no, my friends, even in today's very turbulent world this is not in the order of things, the question is whether this is an indicator that we are all entering into something together? an even tougher period, it is absolutely justified. ask these questions and try to discuss answers to them are absolutely necessary, and we will do this immediately after advertising on the first channel. the black banker, fiola amhert, the president of switzerland and her bloody peace initiatives. our sense of security has been undermined by russia's brutal actions. world summit without russia, how? it’s unclear, this is actually a knockdown of the anti-russian coalition, which will again throw in money in order to purchase new american weapons. the catalyst for organizing the summit was the world economic forum in davos. this is a global agenda, demons are devouring people, are devouring culture, including lgbt,
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including abortion, somewhere murder through abortion, or is it a rite of passage, it will not let its owners down, reshaping it to nato standards.
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ukrainians live by other people's myths, ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but copying the recipes of someone else's success is a sure way to failure. premiere, ordinary fascism 2, today on the first. i have in my hands plasters that manufacturers say will relieve pain. severe force, angelica roots, self-heating, self-cooling, so-and-so fifth and tenth, but in fact there are pain patches with medications, it is important to know what will really help, so as not to throw money away, about this, about
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many other things in the program, it’s healthy to live, tomorrow on the first, while the special operation is going on, on ukraine is being destroyed. charged pure water, so the split is a tragedy, thanks to whom this all happened, this is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states, sam brownback. what what we should do with lava, the main temple of kyiv. you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it. he says very clearly that there is no need to do what has already been done. you even ended up in prison for your beliefs. the command was given to simply shut my mouth. the girl is on her knees, she prays, people jump around her, and then they drag her away and start beating her or
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, like some priests, killing her, you are proud of what you did, the vavan and lexus show on wednesday at the first, for the centenary of boris vasilyev, i loved you madly , hopelessly, i am tormented by timidity and jealousy. i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, one staff commander, by the way, married, got himself, so to speak, and i was ordered to assign this girlfriend to work, now you will raise her, or only then after lights out, i had a husband, zhenya, someone fought off, but don’t complain to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t fight off, but killed on june 24, well, asyanina, she managed to be married. and gave birth, and i’ve been in this skin since i was 18, i don’t need it either, you believe, lisa,
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be sure to believe, maybe it’s true, happiness is walking nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, only there is no way back to it, after that we will sing lizaveta with you, then we will fulfill the combat order, we will sing, come back quickly, girls, and the dawns here are quiet on saturday. on the first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday. on the first. three chords. new season. on sunday on the first. time will show. we continue to work live. we are discussing
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the evening, and the death in a plane crash, and the event, the tragic event of yesterday’s president of iran, the minister of foreign affairs and several other people who accompanied them on this flight, and we, i’m starting the program, already we are talking about this, expressing condolences to all those who are grieving in connection with the death of these people, in connection with the death... of these political figures, bearing in mind the context in which this tragedy occurred, bearing in mind this context, we all we understand perfectly well that there cannot but be many questions about what happened, anyone who in this situation places too much emphasis on the fact that no versions are needed, no conspiracy theories are needed, in my opinion, also raises certain questions regarding the degree of their own bias, yes. versions a are clear statements cannot be made now, because no one knows anything, and those who
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may already know something, they will not say for various reasons, because either they are investigating, or they were organizing, if someone organized it , i don’t know, i can’t yet say who it was, but if there are such people, then it’s clear they won’t speak out either, but why does this require discussion, because we all understand perfectly well that regarding the fact that this is very an important, very significant country in the middle... east, this is one one of the important key players in the global confrontation currently unfolding between the global south and the american-centric west, this is a country with which at the moment, and of course i would like to believe , the russian federation has very close mutually beneficial relations of mutual interest, so we have many reasons to discuss this, but here what ’s important is that it’s not just about us, here’s new york for you. times, which gives, in my opinion, a very clear and convincing rationale for why this event attracts
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so much attention and raises so many questions in terms of context. reminder, new york times, please. the helicopter crash carrying iranian president ebrahim raisi comes at a sensitive moment for international relations. it came just days after senior american and iranian officials. held talks through mediators to try to reduce the threat of wider conflict in the middle east. the risks of such a conflict increased sharply after israel attacked airstrikes on... the iranian embassy in syria, followed by an iranian strike on israel. here is actually one, by the way, not the only reason why this tragedy, this incident, of course, needs to be approached with a lot of questions. the new york times so carefully calls this moment a delicate one in international relations, but in fact it is of course very complex, very
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conflict-ridden, very fraught with increasing escalation, and the new york times writes about this that there are some. forces are uninterested, which means there is no one calming the escalation, then you need to ask the question: who are these forces, and why do they need this? and we all understand perfectly well how many enemies iran and the current iranian leadership have had and have, and we all know very well what a long history of political murders and provocations and so on, behind these enemies of the current iranian leadership and... on the american continent and in some countries of this region, all this gives reason to ask questions, not yet knowing what happened, but i emphasize that no one knows for now exactly what happened, what it could have been and what could be important and meaningful to discuss in this regard, there are probably some military-technical aspects,
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military-political aspects and so on, so well, all these questions are justified, but you ... conclusions, conclusions later, please, let’s first go through the facts, so that based on them we can then move on to conclusions: first, the oddities associated with the aviation accident that happened, firstly, it was an air convoy consisting of three helicopters, who moved along the route is immediately removes the issues of bad weather, icing of the blades or something else, then all three sides would have collapsed, here it is very strange that one somehow went off the line, and what is even stranger, that one? moreover, the one in which the president and the minister of foreign affairs were flying, that is, the one who, in theory, should have been, well, the most prepared, with the most experienced crew, with the most, let ’s say, effective means of emergency communication , and so on, well then there is air force one, yes, theses that are being thrown in now americans, that the equipment is old,
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unmaintained, but due to sanctions we have made flights over iran as unsafe as the actual flight on this helicopter. yes, indeed, the bl212 helicopter is such a fairly ancient model, we can still remember it from the predator films there or others, but nevertheless we understand that iran, under the conditions of sanctions, has learned to maintain its various aircraft equipment and obtain spare parts, especially for on one side they will do everything that is needed. this is a reinforced, modernized helicopter, with good avionics, with a good, comfortable business cabin, with two engines, even if. one fails, on the second you can continue the flight, not to mention that the network is safe, it can land safely on autorotation, simply due to the residual rotation of the propeller, here the questions arise that they were flying too low, they could not gain altitude above these mountains that were there is also quite difficult, or conspiracy theories, the americans locally introduced changes to the gps, they violated the altitude,
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well, let me remind you that all aviation equipment duplicated gps glanas, plus there is. including satellite systems, including the chinese one, our phones already work in three boydus, even making one change will not affect, it will look at other satellites, especially in aviation technology, knowing the iranians, they can always play it safe, get a separate board for sure , yes, and most importantly, the topic is related to political assassinations. it is very ancient, and the factors of destruction, the murder of iranian scientists, iranian generals, this is just on the surface, if before there were just terrorist attacks in tehran, in other cities, when for some reason iranian nuclear weapons, that is , scientists, unexpectedly died, but the murder of iranian generals, it became simply open, no one
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is hiding about it, let me remind you, the martyr of sulaymaniyah in the twentieth year, the americans struck a blow at a huge motorcade. a motorcade with a delegation that left the airport, officially invited in iraq, despite the accompanying, as they call it, loss, the israelis struck the consulate general or embassy building in syria, well, the world seemed not to notice this matter, but the cia was still there there are a lot of scandals, they have separate manuals for cia agents, called political assassinations, which tell how to carry them out, political murder with loss, this is when you need to eliminate the perpetrator, or how... analogies are with the fic with grandfather, they have developed special means that can be given to a non-professional, which are camouflaged as ordinary civilian products, starting from some kind of
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lighter, which you throw into the tank, it dissolves and blocks the fuel supply after 20 minutes, and here we understand that the helicopter is not gave a sos signal, something happened, why it crashed, this will now of course be established by a commission, so when on a large platform where there are two presidents, i will remind you that they are taking off... dispatchers, communications, we are falling, engine failure, something... then the pilots should have said, in my opinion there was a story that one of the members of this dead crew
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was still alive for some time, he was calling on the phone, this is one of the oddities that it seemed like someone was giving signals, and then when the rescuers arrived, it seemed obvious that no one could be left alive right away. now let's move on, relatively speaking, to forecasts and what could this affect? here, relatively speaking, there are two circuits. firstly, let’s now move on to... americanist ones, but it seems to me that in this situation the americans have much less reason and motive than the same israel that you cited. we recall the new york
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times article, which links this to the middle east context. let me remind you that we have talked about this many times in this studio: iran, the same iran whose president risi obviously did everything to ensure that the conflict, the escalation that occurred after the iran strike. israel at the diplomatic mission, reduce the momentum, we all said that it was almost a game of giveaway with these exchanges, blows, and it was iran that made it clear that it did not want further escalation, and it had negotiations with the americans , that’s why the americans are questionable here, there is a nuance, the americans are heterogeneous, the white house is one thing, i’ll remind you that there are 17 intelligence services in america, here i am... the agency for providing combat support to the ministry defense, everyone performs intelligence functions, we’re just talking about it conditionally, and a group
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of people who are investors in some big business, something else , really want the white house to be headed by republicans, how can they do, i apologize for the expression, to sit in puddle democrats, unleash the history of the conflict here, because the americans are not pulling out either ukraine, or iran, or anything else. that is, to conditionally trip up the white house so that they lose, can they not let this story go out, and not let it go out, keep it up for in order to bring your people and continue to share the pie there, well, because now moving on to how you were going to the context, now the question is that iran again cannot help but answer, assuming that this is some kind of external player, yes, there will be official versions about technical malfunctions and so on, then the question arises who could be... a force that is not interested in stopping the escalation in the region. i’ll just give you one figure, just as an example: let’s imagine second, that a major conflict has broken out
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between iran and israel, because this is what they are pushing for in the first place, yes, but what will happen next? the transfer of the military was pushed regardless of what happened with russia and others. yes, what happens next? the transfer of plant technologies from israeli military plants to america begins, for example, the most advanced air defense systems. that exist after us in the western world, these are israeli complexes there, this is not even an iron dome, this is david’s farewell, there is an arrow and so on, they are moving to america together with some technology begin to produce something, which happens in the blink of an eye, rayton shares soar by 20 percent, that’s billions of dollars, and technologies they don’t have yet, just as an example of what this can lead to, so there can be many performers, and as with crocus , we understand that it can generally be used in the dark. there are still many people, but
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why are they beating, in addition to the external contour, to play iran’s card of confrontation with this world, and also to destabilize iran internally, because this president was not just president, he wore a black, black headdress, that is, he and he could later become the same spiritual leader of iran, i remind you that ali khamini is 85 years old, this is a lifelong position, maybe health, maybe also raisi was considered as a successor because he is the same.
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recently we saw that just recently there was an attempt on the life of a saudi prince, who is also turning away from america, plus european events, but this is all becoming very strange, because the frequency of these events, events, it makes think about it, this is a very good formulation, that the regularity of repetition, let’s say, the compaction of this track, well, it cannot but raise questions in the light of this context of confrontation. it happened, it has already happened, in iran, regardless of the versions of why certain events will happen, the question of what their consequences may be is
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also very important.
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to say, suggests, or, more harshly, slips in a version that it could not have been external forces, that it could have been inner strength, listen: raisei's death has shaken up the iranian political elite and could plunge iran into real chaos. many iranians have already begun speculating about rather nefarious explanations for the disaster. the reisi had a long list of enemies within the country. therefore, it is not unreasonable to wonder whether he was conspired not to exist. for the purpose of killing him, you see, yes, that is, that risi had a long list of enemies outside the country, in israel and in britain, in part of the united states, in principle, in all of the united states, just not everyone has a motive, this is pushed aside, internal enemies are suggested, but in general the question also seems logical, and of course for us it is even more relevant, this is just as they tell you from the profile, but because we have very important relations with
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iran in the world... which they are experiencing, being in a square, somewhere, apparently, in the center of tehran, you have such a need to say that i think that they are sincerely worried about what happened. why was this remark important and necessary? because there are some global media that paint their own image of a particular country, and this image is imposed at the national level, and some of our media also participated in creating the image of the democratic people's republic of korea, iran, as well as some of these closed
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societies where. everyone walks in formation, there is a certain unanimity of mind and so on, and since they are worried, someone made them worry, all the emotions are out of control, absolutely true, in fact it’s completely wrong, i’m a person who has been to iran and i can say that there is... shades in iranian politics, but still, the main discussions are on domestic political issues, and if we take the context of foreign policy, then in general the focus is on developing ties with russia, with china, joining brix, introducing
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an anti-american course - this is a fairly consolidated thing for the entire iranian political elite. why are representatives of iran, even in tehran, even here in the embassy on russian territory? anti-americanism into iranian political life, because there is already this enough, they feel calmly confident in this sense, and hayley likes in this sense too, now this is what concerns the coincidence of two, and not two, if
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you look deeper at what is happening, well, the fact is that it’s right on the surface, the situation with fitsu in europe and this situation, it is clear that coincidences can be accidental, but what is interesting here is the reaction of world public opinion, people begin to compare this and say: no, there is no smoke without fire, this is not accidental, just like in my time in there was a wave in latin america when suddenly a whole number of latin american leaders, not only the disease, fell ill with cancer, and public opinion also associated this with the machinations of the intelligence services, well, excuse me, gentlemen in the white house and representatives of the cia of all the other numerous american intelligence services, such is your reputation, this is the kind of authority you have, that’s why people are already accustomed to looking for your hand in conspiracies, starting from the 20th century, in various episodes of murders... accidents, deaths, provocations, wars , that’s why this is happening, that’s why this is being considered, studied the situation, now regarding more objective things related to the stakeholders, but in general, in the usa, like in any other country in general, like ours, there are strategic
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documents that evaluate, including enemies, opponents, strategic, there enemies who will have to face, the first three threats that are formulated in these strategic documents, the political one in the united states, this is the russian federation, this is the chinese communist party, in exactly this formulation, not beijing, not the prc, but to whom the chinese party, and iran always on the third place, and in general you need to understand that it is typical for american political life to look for an axis of evil, a troika of evil, they have a troika of evil in latin america, these are cuba, nicaragua and venezuela, they had, remember the axis of evil at one time was formed from iran and the dprk , when russia was still trying to participate in various nato structures, and then we were not considered evil for some time, but now they have it again, which means evil, it’s trump who announces that these are almost criminals, they gathered in beijing and discussed how to bang united states of america, that this was what the negotiations between sedzenpenia and putin came down to, although he, of course , was not at these negotiations, but he considered it necessary to say precisely in this connotation
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, aggravating the situation during the election campaign, in order to strengthen the support of his nuclear electorate there, and so on, therefore , if we talk about strategic positions, then for either republicans or... democrats, iran, the iranian political elite are enemies, they can sit down at the negotiating table with them only when they hope to deceive them, to deceive them, and to deceive them, so from this point of view, excuse me, for the american intelligence services, if such an operation were successful, if it were ever revealed that they were involved in the crash of this helicopter, well, a whole number of people will receive big orders, bonuses and promotions for this cause, because iran, i repeat, is officially on the list of enemies of the united states, and even if this is not america, then... they all seem to be very upset there and sincerely grieve, yes, but here it arises also in this regard, it is clear that we do not understand deeply enough about the internal structure of iran in the sense that
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we still know little about the person who will act as vice president in the next 50 days and what will happen then with the elections and so on, so i think that with the exception very deep... specialists, the name of mahammad mahber, most of us learned yesterday, late in the evening, early this morning, we can say little, but about what the minister of foreign affairs and deputy ministers are talking about. foreign affairs of the russian federation ribkov said that the most important issue for us is continuity, so it will be ensured, firstly, why, because a random person in the form of a vice president could not appear when ric was going to the elections, yeah, secondly, after all the president for us is in our usual tradition, in the western usual tradition, we are already accustomed to this, the president is the first person, in the past it’s not quite like that, the president is an important figure, but there are also officials, there is the leader of the nation. which seems to solve many issues, here is the presence on the one hand
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the vice-president, on the other hand , ayatala, and this precisely fixes the stability of the tyrant’s political system, one should not think that in connection with the death of the president some unrest could begin, the president did not act in a vacuum, there is his own vertical of power, this continuity will be ensured, for us this is really very important, you are right, why, because on bilateral contours, where the conversation was purely.
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individual states and say: we want a just world, they immediately fall into enemies in washington, because if you are for a just world, then you are encroaching on some prerogatives of the united states of america, therefore, but the interesting thing is that you really know, there is in the west this well-known theory there, hattinton and other wars of civilization, here there was no war of civilization, if you look at brix, well , at the nuclear basis of brix, china is one civilization, india is another, russia is third, south africa is fourth, iran is entering another civilization.
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important topic that you touched on regarding the actual position and well, the trend towards which iran was moving from the point of view of this global confrontation, from this angle it is also necessary to look at what happened, i just wanted for you, dear tv viewers, to draw attention to another very important thing that dmitry georgievich said, specifically regarding the position and reaction of iran, and the official reaction of the russian federation. yes, in general, the reaction
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of our media, when we all, on the one hand, list a list of possible interests in so to say, iran had problems with enemies , we call countries where iran is simply written down in their doctrines as enemies, but i ’m just writing about this in my telegram this morning and once again for those who watch tv, i once again suggest, this is a very important emphasis that you need to think about, but about what we are discussing now , and so on. do you understand what's going on? just imagine for a second that if there had been either an assassination attempt, as in the case of fitz, or the death of one of the heads of state under circumstances that were not fully understood, which, let’s say, would unambiguously support the united states of america and would be a very unfriendly state for, relatively speaking, the russian federation or the same iran, well, i won’t name names here, so to speak, to incur unnecessary energy on ourselves, but nevertheless less, just
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imagine what would happen to all these objectivists, not only, by the way, in the west, we have someone here who just jumps out of his pants with an attempt on fitza’s life, what are you talking about, this is a pure coincidence, it's like this a loner, so this is it, just imagine what would happen in the western media and in the political, official environment, if this happened in the mirror. execution with one of their allies and opponents of russia, iran, china, it doesn’t matter, no, you can’t imagine, well, remember what happened just with the staples, just with the staples, well...
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i died, i mean, well, you understand what i ’m asking about, about this part of the context, we remember that the same saddam hussein and the same gaddafi began to have big problems after they tried to talk, respectively, about the golden dinar and about getting rid of dollars in payments for oil, and
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so on and so forth, once again, this does not prove the involvement of any forces, but this of course sets the context in which it cannot not discussed. what happened with the president of iran, please, yes, absolutely, because this and not only iraq, iran, the arab revolution began, spring, the arab spring began after hudin dau agreed with mubarak on the creation of a free trade zone between china and the middle east the east, that is, the formation of a new zone of trust, yes, and the arab countries just announced the introduction of an oil dinar, a gold dinar backed by oil, it is clear that this is a design. breaks down and breaks down often, that's what they said about trump here, anti-americanism and any, by the way, statement, in my opinion, that is not an anti-american design, well, in my opinion, this is wishful thinking, because the world was built by the americans, and any failure of this the world, the model in which we exist, is perceived by everyone, including
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americans, like the foreign policy failures of america, yeah, that is, failures of the model, economic structures are collapsing, and for america this is a challenge for...
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the usa controls, then iran and russia come first here. regarding gas, the political structure does not coincide with the resource structure, that is , an internal severe conflict is already arising, so qatar and iran are using one field, the northern dome and the southern pars, and iran says, as soon as they open it, we will bring our production to the level of kator , that's because from a single barrel they pump gas, iran is just limited, in this sense, of course, iran is a big player, in this sense it is an imperial country, because there are persians and azerbaijan there.
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yes, they want to destroy you, that is, they are like a country that, secondly, you must understand that goals must prevail over the budget, that is, not goals should be subordinated to the budget, budgets to goals, secondly, this is personnel policy, you must choose those people who will be able to achieve these goals, not those who can manage budgets, but those who understand the goal, where they are going, why they are going, three points, why iran is surviving under super-sanctions, they spoke about this openly, this is the structure, if the positions are clear. to consider this, but the fact that the event itself, you know, i remembered enric matei the explosion, this is the head of eni, who is the author of the term seven sisters, who was the first to speak out against it. global oil dominance of the united states and which struck the first contract with the soviet union, that is, we usually have gas in exchange for pipes, but the first one
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was oil in exchange for pipes, we the tolyatinsk plant appeared thanks to this, its plane also crashed on takeoff, it was recognized as a plane crash, after some time, when the political situation changed, that is, the political consensus changed both within italy and around the world, an exhumation was carried out, everything was opened and it was it was proven that the plane was blown up on takeoff, what the specialist said about... me and it seems to me a very figurative formulation that the united states, as an operator , formulated this very understandable for the existing one, as if from the design, not
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copes with its responsibilities, so the structure begins, as they say , to wobble, in this sense, when we talk about these random or non-random, well , such incidents of this order, and the attempt on the life of the prime minister of slovakia, and
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what happened with... ministry of internal affairs of slovakia, yes, he seemed to have done it, but here he is, as it were, alone , a week has passed, this is what the sixteenth of may was, in my opinion, the sixteenth, a week has passed, what does the same person say, or maybe having figured out something, or somehow some other accents appeared, it turns out that he might not have been a lone wolf, it turns out that he communicated with a certain circle of people who expressed hatred, it turns out that there is a lot on facebook about... he was suddenly immediately erased after that and it couldn’t be him, not his wife, who turns out to be a refugee from ukraine and who turns out to be and so on,
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there turns out to be a lot of things, well, yes, because in addition to the legal and factual aspect, there is always a political consensus around any problem, well that's where you take it there is an explosion of northern flows, the political consensus does not allow us to name the obvious culprits, sweden and denmark and germany, although this is obvious, well, at the moral and everyday level. this is clear to everyone, when the political consensus collapses, then we will learn a lot of things, here too, there are some internal, external interests that are trying to balance with each other, there is an event, it influences, but how we will see it is the question, that’s it this is actually the most important story that we are exactly where i started, including this conversation today, what we all feel, we don’t know the details and facts, but we all feel it literally. about the saudis, about iran, about some other events, that in itself this rigid structure with the current hegemon operator, it
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turns into some other quality, this is really very good, you don’t even feel it rationally, but intuitively you understand that this is so, the question is how far can this go, everyone has been asking about this since yesterday evening, the americans over the past, i don’t know, over the past 5 years have printed more than 80% of their dollar supply, issued it is put into circulation, very reminiscent of... such a bubble that should now burst, when these pyramids are financial, when before the pop there is a maximum release of some assets there, this is now happening all the time, associated with the emergence of new cryptocurrencies , they fill it up, then dump it and people are left with unnecessary candy wrappers, the americans are really fighting for their future now, they understand perfectly well that if russia, china, sco brix move away from the dollar, and i remind you that the chinese have withdrawn from american treasuries are almost half of their... money from 1.3 trillion to more than 1.3, now somewhere around 700, various other countries are starting to come out, reducing
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the use of dollars in exchange in gold and foreign exchange reserves. this is a huge risk for america, they won’t cope when all this comes to them, i’ll just give numbers: the american budget, the external trade balance of america, every year it is unprofitable, that is , negative, by more than a trillion dollars, that is, they are every year a trillion dollars are simply thrown into the world for these money takes real reserves, no country can withstand this, well, to understand, it was the twenty -third year, russia, china were closed with very big advantages, that is, we earned more money for the country and other countries, some to zero. because in other countries it is either an internal loan or an external one, americans can afford anything, but an empire that begins to spend more money on its points than it consumes is a road to nowhere, and we understand that this is the decline of the empire, which is happening, the americans are already on a non-fading trend, as a rule, the transition occurs through conflict, here it is very important for us to pay attention to what is happening around china, the philippine sea, and how
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things are heating up there now, colleagues have already said today who the americans have designated... as the main enemy, the main enemy for them, this is china, because it really has the economic ability to become this new power, which can slip in the yuan as a new reserve currency and influence it with its economic capabilities. well, if you look at it point by point, then russia - this is the eurasian continent, the asian region, china and the middle east - these are those points that are not subordinate to the americans, they cannot really directly influence, they need to be collapsed. through conflict or through other things, and we see that everything is accelerating, events begin to alternate much faster, so we see that events, in short, conflict and war are a way of writing off obligations and debts, oh, in the sense of what you all said we will now look further at what is happening in another place where there was clearly a big bet for the hegemon, where it is not very clear what they succeeded in and whether they will succeed,
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i’m talking about the conflict in the territory of the former ukraine, and there too, starting tomorrow. an interesting change will occur, so to speak, in the agenda, now after the advertisement we will discuss, we managed to resolve a couple of important issues, a couple, yes, but there were also failures, all failures, by the way, are associated with one character, arkadi yakovich, we know each other, yes, we met several since at the events you scared me, what did you expect to see? believe me, dinner is for you doesn’t oblige you to anything, i don’t know, sash, well , it’s cool to start all over again, well, let ’s try, please, go, i want to take a walk alone, well, we’re by appointment, everyone stay in their places, the police, and this -why, i really liked your couple, we ’re actually not a couple, just like we’re not a couple, i didn’t
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believe it myself, but it’s him, this can’t be, decide. bloodhound problem, new series, watch after the program time, bourbon stirsman product of stellar group, whiskey mancacher, product of stellar group, gin сnop, product of stellar group, monte shoca cognac. product stellar group. rum. castro. product of stellor group. since it is impossible to deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine, the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, but it sounds nice, like it’s not fascism. but the most
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amazing thing about ukrainian fascism. failure to understand that for europe, be it latin or german, as well as for all the world’s anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always been and will be second class, ukrainians live by other people’s myths, ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but copying the recipes of someone else's success is a sure way to failure, premiere, ordinary... fascism 2, today on the first. i have in my hands plasters that the manufacturers say will relieve pain. tiger power, angelica roots, self-heating, self-cooling, this, that, fifth and tenth. but in fact, there are pain patches with medications. and
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it is important to know what will really help. so as not to throw money away, about this and many other things in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first one, while the special operation is underway in ukraine. thanks to whom this all happened is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states sam brownbeck. what should we do with lava, the main temple of kiev? give a big trump card to the russians, what shouldn’t be done, what you’ve already done, you’re for it if you close it, he says it very clearly, he even ended up in prison for his convictions, the command was given, just close my mouth, the girl
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is on her knees, she’s praying, all around her they jump, and then they drag her away and start beating her or, like some priests , killing her, you are proud that you did the vanavan and lexus show on wednesday on the first. on the occasion of the centenary of boris vasilyev, i loved you silently, hopelessly, sometimes with timidity, sometimes with jealousy, i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, one staff commander, by the way, married, got himself, so to speak, and i was ordered to identify this girlfriend,
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afterwards we’ll sing with you elizabeth, we’ll carry out the combat order, we’ll sing, come back quickly, girls, the azori are quiet here on saturday first, premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first. time will tell the program, we continue to work live, in connection with the tragic incident with the president of iran and the minister of foreign affairs, and we are discussing the context in which this happened,
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the context of the tightening of the state of the system, the hegemon of which, until recently, was the united states, now the system is out of balance, in fact, by and large , the essence of the global instability is this, including that they are trying to, so to speak, shift the dollar from its pedestals and a lot of things, within the framework of this it is interesting to observe what is happening in other points where the recent hegemon projected his power, and where he did not succeed very well, in particular in the territory of the former ukraine, by the way, when we discussed the reaction to - the death of russia, i said that this is what would happen if something happened to a leader from those...
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and zelensky, and most importantly, how do his western masters react to this, because in this sense their the asset, of course, has lost a lot in price, and to be honest, i don’t care about... the legitimacy and illegitimacy of zelensky in the light of what he said over these years, but it is very indicative of the tone that began to appear in many western publications addressed to him, and the publications were quite pro-ukorkhov, and thus no less addressed directly to the kiev idiot, here we hear that vladimir zelensky’s five-year term of office expires on may 20, but he has no plans to... resign or announce
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elections during the war. zelensky will find himself in limbo for the foreseeable future, without any obvious steps to extend its mandate. but at the same time , ukraine's romance with the former comic actor seems to be coming to an end. the president himself looks increasingly tired, angry and withdrawn. a razumkov center poll shows trust in the president has fallen from a net positive 71% in 2023 to 26%. again. i don’t care about his legitimacy, let the ukrainians sort it out themselves, but it’s significant that this is an economist who in recent years has recalled the connotations of a former comic actor, suddenly it pops up today, the washington post goes even further, it would seem that it is quite pro-ukroreich, apparently there is one, that’s what they write about, so to speak, the current rulers of ukryrekh, that is, zeli himself and his gray eminence ermak. please.
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while the main achievement of actor and comedian vladimir zelensky when he was elected in 2019 was that he played the president on television, then the highest qualification of his all-powerful chief of staff andrei yarmak was that he was a friend zelensky. you see, this is basically in relation to, well, pseudo-political figures, it’s called, almost mixed, in general, well, you know, with what. we are interested in this. from the point of view of the legitimacy or illegitimacy of some figures there, because well, we always say that we are for a political settlement, and a political settlement implies the presence of the other side of a political settlement, even if only for the west, but ermak and zelensky is this, then in fact many interesting questions, well, if you look for the most legitimate figure at all, then now considering that poroshenko after all transferred the powers to zelensky.
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but uh, this democracy finally ended not now, when zelensky refused to hold elections, but simply said, yes, i’ll stay here as president, i’ll sit for some more time, and i’ll decide which one myself, when he’s already - being elected, he turned 180° away from his own election program, because they voted for him as anti-poroshenko, who promised to solve the problem of donbass and stop fighting there.
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this is the period when they will start asking him, what about in general, where are the successes? and the resources for success are definitely running out, because there are fewer and fewer people to call upon. yes.
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peace summit in switzerland in june 2024. this is a real diplomatic track that has every chance of helping to achieve
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a just world. now i watched it on the big screen, when on the small screen i didn’t understand whether he was chewing the gum, or i don’t know what was going on there, because the question did you get the gum from danilov or did they give you some new one? the zhizhachka already has its own, but what do i mean here? on the one hand, it seems that we are talking about negotiations, on the other hand , zelensky’s formula, that is, it seems like some kind of reference to reality, on the other hand, a reference to unreality, with this conference, which for some reason was supposed to become zelensky’s benefit performance, a strange story happens with it, for example, how interestingly kirby answers the question of whether biden will go there, please, does the president intend biden to visit the world?
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listen to how modi talks about this conference, well, try to understand for yourself what he means. i didn’t really understand, but that makes it all the more interesting to listen to. please. india will participate in all important summits, g7 ukraine peace summit, which promote the agenda of global peace, security and development. india will support the voice of the global south at these summits to shape the global discourse to promote the vision of people-centred development that is prosperous and peaceful.
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in russia, but everything is fine there, everything will be in order there, without announcing new rules, it destroys the old world itself, that is, it acts by the method of confiscation, so the gold reserves were taken , these obligations are covered, everyone understands this, it is clear that america will not take you away without appearing , that is, we are playing here, the rules apply, we are not playing here,
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we are wrapping fish, that is , there are no rules as such that would apply to everyone, there are only principles, political interests, and this becomes a statement when we talked about. ..political consensus, why fashion, because no one knows, but what next, yeah, because this model is falling apart, and no one is offering anything new, he wants to stay inside on the one hand of this model, but on the other he understands that there is nothing to do inside, and he seems, like i’m here, on the other hand, but we’ll see, yes, this old model only lives, because it doesn’t live, it won’t hold on to any obligations based on fear of the future, and we cling to what will happen for what we have, to declare our agenda, he spoke about the global south, we will come to your feast, but let’s pose our questions with our alcohol, and see in what composition and under what agenda, this is a very interesting story, what’s interesting...
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and how do the principles differ from what we just said here, there is no one main hegemon, no pyramids, there are countries with equal rights, and this principle is implemented in many integration projects, such as the eurasian economic union and the sco brix, this story is very seriously annoying for the americans and the british, where will they earn money from, as they are doing now from air, distributing profits, the so-called neocolonial rent, because the real resources are in these countries and...
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that after a political settlement he will receive more money than now, but i
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remind you, the americans, they always act, they have case law, if one event happened, how would they replicate it in law everywhere. let me remind you that the longest war of the twentieth year, the conflict in vietnam, the 20th century, yes, the conflict in vietnam, in south vietnam, the americans held presidential elections during the period of combat actions, yes, then the northerners broke them, yes, then the country became united. and so on, but they held elections, for them the legitimacy of a leader who can be inflated is of great importance for them, i believe that zelensky most likely went in counterbalance in this situation, in the opposite direction, in the opposite direction, why are more and more people appearing more articles both about him and about his conditionally shadow, who wanted to be the shadow of the head of the president’s office, this is very important, and what we are talking about in the next six months, we are talking about this turbulence, in the next six months there will be so that he can go into some counter-movements. because he understands how unfunny it sounds, that for these six months this zelensky tail, he can generally wag
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the dog, which has elections, now advertising, i am proud that i live in such a beautiful country that we have so many regions, so many different cultures , a lot about our homeland and i want people to know about it too, this is very important. ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and goncherov. taganay is a whole adventure park, there are bears and more. fyodor chaliapin at one time all his life called himself a simple nasty little man. the white nights of leningrad, the gray peaks of the caucasus, the blue lakes of karelia, the green sea of ​​taiga are as beautiful as our sunny cape. no one returns to travel the same. the most human being, so travel, develop yourself, on any route, in any village, we are all one big family. the black
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banker, iola amhert, the president of switzerland and her bloody, peaceful initiatives. our sense of security has been undermined by russia's brutal actions. world summit without russia, how unclear. this is actually a disruption of the anti-russian coalition, which...
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you said it yourself, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, i have in my hands the patches that the manufacturers say will relieve pain, tiger power, angelica roots, self-heating, self-cooling, such a sikoy fifth and tenth, but in fact there are patches from pain with medications, it is important to know: what will really help, so as not to throw money away, about this, about many other things in the program, it’s healthy to live, tomorrow on the first, while the special operation is going on, on the orthodox church is being destroyed in ukraine, we are moving towards europe, so we must move away from the russian conservative tradition.
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epiphanius, all these other pseudo-priests are just pure mummers, so the schism is a tragedy, thanks to whom this all happened, this is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states, sam brownbeck. what should we do with lava, the main temple of kiev? you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close her, very clearly says that there is no need to do what you have already done, you even ended up in prison for your beliefs, the command was given to just close my mouth, the girl is on her knees, she is praying around her. they jump, and then they drag her away and start beating her or, like some priests, killing her, are you proud of what you did? van and lexus show on wednesday at the first, for the centenary of boris vasiliev, it’s difficult, after all, women are at war,
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they all volunteer, shoot, rita, target caught, fire! the germans have one way, between these lakes through the eternal battle is coming, we can only dream of peace, and the dawns here are quiet on saturday at first, the enemy, armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order all the fighters and myself
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personally to hold the front. three chords, new season. on sunday at the first, well , the end of the program, what i started doing and have been doing all last week is greetings to the fighters whom i met during my two-week trip to the special military operation zone, or rather, in this case, these are already those fighters which for one reason or another for other reasons they couldn’t convey greetings when i was there, but i had already conveyed them from their comrades, so they sent them to me... well, it’s clear that, as they say, this should reach those to whom it should be sent, the next greetings from the paratrooper guards, please, i want to convey greetings to the krasnodar region, the village of kushchevskaya, the city of belorechensk, to my beloved mother irina viktorovna, grandfather viktor
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nikitovich, liliya petrovna and also my beloved wife lena, victory will be ours, glory to the vd. my call sign is boxer, i say hello to my friends parents, brothers and sisters from the city of penza, i also want to say hello to my beloved girlfriend victoria from the city of stary oskol, she also makes a significant contribution to our victory, everything is fine with me, victory will be ours, i want to say hello to the city of nizhnevartovsk to everyone who loves me knows, call sign skif, to my beloved wife olga, my beloved daughter arina, i love them very much... to my mother olga nikolaevna, mother-in-law irina yuryevna and father-in-law alexander anatolyevich, to all my guys from the border brotherhood, who are also for me they are very worried and are waiting for a speedy return home, with such support as i have, there is no fear in going into battle, victory will be
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ours, we will win, glory to the airborne forces, with skif, that last one, who we have been with him for a year and a half... already familiar, and about the border brotherhood, this is just to make it clear, a man served in the second chechen border troops, so this is not his first war, one more thing, one hello, but... more than hello from a fighter with the call sign north , well, i put this in a separate, so to speak, on a separate line, well now you’ll understand why, let’s go, i want to say a big, huge hello to everyone who recognized me, the north, the lugansk people’s republic, the city of perm, volgograd, and especially taking this moment, i want to say hello to my beloved princess and...
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decide for yourself, i just can on my own to add , it’s not that i’m a matchmaker, but the north served as a conscript in the eleventh or twelfth year, in my native regiment, the fifty-sixth assault landing, also in the second branch, in the one in which i served, so to speak, at one time, well from this regiment, from this company and from those places where he is now, well, so to speak, it seems to me that there is nothing to even think about here, but we will find out what mila igorevna decided, as they say, stay tuned for the continuation of the next one. broadcasts, seriously, hello to all the guys, and i join their words, their congratulations, in general this is a very clear indicator of a special military operation, that
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in many regions there are more and more people who are beginning to perceive this war as their own, because those who are fighting there are from their regions, now after the broadcast i’ll also post a documentary a film about boys from altai who are fighting there, well, in general, this is a very important story, together we will win, on the way to victory there is a doll-heir... help us here. we have two buckets of water, and here are two containers, one holds 3 liters of water, the other holds five. your task is to pour water so as to measure 1 liter exactly. einfach mal anfangen.


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