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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 21, 2024 3:30am-4:11am MSK

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yes, yeah, we also have a rare specimen, he came from a man, he wants a plump one, it’s normal, he says, i say this all the time, to fight, to fight, that beating against rocks is very good when you have to swing on the waves, no, but he says without or without excess weight, well, so as not to be skinny, with curves, to walk, just walk, mendelssohn boy, and in general, like a russian man , he loves skinny girls like these on sticks with... with twigs, handles, or still, what could you hold on to? 87% of men, according to the survey , would prefer a girl with a body in bed, with rounded shapes and a soft body, again he will have a nightmare at night, he will fall out of bed, there is something to grab onto, but there is a feeling that these are not the voices of our mendelssohn. mendelssohn, tell me the password, is that true? i, i, i just don’t... do you think he needs
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some kind of relationship, it seems to me that this is his mother’s initiative, i don’t think so, you are warning, you need separate time for rest and personal space, after work, when you come home, you need to sit in silence, watch a movie with dessert or relax with chips, at this time you should not do not touch.
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i know what is it? i, i understand that it’s a difficult job, because i got the impression that you came and left yourself, i won’t be back soon and it will be like this every day, and your wife is like a ghost, even if it takes you at least an hour to come to your senses, well, at least one thing is enough in fact, in order to reboot, what can i tell you, okay, okay, we sorted it out, otherwise i thought that you needed both a servant and some kind of friendship, no, you need an ordinary, simple , educated girl with a good family, well , like the classics .
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to be with the rod, you think he’s at home what kind of strict tyrant? listen, well, of course, until you live, you won’t know, tell me, what do you have in moscow, a rented apartment, yes, there was a car, i sold it, now i’m planning to buy a new car, yes, and so naturally, you’ll bring me here to a rented one, you know, you know, i don’t even want to, you know, in fact, now it ’s right. this type, i don’t want to offend absolutely here, this type of women, girls who want to come just for excuse me, with everything ready so that there is a dawn, we will look not for the mercantile one, but for the one who is together will be harnessed to you, and you will build a new life, an apartment in susdal, this is where in general, i don’t know except moscow, meet me, come in,
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hello, sergey, hello, today i would like from you, of course, to receive a bouquet of roses, of course, this great for you, they are there too, yes, thank you, thank you very much. anastasi , 27 years old, makeup artist, moved to the capital from samara a year ago, is learning english and italian, and dreams of having a child within 2 years. anastasia’s engagement ring has not been on her nameless wedding ring for over a year now. finger, but lies at the bottom of the moscow river. hello, hello, the bride sure is pretty, what do you think, i really like her, she’s so bright, like...
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i had a long-term relationship with a foreigner, with an italian, where did you find him, on a dating site, for the first time... . we met in greece, mm, everything was great, but they suited each other very well, older than you, yes, older, exactly 10 years, what language they spoke, english, russian, he also knew a little, just a little italian. - a little, because i don’t know italian very well myself, but how to you, it seems to me that she’s his type, he wanted a plump one with a body, i gave him exactly a year, if he doesn’t propose to me in a year, but how would we say goodbye, you directly talked about it, yes, i said i announced this right away, you made an offer, yes, yes, after 10 months, the question arose about living together, well, i didn’t evaluate it, well , it’s made of white gold, the usual one with a diamond is usually given, the usual one is milk, no, it
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it was simple, they don’t bother in italy, it seems to me, so typical italian, they confess their love and propose to him. it also doesn’t cost anything to do, but at the same time he didn’t plan to change his life somehow, since we are well at a distance, that is, he continues to live in italy, i’m in russia, i have a friend who flies to italy very often , at some point she wants to meet someone and go there at the expense of a man, yeah, at some point she writes to me that nastya, i don’t want to upset you, but nevertheless, we coincided there, yes, there was a match and he wrote to me on a dating site, right there hi, can i get to know you, although he knew this friend of mine, well, listen, this is your experience, so tell me, are you now focused on a foreigner or our suzal guy, a cucumber will do, no, now i
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really want with russian men , well , why do you learn italian, just in case, or something, i’m just supporting it, it’s interesting, it’s a beautiful language, well, in short, i understand that...
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it’s unacceptable that your future spouse will communicate closely with your mother, well, so closely , you wrote, warn that for you he comes to us every month, he also goes there, seryozha, mommy, in general, but he’s so small, good, it won’t piss you off, it annoys me, again, this is from a past relationship, apparently, i have a story, because that italian... he constantly communicated with his mother, but she doesn’t look at him directly, yes, well, maybe she’s worried, that ’s why he comes to me, we have 10 acres in rent, i’m left alone now, my husband died of covid, so he he comes to help me at the dacha, of course i tell him, let’s sell it,
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it’s hard for me now, first of all, age is everything, but he says: mom, i come here to relax, he’s also a very neat guy, he comes and helps me make the whole apartment sparkle. in general, there is data - that unusual things are caught from the moscow river besides wedding rings, of course if they are found, and what is not caught by quadcopters, and fishing gear, and cars, samovars, and irons, it seems that fishermen and divers simply end up carrying apartment sadko. no, this is not wendelson, but are you ready to show us a surprise? yes please, i believe mom, she definitely didn’t like it, mom will just either extinguish it there or dump it, so to speak,
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i never. wasn’t yours, we were together in a circle of friends, he beat me to the door, i said hello, sergey. and then one day i realized that it was as if i hadn’t lived without you, when you give me your hands in a bouquet, i say hello, hello, sergey, i chose such a good one, yes, yes, i like it, i remade it for myself, well done, hello, sergey , where have you been, hug me quickly. thank you, how do you like the song? i love this song, hi andrey, hi
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andrey, no, there’s creativity here, hello sergey, yes, i understand, laris, i want to tell you, today we were sitting there in the room, and he wrote me an essay, a poem, so good, it’s my first time, while i’m here moment, he will quickly say, this was the first time i heard such a poem in my life from my son. please count, love always comes and goes, but in the heart there remains forever that imprint in life that goes with it forever, love is stupid, love is blind, love is bright, love is strong at times, we are each we get from it our secret meaning, our conclusion from it, to love... always tolerantly, to love is always beautiful, to love and be yourself,
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that’s what we need, well done, thank you, how do you like anastasia, that’s the best, well, good a girl, that's all, but of course she has requests, what we talked about, and a simple girl came to moscow, nikola is not at home, there is nothing except a suitcase for cosmetics, but since she has already traveled, seen different countries, it already seems that the next step, no , the next step, if anastasia starts to get smarter, study, read books, a lot work, meet normal people, analyze yourself, your actions, get to know yourself, then there will be happiness, it seems to me, but for now it’s not your person, he’s so calm, but a person who, before saying something, thinks, observes, thinks it over, and then says, meet the second bride, come on in.
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hello, hello, sergey, i hope you turn out to be that diamond so that together we can shine brightly. how cool, is this you? thank you, it’s very nice, you’ll show me around, of course, daria , 25 years old, restaurant inspector, former model, to be proud of the fact that she represented her country at a beauty contest, to warn that she does not like it when someone rearranges her things in the apartment. daria's lover suffocated her with his attention so much that she could not say yes when he proposed to her , hoping that sergei... would allow her to breathe freely in the relationship.
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hello, nice to see you. hello. sergei said that he would not want a bride with colored hair, this is a fairly bright color - a fairly bright hair color. and firstly, given that i came to visit you, i could not come empty-handed. i brought pies, i hope you can appreciate them. i cooked it myself all night, i cooked it, please, they are with cabbage, yes, of course, when they are strangling you, it’s easier to hiss than to answer yes, i’m just wondering, your beloved, what tricks do you tell your soul, you know, in fact, it all started very beautifully, like in a fairy tale, at first it turned out that this was concern, that is, when he called, called by video, asked me to show who i was with, where i was, it seemed that i was him is not indifferent, that’s why he shows himself this way, but how old were you, and i was
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23, he was 28, pies from the store, i think, what do you think, yes, stores, but no one seems to me in life such beautiful houses don’t make pies, at first everything was possible, everything was for you, princess, he really liked that i had my own classes, but what exactly was not allowed for you, i can even tell you an example, he called, how are you? to spend the evening, i say, well, i’ll see my friend for dinner. okay, and my friend, is she married? i say no, maybe then you shouldn’t see her, because in a restaurant you’ll suddenly... meet you, but she won’t refuse, and i don’t like it, he began to forbid seeing friends who you already lived together or just met, on what stage? well, he lived in another country, the girl is very nice, though she even looks like some actress, it seems to me from her facial features that he did propose to me, but with
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the conditions that i no longer go to work, because my boss is also a man and i don’t need contacts with... other men, he suggested to me that for a while, well , since i don’t work, why should i rent an apartment, so that i move in with his parents, so that i won’t live in my parents’ place, i want to work, i want to develop, i want to see each other, on that he answered me that perhaps after all i need a girl who is softer, and you have a strong opinion, and we just disagreed enough, well... in a friendly way it even turned out calmly, as a person who lives in another country can do something... then forbid, well, say, bye, bye, bye, go, go, where the charger sat, for me still, a question for mendelssohn, tell me my golden one, my favorite brooch, the girl dasha also has character, like the previous bride, do you think she can find common ground with
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galina mikhailovna, in general, experienced brides believe that... daughters-in-law always there should be a golden answer ready for the mother-in-law, you are absolutely right, i will try to fix it, thank you for helping with advice, well, it’s like in a bank when you call there, and they tell you your call is very important for you, but with you it’s dashenka, you are very dear hobbies, i don’t know whether seryozha will pull you off or not, look what she collects, she collects antiques, vintage items, jewelry. famous brooches or hair combs of the imperial families, where did you get so much money for such, well , we all got our own money and money, but i just really like luxury, it’s so simple, you’re now ready for a serious relationship, starting a family and how much time do you need for this in general, i’m wondering now, it’s
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a serious relationship, i want children already, it’s time that we have rent for now. well here it is necessary think that together, yes, we will get used to all this together and achieve it, that is, you yourself are not responsible for her now, you are just imagining what kind of surprise she will prepare, i think she will either sing or dance, well, there has already been singing, i hope for some kind of dance russian native i think and i thought some hot oriental. beautiful, interesting, she’s performing somewhere, well, that is
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, it will suit him if she’s in such a revealing outfit, right? i think yudan. fiery dance, fiery a girl with red hair, it suits her very well, by the way, no, she dances, surprise, here, what kind
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of oriental dances have we ever seen? by the way, the dance is cool, nothing extra, not vulgar, not dirty, not funny, well , what’s your impression, i’m getting nicer and kinder with every pie, good girl, listen, well, 26 years old, well, maybe there’s even something there she, larisa, reads the wrong books, how to make an impression, good books must be counted, a good girl has her whole life ahead of her, she will learn to be different, that’s why. how did you feel when you performed? you know, i was high, yes, i think it was visible, i felt it, i felt it, 100%. meet the third bride and come in,
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hello, sergey, i hope that our meeting will be fateful, me too, this is for you. thank you, let's go and adele, 32 years old, leading engineer, information and computer technologies at the cardiology center, dreams of moving from ufa to moscow, warns that aquarius and gemini are categorically not suitable for her according to her horoscope. as soon as adele came in with his lover to the store, he immediately felt inexplicable ailments and waited for her on the street, hoping that sergei would not step on love. not for gifts, hello, hello, i'm glad to see you all, and we're glad to see you, the third bride looks
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very good, and also seems to be quite young, i came from ufa, i have small gifts for you, thank you, this you, thank you, thank you, please, adele. and what made your man feel sick in the store, from the assortment, from the prices, from the air, maybe she was allergic to dust, i don’t know what, or she was just allergic to beef, this is pathological greed, if you start a relationship with such a man and think that he will change for you, then this is obviously false, you know, expectations, he lived in another city, but paid for your travel, as far as i know, and the trip. residence, he really wanted to meet me, he really liked me, i didn’t really want to go with him, he sent me money for a ticket, although i didn’t ask, i didn’t go, i bought myself
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a jacket then, then some other little things , then again he sent money for a ticket, he says it’s no big deal, but you say he’s greedy, it’s at first, at first, at first it’s him, it’s a constant concern, it just seems to me that he spoiled him, maybe. but it also captivated me, but then he began to cut it all the time, how much he spent on you together, well, about 100 for sure, well, that’s also what greed is all about, it’s at first, then a person, and then how much it became 50,000, and then maybe maybe he had some problems with his work, so you see, he traveled periodically. on shifts to work, in general, this is the dream of any woman, no, there was, there was a problem, in my opinion, not even in greed, in the fact that he was alcohol, yes, yes, but it seems to me that visually they do not
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go together, do not go together together, it kind of jarred me a little, how you describe the guarantee of your family happiness, only financial well-being, i believe that this is the most important thing, if this does not happen, then the relationship. financial well-being, the relationship will gradually collapse on its own, that is , excuse me, please, that is, everything is from you comes from financial well-being in the first place, and then, and then everything else is relationships, mutual understanding and so on, don’t make me look like some kind of person, everything is fine, as you say, we approach each other mentally and are sincere, but there is no material basis , then there will be no relationship, no respect, here are the twins. with with aquarius, here i am aquarius, you are gemini, yes i am aquarius, and why didn’t we please you? women, girlfriend, aquarius, she
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meant a man, i meant, and what’s wrong with men and me, here’s my ex -boyfriend, sailor, he is an aquarius, this is a problem with alcohol, listen to us already, this is all such nonsense, we had so many stargazers sitting here and where are those stargazers, better show us the surprise you have prepared, thank you. i would like to ask you to help me, of course, well, look, nevertheless, she took him into the room, and we thought that he liked the first one better, sergei, i know that you dream of acting in a movie, and i suggest you take the plunge into this atmosphere and act out one scene, they will gnaw the seeds, it’s not a pity, sergei really got used to the role, apparently, right? but he’s a summer resident, hello, my name is adele, hello, my name is forest gump, would you like some candy, yes, of course, wait. you know that
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candy is like our whole life, each candy is responsible for something, for example, a candy with raisins, then there will be some kind of zest in our life, if the candy is bittersweet with dark chocolate, then there will be some difficulties happen, but it's okay, you know, adele, uh, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the filling will be inside, what's inside, i offer you try everything. let our life be, she has diabetes, bright, unpredictable, intoxicating, sweet, go ahead, i like it, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, well done, original, i ’ve never seen such scenes before, what kind of filling did you get, caramel , sweetie, look, on topic, what do you say, galina mikhailovna, first second, the
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same thing, the same thing with them. the most, and this is the third one, she seems to be a good girl and simple, but but we, you know, we, when i asked this question, i heard the answer right away that she was number one right away, you understand that this will all equal money at once, of course, adele, did you really like the groom in person, no, the expectation, the reality, the picture in general the groom is cool, yeah, it’s like they’re all three from the same place and that’s what they’re talking about you... warned at the beginning of the program, then you saw it, but i wouldn’t give up on any of them, maybe they will appear, i’m for adelechka, and mendelsonichka, and who are you for? sergey started today with poetry, i ’ll finish with poetry, run like forest gump, you can do 500 weeks, sergey, you came running to us, and i advise you to open, i hope, in short,
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that he will come. through this door, he and i will go out, we will, we will be friends, and mom, you are galina mikhailovna, who you recommend, i can’t even say who you liked more, well , who do you like, here’s a friend from the second girl, and yulia, yulia is simple, one feels good, young, but that’s for him to decide, yes, yes, by the way, i also liked it, but i’m afraid that she’s probably not ready, but you’ll try, yes, maybe while she’s studying there, there’s food there.
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what happened, sergey, i think we can try, everything will work out, like you look at this, i’m really very pleased, and i don’t want to offend anyone, but there is a feeling that we are unlikely to become friends in the future, so you will definitely come to us again, unfortunately, we don’t have a partner today, if you are single or
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you did you like any of the participants in this? hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. there was no chance of salvation. iranian president ibrahim raisi died in a plane crash. vladimir putin expressed his condolences to the people of the islamic republic. released
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belogorovka folk. skalp was intercepted, rare footage of air defense work near lugansk, a french missile was shot down and new shelling of the belgorod region, a report from shebekin. 2 years since the liberation of mariupol, how is one of the largest cities of the donetsk people's republic being restored and what are the plans? economic growth, housing construction, tourism development, the situation in balkaria is the focus of the president’s attention. in the kremlin the head of the republic. powerful, reliable, our own, construction of icebreakers for the northern sea route was discussed in the government. and the first working one mikhail mishustin's trip after his reappointment as prime minister to the yadershchikov city
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of sarov. additional adjustment of the tax system, how to find a fair balance of the proposals of specialists at a meeting of the expert council of the relevant duma committee. taking into account each other's interests, bilateral negotiations between sergei lavrov in astana before the meeting of foreign ministers of the shanghai cooperation organization. ibrahim reisi was a reliable partner who made an invaluable personal contribution to the development of friendly relations between russia and iran. this was stated by vladimir putin in a telephone conversation with mohammad mahber, who, after the death of the president of the islamic republic, is acting as president . it was officially confirmed in tehran today that the helicopter carrying ibrahim raisi crashed in the mountains. iran's foreign minister was also on board. they were returning from azerbaijan from the opening ceremony of waterworks on the border
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araks river. the tragedy occurred near the city of verzigan, in northwestern iran. there was thick fog and the helicopter crashed into a slope. five days of mourning have been declared in the republic. topic oleg shishkin will continue. hr studio. the crash site of the presidential helicopter, there was practically no chance of salvation for the passengers and crew, only charred wreckage remained from the car. the search for the missing aircraft lasted more than 10 hours. 73 rescue teams were combing the wooded area in the high mountain region. due to rain and fog, visibility was no more than 5-6 m. not only rescuers, but hundreds of military personnel, corps members, islamic revolutionary guards and police officers joined the search. the crash site was discovered using drones. equipped with instruments. a characteristic light from the slopes in the area of ​​​​the city of verzigan, 57 km from the heat sources, was detected on one of the tibriz mountains, 500 km from tehran. these are the last shots of ibrahim raisi. the iranian delegation
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is sent by helicopter to the solemn ceremony of launching hydroelectric complexes on the araks river, in which azerbaijani president ilham aliyev participated. the incident occurred on the way back to tehran. at the same time, two escort helicopters, despite the bad weather, successfully flew to the iranian one. iraq, aman, neighbors offered assistance in the search states: armenia, azerbaijan, turkey, qatar. the situation was closely monitored in the kremlin. on instructions from vladimir putin, a group of russian rescuers was sent to tibrist. progress of the operation iranian television.
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stem advocated expanding ties with friendly countries. reisi made his first foreign visit as head of state to russia, and the last time he came to moscow was in december 2023, when negotiations with vladimir putin lasted for 5 hours. reisi was a supporter
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of a multipolar world, thanks to him iran became member of brix and sco. there is an impromptu memorial at the iranian embassy in moscow; people have been bringing flowers to the funeral portrait of ibrahim resi since the morning. vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with the acting president . a politician whose whole life was devoted to serving his homeland. he rightfully enjoyed high respect from his compatriots and significant authority abroad. as a true friend of russia, he made an invaluable personal contribution to the development of good neighborly relations between our countries, made great efforts for their bringing it to the level of strategic partnership. seyyed, in arabic, sir, indicates that raisi belonged to the branch of the descendants of the prophet muhammad, had a special sacred status and was respected as a bearer of blood. he
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was definitely a popular figure in our country and he will not be easily replaced, his absence will always be felt and i hope people choose someone who will follow the same path as him. we were very sad, i still can’t sleep, we were worried about what could happen to our respected, popular and beloved president and his associates. well, his destiny was martyrdom, and that is very sad. many states expressed their condolences, including the united states and some european countries, poland and hungary. many experts are now wondering how the death of the president will affect iran's foreign policy. it is worth noting that the supreme leader of the islamic republic, ayatallah ali khaminei, is also the commander-in-chief of the iranian armed forces. the president heads the government and performs representative functions. this control system the state has been operating since 1979, when the islamic revolution took place in the country. it was imposed on tehran from the west without... adapted and continues to develop. there
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were so many sanctions, but the country survived, now ibrahim raisi’s workplace looks empty, the chair is tied with a black ribbon, next to it is a mourning portrait. a special commission has been formed to investigate the causes of the crash of the presidential helicopter, including bad weather and technical malfunction. new details also appear: the bel 212 helicopter, on which the president of teran was flying, american- made. the funeral of iprahim reisi will take place tomorrow; vranje has been declared to have a five-day period. a few kilometers to seversk, which is still under the control of militants, there are commanding heights nearby, from which it is clearly visible, thus creating operational space for the further advance of the russian army, advantageous positions are occupied in other directions, in the donetsk republic and... the list of damaged equipment has been replenished two
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german marder infantry fighting vehicles, an american bradley, a german pvist complex, and also a self-propelled gun paladin and howitzer m-777, also made in the united states. the dnepr group on pereslavsky island in the kherson region liquidated a ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group. continuing the theme of the feat of our soldiers in the donetsk direction. four fighters from the southern group. deprived the enemy of supplies of the opportunity to carry out rotation. they cut a strategically important road and held the line for 2 months. it’s hard to believe, but they survived constant attacks from drones and artillery. how it all happened - to dmitry kulko the soldiers themselves said. the report contains exclusive footage of the group's evacuation. four stormtroopers who call each other brothers receive awards at the hospital. being completely surrounded, they held a position in this thirty-meter pipe for 2 months. under the road connecting the armed forces of ukraine in chasovoy yar and kleshcheevka, the fighters managed to
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cut off the militants’ path to withstand the attacks of hundreds of drones. mainly kamis drones, also lighters and gases. the enemy is rotating there. we had to exclude all this and wait for our forces to clean up. because of this fortresses under the road, the enemy suffered serious losses. the militants were forced to rotate around in an open field and stand. an easy target, the enemy attacked around the clock with tanks or cassettes, and the group under the command of a soldier with the call sign richard continued to receive provisions from the mainland with the help of drones and fought to the death, they didn’t even think about giving up, leaving, well, how will we look our children in the eyes later, for a long time, the reinforcements were unable to get through to richard’s group, but they don’t abandon their own, and in the end they have to send tanks, which is rare in modern battles, because the enemy immediately sends a swarm of kamikaze drones. well, the cars
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continue to move on, because for this operation they were equipped with huge ones.


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