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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  May 21, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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to repay you with advice on personal issues, do you think i myself can’t cope with a charismatic colonel and a charming oligarch, no, you can’t, death occurred about 10 hours ago, around 11 midnight, i didn’t find any external injuries during the initial examination, but on there is a mark on the neck from the injection and it is lifetime. i see, so, veronika sergeevna platonova, i heard about this one, they say there was a scandalous lady, who says, well, who, the tv, for example, i accidentally turned on a talk show, so this platonova was kicked out of the studio there, listen, i don’t understand , how does sofia allow him to watch such programs, but i’m telling you by chance, well , by chance, not by chance, men, let’s get down to business, your assumptions, what could they mean? these flowers, do you think
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a maniac from a neighboring area moved to us? no, but that one’s bouquets would be more modest, not forgettable, little flowers, yes, it’s logical, but nothing can be ruled out, well, i’m more inclined to the version of suicide, of course, marad ravich, logically, could have done it for herself, she could have, just a second. one second, you gave me the right idea, i, please, help, yes, alexandra ivanovna, as always, is at her best, the version of suicide cannot be ruled out, the only question is the contents of the syringes, i will do an examination, and where is the suicide note, strange, somehow, here it is, this suicide note, to all these she said everything... she wanted, she staged
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the best moment in her life, which will never happen again, who called the police, journalists, she invited them herself, she promised something sensational, i must say, she did not deceive, even from her own arranged some kind of death whisper, well, gentlemen, let's let's inspect the house, of course, i haven't taken fingerprints yet, but it doesn't look like anyone has cleaned their s... yes, yes, yeah, interesting, not a single text message, hmm, the messengers are also empty, but maybe she just clear the correspondence to free up memory, yes, she could, but some text messages should have remained, no, please check what she deleted, well, of course, for the robbery too.
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looks like, yes, i agree, it will be necessary to write all this down. of course, i don’t know much about this, but apparently, this is clearly not cheap jewelry. yes, it will be necessary talk to your neighbors. yes, the guys have already gone, but now almost everyone is at work, so we’ll have to come back again. have to. well, ilya, let’s finish here in the department. eat. after winning a beauty contest 2 years ago, platonova hoped for further career growth, to participate in interesting filming, and even tried acting in the theater. such a woman, her career should have taken off like a rocket, right? yes, instead of filming mediocre advertising, talk shows and other nonsense, but i was lucky with my husband, georgiy, georgiy. confectioner, chocolate shop owner
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boutique, with money, of course, profitable deals - this is even better than a career, yes, only a year ago he left it and just as there was nothing then, there will never be anything again. six months ago veronica tried to commit suicide, by the way, also wearing a crown, but they managed to pump her out, which means she was suicidal, which is strange, by the way, because she just had a man, but tell me, ilya, did you manage to recover deleted text messages from platonova’s phone ? so far only partially, a few text messages, here... correspondence with man, i’m still working with the alexandrovno number. work, work, ilya, this, by the way, concerns all of you men. then i'll go and torment the neighbors, or what? marad ravievich, so what was the cause of death? i'm doing an extensive blood test, but i have two points. two points? reactions with other drugs,
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we found a syringe, but no lidocaine ampoule? yes, it’s interesting, the lidocaine ampoule is not a needle in the sagusena, we definitely found the second thing in it during examination, of course, but please, with pleasure, but please help, always, please note your version, dress clasps. exactly, but the most interesting dress was already put on a dead body, and this radically changes things, excuse me, just a second, yes, i’m listening to you, oleg
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dmitrievich, and i see, okay, aleksan ivanovna, i asked the neighbors here, they say they replaced platonova, who, well who? man, why are you talking nonsense, are you talking straight, let me tell you, please, i’m a neighbor, aleftina gennadievna, we all know each other here, we always say hello, our village is small, and veronica is never with anyone i said hello, then suddenly they replaced me, well , she became like this, all with smiles, and hello, hello, well, tell me, this happens, why do you think, well, i don’t know, she and georgy were arguing so much that the whole village.
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do you believe that a person can change so dramatically? and aleksanna ivanovna, i’ll contact us later, okay, thank you very much. yes. well, marat arievich, i have a feeling that i urgently need to talk to her husband. no, it’s true, and even if we don’t take into account the fight with aliens, we’re all we will also have to find out why our victim has changed so much. alexandra ivanovna, the version with aliens is like that. at least the nobel prize, marad ravich, is long overdue, so taste buds are most receptive in the morning, when they are not yet
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loaded with other food, and better distinguish the nuances and shades of flavor, but chocolate for tasting should be at room temperature, this allows for the best. with me, well, it’s all the same, so when will i be able to get back, and what are you going to do with the funeral? of course it's her after all, she was my ex-wife, ex? wait, but veronica stated that she would never give you a divorce in her life. now.
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“here, we developed a year ago, i have a new life, a wife, veronica had no complaints against her or me, i don’t understand why all these public quarrels were needed then, solely at veronica’s request, she wanted to come to her attention, for the sake of hype, as they say now, why did you come to veronica on the eve of death, your car was recorded by a surveillance camera in a neighboring house, i brought she candy." no, no, thank you, i try not to overindulge, they are low-calorie, without sugar, i invented them especially for nika, she was always concerned about her figure, yesterday i brought her the first sample to try, we haven’t released them yet, i i wanted nika
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to appreciate them first, she appreciated the sweets, yes, but she said that taking care of her figure was no longer so important to her, it was so unusual, different, what do you mean different, it was as if she had been replaced, before nika was just there? obsessed with her appearance, she was shaking over every wrinkle, then suddenly she says that there are no more problems and there won’t be any, did she motivate this with something? nothing, and this is the most terrible and strange thing, i now understand why she talked to me like that, she had already decided that she would leave, i sympathize with you, georgy, i ask you not to leave the city until all the circumstances are clarified, please take it, it was made with love, i will not release them, because that and for whose sake they were no longer made, now you will understand that you will feel all the best.
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chocolate makes a person happier they are lying, how did you calm down? popov, vasily ivanovich, entrepreneur. tell me, why
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did you attack georgy georgidnya? because he is to blame, he didn’t keep an eye on nika, he took her away and he couldn’t make me happy. here is the result. and you, could you? yes. it was i who arranged it so that she got everything she wanted. what do you mean? nika and i were dating then. she was obsessed with the idea of ​​winning a beauty contest. but another girl, arina volkova, became the leader, and then i brought a suitcase of money to the organizers, and nika became the first, that is, you invested so much money in her, she went to georgiy, i understand that you were probably very angry, yes, it was impossible to be angry with her, they were similar, she got her way, went over heads, i even liked it, the only thing i felt sorry for was the tuvan girl, arina, whom we then... pushed aside , what, what happened to her? her whole life was a mess, a downed
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pilot, she even came to our house, tried to throw some rubbish at her, but i tied her up, threatened her with the police, arina left the city, tell me, vasily, where were you last night from 11 to midnight? sochi, me i’ve been living there for the last year, and why are you asking? we will need to check your alibi. alibi, why? nika completely committed suicide, there is a possibility that she was killed, for arina volkova this failure at the competition became fatal, she left the city, drank, then was treated in a clinic, vasily said that she tried to take revenge on nika, this is understandable, she stole from her a dream, that is, you think that she is molkova and... they were recorded by a camera on the embankment near the cafe, she has a hotel to this day.
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colonel ushnir, i need to talk to you, yes, i wanted to kill her, it was i who had to be the first, in the end, that is, you thought about the place and carried it out, before two.
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there was something so real in her eyes, or what? and in general she has changed a lot, i’m even sad that she’s no more. everyone who knows plato says that it’s as if aliens have replaced her. what? no, really, seriously, everyone says that over the last 3 months she has become something different, calmer, kinder, closed herself off from the press, tried to correct the mistakes of the past. has it been confirmed? yes, i really bought nika she had a ticket, and at the time of the murder she was in
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the hotel, the groom was talking. albi vasili is also confirmed. well, that's exactly what it is. this combination just caused an allergic reaction, stopping breathing, a strange combination, yes, this type of trace of cain is used in cosmetology, that is, we need to find the cosmetologist she went to, by the way, sometimes cosmetologists and manicurists know more about a person than his relatives friends, absolutely right, and i see that you are so aware of this yakovich, and once he was waiting for his ex-wife in a beauty salon, such
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i've heard a lot of gossip, well, be sure to tell me about it, when we meet... have we agreed in our next meeting? a hurricane of some woman, guys, well, i found a manicure, there’s something missing from a cosmetologist, but i found it, alexander ivanovna, well, colleagues, did you find out who platonova went to for beauty? yes, i found it, sasha, she went to the cosmetologist irina vexso, all the local stars go to her, on her website... so, dear irochka, you have become the closest person to me, you know not only my face, but also my little ones women's secrets, your nika, let's call her to the department, let her tell me what secrets they have there, but
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no, perhaps i'll make an appointment with her, let's talk to her like a woman, a woman. well , we’ll see, sash, first, eat, of course, then i’ll take you, okay, well, i recommend you a series of beauty injections, don’t be afraid, this is an absolutely painless procedure, yes, i heard that you are an excellent cosmetologist, what do you have a very light hand , the entry to you will almost be kneaded. you are lucky that i have free time, by the way, you are married, this is not an idle question, but this, this has something to do with, no, you know, somehow it didn’t work out, it’s so important for a woman to feel in demand, desired, so that, and in order to be as beautiful as you, you flatter me, alexandra, well yes, i’m married, married to matvey, for 15 years now, i’m absolutely happy, you have allergies, nalidocaine,
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to lidecaine, nalidycaine, no, you know, but somehow it didn’t work out for me. so amazing, now everyone is talking about it, but tell me, how long has veronica been your client? two years ago, i can look in your notes, how can i actually help you? you know, the fact is that the cause of her death was a combination of a stimulant drug, and you suspect me, after college i worked in medicine and i know very well what to inject with what,
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tell me, when was the last time you saw veronica, a long time ago, you know, she 's recently become kind of... strange, she completely stopped taking care of her appearance, that is, she stopped coming to you, yes, no, i didn't care about losing a client, you see, i have no problems with that, i was just worried about her, suddenly something happened, i called her a couple of times, tried to find out, but she immediately ended the conversation, if i knew, if i knew that she would commit suicide, she did not commit suicide, there is a big one. what are you saying, what a horror, i, excuse me, when i’m nervous, i immediately crave... chocolate, is it true, yes, you know, i have the same bad girl, help yourself, one more question, tell me , and veronica was dating someone, you don’t know,
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she had someone, but no, i was the one chatting all the time about my husband, but she didn’t, nothing told me. gentlemen, what’s so interesting going on here? we managed to open veronica platonovich’s email. among the secular dross , two very interesting things were discovered: firstly, she was going to fly to st. petersburg today, here is a recently purchased ticket, and secondly? maniac, he found a maniac. gentlemen, can you be more specific, please? our victim was registered on the same dating site on which the maniac from the neighboring area was looking for his victims, do you understand? the neighboring area again almost killed a woman, invited a date, came with
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flowers, when the lady said that she didn’t like flowers, the gentleman almost stabbed her, so she’s alive, yes, alive, alive, she started screaming, people were walking past, he ran away, colleagues are working with her from a neighboring police department. i see, ilya, please, you see photographs of the victims on the screen. moment. one second, yeah, colleagues, what do you think, should i become a blonde? sanya, five.
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please, all that remains is to fill out a questionnaire, it’s an important matter, help, no, thank you, ilya, i have a personal consultant on women’s issues. i'm a lyricist alexandra, of course, i didn’t learn to write poetry, but it’s impossible to teach this, poetry comes from the heart, all these pushkins, yesenins, it’s all the day before yesterday, amazing, you know, i honestly don’t understand poetry, but it wouldn’t be so easy to throw out of the ship of modernity, pushkin, for example, as well as yesenin, so let’s dump all these classics. now i’m reading something of mine to you, it’s not worth it, you probably don’t have time, but it’s okay, i have time, it’s normal to find it, i dream in a good way
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man, not thoughtless passion, but space, eternity, spirit, and i believe that it is with me. will share those feelings that are not spoken out loud, what do you think, if i shoot him for these poems, i will be acquitted, maybe even rewarded, well, say it, it’s amazing, i already told you that i don’t understand poetry, but that is you didn’t like it, i really liked it, very much, i just wanted to say that it’s clear? are you saying that i'm a graphomaniac? under no circumstances, everything is clear, you shouldn’t waste time on a woman who doesn’t
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see beauty in beauty, i thought you different size, clothes, goodbye alexandra, different size! i need to lose weight urgently, maybe he wanted to say that it’s the other way around, doroki,
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your friend, dating sites, you gave me your number, yes, yes, very nice, we should meet in a cafe soon, yes, cafe, yes, let's go to a cafe later, first we'll take a walk in the park, you know the park, well, it's very close, i'm already in the park, in the kipari of my alley at the far bench, come, i'm waiting for you, can you hear, yes, yes, yes, i hear, now, now i'll be there, wait. m, guys, where, so, i’m in the park, they were painting cypress,
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so, make sure you don't fly away.
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and i forgot my phone on the table, throw it away, quickly, look, if i see you again, i’ll cut off my ears, i got it, i got it, i got it, boss, and please, i’ll have a cup of coffee, of course. damn it, alexander, don't change it. you
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scared me, that this is not what i expected to see, in what sense? well, i expected to see a handsome guy, a 2-meter-tall blond guy with a lot of money, i expected to see a man like in a photograph, you don’t look like him at all, am i really that scary, although yes. i don’t look very similar, but why am i any worse than a blond, or you’ll be ashamed of me? show your friends to be lying bitches like you? excuse me, i’ll probably go, wait, you’re not going anywhere, i ’ll take revenge, no, not for myself, for all the men
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who are attacked by people like you. looks with contempt. “she really couldn’t write where she went, it’s a big park, an alley, some kind of alley, alley, alley, just alleys all around, there himself, alexander ivanovna, take it, our client, and this looks like that very weapon murders, come on, get up, fight, live, be silent, walk, you'll talk a lot in the zone, alexander
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ivanovna, for the capture of a particularly dangerous criminal, i express my gratitude to your department, thank you very much, comrade colonel, and you personally are reprimanded for once again interfering with rozhon, arkady. as i understand it, the maniac platonov did not kill. yes, you need to look for the man she was dating. search, search, only tomorrow, but today you need to rest. i suggest, i just wanted to go for a walk with misha,
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ready to go. she ran away again. my darling, tell me, what happened in the kindergarten? i have? yeah, who were you friends with there? with masha, with masha? yes, what did you play? we played one great game, look like in a cartoon! let you sit on my chair, and i’ll draw you a drawing for your mom, like in the cartoon? isn't that very long? a few minutes, would you like? come on, sit down! slipper, uh-huh, straight, yeah, okay, let's go, sit straight, yeah, don't make noise, forgive me, please, but
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you also drew this portrait, yes, i like it, yes, i like it very much, tell me, do you know her, yes, i know her well, it’s not... platonova, she walked here almost every day, just like she walked, just like that, right here of course, she wasn’t just walking, she was dating a man, i also thought, if there is love, then it’s like this, i drew niko for myself, it’s ready, and, wow, there you go, it looks like you’ll forgive me. do you know this man you just mentioned? i don’t know, but you could draw it, well, just from memory, just not a sharsh like this, just as realistic as veronica, good morning,
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guys, this is a portrait of who veronica supposedly met with recently, where am i- i saw this man, i just... i just can’t remember, maybe maybe you will remember, i no, no, sasha, it’s clear, okay, let’s remember, there is something new, there is, alexander ivanovna, we managed to find out something about the text messages that came to platonova, or rather about the number from which they came , so the owner of the room is angelina veksler, born in 1950, wait, irina veksler’s mother, but no, this is her husband’s mother. irina vekhsler, matvey vekhsler. lord, stop, i, i remembered where i saw him. i saw him in a family photo. but it turns out that the sim card is registered to my mother, and i called from her and spoke to
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veronica. matvey. so this matvey vektor is a photographer, he has his own photo. so, igor vasilyevich, oleg dmitrievich, go there urgently. san, ilya, find out everything you can about matvey and veronica. let's do it, sasha. citizen wexler, the police, open up, well, they’re open here, what? citizen, wexler, there are those who are not.
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alexandra, lord, you found him, how is he? everything is already fine, the doctors say that he will live, but for now he will lie in intensive care for several days. thank god, i don’t understand, why, why did he do this? you know, here's matvey left a note that explains a lot. excuse me, nika, which one?
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yes to separate, we will definitely find out as soon as your husband is able to testify, forgive me, for god’s sake, you don’t have anything sweet, yes, of course you do, you know, please help yourself, oh, no, no, just don’t i can't stand these sugar substitutes.
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please ask, did you just say yes, sorry, unfortunately, i cannot disclose any information, but i can please you, your husband did not kill veronica. now, excuse me, for god's sake, i have to run, sorry.
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what are you doing here? what are you doing here at 2:00 am? irina valerievna, have you been detained on suspicion of murdering veronica platonovna? 2 hours ago your husband came to his senses and gave a statement. your husband guessed that it was you who killed veronica and considered himself guilty of... leading her to death, leading you to murder, felt sorry for you and decided to take all the blame himself. you were there, you recognized these candies, with a butterfly, this trial batch, which was not even on sale yet. this suggests that you were at veronica's house on the evening of the murder, after the departure of her ex-husband. and when you found out that we were looking for ledain from a special party, you decided to get rid of these amphs and came to your office. we are currently conducting an examination. tell me, why did you kill veronica? i... no, i didn’t want to, it’s so, you
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’ll understand, it happened by accident, i’ll tell you, i could have thought of anyone, just not nika, who was he for her, who was that, well, some a beggar, but for me he was everything, he was the whole world, he was the only man i loved, you know, and do you know how i found out? the next day nika came to me, said that she wanted to refuse my services, that she had fallen in love, she chirped something about love, that she had fallen in love, that this was real, my beloved,
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convinced her that growing old was not scary if he wanted to take her somewhere together - there in another city on... just talk irina, we returned from thailand, it was incredibly beautiful there, i wonder who it could be, then the courier came and brought with him an ahabka of huge ecuadorian dews, he also gives me such i always give, well, three five, here’s an armful,
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he lived at my expense, here’s an armful, well, i i realized that all this was useless, that i needed to do this procedure as soon as possible, get the injection and leave. here's my good one, nika, and then she wheezed and died? yes, nika was allergic to flowers, she took a large dose of sedatives, after which you gave her an injection of ice caine. i didn’t know, i didn’t know, okay, what happened next, what happened next, well , next, next, what happened next, i was scared, well , you understand, i’m a normal person, i didn’t want to kill anyone, well, no, of course, deep down i wanted her to die, but there somehow she took it somewhere and died, why didn’t you call the police, i was scared
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, who would have believed me, i decided to frame everything as a suicide, i had to tinker with the dress, but it was an important sign, lost glory, i took it syringe, left her prints on the syringe, threw it on the floor, then i thought that nika, she would definitely put on some kind of show from her suicide... and i sent text messages from her phone to journalists, that's all, you know, how we realized that this was not suicide, scratches on the body from the fasteners on pay, you were posthumous, well, and the ampoule,
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you took the ampoule with you, yes, a professional habit, from working in an ambulance, you once saved people’s lives. perhaps you could save nika too, sorry, masha, i was a little late, everything is fine, the bear is sleeping, and i... wrote a new chapter about a woman who poisoned her rival with the pollen of a flower to which she was allergic, amazing, or this doesn’t happen in life, everything happens in life masha, oh, well,
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let’s chat about your fans over coffee, i’ll give you some advice, as i promised, come on better, let's have some tea and be silent, good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one, with you in the studio svetlana zeynalova, and timur solovyov on the calendar may 21, tuesday, wake up soon, this morning will be so bright, so interesting, we have such plans for this day, yes, we will celebrate the day of the russian pacific fleet and visit the south. tea plantations, yes, let's choose running shoes, do you like to run? yes, i also once loved to run, until i broke my toe, we’ll choose air conditioners, we’ll find out what is courier etiquette, how scammers are trying to make money on the unified state exam. oh, this is not all that awaits us, let’s start, according to tradition, with a warm-up, here we go, good morning, if you
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are new to sports, don’t try to repeat what i’m doing now, you risk harming yourself, first, let’s strengthen your back abs, get up on all fours, feet width apart. we lean on our toes, our knees are bent at right angles, and now we lift them off the floor and hold them in weight, we place our right foot a little forward, return it to its place, now the left one, take turns doing steps first with one leg, then with the other, don’t bend your lower back to keep your back straight, strain your abs and buttocks more,
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and now let’s complicate the exercise. first we move both legs, now forward, now back. a sea of ​​flowers, millions of scarlet, white, and all sorts of different flowers at the russia exhibition, this is not
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a metaphor, the festival of the future is in flowers from may 21. 89 flower arrangements for each of our regions, each flowerbed will reflect some feature of the region: seas, bridges, rivers, it will all be made of flowers, bees will fly, honey will flow, everything. this is also from flowers, vote for your favorite flowerbed , go to the pavilions in fifty-five fifty-seven, here are the open days of eighty universities in the country, until may 31 , graduates will be helped to decide on a profession, not only in theory, how cars are made, they will tell you and show you in pavilion e, you can assemble a car and virtually, how long did it take you to assemble the car, 2 minutes, only i love tanks more, i... you can take a breeze on a ship, that is, i can choose a ship and control it, here we
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can choose one of our wanted ships, and it will appear on the screen, but you can’t ride a helicopter, the unmanned bass 200 has become an exhibit for a while, that is, this one can actually fly, it flies, these ones we have can carry a load of up to 50 kg, and the most important thing is that here... our unmanned helicopter will be able to study the territories, find out where we have gas and oil. we can learn life skills in the pavilion with a first aid master class. two fingers under the chin, cover the forehead with the other palm, tilt the head back a little, so this way we clear the airways. cardiopulmonary resuscitation is much more difficult when the victims are not breathing. it is physically difficult for an unprepared person. secondly, it is necessary to concentrate on ensuring that the position of the hands is correct. in pavilion c, everything is about the latest medicine, visually
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under a microscope, the tissues of the human body are normal and pathological. this is a fragment of lung tissue, here there are quite voluminous lesions, we can say for sure that the person has pneumonia. tired of science, take a break in pavilion 75, they dance here all. you can sit in on master classes, they are also for everyone, look what a miracle, this is a trend of our time, wear it like this on the street, of course, today it’s a craftsman’s koshnik, tomorrow something else, the exhibition is updated every week, anna obrosmova, nikita kulakov, channel one , to live like a cat, a dog, this phraseological unit means, appears. be in a state of extreme hostility, but you and i live like cats and dogs, or like dogs and dogs from a piggy, like a guinea pig and
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a parrot, and so cats and dogs could. your animals, when we got cinnamon, well, now we’ll tell you how to reconcile the calm and measured life of the plush , it changed a lot, this little furry rocket rushed around the whole apartment and demanded that everyone play with it, the plush has a golden character, it’s all this i survived bravely, but it happens differently, especially when a puppy tries... to get at adult cats. the cat basya is accustomed to a calm, measured life. and then era appeared in the house. six-month-old doberman puppy. very playful girl. relationships are not things worked out. the hostess is worried about what will happen. of course, i am very worried that the cat does not injure the puppy, because the cat is big. the cat is serious, that is, he has serious paws. to reconcile the animals, we
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invited zoopsychologist nika magilevskaya. good morning. hello, in principle, dogs and cats can live together, and era has no aggression towards the cat, she really plays, but she has such a play motivation, such a play drive, which the cat, frankly, does not need, because such an invasion how perceives hostile intervention, which means you need to make a shelter for the cat, a place where the dog can’t reach him, the most important thing to do in a room when... a dog and a cat live in it is to make parallel routes of movement, so now we use the available means our helpers will set up an observation post for the cat in this corner. there is a tall refrigerator in the room, we put a bed on it, provide easy access, and invite basya. the cat is completely safe, but you can go even further, as for example they did in this video,
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hang shelves on the wall that the cat can walk on without going down to the floor at all. now let's move on to era. ideally, your dog should have the opportunity to express his playful energy. how to achieve this? there are two options: either long walks or classes. well done! give me another lock. the dog gets tired, he has this drive, his play motivation decreases a little. she wants to lie down, chew on her toy, maybe even sleep a little, at which time they calmly stay with the cat. so little by little everyone will get used to each other when era will grow up and react to the cat much calmer. it is believed that cats and dogs are animal antagonists; they even try not to put them on the same plane. an apartment is not an airplane, there is even less space here, so it is so important to organize the environment correctly, then the animals will not have problems.
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happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i am recharged, this is very cool, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: oh, twins, protect your children, educate them with dignity, honesty, nobility, and be an example to them, our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth, be sure to, always listen to each other and... always understand, we were raised so that we would always help people, our life is more comfortable because of that , that we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country, we love you, premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first, i am the head of the leninsky district administration,
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here are some candies, here are flowers, do you like dahlias? no, well, who doesn’t love you, how did you end up here? and you're on a straight line they got through, they looked at me so sternly from the tv, and i actually had mukhtar on his way. kvn, first quarterfinal, on saturday, on the first. actually, we were preparing for the regional competition. music, our school must win, and who is this, why am i seeing it for the first time, she is an excellent student, i have an exemption, for which i was imprisoned, we remind you that on the calendar may 21, today marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of boris vasilyev, he went to war very young , was surrounded by what war was, he knew first-hand, he wrote about it in a way that no one had written, on the occasion of boris’s centenary
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vasiliev this saturday on channel one watch the legendary film about the dawns here are quiet. when boris went up to his office, he did not immediately grab a pen and did not immediately start writing. he needed to gather his thoughts, he had, well, such a reception, he was laying out the session, life was mercilessly pining for vasiliev’s own cards, here he was 17 in june 1941, and he was asking for volunteers to go to the front. and this is a war surrounded, a war without a front, without a rear, where there are no bosses, where everyone gives himself an order, he will get out of the encirclement alive in 1943 he will enter the armored academy, and then he will get the chance. boldly walked there 20 steps suddenly realized,
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suddenly saw out of the corner of his eye that the tripwire was pulled, and that now one more step would simply blow them apart, and he turns around in horror and sees that zorya is standing behind him and says: borya: “turn around carefully follow me step by step, trail by trail, they will go through their whole lives like this, together they will worry that they won’t publish him, together they will live on royalties from scripts for kvn, in sixty-nine vasiliev will go to obank, i even started writing, and after two visits i realized that nothing would work out, it would be just another ordinary one, like a military action movie, bad, good, but..." and what if there are girls there, a woman in case of detection of an enemy or something incomprehensible, who is there according to the animal or maybe it’s a bird’s cry, i’m seriously asking,
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rostotsky, when we were filming the bathhouse, tried to convince those who resisted playing in the bathhouse that this was necessary and that he was not doing it to show naked people who were not on the lists . was listed in the casimats of the brez fortress, yesterday's schoolchildren in story, tomorrow there was a war, the son of alexei trofimov in the film are officers who will film according to vasiliev’s script, his heroes are lively, honest,
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uncompromising, they were all dealt a tragic card in the deck of life: the war happened in their youth. the war moved through me, if it didn’t smell me, didn’t cripple me, didn’t strangle me, its weight still cannot be thrown off my shoulders. she 's in me. there's a news release right now. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. our military pilots destroyed a militant stronghold in the special operation zone, a large enemy group was eliminated. the attack was carried out by the crew of the k-52m helicopter. with the help of unguided aerial missiles, after launching a covert retreat maneuver and returning to base, several more enemy strongholds were destroyed in the donetsk direction by russian artillerymen and crews of
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d-30 howitzers. the fighters discovered a ukrainian armed forces unit that was trying to gain a foothold in the forest belt and opened fire. as a result, the militants were eliminated and the fortifications were destroyed. the task is set, we complete it at any time of the day. they give us a goal, they give us another task only... on command, as much as necessary , we practice as much, the danger is yes, great, very strong, the birds now the intensity of the birds has increased very much, any rustling, there is especially a buzzing, even if it was a bee, i looked at everything once, yeah, that's it, as if the control did and then everything was fine. on another section of the front, the goubitsa d-30 crew eliminated 15 militants, all of them tried to hide in a dugout, but our artillerymen hit it with accurate fire, and they were helped by drones. who corrected the aiming and recorded the target hit. and more about the courage and determination of our military. junior sergeant mark davidov, using a drone, discovered a well-camouflaged
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accumulation of militant equipment. russian artillery hit it and destroyed two western-made infantry fighting vehicles and an armored combat vehicle, as well as part of the enemy personnel. sergeant alexander koval risked his life to restore the damaged equipment of the communications center. sustainable management. troops helped repel the enemy attack. on other topics, the people of iran will be say goodbye to president ibrahim reisi and other government officials who died. in a plane crash last sunday. the ceremonies will take place in several stages. reisi's body will then be flown to his hometown of mishkhet, where a funeral will take place on thursday. the head of state, the minister of foreign affairs of iran and other prominent politicians were killed in a helicopter crash in the north-west of the country, several tens of kilometers from the border with azerbaijan. the causes of the tragedy are being established, including technical malfunction, as well as bad weather conditions. in the area of ​​the crash there was thick fog and sales were going on.
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russia will take steps in response to the results of the vote in the un security council, which did not accept moscow’s resolution on preventing an arms race in space.
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develop a legally binding document that would reinforce the state’s promise not to use space to deploy any types of weapons, and not just mass destruction, as the collective western countries had previously proposed. flooding in several european countries at once. such shots now come from the netherlands, many streets in one of the provinces in the north of the country are flooded. there it was raining and hailing for several hours in a row ; some houses had their roofs broken and covered in ice. floors and furniture.
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utilities are unable to cope with the consequences of the disaster ; a yellow level of weather danger has been declared in the region. the situation is similar in poland, where they are eliminating the consequences of the storm. rain, snow and hail paralyzed traffic on several highways. one of the cars got stuck under the bridge, and the interior began to rapidly flood. for help rescuers arrived on time and were able to get the female driver. she is all right. stormy flows on the streets of germany, heavy rains caused floods and landslides. in the southwest of the state , the basements and first floors of the building were flooded. impressive footage from india is spreading across social networks, showing a fire in a pyrotechnics warehouse. just like the sky , a huge column of bluish smoke rises, throughout the entire height of which bright flashes do not stop. according to some reports, the burnout could have occurred due to a violation of safety regulations during welding work. it is not specified in which locality this happened. despite such large-scale
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fires as a result of the emergency, according to reports on social networks, there were no casualties. that's all for now, stay with us, the broadcast of channel one will continue with the good morning program. good morning to everyone who celebrates this day with channel one, svetlana zeynalova and timur solovyov are with you, remember his heroic profiles on the calendar on may 21, tuesday, throughout the country. on may 21, graduates prepare to take the unified state exam; the day after tomorrow the main period begins and will last until july 5, but of course, graduates and their parents are nervous, worried, worried, we wish you all good luck, friends, excellent results, and most importantly, keep calm and use your head and your knowledge, do not believe the scammers who offer buy answer options on the internet, they will deceive you anyway and simply steal your money, and tell your children, it won’t be so easy to get to heaven about the russian language 3,900 rubles. for those who
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take several items, one-time, there are packages, any two items - 5.900 rub. all unified state exam subjects - 11,700 rubles. unified state exam on a turnkey basis, such offers can be found on the internet for many years now; they usually appear back in march; in may, graduates are literally attacked with mailings. they are simply sent regularly, come to public messengers and... the links are links to some other groups where you can buy answers to exams. there are dozens of reviews in the groups from grateful graduates whose answers all agreed. agree, the temptation is great. mark bochin bought answers in groups on the unified state exam on trial exams in the ninth grade are oge, but the principle of operation of the scheme is the same. for 1,500 they chipped in 300 rubles. this was a practice exam with math answers. for the most
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part they didn’t agree. as a rule, there are no phone numbers for managers in these groups. all communication via messengers from dissatisfied customers is immediately blocked. children see that this is not what it is, but... they don’t go and write a statement to the police, and they don’t rush to tell their parents, but because they understand that they did something slightly unlawful, there are a lot of cases such fraud remains in the shadows. experts explain that it is technically impossible to get answers to the unified state exam questions before the exams; the tasks are protected by code and are compiled automatically. the decryption key is given to the organizers only before the start of the exam. scheme with unified state exam answers. what takes place earlier in the far east also does not work, the organizers took this time difference into account, so the result of such purchases is the same, you can only get last year’s fipi tasks or demo versions of statgrad or some trial options. these options are already free on the fipi website. roskachestvo specialists
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monitor sites with turnkey proposals for the unified state exam and send them to the supervisory authorities for blocking. but for the most part these are groups in popular instant messengers, whose representatives. no russia influences them more difficult. and this year, specialists from the roskachestvo digital expertise center discovered a new fraud scheme on social networks. they pretend to be the admissions committee at a university and offer budget places. for amounts ranging from 200 to 500,000 rubles. let's just say, reserve a seat, but for a specific person. technically this is impossible, primarily because all applicants. are not enrolled in a university based on the points they scored on the unified state exam; from a legal point of view, this can lead to criminal liability. therefore, instead of counting on a miracle from the internet, it is better to use this time to prepare. maria nikolaeva, konstantin struchkov, evgeny smirnov, channel one. today we all
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celebrate the day of the pacific fleet of the russian navy. the date was not chosen by chance; it was on this day, in 1731, that the siberian military flotilla and all this in rolling conditions, and if the enemy is more serious, there are guns and missiles for this case. the corvette can simultaneously attack
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air, water and underwater targets, as well as a floating bastion. it carries an air defense weapon, the uran missile system, and also has a redu complex for air defense. to destroy an air enemy, anti-ship missiles, anti-submarine missiles, an nk package, and this is the waters of kamchatka, the crew of the nuclear submarine cruiser tomsk, returning from exercises, more than two months in pacific ocean. project 949ai is one of the quietest submarines in the world, but they can hear other hydroacoustics perfectly. the weapons are enough to sink more than one enemy ship and submarine. the pacific navy, the shield of our eastern borders, one of the oldest, appeared after the baltic on the orders of anna ioannovna, grew and gained strength. the naval forces in the pacific received their first baptism of fire in 1854, under
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the command of general zavoyk, they repelled the attack of the anglo-french squadron, that is , a small garrison repelled the attack superior enemy forces. the russo-japanese war, the battle of tsushima, the great patriotic war, the soviet-japanese war and now the marines of the pacific fleet in the northern military district zone. the most famous brigade throughout the country is the 155th, one of the last victories in the village of novomikhailovka. 155, marine corps. a sailor of the pacific fleet, that sounds proud. the ocean fleet, i believe, is the best, it covers a very large area. the world's oceans, i myself from rostov to dana, and the pacific fleet of vladivostok - it was something so mysterious for me, it attracted me, it was... interesting and i wanted a prestigious profession, and i think that i was not mistaken in my choice,
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the sea is like infinity, there is beauty too, they are where the sun rises, that’s why they have it on their emblem, the next time you see a military man with such chevron, know that this is a sailor of the pacific fleet. anastasia zavidova, sergey abramov sotnik, yan machilsky, channel one. so, we remind you on the calendar. may 21, by the way, is international tea day, how i love good tea, so you’re always thinking about what to give you, what to give you, give me tea, good tea is expensive, if you just poured yourself a cup of good hot tea, you did the right thing, bon appetit, this is a holiday so celebrated, our correspondent anastasia kremesna couldn’t pass by this holiday, now we’ll find out how tea leaves are collected, why it is fermented, who are the testers and most importantly, how to choose tea in a store simply by... more than 80% of people in the world
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drink tea every day, thanks to the chinese emperor shenn, he was the one who noticed the leaf that had fallen into the cauldron in time. the leaf was brewed in water, which was boiling in this pot. this tree that shinmun happened to be under was a tea tree, and the leaf was a tea leaf. and thus, 4700 years ago the world learned about tea. tea appeared only in the 16th century, it was delivered from china on camels, and already in the 19th century they began to grow it themselves. one of the plantations in sochi is 101 hectares, two leaves are collected and always with a bud. it is in these upper shoots that all the microelements and beneficial substances contained in tea are concentrated. plus it gives a soft, at the same time invigorating effect. the collected tea is processed, the color depends on it, but before it hits the floor. it is assessed by tee testers. the task of the t-tester is to determine its taste, freshness, and
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directly the quality of the sheet. tester elizaveta goloborotko says that a common problem is that they sell old tea under the guise of fresh tea; it has no benefit. in order not to stumble upon this, it is best to take tea from the country in which you live, there is less time for transportation, check the expiration date, after 2 years the tea loses its taste. the shortest term life. but even if the tea is fresh, everything can be ruined by improper storage, for example, in transparent packaging, aging more likely under the influence of sunlight or even an open stream of light. the size and curl of the tea leaves turns out not to be an indicator of quality; for example, there shouldn’t be any branches, you could say legs, like the ones on which tea leaves grew. in good tea, of course. this shouldn't happen. and lastly, while brewing, listen to the aroma of the tea. the smell is evidence
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of the freshness of the tea, how much essential oils are left we have in the leaf, there should be a good, intense smell of tea. if we feel very weak, all is not well. the rules for choosing bagged tea are the same, except for one thing. tetesters do not recommend taking them in pyramids; they are made of nylon and small plastic. when brewing , microplastic will come out of such a pyramid. imagine, you accumulate yourself in the body.
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recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they could not live without each other, as i saw, love, polishchuk, last tango, here we meet, on sunday on the first, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first, this is good
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morning, we continue, let’s remind you. may 21, thanks to everyone who joined us at this early hour, the transport of a big city, its present, future, a topic that cannot leave anyone indifferent, and timur solovyov did not remain indifferent, yes, there is such a person in our program, good, smart, i would like to work with him, and he met with the deputy mayor of moscow in the moscow government, the head of the department of transport city ​​of moscow, an amazing person, maxim liksuson, they had a heartfelt conversation about the capital's transport, let's see, good morning, dear friends, we are celebrating this day with maxim leksutov, deputy mayor of moscow for transport in the moscow government. hello, good morning. so, it’s been a long time since i woke up in the electric depot since my student days, but today we are in the
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aminevsko electric depot, tell us why this is considered the most important point of the big end line, this is the heart. big ring metro line, from where trains leave early and early in the morning and return late in the evening, this depot carries out the most important work to ensure that the train is clean, safe, all systems work, here we also have a unique machine that grinds wheels without removing the wheelset, this makes it possible to service trains faster, and make the running of the train car much smoother and more comfortable, yes, in fact. the atmosphere is so high-tech, that is , if you suddenly dozed off on the big ring line, you will wake up in a good, correct place, i hope that you don’t get to the depot, they will wake you up, you see, we are at the depot early in the morning, all the trains have left the line, so, accordingly, all the main work we do happens at night, yeah, almost 2,200 people work at the depot, and
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the mayor moscow, when the depot was being designed, made the decision to build it with a reserve, for what it is needed, now we have approximately. there are seven pairs of trains running, but we can increase the number of pairs of trains to 36, which means that the intervals can be reduced further, and this means that on a large wheel line in the metro we have created a huge reserve of carrying capacity, great, take us for a ride with the filming crew, let's go, this is our moscow 2020 train, please tell us, literally 2 months ago, moscow 2024 entered the zamoskvoretskaya line, firstly, this is the newest train . yeah, we consider him one of the best in the world, why is that? because, firstly, all the most modern technologies that exist are used there, taking into account the development of the moscow metro, we managed to place an order for our machine builders for several years in advance, and of course, to get the latest solutions, first of all, the entire component base here in
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the 2020 train in the moscow 2024 train is an entirely russian base, therefore. here - technologies are used not only for passengers, the most modern, this includes the number of chargers, wider doors, quieter running, improved noise insulation, additional cranes, but here a lot of things have been done specifically for drivers, we had a clear plan for replacement of rolling stock, the turn has come for the moskvoredskaya line, and there in one and a half to two years we will completely update the rolling stock the train on this line is oriole 4.0 on the moscow central diameters, please tell us: about this train, how this train differs from previous models, well, first of all, a third door was added, it actually became a train like in the metro, three doors, passengers need less time to get on and off the train, this means that the interval of movements can be reduced, and of course, this train is made with almost 90-odd percent entirely from russian
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components, well, as i understand it, the main emphasis in moscow transport is - this of course, for the development of electric transport, but this is still an expensive story, but as i understand it, in this way we protect the environment. ecology is indeed a very important element, but this is the future. it is impossible to imagine any large metropolis comparable to the size of moscow without electric transport. every year we buy from 400 to 550 electric buses every year, and we will continue to buy them for many years to come. demand gave birth to supply. yes, every year we introduce technical improvements that are aimed at increasing autonomous progress. so to improve a significant increase in quality characteristics for passengers, so i can clearly say that without the development of electric transport, it is impossible to imagine the development of a metropolis. well, here we are, we are finally at the end of our conversation, if possible , about the high-speed railway line moscow, st. petersburg. it must be said that
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the russian railways have already begun this work after the president’s command; separate dedicated tracks are already being built. station at the exit from moscow, the so-called fifth-sixth route on the october route, it is planned that in moscow there will be stops in zelenograd, then petrovsko-razumovskaya, further... but to take such a huge step forward is, of course, a completely different feeling of two capitals in general, the distance between them will be significantly reduced, this is a new level of comfort , this will be a completely
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dedicated infrastructure, on which no other trains except the high-speed ​​rail line will run, this is the task the russian president set for us, great, that is, it turns out 2:15 - we can finish working in moscow, for example, go home to st. petersburg or veliky novgorod, have a wonderful time there and return. either to st. petersburg or to moscow, great, thank you very much and good luck to you, thank you very much, sports news will continue our morning broadcast, football, the most significant events of the russian championship in the review of the sports journalist of the first channel viktor gusev, the russian football championship has not been in the russian football championship for a long time there was such a twisted intrigue in the fight for gold medals, before the last round three teams at once retain their chances for... the championship title. dynamo enters the finish line as a leader. in the twenty-ninth round , the blue and white confidently beat the soviet wings on their field. the samara team was not helped by
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yuri gorshkov's cool free-kick goal. dynamo hit the opponent's goal four times, and all of their goals were scored by foreign players. fabian balbueno scored a double. bethella and mumi ngamalyo also scored. 4:1. dynamo saved. from competitors. zenit is still two points behind, three points behind krasnodar, which vaspech will meet in the final round. the bulls managed to break their three-match winless streak on the road by taking over the sochi football club, which in turn lost its chance to retain belity's registration. at the same time, krasnodar lost 1:2, but in the end achieved a strong-willed victory. decisive ball. moses, who came on as a substitute, played in stoppage time. 3:2 and murad musaev’s team is still in the fight for gold. true, in the last round krasnodar needs not only
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its own victory over dynamo, but a misfire from zenit. petersburg in the twenty-ninth round in grozny inflicted a major defeat on akhmat 5:1. at the same time, only the best scorer in the premier league, matteo casiera, scored against the guests. the colombian is the first to do so. century , scored five times in our championship game. the last time this was achieved was in 1998 by oleg veretennikov from volgograd rotor. in total , casierra has 21 goals this season. in the final round, zenit will meet with rostov. valery karpin's team will go to st. petersburg in a good mood after their victory over baltika. the most beautiful goal was scored in this game.
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the multi-part series continues on channel one as a detective bloodhound, this evening there is a new case of colonel alexander kushnir. personal life again fades into the background, a date, bouquets, compliments, they will wait, alexandra ivanovna took the trail. she is a purposeful woman. today, after the program, do not miss the continuation of the detective sleuth program time. go on your next detective quest. it's time for you to think about your personal life. this is a task for the post box... so what do we have here? or blondes? stings of the brunette, who is the brunette who can
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win the heart of colonel kushnir? well it's about me, if a man calls you reality, then you will show interest in him, their relationship will develop differently, in different directions, then they will somehow get closer and he will somehow think that they will already have everything. .. i won’t get bored with you, yes, what will alexandra’s mother say to this? mom always wants alexandra to somehow take care of her personal life, her child, her home, herself, and alexander always answers, especially in other events, and her mother always tries to somehow bring her down, it doesn’t work, it’s such an eternal conflict , you you haven’t let go into your past, yes, sasha, you’re depriving yourself of the chance to be happy here now, well,
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your neighbor will also introduce you into this conflict, who will also be there all the time. alexandra will also try to curb it somehow. neighbor maria is a writer; a detective story doesn’t work out on paper, but reality throws up an exciting plot. the difficult manuscript was written by a girl who was almost killed by her husband, and then she finally died. what a nightmare? killed by your husband? it would seem that the evidence is indisputable. besides, the crime was caught on video, but why? alexandra kushnir doubts? is it omnikh's fault, or do you have any other information? we are obliged to consider all versions. personal life again fades into the background, dates, bouquets, compliments will wait, the bloodhound is on the trail. hello, are you looking for someone, maybe me, so i'm here. good afternoon, comrade, are you visiting or just stopping by? and yet, colonel olkhovsky will try to distract someone else from the investigation. what 's happening to you? in your office i saw a magazine with a test and it was written there that i should force jealous of you. but did you still succeed?
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nevermind. what's on our case? on the case: continuation of the detective bloodhound. we'll see you today on channel one. i’m listening to you, i’m completely attentive, all of you. svetlana neimanisa joseph kobrin, channel one. well, now let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. stay with us. hello, the news is on air, in the studio sergei tugushev. our military advanced in the andreevka area, occupying a stronghold of ukrainian formations, discovered it sniper group. the commander decided to gain a foothold in positions during the day and, with the onset of darkness, to capture the assault fortification. at night , the fighters launched an attack, under continuous enemy fire, and managed to take the position. some militants fled, leaving behind the dead and wounded, while others surrendered. the russian military is pushing
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the enemy towards yuzhnodonetsk. the most difficult thing in his work is waiting, sometimes he has to track down a target for several hours or even days, the priority is the enemy command staff, and one of the main tasks is disrupting the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units. our work distance from minimum up to 2 km, work is also always under acute attack, work is not always with us. safe, we are always at the forefront, we never try not to work from the rear in order to ensure the safety of our comrades who are on the rear approaches. in the avdievsky direction, the crew of the strela anti-aircraft missile system hit 10 enemy reconnaissance strike drones, including the polish fly ai. all these are aircraft- type devices that the ukrainian formations intended to use to detect striking our assault groups.
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a new example of the courage and professionalism of our soldiers, sergeant alexander koval, risking his life, restored the damaged equipment of the communications center. steady command and control helped repel the enemy attack. junior sergeant mark davidov , using a drone, discovered well -camouflaged concentrations of militant equipment. our artillery hit it and destroyed two western-made infantry fighting vehicles, as well as part of the enemy personnel. other topics in iran will be covered.
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weapons in space, out of 15 members of the security council , seven states voted for the document, including china, and seven more, led by the united states , opposed it. switzerland abstained. moscow, in its draft resolution, among other things, proposed developing a legally
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binding document that would confirm the promise of states not to use space to deploy any types of weapons, including weapons of mass destruction. this is exactly what the permanent representative of russia prion vasily nebendia indicated and did not suit the state. usa and japan about not placing weapons on a massive scale destruction in space. moscow used the right of veto due to the fact that the un security council did not
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include in the document an amendment from moscow and beijing calling for the prevention of the deployment of any types of weapons in space. the russian pacific fleet turns 293 today. russia, it includes nuclear-powered strategic and multi-purpose submarines, including the latest missile submarines of the barey and barey a projects, surface ships, including carriers of cruise missiles, naval aviation, as well as marine infantry, coastal and rocket art. ski parts. and in kaliningrad , military sailors received the keys to new apartments, more than 137 in total. a modern residential building was built especially for them. inside, every detail has been thought through, from
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security systems to finishing. there are playgrounds in the courtyard, parking, and a branch of the nakhimov naval school is within walking distance. everything for a comfortable life for young families. that's all for now. be with us! channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one, svetlana zeynalova and timur solovyov on the calendar may 21. tuesday, we wish you a wonderful day and that all your purchases are delivered to you. by the way, if you make a list of the most needed professions, couriers will probably be in the top ten. any resident of a larger city will agree with me now. yes, i will support this idea too. dear couriers, thank you very much. for your work, but please don’t drive like that, follow the traffic rules, have pity on us pedestrians. half an hour of the life of the capital's transition, out of ten bicycle couriers , only one dismounted, time is money, with
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the average order value is 130 rubles. in the summer , there is fierce competition among delivery workers, says yuri, a courier with three years of experience. in the summer, schoolchildren and students come out, and we have to fight for orders, that is, if in winter you can easily walk to earn money.
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there is also a situational control center for personal mobility equipment in the capital, while violators are monitored by 100 traffic cameras. over the past 2 months, we have already identified more than a thousand cases of traffic violations. we are getting violations to our department and we directly from here transmit information to rental operators so that they can take further preventive measures, but the delivery market continues to grow, all these people came to get a job in the country, there are 1.2000 couriers, someone teaches them the rules in large services through application, the fact that you need to wear a helmet, use flashlights, reflectors, how to cross the road correctly, requirements for... courier is being tightened in moscow, a single standard is being introduced in three stages: all delivery workers must have a digital profile, like in a taxi, readable number on the vehicle, geolocation module and speed limits. will. travel data will be provided, which will allow us to plan a competent infrastructure for the development
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of delivery, and accordingly, by may of the twenty- fifth year, a full set of requirements will be implemented. there is time to prepare, but a neat appearance is required now, there are questions here. if a courier has some dirt on his jacket or pants, will this constitute a violation and what consequences are expected from this? this is very important a moment that is not defined in the order, but naturally, delivery services are all interested in that. that couriers must be smart, polite, and follow traffic rules. some experts predict an increase in delivery prices, it will be more difficult to become a courier, but road safety should also increase. dmitry kuzmin, ilya ridkazubov, nazir nagumanov, channel one. our good cheerful morning continues, and it’s time to give the floor to the ruler of the world wide web, the man with the largest browser in the world. i am the fastest one for you, maybe. immediately a new internet hint and a new
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cat hero named tsunami, or maybe by nickname, became famous on the internet for the way he eats, and how he eats, well, look at how he eats, well, that’s talent, it’s just incredible, look, he chews, that’s how many chewing movements he makes, well done, 7 million likes, svetlana, 7 million likes, if he went to brush his teeth later, there would be another 9 million likes. let's move on, let's move on, our next hero, a dog named kelvin, has perfectly mastered the game of classics, look what the handsome owner of a talented dog, declares that kelvin studied this for six months, 6 months, please, works miracles in front of you, look, he jumps better than you, charming, of course, well, yes, there is such a thing, talent fans, it’s possible name our next video, this street one...
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katyusha from the moscow zoo, here's the latest footage of them, katyusha is trying to wake up her mother, and her mother is sleeping, as i understand her mother, but her mother, as they say... is sleeping, she’s tired, but what should she do if she’s really tired, just educate her children, you will also get tired, we remind you that on the calendar may 21, summer is getting closer, very soon, well, beautiful, it’s almost summer, look how warm it is in the capital, how many 11 days are left, sales of air conditioners are traditionally growing, naturally, and the main thing is that they work ok, you see, let’s learn right now how to choose these air conditioners so that they blow as they should, where they should, and create a wonderful climate. choosing an air conditioner,
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andronik obramyan, director of the installation sales company, helps, says most clients ask for more powerful ones so that cooled faster, and this is the first mistake, the most minimal air conditioner is calculated for 20 m, well, 20-21 km, which produce 2.1 kw of cold, then it’s simple. arithmetic 1 kw cools 10 km, which means, for example, 4.40, and 5.50, unless the rooms are isolated, then each will have an air conditioner. mistake two: dmitry decided to take the cheapest one, the expert explained that it wastes electricity. which one will be more profitable in terms of energy consumption and with three advantages. in this case, you will have the maximum savings that are possible today. day. and with three advantages - this is an air conditioner with inver. that is, its compressor operates with minimal energy consumption, savings
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reach up to 50%, if you consider the latest generation of inverter split systems, which are from the twenty-fourth year, the twenty-third year, meanwhile dmitry chose an air conditioner and is ready to buy, but the third error - do not check whether the seller has permission to sell from a specific manufacturer, it is important for warranty service, there is a risk in the service center from an unofficial... dealer may not accept this brand, we, of course, have a certificate for it, this is necessarily an attribute of any dealer company that directly sells air conditioning. yes, we see that this dealer has a whole wall of certificates, but it’s better to check in another way, on the manufacturer’s official website, the list of partner stores. the fifth mistake is not finding out everything about the service center. it is necessary to pay attention if this. manufacturer in the city in which he
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purchases this equipment, service center. nobody wants, for example, from voronezh to bring an air conditioner to moscow, but it also happens that there is no service center at all. more often from a little-known manufacturer, by the way, you need to take a closer look at it, after the sale of this equipment there is a risk that this product will, in principle , never return to this market, and, accordingly, no one will bear warranty obligations for the product that was sold previously. and lastly, it is better to order installation where you bought the air conditioner, because if during installation or because of it a malfunction will occur that cannot be repaired under warranty, anna obrosmova, nikita kulakov, channel one. to the centenary of boris vasiliev. i loved you silently, hopelessly, sometimes with timidity, sometimes with jealousy. i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly. one
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staff commander, by the way, married, started one for himself, so to speak, and i was ordered. put this friend to work, now you will raise her, or only later, after lights out, i had a husband, zhenya, someone beat him off, but don’t complain to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t fight him off, but they killed her june 24, okay, asyanina, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i’ve been in this skin since i was 18, i don’t need it either, you believe, lisa, be sure to believe, maybe it’s true, happiness is nearby and will come it's coming to you tomorrow. but there is no way back to it, after that we will sing with you, elizabeth, and then we will carry out the combat order. come back soon, girls! the azori are quiet here on saturday first.
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premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. good morning, if you are new to sports, do not try to repeat what i am doing now, if you risk harming yourself, first, let’s strengthen your back abs, stand on all fours, feet hip-width apart, lean on your toes, knees bent at right angles, and now lift them off the floor and hold them in weight, place your right foot slightly forward, return in place, now the left one, take turns performing steps with one or the other leg, do not
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bend your lower back to keep your back straight, strain your abs and buttocks more. now let's complicate the exercise. first we move both legs, now forward, now back. we remind you that today is tuesday, may 21st, we continue, we continue our good morning, astrological forecast, cheers, comrades,
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may 21, the turning point of the 13th and fourteenth lunar days, the third day of the sun, an excellent researcher, likes to solve complex problems, solve riddles... has what is called deep digging and getting to the bottom to the core, however, sometimes he trusts intuition more than any logical constructs, and in general he often lives by feelings rather than by reason, but he is very energetic, and if he gets carried away by something, he gives it his all, and he’s also not bad psychologist, intuitively senses what is in someone ’s soul, the minuses are the other side of the pluses, he is vulnerable, does not tolerate criticism well, is quick-tempered, often on such days causeless nervousness arises out of nowhere, we become irritable, quarrels easily break out. aries be careful with this, okay, aries are bosses, put less pressure on your subordinates with your authority, and it ’s a great day when you can shovel a bunch of things, although you’ll have to rearrange some plans on the fly, but you can handle it, and the evening will help you relax . taurus can to feel interest in something new that
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previously seemed alien and distant, new acquaintances are not excluded, here the luminaries can only remind you that an old friend is better than two new ones , be careful with... the twins may have some kind of leapfrog around money, disputes, errors in calculations, problems with the preparation of financial documents. in general, be very careful and double-check everything before it’s evening. will help you forget about all this materialistic nonsense and will make you happy with something. cancers are planning something on the romantic front. keep this in mind something may turn out to be something more than light flirting, but unpleasant. an old debt or some old mistakes may come up. not a bad day in lviv. there will be a chance to show your leadership qualities, achieve something from your superiors, and bring some ideas and plans to life. lionesses today are completely irresistible, and men will definitely notice this. the girls too. it’s a good day, although you shouldn’t expect anything particularly romantic from it, but today you have everything under control, everything is moving in the right direction
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and money loves you, it can come in the evening good news, money can suddenly run away from the scales, there is a risk of making what is called an impulsive purchase, and even overpaying, in general, the stars have warned you, it is better not to play sports with your family , there will be no sense, some disagreements with loved ones, perhaps scorpios, today not everyone will understand you correctly. but you just don’t get started, everything will work out, and the evening will reconcile everyone and maybe invite you somewhere. sagittarius has exactly a working tuesday, things will go great for engineers, scientists, it specialists, builders, farmers, and everyone other archers will also not be offended, the main thing is not to wait for the weather by the sea, act. capricorns have a good day for financial transactions, but there is one thing: today we are inclined to act somewhat spontaneously, but you understand, after lunch an unpleasant conversation at work is possible and... live in your hands. aquarius has a great day to improve relationships with colleagues or business partners, resolve some important issues,
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resolve some omissions and disagreements, be careful with money and take care of your personal data. pisces are so harmonious a day when everything is in moderation. after dinner , you will have to take care of other people’s needs, help someone, but this will not be too difficult for you, and the evening is all yours, and it will definitely not disappoint you. good luck to you. friends, you often ask us, more precisely, letters to the editor come, how svetlana zeynalova manages to break her finger before she gets ready for a race, maintain such shape, all because svetlana runs, now she will tell you what sneakers are needed for running, and you like to run, tell me what kind of sneakers you need, i won’t tell you because that he doesn’t understand, our people know, marathon runners know for sure, if you’re going for a run, then only in these sneakers; regular ones won’t do for running. but for our experiment , they change sports sneakers to walking ones, and how do they feel? well, of course, it was more comfortable in
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those, they are more flexible, or something, you can run in such shoes for a short time, i will say that the second option, when i had already changed clothes, had a flat sole, of course, it was generally uncomfortable to run, but what’s all- running sneakers are different from everyday ones, the kind you don’t want to run in it’s just more convenient, safer, let’s talk to a doctor or orthopedist, modern running shoes for professional running use special foam, which can not only effectively absorb shock loads. the shock absorption function of the foot is very important: in fact, our body is configured like a large spring, it absorbs shock loads when we run, jump, land, at the front, let's say, at the front of this fight against shock loads is our foot, our foot should absorb the maximum amount shock load. your sneakers are designed this way, they provide additional shock absorption, spring, in everyday sneakers, as a rule, this shock absorber has less importance,
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our foot and our muscles take on the entire shock absorption load. convenience and benefit are clear, but what about speed, let’s check, both of our athletes are wearing running shoes. valeria reached the finish line first, now we ask her to change her shoes. and here is the result. i can absolutely honestly say that it’s time to start. it was much more difficult with these everyday sneakers, but they are not so soft and you can push off with my toe off the surface was much more difficult and, probably due to this, it turned out that i ran slower. the walking pair has a flat sole and less spring. another difference is that the material of the running shoes is breathable, no artificial or natural leather. it might just be better to wear these, but doctors don’t recommend it. sports sneakers are shoes for running. these are not shoes for everyday wear. this is very important to understand. our foot and our muscles bear the entire load of shock absorption. she must develop to learn
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absorb, learn to jump, land. but when this function is replaced by an external shock absorber in the form of sneakers, the foot develops worse. essentially, the brain gets used to the fact that there is no need to strain and turn on additional muscles, so for long walks in spring parks, wear regular flat soles. anastasia novakhatnia, andrey ivanov, channel one. modern science, svetlana, is unthinkable without high technology. the fact is that, no matter what field of knowledge we take, research today is impossible without modern instrumentation, i’m about to fall into a frill, you say it so beautifully. maybe you will continue further too? yes, i'll continue. here our scientists are helped by the national project science and university. cool, study, study and study again. in pharmacies, 70% of heart medications are domestically produced. at the tomsk research institute of cardiology, the current task is to create new drugs for acute myocardial infarction. the main cause of death in patients with
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myocardial infarction is. acute heart failure, the heart contracts very poorly, they pump blood poorly, in this case 50% of patients die, that is, for a patient to survive after a heart attack, his heart needs to contract more often, for this , new drugs are tested on rats, we determine the contractility of the heart in the dynamics of myocardial infarction, ultrasound the scanner allows you to evaluate.
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polishch, when she organized a theater in her omsk yard, when she sang for a grade during a chemistry test. at 16 i went to moscow, wearing a dress altered from a school uniform. they didn’t take me to the theater school, so i entered the pop art workshop. comrades, spectators, who would you like gave it away? the main prize? the girl from the picture, that’s what
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viewers called her after the film’s release. by the way, i not only have pride, but i also have independence, there is no need to leave, the actress separated from her husband, she was left with a small son, love palishchuk continued to act, surprising viewers with her magical beauty. the main thing in life is to never regret anything, these words make my head spin, your greatness, once the artist sergei tsigal and his father watched
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the television play aesop, we are just with your dad. movies, loved to cook, even hosted it on channel one program, recipe hunters, delicious, traveled, raised children, acted in very tasty, and before we remember our favorite actress, on sunday on channel one films, if you can, forgive me, and
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a recruiter, as well as the documentary “the last tanga”. svetlana neimonis, ivan belchenko, channel one. tuesday morning continues, right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to... know about the latest events in the country in the world, by this hour our morning broadcast will continue to be broadcast news, stay tuned. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. our military pilots destroyed a militant stronghold in the special operation zone, and a large enemy group was eliminated. the attack was carried out by the crew of the k-52m helicopter using unguided missiles. after launch, a covert retreat maneuver and return to base. several more enemy strongholds were destroyed in the donetsk direction by russian artillerymen and crews of d-30 howitzers. the fighters discovered a ukrainian armed forces unit
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that was trying to gain a foothold in the forest belt and opened fire. as a result, the militants were eliminated and the fortification was destroyed. the task is set, we complete it at any time of the day. they give us a goal, they give us a task only on command, we work as much as we need. the danger is great. very strong birds now the intensity of the birds has increased very much, any rustling, there, especially buzzing, even if it was a bee, i looked at everything once, yeah, everything, as if the control did and then everything was fine, on another section of the front there is a crew of a d-30 howitzer eliminated 15 militants, they all tried to hide in a dugout, but our artillerymen hit him with accurate fire, they were helped by drones that corrected the aiming and recorded the defeat. goals. and also about the courage and determination of our military. junior sergeant mark davidov, using a drone, discovered well-camouflaged concentrations of militant equipment.
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russian artillery hit it and destroyed two western-made infantry fighting vehicles and an armored combat vehicle, as well as part of the enemy personnel. sergeant alexander koval risked his life to restore damaged equipment communication nodes. steady command and control helped repel the enemy attack. in other topics, the people of iran will in the coming days bid farewell to president ibrahim raisi and other government officials who died in a plane crash last sunday. the ceremonies will take place in several stages, then rais' body will be sent to his hometown of mishkhet, where the funeral will take place on thursday. the head of state, the foreign minister of iran and other prominent politicians were killed in a helicopter crash in the north-west of the country, in several tens of kilometers from the border with...
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russia will take steps in response to the results of the vote in the un security council, which did not accept moscow’s resolution on preventing an arms race in space. this was stated by the permanent representative of our country in the organization vasily nebendze. the document, which was supported by seven members of the security council, including china, did not receive support from the other seven states representing the western bloc led by the united states. speaking following the voting results, our president confirmed russia's commitment to its...
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their attempts to justify their actions by the supposedly non-consensus nature of our project look especially cynical and hypocritical. moscow, in its draft resolution, stated the need to develop a legally binding document that would reinforce the promise of states not to use space to deploy any types of weapons, and not just mass destruction, as the countries had previously proposed in collective support. flooding in several european countries at once. such footage is now coming from the netherlands; many streets in one of the provinces are flooded in the north of the country, there was a downpour of hail for several hours in a row, roofs were broken in some houses, utility services were unable to cope
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with the consequences of the disaster , a yellow level of weather danger was declared in the region. the situation is similar in poland, where they are eliminating the consequences of the storm; rain, snow and hail have paralyzed traffic on several highways. one of the cars got stuck under the bridge, and the interior began to rapidly flood. rescuers came to the rescue in time, they were able to get the female driver, she was okay. stormy floods on the streets of germany, downpours caused floods and landslides in the southwest of the state. basements and first floors of buildings were flooded. impressive footage from india is spreading across social networks, showing a fire in a pyrotechnics warehouse. a huge column of bluish smoke can be seen rising into the sky, with bright flashes continuing throughout its entire height. according to some reports, the fire could have occurred due to a violation of safety regulations during welding work. in what locality this happened, do not specify. despite such large-scale
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fire, as a result of the emergency, according to reports on social networks, there were no casualties. that's all for now, stay with us, the program will continue to air on channel one, good morning. today we all celebrate the day of the pacific fleet of the russian navy. the date was not chosen by chance; it was on this day in 1731 that the siberian military flotilla with its main base was created. a smoke screen, camouflage, a pacific naval exercise, the corvette crew perfectly discovered a mock enemy. target number one: heading towards the ship, classified as unmanned enemy boat. the machine gunners literally cut the drone in half with a burst of fire.
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can effectively operate at a distance of one and a half to 2 km, shows good accuracy and high rate of fire, all this in rolling conditions, and if the enemy is more serious, in this case there are guns and missiles, the corvette can simultaneously attack air, water and underwater targets, a floating bastion , defeats the air defense, the uran missile system, and there is also a redoubt for the air defense complex to destroy the air enemy. and this already in the waters of kamchatka, the crew of the nuclear submarine cruiser tomsk is returning from exercises, more than two months in the pacific ocean. project 949a antey is one of the quietest submarines in the world, but it hears other hydroacoustics perfectly. the weapons are enough to sink more than one enemy ship and submarine. pacific naval.
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now the marines of the pacific fleet are in the northern military district zone, the most famous brigade throughout the country is the 155th, one of the last victories in the village of novomikhailovka. 1555 hot! a sailor of the pacific fleet, that sounds proud. the pacific fleet, i think, is the best, it covers a very large part of the world's oceans, myself. from rostov to don and
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the pacific ocean fleet vladivostok - it was something so mysterious for me, it attracted me, it was interesting and i wanted a prestigious profession, and i think that i was not mistaken in my choice, the sea is like infinity, there is beauty too , they are where the sun rises, that’s why they have it on their emblem, the next time you see a military man with such a chevron, you know, in front of you...
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it turns out that you have painkillers at hand too no, first about what you definitely shouldn’t do: don’t try to follow the folk recipe and smear garlic juice on your gums, it will only increase irritation, it’s better to put half a teaspoon of table salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth, salt water will relieve swelling , and if your gums are inflamed, for example, this will help reduce pain, and for disinfection we use hydrogen peroxide, we need a three percent solution, dilute it with water one to three. attention, do not swallow the solution. after we have disinfected the oral cavity, we go to refrigerator. we need a bag of frozen food, wrap it in a towel,
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apply it to the sore spot, and hold it for no more than 15 minutes. a cold compress will relieve swelling and dull the pain. and also, if the tooth hurts. in the evening you shouldn’t sleep on a low pillow, as the blood rushes to the head and the unpleasant sensations can intensify, we sleep on several pillows so that the head remains in an elevated position, and in the morning we go to the dentist, to live like a cat, a dog, this phraseological unit means - means to be in a state of extreme unpleasantness in relation, and we how do we live with you, like cats and dogs or like dogs and dogs? like a guinea pig, like a guinea pig with a parrot, right? so, cats and dogs could, of course , be offended by us, because they can quite get along with each other, you should have seen how my dog ​​licks the cat, i always think she swallows it, or she licks it, with you, well, now we will tell you how to reconcile your animals, when we got cinnamon,
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the calm and measured life of plush changed greatly, this is a small furry rocket, ran all over the apartment and demanded that everyone play with her. plush golden character, she bravely survived all this, but it happens differently, especially when a puppy tries to get adult cats. the cat basya got used to a calm, measured life, and then an era appeared in the house. a six-month-old doberman puppy, a very playful girl, the relationship did not work out. the hostess is worried about what will happen. of course, i am very worried that the cat does not injure the puppy, because the cat is big, the cat is everything.
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the cat doesn't, she really plays, but she has there is such a play motivation, such a play drive, which the cat, frankly speaking, does not need, because he perceives such an invasion as a hostile intervention, which means it is necessary. make a hiding place for the cat, a place where the dog cannot reach him. the most important thing to do in a room when a dog and a cat live in it is to create parallel routes of movement, so now we, using the available means at hand, will equip an observation post for the cat in this corner. there is a tall refrigerator in the room, we put it on give him a bed, provide easy access, and invite basya. the cat is completely safe, but you can go even further.
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know this. chef, igor molokin, too. did you barbecue over the weekend? no one needs to know how to make great kebabs, and some unusual ones like we buy, but from turkey with vegetables, grilled and aromatic dressing. the barbecue season can be considered open;
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baked grilled vegetables go well with meat. to make the side dish especially juicy, i’ll prepare a flavorful dressing. pour oil into a deep bowl. soy sauce balsamic vinegar, add crushed garlic and a mixture of peppers. if you don't like a spicy dish, take dried herbs. refueling. done, cut the sweet pepper into wide strips so that they don’t fall through the grill, cut the zucchini, eggplant, onion and tomato into circles, put the mixture into a bag, pour in the dressing, tie the bag, shake it to mix everything, marinate the mixture for at least 15 minutes, for this time the coals will heat up. i put pickled vegetables on the grill, along with meat, bake everything
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together for 10 minutes until golden brown, before serving, i decorate the dish with chopped cilantro, juicy kebab with pickled vegetables, the grill is simply delicious, welcome the summer deliciously, bon appetit, i have in my hands patches about which... the manufacturers say that they will relieve pain, tiger power, angelica roots, self-heating, self-cooling, such sikoy, fifth and tenth, but in fact there are pain patches with medications, it is important to know what will really help, so as not to throw money down the drain, about much more in the program to live healthy, today on the first.
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romcastra product stellar group vodka veda product lar group cognac old barrel product lar group burbon stirsman product lar group whiskey mancatcher product stellar group. the husband, presumably, upon leaving prison, killed his wife, the killer operated with gloves, what kind of analysis is needed, operational, prognostic, human, exactly, a flowered dress, and this is an interrogation, we are interrogating in the department, but this is just a conversation, yakovich , you are so cute, let ’s go with you to the cafe this evening, bloodhound, new series, watch after the program time, hello, are you someone? if it can me, then i’m here, while the special operation is going on, the orthodox church is being destroyed in ukraine, we
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are moving towards europe, so we must move away from the russian conservative tradition. epiphanius, all these other pseudo-priests are just pure disguises, so the schism is a tragedy. thanks to whom this all happened is the united states of america and the state department and directly, the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states. sam brownback what what should we do with lava, the main temple of kyiv? you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it, he says very clearly that there is no need to do what you have already done, you even ended up in prison for your beliefs, the command was given, just close my mouth, the girl is on her knees, she is praying, all around they jump on her, and then they drag her away and start beating her, or like killing some priests, are you proud of what you did, vavan’s show or? tomorrow on the first. good morning to everyone who
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is celebrating this day with channel one. with you svetlana zeynalova. and timur soloviev on the calendar on may 21. it's tuesday and we wish you a wonderful day and that all your purchases are delivered to you. by the way, if you make a list of the most needed professions, couriers will probably be in the top ten. any resident. out of ten bicycle couriers, only one dismounted, time for pedestrians, half an hour in the life of a capital crossing , thank you very much for your work, but please don’t drive like that, follow the traffic rules, spare us the money, with an average order cost of 130 rubles. in the summer it’s tough among delivery workers competition, says yuri, a courier with three years of experience. they come out in the summer.
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in my place there could have been some grandmother, she would not have dressed herself with a small hematoma, if there is no damage, you need to complain about reckless drivers to the department of transport or the delivery service, work will be done with the courier, there will be... his rating will be lowered for violations, accordingly, or it will be blocked until the order is not accepted. if the consequences are serious, contact the traffic police. there is also a situational center for monitoring personal equipment in the capital. mobility. currently, violators are monitored by 100 traffic cameras. over the past 2 months, we have already identified more than a thousand cases of
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traffic violations. violations are received by our department and we directly transmit the information to the operators from here. rent - so that they continue to take preventive measures, but the delivery market continues to grow, all these people came to get a job, there are 1.200 thousand couriers in the country, someone teaches them the rules in large services through an application, what to wear helmet, uh, use flashlights, all these are reflectors, how to cross the road correctly, requirements for bicycle courier are being tightened, a single standard is being introduced in moscow in three stages, all delivery workers must have a digital profile, like... in a taxi, a readable number on the vehicle, module geolocation and speed limits. travel data will be transmitted, which will allow us to plan a competent infrastructure for the development of delivery, and accordingly, by may of the twenty-fifth year, a full set of requirements will be implemented. there's time to prepare but a neat appearance is required now, there are questions here. if the courier has some
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dirt on his jacket or pants, will this constitute a violation and what are the expected consequences of this? this is a very important point, which is not defined in the order, but naturally, delivery services are all interested in the fact that couriers must be smart, polite, and follow traffic rules. some experts predict an increase in delivery prices, it will be more difficult to become a courier, but road safety should also increase. dmitry kuzmin, ilya ridkazubov, nazir nagumanov, channel one. hello country, greets you, new voronezh, i love our small cities very much, almost the entire golden ring of russia and the silver necklace of russia have passed through, i have a dream, i really want to go hiking to baikal, i hope it will soon come true to altai by
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car through the whole country to the south and vladivostok. there is also a lot to see, i visited all the bazhov places, by the way, volgograd has the most delicious shawarma, you knew, i’m from the city of beloretsk, the republic of bashkaratstan, sevastopol is the pride of russian sailors, i from the incredible city of chelyabinsk, i love st. petersburg for its beauty and the beautiful neva river, i love my country very much and am proud of it, the international exhibition forum russia continues its work in moscow at vdnkh. you haven’t been there yet, be sure to come, come, stock up on new impressions, and completely free of charge, and if you have already been, then still come again and again and again, something new, bright, interesting is happening here all the time , this is where else you could see a whole sea of ​​flowers, millions of scarlet, white, and all sorts of different flowers at the russia exhibition, this is not a metaphor,
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the festival of the future is in flowers from may 21, 89 floral. compositions of each of our regions, each flowerbed will reflect some feature of the region, seas, bridges, rivers, all this will be made of flowers, bees will fly, honey will flow, all this will also be made of flowers. we vote for our favorite flowerbed, we go to the pavilions in fifty-five fifty- seven, here are the open days of eighty universities in the country, graduation is until may 31...
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but you can’t ride a helicopter, the unmanned bass 200 became an exhibit for a while, that is, this one can fly, in fact, it does fly, we got these ones that can carry a load of up to 50 kg, and the most important thing is that such an unmanned helicopter here can study territories, we can find out where we have gas and oil, we can learn life skills in the pavilion with a first aid master class, two fingers under the chin, cover with the other palm , tilt the head back a little, this way we clear the airways. cardiopulmonary resuscitation is much more difficult when the victim is not breathing? it's physically difficult. but for an unprepared person, and secondly, it is necessary to concentrate on the correct positioning of the hands, in pavilion c everything about the latest medicine,
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visually under a microscope, normal and pathological tissues of the human body, this is a fragment of lung tissue, here here are quite voluminous outbreaks, we can say for sure that a person has pneumonia, tired of science, go on vacation to pavilion 75, here... everyone dances, you can sit in master classes, they are also for everyone, look what a miracle it is a modern trend, to wear it on the street, of course, today they are making a kokoshnik, tomorrow something else, the exhibition is updated every week, anna abrosmova, nikita kulakov, channel one, we remind you, on the calendar may 21. today marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of boris vasiliev, he went to war very young, was surrounded by what war was, learned first-hand, he wrote about it as no one else has written. and on the occasion
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of boris vasiliev’s centenary this saturday on channel one, watch the legendary film “ozore is quiet here.” when boris went up to his office, he didn’t immediately grab a pen there and didn’t immediately start writing, he had to get ready. with thoughts, he had, well, such a reception, he laid out for the session, life mercilessly pined for the cards of vasilyev himself, here he is 17 in june forty-first, and he asks for volunteers to join the militia at the front, and this is a war of encirclement, a war without a front, without a rear, where there are no bosses, where everyone gives themselves orders, he will get out of encirclement alive in forty-three, he will enter the armored academy, then he will get a lucky card, he... they went for a walk with zorya and went out accidentally into a minefield, and borisovich boldly
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walked there 20 steps, suddenly realized, suddenly saw out of the corner of his eye that the tripwire was pulled, and that now one more step would simply blow them apart, and he turns around with horror and sees that zorya is standing behind him, and says: “borya, be careful.” turn around, follow me step by step, trail by trail. they will go through their whole lives like this, together they will worry that they won’t publish him, together they will live on royalties from scripts for kvn, in sixty-nine vasiliev will go to obank. i even started writing, and after two pages i realized there was nothing it turns out, it will be an ordinary, average, military action movie, bad, good, and... these girls there, women, in case of detection of the enemy and something incomprehensible, who can scream like an animal or a bird, i
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seriously ask, rostotsky, when we filmed a bathhouse, tried to convince those who resisted playing in the bathhouse that this was necessary, and that he was not doing this to show the girls’ naked bodies, but that he was doing this to show how unnatural it was, these beautiful women who should give life should give birth to children, they are hit by bullets, they die, fans of their own, kolya pluzhnikov also died, who was on the lists... was not listed in the casimats of the brest fortress, yesterday's schoolchildren in the story "tomorrow there was a war", the son of alexei trofimov in the film "officers", which will be filmed according to
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vasiliev’s script. his heroes are lively, honest, uncompromising; all of them were dealt a tragic card in the deck of life: war happened in their youth. the war moved through me, and even if it didn’t smell me, didn’t cripple me, didn’t strangle me, it’s still impossible to throw it off with its weight. shoulders, she's in me. news release right now. hello, on air news in the studio sergei tugushev. our military advanced in the andreevka area, occupying a stronghold of ukrainian formations. he was discovered by a sniper team. the commander decided to gain a foothold in positions during the day and advance. the enemy has also been removed in the southern donetsk
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direction, the infantry is also advancing under the cover of sniper brigades, even one shooter with good optics can pin down an entire unit. the most difficult thing in his work is waiting, sometimes you have to hunt down the target several hours and even days. the priority is given to the enemy command staff; one of the main tasks is to disrupt the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units. our working distance ranges from minimum to 2 km. we also always work on an acute attack. our work is not always safe, we are always at the forefront, we never try not to work from the rear, in order to ensure the safety of our comrades who are on the rear approaches. in the avdeevsk direction, the crew of the strela anti-aircraft missile system hit 10 enemy reconnaissance strike drones, including the polish fly ai. all these are aircraft-type devices that the ukrainian formations intended to use to detect attacks
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on... assault groups. new examples of the courage and professionalism of our soldiers. sergeant alexander koval risked his life to restore the damaged equipment of the communications center. steady command and control helped repel the enemy attack. junior sergeant mark davidov used a drone to discover well-camouflaged accumulations of equipment militants. our artillery hit it and destroyed two western-made infantry fighting vehicles, as well as part of the enemy personnel. in other topics , farewell ceremonies will be held in iran for president ibrahim raisi and other government officials who died in a plane crash last sunday. today is a funeral service in the cities of tabris and qom, tomorrow in tehran, then risi’s body will be sent to his hometown of mishkhet, where the funeral will take place on thursday. the head of state, the minister of foreign affairs of iran and several other prominent politicians were killed in as a result of a helicopter crash in
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the north-west of the country. seven more led by the united states opposed it. switzerland abstained.
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any type of weapons, today's vote is a defeat for all those, like russia, who are trying to avoid the spread of confrontation into low-earth orbit. of course, the current situation will require analysis and response steps on our part. at the same time, russia will remain committed to its obligations in outer space, in accordance with international law. in april , russia blocked the us draft resolution japan on the non-placement of weapons of mass destruction in space. moscow
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used its right of veto because the sofbes oo did not include in the document an amendment from moscow and beijing calling for the prohibition of the deployment of any types of weapons in space. the russian pacific fleet turns 293 today. the report has been kept since the establishment of the okhotsk military port. it became our first permanent naval base in the far east. today the pacific fleet is one of the largest in russia. it includes nuclear strategic and multi-purpose submarines, including the newest.
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a modern residential building was built especially for them. inside, every detail has been thought through, from security systems to finishing. there are playgrounds and parking lots in the yard - everything for a comfortable life for young families. there's a branch nearby. khimovsky naval school. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one. svetlana zeynalova is with you. and timur solovyov, remember his heroic profiles on the calendar may 21. tuesday. countrywide. on may 21, graduates are preparing to take the unified state exam. the main period begins the day after tomorrow and will continue. right up to july 5, well, yes , of course, graduates and their parents are nervous, worried, worried, we wish you all good luck, friends, excellent results, and most importantly, keep calm and use your head and your knowledge, do not trust the scammers, who offer
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to buy answer options on the internet will still deceive you and simply steal your money, and for children tell yours, you won’t be able to easily slip into heaven, you’ll have to study, russian language 3,900 rubles for those who take several subjects, any two subjects - 5,900 rubles. all unified state exam subjects - 11,700 rubles. unified state exam turnkey. such offers can be found on the internet for several years now. they usually appear in march; in may, graduates are literally bombarded with mailings. they just ship regularly. they come to public messengers, and the mailings are links to some other groups where you can buy answers to the exam. there are dozens of reviews in groups grateful graduates whose answers matched everything, you see, the temptation is great. mark bochin bought answers in groups on the unified state examination for trial exams in the ninth grade, this is the unified state examination, but the principle of operation of the scheme is the same. for 1500
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they chipped in 300 rubles. this was a test exam in mathematics. the answers were mostly inconsistent. as a rule, there are no phone numbers for managers in these groups. all communication is through. messengers of dissatisfied customers are immediately blocked, children see that this is not the case, but they do not go without writing a statement not to the police, but they are in a hurry to tell their parents, because they understand that they did something slightly illegal; many cases of such fraud remain in the shadows. experts explain that it is technically impossible to get answers to the unified state exam questions before the exams, the tasks are protected by a code and are compiled automatically; decoding is given to the organizers only before the start of the exam, the scheme with unified state exam answers that takes place earlier in the far east also does not work, the organizers took this time difference into account, therefore, the result of such purchases is the same. get
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you can only use last year’s assignments or demo versions of the statgrad or some trial options. these options are already available for free on the fipi website. roskachestvo specialists monitor websites with turnkey proposals for the unified state exam and send them to the supervisory authority. for blocking, but most of these are groups in popular instant messengers, the representatives of which are not in russia, it is more difficult to influence them. and this year, specialists from the digital expertise center of roskachestvo discovered a new fraud scheme on social networks, posing as a university admissions committee and offering budget places for amounts of the order of 200 to 500 thousand rubles, let's say, book a place for a specific person, technically this is... possible first of all because all applicants are admitted to the university based on the points they scored on the unified state exam, with from a legal point of view, this can lead to criminal liability, so instead
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of relying on a miracle from the internet, it is better to use this time to prepare. maria nikolaeva, konstantin struchkov, evgeny smirnov, channel one. we remind you that on the calendar may 21st, it’s still summer closer. says that most clients ask for more power so that it cools faster, and this is the first mistake, the smallest air conditioner is designed for 20 m, well, 20-21 km, which produces 2.1 kw of cold, then simple arithmetic, 1 kw
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cools 10 km, which means for example, 4.40, and 5.50, unless the rooms are isolated, then each will have an air conditioner, the second mistake, today, with three advantages - this is an air conditioner with an inverter, that is, its compressor operates with minimal consumption energy. savings reach up to 50% if class to consider the newest generations of inverter split systems, which are, well, twenty -four years old, twenty-third years old. in the meantime, dmitry has chosen an air conditioner and is ready to buy, but the third mistake is not checking whether the seller has permission to sell from a specific manufacturer, which is important. for warranty service there is a risk that the service center
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may not accept it from an unofficial dealer. this brand, of course, we have a certificate for it, this is necessarily an attribute of any dealer company that directly sells air conditioner. yes, we see that this dealer has a whole wall of certificates, but it’s better to check in another way, on the manufacturer’s official website, the list of partner stores. mistake five - not finding out everything about the service center. it is necessary to pay attention if - from a given manufacturer in the city in which he purchases this equipment, there is a service center, no one wants, for example, to transport an air conditioner from voronezh to moscow, but it also happens that there is no service center at all, more often at a little-known manufacturer, by the way, to him you need to take a closer look, after selling this equipment there is a risk that this product will never come back in principle. in this market, uh, accordingly,
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no one will bear warranty obligations for the product that was sold earlier. and lastly, it is better to order installation where you bought the air conditioner, because if a malfunction occurs during installation or because of it, it cannot be repaired under warranty. anna obrosimova, nikita kulakov, channel one. so, we remind you that on the calendar may 21, by the way, international tea day, how i love good tea, so you’re always thinking about what to give you, what to give you? give tea, good tea is expensive, if you just poured yourself a cup of good hot tea, you did the right thing, bon appetit, this is how you celebrate the holiday, by the way, our correspondent anastasia kremesna couldn’t pass by this holiday, now we find out, how tea leaves are collected, why they ferment them, who are the testers and most importantly, how to choose tea in a store simply by packaging, more than 80% of people in the world drink tea daily. thanks to the chinese emperor shein, he was the one who noticed
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the leaf falling into the cauldron in time. the leaf was brewed in the water that was boiling in this pot. this tree that shinun happened to be under was a tea tree, and the leaf was a tea leaf. and thus, 4,700 years ago the world learned about tea. tea appeared in russia only in the 17th century. they were delivered from china on camels, and already in the 19th century they began to grow them themselves. one of the plantations in sochi 101 hectares, two leaves are collected and always with a bud, precisely in these upper shoots all microelements, beneficial substances contained in tea are focused, plus it gives a soft, at the same time invigorating effect, the tea is collected for processing, the color depends on it, but before it hits the shelves, it is evaluated by t-testers, the task of those -tester to determine its taste. and directly the quality of the sheet.
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t-tester elizaveta goloborotko says that a common problem is that under the guise of fresh tea they sell old tea, it has no use, so as not to stumble upon one, it is best to take tea from the country in which you live, time for transportation less, check the expiration date, after 2 years the tea loses its taste. the shortest lifespan of green tea is six months, if we are talking about black tea, a year or two is good, but even. if the tea is fresh, everything can be ruined by improper storage, for example, in transparent packaging. ages more likely under the influence of sunlight or, in general , an open stream of light. the size and curl of the tea leaves turns out not to be an indicator of quality; for example, there shouldn’t be any twigs. you can say, legs, the kind on which you grew up tea leaves. in good tea, of course, this should not happen. lastly, while brewing , listen to the aroma of the tea. smell is evidence. tea, how many essential oils are left in our leaf, there should be a good,
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intense smell of tea, if we feel very weak, not everything is in order, the rules for choosing tea bags are the same, except for one thing: testers do not recommend taking them in pyramids, they are made of nylon small plastic. when brewing , microplastic will come out of such a pyramid; imagine, you accumulate small particles of plastic in your body. when brewing, the reference point is to the volume of the bag, if it has increased, instead of leaf tea of ​​a fine fraction, the inside is granular, the taste of this is due to the same flavorings, there is no benefit in this. anastasia kremeshnaya, dmitry filippov, channel one. yes, dear, yes, i’ll buy it, i’ll buy it, yes, i’ll be there soon,
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kvn, first quarter-final, on saturday, at the first one. well, hello, brother, what are you doing in crime? i see that the latvian has squeezed the pedestal, for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk, everyone is dancing, she has always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy. jen, let me out! it’s me, alone, i say, lyuba, aren’t you afraid to be ugly, she says, sashka, what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, you have to, play, play, do you even know why i came here, that you are silent -then, you smile, blink your eyes and remain silent, if you can, forgive me, i
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remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they are without each other , so i saw could not live. lyubov polishchuk, last tango, we met, on sunday on the first, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first. this is good morning, we continue, let us remind you that today is may 21st, thank you. to everyone who joined us at this early hour, the transport of a big city, its present, future, a topic that cannot leave anyone indifferent, and timur solovyov did not remain indifferent, yes, there is such a person in our program, good, smart, i wish i could work with him, and he met with the deputy mayor of moscow in the government of moscow, the head of the department of transport of the city of moscow,
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an amazing person, maxim, they had a heartfelt conversation about the capital's transport, let's look, listen, good morning, dear friends, we are celebrating this day with maxim leksutov, deputy mayor of moscow for transport in the government moscow. hello, good morning. so, it’s been a long time since i woke up in the electric depot since my student days, so today we are in the electric depominevsko. tell us why this is considered the most important point of the big the ring line is the heart of the big ring line. the train was clean, safe, all systems worked, here we also have a unique machine that grinds wheels without removing the wheelset, this allows
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trains to be serviced faster, and the running of the train car to be made much smoother and more comfortable, in fact, yes, the atmosphere is so high. .. made the decision to build it with a reserve, for what it is needed, now we have approximately 27 pairs of trains running. but we can increase the number of steam trains to 36, which means that the intervals can be reduced further, and this means that on the large wheel metro line we have created a huge reserve of carrying capacity, great, take us for a ride with the filming crew, let's go, this is our train moscow
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2020, and please tell us, literally 2 months ago moscow 2024 entered the zamoskvoretskaya line, in- first, this is the newest train, we consider it... one of the best in the world, why so, because first, all the most modern technologies that exist are used there, taking into account the development of the moscow metro, we managed to place an order for our machine builders for several years ahead, and of course get the newest solutions, first of all, the entire component base here in the 2020 train in the moscow 2024 train is an entirely russian base, so technologies are used here ... not only for passengers, the most modern, these are the number of chargers, and wider doors, and quieter running, and improved sound insulation, additional taps, but a lot has been done here too. specifically for the drivers, we had a clear plan for replacing the rolling stock, the turn came for the moskvoredskaya line, and there
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in one and a half to two years we will completely update the rolling stock on this line, ivolga 4.0 on the moscow central diameters, please tell us about this train, how this train differs from previous models, well, first of all, a third door was added, it actually became a train like in the metro , three doors, fewer passengers. the amount of time it takes to get on and off the train, this means that the interval of movements can be reduced, and of course, this train is made with almost 90-odd percent entirely from russian components, well, as i understand it, in moscow transport, the main emphasis is , of course, on the development of electric transport, but this is still a costly story, but as i understand it, in this way we protect the environment, ecology is indeed a very important element, but this is the future, it is impossible to imagine any large metropolis comparable to the size of moscow without electric transport. every year we buy from 400 to 550 electric buses every year and we will continue to buy them for many years to come, demand is driven by supply, and every year
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we introduce technical specifications for improvements, which are aimed both at increasing autonomous travel and at improving a significant increase in quality characteristics for passengers, so i can clearly say that without the development of electric transport it is impossible to imagine the development of a metropolis, well, here we are... we have finally arrived at the end of our conversation, if possible about the high-speed railway line moscow, st. petersburg. it must be said that russian railways have already begun this work after the president’s command; separate dedicated tracks from leningradsky station at the exit from moscow, the so-called fifth-sixth route on the oktyabrskaya direction, it is planned that in moscow there will be stops in zelenograd, then petrovsko-razumovskaya, then rizhskaya and leningradskaya. station, and to make passengers comfortable, we specially planned several stops in moscow, so that everyone could take the metro line, to the mcc,
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wherever it is convenient for them, so, of course, the effect will be huge, a huge amount of work remains for our russian machine builders to do train, speed 400 km/h, such there were no trains in russia, behind this there is a whole series of very serious technical decisions that will allow the russian transport engineering industry to take such a huge step. forward, this is, of course , a completely different feeling of two capitals in general, the distance between them will be significantly reduced, this is a new level of comfort, this will be a completely dedicated infrastructure, and on which no other trains except the high-speed rail will run, this is the task the president of russia set for us, great, that means it turns out to be 2:15 - it’s possible finish working in moscow, for example, go home to st. petersburg or veliky novgorod, have a wonderful time there and return either to st. petersburg or moscow. great, thank you very much and good luck to you, thank you very much, sports news will continue our morning broadcast, ole football, the most
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significant events of the russian championship in the review of the sports journalist of channel one viktor gusev. in the russian football championship, there has not been such a wildly twisted intrigue in the fight for gold medals for a long time. before the last round there are three teams retain their chances for the championship title. dynamo enters the finish line as a leader. in the twenty-ninth round, the blue and white confidently beat the soviet wings on their field. the samara team was not helped by yuri gorshkov's cool free-kick goal. dynamo hit the opponent's goal four times, and all of their goals were scored by foreign players. fabian velbueno scored a double. bitella and mumi ngamalyo also scored. 4:1. dynamo maintained its lead over its competitors. neath is still two points behind, three behind krasnodar, with which vaspech will meet in the final round. the bulls managed to break
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their three-match winless streak away from home, defeating the sochi football club, which in turn lost its chance of maintaining its place in the elite. at the same time , krasnodar lost 1:2, but in the end achieved a painful victory. decisive goal in stoppage time. substitute moses scored 3:2 and murad musaev’s team is still in the fight for gold, although in the last round krasnodar needs not only its own victory over dynamo, but a misfire zenit. in st. petersburg, in the twenty-ninth round in grozny, they inflicted a major defeat on akhmat 5:1. at the same time, only the best scorer in the premier league, matteo casier, scored against the guests. the colombian is first this century five times. was treated in a game of our championship, the last time this was achieved was in 1998 by oleg veretennikov from volgograd rotar, but in total
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casierra has 21 goals this season. in the final round, zenit will meet with rostov. valery karpino's team will go to st. petersburg in a good mood after victory over the baltic. the most beautiful goal of the 29th round was scored in this game. rostov midfielder kirill shchetinin, from outside the penalty area, effectively sent the ball into the top corner. the multi-part detective detective series continues on channel one. already this evening. the new case of colonel alexandra kushnira. personal life again fades into the background, a date, bouquets, compliments, they will wait. alexandra ivanovna took the trail. she is a purposeful woman. today after the program, don’t miss the continuation of the bloodhound detective. time after the program? yes. go on your next detective quest. it's time for you to think about your personal life. this task for another is more difficult than any
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investigation. so, what do we have here? there will be many different twists and turns in this sense, you are so sweet, let’s go with you to a cafe tonight for dinner, i won’t get bored with you, yes, what will alexandra’s mother say to this? mom always wants alexandra to somehow take care of her personal life, the child, the house, herself, and alexander is always tired of other events and mom is always trying to somehow bring her down, this is not
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it turns out that this is such an eternal conflict, you never let go of your past, yes, sasha. so you’re depriving yourself of the chance to be happy here now, but your neighbor will also bring you into this conflict, who will also be nearby all the time, who will also somehow try to curb alexandra, neighbor maria is a writer, a detective story doesn’t work out on paper, but reality throws up a fascinating plot, a difficult manuscript, written by a girl who was almost killed by her husband, and then she died, what a nightmare, it would seem that her husband killed the evidence is indisputable, and the crime was caught on video, but why? alexandra kushnir doubts, is obniv to blame for everything, or do you have any other information? we are obliged to consider all versions. personal life again fades into the background: dates, bouquets, compliments will wait, the bloodhound is on the trail. hello, are you looking for someone, maybe me, so i'm here. good afternoon, comrade, are you visiting or just stopping by? and yet, colonel olkhovsky will try
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to distract the bloodhound from the investigation. what's wrong with you happening? in your office? a magazine with a test, and it was written there that i would make you jealous, after all, you succeeded, okay, let’s go, and what do we have on the case, on the case, the continuation of the detective bloodhound, we’ll see today on channel one, i’m listening to you, i'm all ears, svetlana neimanis, joseph kobrin, channel one. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. our military pilots destroyed a militant stronghold in the special operation zone, and a large enemy group was eliminated. conducted the attack the crew of the k-52m helicopter with the help of unguided missiles, after launch, covert withdrawal maneuvers and return to base. several more enemy strongholds were destroyed in the donetsk direction
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by russian artillerymen and gaolis d-30 crews. the soldiers discovered the unit. which tried to gain a foothold in the forest belt and opened fire, as a result the militants were eliminated and the fortifications were destroyed, the task was set, we carry it out at any time of the day, they give us the goal, they give us everything, only on command, as much as necessary, we practice as much as possible, danger yes, it’s very big, the birds are now the intensity of the birds has increased very much, any rustling, especially buzzing, even though it’s a bee, i even looked at everything once, yeah, everything seemed to be under control. and then everything is fine. on another section of the front , the goubitsa d-30 crew eliminated 15 militants. they all tried to hide in the dugout, but our artillery hit it with accurate fire. they were assisted by drones that corrected the aiming and recorded the hit of the target. and also about the courage and determination of our military. junior sergeant mark davidov used a drone to discover well-camouflaged
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concentrations of militant equipment. it was hit by the russian one. artillery destroyed two western-made infantry fighting vehicles and an armored combat vehicle, as well as part of the enemy personnel. sergeant alexander koval risked his life to restore the damaged equipment. communication center, stable command and control of troops helped repel the enemy attack. in other topics, the people of iran will bid farewell to president ibrahim reisi in the coming days and other government officials who died in last sunday's plane crash. the ceremonies will take place in several stages, then reisi's body will be sent to his hometown of mishkhet, where the funeral will take place on thursday. the head of state, the iranian foreign minister and other prominent politicians were killed in the crash. helicopter in the north-west of the country, several tens of kilometers from the border with azerbaijan. the cause of the tragedy is being established, including a technical malfunction, as well as bad weather. conditions. there was thick fog in the area of ​​the crash,
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it was raining, and because of it, rescuers were unable to reach the wreckage immediately. and now the iranian media are publishing video footage taken by the first troops to arrive at the crash site. it can be seen that almost nothing was left of the helicopter, only the tail section survived. fragments of the hull are scattered. as head of the united states, speaking on the results of the vote, our permanent representative confirmed russia’s commitment to its obligations in outer space in accordance with international law, pointed out the duality of its position west on this issue. just last
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month, the united states and its allies, with all their inherent cynicism, literally beat their chests, loudly assuring everyone of their commitment to peaceful space. today, after they confirmed their real intentions, continue. flooding in several european countries at once, such footage is now coming from the netherlands, many streets are flooded in one of the provinces in the north of the country. there was a hail storm for several hours in a row, and
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the roofs of some houses were broken. utilities can't cope as a result of the disaster , a yellow level of weather danger has been declared in the region. the situation is similar in poland, where they are eliminating the consequences of a storm; rain, snow and hail have paralyzed traffic on several highways. one of the cars got stuck under the bridge. rescuers came to the rescue in time, they were able to get the female driver, she was okay. stormy flows on the streets of germany, downpours caused flooding, landslides in the southwest of the state, flooded basements and the first floors of tasks. impressive footage from india goes viral according to social networks, they show a fire in a pyrotechnic warehouse, you can see how the sky is rising. a column of bluish smoke, along the entire height of which bright flashes do not stop. according to some reports, the fire could have occurred due to a violation of safety regulations during welding work. it is not
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specified in which locality this happened, despite such large-scale fires as a result of the emergency, if you see messages on social networks, there were no casualties. that's all for now, stay with us, broadcast first. the channel will continue the program good morning, good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with the first channel, svetlana zeynalova and timur solovyov are with you on the calendar may 21 tuesday, we wish you a wonderful day and that all your purchases are delivered to you. by the way, if you make a list of the most needed professions, couriers will probably be in the top ten, any resident of your city will now agree with me, and i will also support this idea, dear couriers, thank you very much for your work, but please don’t drive like that, but ? follow the traffic rules, have pity on us pedestrians. half an hour of life of the capital's crossing, out of ten bicycle couriers , only one dismounted. time is money. with
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an average order cost of 130 rubles. in the summer, there is fierce competition among delivery workers, says yuri, a courier with three years of experience. in the summer, schoolchildren and students come out, and we have to fight for orders, that is, if in winter you can safely walk, you can earn the same 7-8 there. on the day, then... we don’t have separate bike paths here, smoothly, beautifully on the left leg, he rode very well, there were abrasions, there were bruises, some grandmother could have been in my place, she would not have gotten away with a small hematoma, if there is no damage, you need to complain about reckless drivers to the department of transport or delivery service, work will be done with the courier, his rating will be lowered for violations, accordingly, or he will be blocked up to the point of not being allowed to order, if the consequences are serious , contact the traffic police.
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there is also a situational control center for personal mobility equipment in the capital, while violators are monitored by 100 traffic cameras. over the past 2 months, we have already identified more than a thousand cases of violations of the rules traffic. violations are received by our department and we directly pass the information on to rental operators so that they can take further preventive measures. but the delivery market continues to grow, all these people have come to arrange it. there are 1,2000 couriers to work in the country, someone teaches them the rules in large services through an application, that you need to wear a helmet, use flashlights, reflectors, how to cross the road correctly, the requirements for bicycle couriers are being tightened in moscow, a single standard is being introduced in three stages, all delivery workers should have a digital profile, like in a taxi, a readable number on the vehicle, a geolocation module and speed limits, trip data will be transmitted, which will allow us to plan wisely. infrastructure for
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the development of delivery, and accordingly, by may of the twenty-fifth year, a full set of requirements will be implemented. there is time to prepare, but a neat appearance is required now, there are questions here. if the courier has some dirt on his jacket or pants, will this be a violation and what are the consequences? this is assumed. this is a very important point, which is not defined in the order, but naturally, delivery services are all interested in the fact that couriers must be neat,
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break a finger before she gets ready for the race, maintain such shape, everything, because svetlana is running now will tell you what kind of sneakers you need for running, and you like to run, you tell me what kind of sneakers you need, but i won’t tell you, tell you, because he doesn’t understand, our people know, marathon runners know for sure, if for a run, then only in these sneakers, for running, ordinary ones won’t do, roman, peter, valeria and daria are experienced runners, but for our experiment they are changing their sports sneakers to walking ones, and how do they feel? well , of course it was more comfortable in those ones, they are more flexible, or something, you can run in such shoes for a short time, i will say that the second option, when i had already changed clothes, had a flat sole, of course it was generally uncomfortable to run, but what are running sneakers anyway? differ from everyday ones, in which it is not just more convenient and safer to run, we’ll figure it out with orthopedist pavel simichenkov. in modern running shoes for professional running use a special foam, which is capable of not only effectively... shock
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is important, in fact, our body is configured as a load; the shock absorption function of the foot is a very large spring, it absorbs shock loads when we run, jump, land, on the front , let's say, at the front of this fight against shock loads is our foot, our foot must absorb the maximum amount of shock load, running sneakers are designed this way, they provide additional shock absorption and spring, in everyday sneakers, as a rule, this shock absorber has less... with convenience and benefit it is clear, but let’s check the speed, both of our athletes are wearing running sneakers, valeria reached the finish line first, now we ask her to change her shoes, here is the result: i can say absolutely honestly , that it was much more difficult to start with these post-day sneakers, they are not so soft and pushing off with your toe from... the surface is
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much more difficult and, probably due to this, it turned out that i ran slower. the walking pair has a flat, springy sole worse. another difference is the material of the running shoes; there is no artificial or natural leather that is breathable. it might just be better to wear these, but doctors don’t recommend it. sports sneakers are shoes for running, they are not shoes for everyday wear. this is very important to understand. our foot and our muscles bear the entire load of shock absorption. she must. develop, learn to absorb shock, learn to jump, land, but when this function is replaced by an external shock absorber in the form of sneakers, the foot develops worse. in fact, the brain gets used to not having to strain to turn it on. extra muscles, so for long walks in spring parks, regular ones with flat soles. anastasia novakhatnia, andrey ivanov, channel one. hello
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to our huge country. i love russia because it is very beautiful, it has beautiful cities and a lot of beautiful places. the mighty yenisei river, which is great for fishing, very beautiful in winter, especially when the ice turns into an incredible fairy tale. to date, i have already traveled through 79 regions of our wonderful country. this is the horizon, this interesting, these are new emotions. people from all regions of russia come to us in adegea to look at these beauties. many, many, many, many know our sheregesh. russia has no borders, russia does. only the horizon, travel, get to know our world, our russia. the international exhibition forum of russia continues its work in moscow at vdnkh. if you haven’t been there yet, be sure to come, come, stock up on new impressions, and completely free of charge. and
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if you have already been, then still come again again and again and again, something is happening here all the time, new, bright, interesting, here’s where else you could see a whole sea of ​​flowers. millions of scarlet, white, and all sorts of different flowers at the russia exhibition, this is not a metaphor, the festival of the future is in flowers from may 21. 89 flower arrangements of each of our regions, each flowerbed will reflect some feature of the region, seas, bridges, rivers, all this will be made of flowers, bees will fly, honey will flow, all this will also be made of flowers. we vote for our favorite flowerbed and go to the pavilions at fifty-five fifty-seventh, here are the open days of eighty universities in the country. until may 31 , graduates will be helped to decide on a profession, not only in theory, how
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cars are made, they will be told and shown in pavilion e. you can also assemble a car yourself virtually. how long did it take you to assemble the car? 2 minutes. only i like tanks more, i’m into military equipment. you can take a quick ride on a ship, that is, i can select a ship and control it, here we can select one of our designed ships, it will appear on the screen, but you can’t take a ride on a helicopter, without the pilot bass 200 became an exhibit for a while, that is, this one can actually fly, it flies, these ones we have can carry a load of up to 50 kg, and the most important thing is that this one is unmanned.
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focus on ensuring that your hands are positioned correctly. in pavilion c, everything is about the latest medicine, visually, under a microscope, the tissues of the human body are normal and pathological. this is a fragment of lung tissue, here there are quite voluminous lesions, we can say for sure that the person has pneumonia. tired of science, take a break in pavilion 75, here everybody dance. op. you can sit in on master classes, they are also for everyone, look, what a miracle, this is a trend of our time, wear it like this on the street, of course, today they make a kokoshnik, tomorrow something else, the exhibition is updated every week,
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anna obrosmova, nikita kulakov, first channel, i have in my hands patches that manufacturers say will relieve... pain, tiger power, angelica roots, self-heating, self-cooling, so-and-so, five-tenth, but in fact there are pain patches with medications, it’s important to know what will really help, so as not to throw money away, about this, about many other things in the program to live healthy, today on the first. cnop gin is a product of stellar group. cognac monteshoca is a product of stellar group. castra rum a product of stellor group,
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vodka veda, a product of stellor group, for the centenary of boris vasilyev, it’s difficult, after all, with kebabs in the war, they all volunteer, shoot, rita, the target is caught, fire, girls, yes, ah! an eternal battle was coming, we only dream of peace, and
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the dawns here are quiet, on saturday, on the first, the enemy, armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction and there is no place for us to expect help, so i order all the soldiers and myself personally to hold the front. today we all celebrate the day of the pacific fleet of the russian navy, the date was not chosen by chance, it was on this day in 1731. a smoke screen, camouflage, a pacific naval exercise, the corvette crew perfectly discovered a mock enemy. target number one: heading towards the ship, classified as an unmanned enemy boat. machine gunners literally cut the drone in half with a burst of fire, can effectively operate at a distance
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of one and a half to 2 km, shows good accuracy and high rate of fire, all this in rolling conditions, and if the enemy is more serious, in this case there are guns and missiles, the corvette can simultaneously attack air, water and underwater targets, a floating bastion , defeats air defense, the uran missile system, there is also for... an air defense complex redoubt for the destruction of an air enemy, anti-ship missiles, anti-submarine missiles, a package, and this is already kamchatka waters, the crew of the nuclear submarine cruiser tomsk is returning from exercises, more than two months in the pacific ocean. project 949a antey is one of the quietest submarines in the world, but it hears other hydroacoustics perfectly, and has enough weapons to sink more than one ship and submarine.
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russian-japanese war, battle of tsushima, great patriotic, soviet-japanese, now the marines of the pacific fleet in the northern military district zone, the most famous 155th brigade throughout the country, one of the last victories in the village of novomikhailovka, 155th marines, sailor the pacific fleet sounds proud, the pacific fleet, i think, is the best. it covers a very large part of the world's oceans, i myself from rostov to dana and
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the pacific fleet, vladivostok, it was something so mysterious for me, it attracted me, it was interesting and i wanted a prestigious profession, and i think that i was not mistaken in their choice, the sea is like infinity, there is beauty too, they are where the sun rises, that’s why they have it on their emblem and... the next time you see a military man with such a chevron, know that in front of you pacific fleet sailor. anastasia zavidova sergey abramov, sotnik, yana machivsky, channel one. what to do if you suddenly have a toothache, the best thing to do, it doesn’t hurt for me, is to go to the dentist, i understand, but how to reduce the pain, mental and physical, until you get to the doctor, doctor denis will tell you lobkov. are you sick? tooth or gum inflammation, but you can’t go to the dentist right now,
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there’s no painkiller at hand either, first about what you definitely don’t need to do, don’t try to follow... it a glass of warm water, half a teaspoon according to the recipe and smear the gums with garlic juice, it will only increase irritation, it is better to put it in table salt and rinse your mouth, salt water will relieve swelling, and if your gums are inflamed, for example, this will help reduce pain, and for disinfection we use peroxide hydrogen, we need a three percent... solution, dilute it with water one to three. attention, do not swallow the solution. after we have disinfected the oral cavity, we go to the refrigerator. we need a bag of frozen food, wrap it in a towel, apply to the sore spot, hold for no
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more than 15 minutes, a cold compress will relieve swelling and... dull the pain, and also, if the tooth hurts in the evening, you should not sleep on a low pillow, as the blood will rush to the head and the discomfort may intensify, sleep on several pillows so that the head remains in an elevated position, and in the morning we go to the dentist, to live like a cat, a dog, this phraseological unit means to be in a state of extreme... and you and i live like cats and dogs or like dogs and dogs and a pig guinea pig like a guinea pig with a parrot and so cats and dogs could, of course , be offended by us because they can quite get along with each other, you should have seen how my dog ​​licks the cat all the time i think she swallows it or it’s not just yours, well, now we we'll tell you how to reconcile your animals. when we got cinnamon
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, the calm and measured life of the plush changed a lot. a small furry rocket, rushing around the entire apartment and demanding that everyone play with it. plush has a golden character, she bravely survived all this, but it happens differently, especially when a puppy tries to get adult cats. the cat basya is accustomed to a calm, measured life. and then era appeared in the house. a six-month-old doberman puppy, a very playful girl, the relationship did not work out. the hostess is worried about what will happen. of course, i am very worried. so that the cat does not injure the puppy, because the cat is big, the cat is serious, that is, he has a serious paw, in order to reconcile the animals, we invited zoopsychologist nika magilevskaya, good morning, hello, in principle, dogs and cats can live together, but era, there is no aggression in a cat, she really plays, but she
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has such a play motivation, such a play drive that a cat, frankly, does not need. because such an intrusion is perceived as a hostile intervention, which means you need to make a shelter for the cat, a place where the dog can’t reach him, the most important thing to do in a room when a dog and a cat live in it is to make parallel routes of movement, so now we available with the means at hand, we will set up an observation post for the cat in this corner. there is a tall refrigerator in the room, we put a bed on it, provide easy access, and invite basya. the cat is completely safe, but you can go even further, as for example they did in this video, hang shelves on the wall, on which the cat can walk without going down to the floor at all. now let's move on to the era, ideally the dog should have the opportunity to throw out its playful energy, how to achieve this, there are two options: either long walks or classes. well done, give me another paw, dog
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she gets tired, she has this drive, game motivation. decreases a little, she wants to lie down, chew on her toy, maybe even sleep a little, at this time they calmly remain with the cat. this way, everyone will slowly get used to each other, and when era grows up, she will react to the cat much calmer. it is believed that cats and dogs are animal antagonists; they even try not to put them on the same plane. an apartment is not an airplane, there is even less space here, so it is so important to organize the environment correctly, then the animals will have problems will not be. modern science, svetlana, is unthinkable without high technology; the fact is that no matter what field of knowledge we take, research today is impossible without modern instrumentation. you say it so beautifully, maybe you will continue too? yes, i will continue, here our scientists are helped by the national project of science and the university. cool, study, study and study again. in pharmacies, 70% of
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heart medications are domestically produced. research institute of cardiology is now tasked with creating new drugs for acute myocardial infarction. the main cause of death in patients with myocardial infarction is acute heart failure, the heart contracts very poorly, pumps blood poorly, in this case 50% of patients die, that is, for a patient to survive after a heart attack, his heart needs to contract more often, for this new drugs are tested on rats, we determine the contractility of the heart in the dynamics of myocardial infarction, an ultrasound scanner allows... evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment method, applicable to the treatment of people, see how the medicine works without this an ultrasound platform would be impossible,
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an ultrasound device, an ultrasound system for laboratory, small laboratory animals, in russia this is a unique system in its time, now there are two systems in the country, at the tomsk institute from the age of 22, i entered the national project for science and universities, vni soi in blagovechensk, thanks to this...
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they have become a part of the country in the world by this hour. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. stay with us. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. our military pilots they destroyed a stronghold of militants in the special operation zone, and eliminated a large enemy group. the attack was carried out by the crew of the k-52m helicopter using unguided missiles. after launch, a covert retreat maneuver and return to base. several more enemy strongholds were destroyed in the donetsk direction by russian artillerymen and gaubis d-30 crews. the fighters
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discovered a ukrainian armed forces unit that was trying to gain a foothold in the forest belt and opened fire. as a result, the militants were eliminated and the fortifications were destroyed. the task has been set, we we perform it at any time of the day. they give us a goal, they give us a task, everything, only on command, as many as there are people, we work out as much. the danger, yes, is great, very great. and also about the courage and determination of our military, junior sergeant mark davidov , using a drone, discovered well -camouflaged accumulations of militant equipment,
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russian artillery hit it , destroyed two western-made infantry fighting vehicles and an armored combat vehicle, as well as part of the enemy personnel. sergeant alexander koval, risking his life, restored the damaged communications center equipment. steady command and control helped repel the attack. in other topics, the people of iran will in the coming days bid farewell to president ibrahim raisi and other government officials who died in a plane crash last sunday. the ceremonies will take place in several stages, then raisi's body will be sent to his hometown of mishkhet, where the funeral will take place on thursday. the head of state, the foreign minister of iran and other prominent politicians were killed in a helicopter crash in the north-west of the country, in several tens of kilometers from the border.
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russia will take steps in response to the results of the vote in the un security council, which did not accept moscow’s resolution to prevent an arms race in space, the permanent official said. representing the western bloc led by the united states. speaking following the voting results, our permanent representative confirmed russia’s commitment to its obligations in outer space in accordance with international law, pointing out the duality of the west’s position on this issue. just last
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month. the united states is its ally with everything with their inherent cynicism, they literally beat themselves in the chest, loudly assuring everyone of their commitment to a peaceful space. today, after they have confirmed their real intentions to continue to militarize space and create appropriate weapons, their attempts to justify their actions by the supposedly non-consensus nature of our project look especially cynical and hypocritical. it was raining flooding in several european countries at once, such footage is now coming from the netherlands, many streets are flooded in one of the provinces in the north of the country, there for several hours in a row with hail, the roofs of some houses were broken, and utility services are unable to cope with
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the consequences. a yellow level of weather danger has been declared in the region. the situation is similar in poland, where they are eliminating the consequences of the storm; rain and snow have paralyzed traffic on several highways. one of the cars got stuck under the bridge, and the interior began to rapidly flood. rescuers came to the rescue in time, they were able to get the female driver, she was okay. stormy flows on the streets of germany, downpours caused floods and landslides in the southwest of the state, flooded basements and first floors of buildings. impressive footage from india is spreading across social networks, showing a fire in a pyrotechnics warehouse, and a huge column of bluish smoke rising from the sky, with bright flashes continuing throughout its height. according to some reports, the fire could have occurred due to a violation of safety regulations during welding work. in what locality this happened is not specified, despite such a large-scale incident.
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earlier, as a result of the emergency, according to reports on social networks, there were no casualties. that's it for now that's it, be with us, the broadcast of channel one will continue with the good morning program, let's not cry, we'll live as long as we have allotted, with joy, that's what lyubov polishchuk said. she left offensively early, but her roles, her talents, and her unique smile remained with us. today, people's artist of russia lyubov pryshchuk turned 10. 75 years old, i welcome you to planet earth, i am an honest woman, a decent widow, on the street he points his finger at me, yes, why, they will find out, don’t hide your laughter, this is exactly the reaction from the audience that little lyuba polishchuk dreamed of, when i organized a theater in my omsk yard, when i took a chemistry test, i sang for a grade. at
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16 i went to moscow, wearing a dress altered from a school uniform. they didn’t take me to the theater school, so i entered the pop art workshop. comrades, viewers, who would you give the main prize to? the girl from the picture, that’s what viewers called her after the release of the film 12 chairs. tanga with andrei mironov poleshchuk rehearsed for 4 hours, then there were 14 more takes. give the ship a minute. it seemed that now all the doors were open, but the command was given from above, mainly roles - don’t film, the appearance is not soviet, and this is not your concern, as soon as i arrived , i’ll leave, i’ll sit for a while, i’ll leave, by the way, i not only have pride, but i also have independence, there’s no need to leave, the actress separated from her husband ,
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a small son remained in his arms, once the artist sergei tsigal watched the television play aesop with his father. dad and i just noticed in aesop how beautiful dad is, dad said, i couldn’t help but agree with him. don't be afraid, just say that you're in love with him. getting married. recipe hunters, delicious! and it’s very tasty, alexey makarov’s son and marietta’s daughter tsigal paleshchuk also became actors, it took off! today, actress lyubov polishchuk
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would have turned 75; she left at 57, and until recently she did not allow everyone around her to be sad. no, i'm not hiding my sadness. refueling. the barbecue season can be considered open. it goes well with meat with baked grilled vegetables. to make the side dish especially juicy, i’ll prepare a flavorful dressing. pour
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oil, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar into a deep bowl, add crushed garlic and a mixture of peppers. if if you don’t like spicy foods, take dried herbs. the gas station is ready. i cut the sweet pepper into wide strips so that they don’t fall through the grate, i cut the zucchini, eggplant, onion and tomato into circles, put the mixture into a bag, fill it with dressing, tie the bag, shake it so that everything is mixed, marinate the mixture for at least 15 minutes, during which time the coals warm up. i put pickled vegetables on the grill, along with meat, bake everything together for 10 minutes until golden brown, before serving, decorate the dish with chopped cilantro, juicy kebab with pickled vegetables, grilled,
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it’s simply delicious, welcome summer deliciously, bon appetit, listen, is there something like presnikovo? only not so rough, something lower, lower presnikovo, just stick your hand into a box with kittens. kvn, first quarterfinal, on saturday, on the first, here, stand, here, here, and, sorry, i forgot to announce. three chords, new season, on sunday. at the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series
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of games, on sunday at the first. good morning to everyone who celebrates this day with the first channel, svetlana zeynalova and timur solovyov are with you, remember his heroic profile, on the calendar may 21, tuesday, throughout the country, on may 21 graduates are preparing to take the unified state exam, the day after tomorrow the main period begins and will last right up to july 5, yes, of course business, graduates and their parents are nervous, worried, worried, we wish you all good luck, friends, excellent results, and most importantly... calmness and use your head and your knowledge, do not believe the scammers who they offer to buy answer options on the internet, they will deceive you anyway and simply steal your money, and tell your children that it will not be possible to easily slip into heaven, you will have to study, the russian language is 3,900 rubles. for
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those who take several one-time items, there are packages, any two items - 5,900 rubles. all unified state exam subjects - 11,700 rubles. unified state exam on a turnkey basis, such proposals. are links to some other groups where you can buy answers to exams. there are dozens of reviews from grateful graduates in the groups, who have all the answers i agree, you will agree, the temptation is great. in groups on the unified state examination for trial exams in the ninth grade, this is the unified state examination, but the principle of operation of the scheme is the same. for one and a half thousand they chipped in 300 rubles. this was a test exam in mathematics. the answers for the most part did not agree,
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phone numbers of managers, as a rule, are not in these groups, all communication through messengers of dissatisfied customers is immediately blocked, children see that this is not the case, but they do not go to write a statement or to the police, they are in no hurry to tell parents because they they understand that they did something slightly illegal, many cases of such fraud remain in the shadows, experts explain the technical... it is impossible to get answers to the unified state exam questions before the exams, the tasks are protected by a code and are compiled automatically. the decryption key is given to the organizers only before the start of the exam. the scheme with unified state examination answers, which takes place earlier in the far east, also does not work. the organizers took this time difference into account. therefore, the result of such purchases is the same. you can only get last year's assignments or demo versions of skotgrad or some trial options. these options are already available for free on... roskachestvo specialists monitor sites
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with turnkey proposals for the unified state exam and send them to supervisory authorities for blocking, but most of these are groups in popular instant messengers, which have no representative offices in russia, the impact on them is more difficult. and this year, specialists from the digital expertise center of roskachestvo discovered a new fraud scheme on social networks, posing as a university admissions committee and offering budget places. for amounts of the order. from 200 to 500 thousand rubles, let’s say, to reserve a place for a specific person, technically this is impossible, primarily because all applicants are admitted to the university based on the points they scored on the unified state exam, from a legal point of view this can lead to criminal liability, so instead in order to count on a miracle from the internet, it is better to use this time to prepare. maria nikolaeva, konstantin stryuchkov and... we remind you on the calendar may 21
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, summer is getting closer very soon, beauty is almost summer, look how warm it is in the capital, how much 11 days left, sales of air conditioners are traditionally growing, naturally, and the main thing is that they work well, you understand, let’s learn right now how to choose these air conditioners so that they blow as they should, where they should, and so that the climate is created perfectly; we will learn from other people’s mistakes; very unusual, other people’s air conditioners; yes, very unusual; we usually don’t know how to do that but anyway. we try, choose an air conditioner, the director of the company selling the installation, andronik obramyan, helps, he says, most clients ask for more power so that it cools faster, and this is the first mistake, the most the minimum air conditioner is calculated for 20 m, well, 20-21 km, which is produced by 2.1 kw of cold, then simple arithmetic, 1 kw cools 10 km, which means, for example, 4.40,
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if the class considers the latest generations of inverter split systems , who are well 24 years old, twenty-third years old, meanwhile dmitry chose an air conditioner and is ready to buy, but the third mistake is not checking whether the seller has permission to sell from a specific manufacturer, it is important for warranty service, there is a risk in the service center from an unofficial dealer may not be accepted. this brand, we, of course, have a certificate for it, this. mandatory attributes of any dealer company that
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directly sells air conditioning. yes, we see that this dealer has a whole wall of certificates, but it’s better to check in a different way. on the official website of the manufacturer there is a list of partner stores. the fifth mistake is not finding out everything about the service center. it is necessary to pay attention if this manufacturer in the city in which he purchases this equipment has a service center. besides, you don’t want, for example, to transport an air conditioner from voronezh to moscow, but it also happens that there is no service center at all, more often than not, it’s from a little-known manufacturer; by the way, you need to take a closer look at it, after selling this equipment there is a risk that this product is no longer available at all in principle, will never return to this market, and, accordingly, no one will bear warranty obligations for the product that was sold earlier. and lastly, installation. it’s better to order where you bought the air conditioner, because if during installation or because of it
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if a malfunction occurs, it cannot be repaired under warranty, anna obrosmova, nikita kulakov, channel one. so, we remind you on the calendar that may 21, by the way, is international tea day, how i love good tea, so you’re always thinking about what to give you, what to give you, give tea, good tea is expensive if you’ve just poured yourself a cup of good hot tea, you did the right thing, bon appetit, this is how you celebrate the holiday, our correspondent anastasia kremesna couldn’t pass by this holiday, now we’ll find out how they collect tea leaf, why it is fermented, who the testers are and most importantly, how to choose tea in... just based on the packaging. more than 80% of people in the world drink tea daily. thanks to chinese emperor shann. it was he who noticed the leaf falling into the cauldron in time. the leaf was brewed in the water that was boiling in this pot. this tree that shinun happened to be under was
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a tea tree, and the leaf was a tea leaf. and thus, 4700 years ago the world learned about tea. tea appeared in russia only in the 16th century, it was delivered from china on camels, and already from the 19th started growing them ourselves. one of the plantations in sochi - 101 hectares, two leaves are collected and always with a bud. it is in these upper shoots that all the microelements and beneficial substances contained in tea are concentrated. plus it gives a soft, at the same time invigorating effect. the collected tea is processed, the color depends on it, but before... its taste, freshness, and directly the quality of the leaf itself. tester elizaveta goloborodika says that a common problem is that they sell old tea under the guise of fresh tea, it has no benefit, so as not to stumble upon one, it’s better
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just take tea from the country you live in, there is less time for transportation, look at the expiration date, after 2 years the tea loses its taste. the lifespan of green tea is six months, if we are talking about black tea, a year or two is good, but even if the tea is fresh, everything can be ruined by improper storage, for example, in transparent packaging, it ages more quickly under the influence of sunlight or in general here is an open stream of light. the size and curl of the branches turns out not to be an indicator of quality, here are the branches, for example, there should not be, one might say, legs like those on which tea leaves grew. tea, of course, this should not happen. and lastly, while brewing, listen to the aroma of the tea. the smell is evidence of the freshness of the tea, how many essential oils are left in the leaf, there should be a good, intense smell of the tea. if we feel very weak, all is not well. the rules for choosing bagged tea are the same, except for one thing. tetesters do not
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recommend taking them in pyramids; they are made of nylon and small plastic. when brewing from such a pyramid there will be microplastics come out, imagine, you accumulate. there is no benefit to this. anastasia kremeshnaya, dmitry filippov, channel one. the multi-part detective detective series continues on channel one. already this evening, a new case of colonel alexander kushnir. personal life again fades into the background, a date, bouquets, compliments will wait for alexander. took the trail, she is a purposeful woman, today after the program, don’t miss the continuation of the detective and cheek, after the program it’s time, yes, go on your next detective quest, it’s time for you to think about with his personal life, this task for another is more difficult than any investigation, so
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what do we have here, brunettes or blondes, i’ll sting the brunettes, who is the brunette that can conquer? the relationship will develop differently in different directions, then they will somehow get closer and he will somehow think that everything will be fine with them, because everything will actually not be as good as it seems to him, in general there will be many different twists and turns in this sense, you are so sweet, let’s go with you to the cafe this evening, i won’t get bored with you, right? what what will alexandra’s mother say to this? mom always wants alexandra to somehow take care of her personal life, her child, her home, herself, but alexandra always melts away in other events, and her mother always tries to somehow bring her down, it doesn’t work, it’s such an eternal conflict, you’re like that and you haven’t let go of your past, yes,
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sasha, so you’re depriving yourself of the chance to be happy here now, well , a neighbor will also infiltrate this conflict, who will also... be there all the time, and will also somehow try to curb alexandra. neighbor maria is a writer, a detective on paper it’s shaping up, but reality throws up an exciting plot. the difficult manuscript was written by a girl who... her husband almost killed her, and then she still died, what a nightmare, her husband killed her? it would seem that the evidence is indisputable, and besides, the crime was caught on video, but why does alexandra kushnir doubt it? is it aries’ fault for everything, or do you have any other information? we are obliged to consider all versions. personal life again fades into the background: dates, bouquets, compliments will wait, the bloodhound is on the trail. hello, are you looking for someone, maybe me, so i'm here. good afternoon, comrade. are you visiting or just stopping by? after all, colonel olkhovsky will try to distract someone else from the investigation. what
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's happening to you? in your office i saw a magazine with a test and it was written there that i would make you jealous. after all, you did it. nevermind. and what about our case? the case is a continuation of the detective bloodhound. we'll see you today on channel one. i’m listening to you, i’m completely attentive, all of you. svetlana neimanis, joseph kobrin, channel one. we remind you on the calendar may 21, today marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of boris vasilyev, he went to war very young, was surrounded, he learned firsthand what war was, he wrote about it in a way that no one has written, for the centenary of boris vasilyev this saturday on watch the legendary film "mischiefs here are quiet" on channel one. i went up to my office, he...
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the military action movie is bad, good, but what if there are girls there, women, if the enemy is discovered and something incomprehensible, who can scream like an animal or like a bird, i seriously ask, rostotsky, when we were filming the bathhouse, tried to convince those who resisted playing in the bathhouse that this was necessary... and that he was not doing this in order to show the girls’ naked bodies, but that he was doing this in order to to show how unnatural it is for these
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beautiful women who are supposed to give life, who are supposed to give birth to children, they are hit by a bullet, they die, their bastards. kolya pluzhnikov, who was not listed in the casemates of the brest fortress, also died. and yesterday's schoolchildren in the story, tomorrow there was war and the son of alexei trofimov in the film officers who will film according to vasiliev’s script. his heroes are lively, honest, uncompromising. all of them were dealt a tragic card in the deck of life; war happened in their youth. the war moved through me, if it didn’t smell me, didn’t cripple me, didn’t strangle me. it’s still impossible to shake the weight off my shoulders, it’s in me. so, unexpectedly,
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our program has already come to an end, we wish you a wonderful, wonderful, sunny may day, be happy, most importantly, be healthy. we say goodbye to you, your day is just beginning. see you bye. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. safety comes first, underground cities, camouflage of guns, going out at dusk, making sure everyone returns home safe and sound, this is the most important thing. footage from the front line showing how our artillerymen are strengthening their positions.
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the west has taken off its masks. the bloc led by the united states opposed it. you just want to leave yourself free to use space for military purposes and place any types of weapons there. statement from our permanent representative organizations. iran went into mourning for 5 days. in the islamic republic , farewell ceremonies begin for president ibrahim raisi and other government officials who died in a plane crash. transitional strictness, which became a sign of the times, officers, tomorrow there was war, and the dawns here are quiet, 100 years since the birth of boris vasiliev and an exclusive interview with his son, who became the keeper of the writer’s museum house. let's start with the latest data on the progress of the special operation in the avdeevsky direction. our zenichchiki destroyed our brother.


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