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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 21, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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how do our artillerymen work to strengthen their positions? the west took off its masks, safbesu rejected the russian draft resolution on not placing weapons in space, and the bloc led by the united states opposed it. you just want to leave yourself free to use space for military purposes and place any types of weapons there. statement from our permanent representative to the organization. iran immersed for 5 days. tomorrow in the islamic republic , farewell ceremonies begin for president ibrahim raisi and other government officials who died in a plane crash. transitive lines that have become a sign of the times. officers, tomorrow there was a war, and the dawns of the elements here, the 100th anniversary of the birth of boris vasilyev and an exclusive interview with his son, who became the keeper of the writer’s museum house. let's start with the latest data. during
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a special operation in the avdiivka direction, our anti-aircraft gunners destroyed enemy reconnaissance drones, the strike was carried out from the strela-10 complex, and this is footage from the donetsk sector in action by artillerymen from d-30 howitzers, they destroyed camouflaged enemy fortifications, the coordinates were received from drone operators, as a result , a group of militants who tried to hide in a forest belt was eliminated. our artillerymen in the lpr have a lot of work; the crews of the d-20 howitzers hit the fire. the militants' points do not allow them to gain a foothold in positions; russian fighters turned their dugouts into real underground cities, carefully camouflaged and safe. our correspondent, alexey kruchinin, saw one of these. twilight is best for moving between artillery positions, when daytime drone cameras are almost blind, and night ones are still ineffective. we look at the drone detector, and the commander of the self-propelled battery of the 123rd brigade, call sign terek, meanwhile shares his recipes for confrontation. with
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ukrainian copters, when the car zigzags, it raises dust, a cloud of dust in which you can already try to escape, here the question is already between the drivers and uav operators, who is who, it gets dark, and the enemy’s night drones fly out for reconnaissance, given the constant air danger, the artillery is seriously digging in. the longer the guys they fight, the deeper they go underground. it’s probably two meters above us now, not a single large-caliber shell will penetrate the enemy, and that’s also part of it.
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i waited and waited, well, in may i started beating the rapids, the military registration and enlistment office, they didn’t take me, there was no place, well , through friends, i decided anyway, so i went to the artillery. with his call sign , the crafty one remembers when they were galloping on the maidan, every morning he went down into the mine and mined coal for ukraine, but the day came when kiev , with its own hands, pushed them away forever, to my city near the hospital, to the peaceful sector, where pensioners live, there was a wedding here during some event. or that the cassette landed, a lot of people died, i don’t remember how many, either 13, or 18,200, well, where should i look, what kind of work, what kind of mine, when they kill old people and children, a shot, a clove - a proven and reliable weapon , the barrels of the 123rd brigade are directed towards seversk, the enemy has many positions in the forests and fields on the approaches to the city, our guys shoot mainly at night and ammunition is also delivered to the artillerymen in the dark, having received... supplies, the crew hides underground
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. here the artillery, with their own hands, without any engineering equipment, built an entire underground city, where all the rooms communicate with each other. you can walk along the trenches at full height, everything is done. please note, according to science, the corridors are curved so that in case of arrival the blast wave does not reach the shells of the gun itself. the crew dug out an extensive network of underground passages, dugouts, cabins, and firing positions of warehouses in just a couple of weeks. this is first and foremost our safety. my guys, in principle, so that everyone returns home, safe, healthy, this is the most important thing, in this, as the narnia fighters joke, you can work relatively calmly, yet camouflage is strictly observed, the very firing position of light is at least a shot, howitzer d- 20 is famous for its accuracy, the lethal fragments of a 152 caliber projectile scatter hundreds of meters, if the crew has received clear coordinates, the enemy will not be happy. objective control confirms there is a hit.
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the vssu officers failed to equip a machine gun position. alexey kruchinin, roman khrolenko and ruslan mecheryakov. first channel lugansk people's republic. funeral ceremonies and farewells begin in iran. with ibrahim reisi will take place today in tabriz and qom, tomorrow in tehran. after this , the president's body will be transported to his hometown of mishkhet, where a funeral will be held on thursday. several other russian officials, including iran's foreign minister, were killed in a plane crash on sunday. the helicopter crashed near the border with azerbaijan, in the mountains. it was not possible to get to the crash site right away. and here are the shots detachments that were the first to discover the wreckage were removed. almost nothing remained of the aircraft, only the tail section survived. “the un security council did not accept the russian draft resolution on preventing an arms race in space, our country called for emergency measures to be taken to prevent the deployment of combat systems, including nuclear weapons, in orbit, but the document was supported by only seven out of fifteen states, one abstained, and seven more,
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including the united states, its allies, opposed it, and thereby confirmed their intentions militarize space, said our permanent representative vasily nebendya." the reason why you did not support our project today is banal and simple: you just want to leave yourself free to use space for military purposes and place any types of weapons there. now a little advertising, we we'll be back in a few minutes, don't switch, i have in my hands the patches that the manufacturers say will relieve pain, tiger strength, roots , self-heating, self-cooling, so-and-so, fifth and tenth, but in reality. there are patches for pain with medications, it is important to know what will really help, so as not to throw money away, about this, about
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many other things in the program, it’s healthy to live, today, on the first day, while a special operation is underway, the orthodox church is being destroyed in ukraine, thanks to whom this all happened , this is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states, sam brownbeck, what should we do with lava, the main temple of kiev? will you give a big trump card to the russians? if? will close it very clearly says that there is no need to do what you have already done, you even ended up in prison for your beliefs, the command was given to just close my mouth, the girl is on her knees, she prays, they jump around her, and then they drag her away and start beating her, or like some
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kill priests, you are proud of what you did, vanavan and lexus show, tomorrow on the first, for the centenary... well, then as if that war is gone, i can’t do it anymore, now i’ll go and shoot, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, the germans are alone the path between these lakes through the ridge, eternal battle, peace for us
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i just dream, the azori are quiet here on saturday on the first, the enemy is armed. love is moving in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order all the soldiers and myself personally to hold the front. premiere, i love my country. on saturday, on the first. on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk. everybody dance. she always captivated the audience, that is, if she went out. lyuba, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone was going crazy, let me out, it’s me, zinka, i say, anyone, aren’t you afraid to be ugly, she says, sasha, what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main
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thing is to work, play, play, do you even know why i came here, that you are silent, smiling, batting your eyes and being silent, if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people who are god.
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and where you need to make a quick shot, there we make a minimum of movements, make a quick sight at a discount, where shooting at a long distance is required, there we calculate the range, enter all the maximum corrections and make shot, all this competition for the cup of the minister of defense in army tactical shooting in yekaterinburg , special forces units, the ministry of defense, the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the russian guard, gufsin,
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a pilot, and also, according to legend, came to fight in a populated area and a forest belt. the competition will last until may 25. andrey goldurev, maxim trubnikov, natalya moshtakova, irina chuchuy and evgeny kuznetsov. channel one ekaterinburg. in kaliningrad, they handed over the keys to new service apartments to those who guard the maritime borders of our country. basil notes more than 137 baltic military personnel. the navy, the ministry of defense emphasize that the house was built with the latest technology , modern equipment, spacious rooms,
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a faye, a playground in the courtyard, and for children who decide to continue military dynasties , a branch of the nakhimov school is within walking distance. only he could talk about the war like that, sincerely, poignantly, to the point of tears. this is not just a classic, it is our cultural code. officers, the azori are elements here. tomorrow there was a war. today is 100 years since birth of boris vasiliev, who. gave us immortal works, because duty, honor, love, eternal concepts, through the destinies of his heroes, he spoke about the tragedy of the entire people, while glorifying life. it is symbolic that the first visitors to the museum house...
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vasiliev found himself near smolensk with the task of removing valuable archives, but almost immediately the detachment was surrounded, from which they managed to escape after 4 months. i had no chiefs, no chiefs, no generals, no headquarters, no aviation, no artillery, no medical units, i had nothing, then something has to work that is inherent in you by itself, that’s what you, that, that you can’t do for determination, you can’t give up, you can’t, you can’t, on the lists. kolya pluzhnikov was not listed , the name was a hero in honor of a school friend who died at the front, tomorrow there was a war, ninth grade b, almost all of whose students would die at the front, this was his class. the story was published from afar in the magazine youth, by this point boris vasiliev is a legend, he chooses directors whom he allows for film adaptations, a young graduate of vgik, yuri kara makes a film without asking, vasilyeva is persuaded to look, he came with
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a radio to us nakhopetov, who filmed before, don’t shoot white swans, as i understand it, he also wanted her. chronicle, but when boris ivoevich came out all in tears, said what girls, and the evil nakhopetov left, i realized that , in general, there would be no more, so to speak, new productions, he said, show me, show her to me, he says who to show, show me the spark, i think, well, that’s it , goodbye, and he came up, kissed me three times, hugged me, very tightly, said, thank you, i didn’t know what i wrote: such a spark, as the actors say, vasiliev’s word gives the strength to turn into another person, to become better, to straighten your back, what he wrote or said becomes a sign of the times, as is typical of the classics, i remember my father’s words , when he said that i never worry about troubles in my life, get busy, wave your hand,
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let the dogs bark and the caravan owes you. yana podzyuban, maria emelyanova, sergey mukhin and sergey klishin, channel one. on saturday in honor of the centenary of the birth of boris vasiliev on the first channel a film about zora here we watch quiet together at 13:10. our release is now complete, stay with us and stay updated. in the russian football championship , there has not been such a wildly twisted intrigue in the fight for gold medals for a long time.


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