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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  May 21, 2024 10:10am-11:00am MSK

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it’s carbonated, that is, there’s something there, somewhere something retro, somewhere something gothic, in the light, it seems to me that she was like that inside, that’s her external carbonation, it didn’t seem to show up in any way, and this is all, even the modified cloak, from which at first you were in some bewilderment, this is all, well, this, yes this, let’s give a little provocation, and we are ready to meet svetlana in the third final image on our podium,
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light, before, how you went to the stylist’s room today, you and i stood at our mirror, and i asked you to make yourself compliments, you didn’t cope with this task, maybe now a couple, to yourself, at least one, i’m a beauty, thank god, we heard it, evgeniy, how do you like the light in this look? for some reason it reminded me of a nun, excuse me, yes, well, it’s also a poke, i don’t know, it’s the black and white that bothers me, especially in such a combination and in such proportions. arina, what do you say? i kind of like it and don’t like it, this particular dress doesn’t satisfy me a little in proportions, but i like the way with the previous image that the stylists went with, maybe it’s just that this length is a little bit wrong and wrong, it seems to be possible yes...
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svetlana if you want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the website of the first channel, using the link that you see on the screen, or point the camera of your mobile device at the qr code. goodbye, see you at the first one. first channel. imagines that i have in my hands plasters, which manufacturers say will relieve pain, tiger power, angelica roots, self-heating, self-cooling, such sikoy, fifth and tenth, but in fact...
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there are patches for pain with medications, it is important to know what will really help, so as not to throw money away, about this and much more in the program to live healthy, hypertension, today hypertension in men, what are the characteristics of men? let’s start, as always , with the main thing, normal blood pressure. lower than 120 and 80, and 130 and 80 is already hypertension. today , ideas about normal blood pressure numbers have radically changed, and you should know only one thing: if your blood pressure is getting higher, higher and higher, sooner or later, the blood vessels in the brain will burst and you will have a stroke. herman shaich and i go crazy every time we talk about hypertension. today
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, hypertension in men, we have a whole wonderful group of our responsible patients, my blood pressure. my responsibility, please turn your back, i must say that there are more and more new people in this group, and today we will talk about the features of hypertension in men, and we also have new men, igor grigorievich, come to us, that means the position igor grigorievich is very simple, pressure.
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no, i didn’t, thank god, but i think that 200 is terrible, understandable, that means, 150, nothing, 135, normal, 200 is terrible, such a short value system, understandable, that means, look, especially for you, i i want to say, the most important thing you need to know about hypertension is that hypertension does not hurt, it is an absolutely asymptomatic disease, the first symptom of hypertension can be a stroke, when you fall, you are paralyzed.
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in case you cannot feed yourself, you need to be fed, while you may be conscious, that is, you will understand everything, this is not a happy prospect, right, right, that’s why we have strict blood pressure numbers, the norm is lower than 120 and 80, 120 and 129 over 80, this is high blood pressure, but still within relatively normal limits, but above 130 to 80 is already the first stage of hypertension, the higher the pressure, the closer we are to this situation, i just want to explain that today we studied physics, how the force of blood flow destroys the wall of a vessel, this is the vascular
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wall, and this is in principle blood that works under high pressure, look what is being done, it destroys high pressure, destroys. the wall of the vessel, and now let's see what is happening in the brain at this moment, with such pressure from the blood flow, the vessel ruptures, this is a hemorrhage in the brain, this is the name of this type of stroke, this is a hemorrhagic stroke, hemorrhage is a hemorrhage translated from latin, now there will be another a type of stroke when you have atherosclerosis, you probably don’t measure your cholesterol either, you live in peace, not you anymore. there is only one outcome: part of the brain is not receives blood flow and paralyzes the person, unfortunately, if there is paralysis on the left, you will lose speech, if on the right there is simply paralysis of half of the body, but speech will remain, of course, this is the choice, it is small, but it is exactly
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like that, do you really want such a fate for yourself ? no, you are a car diagnostician by profession.
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men always have higher blood pressure than women, let's come to... our screen, german shevich, tell us, look, that is, in principle, men's blood pressure is initially higher, this is due to our characteristics, because men have the hormone testosterone, and it increases blood pressure, in fact , it was evolutionarily created for us to fight, run and defend ourselves, but in this case it leads to the fact that men...
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nothing more, for women, it’s the other way around, she ’s pregnant, she has a child, she needs
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to bear it, her blood is fluid, her tendency to form blood clots is very low, so, by the way, when there was covid, men had a higher mortality rate, because men have blood clots, and covid - these are microthrombi, just like the flu, these are microthrombi, of course, so the second feature, this is a minus, is a tendency to form blood clots, so men are at risk of stroke.
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understand this, clear, igor grigorievich, clear, let’s see how the comprehension goes, the fact is that we offered all members of our group to introduce a free application for monitoring blood pressure, prescribing medications, checking doctors, which is called my pressure, so i’m here now i’ll enter the numbers , pressure, uric acid level, this is the most important thing, there are tests, tests we definitely need to take it, let's see, if uric acid is elevated, then
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artificial intelligence, this is above the norm, you see, little red one, above the norm, now let's see what the artificial intelligence will prescribe from medications, this is also very important, you see, 157/90 is you have the second stage of hypertension, this is the main drug called, by the way, at 150 we begin treatment. it’s clear, therefore, all men should be strictly tested for uric acid, and if it is elevated, then the main drug for lowering blood pressure is lazortan. what do you tell us? we are hoarse to tell you or this is bad. coptopril is an old generation drug, it works for a fairly short time, so
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it’s better to switch to new generation drugs, i agree with this recommendation, understandable, understandable, i’m letting you go, you walk towards us with your chest written “my pressure”, with your back written “my” responsibility, i really, really advise everyone to realize this simple thing, because we can do it. we can spend 2000 ingenious programs on how to properly treat hypertension at a personal appointment 2 hours telling you how to control your blood pressure can be brilliant... free apps that control everything prescribe everything, the only question is how you feel about yourself, nothing else, let's take a break for a while and then continue, incompatible , the main meaning of bloody iron is that there is hemoglobin and
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heme iron, heme iron is quickly absorbed, this is the main advantage of meat, pain, so the pain impulse stops, who, how when will the anesthetic layers help? husband, presumably leaving prison, killed his wife, the killer operated with gloves, what kind of analysis is needed, operational, prognostic, human, exactly,
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a flowered weed, what is this, an interrogation, we are interrogating in the department, and this is just a conversation for now, come, you are so sweet, let's go with you to the cafe this evening, bloodhound, new episodes, watch after the program, time, hello, you 're looking for someone, maybe me, so i'm here, i'm the head of the leninsky district administration, valentina sergeevna, here's candy, here's flowers, love dahlias, no, who doesn’t, how about you? ended up here, how about you? the first quarterfinal on saturday at the first, in fact, we were preparing for a regional music competition, our school should win, and who is this, why am i seeing it for the first time, she is an excellent student,
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i have an exemption, why was she imprisoned? and a chord of the new season on sunday on the first, well, friends, this is a program to live healthy, we are stewing with mikhail egorovich, we are stewing meat, we are stewing, mikhail egorovich, i don’t know what we are stewing, either from hunger, or in accordance with the theme, our theme today is meat, meat and red wine, a whole project in our... program is called incompatible, we have a very wonderful guest coming to us on this topic, i met him on the internet, on social networks, he is a guide from the city of suzdal, and alexander vorlamov, that’s his name, amazed me with the fact that he has direct scientific research on
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the meaning of proverbs and sayings, so let me show you how i saw it. on his social networks he talks about the meaning of sayings, how these sayings were born and what double bottom or completely different interpretation they may have, but not only, he talks about russian culture and russian traditions. did you know that armor and swearing were prohibited in russia, there was even a death penalty for this. in the 14th century, under tsar mikhail fedorovich or his son alexei mikhailovich, corporal punishment was imposed for foul language. on the busy streets of large cities , disguised officials with archers walked around the markets, grabbed those who cursed and punished them with rods on the spot. and in the decree of the hundred main
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cathedral in 1551, the use of a swear word was punishable. punishment up to death penalty. in the zaporozhye sich , the use of swearing was prohibited under the threat of whipping in the pillory. that ’s it, friends, i would return to russian traditions. sasha, come to us, please, bring us incompatible products into the studio. look, it means there are two products here: red meat and wine - this is the most traditional, most famous combination, although, perhaps, yes, and you probably also think that meat is necessary. drinking red wine, that’s right, well, it’s like a common, common tradition, a common stereotype, why should i it seemed interesting to introduce you to sasha, because he treats
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russian sayings in exactly the same way, for example, i ’ll tell you now the beginning of a saying that you all know, my hut is on the edge, what does this mean, is a person good or bad, a person is not good , this is an indifferent person and he does not want to participate in common problems, but my house is on the edge, such a nasty little man. i don’t know anything, yes, now, sash, my house is on the edge, how does this saying sound from beginning to end? there is a version that is a complete saying sounds: my hut is on the edge, i meet the enemy first, of course, my hut is on the edge, absolute, i meet the enemy, a completely different meaning, right, now there is a saying, horses die from work, what does this mean? well, probably, if a person works very hard, what?
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proverbs, it’s the same with red meat and red wine, let’s go, please, let’s talk about what benefits there are in red meat, why does wine nullify these benefits? so, the benefits of red meat, we're talking about meat, we 're talking about iron. so, why do we need iron? the function of iron is needed so that these immune cells - this is a white cell, a lymphocyte - can divide well.
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the fact that there is hemoglobin and heme iron, heme iron is quickly absorbed, this is the main privilege of meat, now, now we wash down red meat with wine, come here, sasha, what’s happening, this is iron, we ate meat. just like that, lower it, this is the intestines, this is the blood, iron has entered the blood, is involved in the transfer of oxygen, and so on. now red wine, here is red wine, in general polyphenols interfere, reduce the possibility of even for heme iron to penetrate, they form a so-called chylate, and it is not absorbed, anywhere at all, in any way, you see, it is not absorbed from the intestines, so it’s not something that completely blocks, but seriously reduces its availability. it’s understandable, that’s why it seems like such a tradition, it ’s probably centuries old, to drink red wine and red meat, but from the point of view of benefits, the benefits are simply nullified. let's
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go back to the kitchen and think about what we should do, how we can get out of this difficult situation, and shouldn't we try not to wash down the meat with red wine, because that's all that makes sense anyway, there is none, here you see how... just like your sayings, let’s have one more saying: now a new broom sweeps in a new way, remember, yes, what does this mean, that someone new has come to work, we’ll set our own rules anyway that's right, now a continuation from alexander varlamov, well , that is, not from him, but... thanks to him, we now know about this, a new broom sweeps in a new way, a new broom sweeps in a new way, it breaks, it's lying under the bench, of course, it's a folk one wisdom,
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folk wisdom. you can take revenge in a new way, but you can break down, traditions must be taken into account, i want to thank alexander varlamov for the enlightenment, my personal, and yours too, this is all about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, well, dear friends, dr. gandelman and i are going to our medical platform, today we... will talk about how to behave in case of a fire or carbon monoxide poisoning, life has changed very much, and today we need to know everything, our guest was unlucky, there was a fire in her small cafe, you tell us how it is it was, but here i want to start with a very, very important point, we are now doing a simple simple measurement, this is a pulse oximeter, starting with covid, you are all good with these pulse oximeters.
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the pulse oximeter has a red light, why it won’t show, because why, because hemoglobin, which is oxidized, binds oxygen and carbon monoxide, absorbs this color to the same extent, and it is impossible to distinguish what is connected with what. with carbon monoxide or oxygen, the essence of the measurement is not in counting the number of oxygen molecules, in determining the wavelength, so hemoglobin with oxygen, when a person is alive, healthy and full of strength, with carbon monoxide, when a person dies, has the same wavelength, so the method is unsuitable for anything, of course, you can die, the oxygen
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will be 100%. although you are no longer breathing, okay? therefore, these methods are not suitable, and now come with us, and you will tell us what happened, such a situation, this woman owned a small cafe, suddenly at one fine moment the heating devices caught fire, that’s right, tell us how it all happened it was burning and what were you doing, this is where it was, in what city, this is the city of eagle, yeah, it’s small like... a cafe, what was the name of the food food cafe food was burning, tell me, i worked at night on one shift, yeah, but we have it as if located nearby there are no such non -retail outlets this is a car market this is a car market the security guard was very far away perhaps
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he... slept, of course, at night, which means the cafe caught fire, the heating elements caught fire, the curtain caught fire, it started to extinguish, what did you do? yes, i acted very decisively and of course, very boldly, because yes, i acted according to the popular principle, it was a disaster or it was lost, yes, although i knew the safety precautions very well, the fire extinguisher was also standing nearby.
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the fire went up to the ceiling, but the smoke was all at the top, and the smoke was black, just impenetrable, but i would notice this later, when i put out the fire, and i became, of course, after i fought off the machine gun, so that there would be no short circuit, i quickly figured out what a short circuit was, it broke the short circuit, the machine was turned off in the sense that it was an electric fryer. so to fill it with water, in general i poured water, well when i poured water, naturally the oil began to rise, it expanded and came out, everyone knows that oil cannot be extinguished with water, nothing good will happen, i say, i knew all the rules, i extinguished the oil with water, so on, i didn’t use a non-extinguisher, no, i didn’t use it, in the end our beautiful woman put out the fire, that’s what’s interesting.
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i wasn’t, when i overcame this fire, i watered it, watered it, watered it, as if from bronze, when the walls were already, i extinguished everything to the last, i already realized that i myself barely i’m standing on my feet, that’s it, i just realized that i am now, yes, but when i was extinguishing the fire, i thought that i myself was burning in the fire, this is actually the thought that was present and was and... it’s just that here i am now i remember this and it was a miracle, because in fact it was probably august 13th, i remembered him for the rest of my life, st. nicholas the wonderworker, and i probably saved me, because it’s easy to survive there
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in general, but in principle, that your head worked, that's for sure, and you didn't forget to crawl out, yes, then i seemed to be on the bottom half-bent knees reached the puzzle to the door, opened it... the door realized that i was alive, i fell out, it’s just, i’m alive, i’m alive, look, this is a serious situation, you need to know how to behave, but of course, just advice, fire extinguishers should to be at home, you must buy one fire extinguisher in order to train all family members on it, this is a must, now i know how, very good, well done, one, now two, what... happens during a fire, this is a red blood cell, we they just showed you how he tolerates oxygen, that’s the horror of the situation , andrei petrovich, is that by transferring this oxygen, it gives us life, when
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an encounter with carbon monoxide occurs, carbon monoxide displaces oxygen and binds to genoglobin completely. reversible, that is, oxygen binds reversibly, oxygen captured hemoglobin molecules, carried it into the tissue, gave it away, took carbon dioxide, returned, we exhaled, and carbon monoxide is co, it binds irreversibly, and you noticed how many balls there are, the affinity of carbon monoxide for hemoglobin 500 times higher than that of oxygen, you know, 500 times higher, so the question arises: what to do if this carbon monoxide poisoning occurs and, most importantly, how quickly it develops, that is, it can develop within several tens minutes, this is the first thing, the second thing, of course, everything depends
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on the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air in the room in the air in the room, because if they turn off, it all depends, if you come to help. what happened, we have to do it in the first intensive care unit, whether you know how or not, no, we have to learn, sit on your knees next to this man, that means, look, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, globally, the main thing
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to do is to pump on straight arms, do this with your arms, arms straight, that is, you removed the person from the room on your knees , two men of the country, this is goethe's faust. on your knees , everyone, everything, everything, firstly, you start, uh, tell the ambulance that there is a fire, unconsciousness and pump, now on the screen on ours there will be graphics of what is happening, which means the person has died, the heart has stopped, the blood flow has stopped, which gives this swing, you put it on the lower third of the chest, you pump with your body, not with your hands, that is, not like this, but with your body on... this body, you do it like this: 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and so on, you see what is happening on the screen, the blood is directly distilled, pump it,
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you know how to fix a fire, you are a strong woman, you put out a fire, right here, right? well done, further, no, pump, pump, pump, pump, until he arrives soon, those who began to be resuscitated before the arrival of the ambulance have a chance to be saved. in moscow there is the fastest ambulance, it arrives in less than 10 minutes, but every minute 10% will die, that is, after 10 minutes a person has no chance of staying alive if he is not resuscitated, if he is resuscitated, download, then you overtake, overtake , you distill, you distill the blood, you leave a person’s chance of life, that’s right, hero, that’s right, and the treatment is giving oxygen, one pure oxygen, it’s impossible to give... you have two
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women, it’s impossible to give pure oxygen at home, that can only be given in hospital, but this is the only salvation, it is clear whether our guest had to go to the hospital or due to the fact that she had recovered, in principle it would be desirable, it would be necessary to go, of course, but if she did not lose consciousness there was no serious threat to what happened further, i felt that my... uh , my hands really hurt, and i burned them and i didn’t notice, apparently, how much i burned them, because it was a shock, it was fear, a stress reaction, that’s it, and naturally everything i was in shock, imperceptibly, and i felt that i had the burns on my hands were very strong, and i went back, of course, the cafe had already evaporated a little, i went back, back, back, yes, i put my hands in cold water.
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so i touched them a little, as if they had moved away and turned white, and then in the morning i still have humor, i understand, but what actually happened with water, i went, i finished the shift on another option on another furnace equipment, that is, i finalized . i worked, sales didn’t stop , so i left for another job early in the morning, so she’s a woman who is responsible for the whole family , what kind of hospital is there, i had to move on money to earn happiness that you are alive and well, please sit down, let's take a break for a while and then continue with the counter-left technique, it blocks.
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thanks to whom this all happened is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states, sam brownbeck. what should we do with lava, the main temple of kiev? you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it. he says very clearly that there is no need to do what you have already done, you even ended up in prison for your beliefs, the command was given to just shut my mouth, girl. she’s on her knees, she’s praying, they’re jumping around her, and then they drag her
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away, they start beating her, or like some priests they kill, you’re proud of what you did, the vavan and lexus show, tomorrow on the first one, for the centenary of boris vasilyev, i loved you silently, hopelessly, now with timidity, now with jealousy, now past, i... loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, one staff commander, by the way, married, got himself, so to speak, and i was ordered to assign this girlfriend to business, now you will educate or then after lights out, i had a husband, zhenya, someone beat him off, but don’t complain to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t beat him off, but killed him on june 24, okay, osyanina, she managed to be married and was born. and i’ve been in this skin since i was 18, i don’t need it either, you believe it, lisa,
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be sure to believe it, maybe it’s true, happiness is walking nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, but there’s no way back to it, after that we’ll sing with you lizaveta, let's sing the battle order, come back quickly, girls, and the dawns here are quiet on saturday on... premiere: i love my country, on saturday, on the first.
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i came, that you are silent, you smile, bat your eyes and remain silent if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other friend, they are without each other, as i saw, they could not live, love, polishchuk, the last one... tanga, we met, on sunday at the first, this program is great to live, friends, in my hands i hold a countless number of plasters for pain, that's what they're called, all of them sold
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everywhere, some tiger, with some root patches p... pain management specialist, mark yakovlevich golperin. mark yakolyevich, i just want to start right away with those patches that work. we will call the active ingredients patches. these substances are written on the box with the patch. it's clear? so, the first active ingredient is lidocaine. how
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does the lidocaine patch work? this is how any local anesthetic works. it blocks the sodium-potassium pump, blocks conduction. pain impulse from the point of pain, therefore the pain impulse stops, therefore, the fiber, the blaster with lidocaine does the following, it simply does not allow the nerve impulse to be transmitted, these are the main substances of anesthesiologists that they use in their regional anesthesia, the second patch is a pepper patch with copsaicin with copsaicin, whether it works or not, it works, of course, it acts on the substance p.
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from hot pepper, this substance is simply depleted, that’s all, the impulse does not enter the brain, pepper patches, patches with copsoicin act against pain, this is confirmed by science, and medicine fully supports this and confirms that this is not all, another active ingredient in the patch is fentanyl, this is what it says, fentanyl, fentanyl. so, let's imagine that the brain is irritated, it feels pain, how does fentanyl work? here is the international non-proprietary name, this is an abiotic analgesic that causes an increase in endorphins, pleasure hormones, they
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act centrally in the brain, and thus they reduce pain impulses centrally in the brain, fintanil, wherever you attach it. on any part of the body you didn’t stick it, it will reach the brain, it will block the brain, that is, you don’t have to attach it to the place of pain, you can attach it to the shoulder wherever you want, it’s just a pain-relieving patch, it acts systemically, they block the brain’s feeling that this is pain, the last type the patch that exists, mark yakovich, these are patches with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, a patch with diclofinac, absolutely, here it is, it’s a transdermal patch, it’s written here very finely, diclafinac. how does this patch work? it acts like any nsaid, only it allows you to do this transdermally, bypassing the gastrointestinal
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tract, everything is actually clear, that is , all the patches except the patch with fintanil must be glued to the place of pain, the patch with lidocaine, the pepper patch, the patch with diclofinac, they work locally, the knee hurts, stuck it on my knee, my lower back hurts, stuck it on it. on the lower back, in general, you stick it on a sore spot, the only patch is a patch with fentanyl, you can stick it anywhere, because it blocks the central nervous system, which the heels have thick skin, there will be a lot of suction, but whatever they stick on the heels, well , basically you can stick it wherever you want, this is the situation, markex, thank you for the precision and clarity, all the patches are with ginseng, with some kind of roots,
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hello, informational channel on the first begins working live, this program will be shown in the studio by ruslan astashko and olesya loseva. our fighters are advancing from all sides, yesterday a video appeared of how the russian flag appeared on the streets of volchansk, it... was pulled down by stormtroopers of the 272nd regiment, according to military information correspondents. the northern part of the city has already
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come under our control, but fierce fighting continues. our guys are fighting like real heroes, and now a video has appeared of how a russian fighter dodged the attack of seven ukrainian epividrons. the video captured three of the warrior’s victories over the ukrainian armed forces’ drones, and four more remained behind the scenes. volchansk remains the hottest spot on the kharkov front, enemy public pages
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publish data about our progress in the city every day, and report to the highest levels about the difficult situation as well as local authorities. we are getting bombarded with shelling. we continue to receive continuous shelling, the enemy continues assault operations, mainly focused on the directions of the settlement of liptsy, the settlement of volchansk on the left right flank. military-civil administration of the kharkov region vitaly konstantinovich ganchev. vitaly konstantinovich, hello, how is the situation in general? of course, volchansk is of interest, first of all, and other directions in kharkov, in the kharkov region are also interesting to all of us. hello. yes, indeed, the hottest spot today in the kharkov region remains volchansk. our guys are already in control .


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