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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 21, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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chansk remains the hottest spot on the kharkov front. enemy public pages publish data about our progress in the city every day, and local authorities also report on the difficult situation. relentless shelling rages. we continue to have continuous shelling. the enemy continues assault operations. mainly focused on the directions of the settlement of liptsy, the settlement of volchansk on the left-right flank of the city of volchansk. the enemy does not give up attempts in volchansk itself. hello, how is the situation in in general? of course, volchansk is of interest, first of all, and other directions in kharkov in the kharkov region are also interesting to us all. hello, yes, indeed the hottest spot today in the kharkov region remains volchansk, our guys are already controlling the order. about 40% of the city, this
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is quite deep, they inserted themselves into the defense, knocked out the enemy as much as they could initially from all lines, that is, those who were from volchansky and gained a foothold, improved, so to speak, their positions and continue further movement towards the volchiya river, which divides this city into two parts, the main problem is this water barrier, because the bridges across this river have already been destroyed. well, yes, the second part of the direction of advance of our troops is liptsy, there has already been some success, the main heights that allow us to control part of the roads that supply the ukrainian armed forces and increase their reserves, that is, our fighters there can also control if to return to volchansk, as you said, the city is divided by the river into two parts, the northern and...
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there are still pockets of resistance, as i already said, the main ones are being finalized, the main part of the northern part of the city has already been completely liberated, but there are still, because that quite a very serious reinforcement has arrived for our non-brothers, so to speak, they understand perfectly well that... the city is strategic both for us and for them, therefore very serious forces are pulling up, trying to counterattack, to knock out our fighters from their already fortified places, that is, those that were able to gain a foothold, but as i said earlier, that is , the advance is slow but confident, so you said about large reinforcements, but there is an understanding from which sections of the front the enemy is transferring reinforcements and what kind of reinforcements they are in terms of the quality of troops , because
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in the first days, when we entered volchansk, there were a large number of those who surrendered, and there, let’s say, the motivation of the fighters was not very good, how is the situation now? yes, it remains approximately the same, they are drawing on reserves wherever they can, even from the kupinsky direction, we know that some of the troops were transferred, i will say again, they all understand perfectly well that volchansk is such a strategic place. for them, that is , if we can continue from there further towards even the great burluk, they also understand this very well that they need to restrain there, i think the task of the military leadership of ukraine is exactly this, to restrain at any cost, uh, except moreover, there is information that they were raising reserves also from the southern direction, that is, from the side of kramatorsk, columns were moving from the side of kramatorsk, according to our information.
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the front line is advancing, it is not, so to speak, not very deep into the enemy’s defense, but little by little our units are leveling it out, it’s somewhere around 150-200 m, as i already said, they are occupying more convenient positions for a further offensive. thank you very much, vitaly konstantinovich, ganchiv was in direct contact with us. the head of the german mit, anna lena berbick, suddenly showed up in kiev today, writes that this trip was kept strictly secret because... initially, mrs. berbak planned to also visit kharkov, but at the last moment she refused due to security reasons. the situation in ukraine has sharply deteriorated again due to massive russian airstrikes on civilian infrastructure and the russian offensive in the kharkov region.
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germany's support is based on a deep belief that ukraine will win this war. the most important thing now is to strengthen air defense. to date, almost a billion euros have been collected for providing additional the answer will be the same as before, well, in general, endless western help and promises have led to the fact that ukrainian cities are simply filled with the cemeteries of soldiers killed at the front, today ukrainian journalists, well, already in horror, simply publish footage of giant cemeteries in the ssu, which are located in kiev, well, those who continue...
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claim that some of their comrades were so drunk or high that they killed civilians, soldiers and animals in a blind rage or while driving drunk condition. the soldier said that he heard about one case that occurred in early 2024, when a ukrainian soldier in limani killed two civilians and a police officer while drunk. a military man from kharkov stated that while in the hospital, he often smuggled psychotropic drugs into the medical facility. andrey has long been a drug addict and uses the most. various substances from heroin to marijuana, the latter of which he used while at military bases on the front lines of ukraine. well, when brain stupefying fails in ukraine, dope comes to the rescue there, so that the most important thing for the ukrainian military is not even the result, but the thrill of the process.
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but absolutely no one is hiding the fact that the war in ukraine is against the collective west; estonian prime minister kaja kallas directly, without any backward glance, said that... let's bomb russia, it doesn't work like that, it's not automatic, so these fears are not justified, well, provocation has already become such a main principle of the baltic states, the fate of the nadov military. but the main ukrainian patriot victoria noland is very worried, she understands well that all these training bases can serve a legitimate purpose for us, and it seems that they don’t really want to fight openly in the west with us. i fear that nato training bases in
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ukraine will become a target for vladimir putin, and this will mean nato being directly on the battlefield, which could, as you have already said, lead to increased tensions in the war in the other direction. and will give putin a reason to think that nato territory is becoming part of this war. well, maybe the nulants understand that the last straw can provoke the last word. vladimir vladimovich, do you think nulaland is playing it safe? well, nuland, in fact , there’s nothing much to lose, she’s already resting, preparing for a career in various jobs. it is callas who is now, by the way, very actively trying to take the position of nato secretary general, such activity has developed and... this is her call, in fact, don’t be afraid to come to the territory of ukraine, well, anyway, there are already people there, don’t be afraid that there will be a war with russia, article five, there will be no fifth article put into effect, if suddenly
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nato members die on the territory of ukraine, i also confirm in this regard, they really are, many people there have written about this more than once, say, the british media, they confirm that they have had special forces there from the first days of the northern military district, and no... but it’s interesting that nulad emphasizes in his own words, shows that nato is like
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this directly, now there is no need for war, they are not interested, they won’t say that, yes, they say, we don’t need a war with russia, very indicative in this regard, has now appeared in sunday editorial column, sunday times newspaper, which says, well, ukraine is of course a tragic story, i feel sorry for the ukrainians, yes, but what can i do, well , you and i all understand what we are doing there. seriously cooled their ardor, and in nato, the americans, who are now, in principle
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, guided by the domestic political agenda in america, the escalation of the conflict until the start of large-scale military operations involving new regions is not interesting for them yet, and the weakening of russia, to the weakening of europe , including ukraine in general , by the way, and people, industrial potential is not included in their formulas when calculating any actions, this is not taken into account at all, so now... let’s say nato sets itself the main task, this was voiced by their head of the joint chiefs of staff, general brown, that we need to very quickly prepare 150,000 ukrainians - new mobilized ones, that is, relatively speaking, they are planning to hold us back with this group, stop us, so that this front movement does not move forward, they need to do this before the presidential elections, and maybe throw this story into the twenty-fifth year, and these people have already been collected at 15.00? i think that most likely yes, because technically you can simply bleed off the factories, you can bleed off
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production, we see that even the international company arcellon mital, which is the main steel smelter in ukraine, says that they will have to recruit women are in large numbers, because men are being taken away, we see that the construction industries are also now being very seriously washed out to the front, so they will collect the numbers, the question is to equip them, prepare them. this needs to be done quickly, of course, i agree with sladimir vladimirovich that estonia, latvia, and lithuania, which is now actively declaring that they will help, are just crumbs, these three instructors who will come to train there are simply not serious , even from the point of view of already trained ukrainian military personnel, you need to understand that during this time they themselves can teach anyone they want, but the political rhetoric that the leaders make also cannot be written off, because estonia...
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combat-ready armies, representatives of european intelligence say that russia expects a conflict with nato over the next decade, intends to create a standing army of one and a half million people by the end of 2000. well, in general, europe has long been preparing for something that is not necessary, but persistently preparing. well, this is all the news that they are preparing for a conflict there, i don’t know, i woke up this morning, read olesya losyev’s telegram channel and saw this video there, friends, what a video, there are exercises
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taking place in the baltic states, look at these tigers, force. is this a river or a puddle? well, it forces the crossing with varying degrees of success, i must say, they run and stumble to ukraine to help, this causes certain smiles, yes, because it really looks comical, but this is like any military man who understands how to go through a forced crossing through conventional pontoons, because this is a purely conventional panton, he understands that this cannot be done, these statements from lithuania that they will send instructors, and we were all scared, that...
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i could decide, but the west is screwing itself up and russia is solving those problems that it has not yet completed this entire structure, that in fact this is just the first first stage, so to speak, the first phase, and then bloodthirsty russia will go to the west, why russia at all. it is necessary, this stubborn reluctance to understand, in fact, why the special operation began, why it cannot stop halfway, lies at the heart of all these problems, look, we were talking about nuland, after all, he really started this mess, now here is volodya said regarding the fact that she left, well, nuland
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is not just a political pensioner, nuland is a phenomenon, this is a phenomenon that... there are some stoned drunk soldiers, this is actually what this project comes up with. now we’ll take a break for a short advertisement, and then we’ll definitely continue. the husband, presumably, having left prison, killed his wife; the killer was wearing gloves. what kind of analysis is needed, operational, prognostic, human. that's right, a floral dress.
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what is this, an interrogation? we are interrogating at the department, and this just a conversation for now. advent. you are so cute, let's go with you to the cafe tonight, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program, hello, you are looking for someone, maybe me, so i'm here, dangerous flowers in the country that can change your psyche, take a closer look to what is growing in your place, now it is forbidden, about this, about the rules for the bath, about proper food, about many other things,
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are you proud of what you have done? van and lexus show, tomorrow on the first, for the centenary.
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i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, alone the staff commander, by the way, is married, got himself, so to speak, and i was ordered to assign this girlfriend to work, now you will raise her, or only then after lights out i had a husband, zhenya. someone fought off, and you don’t complain to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t fight off, but killed on june 24, okay, asyanians, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i’ve been in this skin since i was 18, i don’t need it either , believe me, lisa, be sure to believe it, maybe it’s true, happiness is walking nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, only there is no way back to it, after let's sing with you elizabeth. let's carry out the combat order and sing, come back quickly, girls, and the dawns here are quiet on saturday on the first,
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the premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first. yes darling! yes, i’ll buy it, i’ll buy it, yes, i’ll be there soon, kvn, the first quarter-final, on saturday, at the first, well, hello, brother, what are you doing with crime, i see.
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lord, the main thing is to work, play, play. do you even know why i came here, why are you silent? you smile, blink your eyes and remain silent. if you can, forgive me. i remind you of someone, very much weird. recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her. two people whom god probably created for each other are like this without each other. i saw that they could not live. lyubov polishchuk, the last tango. here we met. on
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sunday on the first. three chords, new season, on sunday on the first. the united states showed everything inside, first. remember, they shouted that, therefore, russia wants to occupy space, it is necessary to urgently conduct negotiations, but yesterday they decided to militarize space themselves, at the council at the un security council, western countries refused to accept the russian draft resolution on preventing an arms race in space, but this time all the masks have really been completely dropped, that’s exactly what our representative at the un, vasily nebendya, said at the meeting, i call.
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and their allies, with all their inherent cynicism , literally beat their chests, loudly assuring everyone of their commitment to a peaceful space. today, after they confirmed their real intentions, to continue to militarize space to create appropriate weapons, their attempts to justify their actions by the supposedly non-consensus nature of our project look especially cynical and hypocritical. andrey. how can this even be explained, because it seems that in all the media, americans are advocating that space should not be military, and
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the russians are such bastards. excuse me, although we can send nuclear weapons there, we say, why are you limiting yourself to nuclear weapons? let’s ban all types of weapons in space, the americans say: well, no, that’s what we couldn’t go, for some reason we can’t, we ’ve already spent a lot of money, we ’ve been launching our air force for decades, and the americans have already created a space force, our unmanned shuttles, the bowing x-37 company makes, which several may be in orbit for years. change its trajectory and carry up to almost a ton of payload, and this can be anything for a second. the americans have long been militarizing space in the understanding that there are military facilities there, these are satellites for remote sensing of the earth. the americans are the largest group, this includes radio intelligence, and a huge number of civilian satellites that work in their interests. elon mass and starlink are practically dual -use satellites; they have begun to make military communications
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now, including mobile communications. objects, but the appearance of weapons there, this is very important to the americans, they had a lot of concepts about this, the so-called arrows of god, these are large, simply made of refractory metal, tungsten, huge rods that descending from orbit, they reach hypersonic speeds, just like nuclear weapons cause destruction, this includes the placement of nuclear weapons there or weapons that will affect satellites there, this is fundamental for them, in their understanding, when they start...
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including including nuclear engines, can this be interpreted by the americans as the potential use of nuclear weapons, because as far as i know, they do not currently have nuclear engine technology operating in space, well, in fact, nuclear energy devices have been launched into space for a long time, let me remind you that american sea rovers, persivlens or others, they have been using nuclear devices for a long time; it’s impossible with solar batteries, all the long-range reconnaissance aircraft that flew beyond ... solar systems, voyagers are also on nuclear devices, of course, we are there like battery elements, as far as i understand, but here an engine, it doesn’t matter, that is, in their understanding that being in orbit something that has nuclear elements can be lowered will be used as a dirty bomb, it is still counterproductive, that's why that the americans themselves use this technology, and indeed russia is a leader in nuclear engines, you said it correctly, i will remind you, this is poseidon and this is
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ours. practically an intercontinental ballistic, non-ballistic cruise missile burevestnik, that is, we have learned to fly for space in two environments, we are creating a propulsion system for interplanetary spacecraft, the so-called zeus, a complex that will be made, and we understand that creating a habitable means lunar, lunar base there will have to these devices are used, but the americans do the same in their artemis program, which is planned for landing.
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i will say that, continuing what andrei was talking about, the geopolitical context aspect becomes very important, in general, the more i think about this whole situation, i remember how it all began, what it has now come to, then i come to the conclusion, it may be a little paradoxical that the driving force, the locomotive, in fact, of this race in space remains not scientific and technological progress, not some breakthrough.
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when reagan launched his strategic defense initiative soya, star wars, this is also not accidental, look, it was at the peak, in fact, of this... there is no danger, unfortunately, so to speak, there is no other scenario, i personally don’t i saw that it all happened again, but again the question is who is first remains open, i think that here we have every reason, every chance
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to demonstrate our leadership, our superiority. let's go down from space to earth, the americans are trying with all their might to keep ukraine afloat, yesterday they organized another meeting of donor countries. military assistance for kiev, pentagon head lloyd austin claims that today is one of the most difficult moments for survival, so they are sending another batch of weapons. we have gathered at a difficult moment, the russian invaders have launched another offensive on the territory of sovereign ukraine. in the coming weeks, the kremlin’s forces will try to advance further, they will try to create a buffer zone along the ukrainian border. the help that we are now hastily helping ukraine change the situation. on the battlefield, these are 155mm rounds, hymers ammunition, this includes air defense and anti-vehicle systems that have been removed from our stockpile worth a billion dollars. even such speeches from the americans do not please vladimir zelensky;
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he is very upset that he is not allowed to fire all western missiles at russian cities, and even better, zelensky believes, if nato countries begin to shoot down our weapons from their territory. we have never used wanted western weapons to strike russian territory, we don’t have the green light for that. we are negotiating with our partners so that we can actually use weapons against military equipment and weapons systems located near the border with ukraine. we would use western weapons for this, but we have no progress in this regard. you can't give us an f-16. okay, back to the planes that you have in neighboring nato countries. pick them up. shoot down targets, protect civilians, well the pentagon simply happily undisguisedly believes the lies that zelensky tells about the use of western weapons; americans do not care about any real facts about this criminal activity of ukraine.
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can you say with confidence that none of the long-range strike weapons provided by the united states were used to launch strikes on russian territory. i am sure that the equipment we provided was not used in russia, it was for targets inside ukraine. we hope that ukraine will continue to use those weapons which we supply to it for purposes inside ukraine. a country built on lies cannot help but believe the deception. ukraine has attacked crimea more than once, and they simply regularly attack our belgorod region with other western weapons.
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technically cannot do this, we have already
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talked about satellites, they do not have the technical ability to make flight missions for these missiles, because satellite reconnaissance coordinates for targets are given to the americans and they coordinate all this with them, so ukraine is trying to get out, it is trying use their old soviet missiles from the s200 complex, they somehow came from old warehouses of missiles from the dot y complex somewhere around the world, and of course a huge number of unmanned aerial vehicles. which are knocked down in batches every day, but they have an industrial production flow of all these products, it will constantly fly, but the americans have not yet really crossed this line for themselves, moreover, f16 aircraft, and how much talk there has been about what year, what year this is already being discussed, let me remind you, it’s the twenty-third year the americans did not hesitate to express that we are preparing ukraine according to our new concept of war with russia, called heavy breakthrough divisions. “we will go and cut off, which means,
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crimea from the land direction, the main striking force there is the air force, that is, army aviation, helicopters and airplanes to gain air supremacy, neither of which gave ukraine, although there was a lot of noise, and helicopter there is a lot of equipment around the world, so far they have been given only a few vehicles there for probably transportation there is a vip person, the planes still won’t convey everything, but training is going on, something else, but..." we are talking about the creation of a coalition f16 of a number of other aircraft, we see that the west in some part is still at some point -that turning point, we can try to make a forecast for this turning point, because they clearly divide the territory of russia into original russian lands into those lands that they consider illegally occupied: crimea, donbass, zaporozhye, kherson, that’s objectivity, we understand , that's why i say in quotes conditionally, as they assume, therefore, as they...
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drawing european countries into it will simply cause an uncontrollable escalation, which they will not be able to simply somehow manage, for them it is necessary with, that is, relatively speaking, for them this broth is now neatly boiling, they don’t need it to suddenly start splashing out, flooding everything around them, they need it to boil until the elections, so that it doesn’t cool down, because trump will use it, he will say, and another flight will be like from afghanistan, they need to bring this situation to a smoother end. smoothly for another six months, and there then, in principle, they can. to afghanistan, just cross it out, forget it,
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you know how they cut off the risks, went on to deal with a new conflict, especially since we see how aggressive actions of the americans are now beginning to develop in the philippine sea, with the philippines, with china, because there are their main geopolitical risks and problems. well, as if we weren’t talking about this conditional broth that they are trying to finish, crimea always stands separately there, but ukrainian military experts are already openly saying that this new western the weapons that are supplied to ukraine will be used for... the destruction of crimea, somewhere by the end of june, most likely we will receive everything that, say, the americans promised us, for these 60 billion, what they can give at once , that is, by the end of june, we will already have enough forces and means to stop the russians at the level where they will crush crimea, like an unsinkable aircraft carrier, it is very dangerous for ukraine. boris alexander joins
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our conversation. let's probably go from crimea let's begin. boris aleksandrovich, hello, i know that you are very closely following what is happening in crimea, based on the attacks on sevastopol, you can probably tell more than anyone what is happening, why, as ukrainian military experts say, crimea is dangerous for them, how we are now coping with the threat that new western weapons pose to sevastopol and crimea. good afternoon, yes, indeed. troops that can hit any targets throughout ukraine, the same applies to ships of the black sea fleet that have missile weapons that, when going to sea, can miss targets, including in the west, in western ukraine near the borders of nato. naturally, they are trying to limit this possibility, so there are attempts to attack
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the ships of the black sea fleet, there are attempts to strike the territory of crimea in order to weaken the military potential of russia in the territory of crimea, naturally, this is done by western weapons during... the last attack of sevastopol on the bilbek airfield at substations , that is, let’s say that several missiles flew then, some were was shot down over the black sea, the unmanned attack was largely repelled, most of the drones were shot down, while the attack was massive, literally in just over a day
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more than 150 drones were shot down in the crimea and krasnodar territory and about 25 sea drones were sunk, then there are sea drones in general.
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we see the use of these missiles on the territory of crimea, on the territory of the lpr, on the territory of the dpr, that is, they will really pose a threat, especially for weakly protected, weakly armored targets, since it is there a huge number of destructive elements, and of course for ships that are covered in a harbor or for airfields where aircraft are located outside reinforced concrete protected shelters, of course such a missile is a serious danger, that is, it is underestimated. type of weaponry is not possible, that is, this is, well, let’s say, a missile, well, close in parameters to our missiles like, well, iskander, there, well, with the latest version of point y, that is, well, due to the range due to the high destructive power, this the rocket really is now the most dangerous missile weapons from the enemy, but
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again we see how gradually we have learned to shoot down hymers, increasing the percentage of shots down there from thirty to 60-70. all reconnaissance strikes are carried out by their drones, to be honest, when there is a massive attack on crimea, on the krasnodar region, on the rostov region, on the belgorod region, we often see american drones in the sky, which, if it concerns crimea, are in neutral waters, let’s say , yes, over
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neutral waters, and formally we do not have the opportunity or right to shoot them down, but it’s very i want what should happen so that we can blind them in this context, because... the work of satellites, because all satellite reconnaissance data on russian military facilities, well, in crimea, they are provided by the usa
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and nato, and this data concerns all air defense positions , the location of ships, while , again, they can always track the movement of ships, the movement of uncamouflaged air defense systems, and ethically everything is provided to ukraine, and how, that is , the matter is not limited to one ethereal reconnaissance there, that is satellites, as it were... no one has canceled it, satellite reconnaissance of crimea is carried out very intensively on a regular basis, enemy objects of interest are regularly photographed more than once or twice, that is , constant satellite reconnaissance is carried out, naturally ukraine does not have such capabilities, so it is necessary understand where they get their data from, absolutely right, what to do with it, thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhin, he was in direct contact with us, we are holed up from bublik, not crimea and donbass. a short ad and we'll be back.
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i love our country very much, i am very glad that i am russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country. i admit and confess that i love my homeland, i love mother russia, because i am russian in spirit, because russia is my land, and we will preserve it. you are russian speech , the great russian word, very, very much, i love you, russia, you are the only one we have, magnificent , the best in the world, only here is my homeland, my world, my family and my friends, unity to all citizens of our dear homeland, peaceful sky of cohesion, while a special operation is being carried out, they are destroying in ukraine orthodox church. we are moving towards europe, so we must move away from the russian conservative tradition. epiphanius, all these
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other pseudo-priests are just pure mummers, so the schism is a tragedy. thanks to whom this all happened is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states, sam brownbeck. what should we do with lava, the main temple of kiev? will you give a big trump card?
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an enemy armed to the teeth moves in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order all the soldiers and myself
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personally to hold the front. for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk, everyone is dancing. she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy. yes, let me out. me, it’s me, vinka, i say, anyone, you’re not afraid to be ugly, she says: “sasha, what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, you have to, play, play, do you even know why i came here, why are you silent, smiling, you blink your eyes and remain silent, if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing." "i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they are without each other, so i saw, they couldn’t live, love
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polishchuk, the last tanga.” “here we met, on sunday at the first, listen, but there is something like presnikov, only not so rude, something gentler, more gentle than presnikov, only in the hand put a box with kittens, kvn, first quarterfinal, on saturday at five. you should stand here, excuse me, i forgot to announce, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series
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of games, on sunday on the first. the husband, supposedly, having left prison, killed his wife, the killer talked about wearing gloves, what kind of analysis is needed, operational, prognostic, human, exactly, a flowered dress, and this is an interrogation, we are interrogating in the department, but for now this is just a conversation, come yakovich, you are so cute, let's go with you to the cafe tonight, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program, hello, you are someone are you looking for me, maybe, so i ukraine has become a very convenient testing ground for western weapons, yesterday the un security council held a special meeting on the supply of foreign weapons to kiev, the americans once again tried to shift all responsibility for the escalation of the war to russia
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and also china , but received a harsh rebuff. 2014, we have a small technical hitch, but i think, vladimirich, you know very well what this discussion was about, they blame us, well, the british included in the dispute, the americans, but china didn’t do this either, as you know, before china sometimes took such a neutral position, we will abstain, this time the situation is different, because they deliberately want to make china a party to the conflict in a controversial way. that china will eventually be drawn into the conflict, if they really have already signed it up as one of the parties to the conflict, but beijing will eventually say, well, you yourself wanted this, and we really once again reminded that ukraine turned into a landfill, really, well, so you remember,
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why did the former minister of defense of ukraine reznikov call? directly called: test as many weapons and weapons as you like on the territory of ukraine, no matter how many ukrainians die there. of course, no one ever worried. and in this regard, you know, a very revealing article was published today in the times newspaper: we were accused of akocide in ukraine and russia. dolphins began to wash up somewhere at the mouth of the danube, which means that they say it’s all because the russians are using something there. well wait, you're on your own the british boasted that you supply underwater drones to ukraine in this very region, where they are thrown out, which the same sanars use and the same echo sounder and so on, that is, accordingly, who are you blaming, you yourself use similar weapons there, but the british cannot be blamed , of course, russia is to blame for everything, that once again the americans and british yesterday at the un security council repeated, now also china,
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that china is actively involved. they will try, but let's talk about the result, the result will be zero, so now there will be a conference in switzerland, we will see what the result will be with a minus sign, well, they want, on top of everything , to drive such a very significant wedge into our relations with
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china, our friendship, in this situation, andrei frantich, what do you think, well. .. what resources will they devote to this, what are they willing to do? throw everything political-diplomatic and - economic resources that can influence the americans. to beat a wedge, this is exactly the phrase said by the boss, the director of america’s intelligence service, who is a woman who is an adviser in the white house president, to head 17 intelligence services, he said, our main task is to break this connection between china and russia, because we see that they have secured them economically, russia has gotten out of all the problems, this is how you can influence, this is how clumsily they do it, they are only making things worse, china is turning to us even more, and why because we remember and honor our history and culture, the ministry of culture. russian federation, the russian state library and channel one launched a joint project called rustoria, which conveys important historical information to the audience in an interesting and accessible form. this is a series of short
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animated videos that highlight prominent figures and significant events in our history and culture. may 21 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the writer boris vasiliev. the new rustoria video is dedicated to him. on may 21, 1924 , writer boris vasiliev was born in smolensk into the family of a career officer. when the great patriotic war began, he was only 17. vasiliev joined the komsomol fighter battalion. in the terrible autumn of '41, his unit.
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the germans have no land on this side, because we have russia, our homeland, behind us. these famous words of the main character of the horror, vaskov, expressed the mood of the entire heroic generation of front-line soldiers. vasiliev's script was used to make such outstanding films of the soviet era as officers, soldiers came from ibata, don't shoot the white swans. writers' novels most often ended tragically. vasiliev did not spare the reader, making it clear how huge... in general, more than one generation the officers grew up watching the film based on the script
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of the play by boris vasiliev, these words about boys who can neither lie, nor deceive, nor turn aside from the path, were embodied today on the battlefield, so it turns out that yesterday’s boys, today prove every day that ... they are worthy descendants of the great generation, the generation of winners, and no one can take this away from us. next, we give the floor to the information service of the first channel. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. reconnaissance during the day, grenade launcher attack in the evening. in the dpr, our military stormed an enemy stronghold and new evidence about the situation in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces from ukrainian militants who were captured.


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