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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 21, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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festival, the future is in flowers, flower beds with expositions from all regions of the country, a wide variety of plants, unique floristic art objects, you can endlessly walk around enjoying the views, for guests there are also master classes and lectures by famous breeders, and for the youngest visitors, exciting quizzes. this concludes our episode; time will tell the program will continue to air on channel one. we welcome viewers of channel one to the folk studio. front, ekaterina shugaeva and nikita danyuk, our wonderful experts, in the american media suddenly released a very unexpected material, in which western journalists tell what is really happening in the ukrainian army, let's listen, this is very interesting. the ukrainian armed forces claim that some of their comrades were so drunk or high that they killed civilians, soldiers and animals in a blind rage. a military man from kharkov stated that while... in the hospital, he often
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smuggled psychotropic drugs into medical institutions. andrey has been a drug addict for a long time and uses a variety of substances, from heroin to marijuana, the latter of which he used while at military bases on the front lines of ukraine. we know that all sorts of psychotropic substances and so on are periodically found in ukrainian trenches, but what is surprising is that such information, but it was really always available to our domestic audience and... many of our soldiers talked about what they actually met , well, just some zombies pumped up with drugs and chemicals, but this appeared in the american press, this probably means something? well it means a lot a simple thing is that americans, firstly, still have a certain civil society, then there would be no journalists who interview vladimir vladimirovich, there would be no people who speak on fox news, even without takeran, who recently, by the way, it was a birthday, but in any case, this is...
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given specifically to ukraine, we read yuri vladimirovich’s kata, on this occasion, other substances, synthetic drugs, and i don’t even take the freshly dented supply of what we call grass, then there is more or less organic drugs, and i probably forgot to mention, this needs to be said, that now interpol has started investigating new ways of selling heroin through ukraine, that is, heroin, heroin now runs through ukraine, why did interpol suddenly start an investigation, that is, they were happy with everything two. for the simple reason that
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katya, they were not satisfied with the way the ukrainians behaved, they felt that this spirit of the so-called hooligan, that is, of the colonist, provided that somewhere, well, more than a million ukrainian men were not they are rushing to the assiyad front somewhere along the bottom of the barrel, i don’t know where they are hiding there anymore, but they were statistically calculated to be there.
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somehow, guys, let's fight, otherwise we'll kill everyone here and you'll have to deal with the russians, about drugs, alexander, i wanted to ask, but they still recruit drug addicts, or they become drug addicts, there were no drug addicts, we see , how people are dragged to the front, people are absolutely not motivated, or rather the only motivation is, as it were, to run over into captivity, they need to suppress the will of people, they need to be programmed in a certain way, but the americans carried out research for these 80 years, at least actively after the second world war, to influence it as much as possible. on consciousness directly, that is, without
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instilling any thoughts, directly influencing some receptors in the brain, including with the help of chemicals. look, the list of the ukrainian ministry of defense regarding... women, specialties that are subject to conscription, well, without fail, that is, women are equal to men, there, in addition to medical specialties, absolutely all pharmaceutical ones, that is, all pharmacists, and i suspect that this is precisely due to the fact that it is necessary to supplement the units of the armed forces, i don’t know, at the level of a brigade or maybe even a battalion, with pharmacists who can, well then there is a reason that this drug just dropped in a glass, but it needs to be administered to a person according to a certain card in order to receive a certain one from him.
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they say: perhaps, you know, this is how, after the second world war, the feelings of, for example, the same hungarians who became allies were spared, romanians who became allies, allies of the poles, because it’s no secret to anyone now, yes, that the poles who fought for germany died much more than the poles who died, fought against
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germany, spared the feelings of the czechs, every third tank on the eastern front - it was a czech-made tank, but now, apparently , there are some political reasons to spare feelings, among other things. colleagues, this is also the opinion, usually, here are our fighters who are faced with the so-called walking zombies, yes, from the side of the armed forces of ukraine, what they say is that these are assaults, that is, those who are pumped up are actually sent, as aleksandryevich said, to slaughter, and there is a chance, conditionally, a chance that you can capture him, especially take a blood test, he not so high, because they purposefully pump up those in order to simply turn off their consciousness and they simply go straight ahead. by the way, in fact, indirectly, the words of our respected experts are confirmed by western journalists that there is a very large shortage of manpower in ukraine, for example, the editor of the tv channel’s directorate franz-24 on international affairs douglas herbert assessed that kiev, attention, needs
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to recruit several hundred thousand fighters, recruits, not in order to win, as anna lena berbak says, but in order to somehow equal the strength of russian. army, let's listen, ukraine will probably need several hundred thousand recruits to achieve parity with the russian troops that are many times superior in terms of numbers and equipment, well, that is, what are they going to do to achieve parity, we see, that even there the incredibly strict law on mobilization, the so-called one, has stopped working, those who are caught incredibly, well , let’s just say, forgive the analogy, but low-quality fighters, they are sent there. study for maybe a few days, there is a maximum of a couple of weeks, but nevertheless they end their lives very quickly, they can theoretically still achieve this parity. nikita sergeevich, look, from the point of view of what material, here i am, a special forces veteran, kremlin-9, but i can note the following, and you can recruit anyone,
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you may even be able to, as i once said, hijaks and a hare can teach you to smoke, but the question is that i have seen people who have excellent shooting and hand-to-hand combat skills. as soon as they found themselves under fire, they could not get up from behind cover, that is, in other words, this is about accustoming yourself to certain, well, if you have psycho-motor properties that allow you to simply work, act,
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from time to time we see how not just discontent arises , skirmishes, fights, showdowns, swearing with those, in fact, who trying to carry out this bloody catch, by the way, these excesses are periodically filmed on camera, we have a video where during this skirmish, what do you think the warring parties did, of course, they switched to russian, let’s see, these are mobilizations,
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we now have a story where literally in a few days they are trying to train this captured man, mobilized into the ukrainian army, to handle weapons, let's see how this happens, draw conclusions, enemy for 12 hours, contact, distance 40 m. contact 40 m. contact, what should i do? you have a contact of 40
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m, the distance you see is 40 m at 12, where there is a target nearby, well, you need this target right away, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, groin, groin, yes, shoot, what needs to be done? that’s not all, in fact, it’s clear why more and more vysushniki, such trained ones, surrender, and let’s listen to what they themselves tell about their so-called, in quotes, combat training, i trained for a week, it was in the forest, an ordinary two-story building, broken down, like they stormed, well, this is training, that’s all, for 11 months during this entire period i haven’t seen that we had normal support,
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they just threw us into a cannon fire, no, but at the same time there is no mass surrender of fighters, while they are fighting to death, well, mass surrender is just chemistry, because of chemistry, well, first of all, probably because of chemistry, because well, how to suppress the will, you need to force it to do what nikita said, which is not clear on the battlefield , is he going to give up or is he just running or is he on drugs? what, uh then many of those mobilized, they simply do not reach the front line, because recently the attacks of the russian army, the aerospace forces have become more frequent, well, they hit there 40, 200 km from the front line at temporary deployment points, when there in this points in at this point, the battalion is lodging there, so to speak, you won’t be able to figure out who this battalion is formed from, this battalion can go to the front and complicate the situation, so the vks strikes and destroys, there are problems, of course, with the ukrainians, that’s what they showed in odessa, this is communication with wives.
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what are these people fighting for, they really have no, no, motivation to fight, and many are running, many are running, but to run across the front line, as i understand it, the problem is also very very very complicated, so they are running to the west, trying to escape across the border, and what do they do, by the way, this is a wonderful story, when what do the commanders do, when their fighters flee, nothing, these fighters continue to be listed in the lists, that is
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, these are the official information that is about filling out, let’s say , staffing in... up to a million is needed, in fact it may be even more, because these units are still staffed, they are running katya, they are running. but it’s just a problem to escape across the front line, there is such a thing as stopping the troops, that is, this is the reality of the ukrainian front, when on the bandera side there are people behind them who shoot and turn around, that is, the national battalions , well, of course you can’t put a drug addict in a detachment in zagrad, because he will start to float when it’s inconvenient, so in zagrad
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the detachment is just standing in the fence, and there are motivated fighters who understand what they are fighting for. the problem is there, you know what a big problem it is, it’s when people give up, they also talk there, just yesterday - i saw a video, one lviv resident, you won’t shoot me, that’s how they should be, they’re already fine there they brainwash you, well, they brainwash you, they explain that you will be shot there, you will be raped there, at best you will be sent to prison there, this is really true about prison, because even if
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the ukrainian soldier is dead there, there were cases when they didn’t just surrender, they also brought equipment, well , this is the most... resonant case, well, one of those that i heard, a man surrendered in podtemovsky, brought a whole truck of manpads needle, he says, i was waiting for the opportunity to surrender, as if not empty-handed, i loaded up, went to deliver manpads to the positions, so he managed to escape, so where did he end up, he ended up in prison, but sometimes they take themselves there are certain officials, military officials high rank is responsible for the fact that this or that listener there, we will allow, for example, there, or into some unit there, the same battalion there.
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this is a big problem, which if you solve it, then you can essentially open these floodgates, and through these gateways people will surrender, give people who are on the other side of the front line, who do not want to fight, who understand who the enemy really is, that russia friend, but they are afraid for their own fate, well, just so that people do not give up, they are pumped up drugs and chemicals, i just caught myself thinking about what the front line is, how many people are actually on the line of contact, this happens not only there. all western pharma should work on the production of these substances, forgive me for such a joke, yes, black humor, well, apparently, even the empire of pabla escabar would probably envy the volumes and turnover of narcotic substances in the ukrainian army, but i our editors tell us that we have a call in the studio, hello, please introduce yourself, where are you from and what is
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your question? hello, my name is daniil kochtov, i am a student at a russian university. peoples named after patrisalonba. i am interested in politics and was recently excited by the news that the prime minister of estonia, kaja kalas and some other western states sent their military instructors to the territory of ukraine to train military personnel in the ssu. in this regard, i have a question for you: how many of these military personnel may already be on the territory of ukraine, and what is their main task, and does it work? daniil, thank you very much, wonderful question, you are absolutely right, indeed the prime minister of estonia. not only confirms the presence of western instructors in
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ukraine, but also says that in the event of some difficult unforeseen situation, nato is not going to fit in, forgive me for such jargon, in principle, in my opinion, this indicates that , that these are the same instructors who, well, 2 years ago, ukrainian ... propaganda presented themselves as some kind of, you know, jedi with lightsabers, which will teach ukrainians some of the latest techniques, technologies for conducting combat operations, are now turning into cannon fodder in the same way. let's listen to kalos, just when she said that yes, she really admitted that there are nato instructors in ukraine. let's listen. some nato countries are already training ukrainian armed forces soldiers directly on ukrainian territory. i can’t imagine that if someone gets hurt there, that those who sent their people will say: this is article 5, let’s bomb it russia, it doesn’t work like that, it doesn’t happen automatically, so these fears are not justified, i’m talking about the instructors first,
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maybe they have now come not to train, but to actually count those very dry soldiers who are missing in every battalion. ekaterin, firstly, when we talk about people who are all on drugs and fighting on the front line, let’s give the guys a hard time, because they can’t be under... the army is fighting, the ukrainians are fighting there, i’m very have a low opinion of ukrainians because i i don’t see them standing up or doing anything like that, my attitude towards them is much lower than towards the russians, because i don’t see any
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uprisings, any indignation, i will insist that these people, unfortunately, are people the second surt, as soon as they are quite happy with the fact that their children are being taken apart for organs, the fact that their wives are sent to the lupanars, the fact that they themselves are sent to the front, i don’t see any resistance on their part, but on the other hand, they are ready to the best case scenario is to wait for russia, let the russians do everything for them what i have to do is bad, these are not belarusians, let them... then as for their officers, pay attention, i say again, a simple mathematical thing: in order to aim at the target and adjust the fire, you need access to link 16 , i will repeat like a woodpecker, link 16 - nato combat system, satellite constellation and and, artificial intelligence, which makes it possible to carry out fire adjustment targets, this cannot be done by ukrainian military personnel, because nato will not give them an access code to your own combat system. nato troops are fighting with us. i just received
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confirmation that the french, by the way, at the base of estonia, today they put it on the channel, they are preparing a new unit, well , quite interesting for a professional military unit, where deep reconnaissance is combined with dornovodstvo, that is, they are sending a group of their military personnel somewhere over the line front, that is, to us, these, in turn, are released.
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what do they train ukrainian soldiers and is this training useful and effective? please have the floor. well, of course, i won’t give a figure, i can’t know how many american military officers are present on the territory of ukraine, but they are naturally present, at least these are instructors who control the use of high-precision weapons systems, such as high-mars, such as aircraft missiles, which have recently ukrainian aviation is also very actively using time to plan ammunition and targets for these expensive systems. nato intelligence also removes, without this you can’t go anywhere. by the way, american generals have repeatedly stated that they control the use of the same high-precision haimers systems and coordinate each target, but
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there are. so on and so forth, you can remember a year ago the may events in the belgorod region, where, by the way, i am now, when groups banned in russia like the rdk came here, and under the screen, the battle formations of the main intelligence directorate actually came here, among which were, there were a lot of polish military personnel, and i am more than sure that they were professional military personnel, and not some volunteers, because they acted harmoniously as part
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of their units, these are... not some scattered units that were spread thinly over the ukrainian troops, this was a separate unit that entered our territory, there will be more and more such units to the extent that ukraine’s mobilization resource is disappearing, and now we are noticing how the streets are emptying in big ukrainian cities after may 18, when everything came into force... the law on mobilization is in force, and what can the nato military teach, that’s to be honest, it’s a mystery to me if we are talking about some kind of subtle matters, and high-precision, about some technological things, well, probably yes, we need to train the ukrainians, to operate these systems, but what can they teach simply on the battlefield, i can’t imagine that today there are two armies in the world with unique combat experience that
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no other army has. these are the armies of russia and the army of ukraine, they themselves can teach anyone and anything, because they have such experience, but i repeat, not a single army in the world has it now, neither the americans nor anyone else nothing has happened yet, this is a completely new type of war, this is a conflict in intensity that has no equal in the last 70 years, and how far has technical thought jumped?
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that when mariupol was liberated, experts, our glorious fighters, say that when artyomovsk was liberated, it was the russian army that went through, well, really the hardest school of assault combat in such dense urban areas, it learned
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to fight in... a new way, here is alexander, you are a component, with from the point of view of combat they said about drones, they said about technological actions, yes, the liberation of large cities, what changes have occurred over these 2 years, did it work out, the same experience that we have can be applied by nato members, i don’t know, ukrainians, or is it just us who have such knowledge, but that’s it -it did change, including from a technological point of view, because mariupol was one thing... a new tactic for taking large cities, it wasn’t even in artyomovsk, in artyomovsky there were still more assault actions than pushing through the defense with weapons , here we for example, avdeevka saw that our aviation was working very clearly, it was working. aerial bombs with
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umpc, yes, gliding aerial bombs, which are precision weapons, we have a lot of these gliding bombs, these are an improvement, and we have put the modernization of these aerial bombs on an industrial scale, that is, this is how it should be for attack aircraft, firstly, artillery should mix everything with earth and concrete, secondly, aviation should mix everything with earth and concrete, only then these attack aircraft should clear it, here is avdeevka showed this new type, when we simply forced the enemy to flee, he was demoralized and disorganized under these attacks, again a huge amount of artillery and...
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tried to penetrate the territory of the russian federation in the area of ​​​​the settlements of spodaryushin and kazinka in the belgorod region, stumbled upon they received fierce resistance from the russian troops in the teeth and retreated without salty
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slurping, in fact, then they were unable to overcome the border redoubts, and these were not the main ones, there was not the main first line of our defense in the belgorod region, it is located in the depths of the territory, because they are building serious fortifications on... these are small maneuverable groups that did not enter into urban battles, did not enter into battles in populated areas, but went around them and moved on, and already the second the echelons tried to start battles there in populated areas, but then the situation was completely different, then unfortunately the enemy took advantage of our mistakes, which... we rewarded a lot in 2022, when one thing happened on our papers, on the ground completely different, we didn’t have enough people, the actual result of this was mobilization, yes, which called up about 300
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thousand people, then there simply weren’t enough people to reflect this, very often reports to moscow did not correspond to the real situation on earth, this was the main reason for the enemy’s success, and not some... kots, colleagues, with your permission, i still want to return again to the representative of estonia, that famous quote from her about the fact that yes, we will help, but himself
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in fact, inside nato, inside the west, not all allies, that is, this is actually a revelation, wish ukraine victory, let's listen to this statement. some kiev supporters are not seeking a ukrainian victory. to ensure that she doesn’t lose, and these are different things, look, i don’t want to seem stifling, but here - winning is not a victory, but she didn’t lose, how is this even possible, what is the difference fundamentally, it’s possible, it’s possible, and not only that, it’s it is quite clear what is meant, once again, an idea that is popular with sulivan, with bernz, the head, the head of the head of the cia, with mili, this in the past he has already left. one and the same, to let russia go to some point, to strengthen itself, to finally take control of all that territory that now no longer belongs to the ukrainians, i emphasize that the territory that is supposedly called ukraine
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does not belong to the ukrainians, it belongs to monsanto , blackrock, vanguard to all other major us corporations, including black soils, deposits, factories, so we can destroy them calmly, the ukrainian people still don’t own them, they won’t own them if this remains what we write down.
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she was put there to fulfill a certain mission, she is now engaged in the collective organization of a new european drank on hosten, an attack on our country, a woman, but by education after all. she is the most modern face of the führensche, this is simply called expansionism, but in return russia is presented as an aggressor, too much has been invested in this, this is a commercial project and not european, american. ursola funder questions of european gynecology. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. to the centenary of boris vasiliev. i loved you. silently, hopelessly, now with timidity,
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now with jealousy, now past, i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, one insert commander, by the way, married, got himself, so to speak, and i was ordered to assign this girlfriend to business, now you will educate, or then, after lights out, i had a husband, a wife, someone beat him off, but don’t complain to me, i... didn’t fight him off, but killed him on june 24, okay, asyanina, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i 18 years in this skin, i don’t need it either, believe me, lisa, be sure to believe it, maybe it’s true, happiness it walks nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, only there is no way back to it, after that we will sing with you, elizabeth, and then we will fulfill the combat order. come back soon, girls!
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mischief here is quiet on saturday on the first! premiere! i love my country! on saturday, on the first! kvn, major league, first quarter final! on saturday, on the first! to your seventy-fifth birthday! birthday of lyubov polishchuk, everyone dances, she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the hall always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy, let me out, it’s me, zinka, i say, lyuba, aren’t you afraid of being ugly, she says sashka, what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know what i came here for, why should you be silent? what, you smile, blink your eyes and remain silent, if you can,
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forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they are without each other , so i saw, they couldn’t live, love palischuk, the last tango. we met in sunday on the first. hello, our huge country, i love russia because it is very beautiful, it has beautiful cities and a lot of beautiful places, a mighty river, the yenisei, which is great for fishing, very beautiful in winter, especially when
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everything turns incredible here a fairy tale, today we have already traveled through 79 regions of our wonderful country, it’s a gap, it ’s interesting, these are new emotions, people from all regions of russia come to us in adegea to look at these beauties, many, many, many, many know our sheregezh, in russia there are no borders, russia has only a horizon, travel, get to know our world, our russia, the husband, supposedly, after leaving prison, killed his wife, the killer wore gloves, what kind of... analysis is needed, operational, predictive, human, exactly , flowered dress, what is this interrogation, we are interrogating in the department, but for now this is just a conversation, archadi yakovich, you are so sweet, and let’s go with you to the cafe this evening, bloodhound, new episodes, watch
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the time after the program, hello, you are you looking for someone, maybe me, so i’m here, arrived in kiev, although it was initially planned that she would begin her visit from kharkov, but as you understand, something went wrong, at the last moment they decided to change their route, they were probably afraid of the proximity of the front line and chose a calmer route, the situation in ukraine again sharply escalated with intensive russian airstrikes on civilian infrastructure and the russian offensive in the kharkov area. german support is based on a deep belief that ukraine will win this war. the most important thing now is to strengthen air defense. to date, almost a billion euros have already been raised to provide additional support to ukrainian air defense. but a week ago there was
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blinking in ukraine, they cleared something out again. but in the meantime, our fighters are advancing from all sides. yesterday a video appeared of a russian flag. appeared on the streets of volchansk, it was stretched out by stormtroopers of the 272nd regiment, according to military correspondents, the northern part of the city has already come under our control, but fierce battles there are still ongoing, while russian weapons are greatly superior to those that exist order of the armed forces of ukraine, and the ukrainian military themselves talk about this. just yesterday, for example, we were monitoring one. yesterday, for example, we followed one super, it easily flies to the dnepropetrovsk region. for them this is the norm, this happens almost every day, they track down our columns that are moving far in the rear, if ours are traveling there in a column, some important target, a super-kem leads to the place where this column stops, iskander is located and, unfortunately , that’s all, no matter how hard ukraine tries to win over both the countries of the west and
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the countries of the global south, especially at the time of the so -called peace summit in switzerland, which is in fact the most ordinary conference. the situation on the battlefield proves absolutely the opposite, that ukraine simply cannot dictate any conditions today. western media continue to report daily that the ukrainian armed forces are barely holding the front. attention is focused here, near kharkov, where fierce fighting is taking place, new ones are indicated in yellow territories claimed by russia. we are trying to get to an artillery position near volchansk, but we have just been told to stop because shelling has started there, we will not be able to move forward as it is too dangerous now. we are going to a base in safer territory. ukraine
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is belatedly strengthening its defenses. the last few days have shown that she is already badly damaged. as they noticed the advancing enemy forces. ukraine can hardly hold the front here in the kharkov region. soldiers disappointed with how quickly the russians were able to cross the border. of course, we are saving now , we are saving our artillery shells, we fire one, the russian side fires five in response, our guys are dying because
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the west does not supply us with enough weapons. ukrainian president vladimir zelensky is clearly concerned about the situation around kharkov. russian troops are attacking directly outside the second largest ukrainian city. zelensky explains this , among other things, by the lack of supplies of western weapons. the wait has long turned into agony. in april, the us congress approved a new $61 billion aid package for ukraine, but frontline arsenals and many units remain empty. there are days when an american howitzer fires less than ten times. of course there is not enough ammunition. if initially we could shoot a hundred a day, now 30 is just a luxury. just 30 is a luxury. we would be ready to ship right now. dollars out of a total of 61 billion provided as emergency assistance, when the rest arrive, summer
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or even autumn will already come, well, it’s curious how ukraine itself can dictate something if it lives, breathes and even dies under western dictation. apteron chalaudinov goes to us for direct communication, special forces commander akhmat, hero of russia. hello, good afternoon, ruslan! here they say, you are very upsetting zelensky, they directly complain categorically, there that his commanders are forced to lie to him about the situation in the north of the kharkov region, because the situation is not very favorable for them, yesterday we had a report volchansky about this direction from semyon pegov, and there the special forces soldiers akhmat actively participated and are participating in the liberation of volchansk and told a lot of interesting things, but... of course you want to hear the details, what is happening there now, why are you making zelensky so nervous?
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ruslan, well, zelensky’s problems are probably more related to the fact that a lot of time passes between his moments, the moments of his sobering up, and he physically lags behind in receiving reliable information, and they don’t have time to report to him between each time how far away our units have advanced, but what do i want to say about the territory itself? the volchansky direction, that is, the kharkov direction, what i want to say is that, of course, there are akhmat-yug fighters there, which means this is their area of ​​activity, together, it should be noted that the fighters of the ministry of defense units have really made very good progress there and are advancing every day very good, in general , after all - i want to say that the forecasts that we basically had, that the end...
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which today is probably the most the combat-ready army in the world is the russian army, because
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basically no one has the combat experience that we have; if we did not enter the northern military district in this format of coherence, it means not in this format of provision, weapons, equipment, then today we must say that indeed the level of our equipment and combat readiness is very high, it is clear that over these 2 years we have gained such combat experience that today we can specifically carry out any actions in such a way as to incur the least losses and maximum damage the enemy, therefore this is a fact, and it is stated by both us and our enemy , it’s probably not very correct for you as a commander to ask these questions, so if suddenly i ask something that cannot be talked about, you just say that well, we are the maximum. we are honest with our viewers, of course, we don’t want to harm our guys on the front line, but many experts note that this is our offensive, unexpected for
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the enemy in the north of the kharkov region, it’s not even quite yet. on ukrainian formations, which ultimately as a result, if the ttc mobilizes approximately 500 people, 300 of them are immediately sent to prison in order not to go to war, those 200 who come to the front line, in principle, they are either destroyed or immediately surrendered, that is, the very state of affairs of the ukrainian formations, precisely
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in the moral and psychological state, is very difficult, and naturally. that the main direction itself, and no one will reveal it, but in the end i can assure you that all russian territories, they will return home, this is an unambiguous question, and even inside they also have, excuse me, now a very serious cheese collection will begin, such that it will help us in real time to bring that morafet in those areas that we need, they still don’t run en masse, they they are desperately resisting, i just want to understand how much - i don’t know, has this despair changed now on the battlefield? oles, look, this is what the picture is: to escape en masse, firstly, they must have the opportunity, so in order to escape, they, in fact, they are blocked in the back by barrage detachments
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, they are forced to enter territories from which they are unable to... escape right away en masse, but if you have seen videos, video recordings directly from the kharkov direction, then you will see recordings where in several areas they not only throw there is some kind of equipment there, they even throw away machine guns, they drop everything and immediately run in crowds from the position, leaving the positions, that is, anyway , we are taking now, we were taking prisoners all the time, they were interesting to us so that through them... to our enemy, that we really are not their enemies, that their enemies are sitting in kiev, this is the first time, secondly, we needed prisoners in order to study the state of affairs among them, including, first of all, their moral and psychological state, now we state for ourselves that it is moral -the psychological state there is really very difficult, they don’t want to fight with us, but the west, he set out
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to fight against us until the last ukrainian, here he is...
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the economist published an article where he clearly said that zelensky is losing his temper, literally yelling at his own people commanders official ukrainian statements painting a rosy picture do not help calm nerves. zelensky is being kept in the dark, but a government official, who wished to remain anonymous, suggests that mr. zelensky has already felt that
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not the whole truth is reaching him, at least that’s what he shouts to his people... he’s really leading the hog, look what he’s got we have a fat little boar, we are now going to have a barbecue tomorrow, i actually saw the picture, i just had the feeling that the barbecue was taking him, for now
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a living dead ram, yes, well, a little wild boar, the situation, of course, is very difficult and the expectations are even more difficult, in this sense i understand hysteria, this is hysteria, of course, i understand zelensky’s hysteria, as if there is a dead end in the position of the ukrainian generals, about this already was in the plot, but there is one such problem in modern war, we have talked about this many times, and i have talked about this here many times, the transparency of the front line on the enemy’s side is 15 kilometers more, that is, the enemy sees everything, these are drones, this satellites and so on, then one of the main factors...
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to enter in the same way as a vanguard on the border and from the side of chernigov, we are stretching the front, their front, despite the fact that it is already like a skin, when it is pulled, it begins to crack and it will burst soon, and they are trying to lie,
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they write everything about it that in the west they write that there are no reserves there - they were not transferred from the donbass from the southern front, nonsense lies, we know by numbers the brigades that they transferred to kharkov and in fact ...we really exposed their reserves, exposed and weakened all a thousand-kilometer front line, and now it is larger, and if we add more sums and blueberries, it will be 1,600 km, we have reserves, the minister of defense reported to us about this, that we have reserve regiments, we do not transfer reserves, we we introduce them or or wait for them, so you see, zelensky is panicking very much, freaking out, now he starts screaming, going crazy, but maybe it’s because he’s so? he reads everything to someone else, maybe he is so independent from this, you know, it reminds me of the film that came out about 15 years ago, the collapse,
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hitler’s last months in his bunker, the same thing, hitler was also on drugs, he was given a dose of amphetamines every day, otherwise he had such energy, well, the madness of course was in full swing, and also hitler, when he shouted to him a division here, a division there before... and they start telling him towards the end, the russians are already entering berlin and he begins to freak out and yells at all the generals, where are my divisions, they are not there, the same thing is reminded, this is the krak of the state, only no one really questioned hitler, his legitimacy within germany was not in question, here a man who is supposedly the elected president has removed the voting system altogether, there will be no voting for new presidents, a system has been elected about...
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for the european union. in our election program we promise to fire 10 thousand brussels bureaucrats, i would like to start with you, ursula fondeen. catastrophe, hundreds of billions of euros of theft, people were injected with a vaccine that was not even tested on rabbits, but liance takes thousands of deaths from them all the time consultation, at the american shingle farm, which works under the cia and the nsa, i made only one conclusion: she was put there to fulfill a certain mission, she is now engaged in the collective organization of a new european shingle on hosten, an attack on our country, a woman and by education after all, she is a doctor, she is the most modern face of the fuhrensche,
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thanks to whom this all happened, this is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states, sam brownback, what should we do with lava, the main temple of kiev. you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it. he says very clearly that there is no need to do what you have already done; you even ended up in prison for your beliefs. a command was given, just close my mouth, the girl is on her knees, she is praying, they are jumping around her, and then they drag her away and start beating her, or like some priests they kill, you are proud of what you have done, the vanavan and lexus show, tomorrow on the first, for the centenary of boris vasiliev, it’s difficult, after all to the women in the war, they are all voluntary, shoot, rita, caught, fire, fell, yes, girls,
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yes, i can’t go with them, comrade, send me to the front line, while you distort your small boat, he will make a sieve out of you, so i categorically order you to lie down, it’s good , as if there is no war, “i can’t do it anymore, now i’ll go and shoot, it’s impossible, suni, it’s impossible, the germans have one way, between these lakes through the ridge, eternal battle, we only dream of peace, and the dawns here are quiet on saturday at first, the enemy, armed to the teeth , is moving in our direction and helping us i can’t wait from anywhere, so i order all the fighters and myself personally to hold on. front premiere,
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i love my country, on saturday, at the first, for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov poleshchuk, everyone danced, she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone was going crazy. after me, it ’s me, alone, i say, anyone, you’re not afraid to be ugly, she says, sasha, what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know why i’m here? i came, why are you silent, smiling, batting your eyes and being silent if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing... i
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always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they are without each other, as i saw, they could not live, love, polishchuk, the last tango, they met, on sunday at the first, america like... no one is interested in continuing the conflict in ukraine, well, including there have long been considering the question of how to lay a paw on blocked russian assets, is due to take place at the end of this week in switzerland. the united states, janit elin, has already named the search for ways to use blocked russian assets in the interests of ukraine as a key topic for upcoming negotiations with g7 colleagues. it is critically important for us to provide ukraine
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with the support necessary to equip its armed forces, finance critical services, and ultimately recover in the medium and long term. therefore, i consider it important and urgent. and now the news comes that germany is ready to support the united states plan to use the proceeds from the frozen assets of the russian federation, but we never doubted what the g7 is, the g7 is the united states and the six, and now we have received yet another proof. mikhail, let's understand these intricacies, because the topic.
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later they move on, i believe, the issue of our income, income from our assets will be resolved by them one way or another, because there is a problem that we even talked about on air, fundamentally, if we talk about for ukraine, this is from 20 to 30 billion, depending
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on different estimates, a hole and a budget deficit, yes, ensuring all functions of the state as such, not only the military budget, not only the social sphere. during his visit, he talked about the need to launch a mechanism to pay ukraine’s debts to private investors, in particular black rock, it was.
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they will be forced to pay, they will be forced to pay, but at the same time they will actually force ukraine to deplete its own gold and foreign exchange reserves, which still exist a little, that is, in fact, they don’t care about ukraine, ukraine will waste its gold and foreign exchange reserves, payments will come from this money, most likely that’s it, well, if they launch this scheme, they won’t stop with our money, that’s the point, it makes them look absolutely other states are very unreliable partners, listen, what can they do? so i’m a little catching up with those topics that were advertised here literally for 30 seconds. interesting information in ukraine appeared the other day, and the trade center reports arrived, which talk about the fact that in some regions, not all regions passed, but today cases were opened, cases of evasion for 94,000 people, and we found, again in these regions, which reported only 9,000, relatively speaking, a one
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to ten ratio, that is, we we are now talking about the achievability, mobilizability of the resource, they understand that even what they announce 500, 300, 2000, they will not find, ukraine will not have a human resource. it will end before the end of the year, that is, they need to get everything done very quickly, and no matter what the consequences are, they are going to finish everything major money transactions this year, and in the very near future, apparently, but one of the main topics of the world media remains the tragic death of the president of iran, ibrahim raisi, mourning ceremonies begin in iran, farewell to the president will take place today in tabriz and qom , tomorrow in tehran, after which the body of ibrahim raisi will be transported to his hometown of meshhet, where... the funeral will take place on thursday. the day before , a commission was created in tehran to investigate the helicopter crash, according to iranian reports. irna news agency, the fatal incident, quote, occurred from. due to a technical malfunction, while western tv channels are discussing with all their might how
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president raisi did not want to find a common language with the west. president ibrahim reisi was a completely different president compared to his predecessors, even compared to rouhani. they all had differences with the iranian supreme leader who was leading iran. ibrahim raisi was considered his protégé, he was under halim, he had no disagreements with the president, his presidency the shortest. it is also important to understand that the difference between president raisii and his predecessors is that he almost turned the presidency into a ceremonial role, he did not exert any influence, he did not express dissent. even in foreign policy, for example, former president rouhani had a completely different understanding of foreign policy, he wanted to reconcile with the west, with ressi we did not see any signs of this. well, in turn, the pentagon hastened, naturally, to declare that the united states is not involved in the crash of a plane carrying the iranian president.
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and this is of great importance, because yesterday we asked questions to our colleagues,
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journalists in tigeran twice, what do people think? people unequivocally assessed that israel is to blame, and no matter what official people say, the people of iran are already presenting this idea this way, this could become a problem, because we very often use the formula about the arab street, yes, which puts pressure on... but i'll tell you that the persian street, frankly speaking, is no worse than the arab one in this sense, and the pressure that can be placed on the leadership, it must be taken into account, but i think that the iranian leadership will cope with this pressure, that is, now literally yesterday, today, tomorrow tehran is making a decision about what reason they will officially announce, and i say again what they will announce , this will happen, if they say that american missiles were shot down, then it will be shot down. american rocket, no one will be able to refute this if they say that it’s technical, so
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olesia and i exchanged words during the commercial break about the technical reason, i said right away, if you you cut the brake fluid wires in the car, and then the car crashes, then the reason is brake failure, brake failure, who cut the hose, so this is this this question, the answer to this question hangs. in the air and that’s why it’s so annoying for everyone, but i won’t go into details, i’ll just give an assessment, we now have among serious players in the world, well , in this case, the usa and the european union are also serious players, they are clearly divided into two categories, there are, as it were, adults, and there are crazy high school students, yeah, fortunately iran applies to adults, which is why i really hope for a balanced, restrained approach, because now... we don’t need a harsh escalation in the middle east,
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iran actually doesn’t need it, the british need it, first of all, the british, yes. with them to the americans, so i really hope tehran’s restraint and that this situation will gradually settle down, and i wish the citizens of the iranian islamic republic of iran to go through this period safely and elect a new president, you know what i thought, that we, too, have been restrained for a long time issues of resolving conflict issues with ukraine even before the start of the ip and this was perceived by the west as a kind of weakness, but it is clear that things are very subtle in tehran now. they behave, the second time they behave badly, the third time, you still remain a mother, you have children as adults, even if they behave badly as a person, some western leaders should be looked at as just, well, crazy high school students who are worlds doesn’t know, which means we need to work with them as parents, stanislav mikhailovich, role
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americans in this whole story, as it is and as it may be, taking into account the fact that there were three helicopters, two escort helicopters, which were not there. technical malfunctions, bad weather had no effect, the helicopter with the president and the delegation flew calmly, so we see very strange footage, by the way, yes, there is no debris that goes down, everything was burned out, but let the experts sort it out, the american media, as soon as information has appeared that a hard landing is possible, as was initially reported, literally in an hour they said that raisi died with reference to their sources, despite the fact that confirmation came there 8 or 10 hours later, the pentagon, which states that america was not involved, is an obvious fact and does not add anything more, your assessment, the role of the united states, now everything is like -they are restrained, you know, taking a position, at the beginning i will add to what alexander said, mohammed ben salman, they also tried to kill him a month ago, saudi arabia, everyone who takes a position against the war, against sanctions, against the escalation of regulations, everyone
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has such problems are global, but newspaper, turkish newspaper turki, wrote. that the geolocation system of all these helicopters, which must survive any crash, so that the main persons can be immediately found, the system did not work before the helicopter crash, it turned off, the question becomes, who why, but it turned off, part of this technical problem, secondly, then there is a small nuance, the helicopter was american, yes, old, but american, secondly, it is very similar to the fact that the americans and the british tried to arrange a kameini, when the kameini... was alive, in power, he also had a helicopter crash , he just didn’t fly on this helicopter, so all this becomes a big question, the fact that the anglo-saxons have a tradition of killing their opponents like this, well, you just need to read history, where they didn’t act like that, in latin america they act, acted and they also operate in europe, the gladio operation, which they opened
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all over europe, a terrorist attack on their own allies, created from their own salt workers - until ninety-one, but perhaps it also operated in the secret army of forty-eight, in theory it operates. same thing in latin america operation condor also acted, deployed their people, they even tried to kill degol, if i remember his family, there were also such attempts that degol was not a leftist, because of this, he later removed france from nato, to take revenge on them, they he was removed in a different way, by the light revolution, and not only to take revenge, he had his own considerations regarding the future of the country, in this particular case.
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too, and also a lot indicated that this story was in favor of the united states , their, let’s say, return at that time to ukrainian politics is actively inward, yes, and i know the results of this case, that they blamed just the pilots, and there was a very experienced crew, but knowledgeable people say that there was an unexpected failure of the navigation systems ; in fact, there was a collision with obstacles, which in principle could not happen, there, in my opinion, there were also bad weather conditions, fog... the conditions in brovary, this is one of the hills to the suburbs of kiev, but the point, i repeat, is that the route was clear, the pilots were very experienced and, as they say, it happened from within navigation failure a complete turnaround, that is, at some point they simply lost, lost contact with the earth, lost contact with the satellite, a cyber attack is
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one of the versions that we also carefully voiced yesterday, because this is how a cyber attack can occur. will affect the helicopter, but we all understand perfectly well, reb - electronic warfare, which is a targeted impulse that jams any electrical defense, or anything that is on board the helicopter. i’m very interested in the investigation now, but we have to stick to the official ones anyway sources, official information, consequences, now the most important thing is the consequences, they, oddly enough, depend on the results of the investigation, undoubtedly, but on the contrary, we already mentioned an incident, a possible incident with the crown prince of saudi arabia, mind you, the saudis didn’t say either , that there was an assassination attempt, although by all indications there was clearly something, then there was a whole set of large investigative actions, that is, too. as a colleague said, they showed maturity or something, yes, in fact, the major key players in the middle east, namely the locals there, they are not interested in the global conflict in the middle east, yes,
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external players are interested, without a doubt, so really everything will depend on how the xir decides, how the iranian leadership decides to behave in this situation, i think it will be very balanced, a very well -calibrated position, that is, precisely, so as not to torpedo even any outlines.
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she was put there to carry out a certain mission, she is now engaged in the collective organization of a new european attack on our country, a woman, and by training, after all, a doctor, she is the most modern face of the fürsch. this is simply called expansionism, but in return russia is presented as an aggressor, too much is laid out in this, this is a commercial project and not european, american. ursula vonderen issues of european gynecology. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. the husband, presumably, upon leaving prison, killed his wife; the killer operated with gloves. what kind of analysis is needed, operational?
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take a close look at what is growing in your place, now it is forbidden, about this, oh rules for the bathhouse, about proper food and about many other things that are important and useful in the program to live healthy, tomorrow at the first, on the centenary of boris vasilyev, it’s difficult, after all, the women are at war, they all volunteer, shoot, rita, the target is caught, fire,
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i can’t, now i’ll go and shoot, it’s impossible, suni, it’s impossible, the germans have only one way, between these lakes through the ridge, eternal battle, we can only dream of peace, and the dawns here are quiet on saturday at first, the enemy, armed to the teeth, is moving towards our direction and we cannot expect help from anywhere, so i order everyone the fighters and myself personally keep the front to polishchuk, everyone dances, she always captivated the audience on the seventy-fifth anniversary of lyubov’s birth, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience
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always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy, zhen, yes , let me out, it’s me, linka, i say, lyuba, aren’t you afraid to be ugly, she says, sasha, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, at least you. why did i come here, why are you silent, smiling, batting your eyes and remaining silent, if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange. "recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they could not live without each other, as i saw, love, polishchuk, the last tango, they met, sunday on the first , at the age of 19, i was left alone, why are you
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here, and not with your father on the ship? oh, yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, but this is zhmulya, tell me, you are ranevskaya, but i am ranevskaya, nothing but my own ? she didn’t experience skin, the war passed her by, look at this face, exclude the greats. there are many directors, but there can be only one great meeting, i’ll make a call, you’ll come, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you ’re making faces, marital status, what do you say, you have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, no family , no children, but before coffin devotees of art, you are a brilliant, dramatic actress, and
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the whole world will know about it. ranevskoe on may 27th , on the first birthday of whom, lev nikolaevich tolstoy, within the framework of the project we are alive, our colleague alexander mozgovoy went with volunteers to a separate motorized rifle location.
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i'm glad to meet you, thank you, how great it was, you're straight from the fields, yes, i suggest you move somewhere to avoid the light, because the car is clearly from the army, the birds are flying, the weather is good. for you, the main impetus for being here on the battlefields of donbass was the announcement by vladimir vladimirovich - about the start of a special military operation, before the special military operation, we were all eyewitnesses, witnesses of how innocent the people of donbass, lugansk and all others areas were constantly bombarded with all kinds of shells,
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destroyed over nine years. in fact, i made a decision because i realized that there is a common enemy of our state, who throughout this entire time has only done dirty tricks for us, so. created turmoil in our country, and turmoil in our fraternal neighboring republics, the common enemy is for me the european union, this is the west, this is america, which endlessly finances all these wars directed against our state, i also put it so politely, so this evil is already must be finished once and for all. andrey,
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hello, hello, you also serve, i’m a civilian, i work in an orphanage, as a senior teacher, in my free time from work i come here for the so-called ribbon, we start with the donetsk people’s republic, then zaporozhye, kherson region, we carry address we carry parcels from families, from loved ones. i was born into a large family and in our family it was customary to help loved ones, neighbors, friends, even strangers. if i don’t do this, i won’t continue the instructions of my loved ones, older fathers, we we will lose touch with the past, so today we need to continue this and move forward,
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well, here we are. long-awaited parcel pyatigorsk to dad from vika, nastya, lerochka irochka, we love you, i am a father of many children, i have girls, these are my daughters, yes, here it is, here it is my long-awaited spicy jika, what is the meaning of this jar, we are southern people , we like it spicier, pepperier. it would seem like canned tomatoes, nothing supernatural, well, the recipe is also delicious, it’s just a taste of home, you know, like we’re all adults, but these are echoes of the tastes of childhood, then
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i have a mother and her wife, it’s like it’s all in one garden, they help each other there too, just like we all do here, from the first day here... we carry out tasks, in principle successfully, everyone can see everything anyway, everything is clear, how the tasks are carried out, i was wounded, was treated for six months in the hospital, came back, well, i couldn’t help but come back, as i won’t come back, here is my second family, roughly speaking, no offense to mine, my family, my girls, since i’ve already taken this road, well, that means i need to go through it with honor, with dignity to the end, but where is the pack? something no, this is not about me, thank you, i serve russia, oksai, yes, thank you, thank you
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very much, from the family, thank you very much, so that you understand, we have enough of everything, education, food there and so on, here... are baby diapers, why i’ll tell you, yes, we were in the same locality, i won’t say where, yes, there is a family there, a mother, she has two infants, well, minors, that is, in this box, here are children’s, children’s diapers, yes any, any children, they are ours, not ours, they are children. here you not only have signalmen are based, and also motorized riflemen, yes, yes, yes, we have a motorbike brigade, there are many different units, our
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guys recently arrived, they are now at the training ground, where they are preparing for further actions, you can join them if, if you want to go with them, i think they will be very pleased. the first to the original, the second to the original, the readiness is only small, clean! clean, clean, clean, volunteers are easy to work with, yes, the guys learn quickly, that is, they came here as volunteers, that is, they came on their own initiative, people all understand what we are doing here, how
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everything should be, how in general the situation here in the zaporozhye direction is consistently tense, and like everywhere else, no one allows anyone to relax. steadily, systematically, slowly, without rushing, but still we go, meter by meter, yes, we take, of course, from the enemy, we will not give up what we have, let’s go, listen, well, the conditions here are really as close as possible to combat, yes, yes , are as close as possible to combat ones. in principle , there are grenades here, let’s say, but don’t forget there, the mortar works, plus there are also birds they throw it off, well, that’s okay, we manage, well, and then there’s... you see it all, that’s how work goes on in the training field
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, work goes on in combat as well, where after the victory you’ll come home, to the honey waterfalls, the wife says, or does she always ask me, take me to the honey falls, okay, and the most interesting thing is that we live next to each other, i literally sat down and went there, i have a car, that’s all, so she came to my house all the time, take me, but promise me? on camera to my wife that it will be so, yes, with god’s help i will return, so it will be, we'll go to the honey waterfall, i promise.
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tsurgut i wish you good health, they said that the father is a hero, yes, there are four children, four, and soon a granddaughter will be born, well, my wife didn’t say, but who are you, and i’m a truck driver, i went to russia, rented the car to a farm and left. she cried at first, but then she said that, in principle, i didn’t expect anything else from you, i would have said the opposite, i wouldn’t have understood you if you hadn’t gone, and why was that, because she knows my views, my principles, and i wouldn’t be able to stand aside, calmly, looking at all this from the sofa on well, on tv, well, now we are in the zaporozhye region, saving people from fascism, from non-nazism, pushing back the borders of nato. from our territories,
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i wish you health, good afternoon, alexander, my name is, how can i contact you, say, north ossetia, most likely, yes, north ossetia, well , it’s true they say that every ossetian man is still a warrior, of course, because this and this came from our ancestors, here i have... my father fought, my grandfather fought, i believe that every man should protect civilians people, first of all, our family, if we had not entered here, if ukraine had entered our home, then it would have been very difficult for us, so we decided to come here, and no matter how difficult it was, we will achieve our goal even at the cost of our lives, yes , i have a family and so on, a young son, who is now 9 months old. i signed a contract and came here
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voluntarily, as if this was my decision in life, my son, like his father, will grow up to be a warrior, completely faithful, i think that my son will also follow in mine, in my footsteps, to defend his homeland and live according to his conscience as much as possible. you know, in our program we often talk about what is changing in our country.
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central asia in kazakhstan, where he participates in a meeting of the council of ministers of foreign affairs
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of the shainhai cooperation organization. this organization, which constitutes, i would say, the institutional framework of greater eurasia. and the basis of that eurasian, not european, not asian, not atlantic, namely eurasian security system, but the need for formation, which without the participation of outside regional forces, that is, without the united states, sergei lavrov spoke on last weekend at a meeting of the assembly of the council at the assembly of the council on foreign defense policy, the minister emphasized the same thesis today in astana. let's listen. we have a common opinion that the sco remains one of the supporting pillars of a multipolar world. device, security can be reliably ensured only by the forces of the countries of the continent themselves, without interference from outside regional forces, and we observe such trends from the united states, from the european union, and nato, by the way,
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who actively want to take over responsibility for everything that happens, but if we translate it into simple. language to interfere in processes throughout the eurasian continent. andrey glebovich, it seems to me that this is a very powerful idea expressed by the minister, because the united states is really interested in dismembering eurasia and in provoking various kinds of conflicts on the eurasian continent in order to thereby maintain its hegemony. and the security of eurasia can only be ensured by eurasian forces. what do you think about it? this issue was dedicated.
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russia, china, india, pakistan, iran, yes, and of course the countries of central asia. even
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today in astana, sergei lavrov, it seems to me, shared something very important, once again emphasizing that that conference was in switzerland. which the kiev regime and their overseas and western patrons are preparing, it is not dedicated to peace in ukraine at all, it is dedicated to presenting an ultimatum to russia. let's listen to what sergei lavrov said.
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controls himself. the economist magazine today wrote an article that zelensky periodically yells at his generals, accusing them is that they do not tell him the truth. hitler behaved in much the same way during the final stages of world war ii. further, in a recent interview with the raiders agency, in which zelensky said that western arms deliveries were supposedly late by a year, he also raised his voice and shouted at raitors journalists, which is what they actually... wrote in general, this is how you evaluate such, similar behavior zelenskygolovich, we now see that if a person is a politician and diplomat,
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he, as a rule, never raises his voice, have any of you ever i have seen the president of the russian federation speak in a raised voice, always softly, intelligibly, clearly, any person who says that vladimir vladimirovich once raised his voice is not true, this is a fact that exists, today we understand that. .. hitler is equal to zelensky, that is, by and large, the scenario methods of history, they come to their certain logical conclusion, i have a feeling that now zelensky understands perfectly well that he has no future, he does not have 5,3 or 4 years , it has no planning horizon at all, moreover, horizon planning for his own personal life, he is actually now a living corpse, neither the americans nor the british need a living zelensky to create conditions for him so that he...
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the legitimacy and legality of any event, but the west, the west has moved away from this, the west has forgotten, what is legality and what is legitimacy is not important to them. so, today we understand perfectly well that if events develop in that vein, then we need to pay attention to statistics, and the statistics are as follows: zelensky is trusted by 17% of his population, only 20% of the army is ready to obey his orders, but 80% do not accept it. i think he understands.
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about what is happening on the fronts of the special operation, where russia quite successfully continues to develop its offensive and not only in the kharkov region in the zaporozhye region, but also of course in the donetsk people's republic in the direction of the city of chasov yar, which is of strategic importance, about what is happening anastasia mikhailovskaya, military correspondent of the russian spring, will tell us about this direction, anastasia leonidovna, good afternoon, we are very glad to see you are again in our program, the floor is yours, hello, yes, hello, we have good news from... fighters of the ninety-eighth division and the brigade, or rather the ivanovsky airborne forces, they , with the support of aviation, entered the area
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of ​​​​high-rise buildings, have actually already occupied the microdistrict canals and are fighting very successfully, they enter on tigers, destroy enemy equipment, take it prisoner, now you see what equipment they take, there is a lot of different scrap metal that will already go, apparently to the exhibition at vdnkh, so i also remind you... that we we lead collection, now we are already having our distribution, which we are collecting together with you, the viewers of the first channel of the big game, just one of these days we will be...
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verbovoy, that is, every day the robotic protrusion decreases in size, that is, this is already a movement steadily on the vremya ledge, our troops continue the stormy operations in a productive manner, slowly moving forward towards the center of the village, there are also battles on the outskirts of staromaisky, a piece of the territory between staromaisky and urozhainy is also occupied, in the ugledar direction our the troops have already taken about half of paroskovievka, this is next to novamikhailovka, and there is also progress in the direction of the konstantinovka ugledar highway, the situation here is getting worse for...
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there are small advances near makeevka, fighting also continues in the ivanovka area, well, in the kharkov direction our troops have already liberated more .
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the ukrainian army is already quite dispersed. the russian offensive is drawing reserves and the best units of the ukrainian armed forces to the defense of kharkov, weakening other sectors of the front. russia remains focused on occupation of the remaining part of the donetsk region, seeking to capture key transit hubs and settlements. lacking sufficient strength and experiencing a shortage of ammunition, the ukrainian military is transferring the best brigades and elite units from all over the front to the places where the russian army has broken through. a similar approach to
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firefighting, which was used during the battles of... khmut and avdievka, means that the best units do not have enough time to rest and recover. over time, these units degrade. well, here's the truth, in in the same article, kofman and lee write that if the kiev regime manages to minimize the scale of russia’s territorial acquisitions. this is a very intricate formula. this year, then next year in 25, in their opinion, again they very diplomatically write: advantage. may decrease relatively, but for this they emphasize that kiev needs not only a constant supply of new weapons and equipment from the west, but most importantly a sharp increase.
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not done formally, ukraine reported that they had built the lines, but when we approached kharkov, it turned out that those same teeth, dragons turned into the lips of a dragon, while large losses among personnel when
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they tried to hold guards and other populated areas or a senseless attack direction led to the fact that those very elite units that were trained were wasted, and this all fits in principle with such a thing that when there are fewer than thirty prepared people.
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because it is already entering the very peak from which ukraine is unlikely to emerge, so zelensky’s hysteria is understandable, yes, but he is trying to be hysterical, but hysteria will not solve the problem, and the western partners also took a tough position, we provided you with weapons, we provided a lot of them, statistics show crazy numbers there, but you did not achieve results, so achieve results, that is, put millions of people there then everything will be fine, but we see that both... the proposal that zelensky should be given for weapons, patriots and so on, we will solve everything, they say, put more, they are both dead ends, because neither the west nor zelensky , neither have his entourage has no plans on how to further
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conduct military operations, i completely agree, i would like to emphasize that western analysts like kofman are already accompanying their recommendations constantly, in a word, if, if they succeed, if they manage to do this, yes, that is, they have already they don’t believe that this is possible, that’s the first thing. human, for sure, a flowered dress, but what is this interrogation? we are interrogating you at the department, but for now this is just a conversation, come on in yakovich, you are so sweet. let's go with you to
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the cafe this evening. bloodhound, new series. watch after program time. hello, are you looking for someone, maybe me, so i'm here. cognac, old barrel is a product of stellor group. while the special operation is underway, the orthodox church in ukraine is being destroyed. we are moving towards europe. and so we...
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do what we have already done, you even ended up in prison for your beliefs, the command was given to simply close my mouth, the girl is on her knees, she prays, they jump around her, and then they drag her away and start beating her, or like some kill priests, you are proud to have done, show wavana and lexus, tomorrow at the first, for the centenary of boris vasiliev, i loved you. silently, hopelessly, now with timidity, now with jealousy, now past, i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, one staff commander, by the way, married, got himself, so to speak, and i was ordered to assign this girlfriend to business, now you will educate, or then after curfew i had a husband, zhenya, someone beat him off, and don’t complain to me, i won’t regret it. they didn’t recapture, but killed
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on june 24, well, asyanina, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i’ve been in this skin, i don’t need it either, you believe, lisa, be sure to believe, maybe it’s true, happiness is walking nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, only there is no way back to it, after we’ll sing with you elizabeth, then we’ll fulfill the combat order . come back soon, girls! the ozori are quiet here on saturday first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. kvn. major league. first quarterfinal. on saturday, on the first. for my seventieth birthday. everyone dances, she
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always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone fans, everyone was going crazy, zhen, let me out, it’s me, zinka, i’m saying, any, you’re not afraid to be ugly, she says, sashka, what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, you do you even know why i came here, why are you silent? you smile, blink your eyes and remain silent, if you can, forgive me. i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they could not live without each other, as i saw, love, polishchuk, last tango, here's the stand. on sunday at the first, at
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the age of 19, i was left alone, and why are you here, you and your father are on the ship? oh, yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, but this is a mule, tell me, you are ronevskaya, and i am. ranevsk has not experienced anything before her own skin, she went through it in a fun way, look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can be only one great meeting, i will make a challenge, you will come to me, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you you are making faces, your marital status, what are you saying, you have a husband, no, i'm a lady. without a family, without children, but
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art is devoted to the grave, you are a brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it. ranevskoe since may 27 on the first birthday of ivan nikolaevich tolstoy on the air, a big game took place late yesterday in moscow. a meeting of the un security council, which was devoted , among other things, to western arms supplies to ukraine, and vasily nibenzya, our permanent representative to the united nations, who spoke at this meeting, stated that without these western supplies it would not be the same. that the conflict in ukraine would have ended long ago, of course, that way, but it wouldn’t even
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have started yet, yes, because it was these supplies that led to the need for a special military operation. by the way, the permanent representative of china expressed the same position. and vasily nebenzya again very clearly and unambiguously explained on what conditions a political and diplomatic settlement of the current conflict is possible? let's listen: a genuine settlement of the ukrainian crisis through political and diplomatic means remains maybe. for this it is necessary that the west stop arming the bandera regime in kiev, that ukraine returns to its neutral, non-aligned, nuclear-free status, and is demilitarized and denazified.
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itself means russia's defeat in this war, and the current head of the joint chiefs of staff of the us armed forces, charles brown, explained why the united states adheres to this position. let's listen to him. our support for ukraine is not just an act of solidarity, it is a strategic necessity that strengthens international security. failure to contain russian aggression will embolden other authoritarian regimes and provoke them to challenge international norms. violate the sovereignty of their neighbors. our collective actions today will shape the geopolitical landscape of the future. andrey glebovich, just like that, there is an absolute unpreparedness for serious dialogue. you know, they relied on a tough confrontation to use the ukrainian
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plot against us. 10 years ago, in september we will have 10 years of welsh nato summit, when all the dots were finally ticked, before that they were somehow spinning around.
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the strategy is reaching a dead end , the question is about to arise, well, who should be responsible for this matter, how are they currently, at the moment, as i understand it, they are reacting to your question, they are reacting in the following way: they are trying by increasing some kind of pressure on everyone who is possible, to make sure that this is their strategy, which misfires every day, so that this strategy somehow works, to somehow save them face, i think it’s nothing...
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tswanga, when they are forced to respond to several calls simultaneously along the perimeter
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of eurasia, but cannot cope with it. henry kissinger, who opposed this policy, died last year, and now the united states is pursuing a policy that directly contradicts the kissinger covenant. and the result was described by a very bright and prominent american foreign policy thinker, walter russell mitt, who, by the way, is a hawk and partly a russophist, but nevertheless an intelligent person. let's hear what he says today. wrote the wall street journal. russia is winning an unequal duel with the west. iran, despite the sudden death of president ibrahim reisi, is increasing its influence in the middle east. china's continued efforts to create multiple localized threats, known as gray zone aggression, are eroding american power in the far east. the goal is to trap america between two lose-lose options. if we ignore ukraine and focus on china in the middle east, then russia and iran will be able to undermine ours. alliances shift the geopolitical balance in your favor. if we focus our efforts on
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the ukrainian conflict, china and iran will be able to advance their own regional agendas. to avoid this, some argue that the united states must simultaneously confront our adversaries in all three theaters of war. however, we lack the military resources to implement such a strategy. even if we had the necessary capabilities, american public opinion is not yet sufficiently united and focused enough for such serious costly efforts, like... we are now seeing how the united states of america has driven itself into a series of traps, not just one trap, but a whole series of these traps. let me remind you that about 10 years ago, the university of chicago and georgetown university, they argued how many wars the united states could fight at the same time, george town university, they consider themselves enough. cool, they believed that the united states of america would drag out two global wars, meaning russia and
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china, and some other small regional ones conflicts, the university of chicago and the chicago school, they say: “no, no, no, under no circumstances, one big war and some regional conflicts. if this is to move from military language to diplomatic, to political, the united states of america is trying for a long time it’s time to impose a certain ideological doctrine on everyone, according to this ideological doctrine everyone should live by their rules.
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more often in the west they say that the way out of a hopeless situation is escalation, this is precisely the point of view that is adhered to. zelensky, the leader of the kiev junta, who, apparently, came to the conclusion that putting the world on the brink of nuclear war, on the brink of world war iii, is his only opportunity to avoid inevitable defeat. why? because look what he’s talking about, he’s demanding that the west place regular ones. troops in the form of instructors on ukrainian territory, he demands that the west allow
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the use of western weapons to strike the old, conditionally russian territory with western missiles, in his last interview raiters, he returned to the topic of actually establishing a no-fly zone over ukraine with the help of western fighters. let's hear what this man has to say who really wants to take the world into world war iii. offered allies several options for assistance, including shooting down russian missiles on ukrainian territory under some circumstances. we need at least 120-130 aircraft to protect the airspace. some of which, he hopes, will soon begin combat missions. you can not provide them right now, okay, take planes into the territory of neighboring nato countries, take them into the air, shoot down targets, protect civilians, this is possible, i'm sure it is, would it be an attack from nato and dragging it
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into a military conflict, no. the ukrainian leader also said that kiev is negotiating with international partners on the issue of use.
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send instructors to ukraine, those who were already present there. lithuania is ready to join a coalition to train the ukrainian military, led by, for example, france. so, alexey petrovich, this is the situation, yes, they are talking about the possibility of sending instructors, that is, regular military personnel of western countries, zelensky demands a no-fly, no-pilot zone, victoria , official kiev demands, demands permission to fire american missiles deep into russian territory. i think here we are witnessing a kind of crisis, a systemic crisis in strategic analytical thinking. the americans, when they started this hybrid and then conventional war against us, a proxy war, they expected to achieve the results that they had just before, well, at the end of the cold war, there was afghanistan, there were economic sanctions, as a result the country was strained, reforms took place,
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the introduced fifth column did its job, and in short, everything happened as they planned. uh, having kicked out sober-minded analysts such as henry kissinger, they decided that if something happened, if someone made a mistake, the old formulation or the old strategy would work, well, just with new types of weapons and so on, then if there was afghanistan and majakhet, then there will be a whole state that has been prepared for military action, and they called this tactic or strategy controlled escalation, and its main essence was to fight with russia so that, as they say,
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zelensky also understands that his, as they say, his days are numbered, that he will be written off with history, history will forget him, he will first of all follow personal interests, personal self-preservation, so he shouts that it is supposedly in the interests of the west to start a nuclear war, because everything they offer is not what else, just the forerunner of the third world war, which very... quickly the confidential stage will go into the nuclear stage, but the west is not even ready for this, because what is happening with their nuclear arsenals suggests that they are not capable will respond in full. and what we have in service, what even we have in service with china, it exceeds their defensive capabilities many times over, missile defense, hypersonic complexes with nuclear, as they say, combat
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cleanliness will not be stopped under any circumstances how missile defense does not work against posidons, but these are underwater drones armed with nuclear warheads against gliding, so-called gliders, gliding avangard aviation complexes, and so on. strengthen the strategy of nuclear deterrence, that's when russia told great britain that if british missiles strike deep into russian territory, we will hit british military targets, including outside ukraine, accompanied this statement with the start of exercises ...
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of course, but remind we need to talk about this constantly, now a little advertising, then we will continue. i am proud that i live in such a beautiful country, that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland, and i want people to know about it too. this is very important, ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and goncharov. taganay is a whole adventure park, there are bears and more. fyodor chaliapin at one time
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called himself a simple vyadsky peasant throughout his life. white nights of leningrad, gray peaks of the caucasus, blue lakes of karelia, green sea of ​​taiga, as beautiful as our sunny kalmykia. no one returns from a trip the same person, so travel, develop yourself to any degree. anb, i only came to one conclusion: she was put
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there to carry out a certain mission. she is now engaged in the collective organization of a new european darank na hosten, an attack on our country. a woman, and by training, after all, a doctor, she is the most modern face of the füresh. this is simply called expansionism, but in return russia is presented as an aggressor. in it too much has been invested, this is a commercial project and not european, american. ursolader issues of european gynecology. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. the husband, supposedly, having left prison, killed his wife, the killer wore gloves. what kind of analysis is needed, operational, prognostic human. exactly, flowered weave. what is this, an interrogation? we ask in the department, and this is just a conversation for now, come yakovich, you are so sweet, and let’s go with you to the cafe this evening, bloodhound, new episodes,
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watch the time after the program, hello, you are looking for someone, maybe me, so i’m here, dangerous flowers in the country that can change your psyche, take a close look at what you grow, now it’s prohibited. about this, about the rules for the bath, about proper food and about many other important and useful things in the program to live healthy, tomorrow at the first, on the centenary of boris vasilyev, i loved you silently, hopelessly, sometimes with timidity, sometimes with jealousy, i loved you so much sincerely, so tenderly, one piece. i
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had a husband, zhenya, someone beat him off, but don’t complain to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t fight him off, they killed him june 24, okay, asyanina, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i’ve been in this skin since i was 18, i don’t need it either, you believe it, lisa, be sure to believe it, maybe it’s true, happiness is nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, but there is no way back to it, after that we’ll sing.
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the fan makes a vulnerable woman out of an elderly sadist, my head is in the right place, they told me i can’t watch tv from morning to night, here you go, ranevskaya, since may 27, my funeral is being held on the first day , an orchestra is playing, instead of my photograph there is a photograph frekkinbock. there's a big game on the air. this night , another very important discussion and vote took place in the un security council on a resolution proposed by russia on preventing an arms race in space. seven countries voted in favor, including russia and china. on the contrary, we see the united states as its allies. that is, the resolution was not adopted.
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and the reason is obvious, because the united states itself is a leader in the field of militarization of space, planning to place weapons in space, weapons in space, just a few days before un security council meeting, the new york times published a very remarkable article with the headline "new star wars program." let's listen. the pentagon is rushing to expand its capabilities to wage war in space. they believe that china's and russia's rapid advances in space operations pose a growing threat to u.s. troops and other military installations on the ground, as well as u.s. satellites in orbit. the ministry of defense is seeking to have a new generation of capabilities at its disposal, which will allow, both from space and from the surface of the planet, to protect the us satellite network from enemy attacks and, if necessary, to disable its spacecraft in orbit or disrupt their operation, pentagon officials said.
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that's it, alexey petrovich, placement in... but here we are not talking about the destruction of means of being in space, that is, the americans relied on rap weapons for the sake of electronic warfare, that is, the impact of an electronic pulse powerful enough on spacecraft can disrupt their functionality for orbit, and with the proper combination, you can focus, say, this electromagnetic pulse from some devices, direct it to the ground, and influence some ground object. that is, this is one of the promising areas that the darpa agency was considering, that since they cannot put a laser into orbit, since they are not able to create some kind of kinetic interceptors, then the rap complex is quite feasible, let me remind you that these complexes e staring satellites they operate in the millimeter wave range, which is operational range and electronic warfare suppression complexes, that with proper, as
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they say, formatting of the creation of a powerful signal, these results can be achieved, which means that the working orbit of these satellites is 500 km, but it was laid down in the technical specifications that if something happens they can rise to an orbit of 1.00 km. russia, as if i were assuming that they could go down this path, seemed to be saying that we would have a corresponding answer, well, mirror or asymmetrical, because in the field of rap, in the field of other space weapons we have there are proven technologies, it’s true. taking into account russian realities, we can create more advanced complexes, but in an ideal meeting we say that there is no need to militarize the complex, space, because it will end in tears, but above all for those who hope that this is the only chance for hegemony over everything world, i would like to emphasize in this case the hypocrisy, simply immense hypocrisy of the united states, they constantly accuse russia of creating anti-satellite weapons, including with the help of allegedly
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russia's plans to withdraw. to bring their own anti-satellite weapons into space, thereby militarizing it, is simply an outright double standard, and another example of simply drinking double standards in the politics of the united states is their reaction to yesterday’s initiative of the prosecutor of the international criminal court, who demanded that the court issue arrest warrants the prime minister and ministers of defense of israel, netanyahu and gallant, respectively, and the political... military leader of hamas, what started here in united states? biden indignantly attacked muus, who said that what is happening in gaza is not genocide, and israel is committed to doing everything possible to
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protect the civilian population, these are more than 30,000 victims, and of these, 10,000 are children. and pay attention to how the rhetoric of the united states immediately changed, they said that it means israel is violating, well, or there are imbalances... that it is asking for the issuance of arrest warrants for high-ranking representatives of the israeli authorities and hamas terrorists. by in fact, the prosecutor himself was supposed to visit israel next week to discuss the progress of the investigation and get acquainted with the position of the israeli government. employees of the prosecutor's office were supposed to arrive in
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israel today to coordinate this visit. instead, israel was told that the employees would not arrive, and this was reported simultaneously with the prosecutor’s speech on television, where he announced these charges live on air... and the prosecutor’s office employees went to russia, they got acquainted with the position of those in whose name it was a warrant has been issued. the difference between russia and israel is that israel is a democratic country with accountability mechanisms. investigations are ongoing there. in russia everything is different. that's it, sergei sergeevich. these are the classic double standards that exist in america, they... it’s very clear, if people storm the capitol, then this, of course, is a military protest, they get sentences of 20 years, these are terrorists, these are domestic terrorists, 20-plus years, yes, but if people come out in georgia, then this is a completely normal peaceful protest, they just passed
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take a walk, the same thing happened in kiev, and now the international criminal court has found a huge amount of evidence of direct guilt, murder, the state in which 15 million people are now, no one can explain how... how long can they live in such unsanitary conditions in such conditions, despite the fact that the attacks actually continue every day, no one is stopping anyone, but the united states of america, before making these apotheosis statements, they held consultations, senators, congressmen on video conference, we talked with the international criminal judges and told the court, we will deprive you of your judicial status, because we are american senators, we can do anything, you know, a very good argument, how can you just...
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condemn israel, put pressure on israel, but
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rhetoric the united states has already changed, recently biden seemed to speak rudely with netanyahu and demanded that he change his policy in the gas sector, now biden supports israel, and the united states has united. in support of israel moose is opposed by both congress and the biden administration. then netanyahu himself had a very difficult internal political situation.
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netalyajo must be given his due from the moment he came to power - in the distant year ninety-six - he always - he had some difficult moments, but he was criticized, and all the time he somehow successfully turned around, now, look, here in this situation, what he did, he took a systematic approach to surviving; a crisis center was created under the government in order to repel the anti-semitic antics of the international.
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the conditions in which the palestinians find themselves, they are accustomed to this, yes, they believe that the main element here is to rely on the united states of america as a superpower, this is the minimum program they have now more or less received, that is, the united states of america for them stood up publicly at the un, outside the un, and so on, with all the other elements, they will now try to deal with me systematically, but of course the damage will be done. very significant public opinion was inflicted, well
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, it means that such accusations were made, i think mus reacted due to the fact that there was very harsh criticism from many countries, because he did not take the initiative on his own , he reacted that he himself was being criticized for the not very correct decisions that were made, he here adjusted to the public . i have an opinion for the time being, public opinion, which has captured many, many countries, and has made such a decision, although it may not particularly insist on it further, so it seems to me that netanyahu will still try to overcome this once again crisis and moreover to score some extra points, to say that due to my hard line, which i am doing for the benefit of israel, more and more external forces are trying to attack me, let’s fight them back. in order not to create
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precedents of this kind. i agree with you, the situation is indeed complicated and it seems to me that mus gave another reason for the united states to strengthen support for netanyahu, gave an indulgence for further support for israel and its policy in the gas sector, which is bad, of course, for international security, but this is mus's conscience, he once again confirmed that this is a harmful institution. and now we give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 17. 0:00 don’t miss it. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. we have moved forward in several directions at once. our fighters repelled almost two dozen counterattacks.


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