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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 21, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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in such an order that they decided that why did you run away from your mother, because he has something to do with this child, honestly, it’s a shame, a shame, now i’ll open the test and it will become clear whether it’s a shame, or just a shame, to give mommy away, and whose child is this, his number is 999, you yourself said that this is not yours, you always said that.
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it doesn’t happen like that, well, it doesn’t happen like that, if you want to be the queen of this world, live alone in your state and don’t demand anything from anyone, well, you’re a king, live alone, well, it’s like this is all your world, and you live like you want to, come down to earth, become a person and just ask, but you don’t know how to do this, we want sonya to live with us after all, we won’t give her to anyone, we will fight to the end, they want to take my daughter away from me, a dad has appeared, sophia is yours, yes, my daughter, officially not your own daughter, you are not the biological father, i came to pick up my daughter, what kind of daughter are you going to pick up, you haven’t been in the child’s life for 6 years, you don’t need a child, you need money, they want to take it her into my family so that there is additional income, i am more related to sonya than you are ilya, why you just said. she believes that this
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biological father cannot come within a mile of a girl, why? let's ask her. at the first there is a big game, and i am vyacheslav nikonov, hello, today iran says goodbye to its president, president raisi died in a plane crash, under circumstances that are yet to be clarified, today a farewell ceremony was held in tabriz, everyone was present.
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will live in the iranian people, not only, once again our most sincere condolences to all our friends and people of iran and this condolences were expressed yesterday by both our president and his holiness patriarch kirill of all russia of moscow, our people who are now bringing flowers to the iranian embassy in moscow, well, iran hastened... to make a statement,
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at least through its official news agency, that the result , that the accident was the result of a technical malfunction, but in fact, i think, few people in iran believe in this, although in general, it is probably clear why this is said, after all, what consequences this could have for iran and for destinies in the middle east, i think everyone was shocked, not just the middle east. but also the whole world, because iran occupies a special position, including in the confrontation with the west, which has bristled against it for several years now, applying these powerful sanctions, and iran did not bend, this blow, which was dealt to the very heart country, he showed what the whole... the west is the sworn enemy
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of iran and the whole good world, and look how not only reacted. but we feel with you in the light of the latest tragic events in the international arena, when several leaders have already been subjected to terrorist attacks, that there is some kind of
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political background here, which may, so to speak, continue in other countries, but in relation to other leaders, so if it was a blow from... me, then the enemies of iran need to keep in mind that iran will be more united, because this tragedy unites the people, if this is an attempt, so to speak, by the internal opposition, there is some kind of participation, then that’s it equally, i think, here is a strong unified leadership, the top leadership of iran will not allow this element to continue to develop, i think the screws will be tightened. in any case, this unity in iran will benefit peace in the middle east and globally in general, so this event still needs to be experienced, rethought, of course, and i hope that - i would really
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like to hope that other leaders will need to be more careful , more attentive, because this is this big game against...
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the fight against him continues to the present time, as against a sovereign center of power, but you are right, now there are indeed political murders, assassination attempts, they have somehow become more frequent, in any case, in may there were two attempts on the life of the crown prince of saudi arabia, mohammed bin salman, and one of his
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guards was killed, erdogan said that he prevented an assassination attempt, there was an assassination attempt on president aleksandar vucic, yes. well, yes, it’s definitely a thing, but it’s a trend, as they say, however, if it really turns out that it was a terrorist attack, then in this case i... just i wouldn’t bet on peace in the middle east, because in this case iran will of course take revenge, it will take revenge in the most cruel way, and well , who arranged it here, in my opinion, israel is not enough, well, here these are the forces, i think that iran has now played a more difficult role clearly in order to calm the public mood, there is public opinion, yesterday we had an iranian journalist on the air, he says everyone there is sure that this is an assassination attempt, and they... really call israel, but so far the iranian leadership says: no, this
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terrorist attack, because if this is so, then it is necessary then start military operations, but we remember what happened when the iranian consulate in syria was attacked, so the situation there is really aggravated, as for the reaction of the west, well, in my opinion, this was best expressed by the head of the latvian ministry of foreign affairs, lansberges, he said i don't feel comfortable expressing condolences. while iran is sending drones, which are used against the civilian population in ukraine, this mug is uncomfortable for him, but killing, sending weapons to kill russians is normal, but he is so uncomfortable, well, he has to to say that kiev, of course, also did not express condolences, well, it is on their conscience, of course, that there is nothing human left there anymore, i think they are now receiving money because of this. kiev, odessa and kharkov sat without electricity, but our valiant
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armed forces continued the offensive on almost all fronts of a special military operation. podalaka is watching this closely. ivanovich, good evening, over to you. yes, good evening, you are absolutely right, we continue to advance, and in many directions at once. well at least the enemy did not try for a long time to refute the fact that we occupied the central part of volchansk, the northern part, completely. the entire northern side, which is the northern side of the volchanka river, but today the photographs that have appeared have already fully confirmed the control of our troops in this territory, and there is also information that at least one fruit farm has been created on the southern bank, now our aviation is working very hard including one and a half ton bombs on the southern coast, on enemy fortifications in high-rise buildings, which are now, as i understand it, preparing for that we will storm this southern part of the city, it is clear that we will not leave it, well , so to speak, there is information that this will not be the only direction from which the attack will come, there are also fierce battles
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in the lepsov area, there is counter fighting here battle, the enemy threw a huge number of reserves, nevertheless, we are taking out both the reserves and the front line, just yesterday evening in the leptsov area about twenty of our bombs were used, this was a very good tactical success, in the nachasor direction our troops were able to for the first time in my memory, in this place in the area of ​​the frequent yar , go to the canal area, that is , the canal itself, go into the forest south of the frequent yar and gain a foothold here, unfortunately, for now we cannot gain a foothold in the novy microdistrict in order to bypass the canal microdistrict, but nevertheless we are striving for this movement, we are trying, we are trying to get there, and meanwhile an important stronghold has been taken in the canal microdistrict, this is a school, oh, not a school, but a local college itself, which in general allows you to control the situation in the area of ​​​​the northern gully, which often covers .. .north and thus makes it easier for us to move along the coverage from the north an hour, so the battle here is gradually
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gaining fierceness , the enemy’s resistance, we are also slowly, but moving confidently forward, also a lot of good news is coming from the south - from the donetsk region, from the ocheretin region, i have already divided it on my maps today these directions are divided into two, this is the pokrovsk direction and separately the toretsk direction, our troops are eastern ceramics, continuing to advance on kalinovo. to alexandropol, which used to be called rozovka, we walked about another kilometer, they took important strongholds and reached their main line of defense, the loss of which for the enemy here would be fraught with very big problems in enveloping the enemy’s toretsk grouping, but at the same time our troops continue, albeit not quickly, to move in the pokrovsk direction, in the novopokrovsk area, in the area umansky, in the nitailov area, we are gradually squeezing out the enemy, throwing him back across the river, to the south too...
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small, but confident, and these directions, in fact, are not the same, there are several that iva named, in fact even more, there are just it’s impossible to list everything, because... and this lengthens the front and makes it impossible to supply enough reserves for the ukrainians, so ukraine is now naturally actively asking for as many weapons as possible, as soon as possible, and today with an unannounced visit there, mrs. berbock, let’s let's listen to what the cdf reports on this matter, yes, well, what is it?
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foreign minister burbock arrived in ukraine on an unannounced visit, currently with the ukrainian army. reflects a new russian offensive in the kharkov region. burbock was forced to cancel a visit to kharkov planned for tuesday due to security reasons. well, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine kuleba is simply threatening the west that he will show them directly, if anything happens, if they don’t do anything, let’s listen now. do not despair, but act, action is what is important, and send us patriot systems. send us.
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what is the source here and what is the continuation? it’s probably hard to say, i have the impression that they receive some kind of text messages or manuals with the same requirements, well, take the last example, zelensky once said that he needed 20 patriot batteries, then he said that to hold the kharkov region , only two, two systems are needed, and two systems cost 2 billion, exactly 2 billion was what blinken was talking about when he came supposedly to play the guitar. in kiev, that is, what was primary, they announced the amount and even zelensky had already put forward his demands for it, or agreed in advance, they explained to him that what you are asking is impossible. burbak arrived in the same way and plays exactly the same record, it is necessary to give as much air defense to ukraine as possible, repeats this, repeats, repeats, but in general she is
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still a representative of the green party, but it seems that she is a representative of the brown party or i don’t even know which one.. . light, because the militant rhetoric of those who should think about peace, about a green planet, about blue water, about flowers, butterflies, it does not at all correspond to what the current minister of foreign affairs of the federal republic of germany says, well, this leads to the fact that the green party is simply losing rapidly now, and in the elections to the european parliament too, well, let's see, the elections will be soon, but the united states is not leaving. ukraine's support, here is a statement from us secretary of defense lloyd austin. the coming weeks and months will be decisive for ukraine. we will continue to act decisively. the survival of ukraine's success is central to the security of ukraine, europe, the world, and the united states. thanks to the approved assistance, we will continue to provide the support ukraine needs in the field of
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security. you will see a steady flow of american military aid week after week. the president. biden earlier this month announced an additional $400 million aid package to help ukraine defend kharkov and other front lines against a renewed russian onslaught. so, the imposed general mobilization along with these weapons should force kiev to continue to resist. therefore, let’s not relax, but america, as always, demonstrates examples of stunning hypocrisy. this is especially clearly visible against the backdrop of the decision of the international criminal court to issue an arrest warrant for israeli leaders. more about this after the advertisement. the sticky trail of the snail ursula vonberlein turned out to be too poisonous even for the european union. in our election program we promise to fire 1,000
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brussels bureaucrats. and i would like to start with you, ursula fondelien. hundreds of billions of euros of theft, people were injected with a vaccine that was not even tested on rabbits, they have thousands of deaths, sula fondelein consults all the time, american ring farm, which works under the cia and the nsa, i made only one conclusion: she was put there to fulfill a certain mission, she is now engaged in the collective organization of a new european shingle on hosten, an attack on our country, a woman by education, everything - after all, she is a doctor, she is the most modern face. this is simply called expansionism, but in return russia is presented as an aggressor, too much is laid out in this, this is a commercial project and not european, american, ursula. dangerous flowers in the country,
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which can change your psyche, take a close look at what is growing in you, now it is prohibited, about this, about the rules for the bath, about proper food and about many other important useful things in the program. great, tomorrow is the first one. while the special operation is underway, the orthodox church in ukraine is being destroyed. we are moving towards europe, so we must move away from the russian conservative tradition. epiphanius, all these other pseudo-priests are just pure disguises, so the schism is a tragedy. thanks to whom this all happened, this is the united states of america and the state department and the ambassador himself. united states religious liberty affairs, sam brownback. what should we do with the lavra, the main temple of kiev? will you give a big trump card to the russians if you close
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it? he says very clearly that there is no need to do what you have already done; you even ended up in prison for your beliefs. the command was given to simply shut my mouth. the girl is on her knees, she prays, they jump around her, and then they drag her away and start beating her, or like some priests, killing her. you proud of what? vavan and lexus show, tomorrow on the first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk, everyone is dancing. she always captivated the public, that is, if lyuba married... he always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy, zhenya, yes, let me out, it’s me, zdinka, i say, any,
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not you're afraid of being ugly, she says, sasha, what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know what i came here for, what you you are silent, you smile, you blink your eyes and remain silent if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very... strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other friend, they couldn’t live without each other, i saw, lyubov polishchuk, the last tango, they met, on sunday on the first, three chords, new season on sunday on the first,
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series games, on sunday on the first. i was left alone for 15 years, why are you here and not with father on the ship? and yes, theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, yes, this is a crap, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything in my own skin, the war passed her by, look at this face, exceptionally, there are many great directors, but there may be one great meeting, i’ll make a call, you’ll come to me, they love you,
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a serious, smart man, and you’re making faces, marital status, what do you say, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, no family, no children, but a grave devotee of art, you are a brilliant dramatic actress, and people will know about it. ranevskaya happy may 27th, first birthday to whom? lev nikolaevich tolstoy. big game live. if i were asked to define western civilization in one word, well, i must say, i was asked to somehow define it, i answered hypocrisy,
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hypocrisy is this... what most characterizes western politics, one of the symbols of this hypocrisy has always been international criminal court in the hague, which was created mainly to prosecute politicians disliked by the west, mainly from the african continent, but not only, and this international criminal court has never enjoyed the slightest, as it were, sympathy among us, knowing its bias, we do not recognize its jurisdiction, we remember that ...
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the arrest of israeli leaders, let's listen to it: my office believes that the three senior hamas leaders, yahya sinwar, mohammed deif and ismail haniyeh are criminally responsible for the following crimes: extermination, murder, hostage-taking, rape and other acts of sexual violence, torture and other inhumane acts against prisoners. to date, thanks to the evidence reviewed and examined by my office, i have sufficient
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grounds. believe that the prime minister of the following international crimes, benjamin netanyahu and defense minister joab galland are criminally responsible for crimes committed in palestine starting at least october 8, 2023. crimes include the use of starvation against millions of civilians as a method of warfare, intentional infliction of suffering, physical psychological injury, cruel treatment, intentional infliction attacks on civilians, as well as crimes. yes, a truly unexpected statement, for me, frankly, it was even more unexpected, his admission that he was under severe pressure in order to make the right decision, that’s what he said. some elected leaders of countries directly and very openly told me that this court was created only for africa and for such thugs as putin. that's exactly what one of the big leaders told me. but we look
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at it differently.
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uh this persecution may be part of campaign against netanyahu personally, because it is obvious that part of the american deep state wants to remove netanyahu, but to justify israel as such, and the atrocities are not netanyahu personally, as a citizen commits, but these atrocities of the israeli state machine, the state system, therefore or maybe in order to
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really... put pressure on hamas, well , something needs to be done against several israeli politicians, and if at the same time the westerners want to overthrow these israeli politicians, well, so much the better, but i... security, when a minute of silence was announced in connection with the death of the iranian president, the american representative also stood up, then the americans began to make excuses that he stood up, but we still don’t express any condolences, and the israeli representative staged a loud scandalous demarche at the un . where does it mean, instead of at least somehow dealing with this tragedy, yes, death is death, i expressed, well, absolutely dirty various words addressed to the deceased president, so this is the level
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of hypocrisy that you drew attention to, i i would also add the malice that exists on the part of the west; it leaves no possibility for any fair trial on the part of those organizations that are under their influence. it boils down to what, if there is anti-semitism, right away, let’s listen to the tanyaha, yes, i just wanted to comment on this, the absurd and false order of the prosecutor in gaga is directed not only against the prime minister and minister of defense of israel, it is directed against the entire state of israel . it is directed
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against the sahal soldiers, who with the greatest they are fighting with heroism against the vile hamas murderers who attacked us with terrible cruelty on october 7th. prosecutor in gaga, with what impudence do you dare compare the monsters of hamas? with the idf soldiers, the most highly moral army in the world, how dare you compare hamas, who killed, burned, slaughtered, raped, kidnapped our brothers and sisters idf soldiers, who have no equal morally and who are fighting a just war, like the prime minister of israel , i reject with disgust gaga's prosecutors' comparison of democratic israel and mass murderers hamas, this is a complete distortion of reality, this is exactly what modern anti-semitism looks like. here is the president of israel, duke, let's listen to him. the statement by the prosecutor of the international criminal court is more than outrageous and shows the extent to which the international judicial system
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is in danger of collapsing. any attempt to draw parallels between brutal terrorists and the democratically elected government of israel, fulfilling its duty to protect its citizens in full accordance with the principles of international law, outrageous and... cannot be accepted by anyone. we expect all leaders of the free world to outright condemn and firmly reject this move. alekseevich, here we see confirmation of the words that we mentioned, hypocrisy, which in russian also means duplicity. this two-facedness of the words of the israeli leadership shows this anti-human, inhumane essence. after all, look at what is really happening, because the executioner. puts him on the same level as the victim, this karim ahmet khan said that since october 8, that is, october 7, when he spoke hamas, it was one day, the day of a terrorist attack, on the eighth
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the counter-terrorist attack begins, which turned into a terrorist attack, into a war, into the genocide of the palestinian people, only the united states is recognized by everyone, well, this is the ultra-right. the israeli leadership is trying to explain to us that it turns out that they are a victim of violence, murder by the palestinians, and if we look more broadly at the map of israel, which, so to speak, well, it’s hard to notice on the map, from all sides already, not only is it against gas launched an open war against the civilian population, we are not talking about hamas, the civilian population is suffering about 40,000, children are 15,000, 78,000 are wounded every day , dozens of genocides understand all this, in the united states of america, look what is happening, usa, it’s the jews who are rebelling, among student demonstrations, there are also a huge number of jewish ones, the americans
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allocated aid in april, this is somewhere over 26.5 billion dollars, but the way they give it out is the same as for the ukrainians, that is, they don’t give out money, they allocate money, on which... israel must buy weapons from the us, but this amount is 26.5, 26.6 billion, this is eight times the annual annual aid to the us and israel and the us. whatever these orders imply,
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there is no equal sign between israel and hamas. obviously, israel wants to do everything possible to protect civilians, but let me be clear, contrary to what the international criminal court has said against israel, what is happening in gaza is not genocide. we reject these accusations. we will always be on the country israel and will oppose threats to its security.
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now that they will take advantage of this is still unknown, whether they knew or did not know the israeli intelligence services, many experts believe that they knew and did not prevent, in order to have a reason to end gaza with the palestinians, genocide began, so now the comparison of hitler's holocaust against the jews will increase, which was, which was a terrible crime, by the way, hitler came to power democratically, he was elected by the people, like nathanya. yes, they will compare it all the time with what
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now at the hands of the israeli army and when the minister of defense was still quoting the old testament, where it is necessary to destroy every last baby and donkey, then they stopped saying that, because the whole world simply couldn’t do it, well, in general, i’m very sorry, so to speak, ordinary normal israelis who would like to live, just really and not bother, are starting to return, it’s very, very unfortunate, very much.
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an actual arrest warrant, not just filed, but issued, in relation to russia and ukraine, did the moose prosecutors travel to russia, to interview people who had arrest warrants issued for them. the difference between russia and israel is that israel is a democratic country with a reporting mechanism and ongoing investigations. in russia the situation is different. we are not aware of any russian investigation into war crimes that has taken place. well, strictly speaking, the current american
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democracy and administration are in a very awkward political position when they have to demonstrate, on the one hand, support for israel, in a situation where it is impossible not to demonstrate, because the question, as they say, is life and death, although i also doubt that a warrant will be issued after all, but the biden administration must demonstrate this, on the other hand, speaking from this position, they push away sensible people, they quarrel with... the so-called global south, they once again, clearly for everyone who for some reason has not yet noticed, demonstrate that they have an absolutely selective, absolutely unlawful approach to solving the most serious, fundamental issues,
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the party is in a position in which, no matter what it does, it only suffers damage to its political points, so it seems to me that only the hegemon can convince the musa judges to speak out against the hegemon, well, in fact, this is not speaking against the hegemon, it is against israel and hamas, no one is speaking out against the hegemon, and moreover, the hegemon and the hegemon have a bipartisan agreement that the mus should be put under pressure with such decisions, as it was...
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i am happy when i develop every day, when i wake up and know what awaits me during the day something new, when we get together with the whole family
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and make dumplings with potatoes, cook, this is heaven for me, you can say my hobbies are traveling, this is... my favorite ice hockey, i have a dacha, which turned into paradise, in the flower garden, i’m proud of her, i started going to drawing classes, and i put my paintings at the exhibition, do music, do art, it’s very cool, i love you all, i love fishing very much, because there is a volga in rybinsk, be happy find good in every second own life. to the centenary of boris vasiliev. comrade serzhin. what do you want? don't stand, don't stand, it'll suck you in. who god got off his feet. where to stand? i'll help. stop, there is no turning back. the azori are quiet here on saturday, first. when
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we return, i will introduce you all to the medal. and zhenya for the order? right. i don't mind. on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk, everyone dances, she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy, let me out, it’s me, alone, me i say, lyuba, don’t be afraid to be ugly, she tells sashka that she should be afraid, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play. “do you even know why i came here, that you are silent, smile, bat your eyes and remain silent if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i
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always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they could not live without each other, so i saw, i would scorch love.” last tango, we met, on sunday, at the first one, at the age of 19 i stayed alone, why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh yes, theater, the reds will come, art will be banned. yes, this is zhmulya, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything in my skin, the war passed her by, look at this face. exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can be only one great meeting, i’ll make
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a challenge if you come to me, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you’re making faces, marital status, what do you say, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, without a family , no children, but dedicated art to the grave, you are a genius, dramatic actress, and you’ll find out about it. ranevskaya from may 27 on the first birthday of lev nikolaevich tolstoy. the sticky trail of the ursula fondelein snail turned out to be too poisonous even for the european union. in our election program we promise to fire 10.00 brussels bureaucrats. i would like to start with you, ursula fondeyan. your tenure in power turned out to be a disaster. hundreds of billions of euros were stolen from people who were injected with a vaccine
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that was not even tested on rabbits. they have thousands of deaths. he takes consultations all the time. at the american ring farm, which works under the cia and the nsa, i made only one conclusion: she was put there to carry out a certain mission. now she is engaged in the collective organization of a new european drank-on-hosten, an attack on our country. a woman, yes, by education, she is still a doctor, she is the most modern person, fuhrensche, this is simply called expansionism, but in return russia is presented as an aggressor, too much has been invested in this, this is a commercial project and not european, american, ursola fondern issues of european gynecology, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first.
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the big game live, in these moments of farewell to the body of the president of iran and his colleagues, is taking place in tehran, in the capital of iran, you see, crowds have gathered, live, now the broadcast is coming from tiger.
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central asian colleagues, that is, there are many bilateral meetings, lavrov made a number of very important statements there, and not only related to the shanghai cooperation organization, he made a very interesting statement about that conference in switzerland, which brings together ukraine and its western allies, that's what he said.
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will come, i think, after yes, no, yes, this is below india’s status in international relations
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somewhere, well, not to serve, but when called. so to speak, zelensky to come and try to discuss something about him, these figures are too uneven, but look, even such a leader of the eastern european country as yastreb, a general like petr pavel, the czech president, whom i followed, in our magazine we published a lot of perspectives about how this government and the fiala are currying favor with the west in anti-russian position, like them, to even please...
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the united states to take control of the entire eurasian continent, they are on their face. our colleagues in conversations with me expressed indignation at such unceremoniousness and outright impudence, but the west is the west and...
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we’ll put the word fronts in quotation marks here, yes, fronts of tension, economic, political, geopolitical, what we see they are trying to do according to the entire perimeter of the russian borders, but strictly speaking, china is nearby, and if americans from the european union come to the countries of central asia, then it’s obvious that they would like to see the policies of these states not only in an anti-russian vein, but also in an anti-chinese one, everything is very compact there, but in the end... they won’t succeed in crushing the muslim world, they’ll be able to crush the americans, i think not, because everything... the us administration’s lack of understanding of the specifics of the east, and the middle east, the middle east, the islamic east, and you remember, the program of the united states of america not so long ago they talked about the greater middle east, this program no longer exists,
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after the arab spring everything became great understand what the united states is. they understand due to the fact that they have taken a strictly pro-israeli position, and if so, then these courtships of saudi arabia, the gulf states, and even sometimes in negotiations that were held behind closed doors with iran, show that they are trying to find something, but their pro-israeli position, the power of the israeli lobby in the presidential administration cannot lead to anything good, because... there is already a fear of disgust for this zionist position and therefore it is hardly possible to expect that the arab countries will succumb, especially as the situation in the middle east develops in relation to both israel and the united states, a reaction, i think, will still follow. the usa generally relates to other civilizations from the point of view of its superiority and, of course, theoretically linear progress, that everyone
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should still come to the same model, but they have a model, well, it is impossible to have a model. come because the usa occupies a place at the top of the food chain, and there is only one place there, so you can strive, but as soon as you get closer, they will kick you head, actually. brix is ​​a new world, free from hegemony that huga chavez dreamed of: brazil, russia, india, china, south africa, and now saudi arabia, egypt, iran and so on and so forth, just imagine this new
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world of the future years, when all advanced technologies will arrive in venezuela without any hegemonic conditions. i give you this technology, and in return you follow my orders, you will produce only this, this and this. no no no. and the united states, this hegemon, all the time argued that we couldn’t cope without them, that’s why they should sit, as you said, at the top of this food chain, we all have to come to terms with the fact that from this top
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secondary products, their consumption, including the ruined ecology, fall on our heads on a global scale, and all sorts of other troubles, wars, conflicts, blood, all this, we must come to terms with it, because otherwise there will be chaos, it will be even worse, here is brix. why do westerners hate him, although at some point they themselves also tried to test the waters there, to get in, as it were, because that this organization sets an example that you can live and not spoil each other, this does not mean that we have a complete paradise of harmony, but it means that we can honestly negotiate, such hypocrisy and malice as in their western world, in that we cannot have any relations with israel, but indeed it is true that there are now more than 40 formats of cooperation in brix. which will be used in our chairmanship, now tomorrow the brix academic forum opens, where your humble servant heads the russian delegation, these are think tanks that
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before each summit, brix prepares recommendations for leaders, tomorrow you will have the opportunity to communicate on our air with participants of this academic forum from the leading brix countries from, i hope, hello, we are broadcasting evening news in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. this is the main topic. support for svo participants and their families.
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economic growth and tourism development. future.


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