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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 21, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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an excellent reason to visit the brightest festival, which opened today at the grand exhibition russia. an exposition of a wide variety of flowers was set up for the guests. according to the organizers, there are more than 100 million of them. there are about 400 varieties of peonies alone, as well as lilacs, irises, roses, dahlias, almost 90 flower beds from every region of our country. visitors can expect elegant walking areas surrounded by greenery, master classes from florists, a floral fashion show and lectures about famous plant breeders. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now it's time for the program will show. hello, live on channel one, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, and today, as always, we will talk about the most important ones.
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from the ministry of defense of the russian federation. in accordance with the instructions of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation , the first stage of the exercise began in the southern military district under the leadership of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation with practical testing of the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. the ongoing exercise is aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment of units for the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons to respond in order to unconditionally ensure territorial support. here is
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a rather short and succinct statement, here is a picture that demonstrates and confirms that actions within the framework of this statement will be carried out, but it seems to me that there are quite a lot of interesting nuances here, because the southern military district is indicated. and usually we have something like this connected with the triad there and so on, and in general with the word nuclear - this is somewhere in the northern fleet there somewhere in kamchatka here and there, here in the southern district, you saw at the beginning of the video and a car with a socket, well, that is as if no one is saying anything about what it is, but it seems to me that everyone who needs to hear it, the most amazing thing is that now a bunch of all sorts of quacks will begin.
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who have no connection between what they say in their idea of ​​their place in the world, the possible consequences of this, in principle, this picture and this statement, this in in general, by and large, it’s just an attempt, well, to make it clear that in today’s world everything should be linked, and what you say, and what can then happen in real life, in my opinion, nothing more, but how will they perceive these are those to whom this is addressed, it will show,
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new episodes, watch after the program time. hello, are you looking for someone, maybe me, so i'm here. while the special operation is underway, the orthodox church in ukraine is being destroyed. we are moving towards europe, so we must move away from the russian conservative tradition. epiphanius, all these other pseudo-priests are just pure mummers. therefore, the split is a tragedy. thanks to whom all this happened, it is the united states of america. and
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the state department and directly the ambassador for religious liberty of the united states, sam brownbeg. what should we do with lava, the main temple of kiev? you will give a big trump card. he says very clearly that there is no need to do what you have already done, you even ended up in prison for your beliefs, the command was given to just shut my mouth, the girl is on her knees, she prays, they jump around her, and then they drag her away and start beating her or, like some priests , killing her, you are proud of what you did, the vanavan and lexus show, tomorrow on the first day, to the steel...
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zhenya: beat off someone- anything? don't complain to me, i won't regret it. they did not recapture, but killed on june 24. well, asyanina, she managed to be married and gave birth. and i’ve been in this shoes since i was 18, and so am i. no, believe me, lisa, definitely believe me. maybe it’s true, happiness is nearby. and it will come to you tomorrow. there is just no way back to it. afterwards we will sing with you, elizabeth. let's carry out the combat order and sing. come back soon, girls! the ozori are quiet here on saturday first. to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk. everybody dance. she
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always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba. and everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy. she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they could not live without each other, as i saw. lyubov polishchuk, the last tango, we met in
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sunday on the first, three chords, new season, sunday on the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday at the first, ranevskaya doesn’t know that frekken boxing was drawn on her, without showing the picture, you call for an appointment, freekinbok is seriously passionate about carlson, this is a cartoon for... children from 3 up to 7 years old, i’m trying to somehow justify my heroine, love for this fan makes a vulnerable woman out of an elderly sadist, my head is in the right place, they told me i can’t watch
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tv from morning to night, here you go, ranevskaya with may 27 on the first. my funeral is going on, the orchestra is playing, instead of my photo, frekkinbock's photo, time will tell the program, we continue to work live, i started the program today by mentioning the statement made by the ministry of defense, which states that in accordance with the instructions of the supreme commander-in-chief... the first stage of the exercise began with practical training on the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons , emphasized that this is happening, well in such an unusual way in the southern military
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district, and this seems to be directly and not related to what is happening on the territory of the former ukraine, but territorially it seems to be, and as they say, then, as you wish, so... by the way, provocative statements, not only about inflicting a strategic defeat on russia, but statements that we will defeat russia on the battlefield, but also provocative statements of a completely different kind, which we have discussed more than once in this studio, on the topic that russia - this is a dog that barks and doesn't bite, that's all these talk about the fact that they can use something, remember this article, in my opinion, it was foreign affairs that, like, europeans, and not nato, should withdraw their troops to ukraine.
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with the use of absolutely conventional weapons, absolutely conventional
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armed forces, including those returning in places, many told me about this during my recent trip to the front line, with a departure from certain newfangled trends in military strategy and tactics, with a return to combat regulations, including soviet armed forces strength to, so to speak, tactics and strategy, which in ... formation, well, here’s an economist, for example, who cannot be accused of some kind of biased attitude towards the ukrainian reich, this is how
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he describes the situation in the kharkov direction now, please, many ukrainian military kharkiv residents are angry that russia was able to advance so far and so quickly, some criticize delays in western aid, others suspect incompetence or even betrayal played a more serious role, and theories are also circulating a conspiracy that politicians in kiev or... washington might surrender kharkov on the eve of an unpleasant peace agreement. the government official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, suggested that zelensky had already sensed that the military leadership might not be telling him the whole truth, at least that's what he says when he yells at his generals, the official said. said the official, an unnamed official, to the named western media outlet, which does not have much faith, this is the question not only, and maybe not so much , that this is how things really are, it’s interesting that they describe these things in this
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way, within the framework of, well, some approach driven by them alone, but there is himself, ukraführer, who, well, i don’t know, maybe it’s his way of speaking, well, such a glitch happened to his face, but look how he reacts in an interview with agencies to questions that... are being asked by many people now, well , they asked him to his face, the important thing here is not even what he answers, but how he reacts, how they say, facial expressions and gestures, he’s an actor tails, you mentioned victory, which is very interesting, because more and more people are saying that zelensky cannot mean access to the borders of the ninety-first year, now the reality is different, he should strive for a compromise, you hear it yourself, what can you say to these people? in fact, i don’t hear that, they just don’t tell you, i
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don’t know, it’s possible to play something like that, or if he plays something like that, then what kind of game is it within the framework of what piece, he plays this thing, it’s somehow poorly played - then, in fact, it is clear that man, that's the point. they took it off the tongue, if it was played for some reason, then it was played very poorly and unconvincingly, if this is really such a natural loss that came out of him. then this is very significant, considering that, well, these are, after all, retors, and he understands that this is his loss, well, many people and many places will see and hear, in their own country, where i think, and so everyone understands everything about him , but in the world, and in that world in which he always asks for weapons, help, money, support, and so on and so forth, and here, too, very
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it is significant that they essentially ask him, what are you doing there? he was talking about the ninety-first year, you generally understand that you are already pressed against the ropes and will soon be torn, well, in the good sense of the word, and this sounds not only in the interviewers’ questions, listen, for example, to what level it lowers you, so to say, the current tasks of ukroreich, remember recently, the strategic defeat of russia, victory on the battlefield, which means that now we are listening to austin, by the way, if suddenly... someone thinks that this is not osten, it also immediately seemed to me that this is not osten, because somehow he lost a lot of weight, he’s still without a military uniform, but this is austin, that’s what he says, please. victoria said, and i quote, it seems to me that if attacks occur directly from behind the front line from russian territory, then these bases should also be targets. i think it's
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time to give the ukrainians more help in striking these bases inside russia. do you agree with her assessment? in my opinion, the attention of ukrainians should be focused on close combat, they should ensure that to achieve those goals that will ensure success in the near future. we have been clear about giving ukraine the ability to defend its sovereign territory, but of course we expect them to continue to use the weapons we provide only against targets inside ukraine. you see, yes, she’s a journalist, it’s clear from which pool of journalists.
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on the territory of russia we do not have the green light for this, we are negotiating with our partners so that we can actually use weapons against military equipment and weapons systems located near the border with ukraine, we would like to use western weapons for this, but we have no progress in this regard. the russians use 300 aircraft on ukrainian territory, we need at least 120-130 aircraft to counter in the sky.
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can't you give us an f-16? okay, let's return to the aircraft that you have on the territory of nato countries. we would defeat them if you gave us everything we need to win, but you don’t, so what do you want from us, but let us hit targets on the territory russia, give us planes, if you don’t want to give them, shoot down the russian missiles yourself, everyone understands what he wants, pistoria. answers in absentia. germany and other countries are not seriously discussing the possibility of shooting down missiles and drones of the russian federation over ukraine. this would be direct participation in the conflict. this would be direct participation in the conflict. here , in fairness, it must be said that these frameworks for direct participation in the conflict have changed several times. they had tanks, not tanks, that means they were there. and the helmets
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were. at first there were helmets, when there were helmets, they didn’t discuss what. makes them participants in the conflict, then they said that, well, there will be no tanks, by the way, pistorius started with this when he took this position, then it all shifted, but now it’s as if we won’t shift, here are all these correspondence dialogues , conversations, facial expressions, gestures, tonality, what is actually happening on the ground, and we do not fully understand what is happening there, whether this is our powerful offensive, or whether it is simply creating a sanitary zone and delaying ukryreikha resources from... plots, this is all in the aggregate in your opinion, in what, so to speak, what words and what formulations should be described from the point of view of where we are now. this conflict? well, of course, all this is described as if in one word, and in this case i say what is happening in ukraine, what is happening between ukraine and the west, this, of course, is like
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a statement of the crisis, the military crisis is completely obvious, generally visible to everyone, and an economist correspondent, and there are hundreds of media outlets, and ministers, and of course himself zelensky, but at the same time it is absolutely clear that this crisis is not, as it were, a collapse. we see that the war continues, if we talk about the situation at the front, then - of course, this russian offensive near kharkov, i say again, do not attack operations, in this case the front is leading and the army is attacking operations, but here there are offensives if take the scale that was involved, this is approximately the level of divisions, if you take the forces that were used, and yet they suddenly struck and fell into emptiness, it was of course a shock for the ukrainian command. well, there were many reasons for this, of course, it was a great idea, because no one could hide it, although we have been talking for 2 whole years that there is no more fog of war, but
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somehow we were able to make it happen unexpectedly, it was, of course, the training of the troops, you were absolutely right in remembering the soviet regulations, that is, here they began to pile up what is simply called according to the regulations and artillery, aviation and everything as it should be, that is , that’s all that was needed, and they brought what they had pile on, yes, again they were excellent.
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in order to then put them into service, that is, this already speaks very, how to say, really about the critical situation with the training of troops, that is, at this level you can minimally prepare a soldier
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to sit in a trench, but count on... . for the fact that you, as you correctly said today, are there, we remember last year the promise to go to the crimea, we will remove the takmak there in 2 weeks, we remember all this, it was on these same days, excuse me, exactly in a minute. today we succeed, in 2 weeks the ukrainian big offensive began a year ago, the great offensive, which announced, as they say, let’s go to the crimea and drive the muscovites, after all, they called it a counter-offensive, let’s be objective, a counter-offensive, although it was clear to everyone that the counter-offensive is generally unclear from what point, this was. a really big offensive, well, and accordingly, of course, a year later we see the situation, not just qualitatively different, we see the situation in general as if from a completely different perspective, that is, the trajectory of the war has changed so much that it cannot help but force non-zelensky to yell at the generals, not to reprimand zelensky in an interview with some very offensive unexpected things, that is, everyone understands that something is happening , that in general it is happening, oh, that’s
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fair. this is a very good one, you know, sometimes there is a formulation that is in the rational sense of the word, rather unformalized, that something very strange is happening, something very incomprehensible, but we understand that something is happening, you said earlier , a crisis situation, on the one hand for them in a military sense, but on the other hand let's be realistic, and i have already said more than once, after i returned, that... trips, especially, well, more or less long ones to the front, they somehow bring you back to reality, when i visited, there are details , yes, and you understand what a viscous front is, you understand what it is when , well, it doesn’t seem to be moving anywhere, but you understand, here’s attempt after attempt, attempt after attempt, all this is very difficult, and you can talk about it as much as you like that they have a crisis, they really have a military crisis, but nevertheless
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less, allocating part of the reserve. from different directions here, well, by and large, so far their front has not cracked anywhere, yes, we are putting pressure in one place, we are putting pressure in another place, there in the zaporozhye direction and in the kherson direction, but being realistic, we cannot say that somewhere everything has cracked so bad that it’s just starting to crumble, they’re transferring reserves, they’re actually preparing people from the wheels , they’re throwing them into a furnace, as it were, but nevertheless this front is holding on, but i don’t know and i don’t care ...
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who is it by status? well, here’s a very indicative quote from newzvik, it’s important that they write this, so, roughly speaking, it’s the tenth thing for us, we have questions at the front, but more and more often these days they pay attention to, well, so to speak, questions from his as if status, please, zelensky’s decision not to appeal to the constitutional court for confirmation of his own legitimacy poses a significant risk, both for himself
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and for the entire... people of ukraine. questions related to the powers of the ukrainian president could make him look like a lame duck for world leaders who consider him the main obstacle to finding a compromise solution to the ongoing war in europe. the intransigence of the president of ukraine may be unacceptable to key players, and they will try to remove him under the pretext of political illegitimacy, in the hope that a more accommodating character will take the presidency. i emphasize that this is american. begins, and even on may 16, begins 5 days before the event, begins to discuss the topic of zelensky’s political illegitimacy, which, judging by to what the author of newsvik writes, he understands perfectly well that many are aware inside ukroreich, and rightly, by the way, they are doing what they are aware of, the next question is what they will do with this awareness, and well, there is no need
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to think that this is some kind of me here’s... one article where they discuss this, i grabbed onto it, yesterday i gave two articles, here you go, a publication that also writes, they don’t use the word. illegitimate like newzvik, but suspended, its time is running out, and so on and so forth, even more indicative is the washington post, which always was famous for such a very, well, so to speak, attitude of support, so this one generally returned to rhetoric, which even we had long ago, in general, sort of put aside, that zelensky’s main political achievement before he became president was that that he played the president in the series, and the main achievement...
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we remind the owners of ukroreich about this through the lips, including our representative in the united nations, who says that any intermediaries, and you know, there is a whole line of intermediaries there, a we must remember that on may 20 , zelensky’s legitimate tenure in power expired and the signing of any documents with leaders who have lost their legitimacy is contrary to common sense, well, here i understand the work of mr. nebeise. those whom we call upon to have common sense, those who had common sense, they would not have started all this, but nevertheless, well, it is clear that on the other side, this kind of squiggle, they are trying to sort of, well deny, well, come on,
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let's listen, my 5 years as president are not over yet, because of the military the situations continue, well, he has his own separate ones there.
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well, at the un level, that’s even more revealing, let’s listen to dujarique. zelensky remains for us the head of state of ukraine, and the person with whom the secretary general communicates when he needs to contact the ukrainian leader. well
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, in general, the official representative of the secretary general, he is of course a genius, this is such a criterion, that is, really, what is the criterion of legitimacy, this is when the secretary general needs him with someone contact, that’s who he’s addressing, it ’s like, or... like some kind of fog, this is a conditional political, political technology, i don’t know what kind of reality, in your opinion, what’s happening in it now, is it either tying up, brewing, or on the contrary, it’s somehow like this - that’s what’s wrong with this, for the un people - zelensky
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is possible, certainly a leader, but in the absence of fish , iraq is a pike, because who else to communicate with, someone needs to call gutierres, so he calls zelensky on out of old memory, out of old friendship. for guys from european union, but i remind you that for them juan guaido was the president of venezuela, and svetlana tikhanovskaya was with them, they are very undemanding in this sense, they said zelensky, which means zelensky.
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in what form, one option is that these will be nato troops, the other option is that these
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will be european troops, not under the auspices of nato, so that the fifth point does not work there, and so on, which is why tactical nuclear weapons exercises conducted by the russian federation are extremely timely federation, this is not a demonstration, this is an answer in reality, well, you they said, yes, that you will enter into a conflict, here is your answer, the teaching, you understood everything, you didn’t understand, okay, we move on, we conduct strategic exercises strategically. nuclear weapons, because then we are talking about what is clearly stated in the russian military doctrine, read what is called in russian in english, everything is located on the site, in this sense, the russian leadership gives very clear, normal answers to this, but - unfortunately, politics is politics, yes, it would not be politics, if this did not happen, these guys are trying to turn everything upside down, that is, put the horse behind the cart and say that aggressive...
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sms distribution begins to be managed by the minister of foreign affairs of various european countries, by the way, not everyone listens, but nevertheless he succeeds more or less, why? because the european union is under the nato umbrella, it is nato that is now our key opponent and adversary, and not zelensky, again i emphasize the peking duck, he will only be devoured now that’s it, he’s no good for anything else, because someone needs to be responsible for everything that you spend.
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regarding what you said, there is also an interesting formulation that the west is looking for a model for entering the candy industry.
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the man understands everything, he says: artyom grigorievich, a lot of questions, the first thing is that the french are there, you know, that is, military people look at all this, well, perhaps not as relaxed as we are, in this sense the question is, when will you say the entry model, because you need to look for the entry model if you are concerned about how someone will accept the logic and justification you propose, but to whom are they going to justify themselves, who is that side for them, for whom? for which they need to convincingly enter into conflict in a military sense with nato or westerners, and why are they now convening a conference in switzerland, where they will decide, actually on the sidelines, how to bring russia onto the negotiation track, of course, with russia, because this territory , which will be shared between russia and the western world, it’s very interesting about the models, there is
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a french model, these are expeditionary corps of different countries that will protect what the west already has in ukraine, a completely occupation zone. financial participants in the so-called grain deal, grain that is driven from ukraine to the european union, collapsing the local market, this is american grain, in fact, it is not ukrainian at all, it belongs to america, these companies have very serious pmcs, private military companies where they serve including retired military personnel, the calculation is made on them, that is, if the americans enter ukraine, they will only use pmcs,
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pmcs are the security service of these companies that will simply protect this property, which they consider theirs , for example, like this, there are also different options, but they...
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energy, nuclear safety, then there will be technical solutions, a plan will be drawn up , which will be broadcast and presented at various venues in russia. artyom, i apologize, a small remark, they will try to crown him there, this is precisely why representations are needed, on the issue that we discussed, about which westerners talk a lot, they mean that with legitimacy him. some questions, it is clear that this conference is one of its goals, it is clear that this is to give a certain, so to speak, history to it, but still, in your opinion, this conference is about what , this is part of some political game, who is playing what around or this conference, well, i still
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think that this is not to crown zelensky, because, of course, it can be crowned. sometimes anything is possible, but this is no longer possible, and the conference turns into a half-empty event, because of the position of china, because of the position, ur, because of the position of many other countries, even if there, well, what will india decide, even if representatives appear there, let’s suppose, suddenly not, not heads of state, but some representatives of the global south appear, representatives of china will probably be there too, that’s just... in order to advance one’s agenda, as one of the chinese stratagems says, to appear at an event in order to act like a guest. turn into a host instead of being a guest, become a host, i heard this version that the chinese are going there to sort of sabotage it
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for a pro-western event, but the more i look at zelensky now, his facial expressions, his gestures, the more he shows confusion, he was probably never a good actor, but now he finds it even more difficult , and about the fact that i wrote, yes, that... the west needs to persuade zelensky to be more pliable and more flexible, this caused me a certain internal smile, in my opinion, those who wrote are either very smart, very cunning, and present the situation in a slightly different light , or actually it’s just superficial, which is rather closer to the truth, why, because zelensky, here i completely agree, this is already a broken card, this is... an already played piece, in the west they understand this perfectly well, just imagine, suddenly they persuade zelensky, and he
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shows maximum flexibility and pliability, firstly, from an internal point of view, he will not be able to bring internal processes under control, he will not be able to promote this, he is not a charismatic enough leader, not a strong enough leader to hold the internal opposition, and secondly. .. and we will believe such a negotiator, we have trust in such a negotiator, our head of state or his representatives will negotiate with such a negotiator, i have strong doubts, for us zelensky has already burned out, he burned himself back then in istanbul, in general he burned himself back in paris, when he met with vladimir vladimirovich putin even before all these events, when he was ready to sign important documents, and then... under us pressure he turned back, showed himself to be a vassal, frivolous, not deserving of what he
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autocratizes everything, the main thing is that he is a non- handshake politician, for us he remains a non-handshake man, this will not change, no matter how much flexibility he shows, this will not change, so all the talk about how we need to persuade him to do something is... in fact, they understand perfectly well, i am sure of this, that if it comes to the point that there must be another figure to negotiate in ukraine, it will be possible to negotiate only when there is a strong turning point on fronts a and b, when either an internal one occurs in ukraine. crisis, or change of figures, only in this case, or rather these two conditions, do they go hand in hand. rent, yes, i agree with alexey alekseevich that this banquet around this very peking duck, it’s
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certainly not about the duck, but nevertheless , for some reason these people gather at this table, but we don’t know some people, here about biden , too, yesterday kirby very revealingly also fussed with his face there, i can’t tell you anything, he said everything, briefly and let’s move on, by the way, i have one small remark, i’ll remind you of the popekin duck. it's already cut into slices of duck, by the way, there’s also an interesting nuance here, but i wanted to say that, well, actually this duck is historically divided into slices , these slices are generally made to be taken out, there are just two nuances here, the first, of course, we see before us an absolutely devastated person, this is clear, devastated because , firstly, there is nothing new under the sun, here we are
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, as it were, for ourselves as statehood, it is obvious that in 2 years ukraine has completely spent all the attributes of statehood, there is no industry, no economy, there is nothing,
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all that's left is tck, people. i was told by a lot of guys, and how do those driven into the trenches hold on, they fight, as some said, the little guy with the letter x, in the good sense of the word, they certainly fight, we talked about this throughout the first part, but we understand that the nazis too formed before may 9, very desperately, even... and even there, more precisely, before may 7, you know, and on may 6 there were still heavy battles, in this case you need to understand that when the system begins to break down as a system, not a front crumbles like a system, then processes begin that you cannot control, for ukraine, i say again, for me the most important thing is, well, what is called the verdict of the current ukraine, it was the morning of may 18, we all saw these empty
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ukrainian cities, you understand. videos of people walking around cities, in the best case there are women there, there are also old people, but as one comrade said, he says: this is the day of the missing ukrainian, people have left the streets, people are afraid, and this is the main answer to where everything is going , time will tell what will happen to this peking duck, what will happen to these negotiations on what will happen with this conference, i don’t want to somehow, as they say, over -encourage myself, especially since the events of literally the day before yesterday give us, unfortunately, a tragic example of how, when something, well, it’s completely understandable, predictable, and suddenly it’s once again called into question, i mean the tragic death of the president of iran, raisiya, foreign minister abdolhiyan, after which questions about what iran is next, where is he, with whom is he, where is
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he, still arose, although it would seem continuity of politics and hamina and so on. the fickle business of politics, we will now discuss after the advertisement, the bending track of ursula fondelein’s snail turned out to be too poisonous even for the european union. in our election program we promise to fire 10 thousand brussels bureaucrats, i would like to start with you, ursula fondeen. your tenure in power turned out to be a disaster. hundreds of billions of euros in theft of people injected with the vaccine.
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too much has been invested in this, this is a commercial project and not european, american. ursola fonder issues of european gynecology. dolls heir tutti, today on the first. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. gin cnop product. stellar group cognac monte shococa, a product of the stellar group. rum, castro, product of stellar group. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. dangerous flowers in the country that can change your psyche. take a close look at what you grow.
7:26 pm
this is now prohibited. i sent information about this. for a bath, about proper food and about many other important and useful things in the “live healthy” program. tomorrow on the first. while the special operation is underway, in ukraine are destroying the orthodox church, we are moving towards europe, so we must move away from the russian conservative tradition. epiphanius and all these other pseudo-priests are just pure mummers, so the schism is a tragedy. thanks to whom this all happened is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states, sam brownbeck. what should we do with the lavra, the main temple of kiev? will you give a big trump card to the russians? if you close her. he says very clearly that there is no need to do what has already been done. you even ended up in prison for your beliefs. the command was given to
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simply shut my mouth. the girl is on her knees, she is praying, people are jumping around her. and... then they drag her away and start beating her or, like some priests, killing her, you are proud of the fact that you made a show of a van and a lexus, tomorrow on... for the centenary of boris vasilyev, comrade jerk, why don’t you stand, don’t stand, it will suck you in, the topog came off my feet, where to stand, i helped, stand, there is no turning back, the azori are quiet here on saturday first, when we get back, i’ll present you all with a medal, and my wife for the order, that’s right, don’t mind. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. i am the head of the
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leninsky district administration. valentina sergeevna, here are some sweets, here are some flowers. do you love dahlias? no. well, who doesn't love it? how did you end up here? and you called me on a direct line from the tv like that. they looked sternly, and mukhtar was walking with me. kvn, first quarterfinal, on saturday, on the first. actually, we were preparing for a regional music competition, our school must win. who is this, why am i seeing this for the first time? she is an excellent student. i'm liberated. what did you sit for? at 19 years old i. left alone, why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh, yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be
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banned, but this is a mule, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything in my skin, the war has passed her by, look at this face, rule it out. strongly, there are many great directors, but there can only be one great meeting, i’ll make a challenge if you come, they love you, serious, smart man, and you’re grimacing, marital status, what are you saying, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, without a family, without children, but before the thunder, devoted to art, you are a brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it. ranevskoye from may 27 at the first happy birthday of lev nikolayevich
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tolstoy, the program time will tell we continue to work live while going on advertising, i said that a lot of things are changing... to hegemanism, a country that is building fairly constructive relations with china, with the russian federation , with brix, and events, the tragic events that happened on sunday evening
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in iran, however, raise a lot of questions, and not even regarding what happened, i, frankly, reading and listening to a lot about what happened, i am increasingly coming to the conclusion that this was, in fact, we will either never know, or will find out very slowly, because those who know or find out are unlikely to talk about it, including - well, the iranians, i doubt that if there is some kind of external factor , they will make it public somehow, official version, while a tragic accident, technical problems, and you see footage from iran, the farewell to russia and others who died began, it will continue for 3 days until thursday, on thursday he will be buried, but already against this background there are quite a lot of questions, relevance or inappropriateness,
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the far-fetchedness or provocativeness of which, in my opinion, is interesting to discuss , for example, a turkish newspaper in connection with what happened, more precisely in connection with the possible consequences of what happened, writes the following: due to the advanced age of the current supreme leader ali khaminiya, there is a power struggle in iran among the religious leadership. raisi was part of the delegation that would make the selection. leader and was one of the strongest candidates for the post of religious leader, but the group gathered around the religious leader wants to see ali khaminia's son, majatabu khamenia, in this post. in the case of the helicopter crash , rasi was the focus, but foreign minister hassein abdalahian was considered an important figure in the iranian regime, he was one of the presidential candidates after rasi, if he had an assassination attempt has been made, this means killing two birds with one stone. it was no coincidence that i emphasized that this is... a turkish
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publication, the complex relationship between turkey and iran is well-known, and is no secret; moreover, in the very first days there were many articles in the notorious british press about internal difficulties in iran and so on and so forth, which personally leads me, among other things, to the idea that this internal factor - certain forces, certain players may now be trying to push it forward and bring it to the forefront, but...
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in fact, raisi, as president , was considered one of the successors of the spiritual leader alichominia, in iran this is a much more serious matter than the post of president, which is essentially an executive branch, but what is noteworthy is the current spiritual leader ali khamini, who is 85 years old, he previously served as president, that is, the presidency is such a test and... abdalakhia, in fact, the minister of foreign affairs, had very great potential, i remember when i first met him at the iranian embassy v moscow, he was not yet the minister of foreign affairs, but the conversation with him amazed me, he was a very smart man, and his potential was immediately visible, the fact that he was raised, promoted and planned for the post of president. iran, this is also quite likely.
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another thing is that the turks now, and turkey is a nato member country, is emphasizing, as you rightly noted, these internal disagreements. and the turks and the british are sticking out. yes, and here, in fact , the americans were the first to start sticking out the british, everyone else mostly sang along, in this chorus i see there is some coherence, that is, there. here there is an intention to give these disagreements greater significance than they actually have, uh-huh, why, because there are forces, and this is primarily nato, this is primarily the west, which are not averse to, if not shaking up the situation, why are they not averse to singing and rock it, i don’t have any questions here, i’m interested to hear your opinion, to what extent is there a basis for this? that is
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, how much are they really pumping up or how much reason to think that there may now be some kind of, well, if not instability, then at least the build-up, intra-factional struggle in iran is always going on, well, as probably and as probably in any other state to a greater or lesser extent, in fact, when ali khamini found himself in the post of spiritual leader, this was also preceded by a struggle between various influence groups, but in iran this... this is even the dividing line between reformers and conservatives, it is very very conditional, what is presented in the west, these are reformers, these are conservatives, in fact this is a strong exaggeration, because speech it’s about people who see the same thing as their strategic goal, the preservation of the islamic republic of iran in its current quality, everything else... it could
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be a struggle for finances, for power and so on, that is, there are no disagreements on essentially, that’s why i see a certain game behind these statements, it’s clear, you’ve already said why this is happening, because the relationship is hostile and so on, it’s also clear that against the backdrop of a wave of preparations for elections, which may not yet take place, because this the spiritual leader must also decide, but for now announced for june 28, but his... leader decides, then he can do it as necessary, it’s probably better for iranian society and for iran’s position in the international arena to hold these elections, but in general , the spiritual, spiritual leader has very
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large powers, another thing is that he is old, and he is not in the best state of health, there is talk that a successor is being looked for in iran. have been going on for a long time, and this is a fact, it’s clear, well , actually, the question is whether this early damage to the political structure will drag on iran, or some fluctuations may arise there, but they interest us not only from the point of view of understanding what will happen inside iran, from the point of view of where i started, that iran is the most important part of that new world architecture and confrontation. which is being built and so on, in this sense, our interest is completely obvious, just as the interests of the americans are obvious, it is very significant that gazdeb expressed condolences in connection with the death of raisi, while making a lot of reservations that on the one hand condolences, on the other on the side there, as always, they have human rights and so on and so forth, that is
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, they have some kind of motivation, well, what is called somehow balancing on this tightrope, and it’s quite indicative that what he writes in this regard. politico, we're listening. washington is closely monitoring tehran's reaction to raisi's sudden death. it is expected that the status quo in the region will continue. however, american officials fear that accusations from iran could lead to an escalation of tensions with israel. american officials spent sunday anxiously awaiting the results of the search for the missing helicopter and spent hours wondering how the crash might change the situation in the middle east and waiting to see who iran would blame for what happened. well , this is a game, because american officials suddenly decided to worry about the fact that blah blah blah blah, and the state department would not be
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the state department if it had not declared human rights and so on, which they successfully trample on their own at home, in any other country, and so on, but yes, really the only one the result of this incident will be... an attempt by the usa, israel, britain, and so on, so that this does not drag on too early, because unfortunately, the model, the political model of these countries, it always provides for one thing: if there is a problem, it is necessary to aggravate it, if there is a crack, you need to drive a wedge in there, drive it further, so that it turns into a big crack that will never heal, but indeed iranian society is now facing it. social elections, we need to make sure that the political system does not trembled, this is the same thing our american and british partners did in the russian political system, our system did not tremble, but the iranian one now, because
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it happened, you listed them completely professionally, you listed all these conditions, it is in a very sensitive period, and yes, indeed, me too... political support for his regime, no matter from whom, including russia too, so he makes quite cautious statements, but he didn’t rock the boat, by the way, the mood in israel is fundamentally the opposite, this is exactly what
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worried american officials, not that something is happening in iran, but israeli sentiment, they suspect that israel will begin, thinking that the time has come, now x has come, uh-huh. now is the time to hit, as they say, on iran, while yes, yes, there is turbulence, this is exactly what worried american officials, and i think this is what they meant when they wrote that we are concerned about the situation in iran, in israel , they are actually worried about the situation, that's it i think, yes, they will either have to restrain israel, and in a very tight rein, or the situation may completely get out of control, because israel has prepared itself, israel has prepared itself, let me remind you that they recently allocated military aid to israel, yes. yes, well , there are a lot of things in israel, they already have their own problems there between gantz and netanyahu and so on, in general, for them, in a sense, this is also such a successful story. yes, well, i would just like to support what everyone said, of course, in america there is a bet that in
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in iran in recent years, one way or another, there has been a kind of swing, especially among young people , in favor of what is called socialization, that is, an attempt to move away from this purely spiritual component of the state towards a kind of secularism, just this whole wing, which advocates such secular reform. at the moment it is the american hope, they have no doubt, of course, that iran will somehow survive, but that it will be possible to push aside, as they say, the ayatol and bring in changeable people with whom they can negotiate, they hope so, although of course the election system itself is very interesting, because in the elections everything is approved exclusively by the leader, that is , any president nominated for the position of president can at any moment simply be removed from this point.
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case, as in any society, in principle, there is, and any crisis, it makes enemies want this gunpowder somehow, but to ignite it, the task, of course, now is for iranian society to go through this very difficult period without giving in provoke here some such things, so i have no doubt at all that from a military point of view, from an external point of view, there are no options for some kind of third world war, as i really agree, there is not even such a game.
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so, in order to solve this problem, he understands that they do not solve the problem, well , nuclear weapons and israel are simply not physically enough to inflict defeat on iran, after which it would, say, cease to exist for a long time as a state, i just let me remind you that israel and ukraine are now they act very similarly, they are trying to involve nato countries and, above all, the united states, in their solution to their internal problems, which they hope that the states will give the order. everyone, having lined up, will go where they are told and so on, that’s what the calculation is in this case, probably, yes, we
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have talked about this more than once in this studio, that according to the model, with all the differences, perhaps human, zelensky and netanyahu are now in very similar situation in the sense that for them any continuation of escalation and first of all, military escalation, this is the only possible way and better at someone else’s expense at someone else’s expense, the best political method, well, in the case of zelensky. at a minimum, also physical survival, let's see what it shows us, this will be a very interesting indicator, from the point of view of stability, the iranian internal system, very correct words about the fact that no one has canceled the agency, and not only the agency, let me remind everyone that mikhail sergeevich gorbachev was a member of the politburo of the communist party of the soviet union, and boris nikolayevich yeltsin was a prominent figure in the ruling party, that’s how it turned out, anything can happen in politics, we’ll see. time will tell,
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hello to our huge country, i love russia because it is very beautiful, it has beautiful cities and a lot of beautiful places, the mighty yenesey river, which is great for fishing, very beautiful. to date, we have already traveled through 79 regions of our wonderful country, it’s a horizon, it’s interesting, it’s new emotions, people from all regions of russia come to us in adegea to look at these beauties, many, many, many, many know our sheregezh, russia has no borders, russia has only a horizon, travel, get to know our world, our russia. "the sticky trail of ursula fondelein's snail turned out to be too
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poisonous even for the european union. we are on our election program." we promise to fire 10,000 brussels bureaucrats, i would like to start with you, ursula vonderijn. your tenure in power turned out to be a disaster. hundreds of billions of euros of theft were injected into people with a vaccine that was not even tested on rabbits; they have thousands of deaths. usula fondelein takes consultations all the time. at the american cool farm, which works under the cia and the nsa, i made only one conclusion. she was put there to complete a certain mission. she is now engaged in collective organizing. this is simply called expansionism, but in return russia is presented as an aggressor, too much is laid out in this, this is a commercial project and not european, american. ursula vonderen issues of european gynecology.
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dolls of the heir tutti are on the first page today. for the centenary of boris vasiliev, it’s difficult, after all to the women in the war, everything is voluntary for me, shoot, rita, the target is caught, fire, yes, i can’t with them, comrade, send me to the front line, while you put your slaves in front, he will make a sieve out of you, that’s why.
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the enemy, armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order all the soldiers and myself personally to hold the front. kvn, major league, first quarterfinal, on saturday at the first. on your seventy-fifth birthday, lyubov polishchuk. everyone dances, she always captivated the audience, that is, if you... i came here to play, do you even know why i’m here , lord, the main thing is to work, to play, you are silent, you smile, bat your eyes and
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remain silent if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone. very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they could not live without each other, as i saw, love, polishchuk, the last tango, they met on sunday on the first. three chords, new season, on sunday on the first. oh, i have one for you question. my movie husband's name is valentin. is it possible that his name should be muliy? my dad dreamed of marrying me off to ozyfovich’s mule. if he sees the picture, he will be very glad that i listened to him. ranevskaya. from may 27, on
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the first. let's take her back. please don't be nervous. me, but as you understand, the situation in the world has not been easy since the first and second part of our program, and it is unclear when it will become easier, so i want some positivity and i have it for you, for those who watch our program, yesterday at the end of the broadcast, saying hello to... the guys with whom i saw again or became acquainted in the zone of a special military operation, in addition to greetings, i conveyed from a soldier, a paratrooper, and his girlfriend’s proposal, a ring, as they say, there was no other, but there was a grenade at hand, so i
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told her well, it seems to me that such offers are not refused in a good way, in the good sense of this. the choice is right, congratulations, i’m very happy that here in our program, this is not the first proposal that the guards make to their chosen ones, i hope this will be another strong family, i hope this strong family will develop, in this regard and in terms of positivity, i congratulate my combat comrade from the 40th marine brigade, pacific fleet, on the birth of his son and alexandra andreevich, that will be the name of this fighter, all the same good, and to his father
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all the best, and to his colleagues, comrades all the best, by the way, all of them, but not by the way, first of all , happy holiday to all of them today, because today is the day of the pacific fleet, and the fortieth brigade marine corps and the 155th marine brigade, this... east in the special military operation zone with fleet day toph is cool.
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tootie's heir dolls are cool too. it seems that the sticky trail of the ursula fondelein snail is too toxic even for the european union. in anticipation of the june elections of this year, the eu prosecutor's office decided to bring ursula to justice for multiple cases of corruption, lobbying and outright bribery. was it really impossible to hide the trail even behind bloody euro papers? shameful present ituman. the future head of the european commission ursula fonder is with you right now maria butina, this is the doll of tute’s heir. begin.


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