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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  May 21, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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it seems that the sticky trail of the ursula fondelein snail is too toxic even for the european union. in anticipation of this year's june elections, the eu prosecutor's office has decided.
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for 300 days, europeans in our wonderful democracy will leave in droves. thank you very much sir, your next word. your time in power has been a disaster, so if we are trusted with the right to make decisions, you will be the first to go after the elections. poor ursha, she, of course, held on as best she could during the attack of her colleague in the european parliament, even tried to arrange reply.
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father of a european bureaucrat in germany. ursula spent her childhood among child diplomats and high-ranking officials. her ancestors with the family surname albrecht registered in the highest european circles back in the 17th century. therefore , her career can be assumed to have happened for a reason. an amazing child who came into this life without crying. over many years in european politics, ursula fondeen has worked hard on her voice. let us once again
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demonstrate the strength of europe as it stands tall and proud in unity. this the incident occurred in the european parliament when, immediately after ursula’s pathetic speech, the hall was deafened by the barking of a dog. the investigation never found out whether it was just a joke from colleagues or whether the phonogram of barking was launched as a threat to her cloudless existence, although there was no such thing. success, on the contrary, many are surprised how, with so many scandalous stories behind her, she still stays afloat politically. the clinic where she worked as a gynecologist's assistant turned out to specialize in clandestine abortions while she headed the ministry of affairs. families, youth, women, the elderly, germany’s social policy has completely failed, the germans try not to remember the times when she headed the ministry of defense. the bundeswehr not only stagnated, it literally rotted. through and through, so that when
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she moved to brussels due to intrigue, berlin breathed a sigh of relief. but only in the sense that at least now it’s not just the germans who have to suffer, but all of europe. december 1. unified european defense policy, assistance to ukraine is its main mission. ursula fondeen, first military operation became frequent guests in kyiv. he openly says: more than 40 were trained on the territory of the es. their soldiers were sent to kiev in military equipment worth 28 billion euros, and their own ammunition production capacity was increased by 40%. by the end of the year , they plan to supply more than 1 million shells to the ssu, however, the head of the european commission noted, this is not enough. she was
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the first to joyfully voice the decision to seize income from russian frozen assets in favor of purchasing weapons for kiev, and together with the same macron joyfully galloped towards sizempinnem to... wag his finger at him regarding partnership relations with moscow. we expect china to use all its pressure to put an end to russia's actions in ukraine. having received a stern warning to refrain from criticizing beijing's foreign policy, ursula immediately allowed herself to express her feelings about the chinese auto industry. the celestial empire is cutting off the path to the us and european markets. the white house administration has already imposed sanctions against electric vehicles and chips, despite.
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in case of defeat, of course, return where she came from, to the gynecological clinic, there will be no need for ursula’s assistant doctors, she did too good a job for the customer, hence, apparently, the allegory of the barking dog tearing apart the european parliament, and ursula’s caravan will still march through
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european politics, regardless of her current status . in our election program we promise to fire 10 thousand brussels bureaucrats, i would like to start with you, ursul. what is urslo vonderen doing right now, stirring up the atmosphere, so that there are more arms sales, we need to sow the atmosphere fear, now she is flying to finland. let's get a look. we all know how putin and his ally are.
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latvia, lithuania, which more or less gets at least something as a springboard for nato's attack on russia. there they clearly outline a certain theater of military operations for us, after the caucasus explodes, this is the second level of nato strategy, and the third through. 10-15 years, it will already be in the northern direction, it’s not for nothing that we know this, and by the way, we resurrected the first guards tank army, which did not exist in 406, but the fact is that that the finns today, in addition to this loss of tourism, have also lost the saimaa canal, in which i once had a part with the minister of transport, so to speak, somehow rafting, because it was a large transport artery, it helped them, they lost their position, in which they had no unemployment at all, because we helped them with the woodworking industry and many other priorities and...
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after the resignation of angela merkel , the position of the mother of the european union became vacant. ursula fondeen, apparently, decided to really play this role to the fullest. she is confident that she knows what she is doing, what is best for the countries of the european union, especially for those who have recently joined nato, such as sweden, finland, she takes care of them like a mother. and she has this style of political life, the most interesting thing is that her competitor in this case is, you won’t
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believe it, emmanuel macron, who also claims to be the mother of the european union, but how complicated everything is there, listen, i’m wondering , there's a woman there education, after all, a doctor, suddenly she becomes the minister of defense. vladimir, how did they look at this in germany and how do they really evaluate her as minister of defense? there was such a chairman of the european parliament, martin schulz, he left an unnoticeable mark on politics, but he owns the expression: what are you doing, this was his reaction when ursula vondelein was appointed european commissioner, the most important, and he says that she completely destroyed the german defense system, man , who at the beginning headed the ministry of family and youth, suddenly she began to build kindergartens in the barracks of germany, to create conditions so that women could serve without leaving work, children would be taken care of, and there the minister of defense since the time of kolya also criticized her, that how can you appoint such a person? the answer is very simple: there is a consulting company that is very closely tied to the fondelein course, and the first
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corruption scandal was that it violated the rules of public procurement, including in the case of consulting, and the company is absolutely american, this company is on the mission of the central intelligence agency and the nsa, at the beginning she monitored the french elections, in the twenty-second year they started talking about it, that in the twelfth year the consulting firm makei entered france, in the seventeenth year. did macron, and ursula vonblaen is a product who bypassed the democratic system of electing the european commissioner, because there was a person directly claiming to be a special candidate of the european people's party, who had a majority, also, by the way, an absolute russophobe, but he was still democratically elected from this european people's party, suddenly macron and merkel come to an agreement about this person, if we go by the fact that ursulo fondelien constantly takes consultations from the american mower on farms, which works under... the cia and the nsa, i made only one conclusion: she was put there, so that she fulfills a certain mission, and
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she fulfills this mission very well. one of the parts of this mission, for example, is the deindustrialization of germany. ursula is building a brussels vertical on the one hand, i think her visit to finland is tied to this vertical, and on the other on the other hand, the maximum spokes in the wheels in germany, while tolerating french development, from nuclear power plants to the defectors who were in the banking sector during brexit. sector, that is, i consider ursula as an element of a certain game from the usa. where did she even come from? her parents are quite well-to-do, they are, after all, her parents’ protégés, or, i don’t know, at stanford they grab her at some point and then make her a political career. after all, the european union was originally a coal-steel cooperation and the european union grew from there. and ursula, in principle , was initially in brussels when the european union was created, so to speak. that is, it is her all the time. spent on the knees of those people who were involved in politics, for me this is clan continuity, accordingly,
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then we need to consider the clan activities of her, her family, and how they spread their tentacles, then there is an explanation for this brussels vertical, she is the most modern face of the fuhrer, well yes, yeah, and i would continue this thought, but because in reality, what is the european union, let’s remember, it’s not very difficult, the belderbier club was created by bernhard of holland, who was a member of the party during the war. jkk was officially registered at the nurmer trial, this is, in principle, well, let’s say, the dutch version of the same nationalist party, he was a volunteer, i’m talking about the father of the founder of the prince consort between. among other things, the husband of queen iliana after the war, this same bilderberg , and he ordered his closest friend, also a nazi, rettinger, some theses for the formation of bilderberg. bilderberg - obscene organization, because thesis number one was the triumph, i quote from memory, the triumph of the anglo-saxon race, namely the race, through the destruction, including the demographic russian people. this is task number one in
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the bilderg thesis, task number two: the creation of the european union. in fact, the european union form in which we know it, in which... its ursulovder claims to be behind his genetic, so to speak, founding fathers, this is an organization that was drawn by alexander dalitsalik, oberg sturmbannführer of the ss, the head of one of ss departments, together with the ribentrop department, they created the idea of ​​the european union, by the way, it was promoted after the war by adenauer, who has a very strange biography of the nazi era, and jean monnet, about whom, well , the smell of rationalism, at least, goes on, the french to this day mockingly and so they hide their eyes, then. his roles, in principle, are the same, let’s say, the same nazi connotation, listen, during covid in general, that’s when ursula’s scandal with the fizer vaccine happened, they bought it there with too much at increased prices, from the only contractor, and she and her husband also agreed and received kickbacks from this, then the issue was discussed that the european union would almost
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fall apart tomorrow, so on the eve of the elections ursula again raises her voice there and it seems everything will be the same well, yes, in fact, of course, this is perhaps the biggest scandal during ursoline’s overall activity in big politics, and there were other scandals, but the scandal with feiser, yes, this is a very revealing story, they purchased vaccines for 35 billion euros, and, well, obviously more than it was necessary, and vanderleen personally dealt with this, she literally had a correspondence with the director of the phaser, they spent a huge amount of money, of course, then not everyone used these vaccines, they were still disposed of, a huge amount of money was spent on this after the fact. after the pandemic, well, how could the big pharma lobbyists earn colossal money, and all this led to an investigation, and, by the way, a few months ago it was announced that this investigation was being restarted again, that is, for the elections the european parliament will create certain problems in the underline, another thing is that, again, in my opinion, yes, as we see now, this most likely will not undermine her
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career as a brussels apparatchik, rather, you know, this is such a bludgeon that is above her loomed like...
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what is a small and medium-sized enterprise in europe, and the european union, this is an enterprise that is now being intensively rearmed, intensively involved in the expansion of the new defense policy of the european union, that is, it put a person in this position, well looking ahead, i’ll say right away that there was such a stir that she was forced to give it up, yes there was a vote, this decision was annulled, but she quite likely planned to have kickbacks from this appointment. a competitor, this is a frenchman, this is the european commissioner , in general, it is considered the main issue now on the internal market, by the way, he is also directly related to rearmament, and another interesting point was that a certain daniel
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front spoke, daniel front is a representative of the green party, it turns out, what... from her and friends and strangers have taken up arms, that is, she is now really in a difficult situation, so she will even be elected, but what are her chances, and a lot depends on macron, on what he says in this situation, yeah, interesting, that’s really , if you also look at what the accounts chamber of the european union unearthed, it is generally incomprehensible to them, because we need to take into account two things: firstly, the europeans were told that it was necessary to take breaks not every 3 months during the last period of the pandemic, at first it was one vaccination , then two vaccinations, then somewhere you have to put the vaccines in reserve. well, this is public health, but then the matter is generally criminal from all sides, and immediately it is cascading criminal, firstly, the accounts chamber established that officials under its leadership demanded 700 billion euros. to ensure the security of the european union, medical, medical safety, when they began to check the brush, they found, in principle, traces of 71 billion euros, where another 630 billion went,
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so they are now digging until they can understand, but firstly, there was still a corpse there, that in itself is curious, because to all these opponents i would add michelle revasi, michelle revasi is a very well-known figure , she led the investigation, she investigated. year , the situation after chernobyl in europe, she founded a laboratory that monitored ursula’s ardent opponent, proves that she is a fraudster and a middle-aged person who undermines public health in the european union, well, because she uses an incomprehensible vaccine, it is unclear where this same astrozeneca was taken from, not passed clinical trials, which was proven, then it turns out that michele rovasi, preparing, well, an indictment, i would say philippika angry against ursula fonderen, went into the table. to have lunch immediately after that, sorry, she went to the cemetery, that is, she, clutching her heart, collapsed when leaving the dining room, heart failure, acute heart failure, but the trouble was
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a month before, especially since the woman was a biologist, she underwent a full clinical examination precisely for about the heart, she never had one, her family insists on cardiac problems, that is, somehow she literally a few days before her speech she died, on the other side of the barrier we have ursula the doctor, her husband, heik fondern is also a doctor. professor for a moment of direct interest as the head of the argenesic company, if all these things are put together into one single whole, it turns out not just an unsightly picture, but a terrible criminal one, but still the accounts chamber dared to find out one more thing: ursula, the contract for she carried out the delivery of astra-zeneca for 73 billion euros using text messages, which she later erased, she corresponded with alfred burla, the head of the astrozenes company, texted when i asked her in court where she was. and i erased it, i don’t have it anymore, that’s all, everything happened or didn’t happen, yeah, you have to understand that brussels is still a bureaucratic machine, and like any bureaucratic machine,
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corruption is its integral part, it’s literally the blood that drives money through the mechanisms, i very much doubt that rusloven will actually fall under some kind of criminal liability, you probably see that any proceedings in relation to european officials, it ends with one thing, they give... in the second it was necessary to have friends, she has these friends, when ursula left germany, everyone looked at her as a mentor to germany, i insist that she is not a protege of germany, that she is like since she was an anti-protégé, that’s why she went there, a person with
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enormous ambitions, a person with some kind of incomprehensible complexes, it’s interesting that a person is judged by his first impression, often judged by his clothes, so we have now touched upon some kind of political aura around ursula vonlein, ah... right after a short advertisement we will look into one more aspect of her life, this is, in fact, what she broadcasts to the world, let's look at her wardrobe and sort it out, stay with us, husband, presumably after leaving prison , killed his wife, the killer operated with gloves, what kind of analysis is needed, operational, prognostic, human? exactly, a flowered dress, but what is this, an interrogation? we are interrogating at the department, and this is just a conversation for now, come yakovich, you are so sweet, and let’s go with you this evening to
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cafe, bloodhound, new series, watch after the program time, hello, you are looking for someone, maybe me, so i’m here, cognac, old barrel, product. stellar group burbon сtirsman product of stellar group whiskey mancacher product of stellar group gin сnop product of stellar group cognac monte chococa product of stellar group while a special operation is underway in ukraine, the orthodox church is being destroyed. we are moving towards europe. therefore, we must move away from the russian conservative tradition. epiphanius, all these other pseudo-priests are just mummers clean water. therefore, the split is a tragedy.
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thanks to whom did this all happen? this is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states sam brownback. what should we do with the lavra, the main temple of kiev? you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it, he says very clearly that there is no need to do what you have already done, you even ended up in prison for your beliefs, the command was given to simply close my mouth. the girl is on her knees, she is praying, around they jump on her and then drag her away. begins to beat up or, like some priests, kill, you are proud that you made a show of a van and a lexus, tomorrow at the first one, for the centenary of boris vasilyev, it’s still difficult for women in war, they are all voluntary, shoot, rita, the target is caught, fire,
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fell. girls for it, i can’t take it off, comrade maverick, send me to the front line, while you distort your little boats, he ’ll make a sieve out of you, so i categorically order you to lie down, okay, then as if that war is gone, i can’t take it anymore, now i’ll go and will you can't shoot, suni, you can't, what are we doing? the germans have one way, between these lakes through the ridge, eternal battle, we only dream of peace, and the dawns here are quiet on saturday on the first. the enemy, armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order all the soldiers and myself personally to hold the front.
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i’ll fly to my love’s seventy-fifth birthday. “everyone dances, she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy, zhen, yes, let me out, it’s me, vilka, i say, lyuban, aren’t you afraid to be ugly, she says, sashka, what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know why i came here, what you are silent, smile, blink your eyes and remain silent." "if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other , they couldn’t live without each other, as i saw, love polishchuk, the last tanga, we met. on sunday on
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the first, three chords, a new season, on sunday on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games. on sunday on the first. maria butin is with you again, this is the doll of tootie’s heir, sometimes, to understand a woman, you need to look into her wardrobe. our character today is ursula fondern. and we found out in detail what she has in her closet and what from this closet she puts on and in what situations. galina,
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you have prepared a whole time for us. collection about what ursula fondern looks like, i'll tell you what to me it seems that she has such modest outfits, but maybe yours is different, well, this is really so, a truly amazing thing, when studying ursula’s clothes and wardrobe, i couldn’t help but feel a sense of dissonance between what i see and what we we know about her, and what she says and declares, and well, at first glance, what we see is a fragile build, short stature, her height is 161 cm, her wardrobe is business, work, everyday. the protocol wardrobe is also nothing special, well, some colored jackets of different models, different fabrics, that’s it here i would like to say about my thoughts on this matter, the fact is that, in my opinion, she was young and very pretty, she knew how to use it very well at 66 years old, she basically leaves this female toolkit to her to my great surprise, i discovered that ursula fondern never wears women's suits, that is , if you come to the store and buy
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a women's jacket, you will always be offered either trousers or skirts in the capsule, and these are basic, natural, normal form of clothing, sula does not have , she changes jackets, but always stays with unchanged bottom, that is, and these are black b... six-piece trousers of a men's cut, as a rule, he belts them with a black leather belt, which is again atypical, i want to make a small digression, the fact is that women's trousers do not imply, well, this in connection with the structure of the female figure, it is necessary to wear belts or belts, because the trousers will not fall down, and the loops in women's trousers, as a rule, have a decorative function, and in this woman you will almost always see a black belt of the male type, in general, about what does all this say, what it is one hundred percent sublimation of the male... why is this necessary in order to feel more comfortable, more confident and safer on foreign territory, look, in fact, it can only be supplemented, because you are absolutely right, here, let’s say, there is such a powerful system of expressing emotions, you see, between the eyebrows
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and the nose a triangle of wrinkles forms, this triangle is formed only with incredibly strong aggression and personal disgust, but that’s okay, it can be a person. professions, but wrinkles vertical type above the upper lip, which is very characteristic, noticeable in many of her photographs, this is already a parameter of incredibly cruelty, that is, a person literally squeezes out very strong anger inside herself, this is achieved by lower wrinkles, which increase her touchiness, but at the same time look, vertical wrinkles on the cheeks, yes , you can say that these are age-related wrinkles, but i found photographs at a young, let’s say ... age, exactly the same, these are not age-related wrinkles, they only form with very pronounced sociopathy or personal dislike of certain people, including people and things. then there are asymmetrical wrinkles on the cheeks, this is already a complaint, and this is already a negative
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reaction to everything, that is, a person, in essence, criticizes everything he can, but still finishes it off with wrinkles around the eyes. my friends, these wrinkles are formed due to two things: the first, well, a conventional, let’s say, smile of a european, so to speak, well, although more of an american. yes, they have this story, but it’s also naturally filled with emotion, and this means that she is happy about it all, that is, imagine, a person hates, feels a disgusting disgust for many things, and at the same time is still happy and joyful among herself, golen, i know that you paid attention to her, so to speak, here this one, maybe it’s just fashionable, they say oversize now, but on some baggy clothes that i also saw, this is absolutely accurate, and this also catches the eye, that is, negligence. clothes - this is one thing, but two, her clothes are most often too big for her, half a size, one and a half sizes, no, but the same the most concerns jackets, that is , her jackets are either not the right size, or they are too big, and i would not say here that she is
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sloppy or inattentive, no, when a person loses the feeling of the size of his own body, then when it is felt completely different from what it is in actual reality, the fact is that early photographs indicate that she had enough. quite masculine clothes, and i will note that arsula herself, i analyzed her speeches, she proves her closeness to angela merkel, for example, when she was condemned for theft, i can’t say otherwise, was condemned by the german parliament, by the way, mondestac, when it accepted a report on
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ursula’s activities in the ministry of defense, and they found out that she had squandered more than a hundred million dollars on mackinzy & company, a company that i know well very well, and which was engaged in an attempt to reform the german armed forces. we will already see her in the promotion of macron, see ursula ursula, when, in fact, the german parliamentarian said: well, how can that be, she said: angela merkel herself recommended me, and to say, i’m not a vessel, i can literally say, the creature and altrega of angela merkel, see the reaction of the german people who said, well, if we take off our hat to angela merkel, then everything is fine, like it’s not scary, well , really, i have to say what ursula said, i took it into account i won’t make such mistakes again, that’s right, then she came already once...
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not to be confused with some kind of deviations, she, as i can tell you, is not a queen, that’s the king, she controls the situation, she comes to her anyway you love it or not , she just comes, good afternoon, i... ursula, and i came, excuse me, accept me like this, that is, this is approximately the approach, that’s it, colleagues, i wouldn’t add here now, we had another interesting surname, the surname of macron, macron recently spoke about ursula fondelein, she thinks she doesn't have a boss, if we can't control her then she should be , we sent her a clear message that she has trustees, they are the ones who give her the mandate, that's quite a strong statement , really? they really have them go against each other, despite the fact that they
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are actually brought by the same american sub-king firm, yes please, it’s very interesting here, she is a nomenklatura queen and she really feels like one, and carelessness in clothes is a challenge like what would you you won’t, in fact, as for macron, he is not in the nomenklatura, and this is his problem, he loses to her in all respects, so she feels very confident towards him, she can eat him at any moment, and i’m afraid what...
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doesn't make a decision, ursula is interested only one thing: her power in brussels must be a final victory over the orbans, so that in no case is there anything democratic there and against her only correct opinion. now in our studio there is a person who has been studying ursula fondelien for many years, this is chris roman, a political scientist, analyst, and he clearly has something to say, did you hear our conversation, are you following ursula fondelien on yours, on yours?
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is very famous for the feathergate corruption, but why are you interested in ursuloien, why are you studying her? because she's a leader the european commission, she is a very important person, she can make big decisions, for me it would be very strange to ask who she works for, she does not work for europeans.
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there was no answer, now the answer appears, indeed, since the beginning of the twenty-first year, mrs. vanderleen, well, she openly calls her such a president of the european union, a quasi-president, yes, by the way , she prepared all this even before the beginning of the northern military district, that’s why they have it there a unified strategy for the implementation of sanctions and so on was planned with the americans, that is, there was no one the tinsel that happened under her
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predecessors, many national leaders really don’t like it, not only viktor orban or someone else on the right, but even for example emmanuel macron, although... macron and his party and this liberal bloc renu in in the nineteenth year they helped, not without difficulty, to get vanderleen elected, and in the european parliament to approve her candidacy for the post of chairman of the european commission, there were big problems with this, because there were literally just enough votes, now there are elections to the european parliament, and there, of course, the situation will change a lot, well, firstly, we understand that the right is sharply strengthening, there are two such blocs, well, one such non-systemic right, marine lepen, alternative and so on, it’s called. national identity and democracy, well, the second block of such systemic rightists, they call themselves conservatives and reformists, relatively speaking, the spanish vox, the swedish democrats, miloni in italy, they are more negotiable, now there is a lot of talk about the future coalition, which is being formed under vanderleyan, it will be much more right-wing, ideologically, that is
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, they will most likely throw out many liberals, throw out the greens, but they will screw up this very agenda and will cooperate, it will cooperate with the right, therefore, by the way, more than once.. recently she has been meeting with giorgia miloni, this is the prime minister of italy and just a representative of this movement of such systemic european rights, i think that thanks to their votes they will still be able to give her her. the opportunity for the chairmen of the european commission to be elected, re-elected for a second term, but in exchange for this the right will receive quite a lot of seats in the european commission, and politics will shift to the right on migrants and most likely on weapons, that is, it will be militarization, rearmament and much more more money will be spent on defense. you and i, comrades, are now watching the so-called change of shoes taking place, when a person radically changes his political views, because he just needs to be elected for another term, enter politics to seize more power. a year ago, we noticed a very interesting speech by ursula fondelein. she
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said that moldova, armenia and georgia should definitely become members of the eu. and there are protests in georgia, does ursula vonderijn have anything to do with this and were her statements, so to speak, not accidental immediately after the advertisement? at the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here, you and your father are on the ship? oh yes, the theater. the reds will come, art will be banned, yes, this is reaping, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes, i am ranevskaya, nothing on mine i haven’t experienced the skin, walk past her, look at this face, exceptional,
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there are many great directors, but there may be one great meeting, i’ll make a call, you’ll come to me, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you’re making faces, marital status, what do you say, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, without a family, without children, but devoted to the grave art, it’s brilliant, a dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it, ranevskaya since may 27, on the first, birth of whom ? lev nikolaevich tolstoy. rom castro is a product of the stellar group. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. old
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barrel cognac, a product of stellor group. bourbon steersman product. product of stellar group. dangerous flowers in the country that can change your psyche. take a close look at what you grow. this is now prohibited. about this, about the rules for a bath, about proper food and about many other important and useful things in the program - to live healthy. tomorrow on the first. epiphanius and all these other pseudo-priests are just pure mummers , so the schism is a tragedy, thanks to whom this all happened, this
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the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states sam brownback, what should we do with the lavra, the main temple of kiev? you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it, it says very clearly that there is no need to do what you have already done, you are for your beliefs. they even ended up in prison, the command was given to just close my mouth, the girl is on her knees, she is praying, they are jumping around her, and then they drag her away and start beating her, or like some kill priests, you are proud of what you have done, van and lexus show, tomorrow at the first, on the centenary of boris vasiliev, i loved you madly, hopelessly. sometimes with timidity, sometimes with jealousy there, i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, one staff commander, by the way,
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married, got himself, so to speak, and i was ordered to assign this girlfriend to work, now you will educate, or only then after lights out i had a husband, a wife, someone beat me off, but don’t complain to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t beat me off, but killed me on june 24th. okay, osyanina, she and i managed to be married and gave birth, and i ’ve been in this skin since i was 18, i don’t need it either, you believe it, lisa, be sure to believe it, maybe it’s true, happiness is nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, just on the way back no, after that we’ll sing with you elizabeth, we’ll carry out the combat order, come back quickly, girls, the mischief here is quiet on saturday on the first, yes, dear, yes, i’ll buy, i’ll buy
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, i’ll be there soon. kvn: first quarter final on saturday on the first. well, hello, brother, what are you doing in crime? i saw that he had wrung out the latvian’s cabinet. on the seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of lyubov polishchuk, everyone dances. she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her. lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy. jen, yes, let me out, it’s me, alvilka. i
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say, lyuba, aren’t you afraid of being ugly, she says: sashka, what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know why i came here, why are you silent, smiling, clapping? eyes and remain silent, if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange. recruiter, she was amazing, i i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they couldn’t live without each other, as i saw it, love, polishchuk, the last tango, they met, on sunday on the first bloodhound, new episodes watch after the program time.
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maria butina is with you again, this is the doll of the heir to tuti. so, a year ago ursuva said, in fact, georgia, armenia and moldova are obliged to be in the eu. let's listen and discuss. the fastest way to do this is to deepen our ties and strengthen our democracy. i also want people in western the balkans, ukraine, moldova and georgia knew that you are part of our family, you are the future of our union, without you our union will not be complete, this should be the message. this assembly stated.
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that is, she aims not only at what is now in the eu, but at the fact that she will radically expand the european union. a year ago, this does not yet look like an election promise, which means that this is a conscious policy and movement in that direction. this is simply called expansionism. the european union, like nato, is an expansionist supranational education, so you say, like nato, but what is this? russia is presented as an aggressor, although
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russian political actors say: where did you get the idea, we, everything is turning upside down again, do these statements have anything to do with the current protests in georgia, yes, when she declares ambitions for the expansion of the european union in the transcaucasus to moldova there too , yes, i imagine how somewhere on the sidelines the turkish side is giggling loudly, loudly , which has been there for 50 years, but the european union’s dodge cannot possibly enter these doors, that’s why i would perceive her statement as purely declarative, pre-election, so... resonant, but still nothing more, because well, for example, let’s take at least one country, let’s take moldova, i can’t imagine how this country can be included in the european union, romania can be absorbed, how can they, for example, absorb moldova, it’s the same with georgia, they don’t recognize abkhazia, ossetia, yes, partly, they have such a cool format, a candidate for accession, so , that’s why i would perceive it purely in this case the statement as such a beautiful declaration of
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intentions and as an election step. version, i... everything is the same, but from a slightly different point of view, which means that there are people who believe in what they say, well, there are such people. ursula fondelein's grandfather was involved in such strange things as implanting magic, probably, well, then it was fashionable in the third reich, components of hoaxes and other things from the point of view of autogenic training, which means, yes, this is ursula fondelein 's own grandfather. she has relatives from russia there was this great-grandfather, wow, and the school at that time was the school of autogenic training, which was developed in germany, the one who developed it is an incredibly popular person, the war is over, he remains an incredibly popular psychologist, and the grandfather was there somewhere nearby, this is the same psychologist who developed utogenic training, who demanded the destruction of lgbt people completely,
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the sterilization of people who have deviations, and this means lgbt people. these mantras, i would note, colleagues, that after all, ursula is about war, by the way, i didn’t just say this, because ursula was involved in another scandal when she gave more than 7 billion euros to egypt, when the same with morocco, to curb emigration so that it did not come to europe, and german parliamentarians, well at their local level, and the european parliamentarians made this gesture, well, at some minimum, not weighed
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, not agreed upon with anyone, but not for the first time. if we take what is real, where moldova and naturally armenia can be members, all the rest are nato, this is the status that the la method is very easy, brazil also has it, it won’t make its own army yet, because it had statements, maria, a completely separate issue, if if i make my own army, in this case we are misinterpreting macron, then naturally in support to help the general north atlantic alliance to the bloc, nothing more, when macron says that to strengthen the european component he simply wants to get more orders. slightly different weight distribution, this does not mean that he wants to leave nato or destroy nato, it’s funny how at least, but ursula can really push nato to the east, because this is in everyone’s interest now. the only question is that the role of germany is not clear to me, because the role of france, i understand, well, what do they want within the relations between washington, paris, the axis in terms of military orders, a slightly different distribution is also clear, but germany
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is occupied by the usa, germany is not independent, what exactly is she? it’s just that she’s still not really about germany, at least after she became chairman of the european commission, that’s what concerns migrants, the eu had plans. to deport their illegal migrants to tunisia in morocco, money was allocated for this, but in the end it led to nothing. then there was a story about albania, they wanted to deport there too, and now there is talk that maybe they will be deported to armenia, so you see, we will have such an interesting european integration according to pashinyan, if they are given some money in the form of grants , they will simply send these same illegal immigrants there in thousands, but i still don’t quite agree that the story is about this membership in the european union is an empty hot air, yes, everyone understands it perfectly well. that neither moldova nor georgia will ever become members of the european union, but this, like in ukraine, is used as a certain carrot that is dangled in front of the, well, conditionally pro-western part of these states, who are promised that, well, now you
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will overthrow those authorities there, who build normal relations, that’s exactly how it is, yes, or bring pro-western forces to power there, re-elect maya sanda, god forgive me, but a new term for moldova, then you will have a happy european future, of course there won’t be one, but this is some kind of... trick, which, unfortunately, it worked in ukraine, so we should also be on alert here, because in moldova we we see certain destructive processes of an attempt to undermine the situation in georgia, yeah, yes, colleagues, there is one nuance, this will certainly complement the picture, she has a very strong dislike for, let’s say, people with dark skin, she is a racist, yes, if you look at how she behaves when appearance, here if you enlarge the picture, then she has disgust on her face. forgive me, but she doesn’t have time to hide it, but in all the videos she has a perfectly healthy hand with all the white men, she’s tough, strong, a man’s handshake, not so feminine, that
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’s neat, but here the hand didn’t even twitch, pay attention, when he came closer to her, look, wow, wow, this is the reaction, when he began to lean towards her, she immediately turns away, excuse me, but this is very clear, in perspective?
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in the european parliament will be, the chairman is changing european parliament, hypothetically, we imagine that comrade orban comes in, yes, he will preside, yes, he comes there, we imagine, he puts it in his place, this completely changes the disposition, of course, instead of himself in hungary he leaves his supporter petr szijart with such same success, nothing changes there in hungary, here she comes, and how she will be re-elected in this situation is a very big question, more likely no than yes, so you see, will she go to some american research institute, or will she head over . i don't i agree, i think that she will 100% be re-elected, because the agreements have already been completely merged, the choice of the european commissioner is a complete agreement, from beginning to end, this is the system of agreements, who is given what place, who will be the european commissioner, who
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will be in what committee, this is a very tough scheme, in this tough scheme it is necessary to enlist the factional support of the european people's party, it has already secured it, weber completely merged the faction of the european parliament, he forgave that he was not elected, accordingly, any competition. the same orban, he won’t have time to come to make all these agreements on how to arrange countries, which is why now ursula fondelein is in a situation where she is agreeing exactly what the italians will own, which commissariat, what will belong to the french, she has actually mastered, in principle, settled this system, and i i don’t see anyone other than some kind of force majeure, yeah, that is, they are slowly dividing the pie, well, yes, in fact, if i were asked to bet money, i would bet that she will be re-elected, but really i think that it will be easy very strange. a very new coalition, yes, the right, they can get many seats, but they will not have their own majority, yes, the first faction will still be the people's party, yes, and there, although there is also a split, in fact , for example, the french republicans, they have already announced that they will vote
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against wender, but perhaps, thanks to the votes of the right, she will still be able to get a shaky, but majority, this is actually the best scenario that right-wing eurosceptics could get, yes , they are not will be able to form their own composition of the european commission, but they can get a seat. at a large table and the opportunity to influence processes, perhaps, by the way, they will be given quite important positions, for example, immigration to the european commissioners, for the defense industry, he will also appear there in a new composition, there will be a separate one...
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once again about the fact that europe is preparing for confrontation, it will only develop it, because there is a lot of chekhov’s gun invested in this, which hangs loaded in the wall too much, this is a commercial project and not european, american, there is no independent from the usa, europe, and especially from england, great britain, so no one will allow steps to be taken that in some ways are absolutely parallel to nato, i will remind you that sens and stotenberg are very strongly wanted to go to the bank, but we said it was impossible, ferbuton, why ferbuton? we can’t find another executive manager like you, jens, but in my opinion ursula is just as irreplaceable, so indirect evidence from her is like water off a duck’s back, hundreds of billions of euros thefts, various dossiers from the bundesfer to the general europe, where people were injected with a vaccine that was not even tested on rabbits, they have thousands of deaths, so in principle, you are like sheep, just say, those same sheep share, they took and... .
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large corporations invest financial resources in a person, there are american consulting intelligence services, and then let ’s work it out, but you wanted to take a step to the left, a step to the right, and that time they threw a compromising document at you, they said, and you remember when you were over there, over there. there, that's when you take these apart scheme, then it becomes clear where, where, who they will put, the elections to the european parliament are really approaching, the layout may be... and the same, but they say the devil
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is in the details, we know how to show you the details, i was with you maria butina, tute's heir doll, now is the program time. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. in response to western provocations, training exercises to prepare for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, personnel canceled the defense. the position of our artillerymen in lugansk.


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