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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 21, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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and the same, but they say the devil is in the details, we know how to show you the details, maria butina, the doll of tute’s heir, was with you, now is the time for the program. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. in response to western provocations, training exercises to prepare for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, personnel canceled the defense. the position of our artillerymen in lugansk.
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people's republic, how the fighters worked , showed our film crew. buffer zone, washington's reaction to the advance of our troops in the kharkov region. the pentagon is trying to justify new supplies of weapons to the kiev regime. support for special operation participants, industrial development, education and tourism. meeting in the kremlin between vladimir putin and the head of kalmykia. a sea of ​​sorrow iran bids farewell to president ebrahin raisi, who died in a plane crash, and other government officials in the republic, which is undergoing five days of mourning. expansion of the shanghai cooperation organization security issues in eurasia - statement by sergei lavrov at the meeting of foreign ministers sco countries in astana. you can’t leave and stay with zelensky. the deadline has passed, but
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he is not going to transfer powers, what is said about this in the constitution of ukraine and how is everything presented in the west? image of the future, domestic it solutions for russian industry. a large conference in nizhny novgorod with the participation of the prime minister. the national congress of endocrinologists opened in moscow to combat diabetes and other serious diseases. advanced achievements that are being implemented throughout the country, peonies, lilacs, irises, roses, dahlias, more than 100 million flowers, flower beds from all 89 regions, a grand festival at the russia exhibition at vdnkh. the general staff of the russian armed forces, on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief, began the first clear response to the aggressive provocative statements of the west, as previously announced.
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stage of exercises on the combat use of tactical nuclear weapons: the unit of the southern military district will practice equipping iskander missile systems with special ammunition and covertly moving into the launch area. aviation has its own tasks, patrol missions including with aeroballistic missiles dagger on board. in total, the maneuvers involve three stages. belarus will join on the second. and to the situation in the special operation zone. new data from the ministry of defense. the russian army continues to advance in the kharkov direction. the north grouping of troops hit the troops and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces, including near volchanstvo. this is where these shots come from. the militants set up a temporary deployment point in the city and launched drones, but a one-and-a-half russian aerial bomb disrupted their plans. the situation at the front was also improved by the division of the center, south, west and east. the total enemy losses per day are almost 1,700 militants. among the damaged equipment are four infantry fighting vehicles.
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twilight is approaching, when daytime drone cameras are almost blind, and night cameras are still ineffective. we look at the drone detector, and the commander of the self-propelled battery of the 123rd brigade with the call sign terek, meanwhile, shares his recipes for confrontation with ukrainian copters. when the car winds, it raises dust, a cloud of dust in which you can already try to escape, here the question comes between the drivers and uav operators, who will win. it gets dark and enemy night drones fly out for reconnaissance, considering. the longer the guys
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fight, the deeper they go underground, now above us, probably two meters, not a single large-caliber shell of the enemy will penetrate, and that too. i didn’t come, i waited, i waited, well, i started beating off the thresholds in may, the military registration and enlistment office, they didn’t take me, there were no places, well, through friends, i decided anyway, so i went to the artillery. a fellow worker with the call sign lukav remembers when they were galloping on the maidan, every morning he went down into the mine and mined coal for ukraine, but the day came when kiev
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with my own hands i pushed them away from me forever, to my city near the hospital, to the peaceful sector where pensioners and children live, during some kind of event there. either a wedding or something, the tape came in, a lot of people died, i don’t remember how many, either 13, or 18,200, well, where should i look, what kind of work, what kind of mine, when they kill old people and children, a shot, the carnation is a proven and reliable weapon, the barrels of the 123rd brigade are directed towards seversk, the enemy has many positions in the forests and fields on the outskirts of the city, they are shooting our guys mostly do it at night, and they also deliver ammunition to the artillerymen in the dark. having received ammunition, the crew hides underground . here the artillery with their own hands, without any engineering equipment, built an entire underground city, where all the rooms communicate with each other. you can walk along the trenches at full height, everything is done. please note, according to science, the corridors are curved so that in case of arrival the blast wave does not reach the shells
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of the gun itself. an extensive network of underground passages, dugouts, cabins, fire pits warehouse positions, the calculation was dug out in just a couple of weeks. this comes first. now iran in the islamic republic is saying goodbye to the president and other government officials who died in a plane crash. funeral
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events are taking place in different cities; a five-day mourning period has been declared in the republic. today it became known that the russian delegation at the farewell ceremony for ibrahim raisi will be headed by state duma speaker vyacheslav. footage from iran in the material by irina kuksenkova. on the streets of tabriz, it seems, all the residents of the city have come out, thousands of people are saying goodbye to president reisi died along with him in a helicopter crash, the minister of foreign affairs and the head of the province of east azerbaijan. coffins in the colors of the iranian flag were carried through the streets of the city, people did not hide their tears. the footage from above shows a huge stream of people being pulled.
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i am sure that he did everything possible to save iran from any adversity, he tried to solve economic problems in the best possible way. in the meantime, the investigation into the plane crash is underway, everything is being considered. versions of what happened, weather conditions, error piloting, technical malfunction , external influence. footage from the scene shows that the helicopter was burned to the ground with the exception of the tail section. the rescuers who were the first to reach the scene of the tragedy in the mountains also could not hold back their tears; they showed the ring of ibrahim raisiya, this is the only thing the president did not destroy in the flames. the search operation lasted more than 12 hours.
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today in the kremlin i had a meeting with the head of kalmykia, batu khasikov. one of the main topics was support for the participants in the special operation. they also talked about economics in traditional industrial production is developing in the agricultural region. the tourism sector also makes its contribution. about everything in order in the report by oleg shishkin. judging by the way vladimir putin began the working meeting with the head of kalmykia, it became clear that the president is well aware of the peculiarities of the region. the republic of kalmykia is also called the land of tulips, right?
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captivates with its energy of the steppe and bright colors, in my opinion, this is largely due to the fact that our republic, the only european part of russia and the westernmost buddhist region in the world, is a region where buddhist dotsans and khuruls, adjacent to orthodox churches and muslim mosques, have shown good economic growth in recent years, the first agro-industrial park in history is starting to operate in the republic with plans to increase investment in the manufacturing industry at least twice.
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kalmykia would become an agrarian-industrial region. regional budget revenues have doubled, including due to an increase in the number of small medium-sized businesses. unemployment and poverty levels are decreasing. the region has completely resolved the problem of defrauded shareholders. housing construction increased by 40%. particular attention to veterans of the great patriotic war; 24 natives of kalmykia became heroes of the soviet union. the memory of the war, the connecting link between generations, on may 9, a holy day for all , victory day thunders in eleste in the kalmyk language.
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30% are now in work, veterans of the northern military district in kalmykia are given special support, batukhasikov gave an example of how one of the volunteers chimit dzhangaev, having returned home, became a deputy of the republican parliament, you pulled him there, and into these structures, yes, well, because a person is devoted to his homeland, a responsible person, a very energetic person, and the most important thing is that competently and quickly such people, such people need to be raised and... dozens of guys have now applied to participate in the project time of heroes , this is a tremendous opportunity, it is very important for us, thank you also for this initiative. the sampling here cannot be massive, but this is only the first step, then we will increase the number of people who will be included in this joint work. successful in the republic the social sphere is also developing. the shortage of places in kindergartens is already a thing of the past; there is a program to modernize schools, which includes not only major renovations of buildings, but also equipment for classrooms. this year there will be
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presidential elections in the republic. batu khasikov secured the support of the president. here is the next election in general. shelling, control of the units was restored, the enemy attack was repelled. junior sergeant mark davidov, during aerial reconnaissance, discovered an accumulation of equipment in the ssu, transmitted the coordinates to the command post when the artillery began working, and adjusted the fire. as a result, three harrow machines, including western ones, were destroyed. now look from the other side: this ukrainian soldier surrendered under the hourly ravine. the gunner
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of an american armored vehicle, max pro, spoke about how he behaves in the american swampy terrain. still with them, i don’t know ; what causes panic? the mood in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine is not difficult to understand. the russian army has the initiative along the entire front line and is actively moving forward. for example, in the kharkov region, in just a week, our defenders liberated
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13 settlements from ukrainian militants. this creates the buffer zone necessary for termination. shelling of russian regions by the kiev regime, vladimir putin warned about this possibility more than once, if the attacks on civilians do not stop, the advance of russian troops in the kharkov region reacted at the pentagon. the topic will be continued by konstantin panyushkin. the us secretary of defense has found a new reason for sending western weapons to ukraine, the russian offensive in the kharkov region. russian military forces will try to advance in the coming weeks in an attempt to create a buffer zone along the ukrainian border. this is a tough, dangerous fight. lloyd austin has already habitually called the coming weeks and months decisive, that is, now the audience of western media is being convinced that the fate of ukraine is being decided in the kharkov region. president biden announced an additional package worth $400 million. this will help ukraine protect kharkov and other front-line areas from the new russian threat. thus
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, the pentagon is presenting a long-overdue operation to protect residents of the border regions of russia as an aggressive campaign. take away the territory of ukraine, at the same time, the united states is well aware of the true goals and reasons for the operation that our armed forces launched in may, this is a response to targeted inhumane attacks on the civilian population of the kursk and belgorod regions, help bro, i called an ambulance, hang in there, you're alive, everything is fine, where it hurts, where it hurts, everything is fine there, you will live, don't worry, everything is fine, soon things will get better, you'll be better off, now you've called an ambulance. terrible footage, wounded children after the ukrainian armed forces struck the stadium, this is what happened in belgorod on new year’s eve, let’s go and provide assistance, there is no pulse, there is no pulse, they are getting confused, all the arrivals are in crowds of peaceful citizens, on the cathedral square, where there is a fair and a children’s skating rink in parks, ukrainian terrorists were aiming at shops and residential buildings, arriving everywhere, central lenin park, arrival, the square
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is on fire, arrival, and... on may 12, the ukrainian armed forces struck again in a residential area of ​​belgorod, the explosion destroyed an entire entrance, 17 dead, including three children, but the message about the murder of ukraine and russian civilians comes from border areas every day. of course, we can respond in kind, we can respond in the same way regarding civilian infrastructure, against all other objects of this kind that the enemy attacks, well, we have them. your views on this matter and your plans, we will follow what we have planned. for the first time, the question of protecting the residents of the belgorod kursk region from attacks by the kiev regime was asked to vladimir putin. very carefully to
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create some kind of sanitary zone on the territory of ukraine at a distance from which it would be impossible to reach our territory. the reason to return to this conversation appeared in the midst of the presidential elections, when the ukrainian armed forces simultaneously bombed border residents with cluster munitions and tried to invade russia using saboteurs. difficult, using those means of destruction, which the enemy uses, first of all, of course, are foreign-made, but a couple of days later in the kremlin, at a meeting with trusted officials, it became clear that vladimir
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putin had made a decision. there are different ways here, they are not easy, but we will do it. on may 9, immediately after the parade on red square , vladimir putin, together with alexander lukashenko , told reporters that the day before they had held consultations with the command of the armed forces until late at night. we yesterday.
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both the us secretary of defense and actually subordinate to him, antonio aguto. it was antonio aguta, the general of the american army, who insisted on shelling the belgorussian christmas tree and exterminating the civilian population of belgorod. he said the more civilian casualties the better. if you look at antonio aguto’s track record, he has trained militants and terrorists more than once in various territories from afghanistan to the middle east. therefore, this is truly a purely american thing. approved by the american leadership, without shielding any of the ukrainian military leaders, and the ukrainian authorities no one does not defend, in the end it is their fault for what is happening. the other day in
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beijing, answering questions from journalists, vladimir putin directly named kiev and its western curators as the culprits in the fact that russia is forced to conduct military operations in the kharkov region to protect its citizens. as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, it is their fault, because they... the parameters of the so-called sanitary zone are not named, with one exception. as for kharkov, there are no such plans today. konstantin, svetlana vidyashkina, irina bliznyuk, sergey prokofiev,
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channel one. vladimir putin held telephone conversations with president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev. we discussed preparations for the upcoming state visit of the russian leader to the republic and the development of trade and economic cooperation between moscow and tashkent. vladimir putin also shared his impressions of what he had just done. ongoing negotiations in beijing with the chinese leadership. the shanghai cooperation organization is expanding its influence on global processes, increasing by the number of states included in it, both members and observers, the coverage of the number of people living in the territories of the sco and the overall gdp indicate that this is truly a multipolar world, united by common ideas and an equal partnership without the dictate of sanctions, able to agree to seek a common solution to emerging problems. our delegation. is headed by foreign minister sergei lavrov, one of the topics is the situation in ukraine, and as lavrov noted, the west’s desire to hold a conference on ukraine in switzerland without the participation of russia and highlighted in
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our country is perplexed by the ultimatum. will join russia, china, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan, pakistan, india and iran, and if you also count those who have observer or partner status, then there are more than twenty highway states. there are two observer countries: afghanistan and mongolia, and we believe, together with the people’s republic of china and our other partners, that the obvious candidate, the next candidate for joining the sco, is
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the mongolian side. shos live more than 3 billion people, that is, approximately half of the world's population. the total gdp is $23 trillion, which is a quarter of the world's gdp. decisions made within the shanghai cooperation organization have global significance. at the beginning of the meeting, the heads of midshos observed a minute of silence in memory of those killed in the plane crash in iran. the iranian foreign minister was supposed to be in this room today. the helicopter that crashed in iran was american- made. the united states has stopped its sanctions against tehran. supply of aviation spare parts there, in others countries against which the united states declares sanctions do not receive spare parts for american equipment, including aviation, so the mantras that we hear all the time from the west are that the sanctions they apply are aimed at correcting the behavior of the authorities of the relevant countries and
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these spells do not affect the interests of ordinary citizens...
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with such unceremoniousness and outright impudence. sergei lavrov once again emphasized that china’s plan to resolve the situation in ukraine is balanced and opens the way for diplomatic solution, aims to eliminate the root cause of the conflict , takes into account the interests of all parties. while the international conference in switzerland, where only the so -called zelensky peace formula will be discussed without russia, leads to a dead end. at the end of april, discussing with foreign ambassadors in kiev.
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pakistan and tajikistan. first channel kazakhstan. just today, the man
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who dreams of bringing russia to its knees has expired his term of office, however, zelensky is not at all embarrassed by this fact, just like him western masters, he continues to sit in his chair, they don’t mind about the oceans in europe, there is also a constitution of ukraine, but it turns out that it will tolerate everything, informalities now, kirill brainin delved into the topic, people, hey, the scriptwriter of the series servant of the people similar to karkale. the streets of the ukrainian capital are, indeed, unusually empty, but not because the people abandoned their movie leader and rushed to the eu, but because they are hiding from the military commissars, whom zelensky signed the law on...
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received a mandate for 5 years, this mandate final, it cannot be renewed. the ukrainian constitution is unlikely to have been read by kiev’s western partners, but the friendly silence of the press regarding zelensky’s legitimacy is very significant. attention is limited only to the statement of fact, and the palette of opinions is demonstrated through, for example, a live cnn broadcast, in which a ukrainian journalist talks about people's aspirations. ukrainians would not be against elections if it were possible to hold them.
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smelly or expired, after all, who doesn’t want third grade? another thing is that you can always say that this indicative western recognition was not a public offer, you can’t put a stamp on an embrace, and the moment of legal subtleties will come sooner or later, probably after the meaningless, supposedly peace conference on ukraine in switzerland or, when the concept ukrainians will get tired of the war to the last or will really come to its cannibalistic end, in general, at the moment when they have to sit down.
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theoretically, the legal system could answer if asked, but the ukrainian authorities made a request to the constitutional the trial seemed to have been prepared, but was never carried out, which is probably why. immediately they understand, yakbi they filed, because now they understand, if they had filed, they would have received an unambiguous verdict, the constitutional court would have made a decision, after the twentieth, after the expiration of 5 years, according to the previous decision, according to the direct norms of the constitution, the president did not may
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remain in office and is obliged to immediately transfer his powers to the head of the verkhovna rada, that’s all, and after that, how can you not believe in the prophetic power of the television series, that’s it indeed, it is better not to ask for whom the bell tolls, otherwise it will turn out that it is ringing... 293 years have passed. the okhotsk military port is our first permanent base in the far east. today , the pacific fleet includes the latest nuclear submarines and warships, naval aviation, infantry, coastal and missile and artillery units. today, military sailors were congratulated at the memorial of military glory in vladivostok. the st. andrew's flag was solemnly raised on the ships. and in kaliningrad , more than 130 families of sailors received the keys to new service apartments baltic fleet. the house is the most modern with spacious apartments and convenient entrances, and
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there is a playground in the courtyard. for those who decide to continue the naval dynasties nearby, a branch of the nakhimov school. a domestic it solution for russian industry is being presented these days in nizhny novgorod at a large conference on the digital economy. today mikhail mishustin took part in its work; he toured the exhibition of the latest developments and spoke at the plenary session. what did you pay attention to? change the soil temperature with one click, this is an idea nizhny novgorod students to the developments of the largest domestic companies, and if they have already started talking about agriculture, then here is its digital representative, an agronomist named ivan. hello, how can i help you? please help the first deputy prime minister, mantor denis valentinovich, this much.
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today the car is already preparing for mass production, here, including a domestic electric drive, batteries on one charge should be enough for 500 km, domestic software, when mass production is in its fifth year, great interest from corporate fleets, taxi operators, russia is reducing its dependence on foreign it products at an accelerated pace, at a very difficult moment, when sanctions pressure on russia has also increased, as well as the pandemic, leading foreign... suppliers of it products have actually refused
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to cooperate with us. today , absolutely competitive advanced solutions are being created in russia. over the past 4 years , sales of russian software have more than doubled, and ready-made package solutions have increased fivefold. today's chapter government stated that the state will continue to support the it sector. we will compensate up to half the costs of introducing key classes in domestic and engineering.
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the tasks are very large-scale, the necessary basis for their implementation is there. investments by companies in all industries in digital technologies have grown by more than 80% over the past four years, now reaching over 4 trillion rubles. businesses are well aware of the importance of using innovation in their activities, especially when it comes to energy and mineral extraction. minerals in the construction, transport, production, all their investments in this solution are growing much faster than, by the way, in the economy as a whole. a clear example in the field of transport is right there, this summer our unmanned swallows will begin to transport passengers along the moscow central ring, the head of russian railways became the first, although this is how it feels when you realize that there is no one in the cabin, the impressions are unusual, the system works more reliably, moreover , according to characteristics, reacts faster to a changing situation,
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to obstacles, gives an assessment faster, and either brakes or accelerates faster, digitalization here greets you literally from the doorstep, well, the facial recognition system has been passed, you can enter, the digital industry of industrial russia is the country’s largest event in the field of digital economy, which for 9 years has united the scientific community, government officials, and entrepreneurs, is here today in...
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on digital technologies, on bank card payments, for example, consulting, we understand that you are also under sanctions, and these companies may be useful to you. this year, for the first time at the exhibition, digital attachés from friendly countries, china, the kingdom of thailand, cuba, and also the arab emirates, vietnam, malaysia, uzbekistan, kazakhstan, south africa, indonesia, argentina, you are our
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digital special forces, which, i think, absolutely, will do everything possible to achieve, in including technological independence, the internet, last week we launched three new test devices, in general, we are preparing to directly compete with starlink. today mikhail mishustin held a bilateral meeting with the governor of the nizhny novgorod region, the region, which these days has turned into the it capital of russia. the digital talent forge will also be here. the development of the economy, industry, and
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science is impossible without qualified personnel. as you know, personnel decides everything. we are now actively building an it campus to support... on your instructions to go through a world-class campus. we don’t limit ourselves to this, we are right in the same territory, you can see at the stand, but we are creating an ecosystem not only for training, but also for work. there is a lot of work to be done, because the digital future is becoming so rapidly our present. anna kurbatova, dmitry popkov, roman serebrennikov, ravil mingaleev, olga gerosimenko, kirill loginov, channel one. cooperation between russia and oman, today. was discussed at a meeting between speaker of the federation council valentin matvienko and chairman of the state council of oman abdel malik al-khalili. he is in russia on an official visit tomorrow and is expected at a meeting of the upper house of parliament. one of the main topics is the development of business connections. oman will be the guest of honor at the st. petersburg international economic forum this year. today a memorandum of understanding was signed between
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the federation council and the state council of the sultanate of aman. this is an important document that will allow our... inter-parliamentary relations, give them a systemic character, create some kind of legal, i would say, basis: our countries, our peoples are connected by traditionally friendly relations, which have already been tested by time, our countries are developing mutually beneficial, mutually interested relations in a variety of areas, their integral part, of course, there is a political dialogue, it is always constructive...
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develop recommendations, which we hope the government will then take into account when preparing the final versions. amendments, you are looking at the time, now there is an advertisement, immediately after the footage that we are now receiving from the kremlin,
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an important meeting of the president, stay with us on channel one, the husband, supposedly, having left prison, killed his wife, the killer wore gloves, which one is needed analysis, operational, prognostic, human, exactly, a flowered dress, and this is like an interrogation, we interrogate in the department, and this is still simple conversation, come on in yakovich, you're so cute, let's go with you to the cafe tonight, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program, hello, you're looking for someone, maybe me, so i'm here, cnop gin, stellor group product, cognac monte shoca, a product of stellar group, rum. casttra is a product of stellar group. vodka veda. product of steller group. old
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barrel cognac, a product of the steller group. stirsman bourbon. product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. while the special operation is underway, the orthodox church in ukraine is being destroyed. we are moving. thanks to whom this all happened is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states, sam brownbeck. what should we do with lava, the main temple of kiev. you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it. says very clearly that you don’t have to do what you’ve already done, you even ended up in prison for your beliefs,
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the command was given to just shut my mouth, the girl is on her knees, she’s praying, they’re jumping around her, and then they start dragging her away beat up, or like kill some priests, you are proud of what you did, the vavan and lexus show, tomorrow on the first, premiere. i love my country, saturday on the first. three chords, new season, on sunday on the first. it will be hot. what do you mean where? when is the summer series of games. on sunday on the first. at the age of 19 i was left
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alone. why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh yes, the theater. the reds will come, art will be banned. yes, this is a mule. tell me, are you ronevskaya, yes. i’m from ranevsk, i haven’t experienced anything in my skin, war passed by her, look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can be only one great meeting, i will challenge this newcomer, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you are grimacing, marital status, what do you say, you have a husband, no, i'm a lady. without a family, without children, but devoted to art to the grave, you are a brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole
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world will know about it, ranevskaya on may 27, on the first, happy birthday of whom, leo nikolaevich tolstoy, this is the program time and we continue, the footage we just received from the kremlin, vladimir putin met with chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin. good evening, i know that you wanted to tell us how the government was formed. parliament, in accordance with amendments to the constitution, received additional rights. on reforming the highest executive body of power, how did this work go? vladimirovich, for deputies of the state duma these are new
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powers, you are in the discussion. constitution proposed to transfer part of the presidential powers to our citizens, so that they, through their deputies could participate in the formation of the government, and of course, this was a very important period for us, because it was the first time we participated with such powers.
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in total, during the discussion, more than 300 of them were voiced, i must say, if at the beginning, somehow even our colleagues from the government, they too, going through this procedure for the first time somewhere, well, maybe they did not yet realize its depth, then later it became it is obvious that this is also very responsible for them, they are important...
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this is even unanimous support, somewhere support was in advance, because let’s say, when considering candidates for ministerial positions, we had a number of candidates proposed from the governor’s corps, they, for their part, showed their work, i must say, these are the leaders of successful regions and
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the attitude towards them was appropriate, while they were critical questions, and also proposals were made to improve the work of those candidates who previously worked as ministers, but at the same time problems exist, for example in the field of demography, health care, education, housing public utilities, in matters of development of physical culture and sports.
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based on the interests of the state, and not based on any group interests, as far as i saw, the deputies approached precisely from these positions, there was such a fear, i won’t hide it, when we were working on amendments to the constitution, this is natural, there is nothing special here, these are the features of parliamentarism; when top officials in the government are appointed in certain sectors, then of course group interests are always present. here are the deputies of the state duma of this convocation managed to avoid these problematic issues; on the contrary, as far as i saw, they were primarily guided by national interests, tasks and people were supported, i do not repeat, not for any group considerations or even party ones, but for personal and business qualities.
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let me remind you that there is another topic of the meeting, the upcoming visit of vyacheslav volodin to iran, chairman of the state duma. will lead the russian delegation at the farewell ceremony for the president of the islamic republic ibrahim raisi, who died in a plane crash. i know you're leaving tomorrow morning to tigeran. on your instructions, vladimirovich, early tomorrow morning i will fly to tehran in order to take part in the farewell ceremony for the president of iran, raisi, you authorized me to represent our country, the president of iran, who died in a plane crash, did a lot for the development of relations between ours. countries, he spoke in the state duma when we came to iran, met with deputies, so, of course, you correctly said that this is
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a huge loss, indeed, the death of president risi is a big loss, first of all, of course, for iran and the iranian people, i ask you to convey words of sincere, sincere condolences in connection with this tragedy.
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in general, the situation is so sad, but - as you said correctly, we need to support our country’s partners, thank you. on to other topics of the day: diseases that were previously difficult to treat and were sometimes considered incurable are no longer so. a national congress of endocrinologists has opened in moscow and the best specialists are discussing advanced technologies that are already being implemented in medical centers throughout the country. for example, diabetes is no longer a death sentence, the results of its treatment are fantastic, and russia is already in the top ten countries in terms of effectiveness of care.
10:00 pm
our correspondent, yulia onishchenko, met with doctors and patients who now live without restrictions associated with the disease. how much is high sugar? 10, more than 10, 12. seven-year-old sasha can tell a lot about diabetes; her life depends on this knowledge. diagnosis. the girls were diagnosed at the age of 3, the chronic disease appeared suddenly, resuscitation was prohibitively high blood glucose level more than 20 mmol per liter. we were told that a little more and there would have been a coma. since then, both sasha and mom had to master the intricacies of life with diabetes, technology helps, an automatic pump supplies insulin when necessary, instead of painful punctures, bloodless sugar measurements up to 300 times a day. today, continuous monitoring is such a very important one of the key technologies, very important. measure glucose in order to determine how much insulin to inject, in order to determine, in fact, how appropriate and suitable the treatment is, and in order to...


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