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tv   Ishcheika  1TV  May 21, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] our correspondent, yulia onishchenko, met with doctors and patients who now live without restrictions associated with the disease. how much is high sugar? 10, more than ten, 12, seven-year-old sasha can tell a lot about diabetes, her life depends on this knowledge. the girl was diagnosed at the age of 3, the chronic disease appeared suddenly, resuscitation resulted in an extremely high level of glucose in the blood, more than 20 mm per liter. we were told. that a little more and there would have been a coma. since then, both sasha and mom had to master the intricacies of living with diabetes. they help technologies. an automatic pump supplies insulin when needed, instead of painful punctures, bloodless sugar measurements up to 300 times a day. today , continuous monitoring is such a very important one of the key technologies. it is very important to regularly measure your glucose in order to determine how much insulin to administer, in order to determine,
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in fact, how much treatment. corresponds and is suitable in order to prevent any dangerous increases or decreases. in the treatment of diabetes mellitus in children doctors have achieved fantastic results. until recently, the disease led to disability. today, following the recommendations of doctors, the children live without restrictions. however, modern endocrinology is making a breakthrough in the treatment of many diseases: obesity, pathologies of the thyroid gland, the kidneys, the source of life, hormones and how they control the human body are being talked about thirty times these days. at the international congress of endocrinologists in moscow, endocrinology has become such a powerful and developing field of science, we are entering the diabetes mellitus the top ten in terms of effectiveness of helping patients with diabetes is, of course , the reproductive system, because well, infertility is 70%, this is endocrinology, here, of course, so to speak, all the orphan
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diseases of children. arfan rare diseases failure of the endocrine system is a catastrophe for the whole body and diabetes mellitus is a prime example of this. vladimir is 12 years old dependent on insulin injections and despite the treatment, sugar destroyed small vessels and nerves . he was already admitted to the clinic with severe damage to the foot only thanks to the efforts of doctors endocrinology research center managed to do without amputation, what a cheerful mood you have now, the treatment is excellent, i myself feel that... my leg has become easier, it’s easy to detect diabetes mellitus, just a drop of blood is enough, to find a tumor of the hippophysis the size of a grain of wheat the problem is much more complicated, such a lot was done by lunch in dmitry’s body, 20 kg of excess weight plus muscle weakness, this is what the man looked like before the operation, to find it, they used special catheters to get to the pituitary gland, to the pituitary veins, and took away the flowing blood
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we also looked at an additional hormone, with special attention to osteoporosis today, doctors are talking about a fragile epidemic due to brittle bones in the country, up to 17 fractures are recorded every minute. osteoporosis is a serious problem for those countries that are located in the northern hemisphere, because the development of osteoporosis is based on the supply of vitamin d. and here we are talking not only about the elderly, taking into account ultraviolet deficiency. many russians are at risk, so doctors recommend playing sports, taking vitamin d, calcium, in case of increased fatigue and pain in the back to be examined by an endocrinologist. yulia anishchenko, vladimir belyaev, nikolay volkov, rinad goreev, kirill danilov, channel one. an orthodox shrine, the miraculous tikhvin icon of the mother of god, was delivered to moscow from the northern capital. until next monday inclusive, believers will be able to worship her in the cathedral of christ the savior. according to
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legend, the image was painted by the evangelist. we believe that the cover of the queen of heaven, including through the prayers of the church before the miraculous, tikhven icon, will extend over our country over our people, protecting our fatherland from every enemy and adversary, strengthening spiritual life. of our people, may the protection of the queen of heaven continue to remain over our fatherland. his books about war, valor, courage and love are a real cultural code of russia. the stories of the heroes are not invented. boris vasiliev took them from life, passed them through his heart and soul, as a result , all the truth, all the pain, all the incredible self-sacrifice of the military generation that we all remember, lay on the paper page, and
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memory. passes from generation to generation, and through all the terrible events of the war , a great awareness of their immortal feat in the name of life grows. today is the 100th anniversary of the birth of
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boris vasiliev a. i learned kindness, words from chekhov, without a philological education, vasiliev copied the instructions, trying to understand how the phrase is constructed: i never expect any inspiration, because it simply doesn’t exist, it was invented, there is no inspiration, it comes during work, when suddenly you have an insight, but that’s not how he should behave, that’s all he kicks it out, that’s how he conducts everything, he caught the hero,
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but imagine my whole life. write, but at this time i am forced to earn money by writing other texts. the first scripts of kvn, its pirodela. in general, there is a lot of things in vasilivo that are unexpected at first glance, for example, the favorite director of the front-line writer, tarantino, watched pulp fiction regularly. among the first tourists in the house of the museum, sun and man are a citizen of china; she considers the russian writer vasiliev to be chinese. we both have such a similar feeling,
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such a desire for peace. and zori is here. kolya pluzhnikov, the hero’s name in honor of a school friend who died at the front, was not on the lists. mark zakharov chose gitez graduate, then unknown to anyone, alexander, to play the main role in the play. of course, the guests will gather, this scoundrel is still gone. well,
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who sanika, who else? tomorrow there was a war, ninth grade b, almost all of whose students would die at the front, this was his class. the story was published from afar in the magazine youth, by this point boris vasiliev is a legend, he chooses directors whom he allows for film adaptations. who filmed before, don't shoot whites swans, as i understand it, he also wanted to film it, but when boris levich came out all in tears, said what girls, and... the evil nakhopetov left, i realized that, in general, there were no more, so to speak, new there will be no productions, he said: “show it, show it to me, ” he says, who to show, show me the spark, i think, well, that’s it, goodbye, and he came up,
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kissed me three times, hugged me, very, very tightly, said: “thank you.” , i didn’t know that i wrote such a spark,” as the actors say, vasiliev’s word gives strength turn into a different person, become better,
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straighten your back. i'm veronica ogoneva, you know me, you know my trouble, then i dealt with it myself, now, now he was released for good behavior, yes, how can it be, after everything he did, and
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now he will come. he will come and he will kill me, i promised that i would come, no, sha, what qualities do you value in men, determination or the ability to make concessions? the ability to help find my lost glasses, which are on your head, because you read the bear's story, because you are charging from the tablet, you lost as always, but do you like it when people are jealous of you? mashenka, i won’t notice even if they’re flirting with me, darling, please eat, it’s time for us to go out, really, what kind of questions are these, and this is a test in a women’s magazine, which... man suits you best, yeah, you know, it seems to me that with
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my lifestyle and my character, a man doesn’t suit me at all, misha, please eat, we need to go out, honey, you should think about this at least once seriously, seriously, yes, yes, answer these questions here in this magazine, well, they’re not stupid people wrote this, so here’s a question, please answer, is your ideal friday evening a restaurant, reading... a book or going on a quest? oh, dalya, yeah, i got it, urgently , i’ll be there urgently, yes, we’re leaving, mash, i know the answer to this question, go on your next detective quest, i’ll take misha to myself, oh, thank you, thank you, you’ll pass at work this
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test, i promise, it’s time for you to think about your personal life, i’ll think about it, mishulya, mashenka will take you, okay, okay, be smart, you ’ll finish everything, there are gadgets here, just all bridges, hello, hello, alexandra ivanovna, i greet you, gentlemen, hello, hello. and the victim , a blogger, seemed to lead a very active life on the internet. clear, maratrov, over to you, death occurred at least 10 hours ago, 11 midnight, something like that. clear. cause of death? a blow to the temporal bone with a blunt object, presumably with this hammer, but there are no signets on it. this means the killer was wearing gloves. consequently murder before intent. there is such a thing, absolutely girly
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apartment, i must say, absolutely right, noticed, and then who is it? did you find the documents? yes, the victim’s passport, veronica , born in 1992, married to ivan, married, you say, there’s only one toothbrush in the bathroom, i wonder if they’ve separated, we’ll figure it out, now she’s interviewing neighbors, maybe... they’ll tell you something about the phone, that the phone was attached to a selfie stick, found next to the victim’s body, discharged, put on charge, we’re waiting, okay, where are you going to stop? what happened, let her go, who are you? i'm karina, karina sokina, nika’s friend, i didn’t have time,
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he did it, i didn’t understand, it was my husband who killed nikul. he, ivan, served time for attacking nika with a knife 2 years ago, returned recently and did not take revenge. you have direct evidence, you understand that you are making too serious accusations. she said that they wouldn’t leave her so easily. she was afraid of him, she called me, but i didn’t have time, i didn’t think, i didn’t think that he was alexander ivanov, they charged
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the phone, oh, look. his wife with a knife, he then drank heavily, in public, hit him once, he completely admitted his guilt, admitted, but harbored a grudge, perhaps 5 days ago ognev was released early, and a few days later ogneva was killed on video, a man’s voice-over is heard from the scene of the murder, men’s shoes are visible in the frame, yes, but we don’t we can say with certainty that the voice and shoes belong to ognev, the friend of the murdered man identified the voice, however, it is necessary... by the way, veronica, after her husband went to prison, became a star, even so, she began to conduct her own video blog about domestic violence, were invited to appear on television, she even wrote a book, she’s about to come out, sasha, markov found flint, he rented
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an apartment, there’s an address, ilya is now communicating with the district police officer, great, san, go to ilya, take ognivo here, and i’m going to the morgue, i want to make it before the interrogation talk. s'mores to the poisoner, this is a very strong blow, the temporal bone was broken, death came instantly, he hit with force and fury, and the voice is so calm on the recording, well, maybe he's just cold-blooded, so cold-blooded that he went to prison for assault with a knife, marat revich, what are these, what are these bruises on my arm? old, appeared at least a week before death, it seems that someone
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paid a lot... more, openly, dead, yeah, dead guy, help, more is needed, yes, we need to load this body into the car, ilya, look, that’s it for now, but i already see something interesting, but it’s interesting, so, well,
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masha, okay, let’s try, right. what do we have here? what about brunettes or blondes? perhaps brunettes, a sense of humor, a sense of humor, everything is certainly decisive, so what do we have, what happens, it turns out to be type a, and a huntress, you always take what you like. i don’t know, i wouldn’t say that, i heard the case was practically solved, yes, practically, they brought in the main suspect. the husband, supposedly, upon leaving prison, killed his wife, and he ended up in prison because
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he stabbed her with a knife, what passions, we’ll discuss this in a cafe, excuse me, oh, i need to run to the canteen, the guys have new information, with your permission, i will go, of course, excuse me, arkady yakovich, excuse me, now... huntress, brunettes with a good sense of humor suit you. "well, this is about me, if a man makes you jealous, then you
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show interest in him, of course, france was shocked by terrible news, a lonely pigeon was discovered right in paris, the head of mitz stephane seurnet, left alone after a heartbreaking parting with his gabriel otal, a turning point has come that should force us. act against russia, the collapse of ukraine is on the agenda, the french would not mind participating in the division of the ukrainian pie, cameron and sejourne, they agreed, the new entente, the entente has an anti-russian purpose, is invested in the same the convoy that we had previously heard from macron regarding the sending of a french contingent to ukraine had already sent a load of 200, the french, of course, a load of 200, the military officer sezhurnaya
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appeared in a russian prison for assaults against the persons of children under fourteen years of age. we are moving towards europe, so we must move away from the russian conservative tradition. epiphanius, all these other pseudo-priests are just pure mummers , so the schism is a tragedy. thanks to whom this all happened, this the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states, sam brownbeck. what should we do with the lavra, the main temple of kiev? you will give a big trump card. the russian, if you close it, very clearly says that you don’t have to do what you’ve already done, you even ended up in prison for your beliefs,
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the command was given, just close my mouth, the girl is on her knees, she’s praying, they’re jumping around her, and then they drag her away and start beating her, or like some priests kill, you are proud of what you have done, vanavan and lexus show, tomorrow at the first azori... the dawns here are quiet, the main thing for us now is not to detect ourselves, sneeze and not cough, because they are teaching us to spread far, just say skurvich shouted, on saturday on first, premiere, i love my country, on saturday at the first, to 75. that's it, she always captivated the audience, that is , on the anniversary of the birth of love polishchuk, they dance
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if lyuba came out, the hall always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone fans, everyone was going crazy, let me out, this is a poison, i say lyuba, aren’t you afraid of being ugly, she says sashka, what, what are they afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know what i came here for? why are you silent? you smile, blink your eyes and remain silent. if you can, forgive me. i remind you of someone. very strange. recruiter. she was amazing. i have always admired her. two people that god probably created for each other. they couldn’t live without each other, as i saw it. lyubov, polishchuk, the last ones. we met on sunday at the first,
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bon appetit, friends, ilya, please sit, for god's sake. thank you, they took me the salad, salad, here’s the hot one, sash, eat, thank you, what are you doing, alexander ivanna, on pins and needles, i can’t wait to interrogate you, wait, we need to make sure that the client is in the right condition, he has such a cocktail in the lil, we need to wait for a reaction, okay, let's list what we have, in his apartment they found shoes very similar to those in the video, they are now being examined by khaidarov, great, his voice,
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well, while we're chirping, we can't make out what sa? ivanovna, well, i ruined such a perfect picture. excuse me, please, what are you, are you sick? i have comrade ognev’s phone number. so, ivan ognev sent these photographs to his father. there is also correspondence. shows how he settled into his new rented apartment. and judging by the time, there was also a video call, an hour long one. look at the date and time. between 11 midnight. just at the time when ogneva was killed. he could have done all this on purpose. arrange to get in touch immediately after the murder, gentlemen, in this life anything is possible, narodevich, you will find out everything in detail, i urgently need to talk to his father. sasha, well, she didn’t eat anything again, but my son couldn’t kill her, he couldn’t, i understand your feelings, igor sergeevich, but the facts, i knew that trouble would come, i wanted to come, but vanya says everything is fine , tell me,
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what kind of relationship was there between them, considering
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what happened 2 years ago... i’ll try, we’ll try. sasha, come for yourself, comrade. i understand, i'm going. thank you very much, happy, all the best. well, father? the father said that he spoke to his son yesterday, exactly doesn't remember time. he also said that his son loved his wife so much that he could not kill her. yes, that's what they all say. this is understandable, you still need to clarify the exact time of the call. well, i'll go talk to ognev. colonel kushnir, please have a drink. thanks, beer. you understand why you are here, what you are doing here, i understand, i was earlier than kubilya, you did it, i only learned about it here, okay,
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this is your voice, i promised that i would come, mine. i just called, she didn’t answer, i left a voicemail on the answering machine, let’s assume, but you, you were watching her, look why you did it, i just wanted to talk, i was afraid to approach her on the street because of the scandal, they were afraid to approach her on the street, so at home they hit her with a hammer, no, i couldn’t, well, you already attacked her with a knife, then 2 years ago. hit, you were drunk, drunk, like now, listen, why should i kill my wife in order to go to prison for life, because then the first time you were already in prison because of her accusations, she made sure that they gave you the full amount, and now you went out and decided to take revenge, listen to what you understand, but i loved in
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pistol, always, good, when you were in prison? have you communicated with your wife? no, she didn’t want to, no, i understand everything, i’m very guilty before her, because i hit her, so why? why did they hit? i already said , i drank, i don’t know why, well, when did you see your wife for the last time, but i don’t remember, i don’t remember anything, i came back, i drank, you know, when i saw her, i realized that in general i can’t live without her, she’s still... it’s a strange feeling, it seems like everything is against him, but like a criminal who hit him on the head with a hammer
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his wife, the comrade doesn’t look like he was drinking fire then now, then he didn’t remember anything, now too, he could have killed him, open veronica’s personal pages for me, now. here, uh-huh, scroll through, uh-huh, so, here, that 's exactly it, a flowered dress, and the photo was taken 2 days before the murder near the house, at the time of the murder she was in a yoga suit, but he doesn't remember this, maybe doesn’t even know at all, let’s assume, if so, he drank, drank, didn’t drink, unfortunately, at the moment, gentlemen, our investigation. solely on his alcohol addiction, somehow watery, gentlemen, alexander ivanovna, they came from the women's committee about the murder of the fire, i need you. okay, i'm going, i'm going, i'm going, arkady yakovevich, my friends,
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let's check all ogniv's movements again, make sure of his alebi or find out my absence, and please identify the voice, the voice, i want to know what 's going on. in the case of veronica ognevaya. olga, first of all, let me introduce colonel alexander ivanov kushnir, who is in charge of this case, and me? i know, you are arkady alkhovsky, head of the department. it's nice that i am popular among the fair sex. your colonel kushner is popular, and you are great for not interfering with her work. so, i want to know how veronica is doing. you know, while the investigation is ongoing, unfortunately, this is impossible. nothing is impossible for me. i am a representative of the foundation without fear. we work with women who find themselves in situations of violence of various kinds, and this is a glaring fact, the police did nothing to prevent an obvious crime, the husband returned to take revenge
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his wife, and he succeeded, yes, but this has not yet been proven, well, of course, you will still release him, believe me, we are trying our best to find out all the circumstances of veronica’s death, we are trying to be as delicate as possible, as we will suffer, as we are blaming, well. .. yes, yes, you are right, you are of course right, forgive me, i was harsh, but you understand, tell me, you generally knew ogneva well, you know, we were not friends, but we communicated within the framework of our program, she seemed to me very strong, and few can boast of such fortitude after such dramas, yes, but veronica was afraid of her husband, she told you about this, well, specifically about her husband, she spoke little, well, that’s understandable, she wanted to forget as quickly as possible, you know, it’s very
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difficult now to write... she wrote a book, she it hasn’t come out yet, but she sent me the manuscript, there’s pain, fear, a lot of things that are invisible to the ordinary eye. olga, thank you for the meeting, i ’ll see you off, and you know, thank you very much for the meeting, to be honest, you surprised me, so sensitive, here’s my business card, you call me. thank you anytime thank you, i will definitely contact you about
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the results, interesting reading, hello. uh-huh, a difficult manuscript was written by a girl who was almost killed by her husband, and then she still died, what a nightmare, her husband killed, you know that everything is not so clear-cut against urika’s husband, but he really is up to... so far he loves her for a while, he really doesn’t say everything, everything, everything is very confused, very, uh, well, in investigations, the arrangement is clear, the victim is a murderer, but before the crime these two were a family, so this is what the arrangement was there, within this family, you worked for your husband, and the wife, you put her among the victims, even if it’s good, but
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it is necessary to work out the relationship between the couple. “wow, you, you’re just a genius, well, i’m writing a detective novel, i read a lot of special literature, and i listen to you, you’re a provocateur, oh, your pies smell so delicious, but i haven’t eaten for an hour after six, well, it’s already 10, it’s already 10, okay,
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hey, someone, hello, alexander ivanovich, oh, hello, ilya, excuse me, i’ll pick it up, i ’ll pick it up, actually, this is actually for you, this, this is the manuscript of our sacrifices, the book hasn't come out yet, so, so this is exclusive. and what kind of analysis is needed, operational, predictive, human, we will need to properly study veronica oglen, to conduct a full analysis we need a larger focus group, read, my friends,
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read. reading, mitrich, is more of an assignment for you, what is it, and your wife has a library, you’re no stranger to it, and now what should i read with my wife? gentlemen, we have studied the flint in detail, now we need to do the same with veronica, you took it into development veronica ogneva, yes, exactly, her entourage, inner circle, friends, we only know about her what we know from screens and from interviews, we need to find her real one, like this, she has a close friend, karina sokina, i think. .. start with her, talk to her again. igor vasilyevich, oleg dmitrievich, if you don’t want to read, you’ve forgotten how to do it, come with me, we’re happy to read the rumor, by the way, it’s not a bad idea, but i was joking, so, what is this, some new guy, new guy, you that we started looking at strangers, yes, we
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we are jealous. i love our country very much, i am very glad that i am russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country, i recognize and confess that i love my homeland, i love mother russia, because i am russian in spirit, because russia is my land, and we will save you, russian speech.
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great russian word, very, very, i love you russia, you are the only one we have, magnificent , the best in the world, only here is my homeland, my world, my family and my friends, to all citizens of our dear homeland, unity, peaceful sky of cohesion, dangerous flowers on dacha that can change yours. psyche, take a close look at what is growing in you, now it is forbidden, about this, about the rules for the bath, about proper food , about many other important and useful things. it’s great to live in the program, tomorrow on the first, for the centenary of boris vasilyev, it’s difficult, after all, the women are at war, they all volunteer, shoot, rita,
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boyman’s goal, fire, fell, yes, girls, yes, i can’t with them, my comrade... he’s going to freak me out, he’ll make a sieve out of you, so i’ll take the lead while you get your little boxes i categorically order you to lie down, that’s fine , there’s no more war, i can’t do it anymore, now i’ll go and shoot, it’s impossible, suni, it’s impossible, the germans have only one way, between these lakes through the ridge, eternal battle, we can only rest with him. the ozori here are quiet on saturday at first, the enemy, armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order all the fighters and myself
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personally to hold the front. i am the head of the leninsky district administration, valentina sergeevna, here are some sweets, here are some flowers, do you like dahlias? no, who doesn't love it? how are you here? turned out to be? and you got through to the direct line, you looked at me so sternly from the tv, and mukhtar was actually walking with me. kvn, first quarter final, on saturday, on the first. actually, we were preparing for a regional music competition, our school should win. and who is this? why am i seeing this for the first time? she is an excellent student. i'm liberated. why i was sitting,
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday, at the first one, at the age of 19 i became. alone, why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, yes, this is crap, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything in my own skin, but i walked past her, look at this face, exceptional. there are many great directors, but can there be only one great meeting? i’ll make a call, and you’ll come to me, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you’re making faces,
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marital status, you have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, no family, no children, but devoted to art to the grave, you’re a brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it. ranevskaya from may 27 on the first, happy birthday to whom? ivan nikolaevich tolstoy. oh, here's our girl, we're on time. hello karina. colonel ushnir, i hope you remember me? major beryukov, lieutenant colonel zhirkov, we would like to once again ask you a few questions about veronica ognevaya. but why, she died, her husband killed her, this has not yet been proven, but is this an interrogation? we are interrogating at the department, and this is just a conversation, namely, you were her best friend, we wanted to ask you about their relationship with her husband, maybe she told you something, well, sometimes it’s not necessary nothing to tell, everything is in plain sight, yes, i
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understand, but the fact is that we looked at their photographs and before the first incident it seemed to us that everything was fine between them, i don’t understand what you want from me, this is obnev is it all his fault, or or... do you have any other information? we are obliged to consider all versions, the fact is that our met expert found bruises on veronica’s arms and found out that these bruises appeared on veronica’s arms even before ognev allegedly came to her apartment. you don't know what could have happened? no, i have no idea. oleg dmitrievich, what do we get for giving false testimony? article 307 of the criminal code of the russian federation, the maximum punishment of correctional labor is up to 2 years. yes, something like that. well, well, she had one violent guy who appeared about six months ago, veronica didn’t advertise it, because she was officially still married, i just know
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this, when they called her, she came out. fear is what prevents you from living, you seem to exist, but in fact you are dead, he killed me before he tried to do this, and
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your goosebumps. do you understand what's there? we need to check all veronica ogneva's calls again. we are looking for a secret boyfriend, presumably his name is arthur. neighbors said that the ognevs lived well, but everything changed after one argument. ognev hit her, gave veronica a slap in the face in front of all the honest people, and away we go. that once he struck, he awakened the beast within himself? yes, by the way, we never found out the reason for that very first quarrel. ognev said nothing. the neighbors say he drank a lot. have you noticed? by the way, veronica did not in any of her interviews
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told about the reason for that quarrel. hello, are you looking for someone, maybe me, so i'm here. good afternoon, comrade, are you visiting or just stopping by? so, mr. panin, artur vasilyevich, what were you doing in veronica ognevaya’s apartment? me, she didn't answer her calls, i came in to check on her. “we, we met, you met and didn’t know that she changed her phone number a month ago, and that
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she was killed? i, i’ll repeat my question. artur vasilyevich, what were you doing in the apartment of the murdered veronica ogneva, didn’t you notice the sealed door? didn't notice, i, i wanted pick up your things, we broke up, met, broke up, i ask you, pull yourself together, you understand the seriousness of the situation, you broke into a sealed apartment." well, i’m really nothing like that, so, okay, tell us about your relationship, how you met, we met six months ago, veronica often visited our bar, which bar, you don’t officially work anywhere, i ask you, i repeat again, please tell the truth, the bar is in a casino, in an underground one, the place is good, the clients drink well for it they don’t spare money, it relieves stress. veronica too, veronica also played, yes, yes, indeed, she played, although she lost more, sometimes
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large sums, but she always had money, where did the money come from, yes, i don’t know, honestly, okay, why did you break up, yes, she got it, i mean, they didn’t get along, but i was already tired, she was obsessed with the game, when she lost, she even took money out of my pocket, saved it for me and gave her friend fifty dollars in cash for a month, which friend’s name? karinka, i saw her in the corridor giving the envelope , she said that maybe later next month give. okay, what happened next? well, they started quarreling. did you fight? i grabbed her hand, once, and shook everything. yes. kicked me out. now is it clear where the bruises come from? i don’t understand anything at all anymore. ognevo played in the casino for at least 2 years. supported a friend. this alphonse, she also stole from him in petty ways, yes, veronica
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was not so simple, maybe that’s why her husband vented, yes, but he didn’t say a word to me about her gambling addiction. "i will need to talk to him again, i brought you green tea to drink, thank you, no i love green, maybe it makes me decide, well , at least i’ll learn something about you, i mean, you’re not eager to talk about yourself, but what can i tell you, i drank, i beat you, i turned blue, i also need reasons for drinking, you have a bad character, tell me . ivan, why are you burying yourself, because of her, because of her, i still love her, no matter what, she played in the casino, lost a lot of money, you knew about it, she started playing about a month ago before you hit her in front of everyone, remember that day, the important
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day, what happened then, say something, don’t be silent, it’s important, really, important for you and for us, yeah. damn, she sold the medal, what a medal, we have a family heirloom, several tabletop devolution medals that are priceless, even from the time of peter the great in 1714 it was passed down from generation to generation, it came from my great-grandfather and father to me, my grandmother was starving during the war, but she didn’t sell it , because memory. family value, did veronica think otherwise? yes, i asked her why? she did it, said she wanted to buy something. in fact, she wanted to pay off her gambling debt, right? i don’t know, a wild scandal began, she accused me of being i don’t provide for her, that she doesn’t care about my
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family values. previously we managed somehow, but now that’s it, i drank again. naturally, it turns out, i didn’t know anything about my wife, you wanted to kill her, but i couldn’t find a place for myself after the slap, i pulled away, i didn’t know what to do, i started drinking even more, then when you stabbed him with a knife, you they also drank, yes, i grabbed vodka, there again word for word, then i don’t remember anything, they said i grabbed the knife and slashed her hand. and then you took all the blame on yourself, veronica said that you they almost killed her, she said, that means it happened, now what, what now, i didn’t kill her, i’ve already screwed her up once in my life, i served time for it, i just want to start everything over again, a new
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life, finally you thought about yourself, this collection of medals, where is it? at nika ’s, i probably don’t need all this, but allow me, arkady yakovich, yeah, yes, yes, yes, olga, of course, yes, olga, yes, wonderful, definitely, yes, alexander, come in, this is olga, that girl who is from this. i can hear you well, the thing is that your phone is turned off, yes, hello, olga, damn, i probably passed out already, but she immediately took me into her turn, what are you, arkhady
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yakovich, what’s happening to you, what ’s happening, i... yes, i just saw a magazine with a test in your office and it was written there that i forced you to compete, did you succeed? idiot, judging by your smile, no, the fact is that my neighbor half passed this test, but if you
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liked it... now these things are very expensive on the market, oh well, then report back later on the result, you can. yes, sash, we found it, you turned out to be right, right? the girl is not as simple as she seems, what
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does literature do to people? what are you talking about, my friends, i’m listening to you, i’m all ears, all of you. we re-read the victims’ manuscript again and put it into a search engine. and we went to a closed forum where women share stories of domestic violence with each other and it turned out that... judging by the date, right after ognyav went to prison, here are the girls, i took revenge for all of us, now this is serious , yes, it’s true, they immediately condemned her and said that she couldn’t act. using such methods she immediately left there, then we decided to read the manuscript on the computer, found drafts there and deleted parts, turned to maratrovich, gentlemen, thank
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you for your trust, maratrov restored the files for us, it turned out that the original text of this chapter was completely different, completely, so i was waiting for him to come in, it was necessary be prepared for any situation, but this is my chance, from a friend, and what kind of financial assistance that veronica provided to karina every month. blackmail is possible, i think she was
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aware of the setup. marotovich, i need to check all of karina’s accounts and find out at what exact moment did her friend’s money begin to arrive in her account? what if the second attack was staged? what? did you manage to find out from igor vasilyevich’s medals? yes, i checked priority sales sites and spoke with antique dealers. the medals that ognev described have been sold for the last 2 years, once every 3-4 months. nika sold medals, that's where the money came from. yes, in general, there were some left there, so he was looking for them in the apartment. yes, but they were not in the apartment. who took them, the killer? yes, probably, but the most interesting thing is what. a week ago, karina sokina applied online. to an antique dealer to evaluate a medal from the times of peter the great, we need to call him in for questioning, i’m afraid


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