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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  May 21, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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it is necessary to check all of karina’s accounts and find out at what point exactly money began to flow into her account for her friend, and what if the second attack was staged, we managed to find out something from the medals, igor vasilyevich, yes, i checked the websites of priority sales and talked to antique dealers , the medals that ognev described were the last to be sold. years, once every 3-4 months, nika sold medals, hence the money, yes, in general, some were left there, so he was looking for them in the apartment, yes, but they were not in the apartment, who took them, a murderer, yes, probably, but the most interesting thing is this, a week ago karina sokina turned online to an antique dealer to evaluate a medal from the times of peter the great, we need to call him in for questioning, i’m afraid we’ll scare him, let’s do it, ilya, get ready...
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from macron regarding the sending of a french contingent to ukraine, a load of 200 has already arrived, the french, of course, a load of 200, is in a russian prison, a crime against the person of children under fourteen years of age, stefan tsezhurny was a member of the so-called gang group mormon, european financial families who stand behind macron, behind this boy, they want this revenge, to crush russia and ensure the victory of ukraine. fancijourne and
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the prospects of roasted pigeons. dolls of the heir tutti. tomorrow on the first. while the special operation is underway, the orthodox church in ukraine is being destroyed. we are moving towards europe. and therefore we must move away from the russian conservative tradition. epiphanius and all these other pseudo-priests are just pure mummers. therefore, the split is a tragedy.
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on saturday on the first. premiere. i love mine country. on saturday, on the first. to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk. everybody dance. she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her. lyuba, lyuba, lyuba. and everyone was a fan, everyone went. “zhen, yes, let
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me out, it’s me, alone, i say, lyuba, aren’t you afraid to be ugly, she says, sashka, what, why be afraid, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know what i’m after? i came here, why are you silent, smiling, batting your eyes and being silent, if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter. she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they could not live without each other, as i saw, love polishchuk, the last tango, they met, on sunday at the first, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first. according to the neighbors,
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karina left half an hour ago in a taxi, she said that she was on vacation, clearly, we are announcing an interception plan, we will do it. hello, can i distract you? well, distract me, but i still won’t let you into the entrance, the residents are complaining, if there is an intercom, call, they will open it for you, but i ’m not in the right place, i’m just wearing these boots, my husband has had these stylish ones for a long time, you won’t tell me where you got them, it’s not far, there’s a store near a garbage dump, it’s called, okay, i noticed the package in time for...
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citizen, come into our car, right here, she came up with everything herself, she herself then now. what exactly did veronica ogneva come up with? well, use my husband. what do you mean, frame it? yes, when he hit her the first time, and she couldn’t stop playing, she decided that if he was framed, she would get rid of ognivyi will be able to sell off his entire collection of medals and
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live the way she wants. so what did she do anyway? you know, we have studied the draft manuscript, so you can talk with confidence. “she mixed the vodka with his medicine, which he was taking for a headache, he’s suffering from alcohol and so the roof, i still understand, well , what’s wrong, well, we lived normally, all that you’re saying to me”? vanya, in general, when he passed out, she slashed her hand and put a knife in his head, he didn’t remember anything at all, but took all the blame on himself. and tell me, eh did you know about her plans? yes, i guessed, but she
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herself eventually told me everything, she was still trying to share it with someone. she told you, and you began to blackmail her. we know that veronica paid you a salary every month, we checked your card and it turned out that you put a certain amount of money on the card every month, right? well, she was wrong, wasn't she? yes, of course, you’re wrong, but have you tried going to the police and telling the truth? okay, what did you come up with later when ognev left prison? so she came up with an idea, everything was fine. show, book wrote, slowly sold off her husband’s collection, lived for pleasure, played, then found out that her husband was returning, and was afraid that her heavenly life was over and that ognev would not be happy to learn what she had done with his collection. yes, pezhenika decided to kill two birds with one stone, well, try to get her husband back,
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like he’s threatening her, and even shoot a video where he comes to her and beats her, so she thought to stir up interest in herself, books, but also keep her husband away send so as not to disturb her, this is understandable, that’s what really happened, karina, you helped her, right? you know, i am sure that our expert, having worked with the shoes that were thrown into the trash, will prove that it was you who were wearing these shoes at the crime scene; she asked to hit her on the shoulder with a hammer. so that the blow was truthful, i simply did not calculate the force of the blow, it all happened by chance, by chance, i would have believed you, you know, if not, if not for some facts, you stole these medals from veronica, we found them in your suitcase,
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you hid their lining, everything is wrong, no, and we also found out that a few days before the murder and the staging, you contacted an appraiser of priority... karina, tell the truth, you have already gotten yourself into big trouble, for participating in a frame-up, giving false testimony, blackmail, theft, you got away with everything from your hands, and you decided to kill, no, yes, we know this, i understand that only shoes were caught in the video from veronica’s phone, but you know, there was another shooting angle, veronica did it. your apartment with a video camera, having learned about arthur’s possible theft,
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and of course you couldn’t know about it, yes i was the one who killed her, veronica was a spendthrift, she constantly played and played, she would have squandered that million and a half, she paid me pennies, and i, i would have spent all this money usefully, you know, yes, of course, i understand, usefully . well, where was this stupid camera, but this camera was not there at all, yes olga, we will give our comments tomorrow, uh-huh, okay, thank you. now things have stirred up, yes, the matter has taken a completely different turn, veronica used too
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serious a problem for her own purposes, we will tell the public, let's explain, it's more likely that you are an exception to the rule, okay, friends, morning, in the evening it's wiser, let's all go home to sleep, a big problem happened to my wife veronica, i'm also to blame for this situation, what you draw on time, you're stars , and now i ’ll draw a house, a house with a chimney. don’t talk to me, you’re sitting there on pins and needles, eating candy, let’s
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tell you what happened, tell me, tell me, i invited arkady to the cafe, invited him to the cafe, invited him to the cafe, progress, so why are you sitting there? you do not you’re coming because i don’t know why i... because sometimes it’s souls, my god, stop doubting, believe me, dinner doesn’t oblige you to anything, i don’t know, embankment street, house five, thank you . sasha, hi, kostya, hi, what are you doing here? well , i wanted to talk to you, but i’m just leaving,
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i have a meeting, well, great, let me give you a ride, no, thank you, well, really, it’s somehow inconvenient, i, well, look at the weather, come on, and you, i guess on a date with a man, kostya, okay, okay, come on, i’m your friend now, sit down, sit down, come on, okay. there's a big game on the air, i was going to start the program with a list. not very good news that is taking place that russia is forced to pay attention to, but there are also
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two very pleasant events, i ’ll start with them, first about something pleasant for me personally and for the first channel, the birthday of academician vitaly daumkin. vitaly, thank you so much for being born, thank you so much for everything you do, thank you for yours. and competence, for your civic position, especially thank you for finding for us time. thank you! thank you! well, the second good news, we’re not... we’ll get there a couple of minutes after i say about the news that’s not very good, but today, of course, probably the main, to put it mildly, not at all good news, is the tragedy with the president of iran in in tabriz, a farewell ceremony was held for those killed in the helicopter crash, including
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president raisi and the minister of foreign affairs. another, frankly speaking, news that worries me is that the united states and its allies stopped the un security council resolution proposed by russia on banning weapons in space. we'll talk about this in more detail. further, the european union approved the use of income from the frozen assets of the central bank of russia to help ukraine. and yet, this is no longer... against russia, but against china. treasury secretary jonette yellen has warned that china's industrial strategy poses a bit of a global threat. and it demands a united, tough response from the united states and the european union. well, the us congress
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is moving forward with a bill to impose sanctions against the georgian politicians responsible. us opposes demands international criminal court to issue an arrest warrant for prime minister israeli netanyahu and not only oppose it, congress threatens to take sanctions against a member of the court, prosecutors, and everyone associated with this. these are, frankly, not very good news, what unites them, but what unites them is that they are a reminder that western foreign policy is still dominated by a caste of, as i would call them, hegemonic globalists who
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insist on that they can handle the affairs of humanity as they please.
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tell us the latest news regarding russia's response to all these people? more than a week has passed since our supreme commander decided to conduct a special exercise to test the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. naturally, the exercise plan was not
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announced; the stages were mentioned during the meetings of the president. somewhere around 250-300 units are stored on the continent and about 100 to 200, because before there were 200, now for some reason i... in hangars under the plane, then
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we believe that they are in the so-called deployed state, because hanging a bomb on an airplane or loading a bomb bay is, well, a few hours maximum, ours are not strategic nuclear weapons, it was our voluntary decision, made back in the nineties, to be stored on. .. the first stage will, of course, be the reactivation of these warehouses, their delivery to position areas, iskander operational-tactical complexes, to airfields where
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carriers of our daggers and other missiles are based, equipped with nuclear equipment here, in unlike the americans, we manufacture all missiles, air bombs, and in general all non-strategic nuclear weapons... air to earth, x102 is nuclear-armed and so on everywhere, the same daggers. so today it was announced that special ammunition is being delivered to deployment sites, position areas and iskander operational-tactical complexes to airfields. carriers, well, in the future, i think, there will be a movement from positional areas to combat use areas, well, then what
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is provided for in the training plan, well, i’m on the final stage, this is my bold assumption, so to speak, maybe so that our former partners understand that everything is really serious with us, our non -strategic nuclear weapons are... in very good condition, it could be produced like this to say, the combat training detonation of nuclear weapons on new land at our test site is by no means a resumption of nuclear tests, it’s just so to speak, and russia has every right to do this, every right, of course, this is, well, the americans did it in the fifties years, they also conducted the same exercise and carried out a launch, or rather not a launch, but a shot.
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i can only guess, we’ll see whether this will be announced or not, but i would leave them until the completion of a special military operation in places, at least in the iskander position areas, at airfields, but i don’t know about the black sea fleet base in sevastopol, for example ships the caspian flotilla, the same calibers could, so to speak, be left there for everyone, as the fireman says, as we say. and general, tell me briefly for our audience, what is included in the category of non-strategic nuclear weapons,
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do you know? the range of non-strategic ammunition in the soviet union and the united states during the cold war was very wide. then in ninety-one, in ninety-one, presidents clinton and yeltsin came out with so-called unilateral initiatives to reduce nuclear weapons, the number of reductions was not announced, but according to the nomenclature, the americans practically, as... they said, destroyed everything except the warheads, the winged ones missiles tamahawk and gravity bombs, we, well , again, we have never stated this publicly, but it is believed that we have significantly reduced our - our stockpiles of non -strategic nuclear weapons, artillery ammunition, there are mines, that is,
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we are talking now. among other things, about tactical, we are talking only about tactical nuclear weapons, because our strategic triad, it is inviolable, it is only being improved and modernized, and we, unlike the americans, who are probably years behind us in modernization seven, and we are now, as the minister of defense reported at the last board meeting, somewhere around 90-95%, our triad, the aviation component with modernization,
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these ammunition will be left after the completion of the exercise in the carrier sites , this is natural, our our opponents should think 10 times before committing any such crazy actions like, so to speak, hitting our missiles there from the territory of poland or romania, i think that this is well, or for example strikes on the crimean or strikes on the crimean bridge other goals in crimea, i think that...
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in iran, the death of the president, the minister of foreign affairs, today there is a multimillion-dollar funeral procession in tabriz, well, that’s what i want to ask you about, academician naumkin, what about the version that the united states deliberately or unintentionally involved in this tragedy, let's listen to what the former foreign minister said about this
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. the presidential helicopter is america's fault, which, despite the ruling of the international court, imposed a ban on the sale of aircraft and air spare parts to iran, this will add to the list of us crimes against iran. well, what mr. zarif said is an indirect recognition, well, one cannot say recognition, he does not represent america, but he is a fairly competent, educated, literate person, he knows what he is talking about, a critic of the current iranian government. and what he says is not just an unfounded accusation against the united states, it is actually a statement of fact, which is that
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the americans are deliberately depriving iran of the opportunity to receive, well, at least spare parts and some other components necessary for keeping in shape, for repairs.
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these are legal, legitimate government, what kind of terrorist organizations are there, where are they, these legal states just created the impression that they want to start new negotiations with iran, absolutely right, these are the negotiations now after what
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happened, and how is it even possible in under the conditions of such sanctions, which actually doom the head of state to death, this is done deliberately, for a reason, because well, well, they would put... a knot, the plane flies, the helicopter, excuse me, flies, and so it’s already like that to say, he finds himself in conditions where both the president and the foreign minister are killed, key figures, and what will happen in iran now? well, now they will prepare for the elections, they have been given 50 days, while temporary executive power belongs to the vice president, and the same can be said... in the ministry of foreign affairs, they will prepare for the elections, after when mourning will pass, it must be said that in general the shiite branch of islam, which dominates in this country, has this cult of martyrs - it is very developed, very high
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the sensitivity of the death of people who die according to the idea of ​​muslims, especially muslims, shiites, as martyrs who die in the name of... faith in the name of their people, in the name of their country, and here, of course, there are these anti-american feelings that were already there are quite strong, historically and practically recently, they are acquiring a very special acute sound, and i think that for a very long time these feelings will simmer and will poison the general atmosphere in this part of the world, in this part of our neighbor.
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be something that is not done that way, but it is it is clear, it is absolutely true that the thickest finger will point to the united states, while this thick finger... as if it were pointing, they talk a lot about this in the bazaars, and public opinion in the islamic world is becoming more and more excited about this, but as i understand it, correct me if this is not so, no specific charges have been brought against the united states yet, so i want to predict that the united states will most likely give rise to accusations. and not necessarily about
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about what happened with the helicopter, about some kind of conspiracy, and about what the united states is going to do next, next, as you rightly said, there will be elections in iran, and so that the candidate can officially participate in these elections , it must be approved, in my opinion, it’s called a board of experts, well, or a board of experts or a council... the states won’t let it through, then what do you think,
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the united states is trying to organize, if not a color revolution, for which iran is not enough, as i understand it, support then at least serious unrest, i think they can do it, they can try to mobilize those uh frail forces that they can in these conditions, when in general the whole people are actually uniting precisely on this basis.
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they say in the bazaars it can matter, it absolutely can matter, it can matter, and it seems to me that this is another miscalculation that westernized americans are making today in general, they don’t teach lessons, you know, despite the fact that they have been in the middle east for so many years sit, for so many years they seemingly had the opportunity to study people's mentality and somehow try to smooth out the consequences of the mistakes they made, they make new ones all the time. and it seems to me that this could end very badly. thank you, we
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will talk to you later, of course, about gas, but now i would like to turn to andrei andreechushintsov, dean of the faculty of international relations at moscow state medical university, and you know that the resolution on banning the placement of weapons in space was stopped in the un security council. let's see what the vote was on... switzerland abstained, but look who voted with the united states, the usa, france, britain, japan, slovenia, the republic of korea and malta, that is , in other words, this is nato and japan and korea, also allies of the united states.
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and the input comes not only from direct political incentives and coercion, but also from frequent pressure on the actors, on the diplomats who participate in this vote.
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states, that... your savings are in american banks and pay attention to the fate of some of your compatriots who are now under persecution or under sanctions or experiencing difficulties, were forced to evacuate their family from western countries, and such episodes become public, sometimes publicly, sometimes in the form of rumors, but clearly they are known, they are known in the un building. our activity on this important international platform now is to present to the world key ideas that will strengthen international stability throughout the world, not to promote exclusively any our russian vision is one-sided, but
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to propose approaches, principles that would allow us to weave this fabric of polycentricity, multipolarity in the long term, and the russian proposal to... ban testing weapons in space, banning their placement there, should have caused consensus, but americans have their own vision, and as often happens now in security council meetings and at the general assembly, we see a significant split, such a gap in voting, where american allies adhere to that line that the united states is pushing, and but an increasing number of countries that are not directly affiliated with us in... political alliances or formulate principles of a platform in general compliance with their interests, they see significant parallelism in how russia’s own actions interests, i’m just in political unions, they vote in i think that this is a very positive development of events, thank you, you wanted to say something, i wanted to talk about the essence of the issue, you understand,
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the americans raised it not long ago, well, it was meeting of the security council, also a resolution that did not pass on... the decision to place nuclear weapons in space, although this was not discussed, there is a fundamental treaty of 67 prohibiting the placement of weapons of mass destruction in space, yes, we are not hiding it, we we have a program for the development of small-sized engines on nuclear engines, on nuclear fuel, because well... tests of a cruise missile with such a small-sized nuclear engine , the burevestnik, are almost in full swing, we have a joint the chinese program for the exploration of deep space, because everyone understands that with the current
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rocket engines with an oxidizer you will not fly further than the orbit of the moon, and if...
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france was shocked by terrible news, a lone pigeon was discovered right in paris, the head of the mit, stefan sezhurny, was left alone after a heartbreaking parting with his gabriel otal. the turning point has come, which should force us to act against russia. the collapse of ukraine is on the agenda. the french would not mind participating in the division of the ukrainian pie. the entente has anti-russian purpose, is being invested in the same convoy that we... heard this from macron regarding the sending of a french contingent to ukraine, a cargo of 200 has already arrived, the french, naturally, a cargo of 200, here are the guards on duty in a russian prison,
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a crime against the identity of children before reaching the age of fourteen, stefan tsezhurny was a member of the so-called mormon gang group. the european financial families who are behind macron, behind these boys, they want this revenge, to crush russia and ensure the victory of ukraine. stephen sijourne and the prospect of roasted pigeons. dolls of the heir tutti. tomorrow on the first. imagine, i’m tracking down a dangerous drug dealer on an expensive snow-white yacht. oleg zhirkov. victim? mazurov, kirill, born in ninety-second. well, telepathy, kushnir, a new level. kostya, well, how undeplorable, i can explain everything, i won’t bother you anymore, hands up, uba, put down
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the gun, bloodhound, new episodes, tomorrow after the program time, who the killer has been found, you can close the case, receive gratitude from the authorities, a paper , they say, less, save necessary.
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and supporters of this idea are often localized in eastern europe, in the baltic states, in poland, and some british actors in scandinavia such ideas are popular. there are significantly more cautious ideas, which are often expressed not publicly, at closed events in the form of comments from often anonymous, influential financial institutions, that too drastic steps in this area will push - very unpleasant... processes for the european union, a collapse of trust to the financial infrastructure of this continent,
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a blow to the euro, the refusal of investors to believe in the strength, guarantees of the inviolability of assets, which the european union provides and offers them, and most importantly, these skeptics believe that it is not possible to take steps that would be ahead of the symmetrical american steps. judgments, however, the income that was generated from these frozen assets can largely be used
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for various needs, including military ones, because separately... there was a discussion: can they be used to finance military assistance in ukraine, including military ones? continue to be used. and like many european decisions, these are very conditional, half-hearted solutions, let's see if it will eventually be implemented, but the important thing is that skeptics have a certain opportunity to say that look, we still haven’t taken the most radical way, but those alarmists who believed that it is necessary to completely confiscate all resources will not be happy, we see this from the latest statements, very radical statements by the ukrainian minister of foreign affairs, who, commenting on the events, they believe that this is absolutely insufficient and in some ways may not be a completely firm, confident european decision, it requires significantly more things, but i think that we will be watching this discussion for a very long time, and you know, this whole
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ukrainian narrative in the west, it consists of... a constant influx of news about raising the stakes, this week we are discussing the supply of some type of weapons, next week we are discussing the supply of some type of, i don’t know, complex technologies, intelligence data, target designation, in a week we we are discussing, then, how to punish russia in the financial sphere, and thus, this information vacuum is being filled, the vacuum where ukrainian military victories or any other victories should have been, so it is being filled with this kind of news, in general, i...
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what- then a serious russian response, by the way, russian officials have repeatedly spoken about this, which is why they behave, well, if you want, i don’t know, you can say with such impudence or with such carelessness regarding the consequences of their actions, shooting in their own foot, yes - the steps they are now taking are still not a final severance of relations with us, they are accepting the signal that... moscow is sending them that russia also has the opportunity here, having frozen or controlled a significant part of european investments, according to many of our estimates, they are comparable to the volume of funds that are frozen, russian funds that are frozen by the west, take the path of their confiscation, we would like everyone to understand this, we are taking no proactive steps
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in this area they did not take or threaten proactive steps in this...
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russia, naturally, is interested in foreign investment in the future, russia does not want to shoot from the gut, without making a distinction between the guilty and those who want to work honestly and productively in russia, but this is where the question really arises about the extreme short-sightedness of european politicians, because when i look at all their statements about victory over russia, i don’t see...
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someone thinks that macron is simply trying to secure the core of france strategic thought on the european continent, some believe that they are simply short-sighted people and do not see beyond the next electoral cycle, but the key circumstance is still that europe, the european union is not a collective acting player, autonomous from the united states in this situation exactly. the united states is the center of both decision-making and development of strategic lines regarding ukraine. europe here is rather the second, albeit important, player who will pay for many of the american initiatives and adventures
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with its declining economic growth, rising energy costs, emptying of its warehouses, and so on. and many in the european union, even if not quite loudly now, are already starting to ask the question, joining in. in general, on the sidelines of the hungarian leader or the president of slovakia, ask the question, what was the actual purpose of our actions from the beginning of the ukrainian crisis, we really expected to defeat russia, we really expected that as a result of this victory these catastrophic events were possible scenarios that are out loud, they were indicated by the leader of poland, the baltic countries, some exalted experts, in germany there are such, there are quite a lot of them, we really believed in it, that’s all, but why did we... turn out to be, they say, they are so gullible, yes , these words did not have any prophetic power, nor a real, even unrealistic assessment of russia’s capabilities, the development of this situation,
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and as soon as many of them retire, they immediately begin to say the opposite, here is the spanish minister of foreign affairs affairs this week, the former minister of foreign affairs began to wonder out loud what would happen if russia wins, everything is heading towards this, there is no scenario in which ukraine wins, which means all our investments, and all our... expenses on this company , all our reputational baggage, which we have bet on a certain one winning scenario, it all turns out, this is a losing bet, they think in this investment key, the second logic begins, if russia wins, what does this mean strategically, macroeconomically, macrosocially for everyone, and of course, this kind of thoughts, they come not so much even under the influence of our words, but rather under the influence of our actions.


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