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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 22, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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to say the opposite, here is the spanish minister of foreign affairs this week, the former minister of foreign affairs began to think out loud, what will happen if russia wins, everything is heading towards this, there is no scenario in which ukraine will win, which means all our investments, yes, everything our expenses for this company, all our reputational baggage, which we bet on a certain winning scenario, it all turns out, it’s a losing bet, they think in this investment way. the second logic begins: if russia wins, what does that mean? strategically, macroeconomically, macrosocially for everyone? and, of course, this kind of thoughts, they come not so much even under the influence of our words, but rather under the influence of our actions and the effectiveness of the line that our country is leading? thank you, what amazes and saddens me most in this situation is that people clearly do not know what they are doing and do not understand that their actions are their actions. leads, and you talked about this,
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general, to the corresponding russian reaction, that this is not something that people in russia have suddenly deteriorated, or who used to they were telling a lie, now they are showing their real intentions, but no, for many of us, i’m not afraid to say for the majority, in general, it was unexpected to what extent the collective west was ready to launch a crusade against russia.
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with academician naumkin about what happens in the gas around the gas. while the special operation is underway, the orthodox church is being destroyed in ukraine, we are moving towards europe, so we must move away from the russian conservative tradition. epiphanies and all these other pseudo-priests are just pure disguises water, so the split is a tragedy.
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tenderly, one staff commander, by the way, married, got himself, so to speak, and i was ordered to assign this girlfriend to work, now you will raise her, or only then after lights out i had a husband, wife, someone beat him off, but you didn’t complain to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t recapture me, but killed me on june 24, okay, osyanina, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i’ve been in this skin since i was 18... don’t, you believe it,
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lisa, be sure to believe it, maybe it’s true, happiness walks nearby, and will definitely come to you tomorrow, but there is no way back to it, afterwards we’ll sing with you, elizabeth, we’ll carry out the combat order, we’ll sing, come back quickly, girls, and the dawns here are quiet on saturday at first. there is a big game on the air, people are still dying in the gas, many innocent people are still dying in the gas, including children, and israel continues the military operation, and as i understand, not only there, where they... they said that they
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would do this earlier, in the south, but in the north, which they had already cleared earlier, so people fled first on the recommendation of israel, from north to south. now they're running from israeli attacks from south to north, and there they again encounter israeli bombs, israeli tanks, what happens? well , some kind of terrible game is happening in which human lives, including the lives of innocent children, babies, women, old people, they in general completely lose value and... in the actions of the israeli elite, which clings to power, clings, because that today the protests are becoming more and more widespread, it is obvious that this course will not lead to anything good, and that all this that is happening is, this is terrible, this is happening,
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leads to a very bad ending for the israeli, the current israeli government, at the same time they are heard more and more...
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by the deputy american ambassador in washington, and well, washington just knows what they call political labyrinths, behind the scenes, everything is very good, and he also understands very well how israel depends on the united states, which is why i want
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to ask you why it behaves with such ostentatious independence, because it has some kind of its own interpretation. he won't be handed over, no matter what he does, what no matter what terrible things he does, no matter what absolutely inhumane, inhumane acts he commits, all of this will be written off to him if he achieves the very goal he declared from the very beginning, the destruction of
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the hamas movement, the destruction of islamists, here is the clearing of an area in the gas under apparently . some kind of settlers, as many people say today, almost plans are being created there for some kind of centers for a recreation area. some kind and so on, that is, some absolutely monstrous things, it is not clear when the bodies of the dead were buried there people, but they are discussing the question of what can be built there on top so that settlers can come and rest there, that is, some things are completely unacceptable from the point of view of ordinary human morality, but it is very difficult to put an end to this, because in my opinion bet, as it was said in the title of one film, bet...
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hamas declares that they, so to speak, still have combat-ready units, the israelis did not destroy anything, so this turns into some kind of, you know, stupid destruction, stupid murder, already 30 thousand victims, even 35, in my opinion, yes, 3,500 already casualties among the civilian population, just not... not hamas militants, and, in my opinion, there is no end in sight, this, you know, is netanyaho’s tenacity, we will continue, no matter what, because there is an existential threat to israel, which is represented by hamas, i think the whole world has already realized that there is no such existential threat to israel, yes, there was a monstrous terrorist attack, and they died.
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a series of military operations in the middle east, first by the military leadership, and then the political realized that this universal justice would not work for americans. the military was the first to talk about how a series of episodes of the invasion of iraq could extend the jurisdiction of the international criminal court to american citizens, and this must be avoided in every possible way, and then those radical american politicians who insist on american dominance. and that international law may exist, but not for us, we americans
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will be above this law, we will be for ourselves to determine what justice consists of here, and essentially the international criminal court, where the legal thought of europe has a significant influence, is an attempt by intellectuals, often left-wing european intellectuals, to somehow indicate their... principled position to certain extents regarding crimes that are now being carried out in palestine, similar decisions exist in relation to individual episodes. american invasion of iraq, we now see that such a sharp reaction from the american congress was caused, firstly, the aggravated internal political situation in the united states itself, the republicans very persistently support the current israeli government, biden, on the contrary, is forced to deal with the fact that across the country on university campuses, in fact, the uprising
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is taking place on an anti-israel platform, this affects the electoral chances of president biden. he is losing the support of not only the american and american arab community, but the american left, which views events in the middle east more liberally, in the aggregate, this is nevertheless some are writing about this now, this decision of the international criminal court may have a positive effect on netanyahu’s very positions in israel, since this decision can often... be interpreted as some external force trying to persecute our national leader, in most cases this has the opposite effect, not only not tanyahu, there they are demanding yes to gallant, to the minister of defense of defense, who is popular, very seriously, what is happening in israel, why are they reacting this way, i
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can understand that, and even to some extent i can respect, because when this court tries to submit documents for the arrest of foreign leaders, russia has its own experience in this regard, and it is far from causing respect for this court, but the way it reacts in the american congress, this is for me indicator, because there is not even any claim to any objectivity, to any consistency, there are us, that is, those who direct policy in the united states, and there is everyone else. and everyone else can be treated as you please, it’s so fascinating the situation is taking place in the united states congress. it was a great game, we'll see you on the air tomorrow.
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family is love first of all, it is support, it is support, these are the people who can support you at any time, our mothers, wives, daughters, these are the most beloved, every week the whole family goes to some restaurant, cafe and just we spend time together, being parents is great, it’s good, in general it’s very, very exciting, it’s just an attraction, i wish mothers that they always win. some games mom, we love you, yes, oh homeland, fatherland, you are my second mother, i am dear to you, i am ready to give my whole life, my family, my loved ones, my friends, this is my homeland, and i want it every day smiled along with its residents.
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hello, my name is dmitry bak, today we have another episode of a literary podcast, let them not talk, let them read, and today we are talking about a man who was born on may 21, 1924, that is, 100 years ago, this is boris lvovich vasiliev, a wonderful russian writer , author of many books about war. based on one of his stories , a great film was made about the power of the elements, and based on the play tank crews, a great film was made, officers. today we will talk about boris vasiliev and his story, about the film based on this story with irina shevchuk, the performer of the role of rita osyanina, honored artist
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russian federation, hello irina, it’s very nice to see you. war, but naturally, my family, my relatives were touched by the war, and this was passed on because my father was a military sailor, he went through
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the defense of sevastopol, then served in the northern navy after the war, and my grandfather, pavel petrovich bacharov, was generally a partisan hero; in some years, i remember, i was in a museum, i think, in kamenets-podolsk. and they showed me my grandfather’s documents, and i even brought some of his documents to the museum, and yes, of course, and well, i knew my grandfather, that is, well, how would we be three girls, dad and mom raised us, of course, with this memory, and this memory too i’m still alive, it’s clear to me, well , there was no need to go far here if there are frontists in the family, pavel, and how is this matter going with you? i’ve had it all the time the feeling that there was a war somewhere
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, some were written simply with a pencil and a trembling, jumping hand, because i have it 14 letters from him to my grandmother, he writes during shelling, so here it is, it was just a war in my house, oh well , let’s now move on to literature carefully, there are many anniversaries this year, yes pavel, i am primarily addressing you as a literary historian, although of course ilin also knows about this, anniversaries, let’s remember yuri bondarev, vladimir bogomolov. yulia drunina, nikolaev starshin, nikolai starshinov, boris vasilyev, boris vasilyev, bulat akudzhav, bulat akudzhava, many of the famous writers who
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left us works about the war were born in the year twenty-four, it turns out so, and this is the year when those who met the war at seventeen years old were born, and what do you think, pavel, this is how works were created that were written and published either directly during the war, or after the war, this is special. a group of texts, yes, when the impressions have not yet cooled down, the war continues, there is a poem by margarit alegerzoya, then the bakopa of stalingrad by viktor nikrasov, the first edition of the young guard, fodeev, they fought for the homeland of sholokhov, the story about the real man boris polevoy, well , as far as possible everything was clear in the lyrics, rain for me, i will return everything is clear, no comments are needed here.
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well, this is not a good word, it follows a certain apocrypha, yes, this girl heroine, fadeev finds the young guards and also writes, we too
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, perhaps, well, maybe someone knew, but such a literary legend, a historical legend, of course, would not exist, but a field one found, an absolutely amazing thing, which can be considered as a thing about war, or can be considered simply as an existential thing about how a person... gostello, well, also absolutely such exemplary examples of heroism, well, they said a lot later that maybe there is tolya attraction or apocrypha or some.
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then he did a lot more, besides prose, it had different days of the war, an absolutely amazing, yes, amazing book, he also did such a thing, he did such interviews, a television interview with representatives of different branches of the military, with a tanker, with a pilot, with an infantryman, these were absolutely amazing programs when, because he knew what to talk to them about, he saw all this, he has deep-rooted experience, of course, yes. well, we continue our conversation about boris lvovich vasiliev, about the film azorist de element, which was filmed based on vasiliev’s story of the same name, we are talking today with irina shevchuk, who performed the role of rita osyanina in the film azorist de element, honored artist of the russian federation, with pavel bosinski, writer, journalist, literary critic, you were right when you said
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that the lieutenant’s prose is not an offense to konstantin mikhailovich in any way, it was created somehow in the form of an antithesis of some kind, but the lieutenant’s prose, let’s talk, but this does not mean that the previous one the prose was general, no, but still this trilogy is big, big novels by simonov, although they were also built around, well, such serpilin, yes, sentsov, his main characters, specific people, but still there is a scale of strategy there..
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.yes, lieutenants, tunics, they have medals there. there are orders, they are not afraid of anything, they have already experienced everything, nothing can scare them, well , the leaders there are also front-line soldiers, by the way, yes, of course, yes, yes, and that’s why they wrote, they even said that the war was strange a freedom zone, because there, you can’t hide there, you can’t lie to each other’s faces, that’s why they were in some... near
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the shore, there was a choice, and many famous things, of which there were wonderful things, there was but there was also grigory baklanov, baklan for ever nineteenth birthday, by the way, they are very they were friends, they both studied at the lithuanian institute, they were very friends, then they went their separate ways, we know, yes, then they were just friends, very close, the closest.
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and i’ll ask irina, you, pavel, the tolstoyan tradition, when war is not only the victory of one army over another, but this is the sky of sterlitsa, yes, this is the scene of nikolai rostov’s first battle, when he realizes that a frenchman is galloping at him, and the frenchman his mother is the same as his, and for some reason he has to kill him, uh-huh, yes, this is the most important prose that is superimposed on the type, irin, and how it happened,
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stanislav rostotsky and zoya kurdyumova, let’s say their names, she traveled and visited a million moscow theaters there, rostotsky, irina shepchuk and andrei martynov, andrei martynov, these are absolutely legendary people, of course it was difficult, but rostotsky had , had his own vision, he wanted the girls to be not so already famous, inveterate. i was a student at giko, but that’s why he was looking for faces and people who were still unknown, that is, he is such a pioneer, but the only thing we had was olechka ostroumova is known, she starred with him in we'll live until monday, and he knew her,
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but here she is, although he came to rostotsky at night and he didn't see her in zhenya, didn't see her at all, but then... you can see everything- something like that captivated me, i know that olya was repainted red, just like zhenya should have been, and we did the auditions together, that is, she looked like zhenya, i looked like rita, uncle sasha bukhvalov, a pyrotechnician, was the first to talk to us , who went through the war, well, in general , rostotsky had almost the entire group military generation.
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just from start to finish, uncle sasha bukhvalov came up to us after we dreamed about auditioning for something like that, shook our shoulders, kissed us. yes, yes, of course, of course, and this is some kind of scene, apparently it’s in a swamp, we are walking through a swamp, but this is filming, well, filming, would we really climb into this swamp ourselves and walk around, although we are there they took care of it, they laid it
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on the quagmire, they laid it down, i don’t remember what boards, plywood, well, so that we wouldn’t really fall through there, well, this is rita osyanina, it’s me, a beautiful face, just a beautiful face, by the way, thanks to my eyes they approved me, because vyacheslav mikhailovich shumsky, the cameraman after the audition said: “stasya, do you remember the girl, in the geekon they called me a geek, from a geek, come to us she came with such sad eyes, they called me, i agree with them, it’s surprising, then we already had such serious tests with olga, it’s amazing.” and comment if necessary, either i show an old book from my
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library, or i quote prose, well, here you go now i will read a poem by arseniy aleksandrovich tarkovsky, who fought, worked as a poet, he had a military service just like that... the book says that he is not a correspondent, but he worked in the front-line newspaper combat alert, he has many poems written during the period, written during the war, and there is a poem: with my head like meat on a scale, my soul
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was beating on a thread, and i saw myself from the outside, i was balanced without any appendages by the market, fat weight, it was in the middle of the snow shield, shcherbatov along the western edge , in a circle unfrozen swamps, trees with broken legs and railway stops with split skulls, black with snow caps, sometimes double, sometimes triple, that day time stopped, the clock did not pass, and the souls of trains no longer flew along the embankments, without lanterns on gray whips steam and there were no weddings of crows, no snowstorms, no thaws in that limbo where i lay in shame, in my nails, in my blood outside. the gravitational field of the future, but
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shifted on its axis, a shield of blinding snow went in a circle, and low above my head, seven planes turned around and the gauze, like tree bark on my body, hardened and someone else’s blood ran from the flask into my veins and i breathed like a fish swallowing sand. mica, earthly, cold and blessed air, my lips were swept, and they also spoon-fed me, and i still could not remember my name, but the dictionary of king david lived on my tongue, and then the snow melted, and early spring the chick stood up and wrapped the trees in her green cloak. here is a poem by arseny
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torkovsky, which captures both the unbearable military experience and the memory of the war, it is very consonant with the lieutenant’s prose, because it was written in the same years when the lieutenant’s prose began to gain strength, and let’s pavel, let’s talk a little more about boris vasiliev, about his fate, about his books, maybe we’ll remember the drama, the play tank crew, based on the film was produced... the officers much later, well, boris vasiliev, what can you say about him, after all? in a strange way, i had a little bit of a personal history with boris vasiliev, because well, not with him, i didn’t meet him, but i was brought to the house, his house, he lived in solnechnogorsk, he lived in solnechny, he and his wife lived in solnechnogorsk, he died immediately after her death, there literally 2 months later. yes,
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in heaven, of course, of course, and me there because it was that the marriage was brought by sergei aleksandrovich felatov, the kingdom of heaven, a wonderful person, an organizer, so he was very friendly with vasiliev, and he brought me to this house, they were no longer there, but an ordinary house, so rustic, very, very cozy, that is, it was not a dacha, just a house, this is a house, they lived there, they lived, but they had an apartment in moscow, i know, but they lived they practically.
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life is simple, and it’s shown very well in the film, of course, yumatov and lonova played very well, so it’s a very good film, yes, a great film, dog.
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came out, and vasiliev was very angry about this , there is such a moment when two generals meet after the war, and they meet as if by chance, so they recognize each other, well, well, two generals serve, they did not know each other , that is, well, it’s clear that they are there for this moment, of course, but the film is amazing, amazing film for the sake of this phrase really needs to be remembered more often all the time, but you know, after your... phrase, it occurred to me that this is such a terrible formula, a formula for the tragedy that befell our country, because it is necessary, there is such a profession to defend the homeland, i say, and the one next to me in the ranks says, suddenly we are defending our homeland, suddenly it turns out that we are different sides, or maybe different homelands, no, there is one homeland, one russia, but we kill
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each other, god forbid, a terrible story, well this entry into torment is absolutely amazing shown. so, by the way, it’s like a terrible terrible tragedy, but still i ask pavel bosinsky as the author of many books about tolstoy, i won’t say a tolstoy scholar, because you are not a tolstoy scholar, you are an understander of tolstoy, but not a knower, an understander, here there is tolstoy’s everything -there is a tradition, of course, it exists in prose about the civil war, this...
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irin, around the film or before the film, other events somehow concerned you, i mean the publication in the magazine of the youth of boris vasilyev’s story, and this is also a legendary magazine youth, yes, in those decades, then my beloved had a performance at taganka, somehow it was known, no, i didn’t read or watch the performance, yeah.
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