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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 22, 2024 12:45am-1:31am MSK

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we’re learning how to wrap party clothes on our trip, so that they’d wrap them up now, but easily, i was the one with them, well, after all, i’m the daughter of a sailor , the granddaughter of a partisan, by the way, be careful , look at me, tell me, that’s how? well, it’s a trivial question, but it’s still important, i’ve been teaching at the studiymhat school in the theater institute for many years, almost 20, so i understand how it happens...
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shoot, all this irita should be ordered by a komelkov fighter, so it was important for him to see i'm so determined because i was, well, i made an impression such a calf, such an angel, who is not able to scream, to insist there, although you were a lie, i was a very strong barge inside, i think that she was, but...
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where would she have come from then, if her there wasn’t at all, a wonderful formation, karita raised, yes, that’s true, i hope that she raised the girls too, well, that is, we still communicate and still love each other, well, how can you not love those , well, it happens in different ways, you know, but we love each other, i consider them my sisters, i i find out everything about them that...
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i remembered how the story was created, and there the real events are generally depicted, yes, and this is such an amazing story about the fact that local battles took place, which were the only ones for specific people the last ones, yes, well, that’s how the work went, that the main thing clicked there, because not everything worked out, yes, as far as we know, well, as far as i know, it was a real story, when the germans actually landed troops, and they
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were caught there for a long time, they caught everyone, well someone was killed there, someone was caught, yes, but they weren’t girls, they weren’t girls, it seemed like she was already writing this story, but it didn’t work out for her when he came up with girls, then she came up with this great thing, it’s fiction, yes, they weren’t girls, that’s very, yes, it’s interesting , this is about the question of the truth about the war, after all , the truth is not necessarily a description of what literally happened, there is another truth, a human truth, and he found it, he found this plot, he found these faces, then it worked out great, this is how elena pogorelskaya told me the story:
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how brilliantly it was invented yes, it would seem like some kind of insight, how many beautiful scenes there are, how sonya reads poetry, yes, it’s amazing, not to mention, i don’t even have the strength to remember about the deaths, about how the girls... die and about how - and they died, you know, because sonya was the first to die, yes, the whole group was crying, although we all understood that this, well, this is a stage, this is a movie, but when we, there was already a stab in the heart, when we
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they saw her lying in these stones with a white face, it was impossible, impossible, well now it’s impossible, i’m going to start crying now, understandably. here you go truly a great war, great literature about war, one of the great writers, a great film, and i think that it continues in some sense, yes, because these heroines, they are household names in the highest sense, yes, they live next to we have, in parallel, living actresses, very famous, they have different destinies, olga straumova, elena drapeka, ekaterina markova, naturally and...
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honored artist of the russian federation, performer of the role of rita osyanina. thank you very much, irina. i'm sure we 'll see you again on our podcast, and my other interlocutor, writer, journalist, critic pavel basinsky. thank you pavel for this conversation. i think that we will have the opportunity to talk about the war, about literature, about life, to you, our dear friends, and to me, as always. i say: read with pleasure.
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hello, you are watching precious stories. my name is ekaterina varkan , our guest today is elena vinogradova. she came to us from voronezh, and it’s not just like that. museum, and elena was the first and only employee of this museum, with the name of dmitry vinevitin, one of the most famous representatives of this family, a poet and a philosopher , however, are connected with a very dramatic story, but very beautiful, in addition to a lot of advantages, he was very handsome, externally, such the first prince of the kingdom, so to speak, yes, indeed, he was... he was handsome in the full sense of this words, tall,
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his huge blue eyes, covered with very long eyelashes, shone with intelligence, there would hardly have been such eyes in the world - wrote one of his contemporaries, well, here we see an absolutely wonderful portrait, truly handsome, dmitry was born into a respectable family had a good education, dmitry received an excellent education. in which, of course, his mother anna nikolaevna, nee princess bolenskaya, took part, who lovingly selected mentors and teachers for him. by the way, many of them were later teachers at the moscow imperial university. by the age of seventeen, dmitry venevitinov completed his home education, received excellent encyclopedic knowledge, he had an excellent command of languages ​​and... in particular the greek language, because his teacher was the greek baylo
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taught him this subject, and he was not just a home teacher, he was a famous scholarly publisher of plutarch. but we have a certificate that dmitry received in the twenty -third year at the university, and it lists all the sciences that he actually mastered and the grades that he received. one small detail is very interesting here, it is written that... the certificate, according to the decree of 809, was issued, and the decree is quite interesting, in my opinion, spiransky came up with such a thing that all people in the civil service had to have some kind of certificate public higher educational institutions, and many already respectable people who occupied decent positions did not have such shortcuts, and that is , confusion arose in society, respectable guys had to come, sit down and take exams, that’s quite funny. these people who did not have official qualifications, they did not have, well, the right to enter the service, were called minors, that’s
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where this wonderful word comes from, moreover, those who did not serve, which means, well, many count princes had an excellent education, but not had chickens, they were also considered immature, and you can just fantasize, say how they sign some important papers, but for example, a deed of purchase or a will, it’s written by a minor, a count or a prince like that, well, in general... it’s quite funny, but that means they’re all parents, naturally, they immediately began to build higher educational institutions for their young people, well, young people, of course, young men, children, a lyceum was born here, in the newborn lyceum, as we remember, it means that pushkin, well known to us, was immediately established, but about home education, if we talk about it, then there surely they all played music very well, for some reason they all had talent, so i’m surprised, yes, here i am...
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yes, indeed, dmitry venevitinov was fond of music and composition, there were reasons for that, because his home teacher was a famous composer at that time, joseph genisht, whose works were performed and even staged at... the moscow theater, such worthy teachers and such worthy students, by the way, genisht brought him a love for beethovin,
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and he considered him a philosopher of music, consequences, well and as for musical dmitry’s works, then his friends said that they wanted to publish his poetic experiments along with them and musical works, so perhaps there will indeed be new discoveries, work is underway. beautiful, romantic, enthusiastic, and we know, spent the summer in this estate in the named animal near voronezh. yes, after dmitry successfully graduated from moscow university, and he entered the service, the moscow archive, the collegium of foreign affairs, but here not for long, suddenly
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he needed to go to a new place in his estate, and he sets off. there to the memories of his childhood, indeed , he and his parents went to the estate in nova zhivotiny, he loved it very much, and you know, a very beautiful legend is connected with the poet’s stay in the estate in childhood, the legend of a butterfly, and with a falling eye, it happened when mitenko was very little, and one day , while walking in a large garden, he saw a magnificent creature that was flapping its wings, flying from flower to flower, and dmitry asked his brother peter what kind of creature this was, he explained to him that it was a butterfly the pain in his eyes, every morning began with dmitry running into the garden and looking for his girlfriend, and this was such an impression of his childhood, which he retained later, and as an adult, an archive employee, a poet,
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he draws in a pocket album for his sister sonechka this butterfly. speaking, he gave me this pocket album , and there is a self-portrait of the little mitya himself , there is also a version that this is an unknown artist, but it’s amazing how a kid in 1810 could perform such professional works, depicting his sister and supposedly himself, but in fact they date back to 1810, if dmitry
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was born in 1805, then how old was he at that time, well, tens.
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to the hall of the family, the poet’s childhood, suddenly i raised my eyes and saw a butterfly on the chandelier, eyes shining, and i looked and said: master, everyone here instantly understood what we were talking about, that in fact this estate and those portraits to which i showed dmitry , this butterfly, they are somehow connected, they all began to bow and pronounce the owner.
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venevitinova, i couldn’t say anything about her magnificent voice, and that’s legia actress, but somehow the title of a book, so why, why did you sing so sweetly, why did i
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listen to you so greedily, jesus of your singers and beauty drank the poison of dreams and joyless passions, now, so to speak, one can read some kind of passion that was born in the young man in relation to this woman, in the house, it means there were a lot of all sorts of wonderful... famous people, prince vyazimsky’s recollection of how pushkin appeared there after his exile in mikhailovsky, when he arrived in moscow in september, princess , knowing that pushkin would come, she sang for him and legia, the daylight went out, prince vyademsky notes, pushkin was vividly touched by this seduction of subtle and artistic coquetry, but prince vyazimsky is always graceful, so to speak, after which pushkin, princess zina...
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will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday, on the first, ah, i have one question for you, my movie husband’s name is... ranevskaya from may 27 on the first, let’s take her back, don’t irritate me, we continue the conversation with our guest from voronezh, elena grape, me.
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a thunderstorm overtook them, the culmination of feelings, dmitry confessed, and here she stopped, she could not reciprocate his feelings and
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broke the heart of the young poet. in his poems he confesses this tragic and unrequited love, why, why did you sing so sweetly, why did i listen to you so greedily, he really listened to her so greedily, but it all ended differently, but we know what she gave him as a sign , well, not love, but a ring as a sign of compassion, this famous venevitino ring, about which this gift would become his talisman, a faithful talisman of love, he has a very interesting history because it was found in 1706 during excavations of the ancient city of herculaneum.
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and where the princess found it, now there are different versions, maybe she bought it in an antique shop, perhaps it was in her father’s collection, a famous archaeologist, collector, she brought it with her to moscow, but these are cities that died during the time of the famous eruption of vesuvius, pompeii is famous, it ’s from there, from there, yes, this age-old talisman of love has such a name, because there is such a legend that they were found...
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dmitry also realized this, and he bequeathed to his faithful friends that he would put the ring on his finger - in two exceptional cases, either on the day of his wedding, or on the day of his death, that is, on the threshold of some new state of his, the state of his soul , but he raped constantly, he wore a persil on a chain to his watch, constantly and never. i was not separated from him, and to this ring, and he dedicates his famous line, his poem to my ring, where in fact he already acts as a poet-truth teller, as a prophet, he predicts in an amazing way both the fate of this ring and your own fate. you were dug up in a grave, dusty, of love, the herald of an age-old, again you
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were bequeathed to the dust of the grave. many whispered in the corners, how could it not be that there were no secret romances, that is, there were no obvious ones, but there were definitely secret ones, and that means there were even contenders, one of whom was princess alexandra ivanovna trubetskaya, with whom they kept whispering in the corners, everyone thought that things were already heading towards the wedding, but no, they kept whispering about philosophy, like venevitinov wrote her a sincere message, letters
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to philosophy, which means... a wise man, so a wise man, yes, they really knew each other, were friendly, and corresponded, and surprisingly dmitry himself notes that first they talked about german authors, then they talked about poetry, and then they got to philosophy, and thanks, it’s a pity, they didn’t go further, it’s a great pity, of course, that they are a very beautiful woman, yes, indeed, they would have been a magnificent couple, but thanks to... and alexandra ivanovna trubetskoy, we have a complete , as if a system of philosophy of life dmitrieviteny the one that he bequeathed to us, our friend, that means mitya, he is still busy with any thoughts, we are wise, he and his friends in the year twenty-six decided to publish a new magazine “moskovsky vestnik”, we even have a plan that they submitted to censorship, there is a mixture of fine literature and science.
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what can i say? well, here, against the background of some kind of general hectic work, enthusiasm, against the backdrop of enthusiasm around this new magazine, there appears such an ambiguous figure of sergei aleksanovich sobolevsky, who was invited as a business person
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to participate in this magazine, apparently to help in some orc moments, orc questions, because everyone was wise, but they needed a business person, but this is such an ambiguous figure.
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to st. petersburg, the fact is that dmitry venevitinov, of course, was in a hurry to leave moscow, and his friends believed that he was running away from love, from his tragic love, which did not leave him, his emotional experiences, the passions that burned in
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him my soul is on fire, in his letters he leaves, i left moscow like crazy, i don’t know how i didn’t go crazy, but i’m needed here. trubetskoy to her husband in siberia, but caught a cold, didn’t make it, was forced to return, and she continued her journey on her own, so dmitry had no choice when they set off together from agreement, but before
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entering the city at the outpost the crew was stopped at that time it was very serious, everyone entering the northern capital was checked, and then...
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my name is ekaterina varkan,
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elena vinogradova is in the studio with me today. he chose the asian department of the college of foreign affairs for himself, because by this moment he was interested in east, and he understands that the accents of political life are moving in the other direction, to the east, and he dreamed of going to persia with griboyedov, but griboyedov only left in the summer of 1926, well , he was planning to, that means. greboedov to go to persia, he has a lot of letters, the last ones, literally these are the last two letters, i want to go there on my first mission in freedom to sing with the eastern nightingales, well, it’s just lovely in general, i’m going to persia, it’s already been decided, it seems to me that there i will find strength for a life of inspiration, and only after this i already wrote to you in a letter what it is that melancholy has tormented me here among the cold, empty , soulless society, i am alone, i would rather get from here to moscow to you. and here we understand that, of course, to you, to friends, but still
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we return again to that love that remained unanswered, that is, again in all this, yes, indeed, he falls into melancholy and depression, he could not find a place for himself; it seemed to him that he was alone here in the cold light, according to his friend fyodor. with whom they lived at the lonskys, rented a flegelok, internally he has changed entirely, and in his melancholic image, even externally he has changed his appearance, his hair has become curled and dark, he tells his sister sonechka about this, and he has grown a mustache, a beard , he already looked like a completely different person, but nevertheless he attended... receptions, balls, once the lanskys gave a ball in their house, and
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the heated poet ran into his outbuilding, without even throwing chenille over his shoulders, he was in a fever, he fell ill, seriously ill, and uh, as fyodor khomyakov says , he was dreaming everything poetry, he either muttered them, or wrote, constantly wrote his own poems, and it seemed that in 24 hours of the day he did not have a free minute, he was busy all the time. he composed a diary and was in a hurry to write, thereby he was in a hurry to live, but he had very little time to live, and here again we remember that story, that legend, that prophecy about the ring, to which we return again in it, when dmitry became completely bad, he bequeathed in his poetic message to his friends that... so that my ring does not take off your cold hand, so that
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the coffin did not separate us, the oath would not be fruitless, that’s how it all happened, when dmitry was leaving, he fell unconscious, then - aleksey khomyakov, who was hurrying to the poet, took off the ring from the watch chain and put it on dmitry’s finger, when dmitry came to his senses... he i saw the ring on my finger and said, am i getting married? in my opinion, this is how he united with his beloved and left, in general.
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she did not escape her sad death, because when she left for italy, she returned to her villa of san firci, where she really lived and missed her friends, so these monuments appeared, including the monument to dmitry venevitin, but in the end she took a vow of poverty, she wandered through the streets of rome and gave away. money for the poor, one day in the pouring rain in the downpour, she took off her cloak and gave it to a poor man, caught a cold and died from almost the same illness as the young poet. you know, the love story in this
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book excites people’s hearts and will continue to do so for many, many years, but i think that... she still crossed the line that should not have been crossed, one of venevitin’s friends said will respond to her, she was looking for a fresh young man in him, she is shallow, who knows, but we know that true friends, at the age of 40, gathered on the day of his death to serve a memorial service, one... the device was always empty, in fact, here they are they also created this great legend and the legend about the most worthy, smartest, most talented young man, and the legend about great love, and today medicine will tell us that you cannot die of your own free will, well, it’s impossible to die of your own free will, but this is what
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it knows about these individuals twenties of the 19th century, when beautiful women. you work for him, and the more you live with him, the more you resemble him, what am i actually saying this for, that here in front of us is a man who was engaged in a creative life, and a smart, beautiful woman, which means an enthusiastic romantic person who, throughout his life, these i haven’t lost my properties and qualities in any way, i have only one
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question, who will i become like?


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