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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 22, 2024 1:30am-2:16am MSK

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that the person you are dealing with, your hero, you suddenly, it means, are caught in the fact that you become, he becomes that master, and you are his slave, and you are already rolling up your sleeves, which means, so to speak, you are working for him, and the more you live with him, the more you are similar, what am i actually saying this for, that here in front of us is a man who was engaged in life with the work of venemetin, and a smart, beautiful woman, which means an enthusiastic, romantic person who, throughout his life, these properties and qualities no way... i didn't lose it, i only have one
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question, this is who i will become like, have you watched the podcast precious history, my name is ekaterina varkany, our guest today was elena vinogradova, she came from voronezh to tell us about the wonderful poet and philosopher dmitry venevichinov. hello, this is a substance deception program. today we will talk about meat. my name is olesya nosova, i am the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda and with me is the famous endocrinologist zukhra pavlova. meat is our favorite product of zukhra sharipovna. here. and i have great news about meat. in preparation for this broadcast, i talked with our economics department, the komsomolskaya pravda newspaper, with specialists who told us that absolutely amazing things are happening in our country right now. russians began to eat more
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meat, for example, one person eats about 79 kg of meat per year, just 20 years ago this was almost half as much, 41 kg, in the whole world a person eats about 43 kg, and in rich countries 83 kg, then we are close to rich countries, and this is very, very good, we can afford it, yes, yes, zukhrapin, why should she? meat - this is very good and correct, well, i always say in this situation that we have teeth, not only incisors, but like herbivores, but fangs, like carnivores, and this is absolutely not in vain, we must use meat, including red meat, because this is how our body is structured, physiology cannot be fooled, there are, of course, people who do not consume animal proteins at all, including meat, but humans... and the human body
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is designed in such a way that meat is its most important component of the diet, well, strictly speaking, and our digestive tract is not like that of herbivores, but something, well, not quite like that of predators, like that of omnivores, yes, but we are just like that, that’s the middle, yes, we can eat both, and even should eat both so that we can maintain health for as long as possible. those people who refuse meat are actually making a mistake, in my opinion, yes, an evolutionary mistake. evolutionary, physiological error, and we live in such a time of ethics, we do not force anyone to do anything, but we must say how as it should be, as it should be, yes, as it is, yes, and then everyone has the right to make a decision, i only feel sorry when parents make such a decision for small children, which in this regard depends entirely on adults, when they are deprived meat, then it always causes such, well, regret. why is meat so important in general,
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very often we hear arguments that there are a lot of other sources of protein, well, plant-based and as such a replacement, or they also very often say that it is not necessary to eat red meat, the same thing can be obtained from fish and seafood, well , this is how they try to replace protein sources, yes , these are also animal sources of protein, but not meat, it’s very important to put everything in its place. why is there such a special emphasis on red meat? red meat gives us something that we cannot fully get from other sources, for example, but the first thing that comes to mind, as a rule, no one ever stumbles in this regard , because they immediately say iron, yes iron, but if you read the composition of some plant sources, what the plants are made of, what we get when we eat... food, then
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there is also iron, but iron, iron is different, in plant sources it is such an ionic form of a two-three-component iron, it is very poorly absorbed in... the human body, that is, plant foods cannot be a complete source of iron, this is meat, which contains heme iron, that is, as part of hemoglobin, these are animal sources, that is, red meat, right here we absorb iron significantly, we absorb it many times more than from plant sources, so by refusing red meat, we deprive ourselves of a source of well -absorbed iron. what is iron? to understand why we talk about this so much? iron is a taxi that carries oxygen to all organ systems, and there is probably no need to explain how important oxygen is, yes, because the heart can beat for a very, very long time, but if
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a person did not breathe for 5 minutes and did not receive this same oxygen, then the brain will die, and we can somehow function, as they say, but this is not life at all. therefore, with such a simple example, you can understand why we are talking about iron at all, there is red meat, there is white meat, that is, not every meat is equal to other meat, that’s the difference, let’s define what we attribute to red meat in general, beef, pork, lamb, horse meat, venison or venison, it’s correct to say elk meat, goat meat, goose meat, duck meat, we’ll also leave two points for chicken meat, only thighs, and turkey meat, we will also include wings there, these are the main sources of red meat, but if elk meat or, let’s say, goat meat is still not the most common meat that we eat, then beef,
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pork, lamb is what we eat quite often, most of us, this is red meat, very often they say poultry, i say that... in principle, yes, that’s the basics, but what is the general difference between white and red? red meat contains a substance called meoglobin, this is exactly the substance which, among other things, will later deliver to us this very iron, along with oxygen, so if we take the percentage of meoglobin in chicken legs, it will be about 0.5, yeah, and in the same beef one and a half and up to 2%, then there is an incomparable difference, well, yes, pork and lamb are significantly inferior to beef, by the way, the meat richest in meoglobin is horse meat, what else is so important
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about meat in general, including red meat, meat is the largest source of animal protein after eggs, again same animal, plant, but why are we animal? so-so we are very different from vegetable protein in terms of protein, because vegetable protein is very, very inaccessible for us, the most, most accessible is soy, well, for russia it’s not very common to eat soy, well, tofu somehow became there, but on the other hand side, and peas, peas are a typical food for us, what do you think, that’s how much we can absorb protein from beef, well, i know the answer, thank god, let’s let everyone else. and from soy we will absorb in the very best case 60-605, according to some sources
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68%, our body will work at full capacity, that is, he will spend the same amount of effort on assimilating this protein and soy, exactly the same amount, the benefits, as you can see, are almost half as much. moreover, this is something that we don’t eat very often, and people who refuse animal protein say that they can fully get protein from nuts, from mushrooms, from mushrooms in general, 23% is only available, very often i hear this argument, look at a zebra or a cow, they are so muscular, where do they get so much protein, yes, to form such muscle mass, from grass, from grass, yes, so they are grass, excuse me, and the intestines are not of such a size that while all this is taking place there, it would all be absorbed, no, unfortunately, this is not the case, therefore, the animal protein is of high quality, it is exactly like that,
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because there is also the largest number of non-essential amino acids, let's see, we have a picture about the nutritional value of meat, this is... useful and we haven't mentioned that same b-12, which also cannot be obtained from anywhere except in its full form, except from animal protein and above all from this the red meat itself, just 100 g of this red meat contains almost 40% of the daily requirement of b-12, b-12, and here it says vitamins of group b, and not only in red meat. b-12, but b-12 is a special representative of the b group of b vitamins,
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so you can get it from red meat. zukhra, but many believe that meat is not entirely healthy due to the fact that it may contain hormones. there are a lot of myths here, and there is some truth. yes, indeed, but for producers, like vegetable producers, yes, it’s not very important. these vegetables are saturated with all the necessary macro and microelements, and nitrogen-containing fertilizers help to grow a large volume of products, but they may not be of high quality, and we also know that animals get sick, not only bird fungus exists, there are all kinds of diseases to which cattle or small ruminants are susceptible livestock, and of course certain substances are used, and not only antibiotics so that these animals do not die from infections, but also... steroids, i don’t know how regulated the use of these or those is in our agriculture
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substances, but there are such assumptions, let’s say, or statements, yes, that all this is not very useful, but most often we hear this more common scare: red meat stimulates an increase in the risk of cancer, that if you eat red meat, you will definitely die from some kind of cancer, in fact, this is not true at all, unless you spoil red meat and really increase the risks associated with consuming this product, but how does this happen? red meat - it’s all in one place it’s called a comb, sausages, frankfurters, any semi-finished products will also be taken there, and fried red smoked meat will be taken there.
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that under the conditions of the body's vital activity the formation of advanced glycation end products occurs, this is a completely natural situation, and in order to combat the excess formation of these end products of glycation, we have a system that counteracts this, when everything is in balance, there is the formation of end products... there is a system , which blocks the formation of their excess, the body copes, it is healthy, it does not age faster than it should, and no bad events occur. if a person begins to eat poorly, his diet contains a lot of foods with these advanced glycation end products, then our system stops coping, these advanced glycation end products accumulate in tissues, causing the development of diseases such as: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, aging and cancer
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diseases, this is what the final products of glazing carry most of all with them, these are smoked products, these are semi-finished meat products, let's say we have here - methods of preparation, well, here , in fact, you can see that if you eat beef, beef, raw steak, then in 100 g of food there will be only 800. a unit of the final product is glycerin, but we don’t eat raw beef , yes, but we don’t eat raw beef, we somehow fry it, so it is believed that steak is the ideal way of cooking, and if you look, there will be 10 times more of these advanced glycation end products, why grilled steak is not the ideal way cooking for meat because this in general, there is a system in which the reaction that leads to the formation of the final glacier products is called the mayer reaction and is also called a tasty reaction, because well, it’s stupid to argue that a steak is tastier than a steamed
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cutlet, well, in fact, well, yes, of course, steak, yes, there is a difference, yes, because more receptors will be involved, the reaction will be stronger, and of course, the brain will remember that it tastes better, but it is more dangerous, for example, if you take a steamed cutlet, yes, and even with lemon juice, then it’s just pennies of these final glucation products, if there are so many of them, then the body will not even... notice the loss of a fighter, this is not a situation that will cause an alarm, the logical question arises that all the largest numbers, the final glycation products, are the first ones, the first column . with numbers occurs when there is frying, frying with olive oil, when the numbers are small, we see the word “marinated, marinated with lemon juice, it turns out that lemon juice is the product that reduces the amount of final products, any marinade, any, but if you marinate in vinegar, then of course
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there will be fewer advanced glycation end products, but the load on the gastrointestinal tract will be greater. therefore, not every marinade is suitable for us, and it is better not vinegar, any vinegar, wine or some kind of apple, namely lemon juice, there will be few glycation end products, and many benefits for the body, taking into account that we also have lemon inside with alkali, then we will achieve even greater positive effects, here we present methods of preparation, but we started to say, that these scarecrows about oncology, red meat... they are associated not only with cooking methods, such as, say, frying or grilling over an open fire, but there is also, because smoking, there is also the preparation of semi-finished products, sausages, sausages and so on, and we all know that the more added or in general, if you add nitrites or, which then turn into other
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derivatives, they increase the amount of advanced glycation end products. this is a substance deception program, we are talking about meat, my name is olesya nosova, zukhra is with me pavlova. if you remember that the absolute leader in advanced glycation end products is bacon, and there are only 13 g, and you won’t believe it, there are 91,500 of these advanced glycation end products. 13 g is a standard portion, but these are two small pieces of bacon, which we usually see.
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we started a little, touched on products that prevent the formation of advanced glycation end products, these are not only marinades, vinegar, or lemon, but also everything that most people really love, these are spices, this is cloves, this is moiran, shaltay, tarragon, rosemary, it’s all very tasty and makes food tastier, but most importantly it also prevents the formation of these end- products of glacuration, here’s a double stick... on the one hand, these products make food healthier, on the other hand, they make it healthier more tasty, and you want to eat more of this food, so always stop yourself, everyone knows approximately what the portion is that does not cause heaviness, you have eaten, you are full, you are full, but you don’t have this
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burden, you get up not only with a light there with the stomach, but with self-respect, well here... and i, i’m talking about the fact that you don’t need to become a biorot if you eat barbecue on some may holidays, yes, this is a tradition, this is unification, these are positive emotions and so on, but nothing bad will happen, but if you eat some kind of grill every day, and there’s meat, then it’s definitely not good for you, we all remember, including about gout, we once said, this that’s just the point, we also almost missed
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one important point, this is why, in fact, manufacturers of semi-finished meat products. they add these same nitrites, yes, this has nothing to do with the fact that people are somehow trying to harm everyone, no at all, minced meat is a nutrient medium, and naturally, bacteria will immediately join in and multiply on this nutrient medium, so they they did not multiply there and even if they appeared there, they died, these nitrates are added there, that is, these are preservatives, but these same preservatives contribute to this nutrient environment, including the environment, this is meat, this is protein, that’s where they begin to form. advanced glycation end products, which is why sausages are and in general, this is precisely why semi-finished meat products are dangerous, without nitrites they can kill a person due to infectious agents, with them we produce advanced glycation end products, so semi-finished meat products are not something that promotes health, but there are semi-finished products, on which it is written without
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nitrites or nitrates, how is it correct, without nitrites, yes, this, this is such a big trick, yes, this is called organic sausage without nitrites, yeah, but they add bacteria that perfectly synthesize these nitrites do not give a difference. a lot and use it as some kind of snack, what is sous vide? this is meat that is cooked in a vacuum, that is, the meat
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is sealed in a vacuum bag and cooked in hot water, and the water can be 98° or 60° or 50°, but this continues for quite a long time and the results are absolutely wonderful products. i ate - these were eggs boiled in sous vide, that's true, but if regular eggs are left in a sous vide for an hour at a temperature, in my opinion, either 50° at very low, then at the result is simply something divine, so let’s go back to the meat, let’s say that this is the duration of cooking, it helps to cope with the infection, because ... yes, in general , we don’t recommend that anyone eat raw meat, because after all , meat can contain parasites , pathogens, and so on and so forth, so
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it’s very important to cook meat correctly, this can be like quick cooking, charring on fire, which we recognize as incorrectly harmful to health, and suvit does this on for a long time and relatively speaking 4-6-8 hours even at a temperature of 60°. in general, it does not give any chance that there is something there, yes, that there will be something left there that could harm us, in general, this is a very, very interesting thing, and that’s what sous vide has to do with it, there are, of course, devices for preparing sous vide, they are quite like that, well, they are price sensitive, but i know that many people do it in a saucepan, i even saw videos on the internet of how they do it in a dishwasher, that is, it’s funny, it’s sealed, which...
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meat is associated with even greater cost, because yes, buckwheat and chicken or meat cost very significantly differently, so when
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a person allows himself animal protein, meat, poultry, fish and so on, it’s good, it’s a better quality diet, more a healthy body, where to get protein from to maintain your muscles, to be physically active and so on, this is of course meat, it contains not only b12 iron, this whole table. mendeleev, there are also very important amino acids, the same creatine, yes, which helps us a lot recover in terms of the volume of our muscle mass, and if we, and we are everywhere now , hear this good propaganda of a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, but how to be physically active if you have weak muscle mass? in general, i heard the maxim that red meat is the best way to... in addition to
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statistics, i also learned with great pleasure that the amount of red meat consumption in our country is also slowly and is already growing - 13 kg per person per year, in china eight in total, 13 kg per person per year, yes, this is in russia, you need 20, yes, yeah, but if you looked at the statistics, maybe you will then find out that we are coping with our production or are we buying red meat somewhere? we export red meat, yeah. but our imports of chicken and pork have started very rapidly, pork in general is growing with terrible force, and the funniest thing in this whole story is that we export what we ourselves do not eat, for example, what we supply from chickens, chicken skin , oh, what chicken, chicken feet, from pork, snouts, snouts, yes, yes, this is very much in demand in asian countries, we are actually now
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among the top five suppliers in the world for pork and... poultry, for turkey we are in second place, and for beef we are in the top ten, the most important thing is that no one really knows about it , i knew about this , i found out by chance, just experts came to us, we questioned them properly, we saw this, this is, of course, wonderful, because the whole world is switching to some kind of crickets, but we have beef, and we, thank god let's stick to chicken, yeah. this is substance deception, we we're talking about meat. my name is olesya nosova, with me is zukhra pavlova. there is also a very important point when we talk about giving up red meat, it’s not just about the formation of b-12 or iron deficiency anemia. there are also medical statistics, which clearly show parallels according to research data that people with iron deficiency
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or b-12 deficiency anemia have. such serious diseases as heart failure, cardiovascular diseases, coronary disease, heart disease, and yes, all sorts of scary words, rheumatic diseases, diseases of the endocrine system, including the thyroid gland, well, that is, these diseases create fertile ground for the development of even more formidable conditions, so somehow it’s not very good to violate the principles of nutrition, now... very in general, dietetics itself is developing on a large scale, because a person flirts a little with this story, violating these principles, harming not only his health, but also very often a nutritional culture is being formed in our country in general, in the family, it means that several people eat incorrectly, i would like people to understand more about the importance of these immutable laws of physiology and not violate them. zukhra, at the very beginning you
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very correctly told this story: that a person who refuses from meat, he wants to be ethically correct, he plans to replace meat with fish, or replace meat there with beans, well, that, in principle, well, with a certain, so to speak, lifestyle, if you look after your health, for tests and so on, taking supplements in principle, well, you can still go here and there, but in reality it’s life.
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and they don’t eat red meat, they have adaptation mechanisms that have formed, but this didn’t happen right away, i once had a patient at an appointment, a very memorable case, and... and the girl has such a very, very beautiful face, at first i was amazed by this external beauty, and then she came in, we started to break the fast, she said, let me show you right away, it will be easier, she began to undress her tattooed body from the neck down and here including the legs, only the feet and hands are free, i was so surprised, i think, to endure so much pain, why so much, everything there is so beautiful, wings, angels and so on, she says, this is a necessary measure, when i came up and looked. skin, and the skin is all in micro-tears, such stretch marks in medicine there is such a concept, stretch marks, yes, thank you, you can say so, it will be clear to everyone, so it turned out that the girl was born in a family of vegans, she was already in
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in her mother’s womb she no longer received this animal protein, then she grew up only on vegetables and fruits, her body could not adapt so quickly, and this could not have happened on... for some, say, such basic priority needs, this protein was enough, although the muscle mass was poorly developed, for the skin, for protein there wasn’t enough skin for collagen, for elastin, when it started growing in adolescence, it’s also growing fast, this skin is just all damaged, sometimes it takes on such proportions, sometimes it can only be understood by some complaints, after seeing a person's tests, and there b-12 deficiency anemia and iron... deficiency anemia, it must be said here that when a person does not eat this very red meat for a very long time, then we have cells in the stomach that produce a substance that can convert b-12 from its predecessor form
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into an active one, but if all this does not enter the human body for a long time, then these functions can be lost forever, then, even if a person decides to eat this red meat, some enzymatic processes will not be restored. and he will always have to take active forms of vitamins of group b, there are b9, b-12, including iron, which may also not be absorbed, so if you have made such a decision, consult a nutritionist, they will at least tell you how to avoid any such consequences that are severe for the body , that ’s irreversible, but it’s one thing if it’s what ’s called a person’s decision... i’ll eat meat, but if a person can’t eat meat, after covid, stories began when people simply can’t stand meat, again, there’s there are a lot of tricks that are so useful tricks, these are the same spices,
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marinade, yes, yes, again our favorite marinade, yes lemon, these spices give so much of this delicious smell that interrupts the smell that... irritates a person, i wouldn’t want to so that people add some sauces like mayonnaise or ketchup, but this is very harmful, here are some herbs, but for health, they can kill any smell, there is grain, uh, rosemary, whatever you want, everything, everything smells delicious, it can help a person overcome this barrier, good, but in the elderly, their ability to digest meat is impaired, this is for them. it’s hard, yes, unfortunately, nature cares not only for us to come, but for us to leave, so we always have something sad wisdom, sad wisdom, our teeth are taken away, but now dental practice is like this successful, that they can
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put teeth, then they take away our enzymes, we cannot digest meat, very often older people say, i feel so heavy after eating meat, i don’t eat it anymore, it’s extremely difficult for me, this is also due to the fact that without consuming animal protein, a person cannot restore his muscle mass, and where there is no muscle mass, the bones are also weak, because the bones also have an organic matrix, and the person becomes physically weaker , he is less able to hold his skeleton into his body, when he falls, these bones break because they become fragile, and this is another way of us, as they say, to be removed from the stage, so when a person’s system is disrupted. the cooking will weaken, that's what it's for wonderful gastroenterologists who, having understood what is happening, can help with the prescription of certain enzymes to help the digestive system work fully. well, let’s summarize:
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you need to eat meat, can you say that meat made a person a person, because in principle, when a person’s ancestor began to eat meat, his brain began to develop, yes, this is a fact. the most important thing is to cook it correctly, you can boil it, stew it, cook it for a while, bake it, but in your hands. there was a deception program with you substances, my name is olesya nosova, i am the editor-in-chief of the komsomolskaya pravda newspaper, and zukhra pavlova, a famous endocrinologist, was with me.
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hello, this is a podcast 20 years later, and we are its hosts, konstantin mikhailov and alexander anatolyevich. today we have a wonderful guest, whom we present with such pleasure, zhanna bichevskaya, legendary, magnificent, mysterious and famous, different, and gennady ponomarev, husband. composer, author, nadezhda and opora, your everything, sound engineer, my everything, yes, and, by the way to say, zhanna bichevskaya performs bulat akudzhava’s songs, a whole album has been released, of her performances, his songs, and bulatov kodzhaeva turns 100 years old this year, it seems to me that you were the most traveled artist, that is, yes, you traveled to more than 30 countries, i was very popular, i...
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poland, russia and belarus, my ancestors on my father’s side defended poland from the swedes, for this they received noble titles, and then they came here, and my grandfather konstantin bichevsky, he... served in the tsarist army, served as a cavalryman - guard of the tsar's regiment was, you and your father, i know, had a difficult relationship, your mother left before she left when you were five, yes, when my mother died at the age of 5, my father took me away from my family, and i was actually alone, with my father - on the reservation, but then it wasn’t my own mother who came into my life, she was very good, but she couldn’t protect me from my father’s monster, nevertheless, my father gave you... your first guitar, in which, when i i was 17 years old, he was a very melodious
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person, and he wanted me to play and sing with the guitar, which means i would accompany him to sing my songs, well, there was such a personal interest, then i already taught guitar at a music school in zagorsk, in general - with a guitar at the school they called me a country zhanna guitrovna, because i did not let go of the guitar, that is, you graduated from a music school, in class, guitar, after all, guitar, and you went yourself, i didn’t finish, it was me... that your meeting with the instrument did not happen at the age of 17, much earlier, and i fell into it, that is,
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such a symbiosis occurred, your vocal teacher was elena yakovlevna petker, yes she in general, she herself was once associated with a large theater and she had her own studio, she stretched out my tesitura, now i have almost five octaves, she brought many to tears, she is known for her singing. romances, and what it was, this is some kind of special manner or meaning of romances, because they are romances, plus or minus , all with some kind of very bad ending. the most difficult song genre is the romance, yeah, yes, because on the verge of vulgarity, on the verge of this overlapping, this spiritual, romances must be sung very strictly, restrained, in in general, i don’t know how to sing songs any other way. and you know, they really
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didn’t sound like they sang before with tears, there with sniffles, but because this, this is so serious that they don’t talk much about love at all, they have already said everything, but to convey it through romances, this is a deep feeling, this can only be done with god’s help, god helped me, there was a carriage standing near the church, this is a romance or a russian folk song, this is a russian song. russian folk, i recorded it somewhere a long, long time ago in the village of nikipelovo, at my grandmother’s she was 80-86 years old, baba pavlina, she sang this song to me. this song came to life from me, zhanna bichevskaya, if anyone doesn’t know, she traveled a lot not only abroad, but throughout our country, in the outback, she collected russian folk songs, how did you get in touch, what did you travel on? , on my own, i didn’t have money for tickets, i was
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a student at a similar school, and i see a train with sand, with pebbles, somewhere under i climb with a guitar, i didn’t know where i was going. some point stopped, in general, in short, i traveled a lot, i even went as far as the urals, you know, everything was different, but everything was very interesting, and you know, i have to tell you, i thank you, lord, for me in my life after my father, in general it’s like that the monster, he sent me very good people, it consoled me so much, encouraged me in life and gave me meaning in my life, and i realized that there are more good people in life than bad, this is natural. and then i realized one more thing, this is purely philosophical, in life, i realized that what kind of person are you with a person, he is like that with you, but the thing is that sometimes you stumble upon, you stumble upon such blackness that it’s even scary to enter it, you want to run away from this person, well, probably
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the young bride felt this same blackness in her wife, well, the tragedy of the song is gelatin. yes, let's turn to this work then. there was a carriage standing by the church, there was a magnificent wedding, all the guests were dressed
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smartly, the bride was all smartly dressed , all the guests were smartly dressed, the bride was the most beautiful, she was wearing a white dress, the wine was full of jokes, she... the holy crucifix looked through a rainbow of tears, the wedding candles were burning, the bride stood pale and the priest was giving her oath.
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she didn’t want to say when the priest put a gold ring on her finger, bitter tears flowed from her eyes like a stream onto her face. i heard the groom say in the crowd.


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