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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 22, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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sound object in space, when we fly up, we really seem to rise, and the interpretation option is how we rise, we can rise heavily or take off, that is, a downward movement is always a downward movement, it is a jump or a jump or a smooth movement, this is what fascinated alice most of all, right here, because after all, he’s a jazz singer, but well, i wouldn’t say that, but you studied ragas, but yeah.
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it already harmonizes very well, i really like how the bow adds a cantilena sound, so continuous that it’s very harmonious, no, it’s very feminine, in my opinion, that’s how you imagine it, if only there were a palace, and even the midnight one would sing louder, alice is sitting somewhere, playing, and you’re declaring your love for some lady, or you also offer her to go to the tax office, this is of course very good, we need to release some kind of record like this for going to the tax office, i had to work exactly. accompaniment of romantic dates
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after all, yes, that is, it’s like when people meet and get to know each other, that’s what viola sounds like if only we had french music, let it play, well, one of our viewers might start a date with our sounds, but this way we will help him. the sky lies on the ground, runs, sweeps, covers the bed, sleep until you are happy with the sweep.
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the snail has not been fed, once without torture and twice, without torture, once without torture and twice without torture, the hands of the trees, stretched upward, asking the gods, everything is laughter, and laughter announces everything. under the snow there is earth, under the earth there is water, under the water there is a bottom, something is black to me, something is raven to me.
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the sky lies on the ground, runs, sweeps make the bed, sleep until you are happy with copper. this is how the music sounded before it was mixed with rhythms that came from africa, through slavery in america and from the arabs. of course, today it is difficult for us to imagine such music, but you know, probably muscle memory. humanity
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is being recreated by you, yes, really, look, these are just feelings, as they are, and this is an anthropology podcast on... our guests are alisa ten and rus pazyumsky, well, in the cinema, for example, you are invited to work, exactly some offers to work in films no, in a sense, i’m even a little happy about this, because i’m free, well, that is , there’s no director above me, for example, or anyone else, that’s basically what i came up with, that’s how it is, but well, never mind, the record will be released again, but we have a record coming out soon, i think it’s worth saying. alesa, do you still think in terms of a record? in my opinion, there are no more discs, the pin is just a continuous stream, it’s called a record, it doesn’t matter, it’s just a collection of 10-12 songs, yes, united by some drama, yes, that’s what is meant, well and this and the fact that it will literally be vinyl,
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because our belarusian friends who are releasing this, for some reason they think that this is all old and vinyl, this is what we really need, probably, it could have been done digitally. it’s just that, as it is accepted now, but they believe that viols, gut string, vinyl, these are like materials, why do you call these strings fat, they are gut, vein, and gut, uh, vein, because , strictly speaking, these are sheep, they are quite alive, they are also upset by the moisture, light, warmth, this, this is not very convenient, but they have this characteristic sound that i dearly love, with such a stiffness. with some kind of specific overtone, which is so very alive, that is, it is not a varnished sound, yes, yes, and in general the viol is such an instrument, on the one hand it is, on the one hand, kind of gentle, airy and transparent , on the other hand, of course, well, in a sense
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, brutal, because, for example, well, composers, violists, who are from the 18th century, bright people with such characters and destinies, well, not to say that it was somehow smooth... or there was enough drama in general and i don’t know about tragedy and some kind of crazy courage there and such and in the french spirit and or in the spirit, for example, like telimann with the bang of german student societies, it’s like that rather violent behavior, baha violently, well, yes, he was an angry man, he worked in the church, and because of this he often had to , let’s say, butt heads with the church authorities.
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and time-tested, which means real emotions, feelings, actions, yes, well, this is rather a source of strength, in general i started singing because indian music, that is, it gave me support, but it’s generally an endless source of inspiration, they have an amazing vocal school, it’s just, like, there’s a quarter of a dance there, well , there are amazing singers, they’re just technically... absolutely, it seems to me, but besides this, there is some meaning that is contained in ragas, in peni irags and in sounds in general, in indian classical music, there is a whole philosophy there, this is a whole image
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of mysotericism, this is not for everyone, but now i was in india and it seems to me that even there is not enough there anymore who remembers it, it goes away. somewhere, in european music, since after all i live in the context of european music, this has already happened, despite my roots, mm, somehow life led me to a set, also as a source, of this information about european music is already later, but it seems to me that it’s contained there, but about singing it’s not always clear, it seems to me that you can very much do it in different ways... when you play the viol, it’s simply because the music is written because of how this instrument sounds, and he already has some kind of sound, that is, i can sing with in different voices, this may be a controversial moment, but the viola sounds in a certain way, it itself reveals the essence of baroque
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about alice’s youth and old age of this music, the fact is that this music was written by exactly the same young people, which...
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century, that is, i understand what is happening in general, it is clear that i have the whole background there, well, just like what a modern person has, in principle, there is jazz, and rock, and some kind of modern music . quite in the sense there, well, let’s say, electronic, not so, so that i listen to it, but i hear it, of course, so all this also somehow ends up here in the end, in my opinion this is good, because i don’t want this to be a museum, i want it to be something , which can be used now, well, you were just lucky to meet alice, who, of course, put her rich voice at the service of these tasks, in my opinion it turned out very harmoniously, we are looking forward to this vinyl record, let me thank you. you for your attention, we say goodbye to you, we must ask our friends some song will remain in the memory of
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our meeting today. i don't know the name of you, you, you, you don't know the name of me. me me, look into
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your eyes and suddenly you know the name, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, i kiss the cubes, but. .. night, kiss on the lips of the day,
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i kiss on the lips of the light, kiss on the lips of the shadow, look into the eyes and suddenly you will know my name... me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me.
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i'm larisa kuzeeva, let's get married, good afternoon, today's brides are anastasia, tatyana and
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olga, and our groom is anton. he is 36 years old, the extreme age difference with his beloved raised questions and indignation among everyone around him, but the relationship was ruined by an absurd affair on the side. anton is a military man, he is proud that in choosing a profession he decided to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, he dreams of rising to the rank of general, and warns that he aspires to be the head of the family. anton will not connect his life with a young frivolous girl who likes to command. his ideal woman wears feminine dresses. has appetizing shapes and does not pay attention to public opinion, hello, hello, glad to see you, we want to give you gifts, thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you, tall, handsome,
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noble man who appreciates women and gives flowers. natalya, have you been a friend for a long time? and for about 7-8 years, were you in a relationship with anton? no, but apparently, you’re anton’s type? well, when we met, anton was in a relationship, then i was in a relationship, we creative union, awesome, cool, like it, very, very much, this is my type, tell me, anton, what kind of extreme age difference did you have with your beloved, since my youth i have always liked older girls, that’s... not because because even the fact that they are experienced, but i don’t know, maybe there was such an attraction, yes, one of my friends told me, adult women take care of themselves, they have beautiful, expensive underwear, they understand everything about themselves, they on their own, they have already done such a leaping thing in their lives, yes, now they carry themselves, yours was almost 20
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years older than you, yes 18, how long did you live with her for 5 years. of course, the difference in age is 18 and a half days of years, this is of course very cool, a bit much, but what is it, why did they break up, maybe they got bored with each other, well then we are a woman who is older than you, she is already tired, you are young, you are hot, apparently, you are healthy, you need more of everything, but a woman doesn’t need that much, that’s how it is, yes, she had children, she lives alone. 20 years old, and your daughter, how she received you, she’s your age was, well, at first, of course, our relationship was not easy, but then later, yes, we were able to find a common language, as she called you, by name, by name, yes, i’m very interested in a man, of course, considering what what profession does he have and what has he
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achieved so far, what happened, why aren’t you together? because you were a little tired of each other, did you cheat on her? you mean, this betrayal happened when she and i were already on the verge of breaking up, we just decided to live separately, that is, then we realized that we couldn’t be together anymore. how did she know? she saw on the phone when i was sleeping, she and she had the same question right away, i couldn’t choose something more beautiful for myself, that is, there wasn’t some kind of negative reaction to... she reacted calmly, but really, why not more beautiful could you choose? no, the woman was actually interesting, exactly my type, i understand, it seems to me that he is a very temperamental man, what do you think? well, i think that yes, in principle there is something about his appearance such, you also like women in the body, yes, yes, i love such appetizing ladies, so that
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there is something, how to say, to support, by the way, you warn that in addition to the service. that love, i appreciate you love me, you love me, that i love too, so what else are you and me. not a painting, dear, my passion, but my soul is not
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a museum, a person has a lot of energy, he has the opportunity to develop in different directions, but at the same time he really wants attention. you warn that if you have business trips, she will invite you to a performance, yes, she shouldn’t to disturb you, so that means, business trips , i understood correctly, this is something like a mushroom festival, at which you performed in the more murtinsky district of the rural recreation center lakin, right, yes, and not only, of course, here you are, by the way, you remind me of the cat hareld, you watched such a cartoon, a cartoon of the same name, yes, this cat lived, which means he lived according to the principle and... he was, so i specifically wrote it down for myself, it means to love only him, feed him and never abandon him, here you are just such a cat, let's say so, but
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the problem is that it also lies in the fact that if there is a woman next to you who is caring for you, does not demand anything, allows everything to you as her son, you stop, your feeling of being a man atrophies, because a man must protect, which means struggling with difficulties, learning.
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you can’t call him alphonse, he has everything, his parents are good, his prospects are good, his profession is good, he’s got enough, even if his mother, that is, my future mother-in-law, tells me something, i know how to butter her up, perfume, costume jewelry, good clothes, high quality. and my mother and i are somehow like this i straightened up, you know, i’m also sitting, i’m already looking so impudently, yes, these guys are no longer there, i don’t want to, but what, anton, then, go and
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meet the bride, the first one, okay. hello, anton, my name is anastasia, and i am the current queen of russia and i want you to be my king. thank you. anastasia, 45 years old, general director of a law firm, dreams of having her own deputy and is proud of her title. the queen of russia admits that she always tries on a crown before leaving home, warns that she is often late at work, even her parents could not persuade
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anastasia, forgive her unfaithful husband and not destroy the marriage, hope that anton will take into account her steadfastness. hello, we came to you with gifts, you can do it royally, look, your neck is hanging out at everything, it’s in general. as if she has a mirror at home, i want you to feel at home too, it’s just for me, a crown, rose too, of course, according to subordination, more for you, less for me, and we also have sweet gifts for you , this is fantastic, for you in general, this is fantastic, just like that and... your story, yes i will wear it instead of a headband, with your images, yes , super, very beautiful, well done! in general
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, i brought something else delicious there, little brooch, you were hanging there now out of envy, that now the little one, i have a whole crown, please tell me, when did the first crowns appear? well, the most ancient, found during excavations in the negev desert west of the dead sea, fourth millennium bc, this mysterious diadem was used in funeral rites, although it had something to do with royal power. did not have, so the royal headdresses appeared in egypt, and then in our program. yes, tell me, you are a serious lawyer, you have such a serious profession, you are a working, yes, lawyer, and i am a working, yes, general director of a law company, in the past i was an employee of the prosecutor's office, the tax inspectorate, you have such status, your husband is cheating on you , i can’t fit this in my head, and what’s more, all
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women forgive, but you... no, after living for 15 years , yes, well, for some reason for me this is some kind of patience, yes, that is, i am gradually recognized a certain situation, because it was, for example, that he went, for example, to a car service, yes, it’s just a car service of our friends, let’s say, and then i find out that he was not there, it is unknown where he was at some period of time, just like that, insignificant, these situations are insignificant, but from his words... that i began to look worse after marriage, but i was already born, although the public and other people seemed to say the opposite, that she blossomed , so to speak, very impressive, she’s very good, she ’s so brave, look in what a beautiful crown she’s wearing, well enough when it's like that's all it cleared up and it turned out i filed for divorce
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for me, they say that you don’t forgive me for looking at you, yes, you can’t do everything, yes, suddenly, for example, you will have such a husband , anton, this is my favorite name, by the way, anton, here what will be the reaction from parents, colleagues, i understand, now is such a time, everyone lives their own life, you can’t put a scarf on every mouth, and this is your personal life, it doesn’t concern anyone, but we still live in society, everyone cares about us the thing is, everyone is condemning, well, what could be wrong here?
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judgment, i just don’t see the age difference or what? well, the age difference, the age difference, you’re going to give birth, you have a baby, are you still 3 years old? well , i don’t know, this is by agreement, as if, if anton doesn’t want it, then i think he wants it, well, in principle, there is such an opportunity, in principle it is possible, you can at 45 years old, the groom seemed a little confused, probably, well, he saw such beauty, naturally he was confused. she looks very, very smart, anastasia, everything is fine with her, she has children, 45 years old, general director of the company, my god, here only now love, we need joy, that’s right, so i can only wish you happiness, and so can i, and see the surprise, you need to get ready, or yes, we need to get ready for the surprise, take my friend, please, we’ll wait for you, thank you. i haven’t seen
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our third competitor yet, yeah, but i think i have no equal, naturally, well, what kind of people can there be, there’s only one queen here, i’m a crazy empress.
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dance of love. education mku. wow, how young people are on fire. thank you, thank you, thank you, take the flowers and come on in in your competition, thank you for saying,
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natalya, but i really liked anastasia, i think it would have been a wonderful creative union, oh, i’m glad that larisa liked it, that anton, i hope, liked it too, because he embroidered to dance with me . oh, it’s actually simple, well done, well done, anton, you are a military man, yes, active, and how do you combine the uniform, so to speak, weapons, service, that’s everything else, he loved to sing, he loved to sing as a child, well, it’s following in the footsteps , i went to my father’s grandfather, as it were, well, you can do this, that is, yes, in the service, this is creativity, well, free time, yes, it is limitless, i liked anastasia. person, 45 years old, free, muscovite, graduated from moscow state university, achieved everything, two children, work, doesn’t depend on anyone, has money, can afford it, god forbid, as they say, everyone, but we have no competitors, no,
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we have no competitors, i think, in any way, just tell me, please, you have your ironclad opinion, a brilliant performance, especially since june 19 will be celebrated as international butterfly day, you already have... ready, yes oh, meet the second one the bride, however, will have to take off the crown, don’t put the head one on the table, but no, the crown is ok, come on in. my name is tatyana, 52 years old, moscow, how long have i been waiting for you, amazing, tatyana, 52
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years old, sales assistant in a clothing store, proud of the fact that she has lost... 35 kg, admits that she does not accept cheap style, it lets everything down money for clothes, warns that she is on a strict diet, there are two divorce stamps left in tatiana’s passport, seven unofficial marriages in her memory, and four admirers at the door who are her unworthy, hope that anton will be the best contender for her hand and heart. hello, hello, hello, you are so bright. her dreadlocks are cool, of course, but they are more like afro braids, i made real dreadlocks, it turned out very interesting, where did you come from, you are muscovites, yes, we are fans of your
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show, we watch it every day, oh, nice, because with my personal life, with my personal life, i had a divorce when my daughter was 8 years old, this... i know that you could have given birth to a daughter only after we lost weight, yes, 60 kg on a weight of 103 kg, i gave birth to a daughter, but my girl is just space, i gave birth to a girl, my husband and i broke up when my daughter was 8 years old, having lost weight, i stopped being interested in him as a woman , okay, it’s surprising, well, he likes it this way.
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went out, met me at the shopping center where i work, chic, similar, yes, exactly the same, yusuf, looks like a yuuf, oh, how similar you are, how similar you are, muslim, handsome, man who doesn’t drink, he asked me to change my faith , we have difficulty with him, he is very a believer reading prayer, and 4 months with him, we can’t do anything with him, we don’t have any relationship, because i pray to the same icon, he counts the prayer, but the groom’s eye lit up right away, yes, he’s just like that, oh, i was inspired, it really took my breath away, the most interesting thing is, what’s wrong? that means we have to be with him on january 1st, he works in a restaurant
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as a chef, i think, well, a native man will prepare salads, that’s gorgeous, a woman is lying down, a salad broom is on the table, it’s wonderful, but here on the thirty-first i go out and close your retail outlet, a smart little guy of extraordinary beauty, a seven-time european champion of russia, a champion of which i’ll run, i won’t name his last name, he’s known to everyone in europe. europe, he’s walking drunk, yes, drunk, but handsome, but beautiful to the point of madness, and he says: i want to commit suicide, i take him, i beat him like that, i say, come to your senses, i know him, he walks in the market, buys tomatoes, vegetables, i just smacked him, you will live, he tells me, you have to call me at 8:00 pm, i say number, you will live, the depressed state of the former european champion, i know many people, athletes, can... life, their career ends this way, i call him at 8 pm,
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my story is interesting, of course, i’m telling you everything, these are really real facts. i say: dima, new year's eve, yusuf is not there, he is in the restaurant at banquets, you should be with me, dima comes and says: i want to jump at 12 at night, i say, you won’t jump, you will only jump on me, but if everything had been as good as she says, she would not have been on the show, with one of... her men who run after her, this is my personal opinion. alyosha fralov. let's not remember, i always treat this man with gratitude, he is the father of my child, i forgive him everything. i adore my daughter, and this man gave me a child and accepted me at 160 kg. now he lives with a woman. did you two meet in an interesting way? i sell him trousers, roses, my boy comes up, he’s young, that’s how he is... how much difference we have in 6 years, so
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52, 47, yes, well, you don’t look 52, maris, this is the inner energy, this is my charisma , no, they did something to his face, yes, a good cosmetologist, a very good cosmetologist, oh, oh, look how straight she is, well done, look, she’s making eyes at him, great, but what ’s going on with us, i’m something- then i also heard, now we ’ll take a look, here we have, but we have nothing except things worth 3 million fakes, there are, yes, 3 million more, i think, i and this is that apartment, but why is it needed, in in europe, everyone rents an apartment, i’m pleased, but my daughter, and my daughter, well, yes, she’s at her dad’s, yes, i don’t pretend to know what my husband will do, yeah, and you’re renting, no car, no apartment, my driver is a personal housekeeper, my daughter has all the conditions, i think she feels better than even? now she’s 17 years old, listen,
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and if your daughter gets married now, and you have nothing at all, well, i’m not homeless, i have a luxurious apartment in penza, and you have a pension, of course, why do i need an apartment in moscow, i have to deny myself the joy of life, cosmetology, beautiful things , work all my life for rent there, of course, and here you also have this stall, well, yes, yes stall, well, normal, anton, of course, i’m not a beer drinker, not a ballerina, but i ’ll do something pleasant for you, pleasant here and pleasant when we meet, good, you feel the energy, you just know, you’re fonny, well, with such pressure you can scare away, as if with such energy.
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anton, support, come here, dear, i miss you so much, come, dear, come here, let's go together, come on, i understand, look, he's great, let's go, that's it, the empress's gift has seen a lot in his lifetime, gentlemen. the lines are catching up, she's feeling sadness, but her heart doesn't you order, the heart asks for the continuation of love, and
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the evening carriage takes her to the outskirts of moscow, at... and there the crazy empress in the arms of young gentlemen forgets about everything, as if forever, the night will last, as if disappointment will not come a new day, walk crazy empress, and us, who rules, takes himself as an example. who would fall in love, empress, when an officer looks at you with such a passionate, birch gaze, bravo, bravo, what a great guy he is, so creative, generally smart,
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he’s an artist, he’s just an artist, mendelssohn, my dear, please tell me, while it’s hot, why are people so impatient? it was, you understand, he took the microphone himself, you performed, you were the empress, and he was the emperor, the crazy empress, there was yusuf, and there was petya frolov, and there was vasya sidorov, you know, you need to be prepared that everyone will forget everything i don’t know if anton is behaving this way, i’m not here, by the way, how do you feel about
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the fact that life will be for show, if within the bounds of reason, but where does it come from that is reasonable? awesome, i liked it, yes, you know, i would really like to sneak off, light up with him, but we still have one bride, come in and meet me. hello, anton, my name is olga, i heard that men from the north are the strongest, reliable and talented, it’s very nice, thank you very much, such a bouquet, very cool, olga, 48 years old, owner of a fabric store, dreams of
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living for pleasure, proud because he cooks the thinnest pancakes and knows how to lay tiles, he admits that he often interrupts his interlocutors. warns that he will place intimate life at the forefront of a relationship with a man. olga's husband was an ideal family man, therefore, she was loyal to his periodic binge drinking, for which she now strongly reproaches herself, hoping that anton does not have fatal addictions. hello, nice to see you, can i give you gifts? i really don’t even know, she probably sews, maybe herself, for sure, i’m sure. i have a son, he’s 13 years old, he told me, my mother’s larisochkas are the most delicious candies, and the roses are the most expensive, oh, so good, now there’s such a fashion for ba da, and we made
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these, and i also see you they brought some food, let me get some too, sit, sit, sit, i'm coming now. i’ll treat our fiance, we baked cutlets yesterday, pancakes today, and i understand that it’s important for you that your wife cooks well, of course, of course, but you don’t need sausages, sausage, by the way, they brought sausages from voronezh, and local ones manufacturer, i recommend, you are 48 years old. who are your children? and i have three children, two daughters, they are married and my son lives with me, he is 13 years old, i separated from my husband because he was not a husband, he was just a man. so i think that if there is no stamp in the passport, then this is a boyfriend, said that he didn’t drink, not that he didn’t drink,
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he never drank anything at all, and we went on vacation, everything was fine, wonderful, we talked and about six months later, when the relationship was somehow, well, i i became attached too, so it turned out that one day i came to his house and found a man in such an inadequate, pleasant state... anton, the only thing that bothers me is that antosha has no children, he is young, handsome, his age, if he’s alive, he’s already an ideal, that’s exactly
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what he is, the age difference doesn’t bother you , people like that should multiply, from dynasties military, well, i also have a dynasty of military men, and my grandfather, and my father, i have all the military, brother, we have all the military, then you understand, yes, yes, i understand, with the second bride it seems to me that it’s more of a kind there was a spark. so he wants to live his life like this, with an adult woman, with roundness and bulges, and is not very eager to have children, but you are up for the fourth, a child, of course, otherwise i have a question, this is the most important thing, i about sexuality, yes, but for you this is a very important aspect of your fundamental.
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so, of course, your temperaments are the same,
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that’s the understanding of what a mill is, no, everything is the same, the temperaments are the same, send her a surprise, and i’ll chew, but show her a surprise, let the rose call, well, i think we’ll see, but she’s sweeter. she’s hotter, of course, now she’s the same, oh, come here, i remember you, you wanted to get married, you ordered a suit, yes, let’s try it on, the jacket is ready, we’ve already sewed it, come here, don’t go so far, we’re making a fool of ourselves, that’s us now let's hang it here neatly. on a hanger so he doesn't wrinkled, but we’ll try this one on now, will it suit us? come on, come on.


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