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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 22, 2024 3:55am-4:58am MSK

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coincide, that’s the understanding of what a mile girl is, no, everything coincides in temperament, coincides, send her a surprise, yes, let me chew, and show her a surprise, let the rose call, well, i think we’ll see, but she’s more lively, she’s tenacious, of course, there’s something there, oh, come here, i remember you, you wanted to get married, you ordered a suit, yes, let’s try it on, the jacket is ready, we’ve already sewed it, come here, don’t go so far, we’ll be in trouble, that’s us now we’ll hang it here carefully on a hanger so that it doesn’t get wrinkled, and now we’ll try this one on, will it suit us? come on,
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come on, i think you’ll have a great fit, these trousers will be a little long for you, it seems to me, and they ’re a little out of your size, let’s take off the measurement and see what we can do for you with the trousers, so the length, well, it’s a waist , talya, we're phoning, yeah, step shock, yeah, everything is clear, you know, i think it will take a long time to sew trousers, but it seems to me that we already have ready-made ones in our warehouse, maybe you can wait a minute, and i'll bring them now, she showed that i am such a housewife, i can make cutlets, i sew jackets, i sew these roses. like this is who i am
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i’m a master at warming up dudey oh i think the surprise will be unexpected you look how we look oh look how it should be so it suits you let’s get married oh beautiful thank you sit down thank you girls thank you take the flowers and go into the room. yes, natalya, what can you say about olga, cutlets with brinami are simply magical, very tasty, charming, olga, charming, generous, how do you like the groom, well, in general he’s cool, so in reality he’s very cool, very, very, handy , gentle, smiling, laughing, i would i even said, broad-hearted.
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i also really liked olga, i generally - ironically, by the way, yes, one bride is better than the other, but olga will simply always be fed, as they say, well-fed, well-groomed, yes, dressed, by the way. i wonder how i look in a wedding dress, it suits me, chic, chic, my favorite color, my favorite size, yes, if you choose, of course, i’m from the point of view of expensive, rich, anastasia, here, but anastasia is generally a bride, just on for everyone to enjoy, if a prudent boy wants to register in moscow, clearly from the tax office, my dear, who are you talking about? at a loss, because all
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the brides are the most worthy, this is the absolute truth, today is a very difficult choice, but it seems to me that no matter what we advise, and moreover, no matter what anton decides, tatyana will still drag him away herself, and anastasia will sue him, tan, what do you think, i don’t see a competitor with cutlets, in general, no matter who you go to, we will support you in any case. come on, i invite everyone to come out and support anton, hi, you are charming, and i hope that something will work out between us, great, thank you very much, we have a couple, anton and... olga, if you are single or you
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liked one of the participants in today's program, write to the website of the first channel, and i am larisa guzeeva, i wish that your loved one will definitely tell you , let's get married! hello, the vremya program is on air, in the studio. andreeva, the main event of the day. in response to western provocations, training on preparation for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, personnel from the ministry of defense. the positions of our artillerymen of the lugansk people's republic, how everything is arranged, the soldiers showed
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to our film crew. buffer zone, washington's reaction to the advance of our troops in the kharkov region. iran bids farewell to president ibrahim risi, who died in a plane crash, and other government officials in the republic, five days of mourning. expansion of the shanghai cooperation organization on security issues in eurasia - statement by sergei lavrov at the meeting of sco foreign ministers in estonia. you can't leave and stay. zelensky’s deadline has expired, but
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he is not going to transfer powers. what is said about this in the constitution of ukraine and how everything served in the west? image of the future. domestic. it solution for russian industry, a large conference in nizhny novgorod with the participation of the prime minister. the national congress of endocrinologists opened in moscow in the fight against diabetes and other serious diseases; advanced achievements are being implemented throughout the country. spies, lilacs, irises, roses, dahlias, more than 100 million flowers, flower beds from all 89 regions, grandiose. festival at the exhibition russia at vdmh. a clear response to aggressive, provocative statements west. as previously announced, the general staff of the russian armed forces, on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief, began the first stage of exercises on the combat use
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of tactical nuclear weapons. the formation of the southern military district will work on equipping iskander missile systems, special ammunition and secretly advancing to the puskov area. their missions, sorties and patrols, including those with dagger aeroballistic missiles on board. in total, the maneuvers involve three stages. belarus will join in the second. and to situation in the special operation zone. new data from the ministry of defense. the russian army continues to advance in the kharkov direction. the north grouping of troops hit the troops and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces, including near volchanstok. this is where these shots come from. the militants set up a time point in the city.
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when the car winds, it raises dust, a cloud of dust in which you can already try to escape, here the question is between the drivers and uav operators, who will win, it gets dark and the enemy’s night drones fly out for reconnaissance, given the constant aerial danger,
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the artillery is seriously digging in. the longer the guys fight, the deeper they go underground. right now, probably two meters above us, not a single large-caliber enemy shell will penetrate, and this is also part of it. the elephant, charging with the call sign , joined the luhansk militia in 1414, served in the infantry and rocket artillery, then returned to civilian life, but when the northern military district began, he had no doubt that sooner or later he would be at the front again. i didn’t receive a summons, i waited and waited, well, i started beating the rapids in may, the military registration and enlistment office, they didn’t take me, there was no place, well , through friends, i decided anyway, so i went to the artillery, as a father with a call sign...
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well, where should i look, what kind of work, what kind of mine, when they kill old people and children? shot! carnation is a proven and reliable weapon. the guns of the 123rd brigade are pointed towards seversk. the enemy has many positions in the forests and fields on the outskirts of the city. our guys shoot mostly at night and the artillerymen also deliver ammunition in the dark. having received ammunition, the crew hides underground . here the artillerymen do it with their own hands without using all kinds of engineering equipment, they built an entire underground city, where all the rooms communicate with each other. you can walk along the trenches at full height, everything is done. please note, according to science, the corridors are curved so that in the event of an arrival, the blast wave does not reach the shells
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of the gun itself. the crew dug out an extensive network of underground passages, dugouts, cabins, and firing positions of warehouses in just a couple of weeks. this is, first of all, our safety for my children, in principle, so that everyone returns home safe and healthy, this is the very thing the main thing. in this, as the narnia fighters joke, you can work relatively calmly, yet disguise is observed with the utmost care. on the most.
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images from iran in the material of irina kuksenkova. on the streets of tabriz, it seems, all the residents of the city have come out, thousands of people are saying goodbye to president reisi, who died along with him as a result of the minister’s helicopter crash. who had influence, was an efficient hard worker. i'm still sad about it, i still can't believe it. in vrana there is a five-day mourning
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for those who died on the streets of state flags along with black ones. bodies of the dead for farewell from tabriz they were sent to tehran. they arrived at mihrabat airport. trap has all the cabinet ministers, the military leadership. before the farewell in tehran, the coffin with the body of ibrahim raisi was sent to qom. this is a sacred city for the sheites, not far from the iranian capital. and in qom, just like in tabriz, there are thousands of people on the streets. tomorrow, the farewell will take place in tehran, where security measures have been strengthened. the dead will be buried in their native places, president raisi will be interred in mishhad. the leader of the islamic republic will attend the ceremony ayatallah khaminiya. he personally supervises the funeral process. now the duties of the president of iran are temporarily performed by first vice president mohammad mahber. today, the council of guardians of the iranian constitution approved the decision.
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iran, from any adversity, tried to solve economic problems in the best possible way. in the meantime, an investigation into the plane crash is underway and all versions are being considered. footage from the scene shows that the helicopter burned to the ground with the exception of the tail section. the rescuers who were the first to reach the place. the president's helicopter crashed on the way back did not stop at night, fog, rain, frost, from the border with azerbaijan, where ibrahi, together
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with ilham aliyev, held the opening ceremony of a hydroelectric complex on the arak river, assistance in the search operation. proposed by many countries, including russia. at the farewell ceremony for ibrahim reisi, our country will be represented by a delegation led by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. irina kuksenkova, evgenia stefanchuk and sergei komensky, channel one. vladimir putin today held a meeting in the kremlin with the head of kalmykia, batu khasikov. one of the main topics was support for the participants in the special operation. they also talked about the economy ; industrial production is developing in a traditionally agricultural region. tourism also makes its contribution.
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that’s right, it’s a very interesting republic, beautiful, how do you assess the situation, they are in the top 10 in terms of growth in tourist flows, according to reviews from our guests, as guests say, kalmykia captivates with its steppe energy and bright color, in my opinion, this is largely due with the fact that our republic is the only one in the european part of russia and the world's westernmost buddhist region. a region where buddhist dotsans and khuruls coexist with orthodox churches and muslim mosques have shown good economic growth in recent years, the first agro-industrial park in history is starting to operate in the republic with plans to increase investment in the manufacturing industry at least twice, your grp is growing, agricultural production recovered, began
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to grow, and industrial production began to grow, in general, in general, this trend is good, and indeed...
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how are the activities of our branch of the state fund for defenders of the fatherland, how do they work, how do you evaluate their work of this fund? i evaluate the work of this fund as very effective, well , they have selected a very responsible team, more than 70 requests, we have processed more than one and a half thousand of them, 30% are now in work,
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veterans of the northern military district in kalmykia are provided with special support, batuhasikov gave an example of how one of the volunteers.. chimit dzhangaev, having returned home, became a deputy of the republican parliament. did you pull him there, into these structures? yes, well because a person devoted to his homeland, a responsible person, a very energetic person, and most importantly, competently and quickly, these are the people who need to be raised, dozens of guys have now applied to participate in the project time of heroes, this is a colossal opportunity, this is very important for us, thank you also for this initiative.
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thank you for your trust, we will not let you down, good luck, thank you, oleg shishkin, pavel rudakov, stanislav opletin, channel one. and more about the special operation, new examples of the courage of our defenders. sergeant alexander koval repaired a communications center disabled by artillery fire. control of the units was restored, and the enemy attack was repelled. junior sergeant mark davidov, during aerial reconnaissance, discovered an accumulation of equipment in the ssu, transmitted the coordinates to the command post, when the artillery began working, he corrected it. fire, as a result , three armored vehicles were destroyed, including western ones. now looking from the other side, this ukrainian soldier surrendered under the hourly yar. the gunner of the american
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armored vehicle max pro spoke about how american equipment designed for the desert behaves in swampy areas, it gets stuck there, he also spoke about panic in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. the moral and psychological state in us was even worse, so we shouted at everyone we could . and the aircraft was flying, and the mortar was flying, and everything that the wing wanted, so the boys didn’t really want to return, that is, they wrote refusals, went to the szch, well, the refuseniks, as i understand it, they were sent to the vlk, and then, what’s further after them , i don’t know, i lost a little bit and went wild in the wrong place, i wondered who would surround me, i and having given up, they treated us normally, fed us, gave us something to drink, causing panic. the structure in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine is not difficult to understand. the russian army has the initiative along the entire front line and is actively moving forward. for example, in the kharkov region, in just a week, our defenders liberated
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13 settlements from ukrainian militants. this creates a buffer zone necessary to stop shelling of russian regions by the kiev regime. vladimir putin has warned about this possibility more than once if attacks on civilians do not stop. and so the pentagon responded to the advance of russian troops in the kharkov region. konstantin will continue the topic. the us secretary of defense has found a new reason for sending western weapons to ukraine, the russian offensive in the kharkov region. russian military forces will try to advance in the coming weeks in an attempt to create a buffer zone along the ukrainian border. this is a tough, dangerous fight. lloyd austin has already habitually called the coming weeks and months decisive, that is, now the audience of western media is being convinced that it is in the kharkov region the fate of ukraine is being decided. president biden announced an additional $400 million package. this will help ukraine protect kharkov and other front-line areas from the new russian threat. thus
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, the pentagon is presenting a long-overdue operation to protect residents of the border regions of russia as an aggressive campaign whose goal is to take away the territory of ukraine. at the same time, the united states is well aware of the true goals and reasons for the operation that our armed forces launched in may. this is a response to targeted inhumane attacks on peaceful population of the kursk and belgorod regions. according to the crowd of peaceful townspeople, on the cathedral square, where there is a fair and a children's skating rink in the parks, ukrainian terrorists aim at shops and residential buildings. arrivals everywhere, central lenin park, arrival, the square
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is on fire, arrival, on may 12, the attack on the ssu again hit the residential area of ​​​​belgorod, the explosion destroyed an entire entrance, 17 dead, including three children, but the message about the murder of ukrainian civilians in russia comes from border.
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then, when we consider it appropriate, to create a certain sanitary zone on today - the territories subordinate to the kiev regime, which means creating a security zone, overcoming it, which will be quite difficult, using the weapons that the enemy uses, primarily, of course, foreign -made, but a couple of days later in the kremlin at a meeting with proxies it became it is clear
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that vladimir putin has made a decision. on may 9 , immediately after the parade on red square , vladimir putin, together with alexander lukashenko , told reporters that the day before, until late at night, they had held consultations with command of the armed forces. yesterday we worked together for a very long time, we parted quite late, during the discussion of our bilateral relations, we talked about what was happening or disagreements, we talked about the situation. related to these difficult events around ukraine, we talked with the minister of defense and the chief of the general staff. and the very next day it began, since then our troops have been successfully moving deep into the kharkov region, the preparation for this operation was not carried out secretly, it’s great in washington they knew that sooner or later russia would be forced to act, but nevertheless they did not prohibit kiev from attacking our border cities, allowing moscow to be provoked into going on the offensive. if only the americans would really like it.
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prohibit the kiev regime from shelling the belgorod region, striking civilians, then they would have put a certain amount of pressure on zelensky’s same office, it would have stopped, but the fact that there was no pressure shows that, well, in general, this fits into the current the concept of the pentagon there, in the shelling of the belgorozh region, both the us secretary of defense and antonio aguto, who is actually subordinate to him, are specifically to blame, it was anthony vaguta, the general of the american army who insisted on the shelling of the belarusian christmas tree , the destruction of... the civilian population of belgorod, he said: the more civilian casualties, all the better. if you look at antonio aguto’s track record, he has trained militants and terrorists more than once in various territories from afghanistan to the middle east. so it's really clean american tactics, approved by the american leadership, without shielding any of the ukrainian military leaders. and no one is defending the ukrainian authorities. ultimately, it is their fault for what happens.
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the other day in beijing, answering questions from journalists, vladimir putin directly named kiev and its western curators as the culprits in the fact that russia is forced to conduct military operations in the kharkov region to protect its citizens. as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, it is their fault, because that they fired and, unfortunately, continue to shell residential areas of the border territories, including belgorod. well , civilians are dying there, but obviously they are shooting right in the city center ...
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vladimir putin held telephone conversations with the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev. we discussed preparations for the upcoming state visit of the russian leader to the republic and the development of trade and economic cooperation between moscow and tashkent. vladimir putin also shared his impressions of the negotiations that just took place in beijing. with chinese leadership. the shanghai cooperation organization is expanding its influence on world processes and the number of states included in it is increasing. like a member. thus, observers, the coverage of the number of people living in the territories of the sco and the total gdp suggests that this is truly a multipolar world, united by common ideas and equal partnership, without the dictates of sanctions, able to agree to seek a common solution to emerging problems. our delegation is headed by foreign minister sergei lavrov, one of the topics in the istana is the situation in ukraine, and as lavrov noted, the west’s desire to hold a conference on ukraine in switzerland without russia’s participation and an ultimatum issued in our country is puzzling.
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what else was discussed at the meeting of the council of foreign ministers of the shanghai cooperation organization in the report by anatoly lazarev. the flags in the halls where the sco meetings are held are always there, but they are hardly noticeable. but a very important detail, there are more of them, a belarusian one appeared. one of the main issues on today's agenda is preparation for belarus' entry into the sco, finally, this will be formalized in july at the summit of heads of state, here in astana. the number of sco member countries will thus increase to ten. belarus will join russia, china, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan, pakistan, india and iran. and if we also count those who have observer or partner status, then there are more than twenty sco states. two observer countries, afghanistan and mongolia, and we believe, together with the people's republic of china, with our other partners, that the obvious candidate, the next candidate for joining the sco is precisely the mongolian
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side. more than 3 billion people live in the sco countries, that is, approximately half of the world's population. the total gdp is $23 trillion, which is a quarter of the world's gdp. decisions taken within the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization have global significance.
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any parts that we used, receiving them from the west, the main idea of ​​the sco is cooperation on equal terms in all spheres, economics, security, logistics, and this is fundamentally different from what imposes security on eurasia reliably can only be ensured by the forces of the countries of the continent themselves, without interference from outside regional forces, and we are...
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pakistan and tajikistan, the head of the russian mit discussed issues of the regional and bilateral agenda. anatoly lazarev, vyacheslav amilyutin, olga merkulova, alexander anonichev. first channel kazakhstan. just today, the man who dreams of bringing
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russia to its knees has expired his term of office. however, zelensky is not at all embarrassed by this fact, nor are his western masters. he continues to sit in his chair. overseas and in europe they don’t mind. there is also the constitution of ukraine, but, as it turned out, it will not tolerate formalities now kirill brainin delved into the topic, people, hey! the scriptwriters of the series servant of the people are like carcasses. the streets of the ukrainian capital are indeed unusually empty, but not because the people abandoned their movie leader and rushed to the eu, but because they are hiding from the military commissars, whom zelensky signed the law on mobilization with the right to grab anyone without getting caught and send them to the front. people, where are you, at least one person, show yourself. here is the subtotal service to the people of a man who...
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ukrainians would not be against elections if it were possible to hold these elections. she is not, and there is no trial, especially since america and europe have decided that they will extend it. ukrainian society and the main political parties in ukraine have absolutely no doubt about who the legitimate president of the country is.
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the assessment, of course, must first of all be given by the constitutional court and in general itself,
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i would even say so, by the political system of ukraine itself, but for us this of course matters, because if it comes down to it, the matter it will come to the signing of some documents, of course, we must sign documents in such a fateful area with legitimate authorities, this is an obvious fact, but i repeat once again, i must answer this question.
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93 years old. the okhotsk military port is our first permanent base in the far east. today the pacific fleet includes the latest nuclear submarines and warships, naval aviation, infantry, coastal and missile forces.
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a domestic it solution for russian industry is being presented these days in nizhny novgorod at a large conference on digital economy. today mikhail mishustin took part in its work. he toured the exhibition of the latest developments and spoke at the plenary session. anna kurbatova knows what the prime minister paid attention to. now strawberries are presented here, from smart beds that can be watered, illuminated, change the soil temperature with one click, this is an idea of ​​nizhny novgorod students to developments. largest domestic companies, and if we started talking about agriculture, then here is its digital representative, an agronomist named ivan. hello, how can i help you? please help the first deputy prime minister, denis valentinovich mantorov. how much phosphate fertilizer should be applied per 1 hectare to grow corn.
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phosphorus fertilizers. ivan, thank you very much, denis valentinovich was very pleased. for the first time at the digital forum in his new position as head of the ministry of industry and trade, anton alikhanov, dmitry grigorenko, who now also oversees digital development, also visited the exhibition. mishustin is coming here for the third time, in 2023, for example, he was shown a sample of the new electric car. today the car is already preparing for mass production, here, including a domestic electric drive, batteries on one charge should be enough for 500 km , domestic software, when mass production is in its fifth year. russia is reducing its dependence on foreign it products at an accelerated pace. at a very difficult moment, when sanctions pressure on russia has increased, there is also a pandemic. leading foreign suppliers of it products have actually refused to
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cooperate with us. today in russia absolutely competitive advanced solutions. we are considering the idea of ​​providing additional incentives to organizations that will give preference to our russian developments, and, accordingly, loans at a preferential rate for implementation. relevant purchases, which will give them more resources for development. by the end of the decade , the prime minister said today: 80% of all enterprises should switch to a domestic software product, and the dynamics are impressive. just 2 years ago, a little more than a third of the company was using it, by the end of this year it was already more
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half. the tasks are very large-scale, the necessary basis for their implementation is there. investments of companies from all industries in digital technologies. over the past four years have grown by more than 80%, now reaching over 4 trillion rubles. businesses are well aware of the importance of applying innovation in their activities, especially with regard to energy, mining, construction, transport, manufacturing; all their investments in these solutions are growing much faster than, by the way, in the economy as a whole. a clear example in the field of transport is right there, this... in the summer , our unmanned swallows will begin to carry passengers along the moscow central ring, the head of russian railways became the first, although this is the feeling when you realize that there is no one in the cabin, the impression is unusual, the system works more reliably, moreover, in terms of characteristics, the system reacts faster to a changing situation, to
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obstacles, makes an assessment faster, and either slows down or accelerates faster, digitalization here is met literally from the doorstep, well... well, the facial recognition system has been passed, you can enter: the digital industry of industrial russia - this is the country's largest event in the field of digital economy, which for 9 years now has united the scientific community, government officials, entrepreneurs, today here in nizhny novgorod are leaders not only of the domestic market, but participants from fourteen foreign countries, including from kanr , the chinese in russia not only speak russian. our company specializes. telecommunications, also a smart system, a series of our products, we would like in the future in russia to create corresponding enterprises and produce products. in the russian federation there are practically no specialists who work in warehouses
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, fully auto and completely yes, thank you for coming to us, i am sure that you will find partners here, in the same pavilion there is a stand of colleagues from iran. friends, first of all, i want to express to you my most sincere condolences in connection with the death of the president of iran, this is very big for us too. he was a great friend of russia and did a lot to strengthen our trade, economic, and simply friendly relations. thank you for your kind words, these are difficult days for us. in iran we have 14,000 digital technology companies, bank card payment companies, for example, consulting companies. we understand that you are also under sanctions and these companies may be helpful to you. this year , for the first time, digital attaches from friendly countries to the kingdom of thailand are also at the exhibition. and also the united arab emirates, vietnam, malaysia, uzbekistan, kazakhstan, south africa, indonesia, argentina, you are our digital special forces,
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which, i think, absolutely will do everything possible to achieve, including technological independence, sovereignty in the field of software products, in the field of digital solutions, respectively. every year the number of forum participants is growing; there were so many people willing to show their developments that the exhibition area was increased by one and a half times. our industrial. very large, promising from the point of view of digitalization, we would not like to repeat the experience, mistakes of the past period, when we trusted foreign developers and suppliers so much, that we have something that even they don’t have, we are starting to form our own low-orbit constellation for access to the internet, last week three new devices launched test ones, in general, we are preparing to directly compete with starlink, today mikhail mishustin held a bilateral meeting with the governor of the nizhny novgorod region, a region that these days... has turned into it -the capital of russia, the forge of digital personnel will also be here. the development of the economy, industry, science is impossible without qualified
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personnel, as you know, personnel decide everything, we are now actively building itpuss under your support, on your instructions to go through a world-class campus, we don’t limit ourselves to this, you can see our stand right in one territory, but we are creating an ecosystem not only for learning, but also for work. costs a lot, because the digital future is so rapidly becoming our present. anna kurbatova, dmitry popkov, roman serebrennikov, ravil mingaleev, olga gerosimenko, kirill loginov, channel one. cooperation between russia and oman was discussed today at a meeting between federation council speaker valentin matvienko and chairman state council of aman, abdel malik al-khalili. he is in russia on an official visit tomorrow and is expected at a meeting of the upper house of parliament. one of the main topics is the development of business connections.
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there will be big parliamentary hearings in the state duma next thursday on the topic of fine-tuning
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the tax system. given the importance of the issue, deputies even canceled the plenary meeting scheduled for may 23. on this day , a representative expert group will gather in the duma, ” noted the chairman of the lower house of parliament, vyacheslav volodin. with a report the government will come forward, we are waiting for proposals from them. for our part, we will begin discussing these initiatives in order to develop recommendations, through feedback dialogue with representatives of the regions, the expert community, and the parliamentary corps, which then, we hope, the government will take into account when preparing the final versions of the amendments, personnel, which we just received from the kremlin: vladimir putin met with chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin.
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good evening, i know. we wanted to tell you how did the formation of the government go, the parliament - in accordance with the amendments to the constitution, received additional rights when forming the highest executive body of power, how does it work, please vlanovich, for deputies of the state duma - these are new powers, during the discussion of the constitution, you proposed transferring part ...
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the whole procedure took 4 days, this approval of the post of chairman of the government, which you introduced, the approval of deputies, heads of government, ministers, and , accordingly, within the framework of this procedure there was discussion in the committees of the state duma, they spent a whole day on this, there were a lot of questions, in total more than 300 were raised during the discussion and... i must say, if at the beginning, somehow even our colleagues from the government, they also followed this procedure , passing for the first time, somewhere, well, maybe they didn’t yet realize its depth, then it became obvious that for them this is also very responsible, important, they understand that through
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deputies they communicate with people and answer these questions . not only to deputies, to everyone who is watching this dialogue because we had it all live, we prepared in advance, we connected regional parliaments via videoconference, representatives of the business community were present in the state duma, the questions were asked in a variety of ways, and the tone itself was so benevolent and obvious that strong candidates were proposed, especially for the positions of deputy and chairman of the government, we were all familiar with them, and there, for example, if there are changes, then this is, as a rule, an assessment of the effective work of that or another minister, that’s all, it gave its results, in some places it was even unanimous
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support, in others there was advance support. proposals to improve the work of those candidates who previously worked as ministers, but at the same time problems exist, for example in the field of demography, health care, education, housing and communal services, in matters of the development of physical culture and sports, the formation of government bodies, executive
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authorities , first of all, the government of the russian federation. after the elections president - this is a very important stage - in the work of the state duma, because, as i already said, there should be no failures, interruptions in work, in general there should not be any, in the conditions of today, this is even more important, so i i want to thank all of you deputies for the fact that the work was carried out based on the interests of the state, and not on the basis of some group interests. as far as i saw, the deputies approached precisely from these positions, there was such a fear, i won’t hide it, when we were working on amendments to the constitution, this is natural, there is nothing special here, these are the features of parliamentarism, when the first persons in the government are confirmed in certain sectors, then of course there are group interests, they are always present, the deputies
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of the state duma of this convocation managed to avoid these... problematic issues, on the contrary , as far as i saw, they were primarily guided by national interests, objectives, and people were supported, i do not repeat, not for some reason...
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the president of iran, who died in a plane crash, did a lot to develop relations between our countries, he spoke in the state duma when we came to iran. i met with deputies, so, of course, you correctly said that this is a huge loss, indeed, the death of president raisi is a great loss, first of all, of course, for iran, the iranian people, so i ask you to convey the words of sincere, sincere condolences in connection with this tragedy, it really is was a very reliable partner, a straightforward person, self-confident, above all, a person who was guided by national interests, but - of course, he was a man of his word, it was a pleasure to work with him, bearing in mind that if
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we agreed on something, we could always be sure that the agreements would be fulfilled, we, for our part, would do everything for in order for - russian-iranian relations to continue in exactly this vein, please convey these words to the leadership - and iran, and if our colleagues have a need, then we are ready to do everything to provide them with expert support, expert assistance in identifying the true causes of this disaster , necessarily i will do this as you instruct, so it is clear that in general the situation is so sad, but... as you said everything correctly, we need to support the partners of our country, thank you, to other topics of the day: diseases that were previously difficult to treat, and sometimes
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considered incurable, are no longer so. a national congress of endocrinologists has opened in moscow and the best specialists are discussing advanced technologies that are already being implemented in medical centers throughout the country, for example, diabetes is no longer a death sentence, the fantastic results of its treatment and russia is already the first. sasha can tell a lot about diabetes, her life depends on this knowledge, the girl was diagnosed at 3 years old, the chronic disease appeared suddenly, resuscitation was extremely high glucose levels in...
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in fact, how appropriate is the treatment and is it suitable for preventing some dangerous increases or decreases. doctors have achieved fantastic results in the treatment of diabetes in children. until recently, the disease led to disability. today, following the recommendations of doctors, guys live without restrictions. however, modern endocrinology is making a breakthrough in the treatment of many diseases, obesity, pathologies of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, the source of life, hormones and how they...
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orphan diseases of children, orphan, rare diseases, failure of the endocrine system is a disaster for the whole organism, diabetes mellitus - a vivid example of this, vladimir is dependent for 12 years. from insulin injections and despite treatment, sugar destroyed small vessels and nerves, he was already admitted to the clinic with severe damage to his foot, only thanks to the efforts the doctors of the endocrinology research center managed to avoid amputation, your mood is so cheerful now, the treatment is excellent, i myself feel that my leg has become easier, diabetes is easy to detect, just a drop of blood is enough, to find a tumor of the hippophysis the size of a grain of wheat, the problem is much more complicated...


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