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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 22, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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that the program of our visit to russia coincides with the signing of a memorandum of understanding, this is a new stage important for strengthening russian-mandal relations at the level of the parliaments of the two countries. that's all for now, broadcast on channel one, the program will continue, time will tell, on channel one, we welcome our respected audience, this is the people's front, in the studio ekaterina shugaeva and nikita danyuk are our respected guest experts, alexey alekseevich mukhin, general director of the center for political information. and john varoli, political scientist, journalist from the united states of america, we discussed here that the president in ukraine is no longer a president at all, but nevertheless he continues to pretend that he leads the ukrainian state and is actively preparing for the summit, which is about to take place very soon in switzerland, and the most interesting thing is that the worse the situation at the front in vysushniki, the more persistently zelensky and his clique are trying to powder the brains of the western audience, apparently hoping. that only this summit can
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save him from shame, and maybe even from liquidation, that’s what, by the way, journalists from the american edition of the new york times heard after talking with the illegitimate president zelensky. let's listen. asked about potential ceasefire talks, zelensky called for diplomacy that would avoid direct negotiations with russia but would still unite countries around ukraine's position on a possible peace settlement. it begins with plans to ensure ukrainian exports. food to developing countries, exchange of prisoners, measures to ensure the security of a nuclear power plant in southern ukraine, the return of ukrainian children who, according to zelensky, were kidnapped and taken to russia. zelensky has expressed hope that dozens of countries will support such an initiative when they gather for a peace summit in mid-june in switzerland, and he is again pushing for a plan for ukraine to join nato. that is, it turns out that zelensky is doing all these negotiations in order to maintain exports, that is, to export products from.
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for some reason they call it a summit, although this conference is declared as a conference, i let me remind you that a conference is an exchange of opinions, and a summit requires some kind of political decision, a document, they replace one concept with another, people of countries, representatives of countries go to the conference to really discuss the problems of the world and so on, but the summit ends up where it is necessary make a decision, take a side, that is , in this way they recruit a certain number of countries and their leaders, forcing them to sign, for example, under the legitimacy of zelensky, under...
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completely depends on us, he does what what washington will say, or london, and therefore what is most important from the point of view of the usa and great britain, this is already a diplomatic, diplomatic front, in the global south, and in ukraine, what is happening in ukraine has already become clear to everyone, i have in i mean, the global south, they already understand that the ukrainian regime is a totalitarian regime, it is a terrorist regime, they want, if they, if they had
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, that the united states is a destructive force in international relations, the united states allows and even helps the extermination of the palestinians, i think america, but... usa, well, the whole west has lost its authority in the next 20-30 years, but before the global south, the global south is how many countries, 80, 100 countries, a lot, we have lost this influence for a very- for a very long time, now is the time when russia and china, well, take over in international affairs, because many countries are looking at moscow at beijing, beijing, beijing, yes, with great trust, trust and hope, well, pokalensky. they are trying with all their might to drag at least someone to the so-called world summit, the ukrainian economy is really is heading towards the abyss, if it is not already in this abyss, the fact is that ukrainian entrepreneurs are sounding the real alarm, ordinary workers find themselves in acute shortage, because someone is already sitting in
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the trenches, someone is hiding on the farm from the military commissars, who they are outrageous, ukrainians constantly share videos of what the streets of ukrainian cities look like now, well, just a small... spoiler: the country looks as post-apocalyptic as possible, that is, when you wake up, go out into the street, and there is no one there at all, by the way, we have videos , let's see, live, they want to live better, yes, you'll think about how you can survive when i live, excursions, donbass, kleshchevka, vdeevka. hot courses, hot courses to the slavyansk resort, kromator sleschevka, chasovya,
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have you ever thought about me, have you ever thought about how to make it possible for me to live? they didn’t think, but i thought and came up with an idea, i’m doing everything for this, and you don’t fit into this scheme, people don’t fit into this scheme, everything is empty, there are no people, there’s no one, there’s no one on the street, everyone is afraid, 10 am on may 18, a lot of people, a city with a million people , just tough, just tough, people, people, where are you? people, video please, you said that
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america is not respected because they support genocide in palestine, but what is this? you have factories, you really want nuclear power plants to work in ukraine, because how convenient it is to sell electricity so that grain can be traded, but no one in america thinks that it would be good to somehow restore the ukrainian economy, and not just sell it off pieces, they absolutely don’t think about the country of ukraine, they don’t think about the ukrainian people at all, they
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they see it as cannon fodder, raw, and even better, so that even more ukrainians die, because in the end, this is a white man, what difference does it make, you know how our liberal elite does not particularly like white people... at the same time, i constantly wonder the question is, yes, we see these empty streets, but still they are gaining new ones. soldier, yes, this is real cannon fodder, in ukraine, the front is not crumbling, but one gets the impression that for a long time ukraine, in fact, will no longer exist, we just have a call, our respected viewer from vladimirskaya reached us region, denis, hello, what do you want to share, what is your question, the floor is yours, good afternoon, i have a question, i saw here on some telegram channels that from now on there will be enterprises in ukraine not only...
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this is an additional corruption component, in general, i personally think
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that in my opinion, this is already agony, that is , everything is within the framework of the west’s project of anti-russia, war to the last ukrainian, and personally this reminds me very much of history.
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and i’m already with them and well, that is, there is no contact with the other side, but what’s happening and... i i constantly read different sources there, i am very sorry for the people who find themselves in those situations that, that is, a real terrorist state, it, say, uses its citizens for its own purposes, it’s true, i never cease to be amazed at how much we have, let’s not let this word has a youth -based audience, because what denis said about what this ukrainian sub-state should actually do, for example, buy, pay for people, this is already happening in reality, the fact is that in order to at least somehow then denis, thank you
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thank you very much for your question, in order to somehow improve the ukrainian economy, for example, verkhovna rada deputy dmitry natalukha suggested that businesses in kind buy out especially valuable employees from the state. remember, yes, in our history there was also serfdom, when they took and simply bought peasants, sold them, exchanged them with the state, with other landowners, in fact. however, there is a small nuance: it is not possible to redeem forever, the period of this redemption will vary from 5 months to 3 years, and the cost will depend on the qualifications of the employee, and this is not kremlin propaganda, this is a deputy of the verkhovna rada. let's listen. community, don’t panic, there is a solution that you all have known about for a long time. the employer must be responsible for booking employees. whoever thinks that it is necessary to reserve pays 20,000 hryvnia as military tax per month to the ukrainian. the business still needs reservations because it must work, there will be no business with its taxes, there
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will be nothing to support defenders, let the business itself decide which of its employees are strategically important, this is the chairman of the committee, that is , look, in fact, slavery is returning and soon, okay, the enterprise there, it seems to me, will soon reach the point where they say: so we are giving away this village in full, for this amount, here leave it, it will cost more, that is , no, then you come to work in the morning, they tell you, well... work for free or for the front, no, you come, they tell you, you ’ve all been sold, no, let’s do it, or pay to work, not to fight, pay extra brilliantly, and remember as ukraine.
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usa europe is settling migrants in order to rid their countries of what they consider to be a danger. indeed, bravo to your
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congressmen who say america grew up on slavery. well slavery you canceled you.
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it’s amazing why, in fact, ukrainians are still confident that america wants to help them, but america sleeps and sees all day long in order to make the life of ukrainians amazingly wonderful. let's talk about this with alexander skubchenko, and this is a political scientist. alexander vladimirovich, hello. good afternoon. i do not know now, whether you heard it or not, they were talking about slavery, well , from the point of view of america, apparently it was a wonderful
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project, excellent congressmen came up with a new simply slave-loving country. why ukrainians still can’t understand? the same, yes, korea, and he came to the conclusion that the biggest cost for the american people is the population, that is, well, the americans can accept anything, but not when the coffins come to america, he then came to this idea that america, in all the warriors who will lead, must carry their costs are exclusively in money, and even in weapons, and human resources must
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bear the costs, mercenary countries, he called it that, he says: if we are talking about russia, then mercenary countries are those that are located at... its border , here ukraine is a country on its own, zelensky simply sold all ukrainians into slavery, closed the borders so that these slaves would not leave, now, that is , in ukraine everyone understands, understands one simple thing, that this war is unfair, that is, if you zelensky, yes, a friend of zelensky each other zelensky or you have money, you will never get to the front, and if you are poor, that is, this is a war of the poor, of course, no one will stand up for the poor, here in russia there is a president, yes, who is just this support for simple russia.
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it turns out, by the way, there are 30,000 journalists there, this is hundreds of times more than there were before they started, they were just throwing around these reservations, yes, that is, they had a scheme for cashing out money, of course people did not
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receive money in their hands, they were in the state, this money, of course, went into their pockets management, they also paid extra, as i understand it, people for the reservation, plus the situation is being solved like akhmetov, yes, he decided to have more than 80% of his capacity there, and the workers remained, what to do with them, cutting it down is huge... the ukrainians tried to leave the country actually had a huge corruption component at the border and so on, now they have already begun to shoot directly and even call up the ukrainian border troops. now they are offering to pay for workers, but at the same time, if there is, he can go to prison, that is i’m not mistaken, after all, the ukrainian has a choice
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, i refuse to go to the front, i don’t have money, yes, that’s why i choose to break the law , in my opinion there’s a 3 to 5 year sentence, this scenario is likely, that a huge number of ukrainians, those who don’t have this money will say, well, i definitely won’t go to the front, it’s better in... you have the floor, well, there are such precedents, there are those who go to prison in order not to go, that is, to commit some kind of... then a minor offense, but there, well, not for 15 years, relatively speaking, for 3.5, yes, there are those who they refuse, but sometimes this is not a reason, because well, everyone sees these shots of forceful mobilization, yes, i won’t go, so what, they shot down the medical examination the next day, you’re at the front, and even then these nazis will educate you right away. , who are there in the fence, but you didn’t want to. that means you’ll be a corpse for the first days, that is , yes, it’s possible, if you’re lucky, now, of course, until may 18, when the law came into force, a lot of people just ran out, border guards shot, the most
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popular direction was to leave odessa region in transnistria, simply because on the border with european states the border guards did not hesitate to go deep, and the same europeans there, romania, until they catch up, but in transnistria they are not afraid, because the transnistrian border guards can shoot back in the same way, therefore, this direction... the economy of ukraine has long been tired, it’s just that if we, what the economy is, this can be seen by the state budget revenues, yes, so ukraine, if we take last year, this is no longer an assumption, but
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fact, ukraine earned only every twentieth hryvnia, which, i mean , revenues from customs tax, is every twentieth hryvnia, and which came into the budget, everything else is money from the west, that is , there is no economy, zelensky doesn’t care at all, he’s great understands that this corpse is being kept by him. the usa and europe, they contain it, that is, as soon as what comes from the west stops, well, ukraine as a state simply does not exist, well, it simply does not exist, because there will not even be money for salary. alexander, thank you very much, i remind you that we had connections with alexander vladimirovich subchenko, a political scientist, by the way, we really see that ukraine no longer has human resources, and the people who are still there are running out of financial resources, a clear confirmation of this is that the donations sent by ordinary ukrainians, the so-called donations to the armed forces of ukraine, have very... sharply decreased , a ukrainian volunteer, alla martinyuk, spoke about this, let's
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let's listen, and at once they earned so much that... now we volunteers can no longer help the military as we helped before, and this is a really big problem. there are problems with the business that helped, donations have dropped very significantly over the past year, people are scared, tired, many no longer have money, the same people will donate, i observe that this is a more average segment, many business owners have left now when the question began mobilization, fled abroad. listen, maybe this is deceit, maybe it’s not the money that runs out, but the faith in the fact that ukraine will win is no longer... there is no faith, really, because propaganda things are gradually turned off, they stop working, when you tell a person the same thing for a long, long time, he stops believing, this is how psychology works, relative to the financial minute poetry, i would say that before the fiftieth year ukraine will have to pay back 214 billion dollars at the current moment, of which next year, in my opinion, only 26 loans will have to be paid, of which 75 are only interest on servicing these very debts, that is
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do you understand what kind of financial hole ukraine was driven into by all these things that give, give, give, give, it’s not all free, not just one, there were some grant things, but they amounted to a percentage of everything, the rest everything is on credit, in fact, zelensky took over the country with, in my opinion, 85 billion loans, but dollars, dollars, dollars, not hryvnias, so, at this stage, so to speak,
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everyone will be paid, in fact, western countries and they gave because they gave money for a reason, we will give it to you and so on, they wanted interest, they didn’t want to make money from this, when it became clear that it was very difficult, russia did not lose and the attempt to withdraw the frozen gold and foreign exchange reserves in russia, they will turn into a disaster for the entire financial system, who will pay, and now ukraine, ukraine, this whole state formation, i can't call it state.
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economic enterprises, huge loans were sent there, and ukraine ended, you understand that in this case the american economy will face a powerful crisis, yes, yes, our elite understands this perfectly well, that in the event your victory, which i think is inevitable, it means not just a defeat for the united states, it means a complete collapse of the western economic system, they understand this very well, so i think, well, they will definitely continue to do everything to,
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as it were,
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what hillary clinton was talking about, even angela merkel said, the restoration of the soviet union in one form or another, yes, and i fear that these nightmares of the american elite of the american establishment will simply come true, because at some point the post-soviet space, it is still, you know, is being mobilized, this concentration, it extends not only to the population, it extends to the territory too, especially since...
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everyone knows, but it seems to me that vladimir vladimirovich, like a true fox from the north, cunning, yes, who was a strategic plan not for 10 years, not for 20, most likely for 50 years ahead, he was just thinking that we could unite back, for example, as soon as we have to rebuild about ukraine or invest some kind of money there, then all alliances with yours the sides, john, excuse me, will fall apart, as soon as it is necessary to shell out money like this for restoration, everyone will immediately be the first to run, saying, no, no, no, sorry, we’re not with you, that’s all, we have an alliance.
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does america know how to benefit? here's an example, yes, we just have very little time left. at some point, for example, the pentagon allows ukraine to strike at our commercial enterprises, strategic ones, and so on. the degree of escalation is increasing, we are no longer just conducting exercises, which, by the way, are being carried out right now, in these minutes, we are responding for now with strikes, for example, not with strategic nuclear weapons, but with tactical ones on the territory of ukraine, that’s it.
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which we had previously heard from macron regarding the sending of a french contingent to ukraine, a load of 200 had already arrived, the french, of course, a load of 200, sejournet’s relative was in a russian prison, a crime against the person of children under fourteen years of age, stefan sajourne was a member of the so-called mormun gang group, european financial families who stand behind macron, behind this boy, they they want this... revenge: to crush russia and ensure the victory of ukraine. stefan sijournet and the prospects of roasted pigeons. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. stirsman bourbon is a product of stellor group. on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday. love polishchuk everyone dances,
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she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the hall always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy, zhenya, let me out, it’s me, zinka, i say, lyuba, you’re not afraid to be ugly, she says, sashka, what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, you have to, play, play, do you even know why i came here, why are you silent, why are you smiling? blink your eyes and remain silent, if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they are without each other, i saw , we couldn’t live, love polishchuk, the last tanga, we met. on
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sunday at the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday at the first. "at 19 years old i i was left alone, why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh, yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, yes, this is a crap, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything in my own skin, the war passed her by. look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but
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there can be only one great meeting, i will make a call and you will come to me, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you are grimacing, marital status, what do you say, you have a husband, no , i am a young lady, without a family, without children, but art is devoted to the grave, you are a genius, dramatic actress. and the whole world will know about it. ranevskaya from may 27, on the first. happy birthday to whom? lev nikolaevich tolstoy. family is love, first of all, it is
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support, it is support, these are the people who can support you at any time, our mothers, wives, daughters, these are the most beloved, every week we go with the whole family to some restaurant, cafe and we just spend time together, being parents is great, it’s good, but in general it’s very, very exciting, it’s just an attraction, i wish mothers that they always win some games, we love you, yes, oh homeland, fatherland, you are my second mother, i am dear to you, i am ready to give my whole life, my family, my loved ones, my friends, this is my homeland, and i want her to smile every day together with... its residents, the information channel on the first continues, we work live, in the studio of ruslan nastashko and olesya loseva in washington, american congressmen demanded that the pentagon allow kiev
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to bomb russian territory with american weapons. the situation at the front is not in kiev’s favor, so it is necessary to resolve military leadership. ukraine to carry out the full range of necessary operations, this is exactly what is said in the letter from the american congressmen. our ukrainian colleagues need permission to use us-provided weapons to strike strategic targets on russian territory under certain circumstances. the ukrainians are unable to defend themselves due to the biden administration's current policies, so it is important to give their military leaders the ability to conduct the full range of necessary operations. that's it for now the west cynically plays as if it were a good policeman, who supposedly does not allow western weapons to be used on russian territory, the western media openly show how the ssu continues to prepare to terrorize belgorod, here is a fragment of the american cnn with stories about ukrainian terrorists who are preparing drones with explosives for peaceful cities. with
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the onset of dusk, the soldiers hastily try to hide, this is a unit of operators.
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hears another russian drone, will not allow it to work normally, over 2 years of war there has been such an escalation that now ukrainians launch drones with explosives directly into russia, so the operator watches how the drone crosses the border, it is noteworthy that when the drone experiences interference, it still continues to fly, the operators can again pick up the signal already in the depths of russia, they determine the road they will take shells are dropped, mines are thrown and the drone returns, if there is a problem with the gps, this means that without... the pilot makes an emergency landing, but they have a spare one for this case, we are leaving, quickly, let's go, to avoid a collision with russian drones, you have to drive with your headlights off, the road back is littered with anti-tank fortifications that weren't installed in time to stop
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russia's latest offensive, now ukrainian soldiers have to use their ingenuity to hold off the darkness coming from russia. meanwhile, the un pretends that they don’t see, hear or notice anything. the press secretary of the organization for refugee affairs could not answer the question why the ukrainian armed forces’ attacks on civilians in the belgorod region is kept silent at un briefings. we have operational staff in ukraine, working with the government there to provide humanitarian assistance. we are of course concerned about every civilian casualty, but we do not have access to a centralized bank.
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yes, but nevertheless, there are probably some ways to fight this, don’t let it all go to the brakes like this, don’t leave it on the brakes, probably the way to fight... at the moment is one: move ukrainian troops as far as possible from the canonical territory of the russian
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federation. the president of our country has already spoken about this more than once. our armed forces today began, well not today, but some time ago they began an operation in the north of ukraine, primarily pursuing this very goal: creating a sanitary zone. probably, the united states, let us use longer -range weapons and allow strikes on canonical territory.
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i think that all forecasts today show that mr. zelensky and his team have no chance of being re-elected, hence
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you are simply, absolutely right, therefore the conflict cannot be stopped, as for the leader of the western world, the united states, they also have elections approaching in november, they are also in no way interested in ending the conflict from my point of view, until these elections take place and they will use it in their own very complex. untruthful, yes, which is hard not to notice, but they show the frame, says: the lights are flickering, this is belgorod, of course, this is not belgorod at all, yes, this is the belgorod region, but for them it’s all the same...
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they are fired at demonstratively , grenades are dropped on them, people die. gladkov , the governor of the belgorod region, mr. gladkov, the military governor,
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the real one, constantly talks about this in his home and tells all these stories, they won’t say it, a western viewer may get the impression that these guys are proud fighters for ukrainian independence, but in fact they are terrorists, these are ordinary terrorists who are now being glorified by all western media. we have to with them to understand, i don’t quite agree with my colleague about the freeze, the freeze is very necessary for ukraine and zelensky personally, it’s not about the elections, freezing the conflict does not mean that zelensky will have to hold elections, the west will now crown him in june in switzerland at this peace conference and ok, if it’s not a fact, well, the west crowns him, he comes here specifically to switzerland, so that all the countries of the west are there, plus the countries of the global yo... behavior, i don’t think
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that it will be changed, at least in foreseeable future. i have one of mine a familiar expert said a very beautiful phrase: zelensky, now for the west is a collector of sadness, that is, zelensky must carry out all the painful reforms in ukraine, must fulfill the social contract with the west, where ukrainian lives are in exchange for arms supplies, that is, he will be there for another six months , a year and so on, until he has collected all the sadness for himself, after which he may be replaced by... the head teacher or razumkov or someone else, therefore, holding or not holding elections, the fate of zelensky does not depend on them, the fate of zelensky depends from fulfilling western orders regarding the war against russia, which zelensky is coping with, they now really need to freeze the conflict, that’s why the americans are pushing us into it, freezing the conflict will allow them to rearm the ukrainian army, train the
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meat that they collected on the streets in order to so that it at least somehow more or less resists. in the end, if the freeze lasts for a long time, ukraine will be accepted into scalded hedgehog mode by nato or given some kind of quasi, quasi operational membership precisely for the period of the freeze, so the freeze it’s extremely beneficial for them, it’s absolutely not beneficial for us, especially now, well, there’s a freeze, we won’t let them do this stage now, our military continues their aggressive advance so that there is no freeze in the kharkov direction, the hottest point now is volchansk, western. russia has launched its biggest offensive since the start of a full-scale invasion, with ground forces supported by drone aircraft and artillery making their way into the kharkov region in
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northeastern ukraine. on the outskirts of volchansk in the kharkov region, ukrainian soldiers are trying to hold back the russian advance. russian forces have made their biggest territorial gains since they launched a ground offensive in the northeastern region of kharkov and opened a new front. we hear explosions, the city of pust is nearby, there is clearly a battle going on. we are trying to get to an artillery position near volchansk, but we were asked to stop because shelling had started, it is very dangerous there at the moment. we arrived at the second artillery position, this place is located close to russian positions. we are now saving shells, we shoot once at a time, and they respond five times. our boys are dying because the west doesn't supply us
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with enough weapons. ukraine is belatedly strengthening its defenses, but the last few days show that they have been breached. perhaps surprisingly, there is no sense of panic in kharkov. officials say their defensive lines around the city are strong, but russian troops are still pushing forward. it is quite possible that the capture of the city is only a matter of time. joins our conversation, let's try to find out about the latest events in the north of the kharkov region, andrey vitalievich, hello, ruslan olesin, how is the situation in volchansk? yesterday there was information in the evening that we are already in complete control of the northern part of the city, there are still local sweeps somewhere, but overall control has been established, that the enemy has retreated beyond the volchye river, that is, the central and southern parts, but we are also actively working there
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factories along their fortifications. currently, what is the situation? the situation is that somewhere 50/50 the populated area is already under our control, the fact is that in general the operational-tactical situation there is very complicated, the enemy in the south, we have heights in the north that allow us to control the situation in the populated area itself, the populated area, the populated area itself is located downstairs, so it is very difficult for our guys to work, and it also complicates the task of ukrainian militants to resist. we should not forget that now aerial reconnaissance is also very active and our aerospace forces are naturally inflicting defeats, now they are online footage has been published, yes, when a one and a half ton bomb lands on the side still under the control of ukrainian militants, and this all
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suggests that the tactics that they previously... tested, that is, they made essentially fortresses out of houses, and placed them there firing points, it was very difficult to get them, but now they are working, and we identified the enemy’s location... confirmed the information, inflicted a fire defeat, essentially smashing into dust everything that they were preparing for defense, this is the tactic once and brings positive results, not only in volchansk, but in other areas . dlyavich, as far as i know, volchansk is almost equally divided by a river, that same volchiy river, yes, now almost all the bridges across this river, they have been destroyed, what?
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for us, overcoming water obstacles does not pose any problems, moreover, we have vehicles with well and specialized equipment that will literally allow you to overcome this small river in a matter of minutes, there is equipment that does not require, say, certain additional engineering decisions, it will simply pass along, say, the bottom of this river, there are absolutely no... problems for us here, that is, difficulties should not arise, yes, well, yes, not absolutely, how important are drones now, because again information is coming in that the ukrainian armed forces are running out of artillery ammunition, but drones
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are being supplied to them in some unlimited format, and drones, but the fact that i ’m talking to the guys, they say, there are probably fewer flies flying nearby than drones, drones with one with another the sides are just, well... a crazy amount, the sky is constantly buzzing, here are the new devices that have arrived, the guys just turn them off, because they are beeping here 24x7, these are the equipment that were recently delivered to the line of combat contact, so the enemy has really a huge number of drones, with this he is, of course, trying to compensate for some kind of shortage in artillery, but again with regards to volchansk, now the guys answer: that they don’t notice the lack of artillery ammunition, yes, most likely they sent it there in a hurry, all the reserves that
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the ukrainian militants had, in addition to armament of military equipment and ammunition, personnel were sent there, and the personnel were very diverse, including female military personnel, and in quite significant quantities. thank you very much, andrey vitalievich marochka, he was in direct contact with us. it was not in vain that i asked about drones, because given the difficult situation in the ssu at the front, they will actively use drones for terrorist attacks on our territory. this applies not only to border areas, but deep into russia, some drones are capable of flying, here without our civil activity, without our civil assistance, it will be difficult for our air defense systems to cope, so for you, dear citizens, especially the popular front you... applications, which allows you, if you notice any unidentified object in the sky, which theoretically could be an enemy drone, to report it to the national the front, the popular front already automatically
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forwards all this to the competent authorities. let's be vigilant, be sure to download the application qr code on your screen and together we will protect our country. now a short advert and we'll be back. imagine, i'm on an expensive snow-white yacht. i'm tracking down a dangerous drug dealer, zhirkov, oleg zhirkov, victim, mazurov, kirill, born in 1992, like telepathy, kushnir, a new level, kostya, how undeplorable, i can explain everything, i didn't bother you anymore, hands up the hill, uba, put the gun down, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program. everything has been found, you can close the case, receive gratitude from your superiors, they say the paper must be taken care of while the special operation is underway in ukraine, they are destroying the orthodox church, we are moving towards
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europe, so we must move away from the russian conservative tradition. epiphanius, all these other pseudo-priests are just pure mummers, so the schism is a tragedy, thanks to whom this all happened, this is the united states of america and state department. and directly the ambassador for religious liberty of the united states, sam brownback. what should we do with lava, the main temples of kiev. you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it. says very clearly that you don’t have to do what you’ve already done, you even ended up in prison for your beliefs, the command was given to just close your mouth, the girl is on her knees, she prays, they jump around her, and then they drag her away and start beating her, or like some priests kill, you are proud of what you did, show vana and lexus, today on the first day, like this...
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time passes mercilessly, we grow old, we weaken, we lose our memory, is it possible to stop time, it turns out that you can, as we will tell you in the program, live healthy, tomorrow on the first day, on the centenary of boris vasilyev, berun , it’s difficult, after all, women are at war, they all volunteer, shoot, rita, the target is caught. fire, they got hit, yes, girls, yes, i can’t go with them, comrade, send me to the front line, while you distort your small boat, he will make a sieve out of you, so i categorically order you to lie down, it’s as if there is no war.
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“i can’t do it anymore, now i’ll go and shoot, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, what are we doing, the germans have one way, between these lakes through the ridge, eternal battle, we can only dream of peace, and the dawns here are quiet on saturday on the first, the enemy is armed to the teeth is moving in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order all the fighters and myself personally to hold the front. ranevskaya doesn’t know that frankenbock was drawn from her, without showing the picture, are you calling for recording? frekkenbock is seriously interested in carlson. this is a cartoon for children from three. up to 7 years old. i'm trying somehow justify your heroine. love for this fan turns an elderly sadist into a vulnerable woman. my head is in the right place, they told me i shouldn’t watch tv from morning to night. here. please, ranevskaya from
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may 27 on the first, my funeral is going on, an orchestra is playing, instead of my photograph, a photograph of frekenbock, in order... to live, to enjoy life, you need to do what you like. why did you tatyana mikhailovna decide to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i am the master of ceremonies, who is the person who connects hearts. i work on a crane in ferrous metals, i go to work with joy, i leave work with pride. study to become a heating engineer. and you won't regret it. one day i became an artist. well, for example, we can voice someone with such a beautiful voice.
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this is a secret base in the ukrainian forest run by former british american military personnel who work here. a team
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led by former british soldier dan ridley. they host ukrainian soldiers who have returned from the front line and teach them new things. work here lasts about two months, they visited different bases before preparing here. over the 2 years of work , dan ridley’s team trained about 14,000 fighters. we train many people, military, police, patrol officers, and now we have special forces in training. we are the largest such organization in ukraine. we train military medics, infantrymen, drone operators, engineers, we teach the basic skills that a soldier should have, this is a hole for... so you can stand up, this is the hole you dig first, it won't take long to dig if something happens , you have where from to work,
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civilians who don’t know how to do anything come to the army of ukraine, these people were not soldiers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers, they are turned into soldiers, this is a serious challenge, well, it’s worth noting that... that many are literally dragged in by force to the front, they say, there are practically no volunteers left in ukraine, and from now on women and doctors are required to register with the trade center, otherwise they will not be able to work, and not only in their specialty, but anywhere in general, and the fate of ukrainian children is here no one cares at all anymore to see a living ukrainian, now they say, you can only at the front, everyone else is hiding, the streets are empty, leaving the house is dangerous, because
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they noticed that the story comes from kiev, here are the footage from odessa, from other cities there are empty ones, here is the reporter standing alone , in the background there are cars moving, there are people, pedestrians, they seem to be completely absent, it’s clear why, but how long will ukrainians endure all this? the question is philosophical, but relevant, well, you know,
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this, in my opinion, seems to be the main mystery of modern ukraine, the complete absence any uprisings, well, assassination attempts on senior officers, as was the case even in the third reich , movement on the street, i discussed this topic on the air of the first channel , i discussed with the ukrainians, they say that a lot of people are in prison, i will frank, because my position was precisely aimed against, but this same person, so to speak, who was discussing, said that 200 or 270 thousand ukrainians are in prison because of dissent, well, you can of course believe this, but the question is... .is that weapons are not deployed against the exploiters, that is, against those who force them to die. and i have my own clear view, let’s say what’s happening, i think that it is necessary to increase firepower at the front, turn the existence of ukrainians at the front into impossible when using adabs, and
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volumetric toning ones, then it’s simply just tactical nuclear, although we are studying, conducting exercises , but we definitely won’t use it, i understand that, unless there is an appropriate one... therefore, we need to once again increase our tough pressure on ukrainian units, then they will have a choice, either die right away, or still turn their weapons towards kiev, i heard you correctly that now it is simpler and easier for the average ukrainian to be at the front than to raise a rebellion against the government that is doing this led, the post must be sponsored.
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there are no leaders and at the same time the third group went to the front, that is, they are also leaders, albeit negative for us, but they are leaders, they ended up at the front, as always , the bravest ones die first, so they ended up nullified and two-juiced, this whole crowd really doesn’t know, nurses, doctors, teachers, how to resist them, so they are waiting for us, mind you, i’m saying now, i would say in the opposite direction from what i usually say when i actually call ukrainians, i say, where are you, everyone has always resisted the aggressors. and you accept them, they kill your children, they control your women, the red lanterns in western europe, you die at the front, but you continue to fight for them, but the fact is that there really is this psychological factor, plus totalitarianism on...
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the same yermak is not so stupid, the same zelensky, who was just mentioned in the story when
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for the last six months he was pushing general zaluzhny out of his position, because he is a leader by nature, he is a man behind whom stood the armed forces , that is, real force, and of course there were probably significant fears of the current ukrainian government that it was the army that could become the constant systematic deterioration
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of the situation for ukraine on the line of combat contact, the deterioration of infrastructure situations within the country, growing economic problems, all these problems are complex, the economy will strangle them faster than the ongoing processes will free themselves, again, here i am, no matter how you look at it, although my colleague objected, i think that these are very serious changes.
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irina vladimirovna, as always, is lying, friends. friends, you know, our dogs lie, but we tell the truth. ganba, gabba, gabba, fortifications, childbirth of the church, fortifications, armor of the church, well, such a circus suits such a circus.
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in independent states appear on their own ourselves and just like that, where are the americans or us, but in this particular case in relation to ukraine, with which we are in fact at war, we cannot do this, we need to do this, we need to do it differently, as we are doing now, we are now raising petro poroshenko by the fact that not directly, but by the fact that we are destroying the ukrainian economy, destroying the ukrainian energy sector, using the very adabs and fabs that they are talking about, petro poroshenko’s party believes that zelensky is fighting too weakly with russia, that our task now is not to be held in ukraine it is impossible for pro-russians, this will not happen, our task now is to arrange for them in february of the seventeenth year, to make sure that some anti-russians conflict with other anti-russians, the main thing for us is that the front of this conflict collapses, the main thing for us is that
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because of this conflict a quarrel begins within ukrainian elite, we need the ukrainian regional elites to look at...
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maybe they could somehow plant weapons under the field, they’ll suddenly have them, bring in some of our specialists who could prepare some kind of sabotage groups, or is this no longer effective in the 20th century? and why? i believe that this is more than effective, what you say, moreover, so far, in my opinion, we are just beginning to develop the argument that you are talking about now, ruslan stanislavich, i mean the organization of various acts in the territory authorities in kiev and not only in kiev. because once again, if the only ukrainians left are submissive ones, i deliberately carefully choose the expression that not to offend anyone, then such people are brought up only by appropriate forceful methods influence, negotiating with the ukrainian authorities seems to me to be an extremely dubious step, although tactically i understand that this is based on machiavellianism, and there is a rational grain here, only they
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will deceive us for the simple reason that there are not ukrainians there, there are western masters. special military operation, let 's go back another 2 months to the december appeal of the russian federation, to the collective west, let's say, specifically to nato and the united states, absolutely right, because we are talking about the need to establish architecture mutual security, all these legitimate
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demands of russia were simply thrown into the trash with a chuckle, but... this is what was the real reason, so now we can argue with each other there, who is more interested in freezing, who is not interested, but let’s again remember the position of our leadership, no one will first stop mutual military actions as the first point of the protocol, and the second point is to sit down to agree on that same global security architecture, no, friends, let’s talk about everything in complex, when we agree on something, then things will be done...
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around the situation with the recognition of palestine - this is a separate very interesting issue, but we can say that we have been observing a small split between the united states and those losing their subjectivity in europe in the last 2 days , the topic is interesting. let's stop advertising and come back. hello country, welcomes you to the new voronezh, i love our small cities very much, i have traveled through almost the entire golden ring of russia and the silver
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necklace of russia. i have a dream, i really i want to go on a hike to baikal, i hope it will come true soon, to altai, by car across the country, to the south, and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot to see, i visited all the bazhov places. the most delicious shawarma, did you know? i am from the city of belaretsk, republic of bashkartastan, sevastopol is the pride of russian sailors. i am from the incredible city of chelyabinsk. i love st. petersburg for its beauty and the beautiful neva river. i love my country very much and am proud of it. france was shocked by terrible news. a lonely goal was discovered right in paris. glova mit stefan sejournet was left alone after a heartbreaking breakup with his gabriel. the turning point has come, which should force us to act against russia. the collapse of ukraine is on the agenda. the french would not mind participating in the division of the ukrainian pie. pemeron and sijurne, they agreed
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on a new antantica. the entente has an anti-russian purpose. they fit into the same pattern that we previously heard from macron regarding sending a french contingent to ukraine. the 200 load has already arrived, french, of course. load-200. a relative of the dezhurnaya in a russian prison is a crime against the person and children underage. fourteen-year-old stefan cejurne was a member of the so-called “gang of mormuns” group , european financial families who stand behind macron, behind this boy, they want this revenge to crush russia and ensure the victory of ukraine. stefan sijournet and the prospects of roasted pigeons. dolls of the heir tutti. today i'm looking for the first thing. ika, new episodes, watch after the program time, for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk, everyone dances, she
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always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the hall always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy, je, let me out, it’s me, zinka, i say, lyuba, aren't you afraid to be ugly, she says sashka, what? that to be afraid, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know what i came here for, that you are silent, smile, bat your eyes and remain silent, if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange , recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other. they couldn’t live without each other, as i saw it. lyubov polishchuk, last tango, we met, on sunday at
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the first, it will be hot, what? where, when the summer series of games, on sunday at the first, at the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here, you and your father are on the ship, oh yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, but this is a mule, tell me, you... yes, i’m ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything in my own skin, the war passed her by, look at this face,
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exceptional, there are many great directors, but there may be one great meeting, i will challenge this anticipation, you are loved, a serious, smart man, and you are making faces, marital status, what do you say, there is a husband, not... without a family, without children, but art is devoted to the grave, this is brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it. ranevskaya , may 27, on the first birthday, to whom? lev nikolayevich tolstoy, a donbass miner is generally a separate category of people, it feels like they are made of steel, they...
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of their native land in the forties during the great patriotic war, in the fourteenth year, they all, as one, stood up in exactly the same way, remembering the feat of their ancestors and proved that they could not be broken, many of them, from the boys of the miner fighters, were then forced to return, return to their native mines, no matter what, they they continue to do this complex and hard work every day, going underground and mining coal, and maryana naumova met these heroes from the work of all these guys... the miners of these heroes.
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now we are working in the city of kirovskoye, we were not far from here, we saw smoke, we arrived at the scene of the fire, as you can see, a five-story building is on fire, the cause of the fire is unknown, when we had already arrived, the entire roof was covered in fire, and people, many of them had managed to evacuate, were standing not far from here, and i saw young guys... right out of the apartments taking grandmothers out of their arms, because there are grandmothers who are bedridden, not walking, firefighters are working now - putting out the fire, fortunately they managed to evacuate everyone without any casualties, hello, so clever, rescuer, i'm taking the second one, can you give me anything
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good? say, good luck, thank you, all the best, remember your first descent into the mine, yes, it was my first descent, i immediately realized that i had chosen the profession correctly. you and i are passing the place where at the end of august last year there was a hit in the roof, this is our waiting room, that is, here is the descent and exit, there are a lot of people here, our colleague, the head of the usu-1 section, gennady, died that day grishin, more people were injured. you’ve been
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in the mines for a long time, 18 years, why this particular profession? grandfather is one miner, child is a second miner, the region is such that well, the mine was a prospect, the komsomol member thundered in those days, you tell me you really remind me of military personnel, so i ’m talking to you. you have almost everything the same, this peasant fraternal collective, some special laws, values, this brotherhood, it’s about the same thing, only here we mine coal, there they protect our homeland, that’s all, we ensure the energy security of our state, they provide slightly different security, but the fact that ukraine, what is not happening now, makes me ashamed of the country in
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which i live. yanukovych, i think, made a big mistake, that having come to power for the second time, it was necessary to change the constitutional system of the state, the promised russian language would be made the second state language. federation, maybe then this might not have happened, and so, the fourteenth year simply put everything in its place, in the fourteenth year, what would have happened here, what was happening at the mine and in general?
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well, i hear the guys over there are already working, yes, i can already hear the guys, yes, we are coming directly to the lava, to the honest face, to the honest face, this is a conveyor belt that serves to transport mining
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masses, we approach the main loader, on it, let’s say, the heart, the heart of the site, the distribution center, that is, everything comes there, everything leaves from there. to go down into the lava, you have to overcome this path in this position, the harvester started working, there is such a dust that it is impossible to open your eyes, and you can imagine... every day, every day for many years, working here, why this particular profession , grandfather, worked,
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father worked as a miner, brother too, so i decided to go too, that’s the miner’s character donbass, he’s so, well, hard, at the same time hard. but at the same time, soft, that’s a person in himself, he may be, i don’t know, like a breed, maybe fragile like coal, vulnerable, but in general we are strong, we are strong, we are not afraid of work, of anything, i ’m honestly proud that i work here, because not everyone can work in a mine, it seems to me. not everyone wants to work, like you, for a long time in this profession for 18 years, in the fourteenth year i worked at another mine, at yanakevo there was also military action there, the mine is not working now, people just looked at all this and didn’t want it, as if
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they were against it all, with which donbass did not agree, well, what it did not agree with, well, what were they doing there, donbass has always been, as they say, well, we were friends with russia. as if they wanted this mess that was created on the maidan to not happen, for us it’s always russia, always as if it’s our own, maybe they wanted there... there to poland or wherever they wanted in europe, but for us it’s like if a person went to work as a miner, as it were, then he had already decided for himself, that he needs to defend his very homeland, where he works, where it’s all ours, it’s
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all native. hello, hello, you have such beauty here, just a mining region, only terikons, spring has come to us, everything has turned green, i know your whole family is a miner, starting with your father. mother, my children and i followed in the miners’ footsteps, and father is a foreman, you won’t find such miners and foreman. taught me everything, left behind a strong generation and
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you went to the mine, yes, yes, yes, taught me everything, of course we regret that we didn’t go before on the maidan kiev, all the miners, we all wanted to go, we thought everything was good, they promised everything, it seems to me that they are always some kind of chipenza, i already served in the army, it was the nineties, the city is flat . we would be here in general, i don’t know
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if we would be here at all or not, but this is our land, we live here, we grew up here, let our children live here and let us have, as it should be, our land, veronica, hand me a book, miners’ work is worthy of glory, this is our dynasty. oh, i want this one i really like your uniform, of course , the jacket is a little small, of course, it’s okay, but tell me, what’s your reward here? three are the birthplace of glory, two are the miners’ kindness, and it is not surprising that it was the miners who were in the forefront. militia, miner - the same soldiers, in fact, they were accustomed to
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the same conditions, in fact, such harsh working conditions, constant risk, and when i left and, as i tell all my friends, when i closed the door behind me, i looked back and gave i realize to myself that i may never enter this door again, i’m leaving everything i love, to those who believe the word and have no doubt that i... will never give up in battle and that i will never give up without a fight with a shield or a replacement on my cheek , that’s the only way no one ever gives up on what my path my life my war my fleet with account or account only so. i know that at the beginning, your son also went
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to serve, well, it turned out that he took an example from his father, it turns out that the father voluntarily and the son voluntarily, his mother and i saw him off, and his mother did not see him anymore, excuse me when it's hard to speak topic, but i’ll try to overcome emotions, once we met him, and he’s a dad, well, if there’s anything wrong with me, what should i be proud of? yes, i say: son, i’m waiting for you, i’m waiting for you, that ’s it, i believe that you will return, and we will meet after the victory, all that, but he said that i’m fighting so that people can live normally, these were his words.
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everything will be fine with us, then the big game will be broadcast on channel one, good afternoon, the big game will be broadcast live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. over the past 24 hours there have been a lot of there are many reports from the fronts of a special military operation about the advancement of our armed forces, and the ministry of defense also announced that new settlements have been liberated. boris aleksandrovich rozhin, our military expert, is now monitoring what is happening there, indeed the movement is very noticeable, especially, of course,
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for such a military expert as boris aleksandrovich, boris aleksandrovich, good afternoon, and good afternoon, yes . our offensive operations continue in most directions, in the rabotinsky direction, if we are moving from south to north, our troops continue to expand the zone of control around rabotin, the enemy is gradually withdrawing the main forces from and from the outskirts of the village, we are also gradually moving northwest of verbovoy, that is, soon this ledge will cease to exist completely, and this means that on the temporary ledge, our troops continue assault operations in harvest, and there are also battles behind staromaiskaya. that is, we are also cutting off the ledge here, and there are serious progress in the ugledar direction, our troops they already control more than half of poraskovievka, next to konstantinovka, and we are also moving towards the konstantinovka-ugledar highway, creating a threat to the communications of the enemy’s ugledar group, there is progress in georgievka in our
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favor, there is progress in krasnohorivka also in our favor, the zone of control over city, nitailovo has almost completely come under our control, the enemy is there... there is a slight presence on the western outskirts, and our troops also continue to clean up mansky, there also, most of the village is controlled by our troops, battles have also begun on the outskirts of novo-alexandrovka, we are also moving towards kalinov, this is north of ocheredin, that is, almost the entire front line is in motion gradually there, or one way or another we are moving, to in the artyomovsk direction, the main message today is the liberation of kleschievka, key heights were taken there, the enemy... had to retreat from the village, because well, the village itself was destroyed, the heights are of key importance, accordingly, this will allow our troops to develop offensive actions to the southwest of artyomovsk and support the efforts that are being made in the area of ​​​​the yar hours, where our troops are also moving in the area of ​​​​the kanal microdistrict to the north, well, to the north and south
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of this microdistrict, on and there in in the northern ledge, our troops continue to conduct military operations in the area of ​​the bulge, where we have. progress and also in the direction of the excavation, fighting also continues in the area of ​​​​belogorovka and sporny, in the krasnolimansky direction fighting continues, not far from the outskirts of the village of terny, there is slight progress in our favor in the serebryansky forestry, svatovo-kupiansky direction, our troops also have some successes in the stolmakhovka area and also in the direction of the village of ivanovka, which means in the kharkov direction our troops are increasing control over the city of volchansk, where, despite all efforts , the enemy cannot stabilize it. situation, we are also advancing in the area of ​​​​the village of leptsy, and we also have advances in the border areas where our troops they are increasing pressure across the entire width of the front, we are expanding this front and, accordingly , there are additional difficulties for the enemy, he expects that in the near future the pressure of russian troops will increase, and let’s say, those reserves that have already been withdrawn from other directions are insufficient for to
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stop our advance. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhen, who confirms our progress almost now in all directions, especially. military operation, we move forward, slowly, confidently, saving our personnel in first of all, well, for ukraine the question really arose about the country’s reserves and resources, human resources, well , apparently, are really running out, so the wall street journal came out with an article: the lack of men is forcing ukrainian women to go down to the mines, everything has really been canceled there legislation that prohibited the use. women's labor in hazardous industries, women now go down to the mines and not only, in addition, well, we know that now the streets of ukrainian cities are simply empty, people show odessa there, kharkov, or any ukrainian city, there is simply no one there, that is, people are running away from
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the military commissars, by any means, so as not to fall under this mobilization, that is, the problem of human resources there. it is obvious, but in recent days there have been several publications in the western media that the new brigades that are now forming the ukrainian armed forces turn out to be infantry, not mechanized, that is, there are actually no heavy weapons there, which can be used to characterize this, this is a resource problem, how ostracous is she for ukraine now? program, the problem is really software, it is very acute. especially since, unfortunately, for the ukrainians they have a certain systemic, systemic deployment of human resources to places where there is simply not enough artillery power and some basic capabilities, they counter them with the help of such things as drone attacks, but the drones are now flying from our country, so this
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has ceased to be some kind of argument on which such hopes were pinned, they are not justified so much, the second, by the way, is very well, this... is illustrated by new appointments in the apparatus of the ukrainian, ukrainian armed forces, these are, well, people who are very similar to the actual head of the supreme ones.
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is in the terminal phase of destruction, this is the task set at one time by lince graham, in exchange for money, so to speak, blood in exchange for money or blood in exchange for weapons, by all those who, including blinkin, sharpened these conditions with zelensky, so this of course will affect the state of the ukrainian army, well, the better for us to end, well, really the state of the ukrainian the armed forces are now deteriorating, this is not visible to the naked eye, much less to the armed eye. kukushkin is a military man. war correspondent volunteer correspondent, for the first time i introduce him as a corps of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, pavel alekseevich, good afternoon,
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what news do you have, it looks like we have problems in the direction of, you can hear me now, now you can hear me, you can hear me, yes, yes, there is enough positive news in the current direction. and units of the volunteer corps of the ministry of defense they continue to pump the northwest into the grigorovka region from the northeast to the kanal microdistrict, and where battles are already taking place in the microdistrict , they are consolidated on the eastern outskirts.
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ticks, they are important, right now the battles are going on there and it is known that some of the heights are already behind us, this is very important, because controlling the heights of the west of the ticks allows us to move from south to north to increase pressure from the south side with so that the pincers around the guard tighten, and, accordingly, squeeze out the ukranazis from there, or continue the encirclement, or push them into... yes, thank you very much, pavel alekseevich, kukushkin, with very important information that we have taken control
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of strategic heights in the vicinity of chasov yar, from where we can launch an offensive to the north on this city, which is the key to a large urban agglomeration, which includes slavyansko and kramatorsko, that is, this is really a very important strategic point of a special military operation, and the united states in any case. rhetorically great increases aid to ukraine financially and militarily, but something on the battlefield has not yet materialized much, to put it mildly, here is a question on this topic, tucker carlson, a well-known american television commentator, asked eric prince, who is the founder and head of the black water pmc, known probably the largest private military company in the united states of america, that's what he said. most of this
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money goes to america's five largest defense contractors to replace, at five times the price, the weapons we already have. sent to ukraine, this means that if we send them something that was manufactured 10 years ago, now it costs four to five times more, this sheer fraud is paid for by the pentagon, where they don’t know how to spend money effectively, and this is not will change the situation. on the battlefield, now it’s may, the fields are drying up, tank season is approaching, by the beginning of june the game will begin again, i think the russian bear is hungry, he will have time to get enough, this war should not have started at all. but the ukrainians needed to at least make a deal to freeze the front line already six months after the start of the war, but the biden administration believed that all these american weapons would save the situation, this did not happen, and this is terrible. the russian command is not filled with idiots; they know their history, in particular the battle of kursk, which took place north of where the fighting is now taking place. it was the largest tank battle in history, it was the last offensive operation of the german army against
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the ussr. they tried to break through from the north and south, and the russians did. which solves a lot of problems, no, such a dominant private military company, probably in those countries where the united states of america did not interfere, where blackwater’s ears did not appear one way or another, as he well said, that what is being restored and produced for the needs of ukraine is now five times more expensive, and you know, not so long ago trump said, he said even worse for ukraine, what they
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pay is worth five times more... the key question is who benefits, it benefits , of course, the outgoing administration, whether the outgoing one, we don’t know, but anyway american production has loaded itself very well, the key point was said that if someone wanted to achieve peace, then it was necessary to start it from the beginning, either with negotiations or with a freeze, but for the united states of america there was always only one criterion for peace, and to regroup in order to hit harder, in any case, today
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the biden administration would really like to freeze the conflict in order to... result, it seems to me that it is simply impossible to convince the americans of a new tranche, i would add to this that the logic, about which says sergey sergeevich, it is inherent, in fact, to the three largest pmc companies of the anglo-saxon bloc, this is naturally blackwoter, this is g4s, the largest pmc in the world, more than 300,000 people in g4s, they even have their own private prisons, and this prevails and
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patness, also private a british company that can so...
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the ocean in any case will be the last one to respond, and secondly, the biden administration will be responsible, the congressmen only advised, they only did it, and in fact here is a letter from 13 congressmen.
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they are afraid of red lines, because russia will not use nuclear weapons, cohen promises that russia will not use nuclear weapons, and in the same way zagorodnyuk promises that russia will not use nuclear weapons, there is no need to be afraid, that is , it is clear from this article that the united states in any in case they are going to incite a conflict, at the same time shifting all the funding, all the burden of maintaining ukraine onto europe, that is, europe will pay for all this, pay for this aggravation, and the united states. in any case, the military-industrial complex will get his, especially since he will remain with his sufficient bonuses, and naturally, they expect that the answer will come to the europeans, but not to them, well, they are in vain
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in thinking so, because if american weapons cause damage to our territory, then the answer it will be according to american interests, this is obvious, and not according to european, american interests in our vicinity, that’s a big deal, honestly, not only in our vicinity, but even in the vicinity there, i don’t know yemen. some kind, yes, there, there, there are even more american interests, well, about the use of tactical nuclear weapons, now we have just begun the first stage of these exercises on the use of tactical nuclear weapons, which the ministry of defense announced, that is, there is actually a readiness, there is obviously no need yet, but the fact that our armored position is on a siding route, must be sure of this.
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the command was given to just close my mouth, the girl is on her knees, she is praying, they are jumping around her, and then they drag her away and start beating her or, like some priests , killing her, you are proud of what you have done,
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van and lexus show, today on the first, bourbon stirsman, a product of the stellar group. this is how time flows mercilessly, we are getting old, we are weakening, we are losing memory, is it possible to stop time, it turns out that it is possible, as we will tell you in the program, to live healthy, tomorrow on the first day, on the centenary of boris vasilyev, it is difficult, after all, women are at war , they are voluntary. shoot lita, the target is caught, fire, fell, girls, yes, i can’t with them, comrade,
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send me to the front line, while you distort your little boats, he will make a sieve out of you, so categorically lie down i order, okay, then there is no such war. “i can’t do it anymore, now i’ll go and shoot, it’s impossible, suni, it’s impossible, the germans have one way, between these lakes through the ridge, eternal battle, we can only dream of peace, and the dawns here are quiet on saturday at first, the enemy , armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order everyone to fight.” to hold the front for himself and himself, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk, everyone dances, she captivated the audience. always, that is, if
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lyuba came out, the hall always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy. jay, yes, let me out, it’s me, alone, i say, lyuba, aren’t you afraid to be ugly, she says sashka, what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know what i’m after? i came here, why are you silent, smiling, batting your eyes and being silent if you can, forgive me, i... i remind someone, very strange, a recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they couldn’t live without each other, as i saw, love polishchuk, the last tango, we met on sunday at the first one. ranevskaya doesn’t know
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that frekkenbock was drawn from her, without showing the picture, you call for a recording. frekkenbock is seriously attracted to carlson. this is a cartoon for children from three to 7 years old. i'm trying to somehow justify my heroine. love for this fan makes a vulnerable woman out of an elderly sadist. my head is in the right place, they told me i shouldn’t watch tv from morning to night. here. please, ranevskaya from may 27 on the first, my funeral is going on, the orchestra is playing, instead of my photograph, photograph frekinbok, i’m happy as... when i develop every
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day, when i wake up and know that something new awaits me during the day, when we get together with the whole family and make dumplings with potatoes, cooking, this is a good thing for me, you can to say, my hobbies are traveling, my favorite is ice hockey, i have a dacha, which has turned into a paradise, into a flower garden, i am proud of it, i started going to drawing classes, and i ... put my paintings at an exhibition, play music, do art, it's very cool, i love you all, i love you very much fishing, because there is a volga in rybensk, be happy, find good in every second of your life.
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the big game live: iran bids farewell to its president and his colleagues, this is the prayer performed by ayatallah khaminiya, the supreme ruler of the islamic republic, iran. huge crowds of people came to say goodbye to ibrahim raisi. mourning rallies are being held in all cities. iran mourns, without any political views or predilections. our country also expresses condolences, continues to express condolences to our iranian friends, to flowers are brought to the iranian embassy. at the farewell ceremony for president risi, the russian federation is represented by the chairman of the state duma, vyacheslavich volodin, and received the corresponding. an assignment from
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the president of the russian federation, the world is mourning, but i would be wrong if i said that the whole world is mourning, there are very sad exceptions, the representative of israel in the united nations organized a completely insane demarche, blasphemous, at a meeting of the security council, listen here , what the secretary of state of the states said. v conversation with senator cruz. senator barasso has already asked you about your state department's statement of condolences regarding the death of ibrahim raisi. mr. secretary of state, isn't the world a better place since his death? considering the terrible acts he was involved in, both as a judge and as president, and the fact that he can no longer be involved in them, yes, the iranian people are perhaps better off.
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of course, we are not saddened by his death, well, i have already said that the united states, in my opinion, they completely lose orientation in space and time, it’s just blasphemy, the person died. the united states believes that the iranian people only benefited from this, but the iranian people do not think so, and they don’t care about the iranian people, about humanism, about human lives, it doesn’t matter if it’s iran. takes anti-american positions, then so much the worse for iran and its leaders. the american position is now the same regarding the gas sector, where the genocide of the palestinian people is taking place, but the united states does not see it there nothing bad, on the contrary, iran continues
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to supply weapons and money in huge quantities, well, it’s true that blinken gets a little, making him turn red and pale, as it was yesterday, just in... the need for global leadership of the united states of interaction with our allies and partners has never been seen before was so strong. china is trying hindrajab was 6 years old when she was killed by the israelis, she was only 6 years old, blinkin, you will be remembered as a gassy butcher, you will be remembered as a murderer of innocent palestinians. and answer him nothing, really so, well... with its policy, the united states not only antagonizes the entire muslim world, and the whole world against israel, the united states of america, they tear away allies from the united states, it is no coincidence that today as many as three countries, members of the european union, have recognized
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palestine is an independent state, it is norway, ireland and spain, so that us policy in the middle east turns out to be. perhaps the most important catastrophe for america arose when it became clear that america could not be an arbiter, that america was the arbiter absolutely biased that america will always be on the side of israel, and accordingly, the islamic world will always be number two, in
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this regard it will always be so second-class, what is called the second world. that is, in this regard, the united states, having crossed this moral boundary, they do not yet feel. her first was this completely boorish comment from blinken, which absolutely matches the comment of his predecessor hillary clinton when she rejoiced at seeing mamar gaddafi killed, that is, the same gloating is not restrained by anything, without any ethical norms in general, without any principles, and blinken has now also revealed his real face, yes, what is it for him, for him it is an abstraction, these are enemies, these are not people, this is racism, which in fact we...
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the united states of america was one of seven countries that voted against this resolution, although, it would seem, they should be interested in this, but what today? and today we hear in... may russia launched a satellite into low earth orbit, which according to our estimates, it is most likely an anti-space weapon, presumably capable of attacking other satellites in low earth orbit. russia placed this
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new type of weapon in the same orbit in which the us government placed its satellite. our assessments also indicate characteristics reminiscent of previously deployed anti-space assets. loads in 2019 and 2022. we will continue to monitor the situation closely. we bear the responsibility for readiness to protect and defend the space area continuous and uninterrupted. support for the united joint forces, and we will continue to balance between the need to protect our interests in space with our desire to maintain a stable sustainable space environment, that is , they do not want to prevent the militarization of space, they launch an unlimited number of satellites, and across the entire spectrum, and now russia is accused of she launched some kind of satellite, which, as it seems to them, could threaten something there, what exactly is going on, firstly, this general is not bad. would - repeat some textbooks, learn the mod part, yes, yes, learn the mod part,
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because absolutely right, thank you very much, because the destruction of the satellite will lead to orbit contamination, and this will become a colossal problem, both for countries that the united states considers its enemies, and actually for all other countries, because the space orbit is oversaturated with objects, there are literally thousands of objects there, and naturally the satellite debris will hit them. from that point of view , the connection of the daily telephone will be disrupted, so to say, all other things, including geolocation, gps, or holonas in our case in this regard, of course we have no such plans, but i am shocked how much a person still suffers from some kind of memory loss, probably because, according to my information , but i don’t serve, thank god in the usa, there is such a satellite called x37, it’s a completely controllable orbital object that either... rises or lands in an ethereal mode, for some reason it is subordinate not to nasa, like all other satellites, but
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pentagon, undertakes dangerous maneuvers rendezvous with chinese satellites, not only, he has been doing all this for, well, at least 5-7 years, for some reason the general forgot about this, so i would rather call on him to have some logic in his reasoning, and not just think about it , that he is being listened to by american congressmen, who often suffer from a lack of serious...
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nothing is needed, everything is done there in an elementary way, but they don’t know this, because there is a satellite with nuclear weapons or something that is really textbooks, i think, they didn’t read them at school and in general they are american here are the textbooks... show our teachers, they will be horrified, why they teach there, at what level it is all taught. well, the united
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states, of course, is absolutely insane, because look, the united states is in a very difficult economic situation, in fact, they can say as much as they want that the national debt there doesn’t matter at all , it does, and now i spoke with experts in from the imf, who generally believe that this is the most important problem in the world economy in general, american debt and ways to solve this problem. no, the americans adhere to the strategy and what they call kick the can, keep kicking the tin can, well, they kick, kick, this debt is already 34.757 billion, and it will never be paid, there is a difficult situation with inflation, there are many difficulties, at this moment they are starting a new round of economic war with china, their main trading partner, yes, and already calling for this war, both the usa and
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europe, as well as many other countries, are concerned about the actions of china, from its desire for economic coercion to macroeconomic imbalances that lead to excess industrial capacity. after my trip to china, where i raised these issues, chancellor scholz, president macron and the chairman did the same. industrial capacity not only poses a threat to companies in the us and europe, it can also prevent countries around the world, including emerging markets, from creating industries that could provide. their growth. last week, the united states announced targeted steps to enforce intellectual property rights in states and trading partners of the united states. the eu and other countries are also using their powers to investigate and consider responses to china's actions. china's industrial policy may seem distant as we sit here
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in this room. but unless we come together and respond strategically. the failure of business both in our countries and throughout the world may be in jeopardy, and sanctions have been introduced against china for cooperation with russia for excessive economic growth; sanctions against russia, china has already responded, responded by imposing sanctions against twelve american companies that cooperate with taiwan in the military field, with the leaders of these companies, indeed. an impressive list of officials, on those customs duties of up to 100% that were introduced on chinese electric cars, china intends to introduce its twenty-five percent duties on cars from the european union and the united states, if sanctions against china are introduced in the european union in the united states of america, well, the americans are being drawn into this sanctions war also and japan, which also
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begins supplying weapons to taiwan. they , of course, ran into an unprecedented statement from the chinese ambassador to japan at qianghau, let's listen: if japan itself ties itself to the war chariot of splitting china, then the japanese will end up in a fiery hyena. this expression hurts the ear, but it must be said clearly, so that they don’t later say that no one warned, no one should underestimate the strong determination, strong will, and ability of the chinese government. people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, fire hygiene on at the diplomatic level, china has not yet promised anyone, this already sounds like something that the americans have generally gotten enough of. yacheslav alekseevich, any chinese diplomats, even if they are very angry, they somehow maintain certain red lines that they do not
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cross, that is, they always maintain a certain tact, we are what we now see in japan, japan has become very strong militarize. huge amounts of money from the budget are allocated to the military sphere, and japan begins to become some kind of large weapons production base, including a base as large as south korea, where the united states of america also has huge interests. china and japan and japan and south korea have certain disagreements, very serious ones. today's statements indicate that china will no longer tolerate this, unilateral sanctions, trade war, tightening the screws, because i 'm there. i remember today the trade exchange between the european union and the united states of america is a little more than 1.6 trillion dollars, this is a huge amount. janet yellin, when she was in china, one of the complaints was that this is not the european union, and not only the united states of america, she asked that china stop its development in asian countries,
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that china leave africa, this was said absolutely clearly , china is too... by the united states, the united states already believed that they already had vietnam, and that the horrors of the vietnam war, where the americans killed there, had already been forgotten.
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american stupidity, they added, they added, they added, the thing is that really, after all asia always looks very carefully at the ethical side of the question, and how is it actually ethically justified, what will be fair, what will not, what will be right, what will be wrong, gara, in fact, what for the anglo-saxons is absolutely instrumental, for asia this is essential, and hard attitude towards japan, because japan really got out of it. and japan happily becomes an instrument of the united states, therefore, in fact, china reacted sharply to japan in an unprecedented manner, but also... it’s clear that china, choosing between the united states, which will, in general, but they will never be sincere, and oscar said in relation to britain, that unfortunately,
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hypocrisy is an indispensable part of our upbringing, it is fair for the saxons in general, that is, to believe they are not allowed, and vietnam is here calmly, without rushing, but has demonstrated that in fact it is probably choosing the right and ethical side, because there is an ethical divide between. and today the brix academic forum opened in moscow, the sixteenth already, this is the sixteenth time i have headed the russian delegation, i have already spoken at this forum in the morning, our sherpa, sergei alekseevich rebkov, spoke, who answered questions from the big game, too... the heads of national delegations are on our air, don’t miss it. france was shocked by terrible news:
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a lone pigeon was discovered right in paris; foreign minister stephane sejournet was left alone after a heartbreaking parting with his gabriel hauthal. the turning point has come, which should force us to act against russia. the collapse of ukraine is on the agenda. the french would not mind participating in the division of the ukrainian pie. is put into the same outline that we heard before from macron regarding the sending of a french contingent to ukraine, cargo 200 has already arrived, french, naturally, cargo 200, sejournet’s subordinate in a russian prison, a crime against the person of children under fourteen years of age, stefan cejournet was a member of the so-called banda marneau group, the european financial families who are behind macron.
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towards europe, so we must retreat from the russian conservative tradition, epiphany and all these other pseudo priests are just pure mummers, so the schism is a tragedy, thanks to whom this all happened, this is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states, sam brownback . what should we do with lavroi, the main temple of kiev? you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it. he says very clearly that there is no need to do what you have already done, you even ended up in prison for your beliefs, the command was given just close my mouth, the girl is on
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her knees, she is praying, they are jumping around her, and then they drag her away and start beating her, or like killing some priests, you are proud of what you have done, the vavan and lexus show, today on the first, premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. to the 75th anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk. everybody dance! she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba. and everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy. jen, yes, let me out, it’s me, alone. i say, lyuba, don’t be afraid.
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probably created for each other, they were without each other, as i saw, they couldn’t live, love polishchuk, the last tango, we met, on sunday at the first, it will be... hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, in sunday, on the first. in...
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art will be banned, yes, this is a crook, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything on my own skin, the war passed her by, look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but a great meeting can be alone, i'll do challenge, and you will come to me, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you are making faces, marital status, you say, you have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, no family, no children, but art is devoted to the grave, you are a brilliant, dramatic actress , and everyone will know about it.
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ranevskaya from may 27 on the first birthday of lev nikolayevich tolstoy, a big game on '.
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then he kindly answered the big game’s question about how much the united states and the west are hindering the formation and development of our association. washington doesn't he likes everything that is not amenable to his control and, moreover, not just control, direct control. everything that goes beyond the scope is a mono model. american leadership,
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american hegemony of the modern publication causes rejection in washington and the work , including behind the scenes, to undermine brix, disrupt projects, complicate the activities of its institutions, including such an institution as the new development bank, continues, we feel it, but in brix. established, self-confident, powerful states that are not new to international affairs, and for whom it is no mystery that this course of dictate is an attempt to preserve american hegemony, each of the brix participants and i have our own channels, mechanisms, forms of cooperation that
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are developing, despite...
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thank you very much for inviting me, it is a great honor and pleasure for me to come here to russia in 2024. and i know how big it is. luck, we believe that brix is ​​a family, a union of great friendship, and for us today is a very important moment, the moment to come to russia. brix is ​​not only economic interaction, but it is also a political partnership. and, of course, it allows us to expand our capabilities. what is brix for us? for us, brix is ​​an opportunity to build bridges, to build bridges with other brix countries and with the whole world and we believe that. this is a good opportunity for us, which will allow us to define ourselves on the world stage, interact with superpowers, and of course, we believe that it is very important for us, historically important , to interact with russia, with brazil, with
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india, with china, and we believe that ours independence as a country also depends on this, it largely, perhaps precisely... thanks to russia, russia helps africa, helps us, so it is quite natural for us to follow your vision, follow the vision of brix, it is this that leads us, it is what led brought us to moscow today and led us to interact. today in my speech i spoke about the brix values, i named 10, as it seems to me, fundamental of these values, sarah corrected me and said that in fact i forgot the most.
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we, i, and my existence, must be in peaceful coexistence with other people, only mutual development allows us to create cornerstones for development, it is this value that should drive brix,
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should drive economic interaction, this is a simple but effective way of prosperity, including for africa, for russia, we will prosper, because the whole world will be prosperous.
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we are always glad to see you in moscow, and i am always glad to visit south africa, in my opinion, this is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, very diverse. sarah, you have there is now a chance to act as a tourist guide for all russian television viewers. tell us what it's been like since then. good things in your country that you should definitely see, of course, i would like to invite all russians to come to our beautiful country, we have very beautiful mountains, hilly terrain, we have beautiful people, we have a beautiful culture, and i would like to invite everyone everyone to come to our country, please come.
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will return at 17:00. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. klescheevka has been released. the dpr settlement was taken under control by units of the southern group. tactical position. the russian military has improved several things at once.


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