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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  May 22, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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you remember yura gagarin, you had a toy, you lost it? yes, i remember, there’s one here too, here it is, yura gagarent, you’ll be collecting it with your mother, there are three, yes, three, tetov and buckwheat, cosmonauts like that, i don’t believe at all that all this is true, and you wanted a jeep, here you go, ima, yes, you wanted it, well, well done for giving gifts, not empty-handed. he came, this is great, oh, konstantin, and you have a lot of gifts from dad, dad often gives you such gifts, well, no , privately, but he hid it, and you don’t remember the railway, the car, the iron rod, iron, yes, i remember, and i remember the car, but what else do you remember, do you still remember? how you spoiled me and
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just kept up, and recently i told you what i gave you for the new year? you don’t remember, well , it doesn’t matter, then you’ll remember, but i won’t remember, well , mom will tell you, uh-huh, sit down, little darling, come to me, little bunny, come, my dear, the child should have missed his dad, but for some reason he was reluctant - then he goes to him, by himself, he reaches out more to his mother, well, come on , help him... yes, toys, candy, of course, a gift for your sister, take the candy and put the pie in the other hand, right carefully, you promise to eat the pie, you promise, konstantin, yeah, that now i’ll take it, where are you going, now you’re taking it to dad, bring it, bring it, oh, how is he, oh, what sneakers she has, look, how cool, how fashionable - look, the shirt and jeans, like... see you,
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yeah, there’s something there, that’s great, konstantin, see you again, the bunny will come soon, dad, bye, my son is 18 years old, he’s in sixth grade class lives with me only because there was a school nearby, and in principle he communicated with my mother and with me, we didn’t have such a thing during the divorce, what will you do, how move on with your life, what do you want, ideally, the child is with you, ideally, ideally, i want him to leave us alone? well, how, and how does he bother you, tell me, husband, you know, until that time when he took the child and did not give him back, he held him, i gave him the child, well, for the weekend, look, alexander, the child will not lie, here is the child i said, i don’t want to go to dad, what i hear is, i saw your child for the first time, i see you, i don’t stand for anyone, i’ll be honest, i don’t have one, but for someone, you are not my relatives, but the child dad said to me took me away, dad locked me up and didn’t...
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you pressed his neck on the coat hanger, but he shrank all over, he’s so small, he’ll say what, he’ll say, he’s trying to please you, knowing that you hate your mother, knowing that you’re against his mother you don’t want to let go, knowing that you kicked your mother out, and in fear he will never say anything in his life, because he will be afraid that you will punish him, he will say what you want to hear, and he will tell his mother what she wants to hear, that’s what she exists for.
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well, by the way, we always drew mom with him. okay, that's why you have a court, who is ahead, i want everything to be decided fairly, so that your child does not suffer, a very smart, very smart boy, with absolute reactions, with notice, and the fact that he burrs, listen, our colleagues half burr, he had facial neuritis. after which, after some virus
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, he had otitis media, of course, i’m not... a doctor, you see, i have two children, i know that it’s a virus, it’s either some kind of terrible cold that gave complications, i have there was neuritis of the facial nerve, dima nagiyev had neuritis the facial nerve, thank god, i was pierced , but dim’s was not, so the boy needs to be dealt with, he needs to do, before, do a series of blockades in the neck, but they need to be dealt with, this is charming, of course, suddenly he wants to become an artist, this is not necessary. to take him away from his mother, you need to close your mouths and even if separately, but take care of the child, at least, but really give, gather all your strength to spend on him, oh, groom, hello, hello, first groom, where can i go,
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sit down here here, here, here, tell me, do you want, this is our first groom, laris, or will you go already, i wish you good luck, success, that’s the funny thing, you won’t believe it, i ’ll tell you honestly, first of all, we live. in one city, i saw these people and i know, i ’m needed here, well, you can go, you have questions or something else, i definitely don’t, you have questions for them, i can talk to my son behind the scenes, why are you asking me, i’m not a guardianship authority, they’ll tell you everything, some candy for you, son, yes, take some candy, you would become, well, irina’s defender, her to this one charming...
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with us, we will not give her to anyone, we will fight to the end, they want to take my daughter away from me, dad has appeared, sophia is yours, officially not your own daughter, you are not the biological father, i came to pick up my daughter, what kind of you are daughter got ready, take yours, you haven’t been in the child’s life since she was 6 years old, you don’t need a child, you
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need money, they want to take her into their family to have additional income, i’m more related to sonya than you, ilya. what did you just say? godmother, shut your mouth, it’s better not to speak at all, she all came to me derga, we’ll take sonya, there’s a lawyer, daria sevryakova, she thinks that this biological dad can’t approach the girl, why let’s use her. good afternoon, there is a law, the strict letter of the law, well, what can you do, but there is a seven-year-old
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girl, and in this situation the law applies to her. but i don’t know what to do, you know, there is such a small loophole in the law, we ’ll talk about it today, today in our studio ilya arzhanov, a resident of the moscow region, ilya, hello, hello, what do you have happened, tell me, they want to take my daughter away, my dad appeared 6 years later, that’s how i would have met, well, a girl, my dead wife, she... at that time she had a child sofia, well, we didn’t last long we talked to her, for a month she has already moved to live with me, well, in an apartment, that is, sophia is yours, well, officially not your own daughter, you are not the biological father, but nevertheless you
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consider her your daughter, listen, and you were she and her mother officially married or not, yes, yes, we have - well, a common son, sonya’s brother, and how long have you lived, uh, in general? 5 years, and so, well, 4 years, here is our anniversary, 4 years officially and 5 years in total, yes, my wife died on july 19th. years, what happened? she had diabetes, she was very young, how old was she? 28, well, dad appeared after death, but he is included in sophia’s birth certificate, that is , he is her official father, in addition to being biological, during the time that you lived together, he appeared at least once, did not call, did not wrote, did not figure at all, but paid some money, not anything at all, not at all was it when he showed up? my wife died, maybe a week
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has passed since my wife’s death, i’ve already gone to the guardianship, well , i ask what’s next, what are the next steps, they said to find this dad, i sort of found his phone number, went and met him, well, not to his house, but he came out of the entrance with his partner, well, they got into the car, i say, you bastard, well, as if i were saying, it’s somehow inconvenient for me to say that, i say, well, can you do it? to write a refusal to my daughter, we will certify all this to a notary, as if, at this moment he agreed, as if that’s all, well, everything without questions, that is, then he agreed, yes, yes, he agreed, and then, and then i went to opektka, they told me, give alexey’s number, i gave alexey’s number, they contacted him, talked, then he wrote to me that how we should meet with you, decide how it would be bad in my direction, and in what way? about alimony, he wrote to me, like, he doesn’t want to pay alimony, i don’t
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need any alimony from him, i just need documents, the guardianship just explained to him that even if he refuses from the child, he will be obliged to pay child support, you understand, listen, well, even from a mathematical point of view, it is cheaper to pay child support than to take the child, in the end he is now trying to take the child, but he wants to take the child, and he has somewhere to take her - in general, well, i don’t know, he lives with his partner. she also has two children, and you, do you have your own apartment? yes, well , we don’t live in my apartment right now, because after my wife’s death, it’s somehow creepy for me to live there, i live, well, in my grandfather’s apartment, but we can register sonya and either i can come to you, you live with two children now, yes, yes, and how does she treat you sonya, sonya is very good, and dad calls me, and how would we when, well, i took her, she was actually quite small, i was still studying. i was studying in college, when i was working, there i was with her, well, i was sitting, listen, let’s do this, we visited you, where do you live with two
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children now, yes, let’s see, we live in this apartment after dasha’s death, because that dasha died, and it’s kind of creepy for me to live, well where we lived before, i sleep in this room and... these dolls were given to me by my mother, and my father bought them for me on girls' day, i have a lot of
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gifts, this is my family album, this is me and my mother, this is my dad i went to the army, i have a family, mom, dad, brother and i are nobody. i’ll let you oblige my family, here i drew a christmas tree for the new year, it says grandma, grandpa, sleepyhead, dad, mom, this is my family, this is what my dad buys sweetly for me, this is what my dad bought for me, and for my gloomy boy. this is our beloved girl, this is our princess,
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we want sonya to live with us after all, we will not give her to anyone, we will fight to the end, mom, this is your mother, that’s right, she helps you with the children now, and you work, i’m working in moscow now, yeah, well, you earn enough to provide for two children, i have enough to provide for the children, uh-huh, but your mother doesn’t... yours works, your mother also works, but she comes earlier and, well, picks you up from school, and grandpa picks you up there too, sleepyhead sits there , there is a kindergarten there too, aunt valya comes there, that is, you can cope. yeah, but about alexey, dear dad, what do you know, he works, he doesn’t work, but it seems to me that he doesn’t work, he’s just somewhere when we’re doing something too, he’s constantly either going to school with me there, or to a psychiatrist, let’s go to sleepyheads , well, we’ve already gone to two psychiatrists to see pladnoy, why, in order to improve relations with dad, yes, yeah,
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but she wants to communicate with him, sonya doesn’t do anything at all, to a psychologist, after all, probably not to a psychiatrist, yes, okay , here. listen, let's ask alexey why he needs a child, he came to our studio, i came to pick up my daughter, what kind of daughter are you going to pick up, what are you like, where were you before, yours, where were you for 6 years when your daughter was growing up, i’m her dad, i’m her father, really, and where were you, answer the question, good question, where were you for 6 years , well, i raised my daughter until she was one and a half years old, after that we separated from my ex-wife, it turns out i was producing ...
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dying, for you she is no longer there, and i didn’t know where the child was, why the hell are you in yours now? you meddle into a child’s life in dirty queen boots, but because i think it will be better for her, what do you think, and who are you, to consider, i am her legal representative, her own father, alexey, to the question, where were you before, why did you not participate in your daughter’s life for so many years, did you give us a completely different answer before the program? well, i used to lead, you say, but i had a social lifestyle, i’d get fired from work, or whatever, i had a difficult period, i don’t hide it, i was on drugs, no, what do you want, stop, again, no, no, france i was shocked by terrible news, a lonely pigeon was discovered right in paris, the head of stephane
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sejournet was left alone after a heartbreaking parting with his gabriel hauthal, a turning point has come, which should for... force us to speak out against russia, the collapse of ukraine is on the agenda, the french would not mind participating in the division of ukrainian pirogues and sijourn, they agreed on a new entente the entente has an anti-russian purpose is invested in the same outline that we had previously heard from macron regarding the sending of a french contingent to ukraine, cargo-200 has already gone, french, of course, cargo 200, a relative of sijourne in a russian prison crime against the person of children under fourteen years of age . was a member of the so-called “gang of mormuns” group, european financial families who stand behind this boy because of macron, they want this revenge, to crush russia and ensure the victory of ukraine. stefan sijournet and the prospects of roasted pigeons. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. to
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the centenary of boris vasiliev. it’s still difficult for women in war, they all volunteer, shoot, rita, the target is caught, fire, yes, girls, yes, i can’t be with them, comrade, send me to the front line, while you distort your slaves, he will make a sieve out of you, so i categorically order you to lie down, okay, as... there is no such war, i can’t take it anymore, now i’ll go and be it’s impossible to shoot, it’s impossible, the germans have only one way, between these lakes through a ridge, eternal battle, we only dream of peace, and the dawns here
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are quiet, on saturday at the first, the enemy , armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction. keep quiet if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was
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amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they could not live without each other, i saw, love, polishchuk, the last tanga, they met. on sunday at the first, at the age of 19, i was left alone, why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh, yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, but this is a mule, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes, i am ranevskaya. she didn’t experience anything firsthand, the war passed her by, look at this face, she’s exceptional, there are many great directors, but a great meeting
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maybe alone, i’ll challenge this little guy, they love you, you’re a serious, smart guy, and you’re making faces, marital status, what do you say, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, without a family, without... children, but there’s a lot of foreshadowing, you are a brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it. ranevskaya from may 27 on the first, happy birthday to whom? lev nikolaevich tolstoy, did you come here to lie? no, did you even see the child, when we first met him, he didn’t even, he didn’t even know what sonya looked like, he said, show me the photo, just a second, what about the child,
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how the child speaks at the moment, how the child reads, well, i wish i had something to compare with, i understand that they are not taking care of the child at all, how ilya works at 7:00, as his mother told me, and the fact that his mother comes at 9:00 too, well , no matter how you were not in the life of a 6-year-old child, you are now finding out how she reads, what? she does, who are you, i’m my own father, no, you ’re looking from your side, that’s right, from the side, you took some data, but you didn’t think, yes, that a person could have changed during this time, yes, but you could already come to school to the child, to kindergarten, they could have before sonya’s mother died, well, i contacted her when i was not yet blocked, it turns out that i could contact her mother, yes, well, in the conversation i kind of understood that the child was walking to the kindergarten, but they kind of asked me specific questions about who contacted the kindergarten where and asked. arzhanov ilya
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alexandrovich. she was surrounded by attention and care from her parents. family relationships are positive, social conditions are good. both parents were involved in raising the child were interested in her successes, took an active part in her development and education, and visited. parent meetings, parents created all the conditions for the development and education of the child. family members listened to all the recommendations of the teachers. the child always came to kindergarten clean and neatly dressed. the girl's natural father, alexey morozov. throughout the entire period of sofia’s visit to the kindergarten, he was not involved in raising the child and did not maintain contact with the child care institution. but who interfered? yes, i agree that it was my mistake, which may be from ignorance, maybe i was young, i didn’t know. why, after the death of your wife, only when i came to you, did you wake up, because i had the opportunity to educate you, what opportunity do you have to make you living conditions,
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what kind of living conditions will you take to yours, or something, where she has two children in one room, sonya will still go there, how many people are in one apartment, we, the three of us live, and you know, i really want to see, by the way, where sonya’s biological father really wants to take her, let’s see, here’s the apartment, we’re here we live with tatyana. and two children live with us, in the future i want to take sonya to this apartment, in this room there are two beds, children's, ivan's bed, ekaterina's bed, their also work places where they do their homework, a sports instrument, we are going to hang it in in the future, when we take sonya, we will replace ekaterina’s bed with a two-story bed, with drawers, so that, well, they put things there, as if, well, the children have briefcases, there is somewhere to put... textbooks, a console, in the future, when we'll take sonya, she has everything there will be one too, the room is large, and i think there is enough space for everyone, our room with
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tatyana, here we... sleep with her, the children are separate, we are separately, here is our kitchen, here we eat, have breakfast, lunch, dinner, here we are sitting with tatyana, here is ekaterina sitting, here is ivan, then in the future we will put a table, sonya’s chair, and well, if she moves in with us, we bought sonya’s earrings. for a long time we could not give them, as a result, our diligent requests took a very long time, in response they sent us a video with sonya about how she refuses a gift, sleepyhead, dad lyosha wants to give you some kind of gift, maybe you can meet him and collect this gift for him, i don’t want to, i don’t understand why the child communicates like that in terms of her speech, but i i think that if they took care of the child, as they say, that they love her, why
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didn’t they... teach the child to communicate, i would like to take sonya into my family, so that she would live, as if with her own father, because the child should know my father, as it were, well, i’m ready to raise a child. tell me, please, whose apartment is this? tatyana, my roommate, we already live with her, this is her property, and you have something, well, yes, a part in the marishkino house, so to speak, and you and this roommate are not in official relations, but how can you then take the child there, secondly, there is one room there. sonya, this boy, how old is he? eight, 8 years old, these are children of different sexes, why should they live in the same room? are there any prohibitions regarding this? yes, of course, who do you work for, please tell me, delivery merchandiser, how much do you earn? officially, well, 25, and not officially, well, a little bit more, how much? with another company 20 days unemployed, another company alcohol 15,
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apartment for rent 17. what kind of apartment are you renting? well, it turns out that now my mother lives with my grandmother, yes, due to the fact that it happened to her, that she had problems in her life, that she is not able to live alone at the moment, your mother, for those years that you completely forgot about the child, well, you just forgot whether she somehow communicated with the girl or not, but no, none of my relatives had the opportunity to contact... the other side, and arzhanov, let’s call her here, he thinks, you know, yes, i’ve heard, galina , you know, you know, whose grandmother doesn’t need a child, you need money, i just need money, and you came to my dacha, what did you say, why should i tear it out of my family, i’d rather have the money go to my family, i ’ll take sonya, we don’t need money from you,
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leave the child. and what kind of story is this, you can tell us in more detail, and i ’ll tell you now, dad came with his madam and he says, i say, well, how will we decide, i say, the child, well, sonya will live with us, because i’m a grandmother, and this is the father, ilya, he was standing, that means, oh, no, we ’ll take sonya before the new year , why should we lose money from the family, we’d better take sonya and we will have a profit, that’s exactly what you said, you want to say that he wants to take sonya in order to receive a pension for the loss of food, he receives it, and you give it to sonya, no, i leave it where it goes where, and this is its nominal account in which it accumulates, and what does the child eat, well, i suggest help, you refuse it, you say, you don’t need anything, i write, if you write anything, you know, i don’t know, i
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don’t know this family at all... i know from his side, but i had a conversation once, i i called his grandmother, and then i asked her a question, i said, you tell me honestly, like a grandmother to a grandmother, why does alexei need sonya when he hasn’t seen her, when he doesn’t know her, she says, there’s all the money there, they want to take it her to your family so that there is additional income, and are you making this up now or something, this was a conversation in front of me, can anyone else confirm? sonya, i say, you need to get dressed, put on clothes, feed, drink, dress, put on shoes, some kind of entertainment, additional activities, this is a child, this is just a child, well, come up for alimony, i say, we can sign any document for you, that no alimony is needed from alexey, just none, and if suddenly some kind of phos major happens again,
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alexey gets sick or... something, what will you do? answer: orphanage, let's do this, listen to me, not you, no one else can deprive a child. the money that he laid down, if this is a father who does not live with the child, does not support him, he will still have to pay alimony, you cannot refuse it, this is not money for you, this is the money of the girl, your wife, deceased, when she separated from him, she at that moment she filed for alimony, she definitely filed, she definitely filed, look, there is evidence that this is very important for the court. that she has already applied for alimony, now that any does not live with him, you can collect alimony 3 years before, 3 years before - that’s enough a decent amount, it will automatically be his
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debt, he will not pay it off in his life, and if he does not pay off his alimony debt, this is the most compelling reason to deprive him of parental rights, i’m not scaring him now, i’m not afraid, i’m not scaring , i speak. just about what it will be like from the point of view of the law, why am i saying this now, maybe stop being fussy and simply come to an agreement here today in this studio as a human being, there is always the opportunity to remain a human being, you will remain just a dad who comes to weekends, just on weekends, and maybe someday sonya will say, dad, thank you very much, and maybe someday sonya herself will want to go to you, well, there must be something human in you, we are now trying to explain to my father, who , who, who believes that he is
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the father, that there is no chance, zero, of returning the child, zero, why do i say so confidently, yes, because the girl doesn’t know you, right? she can’t imagine that you are a father, and about this, let’s look at this story, sleepyhead, there’s a gift for you from dad lyosha, well, he wants to give you something, i need him somehow, i don’t know, maybe you can meet him and take this gift? no, i don’t want to, why? i don’t want it, you can take the gift, i don’t want it, why don’t you want it, i don’t want it. what, who do you want a gift from? from mom and dad? daria, before the program you talked with sonya, yes, we actively talked, i would even say so, i know everything, she has a very good child-parent
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relationship with her stepfather, a great one with her grandmother, she is really very attached, she loves you very much loves you very much, aims to communicate with you as much as possible, and unfortunately, she is afraid of her biological father, but due to the fact that, unfortunately, this simply does not support her. such moments, but again, here is the main problem, i would say, trauma, no, 100% neglect, her mother died, we forget everything, naturally, since she lost her mother, she is incredibly afraid of losing now the one she has now, therefore, on your
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part, you need to pull yourself together and stop saying some bad things about your biological father, but ilya is also starting to twitch, so he calls the school, i have to go to school, so i want to. will meet, ilya breaks away from work, for 2 minutes so that he can look at sonya, he said this to sonya, you love a bottle of milk, no, i fed you from a bottle, remember, that’s it, while the special operation is going on, the orthodox church is being destroyed in ukraine. we are moving towards europe, so we must move away from the russian conservative tradition. epiphanius, all these other pseudo-priests are just pure mummers.
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today is the first one. for the birthday of larisa guzeeva. i was born yaroslav at that time when all the young people dreamed of something else. i dreamed of becoming an artist. one of your first roles was in this famous cult series, the meeting place cannot be changed. look, it was a crowd scene. everyone comes to the theater institute a little sick in the head with mania and grandeur. we all go there as folk artists. it was hard. what would you like your children to do? follow in your footsteps, no, your daughter, for example,
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is objectively much more talented than me, many times over, but she doesn’t like this profession, how by the wind, what fate brought you to television, i was already over 40 so good, suddenly i was invited to try out for this program, let’s get married, i watched it, i thought, my god, what the hell, where am i and where is television, podcast lab, tomorrow on first, premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. the child is in custody
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now, despite the trauma he suffered, in principle, yes, that is, let’s say it’s such a difficult situation, to give it to the father, that means cause injury, additional, additional, i understand correctly, everything is correct, i’m interested in how the guardianship authorities regard this situation, we went to voskresensk, to the guardianship authorities, we are the first channel, the story is very simple, do you think we are at least - we received an answer, let 's see, hello, and we have some interviews from television from channel one, in agreement with the management, the main organization with the management is located in yegoryevsky.
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contacts for journalists, we are trying to call this number, hello, you have reached ministry of social development of the moscow region, look, we are calling numbers, i understand correctly that it is the minister of social development.
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in front of me they tried to dial all those official numbers that are on this site, you understand what the result is, no, i have a question for you, please tell me, did he try to make any attempts to take sonya, no, no , he didn’t try, he just kind of wanted to establish a relationship with her, a psychologist, we already went through psychologists, well, we can’t do it every day
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go, it’s in the guardianship authorities, we said so, the guardianship authorities dictate, and you tried to ask him for financial help, but i plucked up the impudence that weekend, so i’m calling, i say, alexey, i say, we’ll be in the city now sonya’s children’s world, despite the fact that he receives a pension, yes, yes, so i say: sonya needs to buy a jacket, well, there are tank tops, sneakers, socks, that means everything is fine, yes, he arrived, he paid 9300, then that means , already... we left the children's world, he oh, sonya, i still won’t give you earrings, gave earrings, but sonya, when we arrived, she didn’t take it from him at first, she didn’t take it from him, but she took it from his roommate, it’s very good that you just
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remembered about your roommate, because this is where the full theater of the absurd begins, the point is that sonya has a godmother, yeah. for some reason, the godmother eventually became alexei’s roommate. this is the one who has two children, and in the apartment where you live? 6 years later she appeared and also said: i’m godmother, where was she? i just want to remind you before she comes out here that godfather, godmother mother, godfather in general, these are second parents, they are responsible for what happens to the child. let's ask her how she is?
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ladies, this is very beautiful, we like it on channel one, so you baptized the child, right, yes, yes, what responsibility do you bear for sonia? and responsibility, that is, well, as far as i know, but the fact that someday something happens to parents, well, i can raise a child. what kind of relationship do you have? well, i started to establish contact with her, and after daria’s death we came. galina received many proposals from me to spend time together , to go somewhere, or to go somewhere to our city, we have attractions in the park, so who did you offer this to? sonya, what did she say, but she is either silent,
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silent, or says: no, i don’t want to, that ’s it, i don’t hear anything else from the child, how often are you a godmother? i visited the girl at school, i visited alexey at school, why am i asking, sonia’s class teacher and i talked, let’s listen to what she told our editor, since she just came back from kindergarten in the first grade, she had some problems with reading, yes, but lately she ’s been trying especially hard, as if progress is visible, she probably doesn’t have enough after all, of course now, mom, because you can see what she wants. always there to hug, she is such a sensitive girl with quite a character, that is, she can stand up for herself, she won’t let herself win, she teaches, dances, performs, her biological father alexei morozov never appears at all, i understand correctly, september 1, as far as i i know, he was on the line, he writes to me once a month, there once a week, well, they ask how
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sonya is, if everything is fine with her, so after galina nikolaevna tried to somehow draw up the document, he probably started somewhere maybe since october. november, now i can’t say for sure, but to write, when, as i understand it, the trial began, he asked, well, he started writing and asked for a meeting, the meeting took place here at school, in the presence of sonya, and accordingly, so to speak, two dads, alexey and iline, here comes the social teacher, girl, so to speak, she doesn’t know him, so there was no contact, because sonya didn’t answer a single question for alexey, that is, she was just pinched, she knows that she has dad ilya and dad alexey, that is... she i’ve encountered alexey before and he thinks that this biological father can’t come within a mile of a girl, so why
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let’s ask her. good afternoon, hello, i understand that the arzhanov family has contacted you, right? yes, indeed, in the fall of 2023 , ilya and galina approached me, and they came together with onechka, with the question of helping to keep the child with her. eh, i want to comment a little. uh, alexey said that he has part of marishkin's house. in 2020. alexey filed a claim for payment of compensation, compensation for a share of this property, that is, you wanted to get money, so there...
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they worked, helped, made every possible effort, even to check whether the child really wants a biological , or maybe the stepfather is cheating, a psychological test was carried out examination, results, sonya loves the family she is in, does not accept another, she becomes depressed when she hears about her biological father alexei. by the way, we have this conclusion, let’s see, i’m really interested, this is very important: the family system depicted
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by the girl, at the time of diagnosis, includes family members living with her, there are no disturbances in the emotional sphere and basic needs for love and communication. conclusion: violation of parent-child relationships, negativism, the emotional background is unstable in relation to morozov’s blood father am, anxiety - nervousness, imagine, i ’m tracking down a dangerous drug dealer on an expensive snow-white yacht, zhirkov, oleg zhirkov, victim, mazurov kirill, born in ninety-second, well, like telepathy, kushnir, new level, kostya , well, how undeplorable i am, i can explain everything, i won’t bother you anymore, hands up, both of you, put the gun down, new episodes, watch the time after the program, the killer has been found, you can close the case,
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receive gratitude from your superiors, a paper they say, now we need to take care, yes, dear, yes, i will buy, i will buy, yes, they will be there soon. kvn, first quarterfinal, on saturday, on the first. well, hello, brother, are you involved in crime? i see that he squeezed the latvian’s cabinet. ranevskaya, your head is in the right place, they told me. you can’t watch tv from morning to night, here you go, from may 27 on the first,
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family is love, first of all, it is support, it is support, these are the people who can support you at any time, our mothers, wives, uh, daughters, this is... my favorite, every week we go to the whole family some restaurant, cafe and just spend time together, being parents is great, it’s good, but in general it’s very, very exciting, it’s just an attraction, i wish mothers that they always win some games, mommy, we we love you, yes, this is our homeland, you are my second mother, i am dear to you, i am ready to give my whole life, my family, my loved ones, my friends, this is my homeland. i want her to smile every day along with her residents. let's
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see, you started digging about alexey too, and it turned out that, yes, indeed, this means that alexey morozov was brought to criminal liability, under article 175, this is the sale of property obtained through criminal means. and he underwent a psychiatric examination, according to the psychiatric examination he is healthy, but he has a drug dependence syndrome. in 2018, this is exactly the explanation given by morozov himself, even before meeting ilya, where he himself says: i use drugs, i was undergoing treatment when i arrived with...
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he claimed, yes, he said that i was a drug addict, former drug addict, i don’t use now, it ’s you, what again, well, they prescribed drugs, it’s not mine at all, by the way, i swear, it’s not mine, daria, he wrote this, yes, these are his explanations given in 2018 , it was he who was brought to administrative responsibility for the first time for improper fulfillment of parental obligations, and please note that i cannot spell out what he himself indicates. his child to the street, or rather to the house where alexey himself is registered, because there are no normal living conditions for living there, yeah, that is, he refused and explained why, yes, great, they won’t give you the child, but if there is a question for me, i will take the position of the child, but the second family, please stop turning them
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against, please, have pity on the child, don’t take away the father, then she is you.. alexey, if you really want to improve your relationship with your child, then understand that gold earrings are not an essential item for a child, he doesn’t need them, girls are 7 years old, gold earrings are not needed, you need something else, you love. this girl, but objectively she is better off in this family, she has her own room, she is looked after. you, well, well, today you live, you don’t have a marriage, tomorrow your family didn’t happen, broke up, you left, this is a girl, she’s a stranger to her, even though she’s a godmother, but she’s not a godmother, a stranger , how will she live, who needs her there, should she go to you, you don’t have your own home, this is also an argument in favor of simply not giving you a child, first of all, first of all, i want to say to ilya, you’re a great fellow,
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you accepted a girl who already had a child, not every man, especially at a young age. agree to take on such responsibility, you did it, and you showed that this is your daughter. there is no family in this family, he didn’t even say that these are my children, he is petya, vasya and so on, this already says a lot, i want, you know, just to take this chance, probably to tell my colleagues from the guardianship authorities, i i understand that you are trying to preserve your blood family, as stated in the family code of the russian federation and in other by-laws, there is an ideal family here, not alcoholics, not drug addicts, here...
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this is not a refusal, this is a statement being written, no one offered you to give up the child, well, in other words, you say exactly this, as if, if there is another option, the other option is to refuse, right, when a difficult life situation, a parent can entrust guardianship to another person, our situation is exactly this, we can just come, two dads, yes, as we call them, have filed an application for guardianship, ilya will be our guardian, are you ready to do this?


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