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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  May 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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i’m just now on the plane returning, that is, when you took off from delhi, the whole plane was full of russian tourists, families go there, well, it was very interesting, the first time i saw this, absolutely right, because in india, of course there is something to see, this is really a country where they treat us well, and where they remember very well that india is hindi phai phai, yeah, so brix is ​​with us, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's take the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don't miss it. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. important. height from where you can
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control the enemy’s movement. klescheevka in the dpr was liberated by our military, and a lot of enemy equipment was destroyed. home from the ministry of defense report. the well-being of people is the most important criterion for assessing the work of federal and regional authorities. statement by vladimir putin at a meeting of the supervisory board of the agency for strategic initiatives. and the axis will have an updated strategy for the next 10 years. reliable partner of our country in tehran farewell ceremony for president ibrahim resi, who died in a plane crash. russia is represented at the mourning events by vyacheslav volodin. produces world -class products, despite sanctions. help for small medium-sized businesses is the focus of the head of the cabinet of ministers. new regions and border areas especially need support. over 3
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years, 25,000 families received assistance. the circle of good foundation, created on the initiative of the president, saves lives and gives hope. we collected the stories of his wards. russian troops, thanks to the active actions of the southern groups liberated kleshcheevka in the dpr. it is located near artyomovsk. this is an important height, from where you can also control the movement of the enemy. on the flanks, as well as deliver more intense attacks on ukrainian militants entrenched in the south of chasov yar. as for the other groups, two in the west and the center immediately improved the position along the front line. the fighters of the north advanced deep into the enemy’s defenses and repelled three counterattacks in the kharkov region. a large number of weapons, including western ones, were destroyed. polish artillery mounts krap, british and american howitzers, several us-made counter-battery stations, german marder infantry fighting vehicle. and...
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and of course the participation of the entire society, the contribution to the development of the country, of almost every citizen. let me emphasize that we will, of course, solve the most ambitious tasks, ensure economic growth, and therefore the well-being of russian families, if we continue to expand opportunities for our scientific and production teams, for engineering, entrepreneurial, creative teams, and for volunteers. and representatives of non-profit organizations, the non-profit sector, and here i would especially note that the main mission of the agency has always been to support promising, public, business, scientific and technological initiatives, to promote the harmonious development of regions. vladimir putin proposed creating an updated axis strategy for the next 10 years. the initiatives that the agency supports should become part of national projects, the president emphasized. according to him
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, federal departments should take this into account in their work. i ask the government, the ministry and the department, synchronize efforts, act in close conjunction, in partnership with the agent. in all the most important areas of its activities, this concerns personnel training, environmental well-being, issues of improving the business climate, which we will, of course, talk about today, and of course, social spheres where the agency has significant achievements, including within the framework of the national social initiatives. the agency helps the constituent entities of the federation formulate regional plans for increasing the birth rate, based on real life situations. forms measures to support large families. solidary steps in matters of technological development are extremely important. agency experience is also in demand here. moreover, the first national project of technological sovereignty on unmanned aircraft systems was launched largely
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thanks to the contribution of private companies and university teams within the framework of the national technology initiative. the key direction of the agency is, of course, the development and support of entrepreneurship. last year for the first time the agency launched competition of regional brands in support of domestic russian brands, and we presented you last year, this year the finalists of this competition, we see huge potential and huge growth, last year there were 5,500 participants, this year there are twice as many, and most importantly the results , as a result of the competition and the support of partners, the revenue of our companies has grown from 50 to...
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residents of iran and more than 50 government officials from around the world, but also with ritual subtleties. the day before, the first part of farewell took place in the city of tabriz, where a helicopter crash occurred. then the bodies of the dead were transported to the holy city of shitov for muslims in the city of qom, 150 km from the capital of iran, and only after that, accompanied by a huge number of people literally standing all the way. the tram cortege headed for tigerand. these frames show that the crowd accompanying the cortege throws handkerchiefs in order to somehow touch the already named saint ibrahim rreisi, who was martyred in iran. he will be buried tomorrow in his hometown of mishket, where one of the centers of
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muslim pilgrimage is located, the mausalee of imam riza, revered equally by both sunnis and shitas. our country is represented at the farewell ceremony for ibrahim resi by state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin, who arrived in tehran early in the morning. on behalf of vladimir putin, whom he met the day before departure. the death of president rasi is a great loss, first of all, of course, for iran and the iranian people, so i ask you to convey words of sincere condolences in connection with this tragedy. indeed, he was a very reliable partner, a straightforward man, self-confident, first of all, a man who was guided by national interests, but, of course, he was a man of his word, with him was...
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as you said correctly, we need to support our partners our country. a live broadcast of the farewell of the russian delegation led by vyacheslav volodin was shown by all iranian television channels. well, in moscow, immediately after the first reports of the death of the iranian president, people have been bringing flowers to the embassy of this country for several days now. ibrahim raisi's helicopter crashed on may 19; the president was flying to the border with azerbaijan, where he, along with ilham aliyev, participated in the launch ceremony of hydroelectric facilities on the arak river.
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to provide them with expert support, expert assistance in identifying the true causes of this disaster. as for the farewell to the deceased ibrahim reisi, the leaders sent condolences to tehran. mourning was declared in iraq, syria, pakistan, india, lebanon, and even officials of the european union reacted, relations with which iran were , to put it mildly, strained. your condolences sent by the president of the european union, charles michel, as well as borel. they stand out sharply against this background.
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it is necessary to provide time off and vacations, to restore destroyed houses before the start of the heating season.
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according to the president, special attention should be paid to those who lived in snt and have no other property. business in russia under conditions of unprecedented sanctions, how to increase efficiency, how to support and give impetus to development? mikhail mishustin spoke about this and more at a meeting with the head of the sme corporation, alexander esaevich. one of the most important topics are loans. for the last year. 162 thousand companies received. special measures to help entrepreneurs are needed in our new regions in the border areas. we also dwelled on this in detail. dmitry kochitkov has all the details. this plant in podolsk near moscow produces polymer materials for the composite wing of the promising russian medium-range aircraft ms-21. the products completely replace imported analogues. recently we received a preferential loan here. million rubles at only 3% under the high-tech lending program
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enterprises, this program allowed us to significantly increase production capacity ; our company’s employee growth over the past year and a half has been at least three times, a wonderful window has opened, an opportunity that we need to fully realize in order to produce products and replace imports, because we actually produce products are not of russian level, but of world level. mikhail mishutin spoke with the head of the sme corporation, alexander isaevich, about supporting entrepreneurs. sometimes too much protection, small medium-sized businesses do not need it, because they are mainly interested in preferential lending programs and affordable loan funds. the volume of government support is growing annually, as in last year’s example, it grew by 27% and amounted to 1.6 trillion rubles. it is important that not only the volumes, but also the number of loans received by entrepreneurs is growing. it grew over the past year by 20%, received by 162 thousand companies, another very important thing is
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the interaction of small businesses with large companies, increasing to 25% of those volumes the implementation that large companies should have with small medium-sized enterprises from the sme register, it seems to me, helped them a lot, it gives such a new incentive, and what is also very important for them is that they know about each other, this by the way, the register of small businesses contributes. mishutin believes that financial support will help small and medium-sized businesses, under unprecedented sanctions conditions, quickly adapt to working under pressure so that entrepreneurs can occupy the niches that are being vacated.
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we have also adapted our tools; entrepreneurs from new regions can attract borrowed money at 10% while simultaneously covering guarantees from the corporation, this has already made it possible to receive almost 600 million rubles. by the end of the year , another 2 billion rubles will be distributed to entrepreneurs. a separate program is being developed to support the business of border regions of the federation of the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions; the loan rate will be lower than the market one. in 3 months, entrepreneurs have already attracted. rub 8.5 billion for the second half of the year we also reserved another 20 billion rubles. as for the border areas, you know, we have approved the regime of a special economic zone and the corresponding benefits and elements of preferential regimes will also work there. everything must be done to help them have all the necessary tools to develop their business, or at least to
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maintain it. at the meeting they also discussed the work of the service launched 2 years ago. the industrial cooperation project helps companies,
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assistants of the belgorod region, the people's front responded to this collection little by little collected, as they say, by the whole world, but it all will go just to the defenders of the belgorod region, to those guys who are in the northern military district in the kharkov region, people help, give money themselves, carry things, that is, we collect and , as they say, transport them to the guys as a whole. cooperation between russia and oman has noticeably intensified, the positions of the states on many regional and international issues coincide. this was discussed today in moscow. chairman of the state council of the sultanate abdelmalik al-khalili is in our country on an official visit. he spoke at at the plenary session, saffeda met with the first vice-speaker of the state duma. the topic will be continued by yuri lepatov. chairman of the state
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council sultanateman sheikh abdal-malik ben abdala al-khali, special guest of the council.
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at a good pace, this interaction is based on mutual respect, coordination , joint cooperation in various fields, be it on a bilateral or multilateral basis or in the international arena, i wish you and the friendly russian people progress and prosperity, peace be upon you, the mercy of the almighty and his blessing. this year, oman was given the honorary status of a guest country at the st. petersburg international economic forum. this status is assigned to only one country at a time. over the past few years, countries have been guests of the forum. egypt, united arab emirates, now aman. the status provides for a whole range of events, both business and cultural programs, which gives impetus to trade relations between the two countries. sheikh abdul malik. ben abdala al-khalili today met with first deputy speaker of the state duma alexander zhukov. the position of russia and oman coincides on a number of issues on the international agenda. we, just
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like you, stand for a fair world order, the rule of law in international affairs, and building mutually beneficial relations with other states. i would like to convey to you greetings from the chairman of the state duma, mr. volodya.
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to loved ones. in moscow, on the territory of the qatari embassy, ​​negotiations are underway through the mediation of this state; russia handed over a group of six boys to the ukrainian country. the youngest is 6 years old, the oldest is 17. among they have two brothers. the ambassador of qatar was present at the event. he thanked our children's obbudsman, maria lvova belova, for the efforts. in april, in the capital of kator, doha, lists of 29 children who now live in russia were recorded. and we are working on their reunification with loved ones in ukraine, as well as 11 children living in ukraine, their relatives are waiting for them in russia. today's meeting is precisely the result of these
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agreements. let me remind you that during the entire period of the special military operation we managed to reunite 70 children with their relatives in ukraine, and six children returned to their loved ones in russia. there is probably no greater joy than seeing children's smiles and watching them grow. they change, learn new things, and even if there are health difficulties, they still live life to the fullest, like other peers. the circle of kindness foundation helps seriously ill children in our country. it was created on the initiative of the president. the medications that these guys often need are not just expensive, they cost astronomical money, but these are the drugs that can stop the disease. parents will not be able to raise such amounts on their own, even if they sell literally everything they have. stories of families who are helped. hands of goodness in the report by olga knyazeva. emil is a refusenik, fate could have turned out in such a way that he would have no one to say the word “mother” to, but miracles accompanied
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the baby from birth. in the maternity hospital, he undergoes extensive neonatal screening and is diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy in time before the first symptoms appear. further, the state fund is the circle of goodness as much as possible quickly provides the boy with medicine, and then his mother appears in his life. i am eternally grateful to the circle of kindness for the fact that despite all the obstacles with documents. since his biological mother left him and did not sign any waivers, nothing, they spent a very long time preparing the documents, but made every effort, i know that it cost them incredible efforts, 3 months before the symptoms appeared, before the onset of the disease, milchik received treatment, in the case of a diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy, when the child’s muscles begin to weaken, he does not develops and may never learn to walk, for example, get treatment immediately before the symptoms, this is in some...
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yes, these are the amounts that parents of children with severe, rare and chronic diseases faced until the circle of goodness appeared. the fund's budget is formed thanks to an additional 2% personal income tax paid by those who earn more than 5 million rubles per year. the fund was created by presidential decree. the increased rate will be taxed only on that part of a person’s income that exceeds 5 million rubles. in this way the budget, even in this in this case, he will receive an additional 60 billion rubles a year, and these funds will be used for the treatment of children with serious, rare diseases, for the purchase of necessary medicines, equipment and
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rehabilitation means, as well as for... high-tech operations. vladimir putin said these words in 2020. the fund appeared in 2021. during this time, 25,000 families received assistance. today russia is one of the leading countries in terms of availability of medicines for children with serious and rare diseases. over the past year, 120 billion rubles were spent in order to return children to health, here is to return their childhood. initially, the fund's work is 215 billion rubles. were used for the purchase of registered and unregistered. medicines, there are medicines that cost tens of hundreds of millions of rubles, no matter what the price, we provide such medicines, we are attentive to the budget, but we try to ensure that if there is treatment for a child, it would be affordable in russia, that is, as soon as a medicine appears in the world that can help, the fund is looking for him and finds him, this happened with the drug vasoritis, an eight-year-old dementia patient who is having difficulty growing due to a diagnosis of ochondroplasia, thanks to the drug he grew by 10 cm in 2 years, you can say: what kind of arrangement do i
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want to arrange, so that i can run around there, the drug to grow at least a little, only operations helped dyoma, now he gets injections every day, 20 million rubles a year are needed for this, and the fund will give this money for up to fourteen years, until the body stops growing, we believed that someday our children will have access to such a drug, but we... they couldn’t even hope that it would become available so quickly after the moment of its appearance, but the fact is that behind this there is a background circle of goodness, and there is a state one. fund, there is a well-established mechanism of interaction, and with the ministry of health, with the clinic, this allows you to be sure that everything will be delivered reliably, on time, this confidence and peace of mind is spoken of by all parents, into whose lives a circle of goodness came on time, to do everything that is necessary to save a child, neonatal screening helps in a timely manner; blood tests are already carried out more than a year for all children in the country, immediately after birth, as soon as a diagnosis is made, for example, of a rare disease, the foundation finds out about this child, you are so cool, you are
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give the drug, without drugs, without the foundation, zhenya could have died, with as long as there is money in the country for the drug, please give it there for the drug, the circle of good works, some parents don’t even have time to scroll through this terrible scenario in their heads, from an instantly diagnosed diagnosis to a quick collection of documents, the start of therapy, at every stage the system is built like this, so that mom and dad who were faced with a child’s illness understood that they were not alone with their misfortune, the state was helping them. olga knyazeva, veronika lvuchenkova, sergey mukhin, alexey dushenkov, darbakova, nina khoreva and maxim kulifey. first channel. more than 300 young and talented journalists from 29 countries gathered in st. petersburg. the international media forum dialogue of cultures started there today. correspondents, cameramen, photographers, graphic designers, podcast writers and directors are all between 18 and 35 years old. they came from all over the world: italy, spain, serbia, switzerland, argentina, mexico. there are conferences ahead with the participation
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of leaders of leading media outlets in russia and eurasia.


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