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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  May 22, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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the main thing is that we should not forget, unlike so many, we have an existential issue at stake, the existential question of the existence of our country, our culture and civilization in the form in which we want it to exist, if we do not forget this , speaking about negotiations, freezing, and so on and so forth, everything will work out for us, as it happened more than once when we remembered, well, the dolls of the heir to tute, where would we be without them? france was shocked by terrible news: a lone dove was discovered right in paris, foreign minister stefan sejournet was left alone after a heartbreaking separation from his partner gabriel atal, who went to...
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and the sudanese people. over the past year, his people have been victims of a terrible war, a war he did not want. the purpose of these meetings is to mobilize the entire international community so that the world sees sudan take action. how unlucky the long-suffering people of sudan were, thought residents of the entire african continent. it will be a disaster if suddenly the eyes of the french fall on a particular country. not a year yet passed as the colonialists were finally driven out of the rich natural resources. resources
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of west african countries, as the minister of foreign affairs of the peta republic, stefan sornet , immediately found a new point of application. sudan. poor we are, the french themselves thought. another, in quotation marks, peace initiative 100 km from paris will make them even poorer, or even take the life of someone close to them. we are no longer even talking about france and its weakening by blind and irresponsible elites. the question is, are we willing to send our children to die? because the us wants to create bases on the borders with russia, american and european neoconservatives do not want peace negotiations, we must fight until the last ukrainian, and what after that, where will we end up? this is a rhetorical question, because france has found itself in this place more than once in its recent history. paris was forced to send a military contingent to the islands of new caledonia.
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sending the french into the ukrainian trenches shocked the partners in the atlantic alliance so much that us secretary of state anthony rushed to paris on the evening plane it is not known for certain, but his determination damn for, i quote, synchronizing watches, as a result , stéphane sajournet publicly sulked for macron, whose wording at the final press conference greatly softened macron’s attack. ukraine certainly did not want this war. in reality, we all made efforts to avoid.
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almost all of my school years were spent in argentina, and i even received my bachelor's degree in buenos aires. sejournet returned to france to enroll in the faculty of law at the university of poitiers. there he entered the marxist a student club nicknamed the poatie gang in the french press. young people supported the presidential ambitions of the prominent french politician dominique strausscan, but the whole idea fell apart after he was framed in a sexual assault case and thrown out of the big time forever. emmanuel
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macron. macron, at that moment, minister of economy. appreciated the young man’s activity and made him his advisor; sejournay was also entrusted with managing the collection of sponsorship for the presidential elections; after macron’s victory, sejournay was awarded access to the courtyard of the elysee palace. macron's boys from his party at the elysee palace, there are very few women among the architects of his success. another such boy of macron was the future prime minister of france gabriel ottal. the young people became such good friends.
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sejournet entered the legal affairs committee and did everything possible and impossible for his patron. through sejournet’s efforts , macron’s weight in the european parliament has increased significantly. an adviser to the french president led the largest faction there, renewing europe. and france, despite the machinations of ursula fondeyan, it was possible to retain significant weight in european decision-making. his easy-going, helpful disposition generally helped sezhurnaya a lot back then. for the sake of a career.
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thus, at the age of 38, stephane sajournet became the youngest foreign minister of france and was terribly embarrassed by caustic attacks about his own merits. my position in the ministry was not obtained through family connections. the day came when journalists no longer found a wedding ring on sejourne’s ring finger. having developed vigorous activity in his new post, stefan began to look for his own way to enter great history. for his first foreign visit he chose. in 4 months, kiev, in the role of head of the french foreign policy department, traveled through african countries, turned to southeast asia and even visited china, took the initiative to bring all european weapons to a single standard, prepared a resolution to reduce tensions in the south of lebanon, traveled around the muslim east,
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called netanyahu cease fire in the gaza strip. at a meeting with his british colleague , cameron announced the creation of a new entente, and declared his upcoming... visit to berlin as the culmination of franco-german relations, while strangely, the dates and geolocations of sejournet’s visits from time to time coincide with the presence of anthony blinken there; the secretary of state apparently made a strong impression on the aspiring minister. in fact, after the press conference, blinkin and sejournet stayed en masse.
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deserves any aggression from his point of view, and blinken, another participant in these same negotiations, is more restrained. let's see. when it came to ukraine, our point of view the policy from day one has been to do everything possible to help ukraine defend itself against russian aggression. at the same time, we do not support or approve of ukrainian strikes outside its territory. dear colleagues, what is the reason for such a difference in positions, although it seems...
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he only acts in the paradigm of his president, yes, of his government, in this situation he, to put it simply, does not bother with such economic subtleties, that is, blinken. interest is purely economic, but in devouring it demonstrates an exclusively political vision of the problem, that is, to cut it is to cut it, but i want to add that in addition to the factor of the cost of oil, of course we are talking about other political differences, the differences in their lines are now in the united states, well, as in france, of course, they are growing awareness of the impossibility of crushing russia to ensure victory. ukraine, something that, by the way, was also said later in one of his
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interviews, the collapse of ukraine is on the agenda, and the united states is inclined, this is quite obvious, well, after all, to search there is no compromise, in any case, they do not need a democratic administration at all, they do not need a sharp aggravation, any colossal shifts in the ukrainian situation in the pre-election year. well, you see, sagerne is such a militant homosexual of macron, excuse the expression, but he was back when he was leading his election campaign, i remember the episode, the first round, when they politically started the story of the generally unknown macron to promote, and after that everything stood the old european financial families, they needed there was... a new face in europe, they needed someone who was so manageable, but i want to tell you
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that this category of people, they are usually the most manageable, so the first round, there is a slight difference, yes macron is 23, to mine, lepen is 22, villon is 21, milachon is 20 or 19, well , right here, right here, just a little bit, just a little bit, a very nervous atmosphere, 9:00 pm, vote counting, they are clearly distorting this story. i was just in paris, i observed it, i was there as an observer at the elections, it’s clearly distorting, the bastille square, students are coming out, well, they’re in favor petty and brutal suppression, they just start beating these students in the square, i emphasize, this is the seventeenth year, we haven’t seen all this yet, what happened next, the police just start beating them in the most brutal way, i ask my colleagues, and we talked with the headquarters of the republicans, and i ask, i say, is this normal for you? that’s all, they say: listen, we have insight, you know,
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macron’s chief of staff is there, he himself dressed up in a police uniform, and he himself commanded these police and beat these students with his own hands, you understand, this says a lot about this person, but practically, yes, absolutely true, he acts exclusively within the framework. new in the narrative of macron, whose belligerent statements in february, march and april regarding the sending of official and military contingents of nato countries, including france, to ukraine, well , created a sensation, of course, do not cease to be discussed in france on all platforms, so he acted in within this line, because, which, by the way, is like...
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criterion, it’s interesting that a week later, literally after this press conference , macron makes a statement of a very interesting nature, let’s listen: we continue to fire missiles, which will allow us to strike deep into russia at targets that pose a serious threat to ukrainians. we are also going to increase supplies. now that the europeans are faced with this, we must be prepared. in other words, we europeans must do.
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and this story clearly does not suit him, sometimes it is very useful to look at those who are nearby, you know, it reminded me of when mr. blinken was running after biden and worried that he wouldn’t say something unnecessary, you know, he ’s running around like that and thinking about what he’s going to say now, too... he says: lord, why am i sobbing - i will, he has such a face, well , yes, in fact, these statements, they roughly fit into the same convoy that we previously heard from macron about sending some kind of french contingent to ukraine, and even though indeed, all this was discussed with the americans, but there was a huge amount statement to the press that all this was discussed at the nato level several months before the official announcement,
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the americans, by the way, gave the go-ahead non-publicly, they said that we are not against if you send your own, but no one did it officially, and macron decided. to be the first to enter this clearing, he announced, the americans, of course, will not send their regular troops anywhere, so, but if the french send them, they will allow the ukrainians to remove some spare parts and send them to the front, this is theoretically possible, and i think that there, outside the nato framework, the americans can also give the green light, but as for this comment, it’s also funny here, of course , yes, again macron says that we continue to produce missiles, but what he means, quite possibly, are the very same missiles scalp, which are supplied to ukraine, like shtorshadow, because the british have their shtorshed. de facto they no longer produce, the french seem to have one production line preserved there, but this is really not certain, but nevertheless financial times wrote about it some time ago, for example, the same thing happened there with some tanks and everything else, or some artillery shells, and france constantly promises that it will increase the supply of shells and artillery to ukraine, but they send 3.00 shells per month, that is, there is one day of fighting there
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, which is also of course funny, and the minister of defense understands perfectly well that he will then have to make excuses for macron when he explains why we are bigger? during the bright statements of macron, séjournet he is very proud of the fact that he is close to macron, and he is not ashamed of this. let's watch one video. you were among the young supporters of dominique strausscan, and then you became, how can i say, a macronist. i don't mind, i like the word macronist. then you played a prominent role in the 2017 presidential campaign
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. you not only collected signatures in support of emmanuel macron, but influenced... “in this context of this video, he is fantasizing, so he is trying to figure out what i should say now, how i should answer now, he has no clear opinion, understanding, an answer to this particular question, and he is trying to think of something like this, whose is he, who is he working for, i generally think that this person most likely works in the orbit of atali, and he can talk 100 times
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about that he is with macron, in fact this is so, he is loyal to him, but he understands perfectly well that macron is..." just some kind of inflated artist, and sejournet is far from a fool, to understand this further, so we often talk about motive, what pushes a person, money or power, fame, no, he is pushed by desire stand out, be noticeable, do whatever you want, be the opposition, whatever you want, he says the opposite, i wanted to be in the shadows, just a second, you never know what he says, well, he ’s already in the shadows, he’s a priori in the shadows, but he wants to be at least noticeable in the shadows with someone, you know, this is such a person, and we also always say: about the prospect that there is macron in the chair, no, never, always the second person, so continuing the theme of what he is like imagines that he knows what he can do, i made a small extract here, you know me, what’s amazing is that from 2007 until he became macron’s adviser in 2017, for 10 years this
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man was an adviser, an adviser, everything he was, and an adviser in the french parliament. was an adviser to jean-paul huchon, a french socialist, he was then an adviser to macron, as the minister of economy, he was an adviser and founder of the youth party with macron, and so on. you see, colleagues, i feel a little dissonant. i always used to think that in order to be as an adviser, you need to have colossal knowledge and experience, well, somehow, in the specialized field, as a rule, of course, i propose adding a person from france to our conversation and find out exactly how that person views it.
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who are appointed advisors, members of the government, you yourself understand that these people in no way, with all their possible competencies, can have either experience or sufficient knowledge, even to advise the head of government, and as for stefan sejourna, what is the most important thing to know about it, that from the very beginning his entire previous career with the socialists, with the greatest demagogue strausscan or with...
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ismael emelien, special adviser on communications and strategy to mr. macron, sylvain faure, who was called the golden pen of macron, this in itself speaks, and stéphane séjournet in this same. subsequently surrounded by the notorious alexandre benola, who, as it turned out, was later acquainted with, even came to military service under the command
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of the current minister of the armed forces sebastian licournu, that is, all these people find themselves in communicating parties in the sphere of attraction, and accordingly, lobbied by a single center, surrounded by mr. macron, all these... people, the press also called them a sect, and mr. macron was reproached at the very beginning, even before his first mandate, for the fact that they interfere with him, serve as a kind of screen between the real, one might say, aspirations of the french people and this elite layer, that is, not only an adviser, but also some kind of defender, well, like the word shield in english, yes, that is fencing off from troubles, and so among. of all these people, stefan sejournet was the least interesting, the most, you know, soft, all these people, by the way, are also characterized by purely external
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signs, emelien and sejournet, they generally look like twin brothers, they are all such dark, hairy-eyed young men, so found themselves in the sphere of influence of mr. macron, all of them, and this is very important to note, immediately after the scandal associated with alexandre benala, who was, as you know, a special adviser to mr. macron, responsible for all his safety, had some absolutely incredible, still inexplicable and unexplained powers regarding type-passports, which he could use and fly anywhere, and to this day this is the most tasty morsel for all complotters, and the person who is wanted, i think not a single intelligence service of any country in the world, since it is very important, many people need it and for various reasons, so after this scandal, all these people... one after another began to resign, in short, they all disappeared, but still, well, off the radar of the press, but there are still versions that they are still in connection with the current
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government, the most inconspicuous, the most obedient, the most, in general, unassuming of them remained - this is stephane sejournet, that’s what’s curious, because he seems so inconspicuous, like such quietly, behold, but we dug deeper.
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epiphanius and all these other pseudo-priests are just pure mummers , so the schism is a tragedy. thanks to whom this all happened is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for affairs religious freedom of the united states sam brownback. what should we do with the lavra, the main temple of kiev? you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it, he says very clearly that there is no need to do what you have already done, you are even for your beliefs.
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stellar group whiskey mankatcher product stellar group gin сnop product stellar group cognac montechoca product stellar group rom castro product stellar group imagine i'm on an expensive snow-white yacht tracking down a dangerous drug dealer oleg zhirkov. victim, victim, mazurov, kirill, ninety-second birth, well, like telepathy, kushnir, a new level, kostya, well, how undeplorable i am, i can explain everything, i didn’t bother you anymore, hands up, uba, put the gun down, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program, that’s it, the killer has been found, you can close the case and receive gratitude from
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your superiors. they say that paper must be taken care of now, for the birthday of larisa guzeeva, i was born yaroslav at a time when all the young people dreamed of something else, i dreamed of becoming an artist, one of your first roles was in this famous cult series place change the meeting, look, it was a crowd scene, everyone comes to the theater institute a little sick in the head with delusions of grandeur, we all go there as folk artists, it was hard, but you would like your children to follow in your footsteps, not exactly ? for example, objectively, she’s much more talented than me, right at times, but she doesn’t like this profession, she’s blown by the wind, what fate brought you to television, i was already so good over 40, suddenly i’m invited to try out for this program, let’s get married, i i looked and thought, my god, what in general, where am i and where is television, podcast lab, tomorrow on the first, for the centenary of boris vasilyev, i loved you. silently,
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hopelessly, now with timidity, now with jealousy, now past, i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, one staff commander, by the way, married, got himself, so to speak, and i was ordered to assign this girlfriend to business, now you will educate, or only after lights out, i had a husband, wife, someone beat me off, but don’t complain. they didn’t recapture, but killed on june 24, well, asyanina, she managed to be married and i gave birth, and i’ve been in this skin since i was 18, i don’t need it either, you believe it, lisa, be sure to believe it, maybe it’s true, happiness walks nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, but there’s no way back to it, after that we’ll sing elizabeth is with you, let’s carry out the combat order and sing.
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come back soon, girls! the ozori are quiet here on saturday first. kalmykia is called the birthplace of the wind; it is so strong here that many centuries ago it turned part of the land into a desert. in kalmykia they say that twice is just the wind, half the year is east and half the year west. how many arrows should a kalmyt warrior be able to shoot in one minute? at least 22 arrows, we will shoot at the kalmyk, that is, from the ring, let go, every family used to have a camel, where exactly the camel lay down, they tried to build huts and dig wells, because the camel senses the water, how can it show its discontent, the life of its own , premiere, sunday on the first. hello country,
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voronezh region welcomes you, i love ours very much! almost the entire golden ring of russia and the silver necklace of russia passed through small towns, i have a dream, i really want to go hiking to baikal, i hope it will come true soon, to altai by car across the country to the south and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot to see, i visited all the bazhov places, by the way, volgograd has the most delicious shawarma , you knew, i am from the city of belaretsk, the republic of bashkartastan, sevastopol - this is. the pride of russian sailors. i am from the incredible city of chelyabinsk. i love st. petersburg for its beauty and the beautiful niva river. i love my country very much and am proud of it. with you again
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maria butin, this is the heir doll of a tootie. so, before the break, i promised you an exclusive guest, a person who can draw a line between the two. the basmanny court handed down a guilty verdict in a multi-episode case, with especially serious elements of crime against sejournet and, accordingly, his accomplices. what did they do? these crimes concerned
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crimes against the persons of children under fourteen years of age, including the distribution of photographs containing pornographic elements that were sent to the internet. and to put it simply, he invited the girls to his home, paid, as i understand it, and paid them for it? as a rule, these were children not from very prosperous families who needed money, and of course, they came and did what he asked, in the end he was given 15 years, if i’m not mistaken, he was sentenced to 15 years, but today the verdict is being appealed, are they also appealing the verdict? yes, according to our law this is provided for, as you found out? that they are relatives, apparently someone connected these two surnames, so in this way, i believe that this turned out to be the case, this issue was not discussed in the trial, in other words, in general, they began to dig, found out that this was a nephew, which means, according to
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press reports, they tried to contact him, which means the duty , he said, he immediately disowned everything, because you agree, such information can be, to put it mildly, compromising, please tell me, how will it develop further? that is, they will now appeal in the future, is there any deadline? and of course, now there is an appeal, after an appeal, the verdict will enter into legal force, in accordance with russian legislation, you can appeal in a constitutional manner, then the supreme court, depending on what position they support, respectively, they insist on complete innocence and their client, these are the lawyers who defend directly on duty, there were some pretty creepy details, that’s what i read. in one of the publications that right at the trial, some of the girls began to refuse and to say that they forgot everything, nothing happened, but this, unfortunately, is such things when pressure is put on the side, especially on the girls, this is of course, well,
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completely unconscionable behavior, i hope he will be condemned completely, yes, i would i probably commented on this here in such a way that after so much time, because this is a rather multi-episode and complex criminal case, and... during this period of time the girls have grown up, and naturally, all these episodes in life are extremely unpleasant for them, and having already approached to the trial, few of them want to remember the events that happened, so their behavior, in my opinion, is fully indicated by the fact that they now have their own lives ; i think that hardly any of them will want to remember this again because the fact that this, among other things, is connected precisely with the difficult life situation in which they found themselves at that time...
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this elite, yes, has long been integrated into the system, there are a lot of scandals around similar situations in france in this environment, in some others...
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the turning point has come, which you must have heard recently about forcing us to act against russia. the turning point has truly arrived. well, we, france, are going to send troops to ukraine on the continent. now we see information that cameron and sijurnet, they agreed, is a new entente, which they are already going to create. they talk about war, about war with russia. but let's look at the french armed forces. maria, let's see how much. there are 203,000 people there, well, plus
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the gendarmerie, which is there, yes, they have there nuclear weapons, as many as 300 warheads, but they supply tanks to ukraine, they supply the caesar gun, yes, but they only have 400 tanks, about 1/5 they supplied, what they are going to fight with, they have no army, for one month , i don’t agree with you, i can tell you for sure, let’s also argue with ben wallis, who the french army is for... fighters about the birth rate, let’s clarify a little, the french population is slowly
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dying out, the french, but the new one, the french don’t think of dying out, there just for a minute the popular name is muhammad, but excuse me, they say french is no worse than the french, because they are french for four generations, if we talk about quality, we’ll already get to ethnic analysis, then what kind of quality is acceptable now among americans, where 50 % latinos and african americans, but i’m not a racist, i don’t see at all why a black us secretary of defense would be worse than a white us secretary of defense. therefore, from this point of view, especially since i studied at the lyceum with french arabs, i have three higher french education, it was full of arabs and africans, i absolutely don’t understand why they would be of worse quality, especially since the arab civilization is the most ancient, but i would still like to talk about a different topic, maria, so from the tabloids to the essence we considered the person involved , so we say this, look, be interested in which of you, gentlemen, knows his secondary higher education, yes he studied in the flesh, what he studied, where he studied, he is a lawyer, law, law, law, diploma, law? where are the diplomas, what is the topic, there is nothing, i studied in
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spanish, then studied in france, studied something, by the way, he was born in france, but did not live there from a very young age, the question is that he is actually not far from an adviser, he also became the head of the revival party, by the way, this is the ruling party france, indeed, from the point of view of the presence of initiatives, he has strong initiatives, as many as you like, i completely agree that with the entente, well, a strange step, at least, but nevertheless... he and david cameron are on it together come on, they published a joint article there statement, if you take his articles, look, and the game that he is playing now in the middle east, on the one hand , shouts against the russians, okay, everything is clear with this, in the middle east, he dared, for france, this is generally incomprehensible, propose sanctions against israel, but in parallel with this, this is far from accidental, he is the head of the entire anti-azerbaijani french policy, because the transportation of uranium and...
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israel helps azerbaijan, azerbaijan betting on armenia, the violin is very simple: for france it is a hated authority, because blocks the french initiative to control the supply corridor, this transcontinental one, which will allow france to get rid of its dependence, from uranium dependence, something that largely determines the policy of france in africa and asia. let's look further. look, speaking about russia, he said that you can talk to russia only from the point of view of the balance of power, and i’ll tell you something that our press, the press is not even awakening to, at the french military airport at shatourou, at the present time. the coffins are coming out, the 200 load has already arrived, french, of course, cargo 200 from dnepropetrovsk. wait, you ’re probably confusing something, because the journal keeps saying that no one, not a single frenchman in ukraine can or will die, let’s see, i don’t want to die for ukraine, i don’t
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want to die for dansk, i don’t i want to die for, the french will not die for ukraine, we will not send combat troops there, our goal is clearly defined. and the french also confirmed this to me from the french country, i’ll tell you honestly, i have sources of the french army going to shatura, because there is a colossal hangar with a refrigerator there, that’s all. if i'm mistaken, that 1,500 french were in a low start position on the verge of being sent, a week before i knew about this, because we were given combat codes for connecting to link 16 to
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the internet system, which allows targeting, they are issued only for troops who they work in a combat zone , that is, generally speaking, he... he’s just lying and no redder, in fact , everything in this remark in quotes is perfect, if i were the ukrainians i would be very tense, if i heard such a phrase, france will fight against russia without sending its troops there, that is, in other words, a war to the last ukrainian with their hands, but they are fighting, well, they are fighting in fact, yes, well, it’s one thing what he says, yes i i’m talking about this, and one more thing, if i can return to the topic of the entente, please, here i am as a historian, i ’ve been tired for the last 10 years, i’ve been tired until... 1907, but i don’t want to read treaties, that ’s enough for me , what the entente did as an intervention on our land, which means now they the two of them openly say that the entente
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has an anti-russian purpose, that this is precisely the narrative they are using, the entente guardiali, heartfelt agreement against russia, this once again confirms. the idea that russia today is the only unifying link for all these russophobes, all these wonderful statements as part of this celebration of the 120th anniversary, and the entente, why are they doing all this, because it’s like a 120th anniversary anta, they certainly sound quite ironic in that context, that england and france have, to put it mildly, very difficult relations, now they are still trying to stick a knife in each other’s backs, because immediately after that it erupted. another scandal about how french warships arranged an escort for all these boats with migrants who send britain to the shores of the french through the lomanche, tens of thousands of illegal migrants are deported there every month, but that’s okay, that’s what concerns the statements of stéphane séjournet , that’s how he began to participate in public politics, yes
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how he left the position of endless advisers, was first elected as a european deputy, then headed this renew faction, the liberal faction in europe. third in parliament, yes in number, but now he is the chairman of the party, the minister of foreign affairs, perhaps his future there will also be quite significant in french politics, his task now is not so much to be macron’s brush, but a person who must justify any of his statements, any of his actions, in english there is such a term as a wonderful spindoctor, yes, a person who comes out and says that in fact this is how, this and that, i need to justify the first person, this is what i think he is doing now, of course, that is, he still continues to play. on the sidelines, but just publicly. all-journey, the head of mid-france, immediately after his appointment, literally, well, 3-4 months, made three foreign visits, one of them, the very first, breaking all the traditions of france, to ukraine, the second, he went to
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africa, and the third, went to china, what is he there i was looking, what statements i made, and most importantly , what did i come with and what... this is fraught for us, we will discuss it right after the advertisement, stay with us, happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i charge. it’s definitely great, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: oh, twins, take care of your children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobly, and be an example to them. our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth, always listen to each other and always understand, we are so
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i have to work, play, play, do you even know why i came here, that you are silent, smile, bat your eyes and remain silent, if you can, forgive me, i need someone i remind you, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they are without each other, this is how i saw life. lyubov polishchuk, the last tangos, we met, on sunday at the first one,
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it will be hot, what, where, when?
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pyshshka in mabasan on a prostitute, yes, but you will play honestly at a woman, excuse me, why do they blurt us out like eggnog, they set the frame, guys, be quiet, well, she falls out of the frame, no, this is not art, ranevskaya from may 27, on the first, you like act in a movie, how can you like this madhouse? stephane sejournet, french foreign minister. the first three business trips he
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makes immediately after his appointment are to ukraine, china and africa. let's go in order. so, he is going to ukraine, here he is with zelensky. let's see. mr. president, it is a great honor to have this opportunity to meet with you today. is going to berlin, but this time the president told me: you will go to kiev and can you understand all the importance attached to this visit? the president told me first of all, breaking all traditions, going to ukraine, what was it, was it a ritual visit for show, well, because now it’s so customary? it's
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all about money, the question is money for what? look, a very interesting story is happening now, yes, europe doesn’t really understand how to integrate into it and what it should do next with this ukrainian chimera, when the americans take a step back there, yes, they are coordinating financial assistance there, it is so very peculiar, credit , with strict deadlines, no real money, and so on, what’s next for them? do, macron wants to play first fiddle in europe... including in the conflict in europe, in a large-scale conflict, the first place he goes, he goes to kiev, then where he goes to africa, to africa, africa is money , this is french money, in fact it is in africa, they have nowhere else to get money, hence the hysteria when russia returned to africa, hence the hysteria, to china, of course, money, these are the same old
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european financial families that stand from -for macron. for this boy, for all of them, they want this revenge, they are going to him, that is, he went, to test the ground there, what is happening there now at the moment, and to do it on their own, to place rapper points, i will connect elena to us again, and elena, here these three significant visits immediately after the appointment, how do you evaluate them, how do the french see them, yes, let’s go back to our sheep, or rather to one of them. his first visit to kiev, of course, did not bring him happiness, since it was from this visit that big doubts began, even among that part french people, who until now, in general, have not particularly asked themselves the question of how this man became the chief of french diplomacy, because, if you noticed, he talked with mr. zelensky in english, with french journalists, then on live broadcasts in some were transmitted in french, then
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it suddenly became clear that outside the templates and then it suddenly became clear, as he stated publicly, that in early childhood he was diagnosed with the most serious, severe dyslexia, which he had been against for a long time treated, this man suddenly becomes the chief of french diplomacy, there is one more visit, besides the others, which no one talks about in the french press, he has already entered, one might say, into the annals of french
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diplomacy as the shortest visit in the world. this was, if i’m not mistaken, february 25-26 , 2024, this was his visit to morocco, france’s relations with morocco with the arrival of mr. macron categorically worsened, due to mr. macron’s courtesy to algeria, but this is a separate topic, so mr.'s visit sejournet in morocco - it was just a complete collapse of a scandal, the french press remained silent, but the moroccan press did not hesitate, calling him a visit... zilch there - moroccan diplomacy considered mr. sejournet to be absolutely unprofessional, that is, this was practically said in plain text, that the visit did not bring anything new, no concrete results, that he exclusively repeated all the terms and absolutely the same provisions that his predecessor katrina colona said before him, and that in no
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way, no matter what, this visit served, that is, is it even necessary?
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the chinese will agree, well, in fact , they sign their own weight, yes , a novel, yes, thank you, you know, in the twenty -first year, a certain agreement was proposed, a comprehensive agreement on investments, this is an agreement between europe and china, but that was exactly the deal the one who said that no, this won’t happen, we don’t want it, after this, you think the chinese have forgotten, he is going to build bridges with them, this is very funny, then what our lady from france says, i think that she, of course, has the information. in fact , i know other information, that it was sijurne who admitted that there is some influence of morocco over the sahara, and the algerians really didn’t like it, there was a scandal, and you know,
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to say, this is actually done more in the interests of the spanish crown , because this is exactly their story, the moroccanization of sahara, then i remembered that sijurnet lived so much in spain, who knows, and another question, what is dyslexia - a lack of reading skill, i understand that i tried something to justify the lack of this good communication, he found a tricky latin word falls ill, that i have dyslexia, i probably don’t understand what it is, or maybe he just studied poorly and read little, bought a diploma, this also happens, but dyslexia in general, yes, say whatever you like, yes maria, you initially asked the question when you listed these visits, what is it about ukraine, in particular, is it a ritual trip or not, now a trip to ukraine is for any minister, for anyone. about the trip to china, about the trip to china, you said, he he says to the chinese, we can’t do it ourselves, let’s say it’s the same thing with the russians, he
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said that france is not interested in dialogue with russia at the moment, this is a normal statement from the minister of foreign affairs, who says that france is not interested , because of this, in my opinion, even the ambassador, the ambassador was called to the foreign ministry for explanations, this is about the question of... his professional competence, not just as a minister of foreign affairs, but simply as a diplomat who just carries such things , whatever, yes, i would add to this that he actually contradicts the interests of large french capital, because the most massive investment that france made was in azerbaijan, if we take the caucasus to russia, in russia, between which field-2 is france, a high-speed highway, an expressway, moscow- st. petersburg is france, vinca concerns, vinca concerns, and not only that’s why. brains, so that just their nuclear power plant, not a combat atom, but
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a peaceful atom, works, so it turns out that the customer is different then, this is not in the interests of france, his statement, no, well, look, but if paradoxical statements allow, he in the public space of the french television maria denied that israel had carried out an attack on the iranian consulate , yes.
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political in relation to the future world order, direct relations with russia, and the value question, the question of what society will be like in the future, it is rather closer to us, in fact, than to the euro-atlantic postmodernist paradigm in terms of value, which is good that you brought up this topic, i i think that we should look at the statement of one of these politicians that you are talking about, in fact, we’ll see. now is the time for peace, and if we do not want to end up in ruins, it is extremely important to find a way out of this conflict. the ukrainian people are being sacrificed, while we are pouring public money by proxy into the purchase
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of american weapons, we are not helping ukrainians defend themselves. it is obvious that emmanuel macron is not moving towards peace right now, he even talked about sending troops. it's crazy, if ukraine joins nato, we we will fight for another half century.
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we are in solidarity with precisely this position on ending this endless confrontation with russia, that is, we see from polls that in general 80% of the french are against sending regular french troops to ukraine, here of course the question is, as if who is asking them, although again well, now elections to the european parliament are being planned soon, including in france, so it’s gabriel ottal, the former partner of our today’s character, he’s leading a kind of ruling party, and a renaissance, a revival for these very elections, here, of course, he has very big problems, that is... according to the polls, we see that they are far behind the national oral marine lepin, well, most likely they will lose there, and this, of course, again raises the question of the future and gabriel atal, and these guys, in my opinion, will still build some kind of future political career in collaboration with each other, despite the fact that they are no longer formally in this civil union, that is, you need to keep an eye on behind each of them, i would say that orban defined western society very well, he said that it was war, migration and lgbt, in general the president of hungary. so it is, from
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the point of view of where they are pulling and actually working against french capital, the real sector of the french economy is indeed very strongly tied to the russian real sector of the economy, so it costs us nothing, just one step to nationalize all french wars on russian territory and punish france for many billions of euros or dollars, so why is it that france withdraws its message to azerbaijan when it faces confrontation against.
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tradition and sovereignty, that’s what will win in europe, the big question, maria butina was with you, the doll of tuti’s heir, now is the time for the program. hello, the program “time” is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva. the main event of the day. iran is in mourning, millions of people say goodbye to president ibrahim raisiy. our delegation, on behalf of vladimir putin, was headed by vyacheslav volodin.


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