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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  May 22, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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yes, after all, the kushnir method is, but i don’t have any special method, well, that means it’s a gift. okay, as always, there’s a line of fans coming to you, all the best, alexandra ivanovna. thank you, dmitry alekovich. yes, you can just dima. dima. my people in the department whispered to me that the case was closed, which means there is something to note, yes, there is something to note, but somehow i don’t want to celebrate, it’s sad, of course, when people seem to love each other, but one of them doesn't trust the other that it all ends in murder, yeah you know, you have to be careful, careful with love. murat, he, he loved
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anya so much that he crippled her. and ravil, his only son, adored him so much that he raised him to be a monster. sergei loves his family madly and because of this he killed kirill. i don't understand what's happening, why? love should inspire, not kill. are you a philosopher, pavel? no, really, if you think about it, love is such a magical feeling, it’s not about yourself, it’s about the one you love. and if you try somehow. redo a person, to crush him under you, well, this is no longer love, this is some kind of selfishness, everything must be fair, with an open visor on a white horse, here is my heart in your hands, i will wait as long as necessary, and you you will be with me only when you want it, maybe i’m saying something too flowery, or too fabulous, well, you understand me, too fabulous, but i understand you, pavel!
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“artist, yes, autumn will definitely follow, after some time spring will come, be sure to come and drink tea with us, thank you huge, well, the case is solved, you were on top, as always, arkady yakovich, you know, all my life i act on emotions, on impulse, in business and in life, i like this about you, you will forgive me, i really, i it’s just, probably, somehow...
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i haven’t figured everything out with myself, please don’t leave us, what are you talking about? i just heard that you were talking with someone, told someone that you were transferring from us, well, to another department in moscow, but this is not about mine, these are colleagues of another, i was just giving a recommendation, this is very good, because i already not i can’t imagine my life without you, i mean, i can’t imagine my department without you. there's a big game on the air. exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons have begun in russia. the exercises attracted a lot of attention in the west, but...
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let's listen to what a very interesting lady who portrays herself as the german foreign minister has to say about this. the russian nuclear exercises were not a surprise, what do you think about them? of course, they were warned about them in advance, but the fact that the exercise is being carried out right on the border demonstrates that they want to show everything they have available opportunities, including those they are considering. in case of
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a security threat, similar exercises have been carried out before, but not on the border, the russian president is simply trying to intimidate people who have wanted only peace and freedom for 2 years. just like that, we want to intimidate, in fact we won’t dare to do anything, maybe we can’t do anything, it’s all window dressing, your answer, well, i think that look, every exercise or every serious maneuver at the borders, they also said 2 years ago that we will not enter anywhere, on the eve of february we we’re just rebuilding, it’s all over, i still think we still have a chance.
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they are working to ensure that kosovo becomes an independent state, joins the un, and so on. russia warns that this will set a precedent for other cases, including potentially for abkhazia and south ossetia. the united states secretary of state, candalisa rice, says kosovo is not a precedent for anything, period. i have. soon after this there was a conversation with sergei viktorovich lavrov, and he told me: why does she actually allow to say so to yourself when it comes to the fundamental interests of russia, and most importantly about the actions of russia, they can put
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a comma, we can put a full stop, and this is what happened, as we know in 2008, when saakeshvi. the coup in kiev, russia warned that this should not be allowed, that there must be a legitimate political process, after that russia helped the people of crimea, and russia helped the patriots of donbass, it seems to be also clear, yes, there was also syria, where russia used it. armed forces, and of course, a special operation, maybe i did something i forgot, but it seems to me that even what i was talking about seems to be enough to understand that russia is careful, that russia is showing restraint, but that, as it were, if russia
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warns, then this should be taken seriously, but here what we are not doing, what could be done, i mean, without using. the position of the west in relation to russia was traced as a country that viewed russia and still views it as a country of a different quality, well, i won’t call it a colony or neo-colony, we have never been no one’s colony, but their attitude towards us is no different, in principle, from how they treat most countries of the world, that is, fortunately for us, they probably still haven’t realized it. that the world is changing dramatically, this is colonialism, no matter how politically loud it sounds, it
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permeates their entire life, their entire consciousness, their entire understanding, they measure everything only based on the fact that they are of one quality, and we are of another, worse quality , therefore, they cannot in any way perceive that something, those countries to which they treat this way are able not only to resist, is able to offer the same world and humanity a different policy, a different one, that we can do this, but in vain, a view of the world, therefore they do not believe before this, firstly, confirms, according to the chronology of events, not only political statements, but our active position on the world stage, this is clearly facilitated today by the fact that we on the battlefield in the northern military district, during the northern military district, showed a completely different quality, a different attitude, firstly, an attitude towards the armed forces, but a different quality of the armed forces. set goals, which we are achieving, systematically, calmly, they say that we will achieve them, but the most
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important thing is that this has now spread to our whole life, to the rest of our lives, you look, of course, we need to talk about russia, our president said that we are now able to determine our own destiny, we will determine it ourselves, this means that we have our own goal, a sovereign goal, sovereign goal-setting, we have the opportunity to realize this goal through our own efforts in the interests of our own people, and i think this even more frightening than tactical and even more so strategic nuclear weapons, because this means that the nation has united to solve a fundamental problem, we want to see a new world, and most countries in the world are happy about this, most countries in the world, you are sure, that’s my feeling , that there has been a clear demarcation, there is a world majority, which for now, well, if you want.
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for the global majority, how to make sure that this global majority actually
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allows us to create a new architecture of the world. i know that you are not only a lot about this thought, but you also do a lot. i think that no matter how strange it may seem to our materialistic society and world, we need to start with ideas. now russia, which chairs the brix, and this is very important, is multipolar. a body that is moving towards a reorientation of the world majority towards a clear, equally consistent multipolarity, we have a chance to offer the world a philosophy of a multipolar world. in fact, we are talking not only about the redistribution of resources, in some new financial instruments, interaction. speech it's about ideas, most importantly, because the west, the collective west, which really unites quite a few countries still. it has a lot of resources, this is first of all the idea, the idea that the west, that western
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liberal civilization is universal, the only one, everyone should strictly follow the west, in response to this, to this ideology of globalism, liberal, liberal universalism, we are still yet neither russia, nor china, nor the great humanity, nor brix. nothing fundamentally as intelligible, as clear, but only we do not offer the opposite, that is , the west has a philosophy of globalization, but in a multipolar world this philosophy is only in its stages. this philosophy is based on belief in traditional values. this philosophy is about a truly just world order that recognizes the differences between civilization and their own culture. this philosophy is that sovereignty does not disappear in
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favor of some supranational structures; on the contrary, it is strengthened to the maximum. identity is not blurred to please. low liberal models, but is strengthened, in fact, affairs, the contours of this multipolar philosophy, namely the philosophy of ideas, they are gradually crystallizing, that’s when, in my opinion, the struggle for those who hesitate, about which you spoke, begins, when we ourselves establish ourselves in our own, in our own rightness, if you like, in seriousness, in globality , in the fate of our mission, then all conflicts and sanctions and confrontations, they will cease to be local. issues of resolving some interests, and will become a fundamental confrontation between two models of the future, the unipolar one that clings to a collective west, and a multipolar one, which is now being created before our eyes. well, of course, the possibility of this multipolar model very much depends on china and on
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the quality of more specifically russian relations with china. and a very... important successful visit of president putin to china has just taken place, many encouraging words were said on this occasion, including by chinese leaders, in general, i have a feeling that at the political level, well, great things have been achieved good luck, i want to be careful in my language, especially considering that i am not an expert on china, and andrei denisov, who was an hourly guest on the program, a member of the federation council and was ambassador to china for many years, he told us before the negotiations began that he expected serious successes, real successes, but not any -breakthroughs, because a breakthrough is a special concept,
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you need to carefully prepare for it, and... i have a feeling that when we talk about the quality of russian-chinese relations, we often become fatalists, one school of fatalists says that nothing it won't work out like i said henry kissinger, different countries, different cultures, difficult history of relations will not work out, russians.
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in the dollar's sphere of activity, china works very well with the european market, at least it was until the last moment. what is the problem of china, hence the problem of russian-chinese relations. china is very careful to formulate its global ideas very carefully. it’s absolutely correct that we have in the world, i mean, there is the idea of ​​globalization, democracy, there is the idea of ​​the eurasian space, but for example, for the chinese concept of eurasianism, yes, it can be translated formally according to the dictionary. but it is incomprehensible from the inside of the chinese consciousness, china does not think like that, therefore china does not have the idea that china can offer to the world so that everyone would like it, the most important thing is that it would be understandable to everyone.
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speaks about multipolarity, they are not the ones who speak of multilateralism, they never use it, i agree absolutely, but this means that there is a certain overseer and under them you can do whatever you want for god’s sake, the main thing is not to cross our red lines, china speaks directly about multipolarity in chinese, that’s how it sounds, the question is that the pole of china is who, besides china, this is a good question for china, too, because many countries are afraid of china, including it... close neighbors of southeast asia, accordingly, many countries are afraid to simply be friends with china alone, and russia here is also one of, well, one
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of the legs of this big table. finally, another third point, we are now in a very difficult situation, because for the first time, probably in the entire history of russia, our the main friend, partner is a country with a completely different civilization, and there is no counterbalance today. at least now, and china understands this very well, therefore china has its own pragmatics, in this sense it says that china is our best friend or, on the contrary , a potential enemy, both are wrong, china never thinks like that, china looks at what we are pragmatic we can offer, now we are just beginning to learn that there is a relationship beyond trade, beyond increasing the trade balance, this is good, but this the trade balance has improved very much, so yes it was 240 billion in the past. year, this is of course not like the usa, but the usa fell, our trade balance has grown, but the trade balance reflects the volume of economies, that’s how much we can trade, we trade so much, the question is different, we have finally learned
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to propose some political ideas and the problem with china is that , that for the first time in many, many years, in decades, he found himself in an uncomfortable situation for himself, he is criticized, he is attacked, there is a taiwanese problem, who can he rely on, right here, just if we build it correctly an idea of... the world, how someone else can help, then we can cooperate, unfortunately, we, both russia and china, had to go through a lot of breakdowns, because we kept trying to report the numbers of events, this is a normal process, but now we understand, that it is necessary to report with meanings, now the meanings are being formulated, this is the stage we are at, therefore it is pointless to demand that there be a breakthrough in meanings, i ask for simple taftology, when we have the president and a huge delegation going to china, many ministers. for some reason everyone expected that dozens of agreements would be concluded there, we are talking about something else now, well, fortunately everyone didn’t expect it, no, yes, i also admit that it was right, many were realists, understanding that china,
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well, yes, was absolutely right our conversation and i honestly said that china is still afraid to conclude big agreements, including on the power of siberia 2, but because it’s all economics, china wants to understand politically how all this will be built, that’s why i think that now it’s the most main question:
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china and india, by the way, which is now called rat, they even took the old name, but a non-colonial one with the islamic world, with the african world, america, we will move together in this direction, then from this from this.
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how well do you think, they understand well, china today in russia, i’m talking about specialists who are involved in professional international relations, i think that specialists understand very well, but there are very few of them, when we have ministers and businessmen in the delegation, this great, but this is not about that, because the chinese they understand perfectly well that any official, no matter how talented, will eventually be replaced; roughly speaking, a philosopher will not cease to be a philosopher. we need to train a new generation of personnel, this is the main thing, and at all levels, at the level of specialists, ethnopsychologists, and this is not so easy, because the main point is that, roughly speaking, who are the teachers, strictly speaking, the main problem we have is that the centers there is very
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little preparation, i will give it. and numbers, we now have almost 270 universities in russia teaching chinese language, this is a lot, this is practically a quarter of russian universities, but if we try to find specialists in china or even synchronous carriers you will not find, that is, we are again counted in numbers, this is the main point, the restructuring of the training of specialists, not even positions, we turned to the east, which means we need a new generation of specialists, and we must now throw all our resources at this. china's sincere interest in contacts and not just with those who represent our voters, as it were,
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this itself... and the willingness to cooperate, which , to be honest, i was sincerely concerned about, correct me, that if we are talking about, if we are talking about the fact that they are ready to organize contacts in the shortest possible time with a clear formulation of tasks that are discussed from quite high level of participants, this means that they really need it, so i would like to add that yes, we are moving in that direction, that we are looking for those areas in which we move a little away from traditional contacts, but i would like to say two words about,
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that... india has one planet, one world, a common world, and we have our own vision, but this is precisely in the name of unification, we do not unite against anyone, and this is the key confrontation, that is, the west does not want understand, he is looking for all the time that we have united, gathered in order to discuss how we will fight, but we will not fight, we will create with those who perceive us as partners,
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yes, this is the basis and base, this is protection our sovereignty, but this is still not the main thing, humanity must move away from the idea of ​​globalism, who imposed limited resources and opportunities on the whole world, and scares us all that this is not enough, this is not enough, so we need to reduce the population, something else, that’s all, if only there was a different broadcast, i would say, i would use the word, that’s all no... it’s true that all the forecasts of the club of rome have never been justified and will never be justified, because they are based on a different ideology. the world is limitless in its potential, and we, together with china, are able to offer this understanding to all humanity. i absolutely agree with all three, in that
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sense that if we want multipolarity to work, we must start with ourselves, and we must learn to think in these terms. it’s not easy for china, it’s not easy for russia, but this is what the world majority is ready to support, the world majority is not looking for a change of hegemons, the world majority is looking for new opportunities, from my point of view , to be ourselves, let’s go to advertising and will be back in just a few minutes. premiere, i love my country. on saturday, on the first. how old are you? how old am i, right? and i’ve already lost count of how many.
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family status. do you have a husband? no, i'm a lady. yes, they only serve as intellectuals, yes. 7 minutes of your play is a tremendous audience success, tell me what you want from me, maybe you will remember that you are the director of this production, and not ranevskaya, ranevskaya has been on the first stage since may 27, you clearly want to become the main figure in fayengeorden’s performance, if it’s necessary, for the sake of business i can play worse, yuri sanichok. alexey, i have a difficult question for you regarding china’s preferences regarding the course of a special operation
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in the collective west, as you well know, are very concerned that china is not ready to condemn russia and... is ready to put pressure on russia, but at the same time they say: china has its own traditions, well, let's say, less prone to the use of armed force than russia, that china has greater economic ties to the collective west than russia, so china, if they will not tolerate it, will at least strongly object.
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usually, if you are connected with some country, even semi-allied relations, you do not want that country to lose, and especially if you have the feeling that if they manage to defeat your partner, then you will be the next target, then you really don’t want to let the enemy win, much less you want to equip...
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i want to remind you, tactical nuclear weapons - this is not something, not something that can be used to strike not only washington, but ...
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the official position, but there are, as always , attacks on the territory of the country, and this is the context, the context is that china understands perfectly well that it absolutely not wants to be face to face with the us and the west. for china, russia’s position, both in the past and now, is very beneficial. previously, russia was a buffer for china with europe and the west; today russia, let’s be honest, is doing some work for china that china itself would like to do. try this west for strength and see how it reacts, and china has learned a lot now, i am in the banking sector who understand what the west reacts to, what it does not react to, how strong the coalition is in the west psychological military, that is, in general , china conducted an exercise for itself on the russian situation, so we need to continue to see what will happen, because china understands perfectly well, and chinese experts publish this, the situation with taiwan will not be resolved tomorrow,
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china intended to resolve it within decades, perhaps even centuries, and now this situation is suspended and as long as taiwan exists at all, problems with mainland china will remain, and the usa and other countries will constantly warm up this situation, plus the same situation in the south china sea, the islands, that is, these are things that will not dissolve on their own, this is not an economy that can rise and fall there, which means... let’s not assume that russia will not exist for some reason, i mean , she is leaving the game, who guarantees china that they will not continue to break it over the knee, they will definitely, because they understand it too, they understand it perfectly, they understand that now the attack is not on the chinese economy, on the development model china as such, on chinese ideas, on chinese way of life, because china, anti-chinese alarmism is the main strategy now in the west, and look at the latest ones. american polls there py
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research pq research center they are 80 i think 3% 83-82% of americans have a negative view of china, if we look at the curve, when did this start, it started with trump’s policy, that is, anti-chinese propaganda plays a role, and this is reflected in goods and everything else, and at the same time , the latest surveys of the russian fceom, which were conducted somewhat literally a day ago in may, they show that it is more than 75 in my opinion. the russian population considers china their main partner, so why would china want to lose to a country that considers itself its main partner, and, most importantly, russia is the only country that is not an asian country that supports almost all chinese initiatives from start to finish, there is no other major country that is in the security council or would support it, and here in this case china does not want it at all. to russia lost, and in this sense, to answer
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your question, this is the context. if we talk about a possible crisis situation on the fronts, as they say, yes, china will probably understand that this is a hopeless situation, although i honestly believe that there is hope for rational thinking, and china hopes for the same, although this is not always the case passes, well, i also always hope for rational thinking, and even, let’s say,
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here it seems to me that if you strictly follow international logic, if you don’t recognize that this is russia, if you have nuclear weapons and sufficient potential and also tools of information policy, then this is not russia, this is like collective solipsism, for us it is russia, for those who are on our side, including in the global south, it is russia, but for them it is not, but when they are no longer conventionally attacking the territory of the belgorod region, kursk region, bryansk with these weapons.
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for certain territories, but when there are attacks by western weapons, nato weapons in belgorod, civilians die, there are ambiguities between two civilizations selipsism, there are no longer two views on the world, this is an unambiguous act, this is an act of aggression against our country, i think this is what caused our teachings, because now we see that not in a conditional imposition, but today here now the west... western weapons are striking at our new territories and at our old territories, this is the line, in my opinion, that should absolutely not be crossed, this does not mean that we will recognize the legitimacy of strikes, of course, on new territories or in crimea, no, we are on this we will answer, but now this line has already
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been crossed, that is, it is shelling, this has been going on for a long time, they were bombing from the very beginning until the start of the northern military district, why all this? it started just with the shelling of donetsk, but now the situation is reaching a new level: western weapons are attacking old russian territories, already officially, whether this is actually allowed or not, this is another question, the fact of the attack is there, and i think that our such internal, internal mobilization, another thing, is that every time the question arises, are we all the rest, except tactical nuclear weapons resources were used, that's all we would be sure of this, that... we have enough troops, we have enough equipment, we have enough economic potential mobilized to defeat ukraine, so we need to make efforts, that's about china, it seems to me that it is very important that the most important thing for sinzenpin, especially, is that we win in ukraine as quickly as possible, as quickly as possible, and i think i
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agree by any means, but as long as we win, because the winners for china, russia, the winner is vitally important , and what the faster the better. agreeing with vich, aleksandrovich, i would like to say that who they are, these western politicians, they have no faith today, not yesterday, much less tomorrow, they have done everything to discredit themselves, moreover, today we are all their statements , well, not all, but we already perceive large statements as something given in the opposite sense, that is, if they say that they are going to supply weapons, we already understand that weapons have been supplied, if they say that... china, i i would like to say, let's see what we were talking about our two leaders are the most authoritative politicians today who take each other’s word, because behind this word there is always action, look what vladimirovich visited
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during his visit to harbin, a church, a university, that is, he laid wine at the monument that is on. .. he says that in fact it is clear to him that the escalation and the results of his own are a consequence of the policies of the west, in this... brief but very capacious concept there is a decoding of everything else, but if he sees who is the reason, then probably then you can, let them do it themselves and decide what they need. react to this, but we can probably trust that this kind of position guarantees a completely different attitude towards russia, so our
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expectation is that china is next to us, it’s not for nothing that they talk about this, back to back, shoulder to shoulder , they decipher, yes, we either fight or cooperate, this suggests that today both china and russia are able not only to offer the world something new, but also to resist this evil together. here i find myself in an unusual situation, i have more indestructible ones. what we will tolerate and what we will not tolerate, we will decide how to respond to this, all these
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differences, old russian new territories, i don’t know what these differences mean, if someone wants to do this, let them do it in their public statements, but if they seriously make these distinctions at the level that it occurs to them that they can destroy the crimean bridge with impunity, then my reaction: don’t even hope, yeah, don’t even hope that if you would done, you will be able to get away with it, let's go to advertising, we’ll be back in just a few minutes, while a special operation is underway, the orthodox church is being destroyed in ukraine, we are moving towards europe, so we must move away from the russian conservative tradition. epiphanius , all these other pseudo priests are
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just pure disguises, so the schism is a tragedy. thanks to whom this all happened is the united states of america and the state department and directly the ambassador for religious freedom of the united states, sam brownback. what do we need what to do with lavroi, the main temple of kyiv? you will give a big trump card to the russians if you close it. says very clearly that you don’t have to do what you’ve already done, you even ended up in prison for your beliefs, the command was given to just shut my mouth, the girl is on her knees, she’s praying, they’re jumping around her, and then they drag her away and start beating her, or like killing some priests, you are proud of what you have done, the vavan and lexus show is on the first today.
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first, big on air a game. and the last question for you, alexander mikhailovich, you are the deputy chairman of the state duma, you are a well-known economist, a simple question arises: for wars, even the fairest ones, you have to pay, where is the money, how will all this be financially secured? well, your question is more than relevant, especially since on the eve of vladimirovich’s visit to china there was a discussion and approval of the new composition of the government in the state duma. the prime minister, his deputies and ministers, and you know, in those speeches and the prime minister himself and his team provided very important, important
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information that provides an answer to, well, partially answers your question. of course, our country today is faced with unprecedented challenges not only on the battlefield, but primarily in the economic sphere, and we must understand that this is an integral part, this is the second side of the struggle that exists, winning in the rear, we win, accordingly on the battlefield, these are interconnected things, it has always been and will be, it is very gratifying that... today the president is looking far ahead, because look at what he sets as a task for the government and what the government is ready to implement today, these are the issues of transitioning our economy to a situation where we occupy fourth place in terms of purchasing power parity, that is, he sees not only an opportunity, but sets the task of achieving such an economic level , when ours is self-sufficient, our economic and financial sovereignty guarantees a transition to a new level of a completely different quality. economy, then we talk about government involvement in the processes economic development, and there is no opposition here, there is a clear answer: the market
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plan is two parts of one whole, the state. directively sets goals and gives private capital the opportunity to participate in the implementation of all these powerful tasks, and now look at the result: the first quarter of this year - 5.4% gdp growth. if we are talking about industries, industries, manufacturing industries, if we are talking about oil and gas revenues of the state, they grew by 38%, you know, it feels like the economy has received internal there is a new breath of life in the oil and gas industry. non-oil and gas, non-oil and gas revenues brought 30 to the budget, an increase in non-oil revenues, but this is on the verge of incredible, this is a huge result if we look at how today the economy itself actually participates in establishing guarantees that we can produce weapons today, i wrote about this in a recent article by chemizov, sergei viktorovich,
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where he clearly showed that no super tension is happening, but it is happening. tension, there is work, labor productivity is growing, and he sets tasks, again, it’s correct that this is all, if we also add the possibility of increasing labor productivity, increasing profitability, allowing the country and individual enterprises to concentrate on neo-research, that is, on research and development work due to state support, we will reach another level high growth rates, this means that today our team, the government has a clear understanding of the tasks, you are fulfilling the tasks set by the president, and the tasks are more than ambitious and i think that today we will not need any special mobilization of the economy, it may even be transferred to a military footing, as many write, no, today we are able to simultaneously solve the problems of the military-industrial complex, due to this, among other things, to create conditions for the growth of civilian industry, which provides high salaries, a different quality of life and a transition to a completely new
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economic ideology, built primarily on respect... will fair taxes be required for a just war? yes, oh, you are again, as always, in the top ten with us tomorrow in the state duma , the chairman of our parliament, speaker yacheslav viktorovich volodin, will hold parliamentary hearings of a very broad nature, where we will raise questions, the government will initiate this, including on tax reform, and i can tell you that today everything that laid down, gives grounds to believe that the world, the world, our inner world will become more just, we will not... limit ourselves only to slogans, but we will create a mechanism in which business will clearly understand its role and there will be no need for it call for socialization there, humanitarian donations there, and so on, it will work for the economy, but the citizens themselves will understand that a greater step is the fair distribution of internal resources, creating the preconditions for victory in the economic war, the state creates. it was a great game,
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we'll see you on the air tomorrow. while a special operation is underway in donbass , the orthodox church is being destroyed in ukraine. in kiev they say that its priests, parishioners are traitors and a threat to the national security of the country, because they are allegedly accomplices of the kremlin. on the kiev-pechersk lavra has been attacked by radicals more than once. they were looking for russian spies there. all this is happening with the support of the police and military in order to transfer the churches to new organizations, the orthodox church of ukraine, which is controlled by the authorities of kiev. is there really nothing sacred left for the zelensky administration? who is the independent sponsor of the church schism? what does the usa and petro poroshenko have to do with it? answers to all these questions today in the vavan and lexus show.
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i will introduce our guests today. today with us is the chairman of the synodal department for church-society relations media, mgimo professor vladimir ligoida. hello vladimir. hello. tv presenter of the spas tv channel and war correspondent andrei afanasyev, writer and publicist yan taksyur, etc. vice speaker of the state duma boris chernyshov. hello. hello friends, let's get started. in recent decades, ukraine has become an arena of struggle with a number of religious organizations. in kiev, no one hid that the goal of creating and developing new church structures is the political separation of ukraine from russia, the destruction of religious influence of moscow. thus, the ukrainian state, with the help of external players
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, turned religion into a political instrument, destroying that church unity. which existed in this area for hundreds of years. well, let's figure out where this split comes from. the main driver of the confrontation in this struggle was the creation of the so-called. kiev patriarchate. yanavich's first question is for you. what is the kiev patriarchate? this is part of the church schism, its beginning. the founder of the kiev patriarchate, once, completely canonical metropolitan, fillaret denisenko, moreover, a man who aspired to the post of moscow patriarch. but when he did not become the moscow patriarch and took third place in the secret ballot. he returned to ukraine with the help of the first president of ukraine krovchuk, created a false church, which he called the ukrainian orthodox church of the kiev patriarchate. let me note that never in life, not in any way, not in dreams, not in
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reality, no patriarch of kiev ever existed, he simply declared a part of the baptized people, once ordained, separate church, church of christ.
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canonical borders are practically the entire space of the former soviet union and several other countries, there is an autonomous, japanese autonomous church, there is our orthodox church in china, established a long time ago, this is very important to understand, but indeed, along with the political changes that took place in the territory , as we now speak in the post-soviet space, in the early nineties, there were internal church events, this is what iyan ilic has already said. and we must understand that really at that time metropolitan of the russian orthodox church, yes, and philaret, he assumed that in the nineties, when patriarch pimin died, that he would be elected patriarch, this is generally strange for a monk,
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every bishop appears, so to seek patriarchal service, yes, as they say in the church, the most difficult cross, well , apparently he was counting on this, and not receiving it, he really behaved, well, in a completely inappropriate manner, i just wanted... a local church, in 1992, so that it is clear, yes, chronology, yeah, when bishop's council made a decision, in response to an appeal from the bishops of the ukrainian church, to grant ukraine autocephaly, that is, complete independence, independence, to add one more detail, the fact is that a negative decision was made by the bishops' council, that is, the meeting of all bishops, where the ukrainian bishops also entered, and filoret was ordered by the council of bishops to return to kiev to fold. himself the authority of the exarch, and he, which is very important for a believer, before the cross and the gospel, promised to do this, and having returned to kiev, he immediately broke his promise, after which he was defrocked, but...


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