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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 23, 2024 12:40am-1:26am MSK

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uh-huh, all this support of reliability was essentially built on the husband, on the husband, on the dad, yes, well , first on the dad, then on the husband, well, dad did the same for us, he supported and helped us, but you knew, yes, how by the age of 40 , they would have guessed that dad would die, husband would die, everyone would die someday, how could one build a support on someone who would die, well , the question is, how could one build a support on someone who would die, well, come on let's talk about this, how did you build a support on i don't know, there's a spike there... maybe i didn't think about it this before, that is, while everything was fine, well , everything was going well and those same questions didn’t arise, dad helped, as i understand it, until some point in your family, yes, yes , a certain moment, well, it turns out that he was like, well , for me, maybe in the subconscious it was just like a support and some kind of support, and then it so happened that i...
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went to work, a pandemic happened, and i was made redundant, i got divorced and my dad died, it was as if everything was going wrong for me , yes, well, as usual, that’s how it happens, it doesn’t happen little by little, it happens all at once, yeah, just like you coped with such a royal flush, i don’t know how you coped, well, i can’t say that at the moment when all this was happening, i had some kind of deep analysis, i somehow suffered, yes, well -that. it seems that i felt so good because i got divorced, as if i had solved some kind of issue, that i didn’t, well, didn’t analyze the fact that, for example, i was left without a livelihood , and so what? i was fired, well, your divorce will have some consequences for you, and the children were left with you, yes, the children stayed with me, but my husband is supportive, helps, that is, well... as if
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we were getting a divorce very, how to say, right, it’s probably, well, environmentally friendly, yes there is such a thing, that is, you still have quite good relationship with your husband, now you have a man, that’s right, yes, now i have a second husband, you weren’t alone for long, not for long, yeah, so why does this husband live up to expectations, now there are no expectations yet, now it’s just there, well, how -every time there is a current... moment, well, in these current moments he performs that the functionality that you assigned to it, the person who solves your problems, meets some of your needs? yeah, yeah, why are you worried? i’m worried about myself, but i don’t see how, well, as a person, as a unit, yes, that is, but you don’t have such a task, so far, from what you said, the task was one: first to live with dad, then to live with... a husband now to live with a second husband,
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what kind of personality are we talking about? well, apparently, now there is such a need, there is such a task, i wanted it, this is how ideal picture, this holistic personality, what it is like, when you can rely on yourself to understand that it’s good when there is a person nearby, but at the same time, if there is no person nearby, well, as if everything is okay with you, not in the sense that you are there divorced or married, not... as a partner , but in a family, but that in principle you can handle it yourself, that is, for me, how you will understand this, that is, what you need for this, now you don’t consider yourself like that, you don’t consider yourself like that based on some analytical calculations like this or there results, yes, for example, you don’t have a profession that would make you happy, that you would be proud of, so you don’t, right?
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well, the first education, it’s so nominal, that is, it’s not about me at all, the second education, yes, i initially worked there for several banks, then i worked at a company as a financial manager, then i was an accountant, then i wanted to leave the accounting department and i was fired, well, accordingly, i couldn’t do my request, so you liked your job, accounting, no, but there are people who like working with accounting, interesting, for sure, probably so, but i wanted to leave, and it so happened that by chance, not by chance , i got a job as an assistant to the director of a public school, and you liked this job, yes, you liked this job. now you don’t work there, now i don’t work there because the pandemic uh, you were laid off, no, i was laid off from accounting, why don’t you work at the school if you like it? it’s a little difficult to be a personal assistant, there are certain moments when i couldn’t, well, it’s moral to combine this
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role as a personal assistant, but that is, i liked all the functionality, except for the fact that at some point it starts to look like a certain one. i couldn’t defend my boundaries, let’s say, that is, i don’t have any complaints against my employer, yes, but i just realized that at some certain moment i lost myself, and you left yourself, yes, yeah, this was your last job, you quit a long time ago, mm, in september, so good, and if we assume that now you will again climb out of the hole you are in, what profession would you wanted to do? your main activity, well , i like something related to administration, that is, well, how long do you plan to work as an administrator, something, well, until the end of your days, for example, you want to die at work, this is possible , or you understand that you have
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15 active years left there, i definitely don’t want to die yet, i don’t want to die at work either, but for some time, well, i’m interested in working. that is, i am now 47 years old and i still don’t see myself as a pensioner, that is, i have i have the strength, the desire, i want to work, but how would you like your life to change, suddenly a miracle happens, the whole mechanism switches and suddenly your ideal life begins, what it would look like, there in a month you have something , after a year, then after 5, after 10 years, you wake up. and the desire to do, interest, satisfaction, well, well, there is this, let’s say, some kind of inner uplift, yes, that doesn’t mean there are some moments, why do you cry when
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you talk about this, well, you talk about that how great it will be, why are you crying, even looking there, no, i regret that it’s not like that now, okay, it’s not like that, it’s just a fact, why do you get upset when we talk about your fantasies, maybe i don’t believe or something that this is possible , i have a feeling that you are talking and don’t believe it, i also have a feeling that you let someone down very badly by the fact that you couldn’t get it all, who did you let down, who in you were disappointed, you let yourself down, who else could be disappointed in you, when you make your decisions in life, you how as if you stumbled and disobeyed... someone who told you how to do it, maybe it’s your dad, maybe who, for example, maybe told you that yul, you shouldn’t get married so early, suppose, or you don’t need to marry this person, maybe not, but from what i see, how you talk about it, i get the feeling that now at this moment some character will come out of the darkness, maybe this
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is not even a person, but who will have every reason to tell you, it’s your fault, you warned. “i would like him to come out, i would also look at him with pleasure, let’s just call him here now, if we allow this fantasy, then what kind of character he is, i don’t know, maybe it’s some kind of , like a feeling of your own ego, well, like how i am with myself, well, how i disappoint you, and what kind of yourself you have disappointed, let’s take 7 years at your stage, where does your memory stop, where does that julia appear who has reason to be disappointed in. you today today, at the age of 35, what was there at the age of 35, filled with something, what happened at the age of 35, during this
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period of your life, what happened, everything was fine with me at the age of 35, yes, what else happened there, i i knew where to move, i understood that i had goals, what, well, it was 12 years. well, to deal with them, yes, but now i ’m analyzing it for myself on the other side, that maybe it was precisely at that moment that there was a moment of leaving myself, yes, that is, it’s as if instead of taking care of myself, i’m like as if, well, you covered them with your children, and this gave you an excuse before your father and before your husband at that time, gave you... also this excuse was that you took some kind of help from them, well, the husband is understandable, the father is less clear, well,
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perhaps yes, now you’re saying, maybe yes, what can i say, well, for me it was justified, yes, that they support me, because i’m doing something that supposedly cannot be measured, measured, yes, yes, at this moment you clearly seemed to be already disappointed in something, and for you this an eight-year maternity leave was salvation and the birth of a second child was, to some extent , salvation, that there is no need... to achieve but some results in the material world, let's call it that, and you went into the ephemeral world, for example, into the ephemeral world of good mothers , as if there is some kind of, you know, universe, where all the mothers are good and everyone shows their children to each other, their children, respectively, have sarfs in chinese, from chinese to gymnastics, from gymnastics they are taught, then chess, english, only after that sleep , they all eat well, they they don’t get sick, they are obedient, so you moved into this world of good mothers and thought, i’m such a good mother, but then it happened, well, this is the most disappointment, disappointment, a problem happened there that you
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weren’t sure at that moment in your husband that he will be able to provide for you the way you need, you already saw it then and then you understood it, but you closed your eyes, that’s the point, instead of at 35 there, well, even though you are now in general -that’s quite okay, but at 35 you were young, and that was the moment when you could it was worth making other decisions, perhaps getting a divorce, perhaps there were such thoughts. charm in yourself, when for the first time you made an independent decision, you can answer the first, that’s what comes to mind,
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an independent decision, in principle, here’s some kind of decision for your life, any independent decision, i’ll go to school, i won’t go to school, it seems to me that in my marriage it was my decisions all the time, well, that is, i was in the first marriage all the time, well, let's put it this way, but this is the notorious one, who is the head of the family, that is, on well, i was wearing everything and i understand that... my husband, in principle, also seemed to be comfortable, well, despite everything, i was like a mother, yes, but i wasn’t much of a girl, that is, i don’t know , how can you not take the packages that are standing there, well, just walk past them, yes, i’ll definitely take them, well, here are some moments like how it was for you to be the head of the family, at first i liked this view, well, judging by that that i took on this role and i liked it. everything, there is a feeling that along with this dominance you got the husband who doesn’t want you did it meet your expectations in the end? well, of course
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, yes, i understand it now, well, the decision to get a divorce was absolutely my decision too, and i realized that what’s next, well , no matter what, even if - well, there’s no work there, but that’s all, i’m all i still can’t be in this marriage anymore, and this decision is brave, i don’t know, i just understood differently that it’s like i just can’t breathe. well, well, i really physically just can’t and, accordingly , i’m also suppressing my first husband, because i understood that this is exactly where i’m very, very strong, it was so strong in a negative sense, strong, yeah, at the beginning you said that your request is that you are from a child’s position, a child’s position and such dominance in the family as this? well, now it’s as if something like this happened, you know , like a changeling, and i seem to be afraid
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of something to return and become so dominant again, or as if, well, let’s put it this way, it didn’t lead to anything good, well, relatively speaking, i think that if you are now when we are talking about this if you take over responsible for this entire experience is the total responsibility for what you made , the decision you made. what you did, and the result of these decisions, the result of your actions, in general, you do not like, if you accept all this experience from the beginning and to the end and integrate it into yourself, then most likely... you will not repeat the same mistake, but then the question arises: how will you act from today in your relationship with your current spouse so that your personality develops, as you say, at the same time you can count on your spouse and give him the opportunity to take care of you, what can you do differently? i just don’t really understand it yet, well, this is it, apparently, so there’s a way
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to say, this is, well, like an imbalance and something like that. as if there is some kind of instability and uncertainty, or something, what are you saying, as if you cannot control this force, that if it exists, then it is total, then you begin to suppress your husband, you begin to dominate, lead him behind you, and as if now, if you turn it on, then in the same way the script will turn around so that this does not happen, then you take this position, i do not take responsibility. let’s take care of everything here ourselves somehow, i’ll survive, this is such a diametrically opposite position, role, there’s a balance between these two, but it’s clear that you’re scared of what the first 25 years of marriage have led you to, well, in the sense of the first marriage, and you are here, now you cannot
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allow this, and you fall into this position of a child, what would you do now, yul? if you decided to destroy your relationship with my husband now, with my second one, follow and follow this scenario that you followed with your first husband, with your second husband, my situation is a little different, we have a big age difference, it’s unlikely that even if i really want to, i’ll succeed defeat him, yes, but answering tatyana’s question, would you try to somehow suppress it, i don’t see it in myself now... no, tatyana asked you another question, she said: what would you do, yuli, if wanted to destroy the relationship with him, as from what you answer, i conclude that if you could, you would suppressed, that’s how you would destroy your relationship with him, but thank god, you understand that this is impossible due to his wisdom, maturity, his inner strength, well , yes, well, it’s clear that you wouldn’t have come directly, not they said, look, now let’s agree on
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who is in charge here, well, if we exaggerate this situation, then we would begin to develop in this direction. "if i wanted to basically destroy the marriage, yes, i would probably, well, most likely just say that listen, i’m wondering what i could to do such a thing so that you would categorically tell me, i think, if you began to humiliate him, humiliate him, disrespect him, of course, yes, why did you ask tatyana this question, well, i’m interested in understanding what can be done in order to destroy, to understand, “what’s wrong?” when it’s worth doing in order to save, that is , there is a certain idea, but about what destroys relationships, it’s now clear that it’s not worth doing, then what’s worth doing, the most important thing is that it seems to me that it’s worth talk, well , that is, communicate a lot, talk, explain, check in with each other, well, at every moment time, when some situations arise,
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for example, or some, simply, as they say, to dialogue, yes, that is... some kind of balance between destructive actions and absolutely creative actions, yes, we need to find some kind of golden such a middle ground, yes, i will give a hint that, as a man, the value of conversation in a couple is greatly overestimated by a large number of psychologists who today broadcast in different channels, because in my opinion, just the opposite, the ability to feel each other without talking, she is taller. when it's just the two of us it’s good to keep quiet, this is also important, well , after all, your marriage is just beginning, in this sense, you have not been married to him for very long, but what is definitely worth talking about is about roles, this is what you started essentially started, because on the one hand, of course, in this relationship you can now be in the role of a little girl, for whom
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a man much older than you is responsible, but this also will not last long, that ’s the thing, he will not be interested in it , that's when... what tanya is talking about, you will find a balance, because i am sure that your husband is in in general, i’m not against it, just for you to develop personally, well, let’s just say that yes, naturally, he’s not like, do whatever you want, you just want, well, because you can rush to the other extreme now, you can destroy, or you can rush to the other extreme, where you can only maintain relationships by creating, run everything there, spend all your efforts there, but you need to find just yourself. in this with or without a relationship, you can find all episodes of the triggers podcast on the website of the first channel, let's say, relationships. they're not married, i don't mean how would not be so important, yes they are, but now in the first place for me is precisely that and about the fact that,
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in general, where i am for myself, that is, right now the fact that i was not there for a long time alone, well, my daughter tells me that i get the impression that you can’t be alone, but i can’t say that, well, i fell right into this marriage, yes, that i just for me, well... it happened, but that’s exactly what i have at the moment i still think more about myself, that is, i understand that marriage also depends, well , naturally, on how i behave feel, that is, how much i will be, in fact , yul, you answered all the questions, look, you understand exactly how you will feel satisfied, this is when you have a profession for which you respect yourself, an income that it allows you to be independent and fully support yourself, and accordingly, a business that will be part of your hobby there, you said it, now you have a spouse who is one way or another a support for you, right? you have some time within
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which, using this support, you can to realize yourself as a person, that is , right now you have such an opportunity, it’s important not to miss it, that very opportunity that you missed at 35, when you had a dad and a husband, and maybe if you had realized there yourself through these parameters, and would not go to... take, which 35 years would not pass or passed there incorrectly, because you do not like the result, and today direct all your strength to this, using your husband as support and support . so now you just need this lesson , you have a couple of years for this, believe me, no more, but within two years it must be done. julia, tell us about your children, how do they see you? this is just
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such a question for me too, i always, well, often ask myself that it would be interesting for me to see myself through the eyes of my children, and find out what they think about me, have you ever asked them? well, i asked, and even when i didn’t ask, they somehow didn’t hide their opinion very much. and my daughter tells me that i underestimate myself, that i don’t believe in myself, and this daughter is 16, yes you say, daughter is 16, yes, my daughter tells me that she i’m grateful that i got divorced, they highlight some of your strengths, something that they like about you, something that impresses, well, yes, she often tells me what she likes, what we have relationship, she’s with me... frankly, it happens that she and my brother sometimes diagnose me in their correspondence there , that i have some kind of adhd,
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that i’m some kind of advanced child, depression, multiple personality disorder, yes, now young people love to talk about it, but well, just at some point, when my friends usually they congratulated me on my birthday , they told me very often that you are an amazing mother, you are a great mother - i somehow don’t know such mothers, at some point i already felt it - like bad advertising, and that’s because it’s just a small part your personality, and what did you manage to create in relationships with them, what do you think, the most important thing is with children, uh-huh, it seems to me that it didn’t work out, i managed to preserve their well, authenticity, that is, they are like that, well, in my opinion too, i i understand that loved ones, they are so spoiled, so well... so good children at home, yes, well, in a good way, not in the sense of a greenhouse, they have grandparents, mom, dad, well, how can you
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say that, in principle, the family is a full cup, and they had a good, happy childhood , that is, you know how to love, essentially, yes, well , that’s great, look, it’s the same thing, just give it to yourself now, and your daughter is right when she tells you that you underestimate yourself, because essentially... you now, here you are 47, you have the opportunity to show them one more very important thing, that you are an adult, you can do anything, and you will do what you like, without looking back at them, at your parents, at your husbands and so on, so they should see that 47 is just the beginning in this sense of life, when we begin to enjoy our life, when you can love yourself, you were able to love them, everything is already with them, and now only for yourself, in the good sense of this , glory, you have your beloved man next to you.
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can you imagine how harmonious this is, well , as a child, this answer didn’t bother you, he says crocodile, crocodile at the zoo, at the zoo, he’s either an idiot or cheburashka idiot, or we who are reading this, but no, in fact, this is an absolutely harmonious emotion of your essence, your essence, your, your inner self, this is what i need to find, which you will work out in the zoo as a crocodile is also good, but you need to find this self that wants to realize itself through... some position, through some profession, through some activity, don’t look for a job, find yourself, who wants to realize itself through this or that profession. there is a very simple coaching tool you can take a piece of paper, as soon as you leave here, or in the notes on your phone, now you will be riding in a taxi, write what you want your day to look like, so you woke up, where you woke up, what’s around you, where you went, what you started doing next, what kind of work do you have, how do you feel about it, when did you come, what greets you in the evening, who meets you
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in the evening, what? you do, through these simple steps you will little by little, little by little feel, i’ll try, no need to try, i have to do it, i’ll do it, good, good, that you yourself you stopped yourself, thank you very much, thank you, you are crying so interestingly, and at the same time , the past and the future are a little confused in your head, you look at your future, but you see only your past there, well , yes, there is probably this one moment that it ’s as if i don’t see the future, and what the hell with it, there’s no need to look into the future, look. present, what kind of yourself do you want to realize through your work and professional activities, thank you very much again, thank you, well, it was the trigger lab podcast, and we were talking with yulia about how to find yourself in the ups and downs of life, relationships and professional activities. the hosts of this podcast, tatyana krasnovskaya and sergey nasebyan, were with you, and you, dear viewers, if you want to become a participant in the trigger podcast and be
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our guest in our studio and figure it out. question that is of interest to you personally, fill out the form on the website hello, this is a podcast of grief with fire and i am its host denis gorelov with a story about the most important cinema and tv series domestic new releases of the season. we have to admit that in this season we are seeing a clear decline in serial production, there are a lot of films, the quality is not very good, as expected, they gave their results and the departure of producers with complex views to distant lands, the entry into the first roles of their former apprentices, who still do not have a very clear sense of the audience, the situation in
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in general, not very... red, but there is hope that at the end of the year in the fall, at the time of the season of series premieres, things will improve, so far the situation seems to be not very good, but this is especially visible against the backdrop of the frank the rise of theatrical distribution, again, as one would expect, 2 years after the start of the special operation , the money invested in film production gave its result, just two years... today it is recouping with powerful premieres, in the cinema everything is generally more or less excellent, so from the rental we let's start, where to start, if not with the premiere of the season of master margarita, the film has one self-defeating advantage, for many viewers it can cover all the other jambs, this, of course, is the appointment of artists to
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the main roles, yulia viktorovna snows. in the role margarita and evgenia tsyganov in the role of the master are absolutely inimitable, you still won’t find a better master of margarita, and, probably , they won’t look for it, at least in the next 20 years. over the past 2 years, snegir has actually become a reference face of the stalinist period, absolutely gorgeous having performed in chuki and gek for you and me, the period was in general. the first film was in the thirties, the second in the fifties, but the female type was completely alone then, of course, bullfinch became its central card, and she, just in case, kept her fingers folded, she said that for the role of margarita she would be booked for absolutely everything, thank god she was wrong, there was not a single critic who said at least one bad word about her performance and about the casting directors’ decision
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to choose... in general, vulgar self-presentations, like muse and witch, which bulgakov did not have, they were invented by screenwriter roman kanter, even this sounded wonderful in her mouth, they have long said that a great artist can turn even any script nonsense in his own mouth to his advantage, and as for tsyganov, he - space it’s just that his almost innate, condescending indifference is ideal for a masterful role, he looks a little down and distantly at the dances of all the massalitov and demonic evil spirits, which, in fact , is required of him by passwords, and as for the couple, snegiri tsyganol developed it long before the casting insights film
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crew, everything worked out perfectly here, unfortunately, the novel master margarita is not limited to the appointment of the main role, in other things everything was worse, and in the finale there are no mass protests and indignations of the reading viewing public, only says that in general today’s readers and spectators of the novel do not finish reading the novel, even those who are included in the school curriculum, in principle , do not know that bulgakov had nothing like this, but they think that everything is probably all this is how it was in the source code, only bulgakov’s apartment 302 biz burned down, as a result, azazel’s phrase that he likes rome more acquired some nero-esque connotations, while critics admire, oh, how cute it is, very good, hollywood scale, juiciness details, the richness of the details is such that it didn’t seem to the author that the master was in a psychiatric hospital,
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he also arrested him under article fifty-eight, from the basements of the lubyanka, in the courtyard of the lubyanka you can see crucifixes with innocently writhing victims of stalin’s tyranny, barred windows in the psychiatric hospital... in the role cross, all this is generally presented as great, great taste, the taste of the production was noted by no less than a third of the reviewers, apparently we have different ideas about taste, but in general there is every reason to believe that the novel is about the gift, a gift with a capital letter, a novel about the tricks of evil spirits the firmness of the christian imperative, was directed by an outspoken polebe, in general, such a relative of all those likhodeev varenukhs, and the latunskys, whose troubles he so rejoiced in the film, roman the great, he clearly reveals, demonstrates the scale of the director, and most often not a very great scale, and lem klimov, who took on
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the production of the master margarita, and yuri lyubimov, who did it on taganka, and yuri kara, now lakshin feels like a fish in water when staging in every possible way. adventures of evil spirits, but openly stall when talking about the eternal, about galilee and judea, about the eternal dispute between yeshua and pilate. the only person who even tried to do something in this direction was bordka, in his film there is a completely frank rhetorical duel, sergei bezrukov in the role of yeshua, kirill lavov in the role of pilate, in fact. it was like an adventure of evil spirits, which, in fact , was bulgakov’s plan, the plan of all these excursions into distant jewish times. lagshin's appointment to the roles of pilate and yeshua
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of completely passable foreign performers klaus bang and aaron vodovoz, firstly in turn, he spoke precisely about how much these things are not interesting to him, how much more pleasant it is for him to show how...
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all the claims against socialism that he had accumulated, this and punitive psychiatry with electroconvulsive therapy, which bugakov did not have in his possession, this and security officers.
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of course, was also anti-soviet, like
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the work of our other nobelists, neither andrei platonovich platonov, nor isaac amanylovich babel, nor mikhail ifanovich bulgakov himself, nor directly, say, alexei nikolaevich tolstoy, laid claim to the nobel could not, precisely because they did not want to break with their country from the ideology inspired by it, meanwhile from the foreign one. woland, in general , only had clothes, well, maybe a little bit of an accent, absolutely all sane bolgakov scholars agree that by woland bulgakov directly meant stalin joseph vasselionovich, he also had an accent, though not european, and that that same demon , who, by doing evil, received good as a result and at the same time very carefully looked after the geniuses, this is of course...
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geniuses, heirs of ancient times, these are prokofiev, and shastakovich, and stanislavsky, and esenstein, and the vesnin brothers, melnikov, the creators of the only architectural style with which our country has enriched the world architecture of constructivism, and rotchinko, platonov, bulgakov himself, as for mandelstam , then stalin specifically asked. pasternak about him, unfortunately, boris leonidovich did not understand the whole sinister essence
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of the question, which cost osip emilovich his life. thus it turns out that really the only, the only great the advantage of the production is the two main central characters; it would be nice for them, and in general for the director who is certainly gifted in terms of time, to have serious producers who could stop the scriptwriting and directorial gags. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. the next number of our program will be the production of anegin. directed by sarik andrin, also cinematic. the film came out in. day after the death of the previous director evgeniy negin, though on the stage
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of the vakhtangov theater imus tuminos. this the topic is important because andreasyan borrowed for his production the most important roles of anegin and the narrator, tuminus leading artists, viktoraov and vladimir vdavichenkov. and he did it with much greater delicacy than was evident on vakhtankovsky’s stage. but at the same time they are forced to take it at the final entrance exams. always focused on commercial success, andrei osyan actually found a gold mine, and complaints about his production are even inappropriate, since he staged a novel in which the word boredom,
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bored, repeated exactly 28 times, i even counted it, reading pushkin one more time is always a great pleasure. against the background of this production, what was staged in vakhtanga is distinguished by completely outright ugliness; in war and peace, pierre is shown as an excited fool, the senior balcony one, driven out of his mind by red tape, the senior rostov, an outright district wrangler, which is doubly disgusting, because under nikolai rostov. .. tolstoy certainly meant his own father nikolai tolstoy, and accordingly by the elder rostov own grandfather. i think that for such liberties, an artillery breed with a thick tuminus would load an inch and fire it towards lithuania, and rightly so. in
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the production of mount oma, in the center there was a gigantic three-story stove, a russian stove, which with its power loomed over the audience. lie down, i'll go to bed soon, it sounded exactly like that, the hall was again filled with laughter, which in general showed that vakhtangov's audience today are the same small-minded plebeians as those whom he usually focused on in his andriasyan’s productions, only andriasyan tried to lift them up at least a little, and
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tuminos looked for all the lowest and most disgusting in people. vdavichenkov, for example, uttered the phrase: at their russian maslenitsa there were... in general, very smoothly, very sometimes sad, but nevertheless, the acting parts are good, dobronravov plays much more interestingly than in a play where he is forced to play some kind of an evil puppet of a black man, in
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davichenko, in whom in the performance it was necessary to be constantly shouting his drunken remarks to the whole audience, clearly understood perfectly well that... this is not a big acting task, here they are actually, well, somehow atone for their sins, their participation in the outright abomination invented by tuminus. thus, a paradox occurred: the theater director, whom many revered as some kind of serious interpreter of meanings, turned out to be an obvious ethnically offended character, on the contrary - a film director, whom we generally know from openly vulgar films about dyuzhev becoming pregnant, about marvel heroes on russian soil, parchekotyla so further, he suddenly made a very sensible production, carefully treating...


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