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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 23, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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podcast 20 years you will play absolutely any style, this is later, i am its host konstantin mikhailov , my guests today are the legendary djs lantern and gruf. when did you start writing music after you became a dj? i immediately became, i first started writing music, and then we got more experience. it’s cool, very cool, if someone in the tank doesn’t yet know that the dj is a groover, he ’s actually not really a dj, he’s a composer groover, he writes a lot of music, electronic, and he writes a lot of music for films, for which he has a lot of awards, all kinds awards, continues to write music for films, let's watch an excerpt from the video.
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is it possible to play it from my mobile phone, but i haven’t seen this for a long time, and it’s also very disappointing when you play normal music, people come up to you and ask you to play normal music, there are also these combines, the situation there is such that they will always come up to you , the main thing is to be in the right place at the right time, when you have your own target audience, when people know.
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an interesting storyteller, so we live with him from beginning to end we enjoy the dj set. listen, there are, say, high-class djs who play electronic music, which requires an understanding person, at least to dance there, and there is an artisan dj who plays weddings at corporate events, is it easy to find a job as a dj now, and you also play, i play at weddings, i play at corporate events, of course, and this has absolutely no meaning, let’s say none. he has many directions and he is
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absolutely talented in each of these directions, but i am more conservative in mine perception, but with all this, i get an offer to perform at corporate events and i always warn, i will not adapt if you know that i play, yes, and there are people who are not part of the club, they grew up a long time ago - for a long time, but they like what we do, they invite us, and there’s nothing wrong with that. no, the main thing is not to step on your own throat, yes, that is, not to put a remix on i don’t know, some popular artist, but i ’ve had it many times when he just comes there through the organizers with a flash drive, but like you can give us such and such, i say, well , listen, well, this should be absolutely fair for everything, how can you celebrate the new year in your favorite company without some favorite shizgara there, otherwise the lantern is playing electronically, what are you doing?
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emotions, for us it’s no matter how it sounds now, this is real professional creative work, yeah, we ’re working, well, these guys were broadcasting music not from some of our on-air decks, but from these professional ones. as for moscow itself, the discoverer of everything that was connected here, there are two people, these are, of course , volodya fonarev and oleg odzha, but oleg was more in soul, in chaos, yes, volodya immediately closed this electronic dance layer behind him instantly, and the first brought out it went on air, that’s why it happened, i scaled it up, yes, then when the radio station 106.8 appeared over time, i became the program director, then volodya became the program director at... yes,
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who’s in the photo here? here on the left, here you guys are, these are swanky tunes, by the way, the most famous project all over the world, it starts with who they are, they are ours, they are ours, yes, their track in the movie fast and the furious is behind the soundtrack.
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android, android, android, and quite by accident i find out that this man is russian, it turns out that i also knew him, we contact him, he comes from brazil, comes here to moscow, we meet him and he just says that i have an idea to open such an institution, because i was doing this in sao paulo, it’s clear, that is, his idea was an audio school, andrey absolutely, he suggested, i was like resource that could be used. yes, and that’s not even the point, the point is that a room was needed for this, it was necessary to find a team of people for this, to administer all this, and since andrei practically didn’t know anyone anymore, he had been for 10 years, yes, yes, yes, he lived, so you can imagine, yes, and he was the most famous and remains the most famous
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techno-musician who makes tracks, if we have turntables, we need to do something on them, we started with this, let's end with this, no, let's i, let me, maybe, volodya, teach me, maybe what styles? there is such a thing as mixing music. in this case, we have two players, the first player is the second player, with different compositions placed on it. there is a mixer on which , in fact, the volume level is output so that this signal goes here, from here, from the right from the left deck goes here to the mixer, here you decide with the faders which signal to let go out to the people. i'm just saying what i know.
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no matter how much i love the sound of vinyl, how much and the numbers are still louder, and louder of course it’s clear that this is not mp3, but vinyl is clear that but vinyl, the thing is that vinyl, of course , the sound quality is much richer, much better , much better, tube analogue, this is a real analogue, that is, as if it could be, and this is what style is playing now, and i picked this up especially for my wife, the thing is , when we met, she was this is a very fashionable topic in modern processing, and i thought that today he would play, yes, because this is absolutely not my format, but now that’s not the point, yes, one composition is playing, we
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load and prepare the next composition, we are waiting for the track to be closer to the end, yes, it will end, and i see that you have already synchronized the bpm, this is... sperm, that is , the number of beats per minute, here is 124.2, here is 124, one and the other composition should have the same speed so that there is no discrepancy, you need to pace in rhythm, when there is a breakdown, when there is a tudum-tudum, this is called hooves or horses, the horses simply do not converge, the rhythms of the bones, okay, while volodya is doing something, i i’m telling you, that is, it sounds like one track, let’s say from one media, yes. refers to the remote control, volodya is looking for speed and moment, the opportunity to bring out at the end of this track, which sounds next, to make it so that it is unnoticeable, so that in addition to what was this mix, this is a mix, yes, one flowed into another, a date, that is , so that the mode is non-stop, yes, so that the music does not
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stop and people continue further than i did, than, the more inconspicuous the mix, the more professional and better it is, the people, as it were, in the hall immediately... what for it’s like one song is playing, listen, here’s newdisco, this continues, there is such chaos already, what other styles do you have, hardcore guys? how many folders does each musician have, because even i have so much musical material, if you put me with my flash drives to play, i can play for probably a month without stopping, and you’re generally multi-style, because when you play, you suddenly have something heavy there some kind of metal jumps in, maybe suddenly there’s a drama base, suddenly there’s deep, i try during my dj set, if it’s a club set, of course, i try combine styles, i have different styles, let’s say you can start with simple dance, then develop further. and if you don’t combine what is your favorite clean style? i can’t tell you anything, but
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if we talk about all the music, what is my favorite style - this is, of course, classical music, which is above all musical styles, just elementary classics, if you don’t want to add a beat, i’m always ready, it ’s simpler with the author’s, and with the author’s simpler, it’s easy to call a symphony orchestra now in my status, but i’m in classical varianne, as a wife, says that i usually play music - alpha centaurus from the planet alphantaurus. yes, this is cosmic music, in all its manifestations, both dynamic and calmer, what’s this? and this is no, this is such a positive festival underground trance, this and this is trance, yes, you can mix draman base with this, no, well, in principle, yes, you can if you just, if you just do it like that, just a beat, bam, if just do it like this, zhenya, put the next one right away.
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last century, when disco music appeared, then transformed into hip-hop or something else, it’s constant, just what we were talking about, a mutating story, yes, something slows down, something becomes harder, then becomes soft, it’s a constant process that is impossible, it’s like a spiral according to which it happens, and some new turns are brought, how much hip-hop, rap, and various types there were, i actually started as a scratch dj, i started with hip-hop, which is why i was very attracted to us at one time together with...
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rhythmic patterns, for example, in the ninety- fifth year of the last century appeared he must play, you can depict the championship to dejakey with your hand, within 6 minutes the dejakey must show his creativity. work with records, hide, combine several tracks, yes, so that it is some kind of musical
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work that we were talking about, yes, and some, the same dj bob, at one time a popular performer, he was just one of the champions of dmc, the so-called dj championship, now this is absolutely a subculture where people show scratching techniques, nothing more than, yeah, so, well, we are in the finale, i really want to hear some kind of track from the dj groove or from the dj lantern or from you. yes we can just, here you go, great final track, by the way, now a lot of music is very popular at all sorts of different foreign festivals, this is the style, so come to me, a modern raid, the three of us can play, don’t let it be like that, what kind of wipe, this effect, so stop, and these are effects, yes, come on, volodya, give way to the young, count for the old, so guys, is this a hint? 20 years later, i'm the host konstantin mikhailov, my guests are the legends,
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the founders of russian djing, dj lantern and dj group, thank you, we’re playing, volodya even plays, look, you see, he has vinyl, he plays me a cd, i play cd, and volodya plays vinyl .
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i'm larisa guzeeva, let's get married, good afternoon, today the grooms are anton, alexander and sergey, and our bride is irina. irina, 33 years old, to destroy her marriage, her mother-in-law used several prohibited techniques at once, got her own son drunk and brought a pretty neighbor into the house. irina - a salesman in an adult goods store, buys new toys for the christmas tree every year, loves to iron clothes and review them.
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larisochka, rosochka, god, how happy i am to be in your surroundings , i dreamed of just being with you, in general, getting your advice, girls, we didn’t sleep all night with my friend, making pies with potatoes, with cabbage, please, give me i, they will mix it up or something, larisa just loves cabbage, i gave it to her. pies to the presenters, and usually people who know how to bake pastries, they themselves are always kind, because pies are not the evil ones get it. irin, i can’t imagine whether it’s really true that her own mother soldered her son to drink just to keep him away from you, in fact, it just doesn’t fit in my head, yes, to be honest, i myself, well, i
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’m shocked by what methods were used against me in order to destroy our marriage, in fact, this is a very sad story, yes, there is a third marriage, both mine and my ex-husband, his parents have been in a sect for more than 30 years, about i found out about this, wow, uh, when i was already pregnant and they seemed to like to drink very...
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he is capable of committing inappropriate actions, but they had some kind of super task, for example, they solder him, get him drunk, he is drunk, he beats you, kills you, buried you, i don’t know that you have a disgust for him, yes, he beat me in the presence of my children, that is , it was very harsh there, they wanted this, they achieved it, he and he beat me in front of my parents, assault, of course, was never welcomed, it’s in any case, it’s ugly, that is he... no matter what the situation was, you have to keep yourself within limits, and you had a lot of real estate, that ’s why they beat you, they initially perceived me as an incubator, they needed an heir, that is , the man was 37 years old at that time, it was, but if they had given birth to a girl, it didn’t matter, he needed a child, that is, he was the only son they
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had left, the first son of the eldest, they buried, or rather not even them, they didn’t even go to the funeral, so... and he was their only son left, and of course they wanted, well, this is a sect, we need to replenish it, but we lived in the same house, we lived in the same house, but we there were different entrances, that is, they lived in one half, and the children and i lived in the other, i became enemy number one, after i told them, please leave me alone , my child, i will not join your sect, it’s better just separate, rather than resort to violence, why she even put up with all this, i don’t understand, but when they married him, gave birth to a child, fell in love for something, i ’ll be honest, i’m a family man, i’m very domestic, i wanted family, at first it wasn’t like that, i was. ideal wife, ideal housewife, i did everything, i planted tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, in general, i had a vegetable garden planted, i baked pies, i can cook absolutely everything, i missed his
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attention, in general he was playing his games on the phone, so he didn’t need anything else, and i went up to him, i said, well, let’s talk, give me a hug, i’m missing you, i’m him, he was sober at the same time, and he started kicking me very hard. yes, neighbor, she has a friend who
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is older than my husband, she is several years old, she constantly came there, even despite the fact that we were already married, we were married, she came and told me how she spent the night there, even when i was not there, my ex- husband helped her glue wallpaper, she, well, somehow wanted... probably to take possession of the property, well and my ex-husband, that’s all, she is also a member of this sect, so i’m talking about this, you say that in the sect in which the ex’s parents and he himself were, a child was needed, yes, that means i understand correctly, that as soon as the child was born, he was 3 years old there, you should have been removed from you, leaving the father with a child, why did you continue to live there, i don’t really understand why you are holding hands. many people don’t really think that before leaving somewhere, you need to create a safety net so that you don’t just go off into nowhere with two children and live somewhere under a fence,
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at that time it wasn’t when women talk about their ex-men , they say some nasty things, and i wonder what you women did with these men while you lived with them, that they are like this, you married brilliant men, beloved ones, tell me to live separately? parents, i offered him a million times, i say: please, i beg you, i can’t live like this anymore, i can’t live with your parents, endure all this hell, what did my father-in-law and mother-in-law do, they just mocked me me, over my daughter, the eldest, i just feel sorry for the children, i desperately wanted to just run away from there, but your parents live far away from this, we don’t communicate, they abandoned me in childhood, why - well, it happened like this, i’m not a child in the answer. for some misdeeds of your parents, you are in an orphanage since we were brought up, my grandmother raised me, i recognized my mother for the first time at the age of 7, i saw her, but what about not alcohol? no, she and
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her father lived in the north and she gave me to my grandmother when i was 2 years old, i love my grandmother very much, she and my grandfather invested this value of family in me, that is, i grew up and i saw how later when i met my mother, 7 years old she arrived already pregnant, came to well... already before giving birth, she told my grandmother, i’m unaccustomed to her, i don’t feel anything for her, but i was needed, yes, but it’s based on her behavior that i i saw this, that is, she mocked me too, she didn’t love me, she took out her aggression on me, her kind of inadequacy, although she also gave birth to me early at the age of 19, that is, being married, but you see, you can’t force it’s impossible to love a person, but a child. this is a different person, she is a very strong woman, if she could cope with this at all, she mustered up the strength to tell this story at all,
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it was impossible to escape from her husband to her grandmother, but i ran away, i took the children, i went to my grandmother, i lived there for several months , and he's at i just crawled, well, back there, i’m sorry, i love you, back and forth, well, just. not there, apparently, the garden was already neglected, the tomatoes were drying up there, it was necessary, if you knew why you were returning, every woman wants the support of her husband and father for her child, i am always for the child to have a father, i tried until the last save the marriage, well, irina, father to father rozen, he seemed to understand that he still somehow loved her, well, well, the influence of other people, alcohol, plus on top of that , all this, well... it seems to have ruined, destroyed their family, let’s say, their family, what happened to the chicken coop, tell me this
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story. my ex-husband didn’t give me any money, he left, left me for six months, went to moscow, i stayed at home with the children, that’s the deadline, we were starving, we didn’t have enough money, we didn’t eat at a common table, you separately, no, no, yes, i separately, you were not invited to the table, no, of course not, on the contrary, if i cooked something there, i always brought it to my father-in-law first, that is, mother-in-law to my father-in-law, or whenever, if they got sick there, i... always came with medicines, treated, helped, i was taking care, uh, i told my daughter: go get a couple of eggs from the chicken coop, that is, i ’ll make you pancakes, while i was cooking there in the kitchen, as they say, i scraped the bottom of the barrel, in general, in general, i see that my daughter is crying and the grandfather shouts at her, i go out, what happened, so and so, in short, the grandfather-in-law turns out, and he accused my daughter of...
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color, that she took a couple of eggs from the chicken coop, that is, it was all in one yard, well, how i would like to feed the children, i tried to explain to them, then my mother-in-law ran out, they basically cursed at my daughter everyone started arguing, it was terrible, then my mother-in-law brought me a bill that i had to give them money for two eggs, for a box of matches that i took from them, and something else, well, how much money was it, rubles 36. she is a very good actress, you have lost a lot, these are very far-fetched accusations, that’s all, well, is it true or not, of course not, but what else, well, if it’s a lie, it was cold, you say, all sorts of double-tails were running around, dampness, mold, and it was impossible to heat in the house, in fact, there was a village there, there was increased dampness, of course the thing is, if the house is not heated,
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it is impossible to live there. i have children too, so they were sick and coughed, but there was no way to get rid of this mold, that is, i tried to somehow clean it, remove it, but they warmed themselves with something, there was a boiler, the boiler was very old, well, as my father-in-law said, it was normal , it will do for you, but it was about 15-16°c warm in the room, and you tried to turn it on, it was freezing, yes, just when my husband was not there, he... was in moscow, and we, i remember, were the time is 5:00 in the morning, we are lying in our jackets, my son and i were sleeping then, and we are lying it was just cold, there was steam coming out of my mouth, i turned on the split system for heating, an hour later my mother-in-law came running, screaming with obscenities, so that you die, i said, what are you saying, first of all, my child is sleeping, and you are screaming, you wake him up now, so that you die, let him come, i wish my son would come sooner, you threw you out of here, just
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like that... are you filming or someone else? yes. this was the only way to defend myself. does this drive you out, or what? yes, yes, he threw away my things. he sued behind my back.
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deceived me, said what he was given a pass from work, no one gave him a pass, no one gave him a pass, no one, of course, no, i’ll call dad, kiva, i ’m blowing, mom, what’s wrong, this is for you, no one yes, didn’t even let me see my son, no one even let me talk to him,
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what happened to the child, why is he wearing a mask, in general, he took my son from me to the village, i came to see the child, that is, how he took him, he deceived me, he said, that he was given a ticket to the sanatorium, and i believed, well, the sanatorium, the sea, i say, just please, have connections and the child has problems some, congenital with health or healthy, it’s quite good, yes, everything is fine, of course, it’s just like, well, i worked too, and well, okay, i think it’s working out, and he took him there to the village. that’s all, that is, i say, well, like, when you bring your son, and he keeps eating me breakfast, let’s feed him, everything later, everything later, perhaps there was a reason for him to take the child away, or he loves his child too much, so , i probably already
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foresaw this situation, that it would not be easy to take it away, i turned out to be right, that is, i i arrived there, my ex-roommate and i came to pick up the child, and there was already a roommate, yes, yes, we just... moved to krasnodar, we lived together, and we arrived there, and it turns out that i’m getting out of the car , my son saw me, and the child was a boss there, well, all like that, how old is he, well, everyone in the village is a boss, especially in the summer, and how old was the child when you arrived with your roommate, when he forbade you, 5 years, 5 years, yes, but it turns out that i arrived and my son wanted to run up to me, he screamed, mom, i’m sick, the only phrase he managed to tell me say, mom, i’m sick, so what? his son is me and this ex-husband, he quickly picks him up and through the gardens he just hid him, why is the child in the hospital, what’s wrong with him, why did he bring him to pneumonia, to a serious condition, and i found out this from strangers, the child got sick at his father's, he
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just didn't pay attention, he doesn't need the child, and just takes advantage of the fact that... he lives with him, he knows that it will be worse for her, i found out what hospital he was in, i came , talked with the head doctor, explained the situation, the head doctor gives it’s okay for me to pick up my son and take him to krasnodar, the treatment is better there, we were supposed to have a forensic examination, but there the section is not allowed to see doctors or what, they save on everything, that is, some medicines are the cheapest at the minimum wage , they didn’t really talk to doctors, the medicine there is bad, he didn’t say that he would leave him at home, he was the same from the start. took him to take me to the sanatorium, there was correspondence there, even in the video, i talked with his employee at work, who issues vouchers, accountant, the decision of the court, the child with whom, the courts take a very long time, we have been deciding for 2 years, and after the divorce the child was with you, the child was with me, of course,
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i want her to arrange her life, yeah, get married, get married, get married, everything is fine, she has built her life, but my son, our son together, he will interfere with her in this. and i want to put all these difficulties on my shoulders, i want to invite your husband so that he can tell the whole truth, he is here today, that’s why you don’t look like a sectarian, hello, hello, sit down, hello, irina, hello, i don’t know how it is with you, let’s...
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video, my hair is just moving, what happened there, how could this even happen? yes, of course, this is not all that you heard, you will hear a lot of things, you will hear that we... steal children, cut their heads and bury them under the fence, this didn’t happen, this didn’t happen, nothing, but the fact that they beat up their wife , she lost a child while pregnant, that uh, her parents kicked her out of the house, i don’t want to prove anything, look, we’re not philosophizing, yes, look, i’m not your judge, not a prosecutor, i the artist who works on this program, that’s it, it’s none of my business, i’m not your conscience, i’m not yours, nothing, it’s just... “i’ll help you sort this situation out somehow, okay, listen, if i could have someone -at one time he helped, i might have lived a different life, a more correct one, she probably didn’t know about it, she wasn’t ready to see him, so he was going, she knew where he was going,
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what was there in fact, your parents are in a sect, no, that’s a lie, did you go to moscow for six months?” "work for 3 months, for 3 months, they sent money to irina, well, i can’t prove it, but i did send it, yours. father - treated irina’s eldest child cruelly, not from you, not yours, no, but irina lived in inhuman conditions, she was cold and hungry, i even resent her, how can you say that, i saw with my own eyes now how your the parent kicked irina out of the house, covering her with obscenities, but i saw it now, yes, uh, i... i also saw this video, but there is also a video where i
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throw things out of the house, but at that moment she i didn’t film it, because when i filmed her with her lover at home, she was already sitting on the suitcases, naturally, i’m not a robot, i’m a human, i’m a mess, i took the things and threw them away, she only filmed this part when i throw it away , and showed only this part to the guardianship authorities, and the guardianship authorities began to be biased towards me where they were at that time.
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that i have the same accusations, that i killed a child, we all do this, we all do this, we all do this, you know, i, when my children broke something for themselves or cut something by accident, at first i screamed like i had lost my mind, and then near the bed got on her knees and begged for forgiveness, this is such a violent, maternal, feminine reaction, when you see, when you are helpless, it ’s called love, you know, it’s like this, when you’re helpless, you don’t know what to do, first you scream, then you cry, then you apologize, that’s it. so the manifestation is different, this can also happen, well, i
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don’t see any crime yet, sasha, if you love your son so much, why don’t you help him at all, except for the pittance of alimony, which you began to pay only six months later, well not six months, a couple there months since you and i divorced and i left you, and besides this, you tell me, the child needs a speech therapist, you know that i live alone with the children, i pay for it myself. rented apartment, i am paying off the mortgage that i took out for the children and me, that is, you are now admitting that, look, irina said that the child is absolutely healthy, when i asked the question, there are some congenital problems with the child, maybe there are problems or not , you say that the child does not speak, because no one communicates with him, i have his medical record in my car right now, where it is written that the child has a deficiency. i tell irina, irin, this way and that, so i was at
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the doctor, uh-huh, i started to examine him, he’s underweight, sasha, yours and that i’m right at all the doctors, and that irina speaks directly with obscenities, and this, well i won’t show samoer either, maybe, but tell me, looking at me you’ll never tell in my life that i was underweight in years.
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she, when she lived in my house, she left for anapa, there are witnesses, i left, left and even, she didn’t even warn my parents that she was leaving for a day so that she looked after the children, with your parents, maybe irina was afraid, maybe she would have known what the answer would be from
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your parents, she didn’t, look, now she’s blaming me for everything, sasha. she left to walk along the beach, find herself a man, that’s one story, but she went to earn money to feed her family when there was no other choice, if she had children in anapa, irina has a video. which confirms her words, but the husband, except for his words, unfortunately has nothing, who is so good, hello, who is so good boy, where is the little girl, who is this good boy, say hello to aunt larisai and aunt
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rosa, but look all the way, by the way, dad, oh, look, he... what's your name? kostya! how old are you kostya? five? do you go to kindergarten? yeah, do you like it? yes. what is the name of your favorite teacher? anastasia from satan. what are you saying? what is she like? she's grown up and still fools around. is she kind or beautiful, yes, she’s thinly beautiful, don’t tell me, mom, i’m talking to konstantin, well, all the children are skinny in such age, well, i think yes, he is malnourished, although to be honest, now children are the kind who sit on the computer on the internet all the time, so they
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are so, let’s say, plump from constantly sitting on the phone, tell me, who is sitting in front of you, my? dad is from the village, dad is from the village, and who else lives, please, you are in the way, you are in the way, you don’t need to whisper anything to him, just let him sit, we believe that you love him, konstantin, and there you also have a grandmother with grandfather, yeah, and you also have a little sister, yeah, you love her, yes, tell me, do you often go to dad? you go, well, no, would you like to do it more often or would you not like to, would you not like to, but why? because i don’t remember how i was there, i remember, yes, but at my mother’s, at my mother’s i want, you love your mother, yeah, who
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doesn’t love your mother, tell me, tell me, everyone loves your mother, your mother is the best on earth, really , mom is the most beautiful, the best, just like that, and does mom scold you for anything? not anymore, but before, not before either, the child is so cool, of course, in general it’s great to ask children, because children still don’t quite know how to lie, but what do you like to eat? for example, you love pies, pies, yes, do you want me to treat you? with pistas, and what do you like with cabbage or potatoes, maybe you’ll find one with potatoes, with potatoes, come on, come to me, now i ’ll tell you, look, if this one is with potatoes, it means you’ll learn to swim this year , if with cabbage, then ride a bike,
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can you imagine, with potatoes you will learn to swim, but... my hands are clean, you know how lucky you are, tell me, but mom often, and mom often bakes pies, no longer, why ? i don’t know, but are you asking her? what are you asking your mom for? i'm not asking, no, come to me here, would you like some candy? yeah, let's open which ones, i love all the candies, do you love all the candies, are these all? no longer, no, okay, you’ll sit at mom’s, mom, but just sit next to me, not at home with me, but just sit next to me, he locked me up
3:52 am
and the body to mom, no, artta didn’t lag behind, but locked him where, well in the village, you cried, no, i wanted mom, but dad didn’t allow it, but he said he didn’t want to... with dad, well, it’s a force of habit, it’s probably already, it’s difficult to be with mom so much all the time, whatever one may say, everything is complicated, of course, it’s possible, what is it, i also asked, how did he do it? like him, and not my ust, give this to your sister a bag, okay, yeah, and this is for you, you remember yura gagarin, you had a toy, you lost it, yes, i remember, here too...
3:53 am
such gifts, well, no, it’s been a while, but it was hidden, but you don’t remember the railway, the car, the current train, the iron one, yes, i remember, and i remember the car, and what else do you remember, i also remember how you snorted me and didn’t leave me behind, and recently what did i give you for the new year? you don’t remember, well, it doesn’t matter, then you’ll remember,
3:54 am
yes, i won’t remember, well, mom will tell you, yeah, eh sit down son, come to me, little bunny, come my dear, the child should have missed his dad, but for some reason he doesn’t go to him willingly, he is more drawn to his mother, come on, help him, toys, candy for sure, a gift for your sister, take the candy and put the pie in the other hand, just neatly, you promise to eat the pie, you promise, konstantin, aha, now they’ll take it, where are you going, now you’re taking it to dad, bring it, bring it, oh, how is he, oh, what look, her sneakers are cool, they ’re so fashionable, look, and her shirt and jeans, how will we see each other later, yeah, there’s something there, yes, great, you will,
3:55 am
we weren’t like that during the divorce, what should i do , but basically i talked to my mother and with me about how to continue to live, what do you want ideally , the child is with you, ideally, ideally, i want him to leave us alone, just leave us alone, and how he bothers you, tell your husband, you know, until the time when he is a child. he took it and didn’t give it back, he held it, i gave him the child, well, for the weekend, look, alexander, the child won’t lie, the child said, i don’t want to go to dad, what i hear is the child’s i saw yours for the first time, i see you, i’m not for anyone, i’ll be honest, i don’t have, yes, someone, you’re not my relatives, the child said, dad took me, dad locked me up and didn’t give me to mom, do you want to dad, no, he gave you candy, when... yes, this situation happened, pdn, guardianship came, filmed it, asked, do you want to...


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