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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 23, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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i have a patch in my sneaker, but i accidentally put it under the wrong foot, so i need to change it, we prayed to pushkin in the morning, it took just a few minutes to aim an accurate hail strike, in the southern donetsk direction our military destroyed ammunition depots and enemy armored vehicles, and an entire detachment of ukrainian armed forces border guards surrendered, miraculously they survived, but their own people opened fire on them. efficiency mark.
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their parents started the main period of the unified state exam. today chemistry, literature and geography are subjects optional, compulsory russian mathematics next week. the most important innovation this year is that one exam can be retaken. the intense months of preparation and tests are behind us and now it is important to show all your knowledge. in the far east, the unified state exam has already been written, but in the central regions , schoolchildren have just sat down at their desks. andrey goldarev will continue the topic. hold it. to cope with anxiety, others share secrets about what to do or not do to pass the exam. i have a heel in my sneaker, but i accidentally put it in the wrong place that leg, so you need to change it. well, in the morning
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we prayed not to wash our hair, everyone has years of study behind them, hundreds of tests, intense months of preparation for the exam, i solved samples almost every day, i prepared at school in the literary lyceum with a teacher, there is no excitement, here the most worried ones are not given 100 points at the entrance. the main period for passing the unified state exam has started in russia. in addition to literature, today they also take chemistry and geography. next week , graduates will have mandatory exams in russian and mathematics at the beginning. elective exams, including the most popular subject this year - social studies. in general, the knowledge test will last until july 5, and this is one of the innovations. this year, schoolchildren will have the opportunity to retake one of the subjects. everyone has the right to retake it, and every graduate of the current year has the right. now, if in some subject he realized that he, as they say, failed, yes, that is, he did not score the number of points that he confidently knew that he could score. then he has the right to re
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-select this subject, apply to school, state examination commission of the region and sign up for these dates means to retake it, but he should know that in this case the exam results that he was not satisfied with will be cancelled, the majority of students reacted positively to this innovation, since it is somehow calmer that one can be that there is a starting option, and there is hope that if i don’t pass the first time, i can pass on the second try. otherwise , the rules for conducting the unified state examination are unchanged; graduates bring with them a passport, a pen, a bottle of water is allowed, and for those who take chemistry calculator. everything else must be handed in at the entrance, including communications equipment, phones or tablets. in the country as a whole, this year there are 700,000 unified state examination participants, these are graduates of this year and previous years, the organizers have prepared 6,000 exam sites. at each check before entry , all safety measures are observed, all actions are worked out, and even if the student is suddenly late, he will be allowed in. go into the classroom,
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this happens in life, the child is late, he comes, we also register him, the only thing is that if the child comes to at the moment of instruction, he will have to wait in the corridor, but later he is allowed into the classroom, he is given all the necessary forms for work, and the child works, and while there is an opportunity, before the exam begins, you can get the last parting words from the teacher, you have done the first part, what are you doing, transfer the answers, write faster and smile and leave. sound. schoolchildren will be able to find out the results of the first exams on june 6. andrey golderev, dmitry mateshin, alina sanoeva, dmitry klimov, maxim trubnikov and evgeny kuznetsov. first channel. the area of ​​forest fires is growing in russia. more than 110 thousand hectares are already on fire. the most difficult situation is in the amur region, as well as in transbaikalia and the khabarovsk territory. there is a state of emergency there . additional forces, including aviation, were brought in to fight the flames. the main cause of fires is carelessness.
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handling fire. yakutia, on the contrary, is in the grip of a flood, houses, plots, and roads are flooded. the day before, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in the region. he held a meeting. damage according to preliminary data exceeded 130 million rub. about 3,000 people were injured. a state of emergency was introduced in the omsk region; 640 houses and more than a thousand areas were flooded there, but the water level in the rivers began to decline. the flood situation in the kurgan region became one of the main topics of a substantive conversation between vladimir putin and the regional governor vadim shumkov. there were more than 50 settlements in the flood zone , and about 13,000 were affected. the president instructed to quickly assess the damage and restore houses. so. head of state held a meeting via video link with the governor of the lipetsk region, igor artamonov, to discuss healthcare issues, the work of the special economic zone and support for the families of fighters of a special military operation. first things first, valentina solovyova. at the beginning of a working meeting with the governor of the kurgan
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region, a report on combating the consequences of the flood, which affected more than fifty settlements in the region. what is the state of your interaction with federal authorities in this regard, with the ministry of emergency situations there? clearly, absolutely objectively, specifically, literally within three days after the videoconferencing , the issue of allocating an over-limit subsidy to the region to determine the consequences of the flood was resolved; the federal group of the ministry of emergency situations worked in an exemplary manner, thanks to them it was largely possible to prevent water from flowing into the central part of the city. according to our calculations, if the water had flowed into the central part of the city, the losses would have amounted to a total of 150 billion rubles. 13,200 people were recognized as victims, people receive various types of compensation and payments. 13.23 citizens received 10,000 rubles, payments in the amount of 50 and 100,000 rubles. got 3,057 citizens. regarding your instructions, work separately on large families, svo participants and elderly citizens who were also in the flood zone. they all
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received 10,000 rubles. in addition to all types of payments, as well as a certificate for 10,000 rubles. for the purchase of building materials. most of the territory was freed from water. shumkov said contracts for repairs have been signed. and bridges, as for housing, almost half of the houses were examined after flooding, of which 217 houses are subject to major repairs, lost completely 13 residential buildings, as i have already said many times, it is necessary to quickly assess the damage and restore it, and where housing stock and infrastructure are needed, well, as we solve these problems, we will definitely discuss this on vkontakte, if we need to make operational decisions, how is the situation in general in the region? the situation is stable in terms of the growth rate of industrial production. the kurgan region is among the leaders, shimkov said, budget revenues have doubled over the past 5 years, decreased by 25 times over 5 years , unemployment is registered, this year it has grown significantly and real and nominal wages
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are 27 and 18%, respectively, which is also quite a record for the country in urfa. shumkov expressed his readiness to continue working in the region. his term as governor expires this year. and handed over plans for further development to the president; three new major infrastructure projects were developed. thank you, i will send everything to the government with the relevant resolutions, we will try to support you. as for future work, first of all, of course, we need to achieve the support of citizens, people who live on the territory, but it seems to me that this is a completely achievable task and goal for you, bearing in mind that you have worked. in the past, i hope that people also noticed this and paid attention, nevertheless, of course, you need to go directly to people and show what has been done and talk about what you are planning, while the president instructed to pay special attention to health issues, you you know where your
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indicators are, they differ from all-russian ones, these are solvable problems, solvable ones, but you need to target these problems purposefully work, but in general... i wish you good luck, all the best. vladimir putin also raised the topic of the shortage of doctors during a working meeting with the governor of the lepetsk region, igor artamonov. you know about this, you and i, and outpatient facilities, the same thing, the same problem, staffing levels. and we are negotiating with the federal medical university about opening a medical university here, because well, we are already offering a lot of money to doctors, well, everyone is offering a lot of money to move.
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science is right, good, but their firstly, not so much, and secondly, you just need specialists, you need specialists, we are already ready to pay for candidates, already for whom. the problem is serious, so we won’t stand here over the price, pay the felcher, everything will be fine with the felcher and just the specialists. the region's economy is actively developing; budget revenues have also almost doubled over the past 5 years. thank you for expanding our special economic zone, and there is a very high demand for technologically ready areas. you have a free economic zone, a special economic zone, since what year has it been operating, since 2005? but it is one of the first in our country in terms of its efficiency, one of the best in the country, we have practically
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returned federal taxes, today we have more than 5 billion in taxes, well, various federal and regional taxes a year , others quickly took the place of the foreign investors who left, artamonov said , rural areas are developing comprehensively, everything is smooth in agriculture, and a billion dollars in exports have grown by three in five years.
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program time, so what are you going to do, to look for the one who did this, i’m sure it ’s not me, this week on may 20, roman kartsev
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would have turned 85 years old, well, the fish is fresh, alive, what, well, what’s alive, what’s alive, the parents of the humorist roman kartsev were categorically against his marriage on victoria kasinskaya, they were horrified that she was a dancer in the carde ballet, small, thin, 47 kg, in my opinion, he weighed things together with the bed. bought in the children's world, with his wife tatyana, viktor ilchenko lived for 33 years, and with me for 30 years, roman kartsev joked. tatiana, confess when did you fall in love? well, the first time. one day tatyana was introduced as such, ilchenko’s wife kartseva. the toastmaster was misha zhvanetsky, he gave his friend a shirt at the wedding. our exclusive family secrets of the famous memoristic duet ilchenko and kartsev. he was so faithful, devoted. there was crazy love, just crazy, i can say clearly, he didn’t cheat on me, i
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think he didn’t regret anything, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday at the first, on his seventy-fifth birthday lyubov polishchuk, everyone dances, she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba. lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone was going crazy, let me out , it’s me, i say, lyuba, aren’t you afraid to be ugly, she says, sasha, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know why did i come here, that you are silent, smiling, batting your eyes and remaining silent, if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, it’s very strange. recruiter, she was amazing, i
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always admired her, two people who god probably created for each other, they could not live without each other, as i saw, love, poleshchuk, the last tango, they met, on sunday at the first, ranevskaya. my head is in the right place, they told me, you can’t watch tv from morning to night, here you go, from monday on the first. hello country, welcomes you to the new voronezh, i love our small cities very much, almost the entire golden ring of russia and the silver necklace of russia have passed through, i have
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a dream, i really want to go on a hike to baikal, i hope it will come true soon, to altai on car. the whole country, to the south, and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot to see, all bazhov’s places were visited, by the way, volgograd has the most delicious shawarma, you knew, i’m from the city of belaretsk, the republic of bashkartastan, sevastopol is the pride of russian sailors, i’m from the incredible city of chelyabinsk, i love st. petersburg for its beauty and the beautiful neva river, i really love my country and am proud of it. this is the news on the first, we continue, now there is an urgent message: six people died and two were injured in the fire in a gardening partnership in the istra district of the moscow region, the tas agency reports with reference to emergency services. for now, this is all that is known, we are monitoring developments.
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on other topics, in lisichansk two people died as a result of shelling in the ssu, local authorities reported, four. were injured, they were taken to hospitals, ukrainian militants cynically struck the city center the day before, fired six missiles from the american hymers multiple launch rocket system, two high-rise buildings received significant damage, rescuers are clearing the rubble, also on the spot employees of the investigative committee are working. russian troops destroyed the rear areas of the ukrainian armed forces in the south donetsk direction of the special operation. the footage was published by the ministry of defense, enemy armored vehicles and ammunition depots were destroyed, and crews of hail systems delivered a precise strike. the targeting took several minutes. in the area of ​​chashoy yar, our paratroopers knocked out an unmanned enemy tracked vehicle, which is used to deliver ammunition, it was transferred to kiev from abroad, the military eliminated the robot with an attack drone. everything in the kharkov direction more militants are surrendering, among them, for example, ukrainian border guards who laid down their arms during the battle for the
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village of krasnoe. they say that the command abandoned them without the necessary fire support. equipped positions, the number of units was several times lower than stated on paper, when the soldiers decided to surrender, their own people opened fire on them, they left us, they tried to hit us with a tank, thank god they never hit us, although, well although there were two attempts, they struck near the blending, but we were never hit, and then the nations stopped coming out and responding to us, and stopped shooting, voluntarily surrendered , because you... we didn’t have anything, we were just abandoned and that’s it, we were surrounded , we were simply cut off from everything, we asked for support, we were told, wait, wait, wait, wait, and wait, in general, french president emmanuel macron arrived in protest-ridden new caledonia, the official purpose of the visit was to restore order in these overseas territories of the country, there since the beginning of may
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pogroms, hundreds of shops, gas stations and cars were burned, six people died, hundreds were injured, all because of the initiative. voting rights for those who have lived on the islands for more than 10 years. the indigenous population fears that europeans will oust them from power as a result. to stop the unrest, the french leadership sent 3.00 military and gendarmes to new caledonia, and as macron has already stated, they will remain there as long as necessary. for france, these territories are important as a military base; in addition, nickel is mined there, it is used in including for the production of solar panels and electric vehicles. prices for this metal on world markets eventually jumped sharply. and in conclusion, footage from blagoveshchensk opened the largest musical fountain complex in eurasia (3.00 km, a whole alley), a play of light, projections, a spectacle, bright, exciting, a new attraction located next to the main city square on the territory of the future cultural center has already become a place attraction for residents of tourists,
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as conceived by the authors of the complex, it represents harmony of the nature of modern technologies. our episode is now complete, the broadcast will continue with the program fashionable sentence, stay with us and keep abreast of events. the best result of the season in the world was repeated by our strongest jumper polina knoras. at the russian team athletics championship, held in sochi, she managed to reach the height. for the men, the spectators were treated to an interesting duel; the winner of the russian indoor championship, alexander solovyov, and the silver medalist fought for the first place. european championship medalist timur morgunov. this time was better solovyov, who achieved the milestone of 4 m and 72 cm.


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