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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 23, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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believes in his victory, nsdc secretary alexander litvinenko talks about how ukraine’s chances of a breakthrough at the front this year are slim, the situation is now particularly difficult in the kharkov direction, and zelensky’s subordinates talk about what goals we are supposedly pursuing. russia has accumulated resources and wants to implement its initiative, its goal is to come closer to kharkov, but not to capture it, but to fire at it with controlled aerial bombs. to do this, you need to get within 20-30 km of the city, the situation is under control, we we sent our reserves there. well, yes, the ukrainian herd is under the strict control of the shepherds from the white house. we are in direct contact with the military correspondent of the volunteer corps of the ministry of defense, pavel kukushkin. let's find out the details of what is happening in the kharkov direction. pavel, hello, over to you. yes, hello, olesyai ruslan, it continues in the kharkov direction. the pressure on our part
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is quite serious, now the line of confrontation is, let’s say, and also the advance has begun between the flanks, between right and left flanks, the right is on liptsy, the left flank is on volchansk in the middle in the direction of the village of green, there is also movement in order to align the flanks, that is, to align... this line in order to make it more convenient to move forward, well , the second task is to pull apart the reinforcements that the ukronazis are throwing there, in order to somehow restrain the advance of our troops, more specifically, on the right flank in the direction of liptsy, there are fierce battles going on directly on the outskirts of settlement, but the main thing is that our fighters have captured the commanding heights.
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in the north and east around these two settlements - these are libtsa and slobozhanskaya, which are located directly below and from these dominant heights, of course , operational space opens up both to these settlements themselves, and directly to kharkov, from liptsy to the kharkov ring road, there are literally 12-14 km, that is , the artillery is already finishing there, in fact, again we received data that we... we use and factories were also struck at defense enterprises in kharkov, which are now working for the armed forces of ukraine, these are repair factories, factories for the production of uavs, a powerful blow was dealt, if we are talking about the left flank, this is volchansk, then the battles are taking place in the center of the city, this city is divided by the volchya river into northern and southern parts, here is the northern part, it is all behind ours...
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the crib and the dominant heights are behind us, this allows us to control the advance of our troops further from the flanks, now there is fire pressure and powerful processing of the southern parts of volchansk are working as factories, artillery is working, our heavy flamethrower systems are working, the sun is shining, preparations are underway to cross the volcha river in order to further push the enemy out of this populated area, from where... including
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shelling of the belgorod region. pavel, can you clarify about volchansk, because literally the day before yesterday they asked vaenkorov and said that in the northern part of the city, just north of the volchie river, there were still pockets of resistance in the ssu, today, as i understand it, we control everything there, well, it’s clear that shooting battles are possible somewhere else, but in general we completely control the northern part of the city, which is located across the volchi river. yes, ruslan, at the moment... you can say so, indeed, perhaps some small pockets remain, but this is so, roughly speaking, forgotten ukronazis are somewhere in the basements, maybe in small numbers, and they are still trying somehow shoot back, but we can safely say that almost the entire northern part volchansk for our guys, preparations are now underway for the operation to cross the volcha river. thank you very much, war correspondent.
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that it no longer makes sense to worry or criticize. under tsirsky, apparently, the chair began to shake, very quickly, something and he frantically began to change his strategy, that’s what ukrainian telegram channels say about it. our source in the president’s office said that tsirsky proposed to zelensky at headquarters a new defensive strategy for the armed forces of ukraine. the commander-in-chief wants to use the experience of the war on the eastern front, when cities made a powerful fortified area, while positions in the fields were used as a vanguard. and not the main force, this is what their strategy actually looks like, it’s called much ado about nothing, here’s a real example: a border guard of the ukrainian armed forces, who was captured in the kharkov direction, told real news that a company stronghold near the ukrainian border existed only on
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documents , in fact , only one platoon served there, our company stronghold, where i served on... hiding behind civilians as a human shield, the militants were based in kindergartens and schools, filmed videos from there, this is what this approach leads to: we have all seen videos of what happens to cities when they actually make fortified districts out of them and hide behind the ordinary civilian population, take the same
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ticker or volchansk now, for which fighting is going on right these days, in fact, time passes, their terrorist tactics of hiding behind civilians remains. was in the fort, now they are simply following the same path, the enemy uses his logic, it lies, first of all, in what was wordlessly said here, to hide behind the civilian population. often our russian inhabitants, when they saw that
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the russian army was trampling around that settlement, asked the generals questions: why have we been standing for so long, why are we not moving like this? and the whole point of the question was: that tanks, artillery, and missiles were located between houses, the distance between which, well , maybe 20-30 m. of course, we had the task of such an accurate defeat of the enemy its combat positions with the exception of striking civilians, this is a villainous tactic when the army loses its combat positions and morale.
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the new minister of defense, andrei rimovich belousov, we must still speak the truth and the truth, because the situation today on the line of combat contact, it varies, where. somewhere there is a pronounced, serious breakthrough, the kharkov direction, somewhere we are advancing, well, a kilometer, maybe, and somewhere we sometimes manage to win back 100 m, such a motley picture it is, and naturally, we must speak the truth about this today, i hope this is what we are talking about, but what is happening in the raw, you see, is indeed criticism more and more often...
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this always happens, because with the change of such a major command to some extent changes tactics, here is the tactic of turning every city into a fort, every village, this is actually, this is a tactic that, in general, has not shown itself, because no matter what avdievka was, they had legends that there in general they buried it at 15 m, something very a powerful fortified point, but we took it anyway, this is not a legend, this is real.
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they used their father’s experience in the great patriotic war, when it is impossible to take a populated area head-on, they cut it into pieces and take it piece by piece, which is what was done. and where did they learn this cruel tactic of turning their cities into fortifications of the region and using people as human shields, because in the soviet military regulations in the russian military... the civilian population, they made a human shield from their own, from their own
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military personnel, we just saw, that is , they even made a shield out of people, they are grabbed on the streets and sent to the front line without weapons, without equipment, without skills, without anything, on the battlefield, they are immediately captured, at best, of course, they die, this is also living, but at least this is not a military crime, but with civilians it’s a different matter, i very much... suspect that zelensky’s inspiration was hitler himself, because he said such a thing: if i die, then let the entire german people will perish, because they turned out to be unworthy of me. here are sources, more sources: deputy permanent representative of the russian federation, dmitry polyansky, at a speech at the un last year, said that with the beginning of the northern military district , the ukrainian armed forces began to be used and expanded.
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employees, well, because none of the normal people would shoot at civilians. and
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the third, most terrible thing, is to provoke victims, possible victims, to try to provoke one’s civilian population, preferably children and women, so that they can then cry to the whole world, try to film a movie provoke all the various mass protests in the world, and most importantly, discredit the purpose of the military operation. well... this complex together is an attempt to create a counterbalance to the lack of strength on the battlefield in a fair fight, in an equal fight. they catch it like i don’t know, well, how they catch animals in the forest on the roads in transport, snatching by a dog , a man went out for a walk, after 4 hours already on the front line, the dog looked out in kharkov, all 4 hours have passed which of him is a warrior, of course
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, what kind of resistance will he have, no here here we remember the old ones...
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completely unconventional in the course of waging war and so on, it would be logical, yes, for this man to come out, glue a mustache on himself and yawn, this would be natural, and to the applause of those who who now supports, who finances him and even provides support in the sense of legitimizing a person who is, well, nobody, but
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nevertheless it would be good, but it will not happen, unfortunately, because western countries stubbornly do not see... that is happening, they don’t see what civilians are taking hostage and are a living count, they don’t see that cities, peaceful cities, are turning into fortified districts, for a second, they promised, they allocated money for the creation of separate fortified districts, this money was stolen, so instead peaceful cities become fortified, this is the logic, it’s in principle , it’s very simple, it’s very ukrainian, and i think that this situation will get worse, another thing is that my colleague is absolutely... correctly said, these are war crimes, already, ignore war crimes that have no statute of limitations, but this is very dangerous, and i hope that our european, how can i say this, well, opponents understand perfectly well that they will be found, they will definitely be condemned - for supporting these terrorist methods, and this is inevitable, this is inevitable, these are the laws of war, another
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question, that the united states itself, the ukrainians, which means diligent students, believe that this is... a strategic necessity, a short advertisement, and let’s come back, be careful, she also stole this from you, i propose to study the entire inner circle of the victims, especially men, there's definitely something between the chef and the chef is happening, but we don’t go there, this is not our territory, well, why do you need a novel, skollego, well, this is my veton, i didn’t believe it myself, but it’s him, at what time did he end up there, a bloodhound? new season. watch the time after the program. so what are you going to do? find the one who did this. i'm sure it's not me. these are off-road signs. these are 52 steps to happiness. every week we take just one step towards a correct, healthy lifestyle, which we will tell you in our program. and as
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always, all the details about food, about medicine, about home and about life. live in the program great, tomorrow is the first one. this week, on may 20, roman kartsev would have turned 85 years old. well, the fish is fresh, alive, what, well, so alive, so alive. the parents of comedian roman kartsev were categorically against his marriage to victoria kasinskaya. they were horrified that she was a dancer in the carde ballet, small, thin, 47 kg, in my opinion, he weighed including the bed. children bought things. viktor ilchenko lived with his wife tatyana for 33 years, and with me for 30 years, roman kartser joked. tatyana, admit it, when did you fall in love?
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on saturday at the first, for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk, everyone dances, she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy, let me out, this i, i say, lyuba, are n’t you afraid of being ugly, she says, sasha, why be afraid, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know why i came here, that you are silent, smiling, batting your eyes and keep quiet if you can,
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forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they are without each other, so i...
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on the first, i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them, and we spend common evenings playing board games, when i am with my sister, the main happiness is my family, and we... say hello to everyone to our grandparents and sisters, brothers, many thanks to my parents for that that they raised me, made me a real person,
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the health of my loved ones makes me happy, not only my loved ones, but everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish our country to be healthy, i love my country, i am proud of it and i wish everyone in it to find their own happiness. realizing the fact that the ukrainians cannot defeat us on the battlefield, they begin to demand, literally beg the west to allow them to strike deep into russian territory with western weapons, this is what the secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine alexander litvinenko said. the us must lift its completely unfair ban on... the use of weapons across the territory of the russian federation to stop. russian offensive. russia might not have advanced so quickly in the kharkov region if ukraine had been able to strike early. about 5,000 russian soldiers were already massed on the border even before
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the official order to attack. now 30,000 soldiers are taking part in it. the goals of the offensive are to create a buffer zone to better protect the belgorod region and pull back ukrainian forces from donbass. not excluding that the russian president may try to seize kharkov in the future. ukraine is important, but it is not the final goal. he's on it. will not stop. letvinenko insists on his request for a reason. a few days earlier , us congressmen demanded that the pentagon allow kiev to bomb russian territory with american weapons. they wrote a letter asking kiev to be given the opportunity to carry out the full range of necessary operations. and now, after a while, speaker of the us house of representatives mike johnson supported the possibility of ukraine striking russia with american weapons. your colleagues from committee of the house of representatives published a statement in which they call on the administration to allow ukraine to use american weapons on military targets in
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russia , or rather, it was re-elected, there was a very long history with the election of this speaker, and as a result , johnson won last fall and they said that no one else how he makes important decisions on ukraine, johnson himself for a long time was very skeptical about the allocation of the next aid package to the kiev junti, this delay was associated with him, but apparently they pressed johnson and he said his weighty, yes, he took the side of kiev, on the same day
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the secretary of state of the united states. blinken , during a speech in the house of representatives of the us congress, exactly at the same time that johnson gave approval, and blinken said that ukraine has the right to independently decide whether to strike russian territories or not. we see that the situation now is very bad, this is a gray zone that the russians have created, here they have lined up their artillery and missile launchers right at the borders of ukraine, they then they use it to attack the ukrainians. despite this, your administration and jake sullivan have limited the use of weapons, so ukraine will not be able to defend itself and return fire on russia. that's why i voted for delivery from tacoms as well as hymers. your administration is tying their hands behind their backs, which is not like what you are trying to do in israel, for example. you will change your policy so that ukraine can fight without its hands tied behind its back. over the past 2 years , we have united 50 countries to stand up for ukraine and
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provided her with weapons. necessary to defend against russian aggression, as for providing support for attacks outside of ukraine, we did not do this, but ukraine will have to make its own decisions and will make them, and i want to guarantee that it will receive the equipment that it needs. after this, the united states will say in plain sight that they have nothing to do with it, they have nothing to do with it, you know, yes, how they view our territory, where to attack and how cynical and arrogant it all is, but they have no aisle. ukraine independently, yes, they essentially show the goals on this map. tuesday marked exactly 9 days since the tragedy in belgorod; 17 civilians were killed as a result of ukrainian shelling hitting an apartment building. the list was published by the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov. people still bring flowers, candles and memorable soft toys to the site of the tragedy. and just today in belgorod, as a result of direct shell hits, a building in one
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children's camp was damaged. the stadium field is in a different place, that is, the shelling continues, they will not end are going to, and although if the americans now allow the use of american weapons, these shellings will only intensify, here viktor nikolaevich, kharkov, the issue must be taken up, well , in order to secure belgrade, because when we liberated avdievka, the shelling of donetsk objectively decreased greatly, in this case for belgorod kharkov is the same avdeevka as for donetsk, if i may. i'll start from the other end. you know that the president of russia, the supreme commander-in-chief, set the task of creating a so-called sanitary zone, it is also called a buffer zone, and so on further. it was with the task of creating this sanitary zone that our powerful north group was formed, which made a splash today in the kharkov region. the central task for us. at least for a start,
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this will push the enemy away from the border with belgorod to a depth of 300-350 km, why is this necessary? then, so that point u does not have a range of 120 km, neither the salvo rocket systems from kharkov to belgorod, by the way, are about 80 km, and thus everything that we now see is happening on the battlefield, this is the formation of this very sanitary zone , uprooting. enemy combat positions that are capable of firing not only at belgorod, but at the belgorod region, but there is one trick here, very seriously, even if we move the enemy 350 km from the belgorod border, we must tell the truth, it will still have the opportunity for missile strikes on russia, including, because they have missiles that fly at 300, 270,
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350. such conditions when the enemy will be forced to leave the city himself, leave the garrison, we have experience, we have experience, remember, when we surrounded kharkov, our red army, and the enemy left there because such conditions were created for starvation. ukrainian troops cannot be stationed in kharkov for our security, this is one of the tasks to force the garrison that will defend kharkov to leave, and here we need to pay attention to another factor today: a very
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serious underground is working in kharkov, which is helping our army, they direct our beacons and place them there near defense enterprises, design bureaus, and so on, thanks to them, this factor will also be included. we must not forget that we are now working very seriously with the ukrainian population, we are processing the civilian population, and it is not for nothing that the ukrainians themselves say, i am amazed that kharkov is increasingly beginning to speak russian in russian, i don’t think so, that we have brainless strategies, i absolutely don’t believe, that will throw tanks and infantry at the fortified city,
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most of all they cause trouble for belgorod, we can’t get by without solving the problem of kharkov, please give us only for this time, well , the west is actively looking for ways to put pressure on russia, which is why they are now putting it out in the public arena, namely the question of whether the americans will allow the ukrainians to attack russian territories in depth, that means russia or not, and the state deb of the united states is offering white house to allow ukraine to carry out strikes on the territory.
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such permission will inevitably be followed by consequences on the part of the russian federation, and what this will mean, it will mean the loss of ukraine, and the loss ukraine will mean biden’s loss in the elections, one to one, yes, if, in
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turn, the democrats try on the one hand to shift responsibility to kiev, this, they say, will be their decision, on the other hand, they understand that if the situation escalates and ... will be resolved very quickly, although this is unlikely, this burden of defeat in ukraine will be lifted from biden by the elections, well, because it happened, that is, we gave you all the opportunities, we gave us all the opportunities, so ukraine took it and lost, so and so, and it’s not our fault and not biden’s fault, you know, it’s hard to get rid of the feeling that there’s some kind of internal murky story going on, which in fact has nothing to do with ukraine in the usa, although ukraine is playing out here like i don’t i know there's a sweet pie there. it’s just that i can say it a couple of times, you saw what shows where americans should use american missiles, this map, my hand clenched like this, everything inside me was just clanging when i saw this, this is nonsense,
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because ukraine is already using the same and so ms, if you want an example, please, but the bombardi missile attack on belbeyk, quite recently, did not leave craters there yet. for the sake of this, american western missiles are not used on the territory of russia, which the west considers to be our original territories, they do not recognize crimea, well, how should this be recognized, they demand that the ukrainians be allowed to do so.
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and other countries will think 300 times before supporting the usa, these also have an element of pressure on us in an attempt to push us for some.
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shoot down russian military aircraft and missiles over ukrainian territory. shoot down what 's flying in the sky over ukraine. don't give us weapons to use against russian forces on the border. is it possible to shoot down missiles from the territory of nato countries? what's the problem? why can't we shoot them down? is this defense? yes, is this an attack on russia? no. so what is the problem with the involvement of nato countries in the war. zelensky decided to go far, but exclusively together with nato countries. from the west, and zelensky intends to seek
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desired by all possible available means, politico writes that he intends to attend the anniversary event of the normandy landings and the g7 meeting in italy, precisely to ask for missiles. zelensky's plans are particularly notable in that he recently canceled foreign travel following russia's major offensive in kharkov, but ukraine is also desperate for continued support and...peaceful attention, and this trip will give him time to interact with world leaders, including president joe biden. zelensky is expected to use the trip to call, as he has in recent interviews, for more military support from the west, and to ask nato to shoot down russian missiles, as the united states and britain did when iran attacked israel. podaliako joins our conversation, yuri ivanovich, hello, we are having such an emotional discussion, although it is not a discussion at all. just emotions about how the americans are marking our territories where
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they will allow the ukrainians to fire their missiles, according to well, our traditional territories, even those recognized by them, although we by and large don’t care what they recognize there, in your opinion, will they give or will not give permission to the ukrainians to shoot, the poles, who have already said that they will consider zelensky’s request to shoot down russian planes and russian missiles on the territory of ukraine from their territories, that is, their air defense.
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decided to use western weapons to ensure that western planes were in the skies of ukraine and covered them, they appeared after our successes in the north of the kharkov region, and we now we are raising the question: the shelling of belgorod, how to stop it, it is necessary to liberate kharkov, liberate the entire kharkov region, and how are we doing there now? regarding
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nato aircraft, we have already unequivocally given our assessment, nato aircraft will appear in ukrainian airspace, they will be shot down, our position has not changed since the first day of the air defense forces. look, there are wonderful guys in yemen, the houthis, they really know how to use them, they even told me that they even have hypersonic missiles, but of course it’s unlikely whether, but nevertheless, in exactly the same way, what will be different, for example, is our assistance with serious weapons to the houthis, who will launch there, for example, good missiles at american
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destroyers, and perhaps you can hardly imagine that in our federation council they will reveal the map of new -york and would say, ballistic or cruise missiles from what the west does in relation to official kiev, absolutely nothing, how can we limit these houthis from their use, just like the americans, if they say we will not limit, well, we let’s not be limited, what questions are asked of us, i said figuratively, conditionally, but they
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understand the main thing, they do it, well, pay attention, despite all their powerful blows, so far there have been no spans on the crimean bridge, after that...
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including in the kharkov direction, at the same time we are solving the local task of reducing the shelling of belgorod, although unfortunately, while the operation is going on, the enemy is trying to shoot at belgrade, so to speak, the main task, as i see it, i immediately said. before this operations, to stretch the enemy’s reserves, there is more than enough reason for this, their shelling of belgorod, it will be necessary to make a decision by our general staff to stretch the forces to the sum, stretch. will not accept, will not be stretched, that is , in fact, the task here is one: to stretch the reserves, by the way, we have already stretched them very well, and this can be seen in the kharkov direction and other directions, where where we could not pass, we are now.. .
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on the march, it was also completed, that is, what tasks, for example, i don’t know what task the general staff sets for itself. this group did not report to me, but we proceed from what the task is, yes, that is , if the task was to pull out reserves, it has already been completed, moreover, because of this we have successes began in the yarsky direction, in the donetsk direction and in in the northern direction, we are, in principle, beginning to succeed in things that were not possible before, including, but if the task was to hit the rear of the kupin group, it was not completed, i don’t know what they have. the task at hand now is, and it’s probably very good that none of us doesn’t know what the task is, but the general staff knows for sure. thank you very much, vanovich podalyaka
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was in direct contact with us. the fact that things are going extremely badly in ukraine is said in the west, and is understood not only by politicians, but also by people involved in military affairs. here is one of them, a former us navy seal, founder of the american pmc black water, eric prince, he gave an interview to tucker carlos . stated. the biden administration believes that american weapons would save the situation of the armed forces of ukraine. this is wrong. russian commanders - not idiots. they know their history. the battle of kursk was just north of where the fighting is now taking place, and was the largest tank battle in history and the last offensive operation of the nazi army against the soviets. the germans tried to apply pressure from the north and south. and the russians knew that they were advancing. then the russians erected many lines of defense, did. now it’s the same thing, but they are either too small or
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absent altogether, well, so far no one in ukraine , the ukrainians have weakened greatly, they have a lot of problems , officially allowed to strike deep into ours with corruption, and the defensive structures of the territory, they are actively engaged in the gravelization of their own population, the media write that in kharkov they began to forcibly mobilize homeless people and alcoholics, citizens without a defined identity...
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look, it was a crowd scene, in a theater everyone enters the institute a little sick in the head, with pride and greatness, we all enter there as folk artists, it was hard, but would you like your children to follow in your footsteps? no, daughter, for example, objectively much more talented than me, right at times, but she doesn’t like this profession, what wind, what fate brought you to television, i was already so good over 40,
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suddenly i’m invited to try out for this program, let’s get married, i watched it, i think, god my, what in general, where am i and where is television, podcast lab, today on the first one, when i saw all this beauty, i thought it was an exhibition of some kind of cakes, only the last time i was struck by the thought that these are lip balms, this is prevention viruses bacteria, this one makes your lips swollen, by the way, you think this shade is so cool, we produce futruks, offices on wheels, houses on wheels, it’s cozy here, comfortable, views?
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let's carry out the combat order, we'll sing, come back quickly, girls, and the dawns here are quiet on saturday on the first, the premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday at the first, about a new person, people have been dreaming for a long time, since 1905 eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, began to develop rapidly in the usa, it
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concentrated on... monday on the first. happiness is home, it is loved ones, relatives. synonym for the word harmony. oh, this communication with children, their energy, i’m recharged, it’s definitely great. we are often confused, if someone sees
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us, everyone says: oh, twins, take care. but always understand, we were raised in such a way that we always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country, we love you, yesterday our ministry of defense officially confirmed complete liberation klescheevka in the donetsk people's republic, about what this means and what are the prospects for
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it in the ring, and how is the situation now in general in the chastyar direction, because there was information that already in the very hour there are battles going on, on the outskirts of the city they are going on and indeed battles, in that this is the kramatorsk-druzhkovo direction, the southern group of troops, a subdivision of the southern group of troops, is working here, and naturally, each unit in its area of ​​\u200b\u200bresponsibility carries out the task
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of the group, it is necessary to act here systematically, not uh, jump forward so that the front line moves systematically, our guys calmly advance and liberate populated areas, well... direction, the fact is that in our direction, where i, well, mostly am, it’s clear that the units are demoralized, they have no reinforcements,
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they have very limited ammunition, limited ammunition, yes they have drones, and the west helps them, but they have artillery ammunition, well, they have very little ammunition, yeah, thank you very much, military correspondent vyacheslav yakovenko. in direct communication, more and more confirmation is coming that morally they are not doing well there, but actually this is not surprising given the way the mobilization is going, today we were given an example of a man who went out for a walk with his dog in kharkov region, after 4 hours they were already sent to the front line, our friend, thank god, has further news. hello, it’s news time, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. epicenter of the firing pins.


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