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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 23, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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in front of the center, in addition, tax changes will ensure equalization of the financial capabilities of the subject of the federation. it is necessary to give more powers to the constituent entities of the russian federation and municipalities to tax expensive objects, land plots, and property transactions. by justice we mean that a citizen of the russian federation , regardless of his place of residence, has the full right, the constitutional right, to receive services, well, approximately. of the same quality, we primarily mean medical services, educational and others. tax collection will not be affected, the government has enough tools to prevent evasion schemes on the part of wealthy taxpayers, the public discussion continues, the duma expects that the government will take into account the recommendations of the hearing participants, the bill itself is planned to be considered at the spring session of the state duma, that is , by the end of july, so that businesses and...
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the west organized maidan in ukraine, they fooled ordinary ukrainians into thinking that they have no freedom, and this freedom is for the ukrainian only europe, the european union, the usa can give the people all these liberal values, and i think that many of our viewers remember that one of the main symbols of that maidan was a girl with a poster about europe wearing lace panties, by the way, this girl, as it turned out, europe does not need it. she
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remained in kiev, but finally, after 10 years , the ukrainians saw the light and realized that what they wanted to run away from was, in fact, freedom, we have a story on this topic, let's see, you know, what the difference is between ukraine and germany, i'll tell you now, i'm in in ukraine, i worked in the same way, i was tired in the same way, and when there was quarantine, we moved to our parents’ house, so you work around the clock with housework. that is, everything was the same, it was hard, but i could get ready at any time, go to the forest, pick mushrooms, i could get ready to go fishing overnight, to the river, just swim or barbecue, or just go outside the garden to fry bread with lard on a stick, with kids, you know, but here you don’t have all that, and morally in this regard it’s much harder, here you need everything permission, license.
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not russians, not ukrainians, not belarusians, it’s very important for us to be in our home, and our home is a very multidimensional concept, it’s not just going to a barbecue to fry a barbecue, in this sense, you know, there is a fundamental difference between us and those , who lives according to the principle that where the homeland is good, there, although it’s not good there, i remember in the mid- nineties, another, i’ll give you an example, i found myself on a business trip in america to san francisco, there is one, one of our largest russian diasporas. i remember a huge one
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hall, representatives arrived, i remember the faces of these people, it seemed like they were all russian, but these came during this period, this is in a different period, they explained to me that there were some kind of differences between them... there were also disagreements, problems, they had no, i didn’t see any happiness, hunted people look around like this, it would seem that california is, excuse me, in america, it’s a wonderful place, good climate, everything is there, yes, so to speak, silicon valley, well live yourself, all the same, this russian remains , this is the devil, the devil is eating you from the inside, that you are still, well, not in your environment, not at ease, being in a ghetto, in fact it is a ghetto. this, you know, so to speak, well, not in the literal sense of the word, yes, that is, you can go everywhere there, move around, walk everywhere, but still you, you are in the ghetto, in europe, in america it’s all the same for our people , if this is not some kind of cosmopolitan, because among russian ukrainians there are also cosmopolitans, but there are very few of them, this is not what
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determines the national character, the national character is determined by what you you have a rod inside, and this rod is exactly what we assembled. a small comment, i just have friends who, due to circumstances there, ended up in california, so this is the image that california is such a fertile land and so on, it generally no longer corresponds to reality, i’ll tell you in three words what california and san francisco are , in particular, this is a huge number of homeless people on the streets, a huge number of drug addicts who take drugs right in crowded public places, this is dirt, these are constant robberies in shopping centers, and what's most interesting is back.
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throughout its history, ukraine has repeatedly experienced various state transformations, formation, and this is the influence of the poles. nazi germany for 3 years they were under occupation, and i will say that, probably not, the vast majority, but most of the population of ukraine felt great under, especially western ukraine, under the presence of german collaborators and aid, yes, that’s for sure, so here this mentality, you know, they probably, it was not so much necessary for them to have something new as to spoil the muscovites, as they call us, so they went out, it’s a wonderful climate, fertile soil, access to two seas, now they only have yes, now the azov the sea, thank god, is the inland sea of ​​the russian federation, industry was developed, everything
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that was built there was in ukraine, but the state after such destruction, with its capabilities , would not have been able to build this without the soviet union, that is, everything that is in ukraine. damn they thought they were themselves they can, it wasn’t they who should have asked to join the eu, yes, this is, in principle, ukraine, it could maintain good neighborly relations with russia, they could trade with europe, but for some reason they were given such a choice, but that’s the point and the thing is, you see, we are as usual, we are building all the time, and the west has a beautiful idea, nothing empty in the package. now ukraine doesn’t have enough money for paint to paint everything that the soviet union built, so, but what’s really
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interesting is that ukraine, of course, is not the first victim of such western propaganda, yes, because even before ukraine there were those to whom the west promised simply the best. there for 20 years, and we all remember these terrible, tragic, dramatic and unforgettable footage, when people who were left with nothing, tried to grab the landing gear of the plane, fell , and so on, and the interesting thing is that, uh, watching these footage, many other countries do not draw any conclusion and, in fact, apparently make a choice in favor of becoming next, by the way, it is very interesting that yesterday the new york... times published an article with very with the loud headline “american monster, colon like, united states.” attention,
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they supported kidnappings, torture, murders in afghanistan. well, let me remind you that the new york times is one of the main print publications in the american state. in this regard, one of america’s important assistants in the fight against the taliban was a certain abdul razik. actually, thanks to the support of the united states of america, he rose to the rank of... lieutenant general, but afghan civilians called him an american monster, this is what the american writes about this in more detail edition. abdul raziq's combat prowess was built on years of torture, extrajudicial executions of the largest company of enforced disappearances during the twenty-year us war in afghanistan. thanks to the investigation , thousands of cases of disappearances during his reign became known. he turned the police into a fearsome fighting force with unlimited power. his officers kidnapped hundreds, if not thousands of people to be killed
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or tortured in secret prisons. most of them were never seen again. created by him the culture of lawlessness and impunity has gone against the endless promises of american presidents, generals and ambassadors to protect human rights and build a better afghanistan. now it’s stupid to ask such a rhetorical question, why are americans like this, well, because...
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everything, and then the taliban made it clear that it was better not to do this, the americans got scared, that’s it,
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and support for the afghan army stopped and it all fell apart. so, look, maybe this is the first time i’ll say this, but it seems to me that this is important, actually speaking, it was from afghanistan at the beginning of the 20th century that this project of democratization of this, so to speak, asian space, the middle east, was launched.
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this, in fact, is the conclusion for ukraine, does ukraine really hope that it will become an exception to this, it hopes, and georgia hopes now, no, a government has now come to georgia. who is trying to somehow articulate national values, but listen, tens of billions, hundreds of billions of trillion have poured into afghanistan over 20 years, but anyway, at some point biden he said, that’s enough, they all abandoned all this equipment, does ukraine really think that it will avoid the fate of afghanistan, on what basis
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can they do this, they themselves want to implement this choice, by the way, we have a call on our stream of the popular front. we have connections egor aleksandrovich shepeguzov and, as far as i understand, egor aleksandrovich, you want to talk to us about this very topic, the democratization of afghanistan, please have the floor, yes, i recently looked at the telegram, in the news, there were a lot of articles about the afghan butcher, this police general who killed thousands of people, but this is not the first time and not the last. that is, i hope that it’s the last, but most likely not the last, when the americans organize such things, remember what they did in vietnam, what kind of prisons there were for the north vietnamese partisans, remember what they did in iraq, the prison is guantanamo bay for them in cuba, where the hell is going on, and what
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hope there is that everything with ukraine will not happen again, i don’t have. most likely it will happen again, but what do you think, egor alexandrovich, that is, they will once again this suitcase without a handle will be thrown again, who will pick it up again? well, they have the same principle as the americans, they come, and they plunder the country, if there is no point in supporting it further, they simply abandon it ; the population there survives as they wish, that is , there are a lot of examples, remember haiti, remember grenada. which they landed on, destroyed everything there, and then just abandoned it all, well, look, in your opinion, if again we take historical analogies, yes, somalia again fell to the gangs, afghanistan went to the taliban, this is that part of ukraine, if suddenly it remains, it turns out, it will be handed over to all sorts of nazis from izova, well, who will we win the war, we will win the war, that is, the victory
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is ours, i have no doubt about it, we will get the territory on which it was destroyed infrastructure. destroyed industry, destroyed energy sector, in which there is almost no male population left, well, who can imagine this, that is , even part of ukraine is being restored, how much money it will require, and now imagine restoring it all, you will have to restore it, but we will restore it, we are russians as usual, for justice, for help, even just imagine how much money it will cost, and that’s what they need. they are now giving out these loans, they understand that all this will not come back, so now they have been dragging from ukraine for many years everything that can be stolen from there, they are simply undressing her, taking off her shoes, they have already received more from there than they borrowed in ukraine , so no problem, they are exactly the same they will do to europe, by the way, but it’s interesting,
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they will then throw the remains of europe at us like this, and it’s very possible that then they will also hang europe on us, because... they are our neighbors, we will have to - they don’t need to decide all this, americans, they are sitting overseas, there are no problems, one gets the impression, well, so, speaking in such geographical, yes, parameters, the united states of america is doing everything so that the soviet union is restored first , and then the russian empire, at least if we are talking about borders and territories, thank you very much for your opinion for your question, regarding, by the way, historical analogies, just today the federal security service declassified documents about... crimes, now attention, of the united states military america in berlin in 1945, because after the victory in may 1945 , a soviet military administration was created on german territory; it controlled the soviet zone of occupation and one of the functions actually units were monitoring the behavior of the allied troops in other zones of berlin, there
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was an american zone, a british zone, a french zone, the published memo states. speeches of american military personnel against the germans, before i read there - in fact, the whole essence of these crimes, you see, in the public consciousness in the west and, by the way, until recently in our country there was a story about the fact that americans, europeans, they are such lovers of humanistic values, they all forget about the bombing of dresden, about that japan was bombed with nuclear weapons, namely the united states of america, but for some reason they constantly tell myths and fake news about... hooliganism, robbery, violence by the american military against the germans, and these cases occurred on a systematic basis.
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for example, there were cases have been established , for example, on october 21, two germans, friedrich scholl, here, by the way, we have a story with sound just about these stories, as a case of hooliganism, robbery , violence against germans by american soldiers does not stop, and these facts... are increasing daily, for example, on october 21, two germans, friedrich scholl, living on schwerinsch route 15, and karl krichik, living on pod sdamersy 158, were walking home from work, two american soldiers approached them from potzdamer street they asked him to light a cigarette, after which, for no reason , the americans fired a shot from their pistols, as a result of which scholl was wounded in the chest and a scream in the stomach. the latter were picked up by police in serious condition and taken to augusta victoria hospital.
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to the prime minister at a meeting with voters they shoot, or, accordingly , a helicopter accidentally crashes somewhere, people die, that is, here we must talk to you about the fact
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that all means from political and state terrorism to the introduction of armed forces into the territory of a country that is trying to build relations with russia, they are used by the americans, so of course no one will ever say openly, we will come to your country. we will occupy it and suck out resources from there and install our own puppet government, of course, the americans will say: we are coming to you for in order to bring democracy, naturally, having created such a huge state military machine, it needs to be maintained, soldiers and officers need to be paid salaries, the military-industrial complex needs to constantly receive orders, for this it is necessary that tanks burn, planes crash, ammunition is used up were, it’s good to do this on the territory of another state, ukraine was chosen for this, so no one was going to impose any... democracy there, no one was going to take ukraine into the eu, and will not take it either into the eu or nato, but the ukrainian the people don’t decide anything now, then they didn’t decide anything, maybe when they
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elected their former president zelensky, who is now no longer the president, but in fact a military dictator, who, under the guise of war, i think that ’s why there will be war in every possible way fuel, because this so-called ex-president zelensky, the west needs him, and in order for him to not be re-elected under any circumstances, it is necessary to prolong the injection into the war as long as possible in order to, under this pretext zelensky was not re-elected so that elections would not be held, because if in some other country, god forbid zelensky, ivanov, petrov, sidorov, would extend their powers beyond the period for which he was elected, the americans immediately began to say that this trampling on democracy, how can this be, so here we must remember that we had traitors in the soviet union who surrendered our national interests, withdrew soviet troops from those territories
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when it was necessary to practically destroy all our weapons, it was said that from nuclear weapons need to be abandoned, and we don’t need an army, then there were such successive wonderful ones who closed the military school, then a major special military operation begins, we are faced with the nato bloc, which was not going to disarm, on the contrary, rearm, it turns out we need to launch a military-industrial complex , it turns out we needed not to withdraw soviet troops from the territories on which they were stationed, it turns out that the nato bloc is expanding, it turns out that the soviet bloc...
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there are eights back then, when it was the debut of our president, in 2000, at the g8 summit, we got acquainted with the preparations, here we go, i’ll tell you, the atmosphere is unpleasant, there are these checkpoints everywhere, these marines are so bull-necked, sitting in bars, something like that, with the fact that the command, apparently, is trying to control it all, it’s impossible to control, everything sparkles somewhere, and as for how they are loved, i’ll give you this story, few
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people know about it, there was such a... the so -called revolt of affectionate landowners, what is it? these are the people who are protesting against american bases, they symbolically registered a small piece of private property there, a square meter of land, then, but there should have been a lot of them, and there were about 10 thousand or something, you can check this, find this whole story, yes 10 thousand people filed a lawsuit that we, as private landowners, oppose the fact that here...
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our famous pranksters vavan lexus are operating very successfully, the fact is that just the other day , the ambassador for issues announced his plans to restore order in the world international religious freedom sam brownbeg, he thought he was talking to petro poroshenko, but that was not the case, our guys, in general, once again showed the whole essence of the american military, let's listen to quotes from this american official, a number of people are concerned that president biden... in this final year of his administration, they are not showing strong leadership. and now israel is under attack. armenia was forced out of nagorno- karabakh. we are deeply concerned that china is planning to attack taiwan. and this just a number of things that cause a lot of people to just try to keep things
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as they are. within a year in the hope that president trump will be re-elected and there will be strong leadership with decisive action, perhaps, by the way, such decisive action, this is yesterday's statement by the speaker of the us house of representatives mike johnson, he advocated for allowing ukraine to strike targets in the territory russia.
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stefan, can you hear us? yes, yes, stefan, but you know, we are of course having a heated discussion about how once about why americans behave in such a way that they seem to think that they have the right to create. debt, ah, how beautifully you call it, stefan, how convenient, i would say, how convenient, yes, well, this, this is true, which means, as we remember, after the second world war, we kind of
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stepped up to the vacta, yes , replaced great britain, and that means this empire is over, that’s it, that’s the americans for sure. ukraine, how will we be there 3.2-3 months ago, no, no, no, no, no, we, we have no place there, in short, suddenly he says that it is necessary, therefore, to give them the right
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to use missiles, and to be honest, wasn’t there such permission before, the crimean bridge, they constantly hit targets. this is nonsense, by the way, stefan, such a question, so you drew attention to the fact that johnson used to say completely different things, listened to trump and so on, what happened, did they break johnson, or is there now a consensus within the elite that if the russians
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win , then excuse me, all of america will be screwed, why are we hearing changes in rhetoric, i’m very, very afraid, and by the way before i talked about this, in my opinion, with you that... in my opinion, trump changed his mind a little and something in his thoughts, which means there was some kind of change in course, and because johnson will not be against trump, and that means trump - that is, johnson, as it were i received this order from trump.
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study the entire inner circle of the victim, especially men, something is definitely happening between the boss and kushnir, but we don’t go there, this is not our territory, well, why do you need an affair with a colleague, well, this is my veton, i didn’t believe it myself, but it's him, what time is he there
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turned out to be a bloodhound, a new season, watch the time after the program, so what are you going to do, look for the one who did it, i’m sure it wasn’t me, when i saw all this beauty, i thought it was an exhibition. some cakes , only the last thought came to me that these are lip balms, this is the prevention of bacteria viruses, this one makes the lips swollen, by the way, this shade is so cool for you, we produce office photo frames. wheels, houses on wheels, you have a cozy, comfortable place here, views, tried, this is the same vehicle as car, so you pay for parking and live in it, on these watches, in the palikha technique , scenes are executed that are known and recognizable to everyone, traditional russian fairy tales are now actively being ordered, for us this is an indicator that the fashion for russian is returning, the most valuable thing is everything , what is in the watch is in miniature, it is ours and we are proud of it, our everything, the premiere is on saturday on the first. to the centenary of boris vasiliev. i
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loved you silently, hopelessly, now with timidity, now with jealousy, now indifferently. i loved you so sincerely so soft. one staff commander, by the way, married, got himself, so to speak, and i was ordered to assign this girlfriend to business. are you going to educate now or only later after lights out? i had a husband, zhenya, someone beat him off, but don’t complain to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t beat him off, but killed him on june 24, okay, asyanina, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i was 18 years old in this skin, i don’t need it either, you believe, lisa, be sure to believe, maybe it’s true, happiness is walking nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, only there is no way back to it, after that we’ll sing with you
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elizaveta, let’s sing the battle order, come back quickly, girls, the azori are quiet here on saturday on the first, this week on may 20, roman kartsev would have turned 85 years old, well , the fish is fresh, what a living fish, well, what a lively, what a living one, the parents of the comedian roman the kartsevas were categorically against his marriage to... victoria kasinskaya, they were horrified that she was a dancer in the card de ballet, small, thin, 47 kg, in my opinion, he weighed with the bed, bought things in the children's world. viktor ilchenko lived with his wife tatyana 33 years old, and 30 years old with me, roman kartsev joked. tatyana, admit it, when did you fall in love? well, the first time. one day tatyana was introduced as such, ilchenko’s wife kartseva. tomada was misha zhvonetsky, he gave us a gift.
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and after the war she simply changed her sign and methods. premiere, ordinary fascism. on monday, on the first. the information channel on the first continues, this program, time will tell, in the studio ruslan astashko, alesya loseva return to the topic of the day. speaker of the house, united states representatives mike johnson. made it possible for ukraine to strike russia with american weapons. your colleagues on
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the house committee released a statement calling on the administration to allow ukraine to use american weapons against military targets on russian soil. do you support this? i think we should let ukraine fight the war the way they fight it. they need to be able to fight back, and i think our attempts to micromanage these efforts... is not good policy for us. well, the united states secretary of state, anthony blinken also said that ukraine should decide for itself whether to strike russia or not. we see that the situation now is very bad, this is a gray zone that the russians have created, here they have lined up their artillery and missile launchers right on the border of ukraine, which they then use to attack the ukrainians. despite this, your administration and jake sullivan have limited the use of weapons, so ukraine will not be able to defend itself and
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return fire on russia. that's why i voted for delivery from tacoms as well as hymers. your administration is tying their hands. behind your back, which doesn't look like it. what you, for example, are trying to do in israel, you will change your policy so that ukraine can fight without its hands tied behind its back. over the past 2 years, we have united 50 countries to stand up for ukraine and provide it with the weapons it needs to defend and repel russian aggression. as for providing support for attacks outside of ukraine, we did not do this, but ukraine will have to make its own decisions and will make them, and i want to guarantee that it will receive the equipment that it needs. necessary. concerns the decision.
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concerns about designating a country as a sponsor of terrorism, in addition to the fact that in our view it does not fit with what russia is doing, also threatens to undermine some of the multilateral cooperation and coordination that we have had on sanctions against moscow. this would be extremely difficult to reverse if we ever get to peace talks, which is something you would need to bring into play to stop the finish line. the other real problem is that...
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talom, which we supply in large quantities and they buy fertilizers from us there for a record amount in the united states, these are 98 nuclear reactors in america, no one else in the world has, i think we have 39, just to understand the numbers, so they consume a huge amount of enriched uranium before making it, which means fuel, and the most interesting thing is that in some part they have already lost the technology, even to create more enriched uranium to create - which means plutonium for... nuclear bombs, so here they won’t cut off their oxygen, but maybe a simple question that worries every viewer: we can not sell it to them and weaken them, but if they critically depend on us for a whole range of supplies, can we just not sell it to them, answer of course yes, another question is that apart from moral satisfaction this
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will not give us anything, it will simply cut out entire industries, we will lose a huge source of income, we will lose we are different from them , it is also not profitable for us, it is profitable not profitable, we need it here. there is a contract concluded for a certain period, and we are now showing, yes, for our part, that we do not violate contracts, and we comply with any agreements from start to finish, well, as i understand this for myself, including, that is, we demonstrate not only to the americans, but also, what is important for us now and the countries of the global south, that we are exactly that country, a reliable country with which you can always deal, you know, from the point of view of diplomacy, because... for more than a century russian-american relations ukraine, this is just an episode, so in 5-10 year projections are well understood by everyone. where we will work, where we will compete, and where we will cooperate, i have not yet touched upon the topic of peaceful space, these
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are flights to the iss, this is the development of lunar programs, although we are competitors here, we are competing with the chinese, but nevertheless everything they understand perfectly well that we are beginning to standardize airlock chambers, there are questions there, because we will save each other if it comes to the point where a person lands on the satellite of our planet, but a very important issue related to long-range... cassette execution of more than 900 submunitions, if they were dumped on belgrade, it would be just a disaster, it’s a stormshadow, all the rest, this is very serious, or american cruise missiles, which have twice the range under 100 km, there you can already finish off until the moscow region , so for now...
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only of their own production, this is point y, somewhere they get them or re-mothball them or in some countries, well, alha, which they are now starting to produce somewhere in the basement, is purely humanly possible to shut down, certainly, they want oxygen, not that they want it, sooner or later it will have to be done, because they are actively discussing the topic of allowing a strike on russian territory with western weapons, due to the fact that earlier in washington, us congressmen demanded to officially allow kiev to bomb russian territory precisely . american weapons. our ukrainian colleagues need permission to use us-provided weapons to strike
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strategic targets on russian territory under certain circumstances. ukrainians don't can defend themselves due to current biden administration policies, so it is important to provide their military leadership with the ability to conduct the full range of necessary operations. victoria, one might say, was one of the first to talk about this, in fact, probably the most important allergen for me. are the us and kyiv's allies holding back attacks on these bases? obviously, they don’t want this here. do you think it would be worth
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doing this? i think that if attacks are carried out directly from russian territory, then these bases are a legitimate target, if from them launch missiles or carry out supplies for the army. i think the time has come because russia has provoked an escalation of the conflict. this concerns the attack on the second russian city of kharkov. i fear that nato training bases in ukraine will become a target for vladimir putin, and this will mean
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nato being directly on the battlefield, which could lead to increased tensions in the war in the other direction and make putin think that nato territory can become his own fair game, so i i think it makes the most sense to conduct most of the training outside of ukraine. the whole point is a contradiction, vladimir vladimirovich, explain. that’s why sending troops to ukraine seems dangerous, here is the permission of the ukrainian junti, official permission, because they are already hitting, hitting our territories with american weapons, no, but i don’t see a contradiction at all, because ukraine, if it bought weapons, she can really do it herself, whatever she wants with this weapon, how she wants, when she wants, where she wants, with whom she wants, this is a commercial deal, ukraine will buy, ukraine.
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for which it is necessary to raise the avax system, a complete long-range support aircraft, which monitors all resources, what russia has, air defense, what russia took off at that moment, where it took off, these are satellites, and of course, in this case, america must take into account that , what if an avax plane, being in neutral waters somewhere along the line of reaching, say, takeoff from crimea
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, clearly gives where the missile is flying and let’s say, this missile is flying... the kremlin, then the plane is a legitimate target, they are all fine know they also know that the satellites that will be guided are also a legitimate target, which is why there is always a discussion at the un, oh, let's just ban nuclear weapons, the russians say, no, let's ban all weapons in space, no, we won't vote, why? well, in fact, the constellation of satellites that the americans have is an expensive pleasure, this is exactly the soybean that reagan once spoke about and said that it was she who drove the soviet...
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the cold-bloodedness that they have commander-in-chief, and also the implementation of certain things through the general staff, does not follow what the people want, this is all the time of division, this is what putin wants, dear mrs. nuland and others like her know very well that the people want red in berlin again restore the flag if berlin supports nazism with a reservation, it’s not easy to come if they support nazism and latvia, latvia, lithuania and estonia know very well that if they support nazism and say that they... labor kaliningrad, then this is not just rhetoric, but these are reflections in which everyone is talking about something else, then all the talk, they gave a missile, they didn’t give a missile, i think that the americans are now washing their hands, and they are saying something like this, that is, i ’ll try now translate from american into simple, accessible russian, which means attention, russia, now there will be arrivals with our weapons, you can respond with what
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the people want, and what the people want with you, we also know very well, the people too... don’t ask just why do we supply uranium to america, people ask why the sbu building in the center of kiev is intact, why the building of the american intelligence services in lvov is intact, why is there another intact building in kiev and there are a lot of such things, and it seems to me that the americans are washing their hands precisely in order to increase the degree of escalation, so this degree of escalation, it does not consist in the fact that russia will demonstrate itself, oh, look, we are decent, we comply with contracts, but no, there is a certain request from a security point of view, the request is simple: if ukraine launches long-range missiles to shoot point-by-point, then in the same way that she can afford the military object that nulan dreams of, she can also afford a completely different object, for example, an object of prestige, the ostankino tower, for example, an object not of prestige, but a place where the heart and the government of the russian federation, the kremlin, this will all be targeted, then excuse me, then neither avax has a place in the black sea, nor a satellite in space, nor american
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supplies, nor british supplies, they want the third world war to really begin, that is, russian. .. in its current form is not capable of attacking, the secretary, secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine, alexander litvinenko, openly stated that ukraine has practically no chance, and decided to pick up this talk about attacks on our territory. ukraine's chances of making a breakthrough on the battlefield this year were slim as long as we held the line while we fought. the united states must lift its completely unfair ban on
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the use of weapons on the territory of the russian federation in order to stop. russian offensive. russia may not would have advanced so quickly in the kharkov region if ukraine had been able to strike in advance. igor, this is interesting. believes that america is washing itself. hands, yes, it means that such statements are made publicly, and then ukraine is ready to take full responsibility, and ukraine is not a subject of international law, it is an object of control, more than 10 western intelligence services work there, and they even seriously compete on the territory of ukraine among themselves, in general the navy is generally just what is called a heel the united states of america, the ukrainian navy, all the technologies that are being transferred today, including this. pilot systems, missile systems - this is also only with the permission of the united states of america, which dominates within nato. and the fact that objects are flying into our territory, let’s say, objects from outside -
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nato-style ukraine, it is clear that this cannot be done without america. and here i, well, kind of disagree a little. america needs ukraine in the form that it does not lose, as it is losing today on the front line, during this election period, for now, that is, they are deciding in the medium term. the task that they should not lose in these elections, why? because the democrats bet virtually everything on this war, and they can’t lose. look, here i want to draw one small analogy: remember, before the kharkov leveling of positions, after certain negotiations in turkey , in the summer of twenty-two they launched a fairly large series of attacks, just for the first time, with western weapons on our rear. fuel and lubricants warehouses, fuel and lubricants warehouses, equipment accumulations, and so on and in this way they provided and also with missiles, and in this way they provided, then for the first time
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the khaymars and the territories of the dpr and lpr were used en masse, they do not consider this the territory of russia, look what is here, what is here, then they managed to stop our offensive, they are acting according to the tracing paper, they believe that in this way they will be able... to stop the successful actions of the armed forces of the russian federation in today's theater of operations, but there is one thing: the russian armed forces, and here is andrei frantich happens in the places where i go, and i hope they will support me, why you, why can you effectively use today’s missile systems in the medium range, because they create an excess of missiles and drones, but single paired missile arrivals. any american class deep into our defense system, they will be shot down by air defense systems. our air defense systems have made significant progress over these 2 years, so for ours, that is, we are ready for this, what
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the military is telling me is that we are ready for this and will be shoot down any missiles that are on russian territory. news from the diplomatic front: yesterday the king of bahrain, hamad bin isaal khalifa, flew to moscow, now he is in the kremlin for negotiations with vladimir putin, the meeting is taking place in a narrow room. in the green living room of the large kremlin palace it is known that the king of bahrain invited russia to a peace conference on the middle east. the leaders of the countries raised the issue of resolving the palestinian-israeli conflict; it is important that after his trip to russia the king of bahrain is flying to china. now a short advert and we'll be back. for the birthday of larisa guzeeva. i was born yarosla at a time when everyone was young.
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i already felt so good over 40, suddenly i was invited to try out for this program, let’s get married, i watched it, i thought, my god, what the hell, where am i and where is television, podcast lab, today on the first one, for the centenary of boris vasilyev, i tell you i loved you silently, hopelessly, now with timidity, now with jealousy, now in passing, i loved you like that. so sincerely, so tenderly, one staff commander, by the way, married, got himself, so to speak, and for me i was ordered to assign this friend to the case,
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now you will educate her, or only later after lights out, i had a husband, zhenya, someone beat him off, but don’t complain to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t beat him back, but killed her on june 20, okay, osyanin, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i... there is no way to him, after that we will sing from that elizabeth, we will carry out the combat order, we will sing, come back quickly, girls! the ozori are quiet here on saturday first. kalmykia is called the birthplace of the wind; it is so strong here that many centuries ago it turned part of the earth into desert. in kalmykia they say that twice is just the wind. six months eastern and six months
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western, how many arrows should a kalmyt warrior be able to shoot in one minute, at least 22 arrows, we will shoot at the kalmyk woman, that is, from the ring, let go, every family used to have a camel, where exactly the camel lay down, they tried to build huts there and dig wells, because a camel feels water, how can it show its dissatisfaction, life with...
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i saw it without a friend, they couldn’t live, lyubov polishchuk, the last tango, we met, in sunday on the first, it will be hot, what? where, when, summer series
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of games. on sunday on the first. people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time. since 1905 , eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly in the united states. she concentrated on the forced sterilization of disabled people and the social identities of poor people. adolf gitler. referred to american eugenics back in maincam. in germany, the first priority was to cleanse the aryan race of ballast. eugenics did not go away even after the war, i just changed the sign and methods. premiere, ordinary fascism two. on monday on the first. this week
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the first stage of exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons started in russia. in total, the maneuvers involve three stages. at the second, belarus will join us. and, by the way, at the beginning of may our ministry called these exercises a way to cool hotheads in western capitals. and including in response to provocative statements about a possible decision for ukraine to attack our territories. we are talking primarily about openly stated support, providing direct assistance to terrorist actions against russia carried out by the kiev regime using increasingly advanced weapons transferred from the west. against this background , we especially highlight those versions of the american atacoms missiles, which have recently been supplied to kiev and are also capable of hitting targets deep in russian territory. in our. russia is attacking targets on the territory
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of ukraine, which is why ukraine also has the right to strike at russia, including strikes inside russian territory, this is a decision ukraine, they have the right to do so, when russia hits targets inside ukraine, you can understand why ukraine feels the need to ensure that it defends itself.
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literally from minute to minute, already now there are open forecasts that about a possible domino effect in other overseas territories, as you know, the olympic games are simply approaching france like a pre-mocles sword, part of the law enforcement forces will be left in new caledonia and they will already now, and this is already recognized by everyone, by mr. macron himself clearly not enough, will there be a domino effect in other territories on others? reasons, i remind you that on the island of mayotte there is already practically, in fact, a civil war with illegal migrants and cholera is rampant , and wouldn’t they also take local difficult neighborhoods as an example of this kind of pogroms, that
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is, the situation is very heated, and in all this avalanche of information , the russian exercises , in general, were, one might say, thrown into disarray, well, yes, i flew to new caledonia, literally for one day, there are simply huge lithium deposits, let us explain to our tv viewers, and macron is trying, well , to maintain his positions as much as possible now, which he lost miserably, including in africa. thank you very much, elena kondratyeva selgero, magnificent, was in direct communication with us, but in washington everyone is thinking and thinking how and how else they can scare the americans, naturally the russians, the pentagon press secretary. orbit - a satellite which, according to our estimates, is probably an anti-space weapon, presumably
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capable of attacking other satellites at low earth's orbit. russia has placed this new anti-space weapon in the same orbit as a us government satellite. obviously, we will continue to monitor this, we must be prepared to protect the space sector and will continue to ensure its stability. well, we need to explain here that a statement was made the day before, as it was. done the un security council rejected the draft resolution proposed by russia on the non-placement of weapons in space, china and russia also five more countries voted in favor the adoption of the resolution, and of course, seven countries opposed it, including the united states, and six. andrey frantich, we have a new space arms race, and here we are also ahead of the rest, what kind of secret satellite is this with weapons? unfortunately, we are not ahead, we are catching up. the americans have been militarizing space for about 10 years now, this is not only
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passive, relatively speaking, military technology, these are communication satellites, starlink communication satellites, which we see now , earth remote sensing satellites, but the unmanned space shuttle x-37 from bowing is also in miniature, which can carry a payload of almost a ton, can stay in orbit for several years, move around different, that means... fly up to satellites, can open doors, can steal a satellite , put it with you, land with it, or even maybe carry nuclear warheads there, which can be lowered from orbit, like such a nuclear bomber, and this program is being done by the us air force, including the military, now they already becomes military space and the americans , in short, the space forces that trump created, but now, when we are trying to counteract this, of course we...
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the chinese, spray a huge amount of shot or some elements or blow up their satellite in their orbit, it’s just fragments will destroy their group, you can shoot from the ground, how can we do this? the complex with 500 allows you to shoot down objects in... nearby, which means outer space, so there are a lot of variations, they were worried now, before that they were closing eyes, they themselves could do it, then look , someone has appeared who is also doing exactly the same as them, so now this disparity is being leveled, here is the resolution in the un security council, how the west explains to its citizens, although why and what- then explain, but nevertheless, why did they vote against our resolution? where we say, let's not only ban nuclear weapons in space, but any weapons in general, the americans are like, no,
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no, no, only nuclear weapons should be banned, but we don't agree with the rest, i read regularly, i listen to everything that is said there at the foreign ministry level, and as for various countries, and well , there is a feeling that this is something unhealthy related to psychiatry, when you were informed by berbak, about everyone, in this case the question was, this same. in general, if you listen to what the british told their people, it turns out that russia, as always
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, is waging a hybrid information war, the goal of which is democracy and simply distracts attention from the fact that, in principle , they wanted there to be no nuclear weapons in space, wait, we are talking , let's there are no weapons at all, they say, no, nuclear weapons, this is a distraction, is it really that people are not hogging, you know, people are hogging, really people are hogging, and this is not a tragedy of the west, they are very good. they are using it, their media talk about it very well, russia is waging a hybrid war, so weapons are not allowed there in russia, they are possible, and regarding the technologies that exist today and what they are, the fact is that the doctrines are really not very -that’s what’s written down, that is, it’s written down when nuclear weapons are used, well, it’s understandable if threat to the russian federation, nuclear weapons will be used in response, suddenly politicians in the west began to understand that russian tactical exercises are not a joke, just like that, no, we don’t send nato troops, no one is going anywhere anymore, it’s about the same with space , that is, if they don’t crush it, there in space, it ’s a pneumatic weapon, well, roughly speaking
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, it shot a blank, it flew and demolished the satellite, well, roughly speaking, or it can really be stolen or something else can be done. and conversations in the west now boil down to this: years have been building a certain grouping of the usa, which has, well, from the point of view of technology, the investments that exist, these are billions, and what kind of pr is around it, you know, the actual number, well, maybe we know, or maybe we don’t know, how many there are, a thousand, but if we take everything nato plus technology, then what is planned until the thirtieth year, then in principle with all this , just like that, a small nuclear explosion in space is solved, after which the clearing is clean, we start from scratch, they know it, they know it, that’s why at the un it was they who started the question: let’s get weapons, yes, but nuclear is not, but no one owes anything to anyone, they themselves did not want to sign, so let them now live in this vague strategic uncertainty, at this time poland is intensively preparing for war with russia,
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these are the stories that are aired on western tv channels? poland is investing more than €2 billion to improve security and deterrence on its border with russia and belarus, prime minister donald tusk said. tusk said that the eastern shield project, which includes the construction of military fortifications, has already has begun. the project is to fortify the border to make it impenetrable to potential enemies. commander, we have a man with a wound on his right leg. we need a medic. this is part of the training that takes place in real conditions. stanisław has been attending training every month for the past four years. like 40,000 other poles, stanisław joined the territorial defense forces. after 2014, the balance in the world has changed. with the outbreak of the war in ukraine, i noticed that
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the situation was becoming increasingly dangerous for us. i told myself that it was better to be prepared for any circumstances. because unfortunately we have a border with russia and we could be the next to be attacked. alexander is 29 years old, in civilian life he works in the archives of the institute of national memory of poland, but says that he is ready to take up arms if a russian invasion begins. there are 10 thousand american troops on rotation in poland, this is the line.
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is increasing its military potential much faster than nato countries, stated swedish minister of defense. russia got to its feet faster than the euro-atlantic community. we are very concerned that russia's recovery will create a military threat to the entire alliance. in this vein, providing for ukraine is an urgent task. awareness of the problem grows and the sense
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of urgency increases. now we are in a war of attrition, which is really a war of warehouses, so we are increasing.
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ukraine may have to make a deal with russia; it would be reasonable for it to compromise, including the transfer of a large the amount or almost all of the territory lost over the past decade. yes, but pay attention to the headline, ukraine may have to compromise, this is possible, it actually leaves room for a certain maneuver, yes, what are they ready to do or will they take to prevent this from happening, this is possible. the search that we now see in the information field, it is also related to what is supposed to happen in june in switzerland, it is like an element of bargaining, they are bargaining both material, information, and
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naturally, they need it now, the more victories they have, the more they can intimidate, the greater preferences they can get, taking into account the fact that they see that the countries of the big south, yes, certain countries, they do not send anyone there , that is , what they will propose in the world will already a priori... not be legitimate, because it will not be supported by the world majority, they are now trying to do everything possible and impossible in order to be at possible negotiations that can take place between russia and ukraine, they want to bargain as much as possible due to some successes that they can achieve on the front line, but this is what at least i saw, being there just a few days ago, i can say that they they won’t get this and...
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why go to negotiations? now that's a question. and we see with you that the delegations that come to the league of arab states, china, they really realize this and understand that we will negotiate on different terms. that
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is, everything is heading towards the fact that in november everything will be to decide when the elections will take place in the united states, with whom we will negotiate, whether with trump or biden, well, that’s what they think. and we will come to an agreement with ourselves, this is the most important thing, on the battlefield. now a short advert and we'll be back. be careful, she also stole this from you, i suggest you study the entire inner circle of the victim, especially the men, something is definitely going on between the boss and the chef. but we don’t go there, this is not our territory, well, why do you need an affair with a colleague, well, this is my viton, i didn’t believe it myself, but it’s him, what a time he there turned out to be a bloodhound, a new season, watch the time after the program, so what are you going to do, look for the one who did it, i’m sure it wasn’t me, when i saw all this beauty, i thought it was an exhibition of some kind of cakes, it was only the last time that the thought came to me that these are lip balms, this is
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the prevention of bacteria viruses, this is for puffy lips, by the way, this shade is so cool for you, we produce futracs, offices on wheels, mobile homes, it’s cozy here, comfortable, views, tried, it’s the same vehicle as car, that is, you pay for parking and live in it, on these watches, using the palikha technique , scenes are executed that are known to everyone, recognizable, traditional russian fairy tales, they are now actively ordering, for us this is an indicator that the fashion for russian is returning, the most everything valuable in the watch is me... on saturday on the first. love has no word for late. misha and i met 4 years ago; we are, one might say, a young couple. i even get goosebumps because he is truly my favorite woman. i want to some kind of tender comfort. loft, gentle loft,
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wow, how interesting, i didn’t plan a partition there, a partition must be installed, it should separate the source of degas from the living area, you’ll think it’s wood, an engineered board, but no, it’s also from vandals, that is here you can click on your heels and nothing will happen to him, let’s turn on the lights, about the comfort of the prime minister. on saturday on the first. this week, on may 20, roman kartsev would have turned 85 years old. well, the fish is fresh, alive, what, well, so alive, so alive. the parents of comedian roman kartsev were categorically against his marriage to victoria kasinskaya. they were horrified that she was a ballet dancer. small, thin, 47 kg, in my opinion, he weighed including the bed. i bought things in the children's world. with his wife
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tatyana. to say clearly, he did not cheat on me, i think that he did not regret anything. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. it will be hot. what do you mean where? yes, summer series of games, on
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sunday on the first. i am happy when i develop every day, when i wake up and know that something is waiting for me during the day. new, when we get together with the whole family and make dumplings with potatoes, cook, this is for me. guy, you could say my hobbies are traveling, my favorite is ice hockey, i have a dacha that has turned into a paradise, a flower garden, i’m proud of it, i started going to painting classes, and i put my paintings at an exhibition, play music , do art, it’s very cool, i love you all, i love fishing very much, because there is a volga in rybinsk,
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i just spent a terrible time in the mariupol library prison, i suffered the most such a terrible punishment of torture only because he refused to help the fighters... about his difficult fate in the story of yulia baranovskaya from the social project people of donbass.
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the people of donbass project presents a series of films about those who stand in defense of their homeland, their people. every man. donbass has its own sector of the front, some have it on the front line, and some have it right in the city, because life goes on, despite the constant shelling. these are stories about duty, the courage of endurance. these are the stories of real men of donbass. mikhail gennadievich is very for many years he worked quietly at the ilyich plant; in 2014 , representatives of the azov battalion came to him and began to persuade him to work as an instructor in their battalion. he said no, they said:
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what are you saying, are we offering this kind of money, this kind of life? categorical refusal. and after 3 months he was captured by the sbu, and it was very scary. in june of the fourteenth they came to me from the military registration and enlistment office and a representative of sozov was there, they offered to become a combat training instructor, here’s the cart, here’s the training, well, a personal matter at the military registration and enlistment office and so on, since officer, i have certain skills, i refused, i don’t want to be dictated to, forced to live the way they want, i want to live the way i want, in the ssu. all these national battalions are just enemies, who is shooting at donetsk, the armed forces of ukraine, the artillery of the armed forces of ukraine, and how should i treat them,
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grandfather about this...
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this is the obscurantism that has begun to happen here, as they say, everything else, here we are a mongoose unit was created here, what did you do? public order was maintained, because after a certain time all the city police hid in basements, there were no one here, there are people who waited, due to certain circumstances, they did not actively take part in the hostilities , everything else there, but in their hearts, as they say, they were waiting for the russians, well, we maintained order a little, this is a stadium olympus, where i was arrested, they arrested me. me here, in this place, right here, i go up to the car , i open the car, i open the door, i bow my head, the sound of glass, a blow to the head and out of the corner of my eye, a minibus drives up here, that’s it, armed people jump out of there, me
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they put me on my knees, tied my hands with zip ties, threw me on the floor of the minibus, started to trample them with my feet, so they took me to the river village, beat me there, and took me from the village to the airport. the minibus drove up here, turned around, unloaded me from the car, put me on my knees on this curb, and i stood there until the evening, and did you understand where they had taken you? yes, did you know what this place is? a prison, not a prison, a torture chamber, not a torture chamber, a concentration camp, not a concentration camp, it’s not clear what is there, but... the people who ended up at the airport here, 80 percent never left here.
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there were people lying here, they pushed me, i fell on them, then, well , a certain amount of time passed there, they took me by the arms , dragged me along the corridor, brought me here into this room, basically there was a room for cutting meat, the walls were lined with metal , the barbell was hanging. there were meat hooks hanging on the bar, it’s like a refrigerator or something like that, there isn’t a refrigerator, we were in the refrigerator just now, this is the room, is this a refrigerator? yes, then a refrigerator, a completely enclosed room, in that room, there was at least something to breathe, no, uh, they opened the door only when they gave me food, well, they brought me in, hit me in the knee, i fell, they dragged me by the leg, attached one wire to my genitals with a clothespin, as they say, and... they poked me in the heel with the second wire, so to speak. , that it hurts,
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that’s nothing to say, it’s just that it was tight, but what they wanted, nothing, they just mocked, just mocked, with pliers, they broke out my teeth, as they say, i still can’t fix it, because i have jaws are broken, there is another room on that side, they have it there there was a rack standing, two metal corners, at the top there was a telpher, here... at the bottom there was a metal corner on ropes, between the legs, they pushed it through, the legs were chained to the floor, then they lifted this corner with a telpher, it cut into the groin, it felt like you were on it tore me in half, so i lost consciousness, from this room women’s voices were heard, there were screams, everything else, women were talking, from this very room. what was inside, i don’t know how
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long you spent here? week, every day of torture, every day of beatings, humiliation, how they say, etc., well, then later, when they took us to the sbu for interrogation, they immediately put me in a medical cell, 206, i stayed there for a month, the doctors didn’t let me, didn’t let me go, and didn’t allow me to be taken out of the cell at all, and then they started calling me for questioning to extend the period of arrest. in custody they started calling you in for interrogation, what did they want, what testimony did they want to get from you, what group, who took part here, what did you do here, as they say, why did you create this group, this unit, then where are the weapons, who you financed, you spent a long time in captivity, i was 4.5 months, but how did you get out of it, on the 26th? on december 14
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, a car pulled up for the exchange, they loaded us up, took us to the sbu, and from there buses arrived at night, put us on buses and took us to donetsk, and there the exchange took place, when i saw ours, that’s it, i believed that i was home, and then with grief in half, my family arrived in donetsk on december 30, and family is who it is, my wife and son are happy to crush these bastards further. i am sure that all our viewers who are now they look at your story and think only about one thing: how to help, how? the only thing is medicine. if there is such a possibility. of course have. i'm sure you and i can handle this. this
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was a project by yulia boranovskaya, people of donbass, if you, dear friends, were touched by this story, and you want to help these heroic people, this particular hero, the qr code on your screen as part of the project is everything for the victory of the popular front, be sure to participate , help, because it’s one thing to watch these stories and worry about them while sitting on the other side of the screen, and on the other, it’s a completely different matter to participate in...
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states, a reception at the official level, and today the king of bahrain met with the president. putin. this is what our president said. next year we celebrate 35 years of diplomatic relations between our countries. but over the years, much has been done in building relations between our states. we have good contacts and our positions are close on many issues on the international agenda. at all.
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then here the situation is more favorable, approximately 30 large projects are being implemented, the total volume of the package is about 500 million dollars, other humanitarian contacts are also developing, primarily in the field of education, science, and there are also good prospects here, in general, we are very glad to see you, welcome to russia yours, well, the king of bahrain, for his part... called the day of the meeting with the president one of the happiest days of his life , stated that putin’s victory in the presidential elections had a positive impact on the situation in the arab world, in addition, he spoke with initiative to hold a conference on peaceful regulation in the middle east, our president is the first to whom he
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addressed this proposal, let’s listen to the king of bahrain. in bilateral formats is very important for us, among other important purposes of our visit, i want to tell you about the results of the arab league summit, your arab friends convey their best wishes to you and highly appreciate russia’s role in the fair resolution of arab problems. we have full understanding and agreement on the need for a peaceful international conference, and russia will be the first country that i will ask to support this conference, because russia plays an important role and can contribute to this. you. one of the most influential countries on the world stage, so i hope that this peace conference will be held in bahrain. well, bahrain is one of the influential countries in the arab world. in general, such an interesting turn has turned out, and against the backdrop of these conversations about the swiss peace conference, bahrain in moscow is the first to propose, in fact, to organize and host
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participation in the organization of a peace conference on the middle east. a very interesting diplomatic turn. very interesting, and vyacheslav alekseevich, here you are. they said, one can say frankly, they took the thought out of their mouths, that especially in contrast to how it looks, because the westerners are trying to create such an atmosphere and such a picture that russia is in the way, they are better off without russia, but in switzerland they are better off without russia, because they will be, well , it’s true, as in krylov’s fable, no matter how you sit in what composition, it’s still without russia nothing useful will come of it, so... all countries outside this west, on the contrary, need russia. they call russia everywhere, they want to consult with russia, they want to consult with russia, and so let’s say, maybe complaining is not a very good word, but they are not complaining that there is too much of russia,
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it is acting too much and actively, but they are complaining that that russia is not enough, but russia could be more active in the middle east... arab states, iran and turkey. somehow it turns out that we only interfere with the west and everyone else i wish there were more of us in their regions and that we were more active. from this, even at the level of simple logic, it follows that apparently the problem is not with us, it is with the westerners, that everyone except them needs us. that’s what’s remarkable in this case, the king of bahrain really said this more clearly than anyone else, without hiding it behind protocol, streamlined phrases, right there in the forehead. vladimir vladimirovich, nothing can be resolved in the middle east without you, and he said this is not only from himself, but also from the league
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of arab states, and this is by the way 23 countries with a population of 350 million people, this is quite serious. an organization is a force that represents enormous economic weight and also influences decision-making in the united nations, that is, in fact, all this talk there about diplomatic isolation. in russia, who has actually isolated whom in this situation, it’s like, uh, with the support of ukraine, yes, well , they seem to be helping, but it’s of no use, today ukrenergo announced that there will be a shutdown throughout the country electricity, just all over the country already, if we again look at fresh footage not only from ukrainian cities at night, but...
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good afternoon, what news do you have? yes, indeed, against the backdrop of these serious
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consequences for the ukrainian energy industry, which, well, other consequences associated with the hunt for people, our troops continue to successfully conduct offensive operations, if we go from south to north, then on rabotinsky the active advance of our troops continues in in the rabotin area to the north-west of overboe, there were still a couple of enemy positions there, that is the ledge continues to shrink on the vremevsky ledge. our troops continue assault operations in the harvest on the outskirts of staromaisky, there we also maintain pressure with the goal of cutting off this ledge between novodarovka and novodonetsk, in the ukledar direction we already control more than half of proskoveevka, and also there is already less than 2 km left to the konstantinovka ugledar highway, in in krasnogorovka today, our troops have actually completed the liberation of the southwestern part of the city, the enemy there was forced to retreat to the north, because uh. not was able to withstand the attacks of our attack aircraft, there is also a slight advance in georgievka, nitailo has almost completely come under our control, about 5% of the village
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is still under the enemy, but this is already a matter of time, and the cleansing of umansky continues, and our troops are also conducting fighting is already on the outskirts of novo-alexandrovka, they are pressing in the direction of sokol, fighting continues on the near approaches of kalinov, that is, the initiative there remains, it is important to note that in the last 2 days the enemy has lost two more abrams tanks there, which means in the chasafyari direction our... troops today have already completed the liberation of the village of andreevka, that is, a little earlier there were reports that we have liberated kleshcheevka, and the battles are gradually shifting to the west in the direction of the seversky donetsk-donbass canal, and our troops have also achieved some success in chasafyari itself in the microdistrict canal, also in one area we managed to cross the canal, and there the battles are gradually shifting closer to the central part of the chasar, which means that on the northern ledge our troops have advanced a little in the disputed area, there is also successes in our area... razdolovki, fighting continues in the belogorovka area, in the krasnolimansky direction without changes, svatovo-kupyansky, we have small successes in the stalmakhovka area in the ivanovka area,
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and in the kharkov direction our troops took another part of volchansk, the enemy constantly refusing to find weapons to the southern outskirts, there are also small advances in the area of ​​lukyantsy, leptsy in the area of ​​​​staritsa, that is, the offensive continues, and the enemy threw a large number of reserves here, but it was completely impossible for him to attack here. thanks a lot. territory of the kharkov region, i would pay attention to the statement of the head of the military-civil administration of the kharkov region from the russian side, vitaly ganichev, who stated that the residents of the liberated part of the kharkov region will receive. russian documents, the process has begun, what is this for? well , of course, but still, now it’s worth talking
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only about military events, it’s very important to note, you know, such an interesting fact, zelensky in the prisoner exchange insists that it is the azov people who are returned, an interesting point, the azov people are just this conglomerate of nationalists, nazis, visible in the west, who... should be returned, and another 500 people, almost 500 people, who are also replacements , it’s as if they don’t need them, but it’s known , that a serious conflict has arisen between the third assault brigade, which is precisely the basis that is... half of the goats, these nationalists, and mr. syrsky, who is the head of the armed forces of ukraine, what is this conflict, these trained, well-equipped nazis they don’t want to go out, they didn’t want to go out in line, and our last success, one of the last, they didn’t want to, they abandoned the front in avdeevka, and actually collapsed it, that’s why the city was liberated by us, too, that’s why uh, but the rest of the armed forces of ukraine are looking at
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what is happening if these... have already grappled with their head, and the head, this head sirsky is a person who takes zelensky’s advantage, he does not obey anyone else, he is a famous parquet general, well so, it’s clear what the rest of the militants should do then? the armed forces of ukraine, that’s why we’re seeing surrender, that’s why we ’re seeing our progress forward, and it looks interesting, look, it used to be like this, we got caught in some populated area, it’s not a fact that we held it, now it’s a must. if we get caught up there, the enemy is forced out, is forced out, is either kicked out immediately, or is forced out, this indicates that the armed forces of ukraine, the vertical of command, is indeed broken, in fact, i won’t talk about other things, which, for example, conscription, which naturally failed, and you are right showed an empty empty store in odessa, it ’s empty not only because maybe there
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were bombings or people fled, but because young people, for example, are simply hiding from...
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the intelligence committee released a statement calling on the biden administration to allow ukrainians to use american weapons to strike military targets inside russia, you support this, because right now ukraine has weapons, but does not have permission to use them. i think we should allow ukraine to go to war the way they did consider it necessary, they must be able to fight back. but listen to the dialogue that took place between the head of the house
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foreign affairs committee, michael mccaul, and secretary of state blinken. we have a really bad situation, it's a no-go area set up by the russians where they have artillery and missiles very close to the ukrainian border that they then use to attack the ukrainians, but your administration and jack sullevan have restricted their use weapons so that ukraine can defend itself and repel russia, which is why i would agree to the use of long-range systems. will you change this policy so that ukraine can fight without its hands tied behind its back? as for supporting attacks outside of ukraine, we have not done that, but ukraine will have to make its own decisions and will make them, and i want to ensure that it gets the equipment that it needs, what we see here
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is flashing here. defend yourself, well, weapons are still possible to give, but in general, when hostilities are ongoing , well, i don’t want to repeat that this is a world war, a hybrid one, that is going on... against our country in a situation where there is a constant dispute about what to give to whom, what is there allow, but it turns out that something has already been allowed a long time ago, they just don’t talk about it, this says a lot, that is
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, this is such a wonderful house for us, which says that someone should sit there seriously and decide what to do next, for now this moment is here no, for now i think the solution is that they are ready to allow the ukrainians anything, as long as they don’t get involved themselves, it is clear that before the elections the united states will have something to do, there will be something to do within its own country, but the situation for the united states is now complicated by the fact , which is obviously boiling over in east asia, at least yesterday , the so-called inauguration of the so-called president took place. taiwan. china
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has said more than once that this red line means that crossing it means war. will there be a war in the far east? after the commercial. on the birthday of larisa guzeeva, i was born yaroslav at a time when all the young people dreamed of something else, i dreamed of becoming an artist, one of your first roles was in this famous cult series meeting place, change look, it was an extra , everyone comes to the theater institute a little sick in the head with delusions of greatness, we all go there as folk artists, it was hard, but you would like your children to follow in your footsteps, right?
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old barrel cognac is a product of stellar group. i, when i saw all this beauty, i thought it was an exhibition of some kind of cakes. and only the last time the thought occurred to me that these were lip balms. this is the prevention of bacteria viruses, this makes the lips swollen. by the way, this shade is so cool for you. we produce futruks, offices on wheels, mobile homes. you have a cozy, comfortable place here, with views. we tried, this is the same vehicle as a car, pay for parking and live. in it, on this watch , plots are executed using the palikh technique that are known to everyone, recognizable, traditional russian fairy tales, they are now actively ordering, for us this is an indicator that russian fashion is returning, the most valuable
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thing in a watch is a miniature, it is ours and we are proud of it, our everything premiered on saturday at the first, on the anniversary of boris vasiliev , i loved you silently. but they killed on june 24, okay, asyanians, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i ’ve been in this skin since i was 18, i don’t need it either, you believe it, lisa, be sure to believe it, maybe it’s true,
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happiness is nearby , and it will come to you tomorrow, but there is no way back to it, afterwards we’ll sing lizaveta with you, then we’ll carry out the combat order, we’ll sing, return quickly! girls, the azori are quiet here on saturday at the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday at the first. ranevskaya doesn’t know that frankenbok was drawn from her, without showing the picture, you call for an appointment, frankenbok is seriously passionate about carlson, this is a cartoon for children from 3 to 7 years old, i’m trying to somehow justify it.
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photography photography, in order to live, enjoy life, you need to do what you like, why are you tatyana mikhailovna decided to become a teacher, because i really love children, i am a master of ceremonies, who is this? a person who connects hearts, i
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work on a crane in the ferrous metallurgy, i go to work with joy, i leave work with pride, study to be a heating engineer, and you won’t regret it, one day i became an artist, well, for example, with such a beautiful voice we can voice what once a grandfather, i wanted to be an artist, then a navigator, a sea captain, at the end of the tenth grade i decided to become a doctor, like my mother, in small steps you can move towards your goal. nothing is impossible, a big game is live, it seems that the taiwan problem is beginning to escalate again, this is an eternal problem between china and the territory that it considers its own. taiwan, that's it for now.
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calling for recognition of taiwan as an independent state. let's listen to him. i want to urge china to stop bullying taiwan through political and military means, and to take global responsibility with taiwan for working hard to maintain peace and stability on both sides of the taiwan strait and throughout the region, so that the world does not fear the outbreak of war. i hope that china will recognize the reality of the existence of the chinese republic, choose dialogue rather than confrontation, exchange rather than...
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and here is a statement from the chinese ministry of national defense that the island is ready for defense. today at 6:00 am , one people's liberation army aircraft and 12 ships were discovered near taiwan. we condemn noack's announcement to conduct exercises in the military's eastern theater actions that jeopardize regional peace and stability. our military personnel remain vigilant. in
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the face of pressure from the people's republic of china, the armed forces of the republic of china are ready, we do not seek conflict, but we will not shy away from it to ensure the security of the country and protect our beautiful motherland. so, the question is, are we witnessing a new serious round of aggravation, and what could happen as a result? my simple answer: no, we are not, there is an escalation round yes, but this is more of a ritual step. by the way, in this military district such maneuvers occur regularly.
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in anticipation of a total mass blockade of taiwan and its seizure, although much more effective chinese methods are quietly showing their teeth there and this impact on taiwan is stronger. 5 days ago i observed taiwanese territory from the chinese coast. it's very close. now, if you know how to walk on water, then you can walk to it in about 10 minutes at a brisk pace. it actually seems so, well, but not on the horizon, that is, it is such a tiny sandbank. taiwanese are now walking around the city of xiamen,
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they say that well, we don’t know, because you can’t tell them apart, they’re ours, they speak with the same fujian accent as we do, but there are 1150, that’s all in one. that is, you see, when there was the cold war, when there was the iron curtain, ours and the west, many of our people ran there, because the lifestyle there , the standard of living, that is, simply wealth was noticeably higher, in the case of china and in taiwan
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, it’s the other way around, and this is not the first year, that is, the taiwanese are fleeing to china and working with china, because china is richer, china is more modern, china life standard of living is better. they all know this very well, taiwan’s trade with china over the past year, again, the coronavirus slowdown of everything, all trade around the world and so on, simply interfered very strongly there, so it may seem that something was curtailed there, no, the twenty-third year showed that the taiwanese and the chinese traded in the amount of 270 billion dollars, this is more than china and russia, although it is also a neighbor, yes, a little more by 30 billion, at the same time...
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the blockade established in response to a visit to ensipilosi, in principle, china has the technical ability to establish, roughly speaking, a no-fly zone over taiwan, which in itself would be a very serious blow to the island, well, china has all the means to completely block the island, and the united states with this they won’t be able to do anything, please note that when the armed forces of taiwan were reformed and... the americans determined what types of weapons should be supplied, by the way, many were not
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supplied due to the situation in ukraine in that including, and then the situation with the gas sector became involved, the americans in general began to count money, well, that’s not even the point, they demanded for themselves certain types of weapons, these are anti-ship missile systems, these are long-range missile systems, that is, these are systems anti-aircraft that is, something that can hold taiwan as a fortress at some point in time, but we see that china, in general, built its plans differently, although we know very well that the chinese military strategy includes, well, 5 years at least, and one thing is that what beijing is demonstrating and what it is actually preparing, we can assume, so in this situation... of course, hostages, he was correctly told, just someone who
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washington must decide, and washington becomes a hostage to this situation, i would note, by the way, that the situation here is more serious, even with the election of this gentleman as president of taiwan, this is not the most important thing, in february there was a case when it means that the taiwanese coast guard actually attacked the chinese vessel, and this caused such serious, in general... actions of the fleet of the people's republic of china that even in washington, even in taipei, they were basically scared, and i now see that the current exercises are not so typical, no, this is more seriously, and it’s obvious that the chinese, i mean beijing, are entering taiwan’s airspace, so to speak, well, let’s just say, these are not provocations, but this is an indicator that they... are ready to act, this is the first, second, this is what they are about maritime space are acting more and more actively, in fact,
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demonstrating to the opposite side, you are ready to stop us, try, this has a certain meaning, so i think that of course, at least they said that everything can happen, everything can happen, because really ukraine an example of the fact that i didn’t expect that this happens, and this can happen here too, well, washington. decides, unfortunately, but washington’s military decision, and this will be one of many, they have already done a lot, including in ukraine, it very often plunges the region into there is a war, although no one expects this, it’s just that there are politicians there somewhere plus the american military, and they are not allowed to actually participate in the decision-making process, they decide something there, and then we have ukraine, before that yugoslavia, somalia.
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they receive some components from china, some have connections, that is , the us military-industrial complex is also to some extent indirectly tied, albeit to china, here we still need to think about it in general, for this we need to think about it, in the united states this is getting more and more difficult, every day, every day, well, you correctly noted that the united states is trying. to involve a third country in this conflict, including japan, in china, this, this fact in itself causes, of course, a storm of indignation, because well, everyone remembers well... there in china that the japanese killed 35 million chinese in during the second world war, they will never be forgiven or forgotten, and there are not even any questions here, but the chinese ambassador to japan held a forum near jianghau on taiwan issues and sino-japanese relations, let me remind you what he said there: if japan itself binds himself to the war chariot of the split
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of china, then the japanese will fall into the fiery hyena. this expression hurts the ears, but it must be said clearly, so that later they will not say that no one warned, no one should underestimate the strong determination, the strong will, and the ability of the chinese government of the people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. well, not only is this a super harsh statement, it is also from biblical terminology, which has also not been noticed with china before, here is the official representative mit china, wang wenbin was asked if they had heard wrong, because no one expected anything like that from china, that’s what he answered. some individuals in japan have recently regularly taken negative steps on issues related to taiwan. continuing to argue that if something happens to the island, it also affects japan. such absurd, dangerous statements seriously violate the spirit of the four political documents between china and japan, as well as the commitments made by japan.
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corresponding statement by ambassador wu jiangau, based on facts, is sincere, legal and not. sincere, legal and necessary, probably, someone really had hopes that the chinese ambassador in tokyo exaggerated, misspoke, and so on, but in beijing they confirmed that everything was correct, accurate, and clarity was really needed, i want to draw attention to this to which: yes, china won the peaceful competition, is winning the peaceful competition, is clearly winning against the united states. from their regional vassals, but precisely because he wins this peaceful competition, he hoped that we would be good, we would be attractive, everyone would see that the chinese model is good, so reunification will naturally happen, the enmity will go away, but we see that precisely because he wins this peaceful competition, the united states will not
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give this can happen peacefully, that is why they are starting to prepare a war scenario and...
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the dutch stop supplying machines there, so that god forbid they fall into the hands of china during reunification, the americans are transferring the programs to themselves, i know, for the first time with this i encountered logic in korea, when we talked to korean experts in south korea, they said that as soon as we see the transfer of american troops from siul to the southern base, this means a risk, because they themselves are further away from the front line. so that, that means, their mischief does not concern them, it ’s exactly the same here, the value in taiwan is being reduced so that it would not be a pity to throw it into a war with china, on the other hand, this is really a spin on the democratic party, false patriotic sentiments, so that people are not afraid to die supposedly for
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patriotism, in fact, simply so that the americans will do harm, harm at the hands of the taiwanese. taiwanese residents have wandered into china, why, and what does japan have to do with it? japan arises because we see in all cases where the americans act, how they act with the wrong hands, that is, in the middle east, please, in europe, the kiev regime, so they do not want to fight directly, but they want, therefore, around taiwan began a conflict in which china would suffer s... is to restrain following the peaceful path of reunification, i am sure that this path is not hopeless, but the united states
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will do everything to turn the taiwan issue into a poisonous thorn for china, well, here i am completely, maybe military, perhaps, yes, i completely agree that it is much more profitable for china to use completely different methods of influence and integration for it is far from a matter of life and death, but i’m talking about something else, it means how can... in this area , spoil everyone in general, what are the territorial inputs of taiwan and china, if if these were two states recognized as sovereign by the un, then everything would be simpler, the dispute can be resolved, yes, but here the taiwanese also believe that china is one, officially for now, for now citizen lai, for this trait everything is i didn’t cross, that is, these same entrances, they are called like, say, the border there between india and pakistan.
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china, and taiwan, and above all, of course. we’ll see, it will depend on the position, and did she steal this from you too? i propose to study the entire inner circle of the victim, especially the men, between chief kushner, that pounds of something is happening, but we don’t go there, this is not our
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territory, why do you need roman with a colleague, well, this is my veton, i didn’t believe it myself, but it’s him, what time did he end up there, bloodhound, new season, watch after the program time, so what are you going to do, look for the person who did this, i’m sure it’s not me, uh... the word late doesn’t exist, misha and i met 4 years ago, we have such, one might say, a young couple, uh i even get goosebumps, because really my beloved woman, just once, i want some kind of gentle comfort, gentle loft, gentle loft, wow, how interesting, i didn’t plan a partition there, the partition must be placed on... it should separate the source of degas from the living area, you will think that this is wood, an engineered board, but no, this also from
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the vandals, that is, here you can click on your heels, and nothing will happen to him, let’s turn on the light, about comfort, premiere on saturday at the first, for the centenary of boris vasilyev, comrade serzhin. why don’t you stand, don’t stand, you’ll be sucked in, but god has taken off your feet, where to stand, i helped, stand, there’s no turning back, but the dawn is here quiet on saturday at the first, when we return, i will present you all at the medal, and zhenya for the order, that’s right, i don’t mind, this week on may 20 , roman kartsev would have turned 85 years old, well, fresh fish is alive.
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on saturday on the first. people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time. from 1905, eugenics,
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lavishly funded by john. feller jr. began to develop rapidly in the united states. she concentrated on the forced sterilization of disabled people and the social identities of poor people. adolf hitler referred to american eugenics back in meinkamf. in germany the first priority was the cleansing of the aryan race from ballast. eugenics didn’t go away after the war, it just changed the sign. methods of the premiere, ordinary fascism 2, on monday at the first, at the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here, you and your father are on the ship, oh yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, right? tell me, are you ranevskaya?
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yes, i am ranevskaya. i haven’t experienced anything on my own skin. give me, let me go through it. look at this face, exceptional. there are many great directors, but there can only be one great meeting. i'll make a call if come to me. they love you, a serious, smart man, but you make faces. marital status, what are you saying? yes, no, i’m a young lady, without a family without children, but a precursor to the thunder, a brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it, ranevskaya, from monday on the first, happy birthday to whom, leo nikolaevich tolstoy,
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the great game on the first , the brix academic forum continues in moscow, where your humble servant has been heading the russian delegation for 16 years, this year the academic forum, which gathers always before the brix summit in order to work out.
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that ethiopia is one of the oldest civilizations in general on planet earth, it is a country with a population of 120 million people, the second largest country in africa after nigeria, it is the only african country that has never been under colonial rule, was still a member of the league of nations, at one time time, the only african country that essentially represented an entire continent, and... of course, this is a country of the deepest culture, i will remind you that in ancient egypt there was an ethiopian dynasty, and what herodotus wrote about ethiopia, let me remind you, in the 4th century bc, in the southwest ethiopia is the most populated country on earth, this country is rich in gold, there are huge elephants, all kinds of decorative fruit trees, as well as iben trees, people there
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are tall tall, beautiful and the most... durable, well, in addition, many scientists believe that ethiopia is the cradle of humanity, where we all came from, with us now in direct communication is geofar bidrogelettu, executive director of the institute of foreign affairs of ethiopia, who introduces newcomer brix. good afternoon, we are glad to see you in our program.
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our country has a very rich history, in fact, the evolution of humanity began in our country, we call ourselves a country of origins, because humanity originated there, precisely on the territory of ethiopia. this is where all humanity comes from. we have a very long, rich history, it’s ancient. a civilization that dates back more than 3,000 years, in addition, ethiopia has never been under colonial rule, it is the only african country that
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was never a colony of any western power, we have always been an independent country, we had our own language, just like the russians, we have our own language, our own alphabet and... we were never colonized, so we kept our own alphabet, our language, our path is somewhat reminiscent of the path of russia. europeans constantly tried to take over africa, colonize various countries, only russia, only russia has always supported us in our struggle against the colonialists. only russia helped us maintain our independence. besides, it was russia that helped us when we fought for independence against italy, which wanted to colonize us, and russia
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was the only country in the league of nations that supported us when our territory was invaded by fascist troops during the first world war. ethiopia has the largest economy by african standards , larger than kenya and many other countries, the largest population in terms of population, we are second only to nigeria. the economy is developing dynamically. and besides, from the point of view geopolitics we are in. it is through the territory of ethiopia that the nile river flows;
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80% of the source of the nile is in our country. in addition, we have a long tradition of international relations and multilateralism. we play an important role in the african union and we have helped many countries in africa win their independence and free themselves from the influence of colonial powers after the first world war. all this is thanks to the support of countries such as russia, china, india, they supported our aspirations in brix. the main reason why we decided to join brix is ​​this. "we wanted to develop our partnership with developing countries, such as russia, china, india, we all know how the world order is changing now, there should not be dominance of any one power, as was the case at
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the end of the cold war, so we need to diversify our partnership, we receive a lot of support, including financial, from such countries as russia and china, we wanted to diversify our partnerships and strengthen ties with these developing countries so that we are all together collectively worked to build a new future, a new multipolar world, where each country will have its own worthy place, a world order that will be inclusive, where no one... will offend countries like ethiopia, such western powers, which are used to imposing their own on everyone interests, we want to join
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brix because we would like to reform the world order, international organizations such as the security council. because we need to build infrastructure, we we need to develop, this requires financial support, we are, of course, a very large country in africa, but we don’t have much infrastructure yet, so we have very big development plans for building infrastructure, and this requires finance, so we hope that in brix, large countries such as russia will help us, maybe they will support our... construction projects, there is a development bank,
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brix, we hope that thanks to its support we will be able to successfully develop our economy and improve the standard of living in our country, so that catch up with countries like russia, china and other countries, yes, thank you for the very accurate description of what ethiopia wants from brix, we have many people who don’t know much about ethiopia. thank you very much for asking this question. ethiopia is of course a very large country. it is located in east africa. our neighbors are kenya, sudan, djibouti. so
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a little bit of tanzania, we have a lot of natural wonders, many national parks, the largest ones, in addition, we have a lot of rare animals. in particular baboons, baboons are monkeys that are found only on the territory of ethiopia, so we have a lot of different natural wonders, there is something to see, you have footage now, this is eastern ethiopia, this is an area called, this is also a wonder of the world, because this is the... the largest lowland on earth, and many tourists
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come there to see it, this is the lowest place on the surface of the earth, and they say that it was from there that all humanity came, it was there that man appeared, it was from there that the evolution of homosens began, in the south of the country there are also many natural wonders, there is a national a park. there savannah is located, there are elephants, gozels, a lot of elephants, in this sense it is a great place for a vacation, russians come on vacation to eastern ethiopia, there are a lot of wonders of the world that are officially registered with unesco.
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news and see you at 17:00, don’t miss it, hello, news time is on the first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. bilateral economic cooperation and current international issues are the focus of the russian president’s attention. the king of bahrain, he is in moscow with an official.


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