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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  May 23, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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and came here, you can’t imagine how many of our editors have already fallen ill, god forgive me, how many have been imprisoned, how many have lost their minds, and now they are walking around moscow, looking for those suitors who did not answer the phone, disconnected and simply disappeared, can you imagine? what happened to him, so you’re great, you’re a man, thank you, well done, really seryozh, since we love to barbecue, but this didn’t weigh, cool, he came up with the idea that... he brought a gift as a barbecue, i didn’t i guessed it, that is, although i also like to cook, help yourself, i’ll treat you now, of course, every family has its own traditions, it has its own - of course, oddities, but why is it so cyclical, leaving your wife every 7 years, this is the path we had to go through or what, that is, you got divorced after 7 years, statistics show that this happened , how long was the pause? then they agreed again for 7 years,
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but it turned out that, yes, yeah, we later calculated that we have such statistics, indeed, that is, in your single status you were much less than after all, yes, in a relationship with one and the same woman, during breaks just like an adult were having fun, just looking for myself, yes yes... how can i say, judging by the person, it’s clear that the person is serious, mature, not small, well, every 7 years, that’s how many times he got divorced, but how did you understand that you wanted to come back into the family, what other women lacked, what attracted you to yours, well , love, what you loved her, of course, love, and how many times in total did you go to sex with her every 7 years, well, well, twice with us , how is it, how much did we get, well , 15. 15 years will turn 16, and
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two children were born in these seven years, well, cool, daughter, son, and then we realized that someone else appeared in the country with his wife, well, not really, in the end we just came to the conclusion that our relationship had probably run its course, well, i didn’t catch her cheating, nothing like that happened, no, she didn’t give a reason, it’s just that the person made a mistake once, then made a mistake again, apparently it’s not his...
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both are to blame for the situation, they’re ready to somehow protect, protect, i don’t know, but it seems to me that it would be a wonderful union, i just feel , and irina is soft, you are also like that, where have you seen her softness, irina is soft, yeah, well, yes, irina is soft, that’s what sashka said that she says how simply irina is fuzzy and unsystematic, because no one helped her build this in childhood, well, now let’s educate everyone for the time being. come on, why not, and sergei too, and sergei, who will he dream about, who will he marry, well, how about at least one child, with not such problems, without a mortgage, in his life he is proud of the fact that he has not taken out a single mortgage , we have to start, we have to try, yeah, look, irina is not going to hang her mortgages on anyone, or hers, they all say so, seryozha, show me surprise, now it’s spring outside, i
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suggest you go pick flowers in the forest, wow, let’s go look, in this makeshift clearing, flowers, happiness, look, come on, lead me, no, i suggest you do this, come on you go and have a look, and i’ll go to collect faster, come on, who’s ahead, who’s more. isn’t it like this kind of quest, quest and romance, all in one, that there are flowers there, why am i now going to tear them out along with the flowerbed, carefully collect the flowers, then put them in a bouquet normally, this is a dream, these are snowdrops, spring on the street, they are tender, look how he collects these earrings, just tender, just tender, yes they are, they are gentle, lord, irina just thought that this was for speed, of course. okay, so what if she was throwing around at
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speed, well, but i have more, let’s go there, let’s go there in the forest, let’s go in the forest and see, you missed the flower, i see that she’s also communicating with him. so yeah, i'll give it to you, thank you for making me smile, thank you, thank you, guys, thank you, sergey, mikhail, come into the room, barbecue,
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just touch your fingers, well, to be honest, yes, a surprise, of course, not a surprise, but apparently she liked him, they were belly-busting songs, some tried, some didn’t, well , to be honest, that’s what women need to be happy, well, flowers, i love flowers, really alive, really, yes, smell it, smell it, it’s absolutely classy, ​​my god, what, and i also love lily of the valley, in general, it’s true, these are snowdrops, snowdrops, what a luxury, just luxury, a romantic man, well, girls, let’s discuss it, well, he said no, and no, no, and no here, as a matter of fact, well, no i really need it, a good woman, perhaps, but not mine, not mine, not my type, i don’t see anyone next to me at all, alexander is not yours either, as i understand it, because
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he can’t do anything with his family out of laziness to cope, well , somehow it’s not like a man, there remains the first anton, a rock musician too... i don’t advise you, get wet , it seems to me that you don’t need anyone for now, irina, you need your heart to calm down, now, just for now the trial will not pass, it is very expensive, you will not have time for a man who will be irritated next to you all the time, demands you from you attention, and summer is the time to devote to the children, the boy needs to be taken care of, what do you think, who is she, to whom is she more strange, i know, well, for me, alexander would be more suitable. she probably definitely won’t be with anton. i treat you irina with great sympathy with some kind of big heart, because you are my age daughter, and i am very sorry that you are without parents, your mother didn’t
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teach you, your mother didn’t tell you, but your husband yours, alexander, make peace, at the very least, he’s fighting for his son, which means he needs it for some reason. make peace, it's the same when there are two parents better, but you have your own heart, and you will make the right choice, so whoever you go to, in any case, we will support you and with joy, first groom, second third, come on in, now irina will still choose, make a choice , but it’s very interesting, because there really are still options with your ex-husband, right? now if she chooses me, then of course it will be great, i invite everyone to come out and support the siren, today we have no
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couples, this is understandable if you are single or you liked one of the participants in today programs, write to the website of the first channel, and i’m larisa guzeeva. i wish that your loved one would definitely tell you, let’s get married, everything will be fine, irina, all this plaster, this peeling wallpaper, it’s all from him, in a good way i would like him to move out of here, there’s always going on in his house drinking, partying, a gathering of seemingly drunks, he constantly drowns me, my grandmother is there. some naked people were lying there, but well, it was as if he had gone up to him, at least the women were attractive, well, i didn’t see them, in any case, yeah, maybe fortunately, you need to drink less, you ’ve retired, and you and your friends are drinking away all this 50,000, but what else should i do, your brain doesn’t think at all, he has a bath, he’s lying drunk, sleeping, the apartment is full of water, water
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ok, everything leaked, but the gas, you’re all going to fly up into the air, you have more than one neighbor like that, we have a neighbor living downstairs, there are a lot of cockroaches, flops and mice in the house. baba shuraa didn’t come to us, here’s viktor leksin, and his son is here, let’s call. good afternoon, we all have very different plans. to retire, some want to leave, live in the countryside, sit near the lake, fish, some want grandchildren.
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like drunks, and this interferes with life, in addition to this, he constantly drowns me, as if the furniture and equipment suffer from this, and as if this was not the first time. so, how many times did he drown you? oh, to be honest, i can’t even count it, but it happened that even several times a month it happened, oh, wow, it was all due to drunkenness, well, of course, due to drunkenness, and what happens, the tap doesn’t turn off or what? and i once sort of went up to him, yes, ah i saw such a picture that he seemed to be drunk. he was sleeping, but his water was just open and it all seemed to be pouring over the edge, so at one moment i
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sort of came and saw that his faucet was simply broken, as if it was already in a state of disrepair; it was as if his plumbing itself was . vartan, you didn’t even tell us any modesty, that when you got up the next time, when he was heating your place, there were still some naked women lying there, but it was yes, i sort of went up to him, i saw naked drunk women, the women said they were attractive, no? to unfortunately no, or fortunately, they weren’t invited, no, thank god, in such conditions no, thank you, but he lives alone, this is his apartment, yes, he drinks all the time, yes, all the time, especially for the last 2 years, and before that they also drank, but less often, they drank, yes, but it was not as if there was such a thing that there was noise, thunder, and the noise was so loud that it was as if the neighbor downstairs, who lives below me, came to see me at... and talks about what kind of parties you have going on, but my great-grandmother still lives, she’s 98 years old,
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whom i am caring for, she says, i will call some kind of services on you there, you have drinking parties and parties here, i say, what drinking parties, what parties, like, this is not from me, this is from the neighbor above, why don’t you you come at night when this happens, it turns out that he’s not only bothering you, really, well, naturally, we just had such a situation recently, and the ministry of emergency situations came, as according to the neighbors, that... he was brewing moonshine there and there was some ... then there was smoke, they opened the door there, they found that he had fallen asleep, forgot to turn off the gas, and our house was all with gas, god forbid, what happens, we will all take off, oh-oh, it’s true, yes, well, you showed us what damage you are experiencing in your apartment from such a neighborhood, let’s see. you can see all the drips
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here, here too, most of all, of course, my kitchen suffered, everything is absolutely around the perimeter, everything that is here, all this plaster, this peeled wallpaper - it’s all from it, even the cabinet fell off from the water, the fastening remained, and here even a piece of the cabinet remained. water is constantly dripping, the whole thing is swollen, accordingly over time, everything collapsed, of course, a lot of cockroaches are running from it, i don’t know, now we’ll see, there are, oh, my friends ran, then you can’t see them during the day, but at night they come out, there are benches that are clearly visible, from here , you can see how he relieves himself, right on a bench in broad daylight, i would really like him to move out of here, but what? it will work out, it will work out, we’ll see, while we live as we are in such conditions, but i would like it to be better,
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listen, and he will somehow compensate you for all the damage that he causes, wait, you there are all leaks, the closet has collapsed and not a penny of money from it, i would completely move out of there, and i really want some kind of comfort, but he wants him to move out while your neighbor moves out of there, but not for long, just in order to go to this studio now, vadim go. go, go, go some more, sit on the sofa, sit on the sofa, i can hear you, don’t yell, yeah, you, good afternoon, i have this problem at home, my plumbing is leaking, i have pipes that are risers that are not from me depends, these risers go from the top floor to the lowest floor, if the risers are pulling, they should flow into
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your apartment too, they, yes, through my apartment, not, from mine, from my apartment. from your apartment, wait, are you the owner of the apartments? so what's the problem? the problem is that housing and communal services do not repair, you call a private contractor, pay him money, and he fixes everything, doesn’t bother, why? because, firstly, this concerns major repairs, which must be done by a specialist, yeah, because there is a basement where you can cover it and somewhere upstairs, yeah.
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whom i respect, and we drink 50 together gradually we drink a liter or two, that is, you are an alcoholic, i am a drunkard, you are a drunkard, there is a big difference, an alcoholic drinks when he wants, when he doesn’t want, and i drink when i want, well, your neighbor says that you organize drinking parties every day with naked women, no, well, i didn’t see them, in any case, maybe fortunately you need to drink less, life was going on. what do you drink for? on retire. do you have a large pension? military. so you are also a military man, a former one. where did you work? in the ufsin system, prison. now what rank did you reach? on retire? lieutenant colonel. judging by the fact that you are 57. and you look pretty decent
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now. so, you've been drinking recently. well, what else should i do? what happened? but nothing happened. he retired, look, you retired, your wife, children, there is, there is, where, well, they live separately, they are already big and adults, you help the children, your wife is also already a big adult, no, they are independent, but the wife , why doesn’t he live with you, my son and daughter-in-law arrived, they have children, and i can’t be there with my drunken face, because i live separately, well, don’t disturb people, well, be quiet. they moved me away so that i could drink for my own pleasure, i understood, well, yes, but the neighbors are not people, well, let them come to me, i ’ll pour it for him too, listen, let’s at least see where you’re inviting us all, and the neighbors too, but they suit me complaints constantly that i pour in, however, look how i am in the state of a corpse, light?
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near cold water, rusty, there are lights everywhere, it all goes to the second floor, there is a pipe that is leaking, there is a strip, there is a slab, the plaster has fallen off, and there is a neighbor up there is making repairs, and now it ’s useless to cover it all up, now it’s all crumbling, it ’s constantly chipping away. with this hammer or whatever, i don’t know, there was a tile, i took it off, because it was already all black, i already glued it a little, well, here i tore everything off, there’s this plaster, it won’t let me glue it, there’s a crack above the chandelier , here it’s already falling asleep completely, this is pouring in, well , you can see the marks are soaked from
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the fourth, the heat is flowing, we also break down with age until we are 40 years old. that people and neighbors may get hurt, don’t let god an explosion, god forbid, i would live there and i would feel the gas, you would take off. you don’t understand the consequences of what this leads to, and as i understand it, when you drink, your brain doesn’t think at all, you don’t understand what you
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’re doing, on larisa guzeeva’s birthday, i was born yarosla at a time when all young people you dreamed of something else, i dreamed of becoming an artist, one of your first roles was in this famous cult series, the meeting place cannot be changed, look, it was a crowd scene, a theater institute. they come in a little sick in the head, with pretentiousness and grandeur, but we all enter there as folk artists, it was hard. would you like your children to follow in your footsteps? no, my daughter, for example, is objectively much more talented than me, many times over, but she doesn’t like this profession, what wind, what fate brought you to television, i was already so good at 40, suddenly i’m invited to try out for this program, come on let's get married, i watched it, i think, oh my god, what the hell... me and where is the television podcast lab today at the first, when i saw all this beauty, i thought that this was an exhibition of some kind of cakes, only the last thing
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that came to me was the thought that these are lip balms, this is the prevention of bacterial viruses, this makes the lips swollen, by the way, so do you this is a cool shade, we produce futracs, offices on wheels, mobile homes, here it ’s cozy, comfortable, views, we tried, it’s the same vehicle as a car, so you pay for it. on saturday on the first. are you drinking now? yes,
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always, water. don't you drink alcohol? why? as soon as i start to light? so i ask you, what happened to you? are you after surgery? well, as people usually feel unwell, everyone has operations. well, you got sick after the operation. they told me not to drink yet. yes, when you can, will you start drinking again? well, at will. vadim, when i asked to show you how you live, i expected an absolute homeless person. but no, you have more of a barracks. that is, you understand what is good, what is bad, what is possible, what is not. and drown your neighbors without listening, i say again. yes, i took the shine i'm watering. listen, stop being rude, i'm tired of it. ya, you are being rude, how? like this, straight, why am i being rude to you? i ’m telling you again, i’m not your prisoner for you to talk to me like that, okay? oh, does he always
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act like this? yes, well, everything is clear, a real lieutenant colonel, what are you doing? no, not real, fake, lieutenant colonels don’t behave like that, let’s invite sergei to this studio, because he believes that vadim, who escaped from the studio, is a very... good person, but alcohol is ruining him, hello, and this is yours friend? yes, can you return it? who, vadim? well, of course, say that you came for him, he’s our neighbor, well, you say that you came to stand up for him, to stand up not for an empty bench, dmitry, dmitry, you’re his friend, yes, hello, i’m a good friend, him, well, i haven’t known him for very long, well, do you go to him for drinks or not, yes, i go to him and we drink. we also have a mutual friend, since we are all fellow countrymen, why do you drink? uh, well , this life situation happened to me, i divorced my wife, so what? so what am i
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divorced, do you know how many times? i also got divorced, i’ve already gotten divorced for the third time, it’s just that this is a person whom i loved very much , i’m very sorry that i lost him, you’re worried, listen, maybe drinking will definitely bring her back, well, i drank, i drank, yes, i drank for six months , now i don't drink anymore. i got a job, everything is fine now, with him, when we last drank, last year, it was in the fall, now he’s drinking without you, i understand correctly that he’s a good person, if he hadn’t done this, yes, this is 100%, he is sober drunk, what's the difference, whether he's sober or drunk, he's just an impulsive person, noticeably, yes, impulsive, then if it's not his thing, he starts throwing everything, throwing it, knocking everything down. and as soon as they
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become thinner, any reaction can simply cause an explosion, so that it was not possible to return your friend, no, it was not possible, but what he says is afraid of whom, sergei, please tell me, do you think that he good, but just an alcoholic, yes, we need to help him with his health, how to help, look, how to help him, as you know, he she’s constantly drowning, drowning us, doing all this, i ’m very angry with her too, in fact, oh well, yes, she’s drowning you too, yes, i help my grandmother look after her, i live in the same apartment where vartan is, it’s just that when i’m not there, he helps me sergey, my grandmother is 98 years old, you understand, she needs daily care, and it’s like this, and i constantly feel gas, i
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run out myself. i turn off the gas, he can put a bunch of things in the bath, yes, one time there was a strong smell, can you imagine, that is, he opens the comfort, then she blows it out, basically i walk in, he has a bath, he’s lying drunk, sleeping, the apartment is full of water, because he steams things there in boiling water, turns on the water , forgets to turn it off, falls asleep with booze, that’s it, what a nightmare, listen, the water is okay, everything leaked, but the gas, it’s all of you who will fly into the air, it’s not that i came to stand up for him, i came to help him with his health, but he wants to heal himself, i don’t know, to be honest, look, that gait really scared me, when he entered this studio, we saw such gaits, well, this neuropathy, after the operation he had a problem with his legs, still, well, he types his step strangely, as if, well, as usual this happens with drunks who, in the end , cannot even stand on these legs, because they they don’t feel them, they start crawling, forgive me on my butt, we
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saw this in this studio. many times, after all, when he was undergoing surgery, i came to see him at the hospital, brought water there, he couldn’t eat, i felt sorry when i began to communicate closely with him after this operation, it was the day before, by the way, and i see that he is a smart man, and i realized that he is lonely and that everyone has abandoned him, it’s good that his friends come to him, dima comes, listen, well, his friends are good, they come and drink with him, if they came and watched cartoons or played checkers, chess. the guys come, clean his apartment, and there are other guys, alcoholics, as his pension apparently comes to him, they will probably take his money away from him or something, i don’t know, i myself threw out such drunks there twice, listen, six months ago you yourself were such a drunk, i wasn’t a drunk, i just drank, well , got drunk, but i deny it, but in general vadim has conflicts with his neighbors, well, he’s very strict, yeah, we talked with your neighbors, but
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it’s interesting , what will they tell, let's. let's listen, let's, what can i say about vadim, if a person drinks, he's lying around, he 's always here, on the steps, lying here, here, what am i saying, he's going to decompose like that, open the door, i opened it, just walked in , he says hello , and before the operation he was constantly drinking moonshine, he was alone without supervision once... forced, it means he was walking somewhere in a trench, lying around, drunk, they took him to the sobering-up center there, and he said that it was dripping for me there, honey, there’s a toilet, he’s drinking in the toilet, he’s going there, everyone can see everything, yes, but of course, i’m trying to understand, vadim is quite, as i understand it, a proud man, well, firstly, he served in prison, and secondly, he himself doesn’t
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even admit it, but flaunts the fact that i drink , what else should i do? so in this state , do you think he can be dangerous? i think not. ok, we talked to one more neighbor, by the way, she considers your friend very dangerous, why? let's see, i'm standing in the elevator, he pushes the doors apart with his fingers, jumped straight into the elevator, then what he started doing to me, he began to strangle my neck with one hand, and twisted mine with the other hand. the other hand and kept pressing me to the mirror, he unbuttoned the button as he walked, this is on his military trousers, they fell on his knees, and i remembered the color of his panties, dark blue with white speckles, what he wanted me in this this elevator to do, maybe worn out, maybe just unbuttoned his pants, how he hit me in the legs several times, i lost consciousness and fell, he ran around me and kicked me, two neighbors came out, they were both pensioners, they dragged me into their vestibule,
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you... the police, i got nothing but refusals all around, some began i have to say, since he worked among the police at stenkino, then he probably has everything figured out, probably someone is helping him. that they didn’t open this case, but do you even remember this incident, what happened to you there with her, or were you drunk, well , to be honest, if i was drunk, i wouldn’t do that i could have been lying on my face, well, she says that your pants fell down, she even described your panties, forgive me, lord, well, it ’s not me who’s talking, you’ll be offended at me again now, but it’s your neighbors who say that, yes i have neighbors, whatever, well, listen, let’s do this, in the end it turns out that you are humming...
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free of charge, free of charge, to provide you with my help as long-term psychotherapy, i would be happy to work with you if you agree to this, let's talk to you after the program, let's be honest, you are 57 years old, you you look great in good shape, you could still arrange your personal life, instead you get drunk and pester your neighbor, but that’s not it.
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vadim, look, we haven’t gathered here to laugh, to help you and your neighbors, for everyone to cry, come on, no, well, the neighbors are already crying, you ’ve convinced them that everyone is already crying, well you ’re drowning people, there’s noise in their houses, i’m not the one drowning, the system is drowning, it’s the heating system, well, if you didn’t drink, you’d be doing this business, you know, seriously. few people here understand being between the soviet union and unthinkable capitalism, that if you purchased housing
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, it is your property, right, yes, that means you are responsible for it, period, that’s all that concerns what passes through... the pipe doesn’t matter there yes, this is your responsibility, based on the fact that in your situation these apartments were privatized, by law the former landlord was obliged to carry out major repairs, the video already shows that there were never major repairs there, the city administration is obliged to allocate a budget for carrying out a major overhaul, all this has not been done, let’s do it, we are ready to help, organize and somehow bring it about. it means your house is in some order, at least minimal, but in order, be careful, she also
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stole this from you, i suggest you study the entire inner circle of the victim, especially men, something is sure to happen between chief kushner, but we don’t get into it, this is not our territory.
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i can say clearly, he did not cheat on me, i think that he did not regret anything, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, about new people, people have been dreaming for a long time, since 1905, eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly in the united states, it concentrated on ... forced sterilization of disabled people, and the social
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personalities of poor people. adolf hitler referred to american eugenics back in meinkamf. in germany, the first priority was the purification of the aryan race from ballast. eugenics didn’t go away after the war, it just changed its sign and methods. premiere, ordinary fascism. two. on monday on the first, listen, you're so unlucky, you you are not the only neighbor like this, well, you have a house anyway, in the third apartment, grandma, we have a neighbor living downstairs, grandma, in general, she has a lot of cockroaches, flops and mice in her house, which get into our apartment to our neighbors, and she deliberately breeds them there, which means no, right? no, she, i say, carries garbage there from
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the garbage bin, her whole apartment is filled with garbage, up to the ceiling, everything drags along mine at night, you know, they also buy it, it’s at my house, she buys all sorts of sausages for her entire pension, meat and puts it in the refrigerator, closes refrigerator, but it doesn’t work at all, i keep talking, there are worms in there, so she, this is grandma, she also adores vadim, it turns out, she adores? she comes to me at night , you can come at 3:00 in the morning to wake me up, i think who’s calling, i open it, she’s standing there, come with me, she says, i was offended there, i say where we’ll go, but i’m going up to the third floor. she looks through the crack, she has some women there, let’s kick them out and don’t open the door, she spies on him through the cracks at night, she loves him, grandma, that’s another thing what’s the question, vadim, i’m telling you vadim, you’re damn attractive, she can’t live without him, just a grandma, she even cried. why did she cry, that he didn’t let her in, that there were other
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women there, and what was the woman’s name? baba shura, babashura, how old is she, 85, in my opinion, oh my, she ’s really kind, but she’s a sick person, and you and her, well, as i understand it, you’re talking, listen, like two ball people , and she has relatives, you know, she has a relative, that year i called viktor pavlovich, asked for help, this son, yes, this is a son, but where does he live? in st. petersburg, i asked him, come to your mother, help, i say, i’m already tired of her, but what, he came once, that’s all, he came the second time, recently he was taking out the garbage, he says, i don’t have money, no funds, help the mother, she needs to be treated here and there, grandma shura didn’t come to us, although we beckoned her with vadim, just kidding, here’s victor, lexin, yes, the son is here, yes, he has arrived, let’s call. "hello, i understand that my mother has
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a problem, she littered the whole apartment, carries everything from the trash heap, there are mice, cockroaches, well, you understand that this is a psychiatric problem, but she needs medical help, why didn’t you provide this help as a son, well, i rarely come, i come, but you knew that she had such a problem, i was there that year i just found out about this. when did it start? well, they told me about four years ago, but did something happen to your mother? i don’t know what, well, i don’t know, maybe someone or something else died? no, it seems like that. and you are the only son? yes, now she is the only one left who was one of her other children? was the youngest when he died? probably seven years old back. well, maybe after that she started to experience a shift? did he live with her, the youngest son? yes, well, can you imagine what a trauma this is for her, well then, in principle, it’s clear what ’s happening to her. in short, we need to treat her, wait,
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i came last year, pulled out the mosors, well , she trained everything again, she will carry it, listen, look, you are a direct relative, there are symptoms, doctor, what needs to be done in this case, really in fact, the law implies a specific algorithm, that is, you can even contact someone at your place of residence. to the local psychiatrist and how to write a statement, simply describing... what is happening, and if there, and it would also be good if you attach the video of your mother’s apartment that you showed us, my mother put it here ... everything is dragging from the trash heap, and here i only cleared it out in three days, there was also from the kitchen, from the toilet with the bathtub, at least there were passages, this is my mother’s room, here i
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pulled out almost nothing, a couple of things, it was impossible to get through, i washed it from the top of the refrigerator so. and flies, cockroaches, and mice, yesterday i set a trap in the evening, here are the cockroaches overnight, oh, what a nightmare, listen, it was you who cleared out all these passages, they were all crowded, well, that is, in fact, now you need to finish cleaning there and treat your mother, that’s right , well, yes, yeah. well, i’m wondering about yours, there ’s a lot of need to throw it all away, she won’t let you throw it all away, you need everything, you need everything, well, i wouldn’t be able to get it out willingly, that is, you have to wait until she leaves the house to quietly carry everything, yes , and then she’ll bring it all back from the trash heap, you
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know, we managed to talk to your mother, that's what she told us. all these are business things, there’s everything here, oh here it is, there’s a bear sitting short, their grandchildren, grandchildren, the refrigerator is there, it’s always standing with food, mind you, people come, they come, i’m just there,
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i can help you disassemble, but where to disassemble these things they will take, these are not mine, these... these neighbors are doing renovations there, this is a thing, yes , some neighbors bought an apartment, are doing renovations and also brought something to you, yes, they will do the apartment, things they will take their things, listen, please tell me what for your mother lives, she has a pension, her pension is, well , about 1.40, i don’t even know exactly where she got such a good pension, well, she worked, yeah, all her life like that, who is the owner of this apartment, i don’t even know, honestly, you are you serious? yes, do you care? well, let’s say, the apartment is special to me, i didn’t apply for it. have your neighbors complained to you about this situation? they complained, called, so i still wanted to come in the fall, but i was sick at that moment, and postponed it, and then somehow it didn’t work out. victor, you know that there are women who believe
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that you just abandoned your mother, maybe it’s olga lebedeva, let’s call her. hello, hello, studio, neighbors, presenters, it’s very nice to meet everyone on this program, because together we are trying to solve such important problems that interfere with life, then let’s go in order, let’s go in order, vadim, vadim is preventing you from living, probably in to a lesser extent, because well , let’s just say, he doesn’t drown you personally, that’s right, he doesn’t drown me personally, solely in the context of the potential danger about which was discussed above, because a gas leak is possible due to an oversight, from this point of view , yes, from the point of view of some social elements that enter the entrance, yes, too, directly to vadim, of course, there are no questions, i’m with him personally i don’t even know
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baba shura, baba shura is a very difficult question, because naturally this unsanitary condition that reigns in her apartment is... a potential danger for all residents, especially in my situation, not so long ago, let’s say, we a little introduction, we recently joined the cheerful company of this house, when i saw cockroaches at the entrance, my only assumption was that this was an oversight of the management company, and as a new person, i thought that here is fresh blood, now i will solve all the problems, and i rushed with the excitement of a newbie to write to the manager... company requests for processing of the entrance. you know, before you continue, i must say that our editors and correspondents spent 2 days trying to get through to the managers.
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the question is more stringent, in response to it the management company replied that they they would treat the entrance, they did it, but a week later it turned out that nothing had changed, and after that information came from the neighbors, including sergei , that there was a source, this was unsanitary, that this was grandma shura, and so it became it is clear that the management company cannot solve this problem in any way, well, look, if i wrote it.
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our opponents, i would like to draw attention to mr. strub telbat, a most dangerous opponent, a key sovietologist at the state department, who developed a system of sanctions against russia, in john kerry, of course, i will campaign for president biden, because i think the stakes are very high not only for our country, but for the whole world as a whole, they serve the same inhumane goals of the globalists, courses lucifer, small, medium and quite large demons of north america. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. love has no word for late. misha and i
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met 4 years ago, we have such, one might say, a young couple, it even gives me goosebumps, because it’s really mine beloved woman. i want some kind of gentle comfort, a gentle loft, a gentle loft. interesting, i didn’t plan a partition there, a partition must be installed, it should separate the source of degas from the living area, you will think that this is wood, an engineered board, but no, it’s also from vandals, that is, you can click here in your heels, and nothing he won’t be, let’s turn on the light, about comfort, premiere on saturday on the first, family is love, first
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of all, it’s support, it’s support, these are the people who can help you at any moment support, our mothers, wives, daughters, these are the most beloved, every week we go with the whole family to some restaurant, cafe and just... homeland, fatherland, you are my second mother, i am dear to you, i am ready to give my whole life, my family , my loved ones, my friends, this is my homeland, and i want it to smile every day along with its inhabitants. now all the trump cards are in the hands of the son, here he
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is sitting, but he understood everything, he himself says, you came here for help, he didn’t know what kind of... i’ll come, i, for example, can escape for a few days, and then neither, again, i don't i can live here permanently, bring her to us for treatment, we have a psychiatric clinic, as long as we have her, that is, the full course should be enough for you to put things in order in the apartment, you agree, like this, let’s do it, but for the full course, look , this treatment is expensive, but the doctor offers it to you completely free, weeks, 3 weeks, mom is taken away for 3 weeks.
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i can’t promise anything, well, at least try, we can try, thank you very much, vadim, i believe in you, i don’t know why, but i believe in you, that you will find the strength in yourself, as for baba shura, she sees you son somewhere. therefore, this, this, this feeling, after all, you were abandoned, don’t abandon your grandmother, please help her, and you will get out of this state, you will have motivation in life, and you will understand that there are people next to you believe me, everything will change.


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