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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 24, 2024 1:00am-1:46am MSK

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well, there was an incredible sensation, of course, photojournalists, a crowd of people, here was the first plane, by the way, his imperial majesty personally allowed himself to ride the car, this is the same plane with the first passengers on board, i said that during the flight to odessa , a gas pipeline burst in the air the engine caught fire, this is the same car that allowed.
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after all, offices on wheels, houses on wheels, you are cozy here, comfortable, views, tried, this is the same vehicle as a car, pay for parking and live in it, at these hours in the paliho technique is filled with plots that are known to everyone, recognizable, traditional russian fairy tales, they are now actively ordering, for us this is an indicator that russian fashion is returning, the most valuable thing in a watch is a miniature, this is ours, and we we are proud of this, our everything, premiere, on saturday on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday, on the first, podcast broadcast. from the first channel everyone wants to fly, and
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i am its presenter, leonid ikuvoevich, today we are talking about the great inventor igor sekorsky, somehow behind this, well, how to say, small, but still significant event, they missed the fact that it was at this time that duke ferdinand was killed, and the eve of war, global war, in general, was in the air, mm.. quite clearly, however, in the fourteenth year , a squadron of airships was formed from the muromites, only one and a half to two dozen of these same muromets were made, when the first imperialist war began, they were used as bomb throwers, several were shot down, several broke down along the way, there was something wrong with the engines, nevertheless...
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six or seven of them flew for quite a long time, and one remained in service, lived until the mid -thirties, until a rather well-known tragedy occurred, it was in the air , the sixteenth one was spinning around it, it was spinning, spinning, spinning, it hit the wing, the plane crashed, people died, it was a very famous tragedy, but i... i’m telling him that the car was actually legendary at that time. in the eighteenth year, despite the grandiose success, in a sense, one might say, the fame that sikorsky had acquired by that time, but this is what happened, there are discrepancies, some sources report that on a late january night to his house, and he rented a house with his first wife, with whom did not work out. it didn’t work out for him,
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the fact is that, well, according to the tradition of the family, this is how he was raised, he was a monarchist, unshakable, he firmly believed that the monarchy is the main thing that can create a country and maintain the country, and his wife is the first to sudden surprise she turned out to be an ardent bolshevik and began to take part in some circles and even became middle-level managers of the bolshevik group that had already been created by that time. revolution had already broken out in the party, then they divorced, despite the fact that his wife was pregnant, when they divorced and he left the family, she gave birth to his daughter tatyana, here i repeat, the information varies, some say that on a late late january night she came to him in factory workers, loyal to him, knocked on the house and said that during the day several people allegedly came for him in leather jackets, it seems... having received this
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information, he left home, ran away from home, and for some time lived in a copter at the airfield, collecting documents to go abroad, in general the information is quite strange, because... at that time the time had not yet been created by the cheka , there were very few people who had such serious fears for their own lives , only one thing is clear: having received the documents, he went abroad through murmansk and never returned to his homeland, he ended up in paris, where he lived for some time, trying to the cause to which he devoted his life, none of this worked. not right away, since he didn’t speak the language very well, all his attempts to talk with people who, as he assumed, could finance him, well, his calling, his
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desire to build airplanes, always ran into the icy gaze of people who didn’t really care indifferent, but in any case... there were already enough emigrants, including those who were once involved in aircraft manufacturing technology, well, in general, he did not find any support, and it came to the point that he simply began to be in trouble, finally , after about six months of ordeal, he reduced his own budget to 80 cents a day, he ate mainly beans and coffee in street canteens. six months later, when things had already reached the extreme, but the guiding star that shone for him all his life led to the fact that some emigrant took pity on him and got him a job as a mathematics teacher
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in a school for emigrants, where he began to teach , after some time, all his mathematics lessons suddenly turned into lessons - it came to the point that he had formed followers and some of those who emigrated to the united states organized under his leadership. aeroing corporation, a serious name, except for the fact that the name of this company, written, however, in beautiful handwriting, was nailed to a dilapidated chicken coop, where , surprisingly,
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the construction of the first twin-engine biplane c209, which was built in the twenty- fourth year , began , i must tell you that... before that, in the twentieth year , his sister came to the united states with her son with his daughter tatyana from her first marriage. sekorsky quickly found a use for his nephew; the fact is that one of the correspondents, who wanted to film new york from a bird's eye view, suggested that vsekorsky tie him to an airplane. wing from above so that he can shoot. sikorsky, i repeat, immediately found a use for his nephew, he tied him to the second wing so that the plane would not fall to one side, and so the two of them made a circle of honor over the city and got wonderful photographs. in the thirtieth year
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this plane, this c29, was quite popular, but it was used rather strangely in those years, for example, by sekorsky. they asked to transfer a piano to the s-29 for the president’s wife, then hoover was there, uh, in order to deliver it, and he transported this piano, and of course, there ’s nothing to hide, prohibited alcohol was also transported to the s-29, which gave him the opportunity to save some money to do what you love. after some time, this c-29 was sold to howard hughes, who remarkably burned it to... to hell with during the filming of the film hell's angels, by the way, the music for this film was dedicated to sikonsky; in september 1926 , a man came to him who was a pilot and dreamed, wanted, really wanted, to make the first
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flight across the ocean to europe. sekorsky was not exactly against it, but the plane was not ready for such a long flight, he insisted that... a tragedy happened, on takeoff, something happened to the engine, the plane crashed, fell into the enemy, there were two pilots, they managed to jump out, but both mechanics died, and this was widely advertised in the press, for a different person, perhaps, this led to sad consequences; he would never have been able to do something like that again, but you need to know sikorsky. despite this, on may 21 , 1927, the then little-known pilot charles linberg made the first
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transatlantic flight in history on a single -engine aircraft, he flew from new york to paris, it seems, well, one could assume that this same linberg rubbed sikorsky’s nose. however, surprisingly, they met in the twenty-seventh year of sikorsky. as if to say, it’s not that he was disheartened by the fact that the first flight was not made on his plane, but nevertheless he decided to leave this kind of aircraft for the duration of the construction, moved his company closer to the water and began building seaplanes, which at that time was was completely new, and yet in 1927 he created an amphibious aircraft and... they were used for quite a long time,
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several dozen copies were produced, it practically went into production, it was good because you could sit anywhere anywhere, anytime, though only on the water, it didn’t have a long arm, it didn’t last long distances, but nevertheless... it was very convenient, there was no need for a runway, the plane landed easily on the water, two the float allowed him to hold on in a rather serious wave, love has no word for late, misha and i met 4 years ago, we are such a young couple, you could say, it even gives me goosebumps, because truly my beloved woman, once again. .. i want some gentle comfort, gentle loft, gentle loft, wow,
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how interesting, i didn’t plan a partition there, a partition must be installed, it should separate the gas source from the living area, you’ll think it’s wood, an engineered board, but no, it’s also from vandals, that is, here you can click on your heels and nothing will happen to him, let's rock it. light about the comfort of the premiere on saturday on the first. kalmykia is called the birthplace of the wind; it is so strong here that many centuries ago it turned part of the land into a desert. in kalmykia they say that twice is just the wind, six months eastern and six months western. how many arrows should a kalmyt warrior be able to shoot in one minute? minimum 22 arrows. we will shoot at the kalmyk, that is, from the ring, let go, in every family there used to be a camel,
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where exactly the camel lay down, they tried to build huts and dig wells, because the camel feels the water, how can it show its dissatisfaction, the life of its own, the prime minister, on sunday on the first podcast, everyone wants to fly, again on the air, i’m hosting it. we are talking today about a great man, of course, and igor sekorsky, who in his life quite seriously advanced in the world, of course, history, the theory of the creation of both helicopters and airplanes, but everything, as is easy to understand, comes to a limit, after all, they had a limited range, restrictions on take-off and landing only in ... but nevertheless, in june of the twenty-ninth year, sekorsky’s company became
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part of, but was, let’s say, bought on the vine by the powerful union aircraft and transport corporation, and sikorsky began working in this company, or for this company, in the twenty-third year he started and in his thirty-ninth year , sekorsky’s company developed about 15 aircraft, which were financed by this very american company. the greatest commercial success was, you know, which aircraft, the amphibious aircraft s-38 and s-42. here's the front. you developed the drawings of the s-42, these are later developments that he made, but nevertheless you can pay attention to how accurately and verified everything has already been done, the aerodynamics, wings, and design of the entire structure have already been considered, these are already serious developments, almost like this
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modern type. there comes a moment that i would like to talk about separately, all these... are happening in germany from a political point of view , who was more interested in that view, and he met with hitler quite a few times, but segorsky was not interested in this at all, and he
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spent all this time at the focke factories, the same focke who later, together with... created an airplane, well, quite a famous, very famous aircraft during the great patriotic war, this same focke wulf 190, it was at the focke factory, which he also built helicopters, including those too, but he built helicopters with a transverse design, now i’ll explain to you what it is, which means a transverse design, this is a helicopter that has a beam here, here one screw spins, here another screw spins, it’s harmonious diagram, in this case i am holding in my hands a kamov helicopter, which always builds helicopters like this, with a symmetrical design, where two rotors rotate in different directions, and sikorsky dreamed of building a helicopter with one propeller, with a symmetrical design, where
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it is shown on the helicopter here, here is one screw working, this is how he wanted to build a machine like this in his thirties... the experimental helicopter vs-300 took off, although it was brought to you, it had one feature, it spun wonderfully on the spot, it flew backwards, sideways, up, down, the only thing... what he didn’t know how to do was fly forward, for a still unknown reason, naturally the inventor himself was safely behind the handle, then the helicopter was brought to life in 1940 , the first flight was made without a licence, and quite famously it flew forward back anywhere and produced quite a serious impression on
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those present, here i must say another turn in his fate, the military department became interested in his developments. in 1942, the world's first production helicopter, the r-4, was created. a batch was purchased and a contract was concluded with the military department. the helicopter began to be mass-produced; it was used for transporting the wounded, mainly for transporting cargo. it has not yet participated widely in combat until this helicopter was used. didn’t find it, in 1943 the aircraft designer founded his own the airline sekorsky aerocraft began mass-producing helicopters of various modifications, well, for example, during the second world war, that is, from the thirty- ninth to the forty-fifth year, it produced 420 s-47, s-48
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and s-49 helicopters for the american army, a huge number, here in front of you. 19 chekso - this is the same vehicle that quite seriously went into production and has already begun to be tested by the army when transporting the wounded and transporting cargo, it was mainly used for this, there was a special suspension, as you can see, it was possible to to lift by cables, which had never been done before, but it was possible to lift quite serious loads, two pilots, the cabin was located upstairs. and sekorsky’s favorite diagram of a helicopter with one rotor, here is a helicopter, quite interesting, a helicopter with special two, look. look carefully at these suspensions that allowed the car to land on the water, too, here sikorsky is standing next to him, showing the pilot to raise the air
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; you could easily land on any structure below, they are inflatable cylinders, which i repeat, allowed the car to land on the water, on the ground, anywhere, anytime, look again, his favorite diagram, from which he... never deviated throughout his life, this diagram of a helicopter with one rotor. i must tell you that the money, which slowly but surely accumulated in the company, made it possible for sekorsky to finally formalize the marriage; his second wife, to his great happiness, was a woman endlessly in love, well, with igor, of course , realizing that she... married a man passionate about an idea that will slowly but surely one day conquer the world, she is quite
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gave herself up to the idea of ​​her husband, they lived a long happy life, they had children, but i repeat, maybe this marriage, this wedding, this wedding allowed sekorsky to live a long time happily in a wonderful family... life, many who knew sikorsky in those days, they noted how good, friendly they were, truly, truly what is called a family, what many people dream of, this gave sikorsky the opportunity, here naturally his wife welcomed this, not to do anything except your favorite thing, he spent time at the company from morning to night; from the late forties, the aircraft designer began to develop heavy... machines, well, for example, the s-55 heavy transport helicopters and the absolutely amazing s60 helicopter were developed. after many
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years, this design became perhaps the only one that could lift such weights. in the fifty-fourth year the last s-58 helicopter was created, well, in the fifty- seventh year it was already old. sekorsky retired, becoming an honorary consultant for sekorsky aerocraft. and finally got busy your favorite thing. he played music, he played golf, and amazed the guests with whom the house was always filled by knocking out the flame of a candle from 10 meters away with a pistol shot. until the end of his life, he was like a child, incredibly interested. unfortunately, in seventy-two. he died, leaving as a souvenir for posterity the name of a great inventor, a great ascetic, a man who
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gave the world what is commonly called a helicopter, he was not alone, he was not alone, naturally, and here i want to tell you this, everything that we have today they told you says that regardless of who, where, what is doing it, the idea cannot be stopped... it is always born beyond the desire of certain people or groups, regardless of the political situation in the country, and regardless of why, the idea, science is still moving forward. we will continue this conversation about the people who glorified our country. we will talk about great aircraft designers, creators of amazing, incredible, grandiose, ingenious, flying...
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all the best, everyone wants a podcast with you fly and i am its host leonid yakubovich.
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hello, this is a psychic podcast, and we continue to subjugate the flaws of our souls in search of balance, peace, or some correct strategies. our today's heroine, olga, began to worry that the years may not be very few anymore, and i am not losing.
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but it is noticeable that the slight self-doubt that she experiences is this state , perhaps this, you know, anticipation of what new will happen today, and i would like to say that you know, you you look great, and really this is that your insecurity is your subjective perception, well, you and i are not doing miracles here, we can’t rewind 20 years, so we can try to do this...
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to our financial circle, i have a bank account experience, i have financial experience, i have experience in managing companies and leading teams now, that is, in terms of presenting my companies , i don’t have any questions, but for some time the presentation of the company as an individual has come to the fore, here you have i mean, when the leading person is right there with his own face in the literal sense, right?
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data, and here the young people, well, accordingly, it seems to me that they were already born like this, they literally work miracles, i can’t stand myself there, that is, i have a fear of a public figure, that i’m some famous person, a financier, i’ll suddenly start doing , well, relatively speaking, to explain to the monitor, the second thing is that i can’t communicate with the video camera, that is,
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i get... the feeling that, well, this is somehow not real, everything is, well, ostentatious, well, to the point of, which is literally 2 years ago they were able to take me into the audience, but i couldn’t just go out, i put on a wig, i hid then i was able to congratulate on a video camera, that is, i don’t have a page for my name, i still have pages for the company’s name. we are promoting the company’s services, but this is not in demand now. pavel, what's the problem? olga, tell me, how did you study at school? honors diploma, that is , an excellent student, right? tell me, your parents praised you, supported you, when you brought them home, you said there for a quarter all five, what didn't they say? i didn’t care, i set the task for myself. olga, tell me , when you were growing up as a child, you can say
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that you, for example, felt the love of your parents, that is, or they simply took care of you, as if yes, there was care, but there was no attention, i daddy's daughter, if you know what i mean, i felt like a very loved child, i was the only daughter... uh-huh, but how to put it, what did they do? they just were, there is no need for some kind of super gift on top of some, i don’t know, shows or anything else, just i had a strong, influential father, and he came with his presence, they say, a man with charisma, he came with his presence and the world changed around him, yeah, there are such people, there may not be so many of them, so... for a woman to be in the shadow of this person, i think that this is so normal, now i’m not the leader all the time, i come home and calmly go into the shadow. olga, tell me, if you
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received, let’s say, a lower grade, how did your parents react, or not at all, not at all, that is, as if not scolded, no, that is, they never scolded or praised you, well, they believed that they had the best child. and if he suddenly brought a c, well, the child is not measured by grades, look, and tell me, any girl always wants to be a good girl, yes, well, so ideal, that is, for you , being an ideal girl is what, well , probably, i would change my appearance, i would probably change just my appearance, because everything is fine inside me, that is, i could maybe lose 5 kg or something else this, but really... that's why i ask about parents, yes, parents, they confirm when we are little, who we are, that is, they give us feedback, they give us, strengthen our self-confidence, because it’s the parents who should say such phrases, i don’t know, you heard
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me, daughter, i love you, daughter, i ’m proud of you, daughter, you’re my beauty, it’s especially valuable when dad says, it was like that, it’s valuable, in words, and dad was a man of few words, that is, look what... where did this come from, from childhood, no matter how strange, this is the childhood feeling that we experienced when our parents didn’t give us something, our parents are not to blame, it’s just their life, because their parents didn’t teach them, it’s a tragedy, and i just can’t
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imagine, you know, here when parents, it’s hard for us to imagine what didn’t exist, that’s the hardest thing, when we had something, we lost something, we understand what we lost, that’s when they didn’t give us something. we don’t know what it is, that is, and we really don’t understand, what’s missing? but it seems to me that this is some kind of overlay on - how to say, a breakthrough forward, for example, if the king had children, it is very difficult for me to imagine how the king would say: i love you, you are the best there is to your daughter, they brought it to him, said hello, and took him away, in fact, that is, there are high-status ones, history speaks of the fact that there were different kings, and even kings from...
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on full confidence that everything was really in order, that is, that dad would once scold me for something if i think that i’m like this did better, and i will never receive condemnation. pavel, what is the connection between
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parents, the experience when your parents they don’t say words, some help, they will feel confident things for you, well, when you are a child, you are beautiful, you are smart, you are the best. you are my princess and when an already adult, very experienced woman, who has all the objective evidence of her success, feels unsure of something, huh? but the fact is that in childhood we learn to react in a certain way, yes, that is, love is what our parents did to us, sometimes the lack of attention and love creates such, you know, such dissonance, that is, i want to receive love, attention, recognition, but i 'm afraid to receive it in a form that i did not receive, it turns out that our environment, it, we begin to change reality for ourselves, that is , in fact, we... we seem to force it to change, as we i’m used to it, yes, that is, i
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’m afraid to speak in front of people, why am i afraid to be in public, because suddenly they will appreciate me, but i don’t know what i am, why, because dad, mom didn’t tell me what i was like, they didn’t tell me , i emphasize, that is, if we talk about love, there is a wonderful job five languages ​​of love, that is, which says that the language of love, in short, yes, what is it, that is, the first is words, the second is what we have, the time that we give to a person, the third is gifts, the fourth is care, fifth is touch, that is, this is all that parents should give to the child, absolutely everything, but the main thing is that, let’s say, you feel unsure of yourself, why, you compare yourself with others, you know, the question is what , you don’t look at yourself, you don’t look at your success, you don’t accept yourself as successful, subconsciously, subconsciously, and you, despite all this colossal success that you... have achieved in life, your appearance, nevertheless, inside you
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there still remains a small knotty child who doubts himself, so it arises somewhere in one small, small place there is a fear of going on air, you know, and this is actually the well-known theory of eric bjorn, who says that in every person there are parents, an adult and a child, we switch to different situations, and even you know, the grandmother is a pensioner , she at some point behaves like a child, and many people know this, and we, it would seem, are successful... individuals, in some situation we can feel like a small child, because we again find ourselves, you know, for you to go on air - this is how to respond to lessons when you have not learned, on the centenary of boris vasilyev, i loved you madly, hopelessly, now with timidity, now with jealousy, now in passing, i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, one staff commander, by the way, married. .. got myself, so to speak, and i was ordered to have a girlfriend
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determine this to the point, now you will educate, or only later, after lights out, i had a husband, zhenya, someone beat him off, but don’t complain to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t fight him off, but killed him on june 24, okay, asyanin, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i’ve been in this skin since i was 18, i don’t need it either, you believe it, lisa, be sure to believe it! maybe it’s true, happiness is walking nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, only there is no way back to it, after that we will sing with you elizabeth, then we will fulfill the combat order, come back quickly, girls, the azori are quiet here on saturday on the first, this week on may 20 roman kartsev would have turned 85 years old. well, the fish is fresh, alive, what kind, well, roman kartsev was categorically against it
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, what is it alive, what is it alive? the comedian's parents married victoria kasinskaya, they were horrified that she was a dancer in the card de ballet, small, thin, 47 kg, in my opinion, he weighed with the bed, bought things in the children's world, with his wife tatyana, viktor ilchenko lived for 33 years , and with me for 30 years, joked on roman kartser, admit it when you fell in love, well, the first time. devoted, there was crazy love, just crazy, i can say clearly, he is not ilchenko and kartseva, he was so faithful, he cheated on me, i think that he did not regret anything. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. this is a psyche podcast and
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today we are talking with psychologist, associate professor pavel rashtov and olga, who is thinking about how to properly compete with young people. let's start with the fact that olga, please praise yourself, what are you like? i am a businesswoman, i am successful, i am interesting, i am beautiful, i am kind, i feeling, i have many epithets. for yourself, and which of this could you tell in a video blog format? i just feel sorry for wasting time on this, i think that this is nonsense, that - it’s unpleasant for me to watch - these other people ’s little stories, so i understand that the person is doing nonsense, but common sense tells me that they have more sales, they have three times more and they are more popular and successful and they are moving, it just feels like
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this is the next generation, they are the creda, yes they grew up and immediately carried themselves, yes, that is, look. what i do now, look what i do later, look what i do then, but it seems to me that this is so personal that if you ask me to speak now, i , like lyudmila prokofievna from the office novel, will again speak on the topic that we have good indicators, we are the first company, that is, i understand that i need to take a step and , as it were, conditionally internally lead this company, but the company is itself, tell me, now you... are talking about the fact that you feel, if you take a parent, an adult child, who do you feel like an adult or a parent, but what do you think, those who speak in these blogs, they speak like who, like children, like children, they address whom, also to children, to the childish beginning, look, it turns out that the problem
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that you are experiencing now is that you, as adults, want to communicate like an adult, you want to be respectable, serious, yes, but they communicate like children, they lead behave like children, they tell everything...
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we have limited time, that's why we let’s talk briefly, but what’s normal within the framework of transactional analysis is this task should be worked out for 15 minutes, 15 minutes about yourself, your beloved, and not as you said, i’m good there, you need to expand what kind of person you are, you know, that is, let’s say , i ’m a beautiful woman there who looks amazing, i’m charming, you know, now your eyes have started to look down, you doubt yourself about this, you know, again, what’s the reason for this, is this paradoxical? with inner maturity, she considers herself too adult, you know, the most, most monstrous phrase that an adult can wake up with , do you know what? adults are us, that’s when you wake up with the thought that an adult is already you, mom is me, yes, mom is me, this is how it all was for me, yes, it’s not,
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well, you went through it naturally, but here’s the question, you see.


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