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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 24, 2024 2:35am-3:01am MSK

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it won’t happen, i’ll buy there, well, okay, not ten-year, three-year papers, here’s the yield, these are 15%, they’re for me or 14, they suit me, i won’t be there, as they say, worrying about what to do, that’s what i need physically to do, well, first of all, we must open a brokerage account, yeah, on the stock exchange, it’s fixed, we open a brokerage account, yes, we put money there, we go to the terminal, although now we don’t even need terminals, i understand correctly that now this is a seamless so-called the story is that if you have an account in... then you can almost open an account with a broker remotely, and you are verified through government services, and if you have a confirmed photo record, now it works, i can open a brokerage account without my personal presence, and there are a lot of offers if i have a bank account and i i’ve already been verified there as a citizen, user , taxpayer, and most importantly, the entry has been confirmed by government services, then i just do it online with leading brokers for sure. without
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getting up from the couch, next, i can ask my broker, listen, there’s a dear friend, so tell me what opportunities there are for a year, two, three, based on the fact that i listened to khanov and butcherov, they talked about some kind of government bonds, brokers provide such a service of selecting bonds, i think that it it’s already paid, mikhail. that is, but here you can take a simpler route, in all these applications, yes, of large banks, it is possible to look at ofzs, yes, and look at lists of ofzs, yes, and select, and select a security, for example, by maturity, well, that is, when this debt is repaid, it will indicate the yield, and the repayment yield will be indicated there, this is one graph, it demonstrates some semantic things very well, it is built on federal loan 211 bonds, which is so alexey, let’s do this, here i am uh.
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well, it’s normalized to one, well, that is, we have invested roughly how many times our investment will grow, if you and i buy such and such a bond, for one, from one we start looking at how many times. this is the theoretical return on purchasing our bonds, this is how much you and i could have earned by purchasing these bonds on this time horizon if we had not been twitching, just bought and simply waited for the repayment of the fulfillment, received an annual coupon or once every six months and, accordingly, at the end of the term. now the red
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line is exactly how specific bonds behaved here, here is ofz 2621, and taking into account just look, they specifically took the crisis of 2014, they sank and the person received coupons but did not reinvest them back into bonds, and now we look at the red graph, this is how much the person ended up earning, well, that is, one six times that is, in 10 almost 10 years the person would have earned a million.
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much earlier, not even necessarily holding the bond until the end of the maturity period, and we see that even in this example the bonds brought us even better results by this time, here is another graph, this is the same story, but according to our scales the same time and times of capital, yes, yes, yes, absolutely true, other bonds, but this is not important, direct... this is theoretical, red - this, accordingly, also involves reinvestment yes coupon, here is a green line - inflation, inflation, yes, look how well we see that on the long-term horizon government bonds really either correspond to inflation, or even sometimes beat it at some intervals, it was not in vain that i said today that in my opinion we have a 3-4% real return on the inflation that i expect over the horizon of 5-10 years, that is, we are talking about the fact that today... i would even say that it is
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really zero, according to very simple reason: if tomorrow the state does not pay due to its debts, it will cease to exist altogether.
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and patience in your expectations from the stock market, they are realistic, because the returns that we have described are large enough to be simply interesting, absolutely large, they are relatively interesting, because they are 3-4% higher than inflation , and i can say that a year ago , the minister of finance of the russian federation, anton gerovichlanov, was sitting in this chair, and while we were discussing with him... the topic of current investments, they already said then that now, probably, there will still be a period of rising rates, but in principle you can already invest in bonds, not, let’s say, trying to catch the very bottom, but simply buying a sufficiently high coupon, in principle
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, this topic is relevant now, as we actually and found out, alexey, thank you very much for helping us understand smart money, namely money that... is invested in debt obligations of the state and companies, thank you for coming, a very interesting conversation, thank you, mikhail, thank you, i'm very glad hello everyone, this is a free program podcast, i’m maxim tronkov, our guest is a man who is ending his career. tom was raised to his feet by the anniversary celebration in st. petersburg, alexander samarin. hello sasha. hi, max.
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to do beautifully and that i was given the opportunity to skate there, get emotions, memory, remember this moment with which i... will sometimes wake up, remembering goosebumps and everything, everything, everything, the most beautiful thing, it ’s all summed up with the channel one cup, so i'm happy that i had this such a path, but in fact, it seems to me that
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this was also a kind of gratitude from the audience not only for your long career, but also for the honesty with which you announced your retirement, that you did not suspend how...
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until now in the morning you wake up like this for training, okay, you can calm down, i would like to share my knowledge and experience with the younger generation, because it is really rich in various events, ups, downs, and so on, and you can give a lot to young guys , which path. only this one is coming, plus, i haven’t
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completely left the ice, i would like to have more contact with the audience in the show, but in a more relaxed, calm atmosphere, in dim light with a gun, it would be very cool, that is, now in plans , well, probably, after all, ride in the show, and then perhaps join the team, and... who is progressing very much and he is
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only at the very beginning of this path, we all hope for him, then that everything will turn out very well when you talked about experience acquired over many years of training and performances, you mentioned the ups and downs, tell us a little about what happened to you? what do you consider to be the high point in your career, maybe the peak, the peak point then, probably, the lowest point, well , about the highs, you can probably highlight the fact that i won medals at the national championship five times, which is generally pretty good , and if you estimate that, roughly speaking, since i was 14 years old i have been part of the russian national team, first junior, then adult, during this... time i i have never been relegated from it, for how long it takes, roughly speaking, for 11 seasons,
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of which five seasons with medals at the national championship, the largest tournament in our country, this is quite good, can be attributed to the ups, and also, of course, the european championship also, in my opinion, quite a significant result, especially considering those moments that... recently it has been generally accepted that the men's singles, it is a little at this level, at a slightly lower level than the doubles, women's and the same dancing, but still this is a good result, the world junior championships, then dima aliyev and i had a fairy tale, uh, so overall there were quite a lot of takeoffs, yes, in some places it was not possible to take off straight. it takes a very long time to fly, why in lutz in the quadruple most flattened,
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there were such moments, i’m very glad that in general in my career i got lutz more times than i didn’t succeed, it can also be attributed to the takeoff that... i ended up on the team svetlana vladimirovna sokolovskaya, who, in fact , sent me up there along with all the takeoffs.
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it hits you very hard on your internal state, on your motivation, on your mood, it’s very difficult to get out of this state and get back into the groove, that is, you were not motivated to work even more, even further, this is a failure, that is, on the contrary , it depressed you, you are you mean, it just happened at such moments when you were already, roughly speaking, in peak shape, working and already working as hard as possible.
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marked the olympic games as an asset, mark countertyuk, it also worked out, and this, too, probably puts a little pressure, yes, guys, and how to be happy for your friends if you yourself didn’t succeed, calmly, you can be happy if everything is in order with a person’s head, if he perfectly understands where sports are, where life is, where
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friendship is, where wrestling is and so on, knows how to differentiate between these, then in general... there is a place for joy, because i never had a moment of envy that dimka qualified or mark got to the olympic games , he had a great time at them, there was annoyance at yourself because of what you couldn’t do on the ice what you needed when you needed it, but at the same time you were happy for them, that they were able to overcome themselves somewhere, coped better than you, this did not and does not affect friendship or communication in any way, i am very glad that at one time they were able to do what i could not, this is great. making the decision to end your sports career, did it come to you personally or maybe you consulted with someone, just with the guys and friends, and how long have you
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been thinking about it, thinking about it? but i would not say that they directly consulted. with the same thing with dimka, well, somehow in some kind of, roughly speaking, home communication, it’s something like that topics were raised, but they weren’t really touched upon, because dima, again, has his own way there, i have mine, but you just go out on the ice, compete and see that you’re already a little bit below the level that we have, even here in the country, take... the russian championship of this season last year, but this is already such a very high and worthy level, probably five years ago, i was at the same level that the guys are at now, understand that you are already a little different from them if you manage to cope, you have to simplify the content somewhere so that the program does not get lost, because
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that work is going on on the second assessment, if you try to complicate it, the second assessment will go away, and you want it all to be together. and you have to clean it up a little, because somehow, apparently, the strength is becoming so athletic, ready to set some new achievements, there are fewer and fewer of them, but for the guys twenty, eighteen years old, they have this fuse - it still burns, you know , the fact that you can’t cope with them a little, i’m very glad that i managed to win a medal again last season. national championship, so to speak, to feel these warm, pleasant emotions, but this season i already realized that i couldn’t cope. simplifying the content and hoping that others will make mistakes somewhere, this is also a bit, it seems to me, this is an unsportsmanlike, non-competitive
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principle of struggle, so the time has come, and you watched the world championship, which was real this year, yes, like do you think our best guys, where they could be, in what place, judging by... or the japanese yuma kagiyama, this is still a little higher, it seems to me, the level, but nevertheless,
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in different circumstances, our guys they could very well force a fight on them, for the 75th anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk, everyone dances, she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the hall always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba. everyone was a fan, everyone was going crazy. jen, yes, let me out, it ’s me, alone, i say, lyuba, don’t be afraid to be ugly, she says: sashka, what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know why i i came here because you are silent, smile, bat your eyes and remain silent if you can, i'm sorry, i remind you of someone, it's very strange, but... recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they
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couldn't live without each other, as i saw it , love, the last tango, we met, on sunday at the first, people have been dreaming about a new person for a long time,
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at the world championships, there is mainly this balance, if you go a little lower, then either the guys are trying to jump, the second score
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sags greatly, because this is how it goes, or vice versa, you want it exactly like this everything was put together so that there would be a wow effect from the jumps and a wow effect from the program, from the track, tell me what you think, where to develop ilya malinin, who, it seems to me, has already done the maximum in terms of technical assessment possible, well, he can try two quadruple axels, for example, well, he still has to, in addition to this incredible number of quadruple jumps, including a quadruple axel , raise a little more, it seems to me, his second rating, because again it’s clear how very increased greatly, but still visually there is even such a slight imbalance between. and some kind of quadruple jumps and a bit of such tightness in the second assessment, huh?


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