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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 24, 2024 4:10am-4:58am MSK

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direct participants in the assault indicate. a group of fighters with the call sign yakub entered first. some positions of theirs are complex and had to be smoked straight out. how in one of the last assaults on the outskirts of rabotin, ukrainian armed forces militants took refuge in the basement. the first reset, followed by the second, right on target. the concrete stronghold survived, this is the control point from our attack aircraft. we were hanging, observing our indicated point, at that... moment, where the enemy was, our komikaza was sent there, so they slowly flew in, dismantled, glendage, enemy began to run away and the artillery began to cover them, they managed to spot the militants from an ambush, the target was an attack aircraft with the call sign prepot, he taught in college before he was used to taking notes, a pen and notepad was always on combat unloading, he told how the enemy acted, they do not go out into open battle, they work mainly as either an orta or birds, in shelters as well... they hide if
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they feel that the guys are approaching, well, our boys approach them, they begin to scatter like rats, they made their way to rabotino in pitch darkness, during the day there are swarms enemy drones walked as if among lunar craters, these are all craters from shells, heydar almenov’s platoon supported fire, a professional mma fighter in civilian life, served for more than a year in an assault squad, now in a fire support platoon, on the zaporozhye front he and his eight cousins 23'. led, that is, the guys worked with flashlights literally under their feet, so as not to step on a light bulb, so-called from cluster munitions, that they work like mines, and it was hard for the guys, they walked about a kilometer a little more open.
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they didn’t hide, they also worked out where they didn’t have time to run in, the end of the work had already passed, here are the houses, here the landings, everything is ours, this is ours and it became easier, hundreds of combat drops of hit enemy targets, but i remember the uav operator with the call sign lj, the task was to deliver the russian flag, which now rises above rabotino, the flag was loaded, sent to the point, the flag was delivered, vitaly katchenko, ruslan yusupov and viktor vasin, channel one, zaporozhye direction, more. the courage of our defenders. guards,
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junior sergeant buyan sidip, in battles for a populated area, destroyed three firing points of ukrainian militants along with crews. together with a colleague, he suppressed at least three enemy positions with an infantry flamethrower. guard private vadim postnikov prevented an attempt to break through by a sabotage group of the ukrainian armed forces, took an advantageous position and, using an anti-tank missile system, knocked out an infantry fighting vehicle and a pickup truck with militants. and this is the kharkov direction. there , the northern group of troops continues to push back the opponents.
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come out and answer us and stop shooting, voluntarily surrendered, because we had no choice, we were simply abandoned and that’s it, we were surrounded, everything just cut us off, and we asked for support, they told us, wait, wait, wait, wait, and we waited, in in general, for the failures on the kiev front, the terrorists are taking it out on civilians; today they shelled gorlovka in the dpr, one person was killed, 11 more were injured, three of them in serious condition. the strikes were also carried out in the belgorod region in the village of krasny vostok , a woman was killed. the enemy drone fell for a private residential building. the second floor was destroyed, and publications nearby were damaged. in just one day, the ssu fired at least 130 different ammunition across the region, including from the czech vampire rocket system. meanwhile, overseas. in the united states
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, politicians are increasingly discussing the possibility of allowing the kiev regime to use american weapons to shell russian territory, and, moreover, to intensify shelling due to this. it is noteworthy that they talk about this also... in politics, the military is indicative stay away from discussions, why? about this in the report of our own correspondent in washington, mikhail kinchenko. formally, the american secretary of state was called to report on the achievements of his department on the diplomatic front, but either the achievements are not very good, or the congressmen themselves see what the foreign policy activities of the state department have become, but the conversation almost immediately turned to a purely military plane, on the capitalist hill, they are alarmed successes. things are going very badly for us the situation, as you know, is a no-go zone created by the russians, they place artillery and missile systems here directly along the ukrainian border, and then they hit the ukrainians with these weapons, but in your administration, jake salevan introduced a restriction on the use of american
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weapons, the ukrainians cannot defend themselves carry out retaliatory strikes on russia, so i would allow the use of missiles, as well as hymers, in these areas, and your administration is tying the ukrainians’ hands, are you going to... the secretary of state’s response is necessary i was even more puzzled by what he meant when he spoke about ukraine’s independent decisions, is this really carte blanche to use american weapons? not yet, explains the new york times, but notes that such conversations are indeed taking place in the biden administration after his return.
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current state department employees are incited by their former colleagues, in particular victoria, who for many years created from ukraine what it has become today. ukrainians should have the opportunity to stop russian blows, which are delivered from the bass located in the depths of russia. the question is whether we, the united states, our allies, can provide more support to the ukrainians in striking russian bases, which we have not done so far. i believe that if the blows are delivered...
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this woman is a convinced ideologist, she was never going to admit the truth, she was never going to act from a position of truth, she always stubbornly clung to a pile of lies, which she herself created together with her ideological supporters and now they are running our country, it’s tragic, but that’s the way things are and obviously she would be delighted if they managed to drag us into this, analysts note permission to strike with american weapons in... this is a very dangerous situation, since the use of american weapons strikes deep into russian territory, and knowing full well that in
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this case american intelligence data, coordinates received from american satellites and... most likely, american military personnel will pull the trigger, this will mean direct entry of the united states into a war against russia, and such an extremely dangerous development of events can only be prevented in one way: a sharp strengthening of the russian nuclear deterrence policy. our exercises on the combat use of tactical nuclear weapons, because this is precisely what cannot be said, that washington does not understand the hints.
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the current us president, who fear that the use of american weapons to strike deep into russia may well become a point of no return. escalation of the conflict they hope to convince the head of the white house, because if the military defeat of ukraine becomes too obvious for american voters before the november presidential elections, then they are not too high. biden's chances of winning may disappear altogether. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, yulia zagranichnogo, dmitry malyshev, igor agafonov, channel one usa. a decree on compensation for damage caused to russia and its central bank by the unfriendly actions of the united states was signed by vladimir putin. american property in our country, including citizens and companies, can now provide coverage for damage from illegally seized russian assets. we are also talking about securities and shares. in the authorized capitals of our companies. the government has 4 months to make the necessary amendments to the laws. in mariupol
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, two local residents were detained on suspicion of spying for ukraine. accomplices of the kiev special services collected information about police units and the national guard and transmitted information through special communication channels to their curators. thus fsb operatives managed to prevent losses among security forces and civilians. the detainees admitted guilt and testify. the russian guard and the central spiritual administration of muslims of russia signed a cooperation agreement today. spiritual support for soldiers professing islam, including fighters in the home zone, their families, assistance to the wounded, humanitarian projects. the head of the department, viktor zolotov , emphasized the importance of working together for the benefit of a united fatherland. razgladi has been productively interacting with the central government for many years spiritual management of muslims on a wide range of religious issues. education and spiritual and moral education, the agreement signed today is not just an official consolidation of our
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cooperation, it opens a new stage of joint activities aimed at further developing and strengthening close ties between law enforcement forces and the muslim clergy. we consider serving our fatherland our sacred duty. it has been like this for centuries, in difficult times, peoples in... countries have always been followers of traditional faiths united, it will continue to be so. today in the duma we discussed changes in the tax system; it is necessary to adjust it so that it becomes more fair and balanced, and this concerns not only the basic parameters of who should pay taxes and how much, but also the correct use of the funds received, taking into account the interests of people and the needs of the economy. how does the government intend to spend the additional revenue? our correspondent followed the course of the discussion in the lower house of parliament. dmitry kuchatkov. today in the duma not only deputies and ministers, but also representatives
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of regions, entrepreneurs and experts. there is general agreement that the country's tax system, after the change, should become more equitable and balanced. it is necessary to take into account the interests of citizens, business and the state. more than 700 participants did not fit in the plenary meeting hall, and the small state duma had to be involved. key parameters of changes and tax rate thresholds are still being determined. you change the legislation in the direction of the issue is ripe, everyone understands that we need improvements, because the tax system is flat scale, has already proven itself, without solving those tasks that are now necessary, but of course, we are developing, every stage of development. requires, among other things, changes in legislation. we are talking about a transition from
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a flat tax scale to a progressive one, as silunov put it today, to a reasonable progression. it is important that tax increases do not affect the majority of citizens and only affect those with high incomes. families with children, for example, should benefit from tax changes. the vast majority of citizens should not change tax rates touch at the same time. families with two or more children with low incomes should benefit. a personal income tax deduction will be offered for them, and part of the taxes paid can be returned at the end of the calendar year. the return will be processed using mechanisms for providing social support from the federal budget. this cashback will encourage you to earn money legally, since part of the tax will be returned. a proposal was made that concerns the participant.
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to solve the most important problems for people, because fairness is not only in the taxation system, but in how that money is used. we are talking about national projects for family, youth, long active life, as well as the extension of the maternity capital program and increasing pension payments. we have had successful experience for 3 years already, income from increased personal income tax rates is 15% for those who earn more than 5 million rubles a year, they direct the circle of good fund to...
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we promised, we promised these people that for 10 years we will have them let's not touch, the state must keep its promises, we hear proposals for thresholds for small businesses that use a simplified taxation system, we understand and once again confirm that there will be no changes for micro-businesses, on the contrary, also for the self-employed, i have already expressed the position that all those obligations that were, they are confirmed and will be provided for 10 years, the regime will not change. the main parameters of the tax system will be fixed until 2030. the discussion with the participation of the head of the ministry of finance, deputies and representatives of the regions lasted about 4 hours. the main result is that our views on changing the tax system and
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improving taxation coincide. i already see support for the need for a gradual abandonment of the flat tax scale and a transition to progression. it is important for us that changes to tax legislation are discussed in an atmosphere of openness and transparency. let me emphasize that we are talking about improving the tax system, we are talking about increasing its efficiency on the principle of fairness, public. the discussion continues, the duma expects that the government will take into account the recommendations of the participants hearings: dmitry kochatkov, dmitry bederev, alexey labushkin, alexander kovalev and olga merkulova, channel one. late last night, vladimir putin held working meetings with the governors of the kurgan and lipetsk regions via video link; the president supported the candidacies of vadim shumkov and igor
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artamonov in the september elections. the head of the kurgan region reported on what is being done to eliminate the consequences of floods; thousands of residents of the region suffered from the seasonal disaster. as of today, all roads and... who live in the territory, but it seems to me that this is a completely achievable task and goal for you, bearing in mind that you worked
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hard in the previous time, i hope that people also noticed this and paid attention, nevertheless, of course, you need to directly contact people go show what has been done and talk about what you are planning, the head of the lipetsk region spoke about direct assistance to the families of soldiers, members of the northern military district, discussed the socio-economic... outpatient facilities the same thing the same problem staffing we are negotiating with medical staff. with the federal medical university about opening a medical university here, because well, we are already offering a lot of money to doctors, well, everyone is offering a lot of money to move,
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so, well, unfortunately, that’s why it is necessary for doctors not to leave, igor georevich, housing, help them housing, we are ready for anything, because well, this is the biggest problem we have. felcher pay the felcher and just a specialist everything will be fine. the government has prepared a bill that will help strengthen the technological sovereignty of russia. this is one of the tasks that vladimir putin set in his message to the federal assembly. details of the plan were revealed today at a meeting of the cabinet of ministers by prime minister mikhail mishustin. we talked about support for the far east, as well as preparations for the new heating season. read more about everything in the report by anna kurbatova. russia accepted the challenge, the plan for... the next six years is not easy to achieve technological sovereignty, technological leadership. today we have no equal in the creation of nuclear icebreakers, no
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country on the planet has such a fleet as russia; in the near future another new vessel will appear that can cope with even a seven-meter layer of ice. at the forefront of development of our defense-industrial complex cosmos. we, who launched the world’s first satellite , are now creating a low-orbit satellite constellation that will provide fast internet access in the territory. countries, in 2028 the network will even be on our planes, and this, despite unprecedented sanctions, key industries are switching to domestic lines at an accelerated pace, russia has everything for this, brains, a scientific base, it’s up to the organization, today this is the number one topic at the government meeting, here is the most important decision: the government has prepared a bill on technology policy, in particular, which is very important, long-term planning for technology development is introduced. the draft law is voluminous, 75 pages, 10 chapters, 46 articles, priorities are clearly set, directions are identified in which it is first necessary to achieve full import substitution, this includes tank building,
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drones, medical equipment, microelectronics, a focus on breakthrough technologies, the development of artificial intelligence, new materials, biotechnologies. the document will clearly state the status of the main executor, who is responsible for the entire project, as is now the case in the state defense order. a common terminology and approaches are being established. at all stages from research to delivery to the customer, large scientific organizations and large companies will now be involved in this process, and a general support procedure is also provided russian developers with mandatory practical results. by 2030, russia should enter the top 10 countries in terms of the volume of scientific research and development, and research should not be on its own, business will be in close connection with science. this is very important to follow through to the end. finish everything , introduce into industry and into the economy what was conceived during research and development work. another topic on the agenda today is
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why the helicopter crashed is still being investigated. main versions: technical malfunction, bad weather conditions, piloting error , external influence. elections for a new iranian president are finally scheduled for june. russia supports african countries in their quest for sovereignty, while the west wants to keep them dependent.
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our head stated this. i would like to express my gratitude to african friends for their responsible position on the ukrainian crisis, i have already mentioned the corresponding initiative of the countries of the continent, you continue to be committed to fair assessments, fair approaches, despite intrusive attempts. drag african countries into the russophobic campaign of the west. dear colleagues, the potential of russian-african cooperation in all areas is truly large-scale. we will continue to jointly implement it in order to bring our relations to the level of a genuine strategic partnership. the first tests of an unmanned tram have begun in russia, this is what it looks like, it
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will be controlled by artificial intelligence to understand how... undergoing tests while together with the robot there is also a driver in the cabin, but within a year such unmanned trams will go on independent trips and there will be no one in the cabin. it is interesting that the electronic filling is so smart that the tram will not only see at a long distance, but also predict situations, will never break the rules, and as the developers say, it is an excellent student, and its eyes are larger than those of a person. today, moscow mayor sergei sobyanin appreciated the new tram; according to him, this intelligent transport system is very necessary in... the big metropolis, our correspondent, yana podziuban, assessed the new unmanned driving system. yes, everything is absolutely the same, it rides on its own, the same rails, the doors also open, only there is artificial intelligence behind the control panel. the man is in the cockpit, because it’s a test flight, the driver is just watching, he can hardly control himself, and his hands are on his knees, so as not to rush out of habit, he is holding the helm. i feel great the whole trip, the system sees everything around
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the tram and lets me through. pedestrians slow down or stop. today such a tram can be found on route 10 from the street kulakova to the shchukinskaya metro station, and in 3 years 80% of the trains in moscow will be equipped with an automated system. this is the first stage of its launch, at the end of the year the tram will already travel with passengers, well, at the end of twenty-five , even without a driver backup. the driverless tram is ahead of its time from a legal point of view, the laws that regulate such traffic are still being developed, but this is a matter of technology, the driverless tram is primarily about safety. this is what is in the form of a tram, through this device, a range finder, very complex, rangefinder, lasers cover the space with a network, reflect and return.
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unmanned public transport is normal, and it will be so soon; the mayor of the capital plans to make moscow not only fantastic, but first and foremost a city without traffic jams. moscow transport is the undisputed leader in terms of innovative solutions; moscow has developed and operates lines that transfer passengers to some of the best commuter trains in the world, to trams, electric buses and even personal trams. a million passengers will save a lot time, remote activation of the triple. it was possible to replenish it in the application before, but without a machine in the metro it did not start working; now the card activates any type of transport. just got used to
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paying for travel with a credit card, bracelet, ring with a chip. now, to get into the subway, for example, you don’t need anything other than a phone. qr code starting today. on the moscow metro app, you can release a virtual three. this is how it looks and click on the qr code button. next, a qr code is generated for you, using which you can go through the turnstile. we present the qr code, now we need to, oh, that’s it, that’s how it works. the intelligent transport system is already working, electric buses are cruising around the capital, traffic lights at intersections are capable of transmitting signals, a detailed map of all roads, even the shortest and narrowest, cameras, detectors. the main period of the unified state exam has started in russia, today schoolchildren
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took chemistry, literature and geography, these are elective subjects; next week there will be compulsory exams in russian and mathematics. an important innovation this year, if a graduate, for example, doubts his result, one subject can be... passed, for this you will need to contact the school, the state examination commission of the region and sign up for a retake, but only the result of the retake will be valid , the initial result will be cancelled, let me remind you that vladimir putin instructed in his message to the federal assembly to provide graduates with the opportunity to retake the unified state exam in one of the subjects. in general, the main period of the unified state exam will last one and a half month, at the beginning of june, graduates will take elective subjects, then reserve days and in july, on the fourth to fifth day , retake days. nationwide this year. 7,000 people are taking it, graduates of this year and previous years, the organizers have prepared 6,000 points for the exam and at each there is a special check before entering, all security measures are observed. the first exams today, as reported by rosobronadzor, took place as usual. in moscow, in
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the new building of the trityakov gallery on kodashovskaya embankment, the first national award in the field of museum affairs. it is named after an outstanding cultural scientist. the omission was that this kind of institution did not exist before, so when this idea arose, we all so joyfully picked it up, i wanted not just five nominations for the best of the best, i want to reward what is called all
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the workshops, i want us to remember the oldest, i want to make us happy for their breakthroughs, we rewarded young guys who also become an incentive in work and creativity. and in the third street on krymsky val it opened an incredibly interesting exhibition that covers a huge period of creativity of the vosnetsov artists. this is what the vosnetsovs call it in connection. generations from the 19th to the 21st century. three masters, three styles, three centuries. epic tales, landscapes, a scientific approach to painting and the study of astronomy, in order to understand how to make the palette more vibrant. and very interesting live paintings. with the help of the latest technologies, you can imagine seeing how, for example, viktor vasnetsov's frog princess moves. she is the wise vasilisa. in general, the exhibition is so the interesting thing is that it is guaranteed to be sold out. ours has already seen all the incredible beauty.
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who is already more associated with the artists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and it is andrei vasnetsov, the grandson of viktor vosnetsov, who declared himself very clearly in the sixties of the 10th century. the voznetsov brothers were completely different from each other, one painted monumental canvases, inspired by epic fairy tales, the other painted landscapes, one was a monarchist, and the other accepted the revolution, but they were united by one thing: love for their native land, for its nature. culture. in 1914 apolinary vasnetsov
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i specially went to feodosia to see a total solar eclipse. for a better view, we climbed the slope of the tepe oba ridge. the mystical panorama of the gulf appears before the viewer from a bird's eye view. not only did he want to see and record all this as a painter, he also wanted it from a scientific point of view, because their father instilled in his children a love of science and astronomy. it's completely different here. color palette, brighter, unusual, purple, because right during this eclipse natural colors in the roots change their local color. the series of works by polinary vosnetsov old moscow has no analogues either in russian or in world art. the artist literally managed to recreate ancient russian architecture with the help of ancient drawings and engravings, but today we can find ourselves in the very center of this city with the help of augmented reality. we point the smartphone camera at the picture. and now she comes to life.
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viktor vasnetsov’s frog princess, or rather vasilisa the wise, also came to life at the exhibition. here she is dancing in the middle of the royal feast to the perky musicians' songs. and on the opposite bank of the river there are village festivities. this cycle is called the poem of seven tales. almost all the subjects were collected at the exhibition: koschey the immortal, the flying carpet, baba yaga. for an artist, these are not just beautiful illustrations about him.
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it’s amazing how the lines of their destinies intersected in one place where family traditions were kept and the spirit of antiquity lives to this day. we are, of course, talking about abramtsev, a wonderful estate in which andrei lived and created at his dacha until his death, and the polynarius found his peaceful landscapes, and victor came up with legendary heroes. kristina levieva, vyacheslav chereshko, mikhail semakov, olga kovalenko and vladimir alkhovsky, channel one. that's all, keep an eye on the time, stay updated on events, now. the final episode of the new season of detective and cheek is airing on channel one.
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sasha, sasha, well, well, of course you are unique, well, why do you have an affair with a colleague, well, this is my viton, you deceived me, you said that something happened to you.
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“sasha, sasha, sasha, well, to find something interesting in this girl that is not in me, look how nervous she is, she blew up the whole napkin, something is clearly happening to her, firstly, this is not decent, and secondly, you never know, she was just thinking, but no.
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i welcome everyone, it’s great, what is the meeting about, or are we having a trip, we’re going to set up exercises, i mean, the management decided to raise, so to speak, the tone and physical fitness of the employees, so we’re waiting for some kind of trainer. wait, how can you exercise without a uniform? yes, they will give it out, they will give it out, greetings, comrade, here is the key, there is a suggestion if you decide to conduct a physical training class with personnel, i could help you,
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i have a very good modern technique that i personally developed. tell ilya that the main thing for opera is intuition, logic, ingenuity, no, attentiveness, a sense of humor, ilya, a sense of humor, okay, comrade, it’s better, the opera region, let’s get down to business, alexandra ivanovna, i understand, yes, okay , call.
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good afternoon, where is the body? what, what body? well, the thief who was hit by a car, where? and so, here she is, here she sits, so, my conclusion, she is alive, alexander ivanovna, we demand clarification, the fact is that i was sitting in a cafe, drinking coffee, a girl, she stole my phone, she was hit by this car, i didn’t say that she was killed, or or said, in any case. well, yes, okay, since we’ve already arrived, let’s get to work, let’s go. ilya, you will talk to the drivers and traffic police officers. yes sir. oleg dmitrievich, then there will be more cameras on you. fine. and you, alexander ivanovna, let me be a girl for now. this is a great idea. well, oleg dmitrievich, we will
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file the theft, we will transfer the case to our colleagues, i i’ll give testimony to alexandra ivanovna too, she stole this from you too. good joke. i see there’s a whole little shop there, who’s she anyway? i didn’t want to, i really didn’t want to, tell me, ira, are you a cliptomaniac? why do you think so? for a bunch of things, your suitors are clearly stolen, this is mine, this is all mine, there is no need to deny the state of strong tension, when you were sitting in a cafe, you were like...
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alexandra ivanovna, yes, i’m listening to you, there is a brake mark, a short one, the brakes are in good working order, of course i'll check the recorder, but it looks like that this is not now, that is, as should have been assumed, the driver is not guilty of anything, that he himself says, the driver, yuri korodkov, claims that the lady jumped out suddenly, he barely managed to hit the brakes, it’s clear, well, let’s collect thing, docks, let's go to the department, comrades. wait a minute, where's my phone? - apparently, in the same place as mine, sorry!


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